Gig Antic Fur Coats
1 Gvn" ,, H M H R P f r- • ; -'a1*- .J'.;.-..: . ,v:ivs, f ‘ . * '1 ! 'i 7 FV. FASHIONABLE VISITORS’ RECORD AND GUIDE. i • • !>? - rvi ■ .............• : ate• Registered at the G.P.O, N o. 3,208. T e l e p h o n e : 3 5 0 E a s t b o u b n e . las a Newspaper, EASTBOURNE, SA' r, MARCH 3, 1917. E s t a b l is h e d 1856. PRICE ONE PEN* ....... ■ _______ ' A B V B O U R N 1 COLLEGE. H E L A D I E S ’ COLLEGE, MARY 1H. COOPER, Court Dressmaker. T GRAfiHINGTON ROAD. EASTBOURNE. ,— remaont ..... .. i 8eU Your Old Gold. BRTJFORD ft 80N, □B OF DHTV-BVONSHIKE, A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. | Smart COAT DBESSES, SUITS & RESTAURANT GOWNS for Autumn Wear] Principal i MISS HITCHCOCK. Is it advisable to store oM gold articles Head Matter!art ■ of no further use when the gold can Watchmakers, Pupils prepared. If desired, for tho Preliminary, Junior, be exchanged for money ? Tele. 763. 6, LISMORE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. » . 8 . W I LM U U U , X .A . Senior ana Higher Cambridge Looal Examinations, also We are prepared to valuo old. gold in JEW ELLERS <fc SILVERSMITHS for Matriculation, London University, and for the. large or small quantities free'red of cost Examination by the Associated Board of the Royal amid to___ give______ cash or cheq no paymentspaym BEST VALUE. 'E SCHOOL for tho Son. Academy ot Murio and Royal College of Music ; in exchange for it.
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