Sermon Discussion Questions

December 13, 2020 Pastor Bob Botsford Christmas Series- Emmanuel “God With Us” Message available at ​

Scripture References 41:10, :1-8, :10-14, :6-10, :12, 6, Matthew 1:18-25

Open 1. In what way was the Lord speaking directly to you during this message?

2. How would you characterize your assurance that “God is with” you regardless of the circumstances?

Dig Deeper 1. Read Isaiah 41:10 slowly five times. In your own words, what specific things does it reveal to you about God, about yourself?

2. Isaiah 6 recalls Isaiah’s personal encounter with God. It is one of the amazing passages about worship and submission to God in our Bible. How do you see the power, presence, purpose, and peace of God in Isaiah’s encounter?

3. Read both Isaiah 7:10-14 and Matthew 1:18-25. What profoundly significant biblical confirmation do we find (note- Emmanuel spelled with either and E or I is a title and Jesus is a name). Do you remember what Emmanuel means? So what, then, was the “sign” to mean to then, and to us today?

Reflect 1. Pastor Bob shared the results of the Christmas Miracle are that no one longs to 1)be with you more than God 2) be bigger for you than God and 3)to bless you more than God. Going into this message were you already confident in God’s heart for you in all three of these, somewhat confident, or not confident at all? In what way has your confidence in God grown after this message and looking more closely at the scripture references?

2. A.W. Tozer said “Outside the will of God there is nothing I want. Inside the will of God there is nothing I will fear.” How radical does this sound to you? His devotion surely speaks to deep and abiding faith, worship, and submission to the only living, true, and triune God who sent His only begotten son Jesus to take our punishment and pay our sin debt by laying down His own life for us. What would it take for you to respond and live out a response similar to that of Tozer?

Memory Verse Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”