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I Ju Linlivi _______________ EXHIBIT United Sa Deperazent olAgriesiture S A Aidasi mid Pint ReelS Emipeedee Service Animsitte — [I ju linlivi P1LI INSPECTION REPORT Kal Mitchell Site 01 4I-C4076 8-1400 All Acting Animals Residence P.O. Box 1088 041 Oelirldgs Rt 1018 Pahnimp, NV 81041 PaInn NV 85048 RoutIne NARRATIVE Animals Inventory: 12 Tigers 2 Lirs I Lions I Kangaroo 1. Camel CATEGORY I: Nonacomplisilt item(s) previously identified that have been corrected: i2 Indirect items have been correctcd+ Note Section - 3.125(a) General Requirements -Kangaroo: side panda ofenclosure have been corrected. Sec IV below it: dividing panel. CATEGORY II; Non-compliant item(s) previously Identified for which time remains for cerrectiont - i.131(a,c4) Cleaning, Housekeeping & Pat Control Section -Exotic Edith: most pens do not the have ability to shifi animals to clean, and cannot be cleaned from outside the pens On this inspection, no buildup of soiled or damp bedding was seen and odor and flies seen on one previous inspection were not noted. Original Correction Date: 7-16-00, to ensure that cages can be adequately cleaned when Mr. Mitchell is absent. Cages remain physically the same, and as Mr. Mitchell Was present, the issue of cleaning during his absence could not be evaluated. Section - 3.127(b) Facilities, outdoor. Shelter. -Exotic feUds: in most enclosures, there are no boxes to provide protection from extremes of cold, To be corrected by: 10-1-00 ‘- L522JJ9 usim Ai HS. REAC AC SGAMENTQ, cA r Unfted Sacs Departmat .1 Agdeuhwe USDA A&stsi sad Thur Health hipecties Service Aiømsl Cs’e i ii m if] 1u-L INSPECTION REPORT License / Registration #: 88 C 0076 September 14, 2000 Section - 3.129 (a) Feeding -At time of inspection, no meat thawing s observed. Licensee stated that meat is now thawed at butchers, delivered thawed, and then fed out. Licensee stated he would provide documentation of this process, ( none was available at time of inspection). ORIGINAL CORREUflON DATE: 74140. Section 3130 Watering -On inspection of 5-16-00, tiger cub Valentino housed in nuisezy in residence had no water present in enclosure. When released, he drank thirstily for several minutes. Water must be provided as necessaiy for health and comfort On this inspection, 5 week old cubs in house were offered water by licensee in front ofinspectors, and did not show any interest in drinking. However, licensee stated that he uses water as a reinforcer The regulations regarding watering 11w the comfort of animals were discussed. This item will continue to be monitored on future inspections. Original Correction Date: 6-17-00. CATEGORY IV: Non-compliant item(s) previously identified that have not been corrected: Section 3.125fr)Stnictural Strength -Kanroo enclosure: Hole present in dividing wood section. ORIGINAL CORRECFION DATE: 8-7-00 -Two cubs in front cage: metal water pan had a tear at lip, leaving a toni metal edge, Corrected during inspection. Section - 3.127(b) FacilIties, outdoor. Shelter. -Cubs cage outfront shall have appropriate shelter box to provide protection from inclement weather ORIGINAL CORRECTION DATE: 5-1140 Section - 3.127(d) PerImeter Fence 1/2 - Front area baa extensive new chain link perimeter fencing, encompassing 1 acres, to a height of 8 feet. This encloses front tiger cages. Caine! and Kangaroo enclosures have not yet been relocated inside of new perimeter fencing. ORIGINAL CORRECTION DATE: 05-17-00 Title: 4ánpW. L,uIIaJAClS Bdsn L. Hood, AC USDA, ANIS, Mimi 10 2T taCopyR.cd_copy.*J4cafldmsI/ II’.i’ I SEP Z2Th Psg52013 -———---‘r United 511n Depanaat otAgrknlture USDA Animal and Plait Health Impetus. Service Animal Can Jiujrn .vJ jin&n L& INSPECTION REPORT License 1 RegIstration #: 88 C 0076 September 14, 2000 Section -3J31frXd) HoasekeepingandPntCe.trol -Old garage near cages has a large accumuluüon of bird feathers and exereta. Doors to this structure are left open, allowing material to blow into animal area ORIGINAL CORRECTION DATE: 5-12-Oft Corrected on Inspection of 5-16-00 by Mocking offof shed, noted again on inspection of 7-25-00 wIth correction date of 8.24-00. Notn; Gate to facility has a hand lettered sign identiting facility as a USDA goVt facility. Licensee is reminded that his is a USDA UCENSEL) facility, and any identifting signs should reflect that status. Inspection done with Mr. Mitchell, licensee; David Neal, Investigator. IES; Christopher Nowacki. Special Agent, Office ofInspector General, USDA, and a deputy of the Nyc County Sheriff End of report. LI H I _________ -• • Unibdsaane ‘USDA Aal.dP SeTWIa [iluimlivi ‘- I Im—. I. J INSPECTION REPORT krnl Mitchell SHe 01 fl-C-O0Th All Acting Animate Rnldence 14440 P.O. Box 1085 8941 Oakrldg. Rd. 1030 Patwump NV $9045 Pahiump, NV 89048 Reln.pecdon NARRATIVE Animals Inventory: 8 Tigers 2 Ligers I Lions I Kangaroo I Camel Licensee asked that inspection report be mailed, as he was not willing to sign. Some correction dates reflect time neccsssary for licensee to receive report CATEGORY I: Non-compliat item(s) previously ldntlfled that have been corrected: 6 Indirect items have been corrected. 2 Direct items have been corrected. CATEGORY II: Non-complint item(s) previously identified for which time remains for correction: Section - 3.127(b) FacUulia, OUtdoor. Shelter. -Exotic feUds; in most enclosures, there are no boxes to provi& protection from extremes of cold. Tobe corrected by: 10-1-00 CATEGORY 111: Non-compliant item(s) identified this Inspection: Section - 2.75(b) Decords -Records do not contain required informafloot Addresses, vehicle license #‘s, and driver’s license #‘s as well as USDA license #‘sare not present To be corrected by: 8-2400 Lx: Platine Furbey. purchaser of 2 young cats, has no address given. Er Camel, new on property since last inspection: no acquisition in records. Er acquisition from Betty Thomas, no address a USDA license # given. Ex: Naia was on propeity. Records indicatt sale to unknown party at zoo in Three Hills in Canada. Animal was returned Records do not reflect return. aft110ma /LJ t •‘I’ 1) ib’ O&U Page 10151 __________in __ Viafted Sian Deputment ofAgitdlwe USDA Animal sad Fbse Health b.pecdn Senlee Animal Care -----. I H UI IV hña j D INSPECTiON REPORT License / Registration 11: 88 C 0076 S.ly 24,2000 Section - 3.125(a) General Requirements -Kangaroo: side panels of enclosure separating at base, leaving a gap. Hole present in dividing wood section. To be corrected by: 8-7-00 -Two cubs in front cage: metal water pan had a tear at lip, leaving a torn metal edge. To be corrected by: 7-31-00 Section - 3127(a) Shelter -Young camel housed in pipe coral with open trailer available to animal. Trailer height is such that animal could not stand normally. 1 vcntilation in trailer Additional is limited to open rear, and gaps at top edge of 8-12 inches. Animal has no ventilated shade to provide relief from heat. To be corrected by: 7-3140. Section - 3.129 (a) Feeding -Boxes of chicken wre sitting in full sun, thawing. Boxes were hot to touch. Bags of chicken inside boxes were warm to touch on top, and had ice crystals on bottom. Food must wholesome, palatable and free from contamination. Thawing of chicken in this way increases the risk food will not be wholesome. To be corrected by: 7-31-004 Section -3.130 WaterIng -Kangaroo shares enclosure with a goose. Only water available for drinking was in aS gallon bucket Water was totally fouled, red in color, and opaque. To be corrected by: 7-31-00. Section - 3.131(a) Cleaning -Kangaroo enclosure bad a buildup ofexcrete and soiled straw. To be corrected by 7-31-00. Section -3.1310 Housekeeping -Oh] garage near cages has a large accumulation of bird feathers and exereta. Doors to this structure are left open, allov4ng material to blow into animal area To be corrected by: 8-24-00. Pmd zt.J ,,;r-/si/q Da2L4. - AUG 2 2131JJ Page 2&Pq ________ _ __ United stair. Depsnmac ofAgiicdlrne USDA MC and flat tlnfth — &nke AJilnal Can I IT III I j Dd INSPECTION REPORT License I Registration 0: 88 C 0O’76 July 24, 2000 CATEGORY IV: Non-compliant Itea(s) previously identWed that have not been corrected: Section - 3.125(a)Sflctural Strength -Kanpr: torn wire mesh present on divider to shelter area with wire ends extending into animal an Original Correction Date: 6-1-00 -Lion Nala: box in disrepair with large ton hole in top. (enclosure formerly housed Simba). Original Correction Date: 6-16-00 (Note: it appears some repairs may Ire been made to box since last inspectiom) Section - 3.121(b) Facilities, outdoor. Shelter. Cubs cage outfront shall have appropriate shelter box to provide protection from inclement weather. Original Correction Date of: 5-1140 Section - 3.127(d) Perimeter Fence - Front cage(s) have no perimeter fencing Original Correction Date: 05-17-00 , per new regulation - -0aps noted at base of current perimeter fencing Original Correction Date: 5-17-Oft Section - 3.128 Space Noted last inspection for Lion Nak corrected for that animaL Original Correction Date: 6-16-00 -Two cubs in front cage bad inadequate space. Animals appeared crowded, and unable to receive the exercise required for healthy young animals. -Single cub in front: cage had inadequate space for normal postural and social adjustments. Section 3.130 Watering On this inspection, access to residence was repeatedly denied by licensee, Karl Mitchell. When asked if animals were in the house, he stated that there were “no cats in the house that we ‘ant to see” -On inspection of 5-16-00, tiger cub Valentino housed in nursely in residence had no water present in enclosure.
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