GBR-Alluvial Gullies
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Protecting the Great Barrier Reef from sediment pollution Andrew Brooks, Jeff Shellberg, John Spencer, Jon Olley, Tim Pietsch, Daniel Borombovits, Christina Howley, Graeme Curwen, Fabio Iwashita Major drivers of coral cover decline in the GBR • Climate change: – Ocean acidification – Bleaching – Cyclone (magnitude and frequency) • Catchment runoff (water quality) • Of these it is only really catchment runoff that we can do anything about in the short term Crown of thorns (COTs)nutrients) outbreaks are known to be driven by poor water quality (fine sediment & - Even in– the Northern GBR off Cape York which hasn’t seen the same level of coral - cover decline as the rest of the reef it is likely there is a link between COTs outbreaks and catchment runoff PCB Flood Plume, Jan 2013 SSSD Normanby 6 Alluvial gully erosion like this is the major source of anthropogenic Sediment in Cape York Shellberg Photos Jeff We can now identify erosion hotspots and better prioritise management effort 4 Properties producing ~ 60% of all accelerated erosion; 1 property producing ~ 40% of all Susp. Sediment at catchment scale 10 There are two distinct forms of gully: hillslope and alluvial gullies ( • Generally found in steeperHillslope headwater and lowGullies order valleys e.g., upperin a mix ofcatchments, colluvium & alluvium typical (significant of granitic coarse sediment upland component) areas) • Length >> width (due to lateral confinement / topographic control) • Driven by concentrated overland flow and excess shear stress • Accelerated by loss of vegetation cover / grazing pressure (direct disturbance + indirect alteration of rainfall/runoff relationship) • Tend to be self-limiting according to slope/area threshold (+ available sediment on slopes) Alluvial Gullies • Gullies that occur exclusively in alluvial sediments (e.g., often > 80% silts and clays) • Typically along flat floodplains / terraces of main stem channels of large rivers in tropical savannah landscapes • Typically have well developed deep soil profiles (highly weathered since deposition) • Highly connected source of suspended sediment • Width = or > Length……….lack of lateral confinement • Commonly initiated by cattle pads or roads/tracks across channel banks • To date the focus in catchments like the GullyBurdekin Management has been on small to date scale in management the GBR of relatively inactive hillslope gullies • To date the major problem associated with alluvial gullies has yet to be addressed Researchers in the Burdekin implementing gully rehabilitation trials in a hillslope gully 1,000,000 RSS WY2009 Alluvial Gullies are highly concentrated point sources RSS WY2010 Width-Depth-Integrated 2010 100,000 SSC (mg/L) SSC y = 113333.x0.375 R2 = 0.98 10,000 0.0010 0.0100 0.1000 1.0000 Discharge (m3/sec) Alluvial gullies tend to be transport limited sources (no 125.2 tonnes hysteresis) 1 100.00 108,785 Suspended Sediment Discharge (kg/s) mg/L 34.7 tonnes 10.00 One Event _ 75,123 mg/L /s) 3 5.2 tonnes 16.6 mm rainfall 0.1 2 0.11 km area 1.00 2490 m3 rainfall 3 1383 m runoff 22,062 0.10 Discharge(m mg/L Runoff C= 0.40 0.01 14,259 mg/L Peak SSC = 108,786 mg/L Water Discharge 0.01 SS Load = 125.2 tonnes SSC and Q Measurement _ Suspended Sediment Discharge: Empirical 0.001 0.00 (Jeff Shellberg) 29/Jan/10 30/Jan/10 31/Jan/10 airphoto analysis Gully expansion rates and initiation dates can be reconstructed from • Example from the West Normanby 16 West Normanby Alluvial Gully Note the second phase of incision into the main gully (see next slide) 17 Secondary gully incision West Normanby distal gully Repeat gully surveys Using LiDAR and GPS show the extent of erosion from year to year. Between 2011 & 2015 this gully extended around 5m per year Gully erosion acceleration/initiation can be linked to the arrivalChanges of cattle in relative into gully the area landscape 3.0 N5 eg2 R² = 0.8908 2.5 N5 eg3 R² = 0.6085 N5 wg1 R² = 0.9128 2.0 N4 g1 R² = 0.8791 N10 g1 R² = 0.7629 1.5 N16 g1 R² = 0.6907 Relative gully ara(A/A0) 1.0 N20 g1 R² = 0.8632 N9 g1 R² = 0.6678 0.5 N9 g2 R² = 0.9752 R² = 0.991 N17 g1 0.0 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 Year gullies? How do we reduce sediment from alluvial • A characteristic of alluvial gullies is that they are triggered by cattle tracks or other disturbances like farm tracks – but once triggered they can’t be stopped by simply removing the cattle or the original disturbance. • We have to treat the soil to stabilise it. • It is a process more akin to mine site rehabilitation rather than farm management Managing highly active incipient (early stage) alluvial gullies is a cost effective way to avoid extensive future erosion – as well as halting current erosion • This gully producing ~ 400t/yr • Should be able to treat such a site for ~ $20K ($50/t – current erosion + >> future erosion avoided) Intensive Active Gully Rehabilitation Trials – gully regrading Before: Nov 2011 After: Dec 2011 (Jeff Shellberg) Erosion Control Treatment Plots to test how 2) Stabilize Gully Head best to stabilise the soils and address the root cause of the problem 1. No Treatment 2. Gypsum, Compost, Native Grass 3. Gypsum, Compost, Exotic Grass 4. Gypsum, Hydromulch, Exotic Grass 5. Gypsum Only 6. Compost, Native Grass April 2015 7. Straw, Exotic Grass 4 3 2 1 5 6 2 1 4 3 5 7 6 7 Before Dec 2011 (Jeff Shellberg) After April 2012 Gully treatments - Crocodile Station alluvial gully experimental plots Gully Plot # Treatment Gypsum Mulch Grass CRGC1-29 1 Regrade Only None None None Regrade, Gypsum, 25mm surface Native grass: Kangaroo (Themeda triandra), Black spear (Heteropogon contortus), Queensland CRGC1-29 2 80t/ha Compost, Native Grass compost bluegrass (Dichanthium sericeum) (180 kg/ha or 3.8 kg/210 m2) Regrade, Gypsum, 25mm surface Exotic grass: Indian bluegrass (Bothriochloa pertusa), Saraji Sabi grass (Urochloa CRGC1-29 3 80t/ha Compost, Exotic Grass compost mosambicensis), Jap millet (Echinochloa esculenta) (180 kg/ha or 3.8 kg/210 m2) Regrade, Gypsum, Exotic grass: Indian bluegrass (Bothriochloa pertusa), Saraji Sabi grass (Urochloa Hydromulch, 10mm surface mosambicensis), Jap millet (Echinochloa esculenta), verano stylo (Stylosanthes hamata) CRGC1-29 4 90t/ha hydromulch Exotic Grass (100 kg/ha or 2.1 kg/210 m2) CRGC1-29 5 Regrade, Gypsum 80t/ha None None Regrade, Compost, 25mm surface Native grass: Kangaroo (Themeda triandra), Black spear (Heteropogon contortus), Queensland CRGC1-29 6 None Native Grass compost bluegrass (Dichanthium sericeum) (180 kg/ha or 3.8 kg/210 m2) Regrade, Straw, 25mm surface Exotic grass: Indian bluegrass (Bothriochloa pertusa), Saraji Sabi grass (Urochloa CRGC1-29 7 None straw mosambicensis), Jap millet (Echinochloa esculenta) (180 kg/ha or 3.8 kg/210 m2) Exotic Grass CRGC60/61 8 Regrade Only None None None Regrade, Straw, 25mm surface Exotic grass: Indian bluegrass (Bothriochloa pertusa), Saraji Sabi grass (Urochloa CRGC60/61 9 None straw mosambicensis), Jap millet (Echinochloa esculenta) (180 kg/ha or 1.4 kg/75 m2) Exotic Grass CRGC60/61 10 Regrade, Gypsum 80t/ha None None Regrade, Gypsum, 25mm surface Exotic grass: Indian bluegrass (Bothriochloa pertusa), Saraji Sabi grass (Urochloa CRGC60/61 11 80t/ha Compost, Exotic Grass straw mosambicensis), Jap millet (Echinochloa esculenta) (180 kg/ha or 1.4 kg/75 m2) Regrade, Gypsum, 25mm surface Native grass: Kangaroo (Themeda triandra), Black spear (Heteropogon contortus), Queensland CRGC60/61 12 80t/ha Compost, Native Grass compost bluegrass (Dichanthium sericeum) (180 kg/ha or 1.4 kg/75 m2) Regrade Headcut, Gypsum, Hydromulch, Exotic grass: Indian bluegrass (Bothriochloa pertusa), Saraji Sabi grass (Urochloa 10mm surface mosambicensis), Jap millet (Echinochloa esculenta), verano stylo (Stylosanthes hamata) CRGC1-40 CRGC1-40 80t/ha Exotic Grass, hydromulch (100 kg/ha or 2.1 kg/210 m2) Wood Grade Control No Treatment CRGC1-32 CRGC1-32 None None None Control Headcut No Treatment CRGC1-28 CRGC1-28 None None None Control Side-Wall Vegetation Changes…… 2) Stabilize Gully Head After Two (2) Wet Seasons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Control Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Compost Straw No Treatment Compost Compost Hydromulch Only Native Grass Exotic Grass Native Grass Exotic Grass Fertilizer Exotic Grass Erosion Changes…… 2) Stabilize Gully Head After One (1) Wet Season Erosion Changes Terrestrial LiDAR (5mm pixels) Dec 2011 to November 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Jeff Shellberg) After two wet seasons erosion rates reduced by 75% in optimal treatment (cf control site) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Jeff Shellberg) - Trial plots July 2015 dry season (4 years post implementation) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Optimal treatment next to the regraded only treatment – CRGC29 July 2015. Regrade only site erosion rates (LHS) were higher than the control (do nothing). Plot on RHS of image has achieved a 75% reduction in sediment yield Trial Cattle Exclusion Sites 1) Reduce Water Runoff Into Gullies 2) Stabilize Gully Head at River Frontage Gullies • Three (3) cattle exclusion sites (~5 ha each) West Normanby River Frontage • West Normanby (frontage) • Granite Normanby (frontage) • Laura River (paddock) • Vegetation Monitoring • 50 plots (4 m2) at each exclusion area • Control plots outside, treatment inside • % cover, species, biomass, tussocks, weeds • Erosion Monitoring • LiDAR Topography 2009, 2011…2020? • Plot scale erosion depth • Plot soil condition • Timeline • Before Fence: Nov 2011, April 2012 • After Fence: Nov 2012, April 2013 • Repeat yearly or in 2020 (Jeff Shellberg) Alluvial gully management: passive approach – cattle exclusion: How long will