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“The DOLOMITES of , a real high mountain trekking for all”.

Madonie Natural Park trip it is a High Mountain Trek with 5, maximum 6 hours a day of riding. It is cheaper then TranSiciliana to Etna because logistically more easy and cheap to run. It is a technical itinerary with some little bit difficult passages (difficult not for our horses, for them are just normal passages of everyday life). It reaches 1.979 meters of altitude of Mount Carbonara if good weather conditions permits. There are anyway lots of trots and canters. It is a very scenic real high mountain trek, challenging for horses and riders, with astonishing views and a mixture between nature and culture visiting on horseback and villages, the Ventimiglia Castle and knowing and seeing a lot about history and culture along the way.

Day 6 and 7 itineraries depend always by the weather forecasts and the effective day conditions of the weather. The itinerary can change depending situations along trails or Park new regulations that can be issued at any time or by the weather conditions of that specific day.

The trip makes a complete 360° tour of the Madonie Natural Park. It is an experience that put together top mountain riding, unexpected nature, food, history, traditions, monuments, villages. It is a technical and even challenging ride for horses and riders in a very special mountain natural environment dominated by the white limestone of these mountains and the woods that cover the soil in a lot of areas and the so many different species of the most bio-diverse mountains of . Madonie are like a sponge that captures the rain and the snow melting water to give it during summer in very many springs all over. At the lower altitudes there is the typical country side with lots of cultivations of olives, almonds, manna. Wildlife to be seen is reach and various with lots of endemic or very interesting species. Men used these mountains from prehistory and still nowadays there are many shepherds with their cows, goats, and sheep making local traditional cheeses in designated areas of the Park. Sicily has 4 Natural Park and 77 Nature Reserves. 12% of the island is protected. Soon will be established the 5 th Park: Sicani natural Park (will be the biggest Park of Sicily) and almost 18 % of Sicilian territory will be under protection.

The 95% of the trip is on trails, the 5% on asphalt. The short pieces on asphalt normally are to leave a location or in the vicinities to reach a new location.

Madonie Park Customer Riding Experience:

Riders must be able to go at walk, trot, canters and short gallops without problems also with curves, sometimes sharp. Riders must be able to ride for 6 hours a day. It is NOT a trip for people with vertigos problems due high mountains trails for 2 days. It is only for intermediate and advanced riders with a good degree of fitness on the saddle. No beginners.

Program Day by Day.

Program can vary depending weather conditions, trail situations, Park / Reserves decisions, hotels occupancy

Day 1. Saturday: From Airport to Cefalù. (***) Arrival at airport and transfer to Cefalù.

If time available, depending different arrivals, will be done a short tour in PALERMO’s HISTORICAL CENTRE. Lunch with Sicilian Fast Food (NOT included in price). Dinner at Restaurant VIA VECCHIA ROMA (TERRACE ON THE SEA COAST) with FISH MENU. Briefing about the trip with maps, information and Day by Day program Night at B&B or Hotel 3 Stars in Cefalù.

Day 2. Sunday. From OUR RANCH to CASALE DRINZI Country House. ( ) Our Ranch will be reached with a short minibus run. The tour starts crossing the typical countryside of northern MADONIE with fields of olive trees, almonds, manna trees. Then the wood of oaks of Gibilmanna till reaching the picnic spot of “Piano delle Fate”, with his ancient oak trees and grass. After siesta will be followed for 1, 5 km the asphalt of the road to Gratteri medieval village that is impossible to avoid. After the village will be used a very old trail tracked by the Normans that connect Gratteri with , both very important towns in the middle age with their castles. Today the trail is widest then the past but crosses same kind of mixed oaks woods. CASALE DRINZI country house is very close to the village.

Dinner and night at CASALE DRINZI. Horses hosted in the arena/paddock of the country house.

Hours of riding: 6 Asphalt: 2 km

Day 3. Monday. From CASALE DRINZI to MARINI REFUGE. ( ) Heading up to the Monte Cervi mountain complex, will be cross a variety of ancient woods of oaks overwhelmed by the great masses of Monte Cervi, Pizzo Carbonara and Pizzo di Pilo. Lunch on the shoreline of the Lake of Piano Zucchi or vicinities. After some canter in the plains of Piano Cervi, again up on the Carbonara complex to reach Piano Battaglia (the plain of the Battle for a important battle between Normans and Arabians) at 1600 meters of altitude where is placed MARINI REFUGE. This structure, owned by the Sicilian Alpine Club, was totally restored in 2012. Dinner and night at MARINI REFUGE. Horses hosted in an electric fence made by us in the wood in front of the refuge. Hours of riding: 6

Asphalt: 1 km.

Day 4. Tuesday. From MARINI REFUGE to HOTEL POMIERI. ( )

If the weather conditions will allow will be reach the top of Pizzo Carbonara at 1979 meters to look at landscapes on all Sicily with Etna volcano, Eolien islands, Palermo and the Sicani Mountains. Going down on the same narrow and winding difficult trail, will be then follow an ancient trail (the old medieval route used to go from West Sicily to the high Madonie mountains) to reach the wood of cork oaks of Pomieri where is nested, on a dominating hill, the HOTEL POMIERI. This nice, pretty big, Alpine chalet is surrounded by pristine nature without other buildings around in the entire valley. Picnic lunch will be on top of Carbonara with sandwiches or at bottom of head trail depending weather conditions. Dinner and night at HOTEL POMIERI. Horses are hosted in the wide paddock/pasture on the side of hotel. Hours of ride: 6 Asphalt: 0, 5 km

Day 5. Wednesday. From HOTEL POMIERI to MASSERIA ROCCA di GONATO country house. There are two different ways to reach next sleeping place and we will choose at each trip depending the visibility and terrain conditions. We can go up to a narrow canyon to reach Madonna dell’Alto Mount at 1800 meters, then going down along the valley between the Mount and to reach MASSERIA ROCCA di GONATO from South. Or we can follow the trail that goes on the side of Mount FERRO and then up to Piano Pomo (with the oldest Holy tree forest of Europe) to reach then the country house from North. Both itineraries are astonishing and it is a pity that cannot be done both! Dinner and night at MASSERIA ROCCA di GONATO. Horses will be hosted in the pasture in front of the country house. Hours of ride: 6 Asphalt: 1 km


A winding trail in the woods will allow reaching the ancient cobblestone road that connects from more than 1.000 years San Guglielmo, site of the Arabian village existing there before the conquest of the Normans, and the valley with Castelbuono. Will be visited by horseback the historical centre and then will be done a guided visit of interior of the Castle. The picnic will be done behind the Castle. In the afternoon the ride will be short, till the riding centre not far from Castelbuono where we will leave the horses for the night. A transfer with minibus will take riders to the B&B in town. We use different B&B in town due their availability and the number of riders. They are all 3 stars.

Night in B&B 3 stars

Dinner at Restaurant in town close to B&B Hours of ride: 5

Asphalt: 1 km

Day 7. Friday. From CASTELBUONO to OUR RANCH.

The ride will cross the beautiful valley where it lays Castelbuono to go up in the surrounding hills to reach our ranch. Picnic is done in a very nice overlooking location.

Night in Cefalù B&B 3 stars.

Dinner at Restaurant VIA VECCHIA ROMA with pizza. Then homemade ice cream in the most well known ice cream maker of Cefalù.

Hours of ride: 5 hours

Asphalt: 1 km

Day 8. Saturday. From Cefalù to Airport.

After breakfast, depending first airplane departure, transfer to Palermo airport.

End of services

Airports for Arrival / Depart.

The best airport to arrive / depart is PALERMO. TRAPANI or CATANIA airports are easily and well connected with PALERMO RAILWAY/BUS STATION so they can also be used. For riders want to use these airports we will give detailed instructions on request.

Transfer policy:

Transfer in Palermo airport is included in the price of the trip only for arrival of planes no later than 14, 00 (2.p.m.). If flight arrival is later then 14,00 and need to do a second transfer later, it will cost 80 € flat (cost will be divided by the number of customers arriving after 14,00: if there is only one customer he will pay the entire fee, if more customers will be divided between them). This because in some cases we were forced to do till 3 different transfers in one day with planes arrived early in morning, afternoon and evening. The costs for us were really unsustainable.

From airport there is anyway possibility to reach Palermo railway/bus station with metro train (every 30 minutes, cost 5 €). From Railway station/Bus station it is easy to reach Railway station (train every hour, 4, and 5 €). The cost of transfer from LASCARI to the departing site in OUR RANCH is free of charge.

To go back to Palermo airport will be done one transfer in the morning. If some client want a special transfer in afternoon the cost will be 80 € flat rate to be divided between the number of clients travelling.

About Food.

We like to affirm that our trip is also a culinary experience on horseback. All dinners menus and restaurants were studied and choose to give to riders a real top Sicilian food experience. All recipes are made with “Zero kilometres” products coming just from the area. So are used only very fresh local vegetables, meats, cheese, wines, and breads. Even mineral water mostly comes from the Madonie Mountains and Etna volcano. All dinners have 4 courses: entry, pasta dish, main course, dessert and /or fruit. Local red wine and mineral water (or spring water) is included.

Breakfast: continental breakfast, juice, croissant and cakes (where available). Those who prefer a savoury breakfast with boiled eggs, ham and cheese have just to advise in advance.

Picnic Lunch. All picnic lunches are cold with local fresh bread, local cut meats, cheeses, typical Sicilian products like olives, dried tomatoes, mushrooms and greens with olive oil, fresh tomatoes and salad, fruit. Menu change almost every day. In two picnics lunch (day 4 and Day 6) the minibus cannot reach riders so will be eaten good sandwiches along the way.

Our minibus transport a big gazebo to protect riders during picnics in need have shade or if it is raining.


Drinks included at picnic lunches: water, local red wine and Diet or Zero Coke.

Drinks included at dinner: mineral or spring water, local red wine.

Other drinks: If customers will like to find at picnic lunch /dinner cold beer or other special beverages this will be provided paying their costs. The Customers will ask what they like and at end of trip they will pay the bill.

If they would like to drink beer or other beverages in the country house before or after dinner they can order them on the number of room or their name and pay directly to the hosts before leaving.

Special food needs

Those with particular food requirements (vegetarian, allergies, various) must advise at booking to have individually personalised food.

Daily Time table (indicative): Breakfast: from 8 to 8, 45

Ready at the horses: 9, 15

Departure: 9, 30/9, 45

Picnic lunches: between 12, 30 and 13, 30 depending different places

Dinners: 20.

Horses & Riders well being.

This is a trip that needs horses really specialized to hard high mountains trails. Riders do not need any experience about mountains but must be fit to stay on the saddle 6 hours with sometimes some technical passages. If they have problems with vertigos there are some trails in high quote that can create problems to them. It is less hard then TranSiciliana trip but need anyway to be fit. The times on horseback indicated naturally cannot include delays caused by horses injures, tired riders not able to ride at designated speed, unexpected surprises along the trails (which are mostly in wilderness), and so long.Madonie are full of we have 14 horses of our property. If one or more of them cannot start we use horses from another outfitter with who we have a mutual help agreement, so we use always horses trained and fit to do long horseback trips. Our horses live always as a herd, even at home they live always together in mountain pastures or in wide paddocks. They normally never see a classic box. They have only covered refuges for sun, wind and rain all year round. We move them in different pastures from coast to mountain depending season. In the heard they established their hierarchies and have their “bosses” so when they have to eat there are always skirmishes to have food first and /or to try to have more food, sometimes with bites, attempts of kicks or even real kicks. Some of our more tempered or timid horses have on their skin results of these old and new skirmishes. This is the reason because we prepare in the corrals a lot more hey places then the number of horses so the skirmishes are very short and only at the beginning of each food distribution. For cereals we use individual eating bags. Where is possible we tie the horses and give them food individually but this is not always possible for the nature of the night corrals we have available or we made with electric fences.

In our heard of horses we have different kind of horses adaptable at different kind of riders (big, smaller, faster, more quite). During assignment of horses if there are preferences by the riders will be good to know before departure. Naturally if all riders ask, for example, to have all “fast and big horses “we cannot accommodate all of them. For us is Ok if riders like to switch horses during the trip. If riders are tired and want to walk for some time to stretch legs need only just to ask for. Riders with problems in knees or backs or in not very good physical conditions are not for this trip. We have no position in the line. Riders are free, where possible, to ride in pairs or in groups. “Toilette stops” and “picture stops” are allowed anytime just asking for a stop. The only black and white rule is: never to go forward the front guide unless after asking permission.

Our horses herd: We have 14 horses of our property. If one or more of them cannot start we use horses from another outfitter with who we have a mutual help agreement, so we use always horses trained and fit to do long horseback trips. Our horses live always as a herd, even at home they live always together in mountain pastures or in wide paddocks. They normally never see a classic box. They have only covered refuges for sun, wind and rain all year round. We move them in different pastures from coast to mountain depending season. In the heard they established their hierarchies and have their “bosses” so when they have to eat there are always skirmishes to have food first and /or to try to have more food, sometimes with bites, attempts of kicks or even real kicks. Some of our more tempered or timid horses have on their skin results of these old and new skirmishes. This is the reason because we prepare in the corrals a lot more hey places then the number of horses so the skirmishes are very short and only at the beginning of each food distribution. For cereals we use individual eating bags. Where is possible we tie the horses and give them food individually but this is not always possible for the nature of the night corrals we have available or we made with electric fences.

In our heard of horses we have different kind of horses adaptable at different kind of riders (big, smaller, faster, more quite). During assignment of horses if there are preferences by the riders will be good to know before departure. Naturally if all riders ask, for example, to have all “fast and big horses “we cannot accommodate all of them. For us is Ok if riders like to switch horses during the trip. If riders are tired and want to walk for some time to stretch legs need only just to ask for. Riders with problems in knees or backs or in not very good physical conditions are not for this trip. We have no position in the line. Riders are free, where possible, to ride in pairs or in groups. “Toilette stops” and “picture stops” are allowed anytime just asking for a stop. The only black and white rule is: never to go forward the front guide unless after asking permission.

Grooming / Saddling:

Grooming and saddling is made by the guides.

Before departure of the trip will be shown to riders how to prepare their horse to be quickly unsaddled by the guides.


With groups till 5 will be along the trail one guide only. Plus 5 riders will be 2 guides.

One more guide, Giuseppe, will drive minibus all along the trip. He is also a rider, help to grooming saddling and a spare guide.


The guide Franco Barbagallo ( ) was for 30 years a top globetrotting photographer. When he is guiding a trip as interpretive guide or third guide and/or interpreter, he will be more than happy to take photos with camera of riders for souvenirs during the trip, to give advices and tips to make better souvenir pictures.

Interpretation along the trip.

Along the way and at dinners will be given to riders lots of news about history, flora, fauna, geology, traditions, food and local products. All questions will be welcomed. Each rider at departure of trip will receive a very detailed day by day program with lots of news and the Map of the trip.


The guide Franco speaks very good English, good basic French, and a simple basic Spanish.

Paolo speaks a very Basic English.

Giuseppe speaks very good German.

The official language of the trip is English.

Change of injured horses

If one horse has a problem that will not permit it to continue the trip he will be changed during the night. Unless really extreme cases (never happened before) horses cannot be changed during the day. In three years of activity we never had to change horses in this trip for some health / injure problems.

First aid for riders.

One guide has in the saddle bag a complete first AID kit for all small injuries that can happen during a trek in wilderness (bruises, cuts, insect bites, bumps after a fall) with: spray for ice, Voltaren, Anti pains, straps, oxygenated water, a spray to cover cuts with an antiseptic layer that isolate the skin from air, haemostatic and antibiotic creams, elastic bandages. In the minibus there are more medicines for other eventual disturbs.

First Aid for horses.

The same first aid kit can be used for horses during the trail for small scratches and cuts that can happen easily during a trip. Plus there is the classic antiseptic antibiotic blue spray. In the minibus we have horse’s antiseptics, antinflammatory, as creams or shots.

Saddles and Tacks.

We use handmade (under our instruction) trekking saddles very good for horses and very good for riders either English or western style.

We use 2 blankets. One light in cotton to absorb swear and one thick in transpiring neoprene on it to protect properly the back of the horse from any sores.

Bridles are with a special anti tongue pitching snaffle bit. We do not use bits. Spurs are not allowed.

All saddles are equipped with front strap and grouper so the saddle will not move when horses goes on steep up and downs and with them do not need to tie too much the girth to avoid sores on side of horses.

Each saddle has its own capable waterproof saddle bag.


They are mandatory. We suggest carrying personal helmets. We can rent them at 25 € per person per trip. Who want to rent a helmet has to advice before departure and gives size in centimeters. If someone do not want to wear a helmet will fill an own hand written form to declare that do that under his own responsibility.

Insurances. Our horses are insurance for third damages till 3.000.000 €. Each rider MUST have his own personal insurance for damages along the ride and to be transferred home in case of incidents like Europe assistance or similar.

Personal Equipment:

We will be crossing mountain areas at heights of up to 2000 meters. It is mandatory for all participants to have the following personal equipment:

- Serious, Good and Complete rain gear consisting of a long waterproof coat, waterproof over pants, rubber over shoes, water proof gloves. Waterproof helmet. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. IN THE MOUNTAINS IT CAN RAIN with sun at low levels.

- Dress in layers. Temperature during the day that can be anything from very hot to cold depending on the conditions, wind and the season. Clothing requirements vary from a thin shirt all the way up to a wind jacket with pile and warm socks. It is also suggested to have thermal underwear in fall /winter season.

- Gloves (very important)

- We suggest NOT wearing any kind of long riding boots. We DO suggest short riding shoes, short or long chaps. No running shoes or sneakers.

- Sun glasses.

- Anti UV solar cream at least factor 20 (30 or 50 for north European people)

- We suggest to bring own water bottle. We will give to anyone else a plastic water bottle.

- Personal baggage will be moved by car. There are no weights limits at the bags and their number.

GENERAL INFO ON PARK AND AREA. Madonie Park General Introduction.

Geology . Madonie Mountains are called the” Dolomites of Sicily “for their unique carbonate limestone rock formations. Till the XVIII century the MADONIE were part of the NEBRODI. Was the French scientist Deodat de Dolomieu, who discovered the special limestone of the mountains in the Alps that had from him their name, that saw the analogies between the limestone of Madonie with the Dolomites and the huge difference between the rest of Sicilian mounts. Madonie were the first mountains to come up from the very ancient ocean existing before the formation of Sicily. They are very rich of fossils of ancient sea creatures. Madonie are divided in three main mountain complexes: Mount Carbonara, Mount Cervi, and Mount Pizzo di Pilo. The highest mountain is Carbonara with his 1979 meters. This mount is characterized by very many depressions ( doline) formed by the action of snow with limestone which is slowly dissolved in spring when snow became water. Looking at the Carbonara from a helicopter it looks as was bombed by war planes for the hundreds of these natural depressions existing. On the bottom of “ doline ” there is a very particular micro-clime that permits the life of many species of endemic plants. All water collected by doline goes inside the mountain through some fixtures in the rocks called “swallowers” ( Inghiottitoi ) and it is saved by a complicate system of underwater lakes and channels that give water in hundreds of springs at lower altitudes all year round. That’s why in the Madonie villages there is always plenty of source water all year round.


Few people know that before the Romans conquered Sicily it was covered for 92 % by primary forests. Deforestation started with the Romans during the three Punic wars with Cartagine. They established two navy ship yard on the coast down the still existing villages of Caronia (Nebrodi area) and (Madonie area). They used the centennial oaks to build the ship bodies and the very tall Abies nebrodensis (Fir of Nebrodi) for the mast trees of the war boats. They cut this fir almost till extinction. Only 22 of them survived in a narrow and secluded valley of Madonie. Nowadays the Abies nebrodensis is reintroduced in the Nebrodi and Madonie by the Sicilian Forestry Service (Azienda Foreste Demaniali).

Madonie host an enormous amount of botanic species (5500 of the 6500 of all Italy) with many of them endemic of the place (35). There are also very many species of wild orchids that attract scientists and foreign orchids lovers. There are many endemic species and, inside the doline, some very little endemic plants with a cycle of life very short. There are in the Park around 200 the species of orchids. Along the trails used is easy to see many interesting or endemic plants like Genista cupani, Astragalus, Cystus, Crocus, Primula, and so long. Madonie host the most wide botanical biodiversity of Italy. In Piano Pomo there is the most ancient and wide wood of holly trees of Europe, not far away there are some of the oldest oaks of Europe. Till 1500 meters, mountains are mainly covered by mixed woods from five different species of oaks, higher starts huge woods of beeches. All the hills now occupied by fields of hey and wheat were covered by oak forests with secular trees cut down by the Romans. From the second century B.C Sicily became the “granary of Rome” and the homes of Rome were build mainly with wood coming from Sicily and Calabria.


Wildlife is also rich despite were extinct all the big games like elk (during the XVII century), bear (Neolithic), wolf (1959), lynx (late Neolithic). Deer were extinct during XVIII century but reintroduced around 10 years ago. It is easy to see from horseback deer, wild boars, Sicilian partridges (and endemic specie called Alectoris grecae whitacheri) a nesting couple of King eagles, many species of day and night bird of prey. It was reintroduced around 5 years ago the vulture (Gypsus gypsus) that is easy to be seen in the sky exploring the territory looking for carcasses of cows and sheep. Very elusive and difficult to see are wild cats and martens.

People and Traditions.

Madonie were used by the men from the Paleolithic times. There are some grottoes that show signs of their use as home by the men from that time. They were reaching the mountains in spring to hunt and collect wild plants and wood. The activity of breeding sheep for milking and meat started from the Neolithic. Before the huge emigrations to Americas and Australia after the world wars, were bred on Madonie more than 100.000 sheep! The life style of the shepherds did not change too much from the Neolithic times. The same was the hut used (Pagghiaru) made by a circle or a square of stones 1 meter high, then a roof made with trunks of oaks and branches. The same was the organizations of the shepherd work place (Marcatu) constituted by some huts, then the stone corrals for the sheep, the corral for the lambs, the working area to make milk. Before the arrival of 4x4 cars the shepherds were living in summer up in the mountains for long periods, going home a couple of days every some weeks. Today the breeding of cows, sheep and goats to make meat and cheese it is still very important in the local economy. Tourism became more and more important in the last 15 years. The principal traditional cheeses made are: “Pecorino” (with sheep milk), “Caciocavallo” (with cow and goat or sheep), “Ricotta” (from cow or sheep or goat) some goat cheese. The method it is the same from Neolithic times, using the dried and cured interior of intestine of a lamb as “cheese maker” and traditional tools made with some specific woods.

Madonie people are very gentle, hospitable and hard workers used to live traditionally, especially in the less touristic villages as , Polizzi, Petralia Soprana and Gangi.

History .

Madonie area saw Sicani and Siculi people living mostly on the coast interacting later with Phoenicians and then Greeks for commerce. The Rock of Cefalù was always a very important strategic and sacred point with his megalithic remain dated from the IX century B.C. The location was then enlarged by Greeks and conquered by Romans which started the exploitation of the forests of Madonie. Petra Lileum (Petralia Soprana) was founded by the Romans as main center in the interior to control the cultivations after deforestation. Pollina was a Roman fortified village on top the hill where lie the actual village. Just down on the coast there was the shipyard where were build the war ships used in the 3 Punic wars against Cartagine. In the IX century A.C. Moors coming from today Tunisia Libya Algeria conquered Sicily and Madonie saw the presence of many Arabic villages destroyed by the Normans in the XII century A.C. when they liberated all Sicily from Muslims. The golden age of Madonie was under Frederic II, German Emperor of Sacred Roman Empire. He choose Palermo as capital of the Emperor and he developed there all arts and culture of the time. Madonie were domain of one very important family of Feudal Lords with Norman ancestors: the Ventimiglia. They had a sort of kingdom inside the Empire. They were the only one to have permission from Emperor to make their own coins (In Castelbuono still exist the Money factory in the central square). After the conquest of Madonie (XII century) they were living in the Castle they build in Geraci. In the XIV century they preferred to move at a lower altitude with a better clime building a Manor around an ancient Arabian Tower. Around this new castle was born Castelbuono (which mean: Good Castle). In each village of Madonie there was a castle of Ventimiglia family to host them during their temporary visits. In Castelbuono castle, in the XV century, many years before Naples and Versailles, was founded by the Ventimiglia the first Horse Riding Academy of history: The Academy of the Star. The best horses and trainers of that time were concentrated there to do carousel on horseback with hundreds of riders and even theatre representations on horseback.


Castelbuono born when the Ventimiglia family decided to move from Geraci (in winter very cold place at 1200 meters to live) to the 400 meters of the valley between the Madonie mountains and the sea coast. Before the conquest of the Normans, in the place there was only an Arabian defence tower and a very tiny village with a Mosque. The Ventimiglia build a big Manor and around soon born the village that became the capital of the sort of “Kingdom of the Madonie” of the Ventimiglia family inside the Sacred Roman Empire. The city became quickly very important attracting noble families and very many religious orders with lots of churches and monasteries. Many peasants came to cultivate in the valley the Manna tree imported and planted by the Arabians. The historical centre of Castelbuono is very interesting with many places to visit as the Castle with his museum and art gallery, the churches, the little medieval streets with their very ancient names. Today Castelbuono is full of activities in agriculture, food and tourism hosting very many good restaurants. In summer his population became triple and the main street and the squares are very alive till late.

The ancient Sicilian horse culture and the 3 Sicilian horses.

Not too many people know that during the ancient Greeks Olympic Games, the majority of equestrian games were won by the Horses of Syracuse. Greeks were the first to import in Sicily high quality horses. They were all Orientals coming from Mesopotamia, Lebanon and Syria regions. In Sicily these horses found a very good environment very similar to their original but with a better soil (lots of limestone with calcium) and grass. So they fortified their bones becoming stronger and bigger.

The oldest horse race known was done every year in Sicily in Agira (in the centre of Sicily) along the road that was going from the Greek village up to the Agorà on top one high hill. This race it is held every year from that times till nowadays. The Romans imported and breed in Sicily the Eques italicus , the breed developed by them for their cavalry and they mixed with local oriental horses forming a quicker and most endurance horse. When Arabians invaded and conquered Sicily for three centuries, they imported more than 10.000 Berber and Arabian horses followed by the Norman’s battle horses arrived with the heavy cavalry of the Normans army. After their conquest, new horses came with a group of Celtic speaking language emigrated from the North Italy that had permission to settle in the nowadays Nebrodi mountains founding the village of Sanfratello. They took with them their black, strong horses that became the today “Sanfratellano” Sicilian horses, always living free up in the mountains. The Ventimiglia family, in the XIV century, established in their Manor in Castelbuono the Academy of the Star, the very first horse academy in history, long time before the schools of Naples and Versailles. They were making carousels with hundreds of riders, theatre on horseback and a top level military cavalry corp.

A very important moment of the Sicilian horse culture was when Ferdinand II°, King of Two Sicilies Kingdom, moved the Capital of the Kingdom from Napoli to Palermo after a revolution that forced him to leave the city. He loved in life only two things: women and horses. So in Sicily he opened another huge horse breeding farm after the one opened in Naples: Ficuzza, not far from Palermo. In this facility the local Sicilian horse mares (all with Oriental and Arabian blood) were breed with Andalusia stallions to develope a new light cavalry horse: smaller, faster, endurable and overall really beautiful also to parade. When the English build the English thorough bred they came to Palermo to buy 100 mares of this “Sicilian indigenous horse” that was developed there.

Unfortunately, when Ferdinand II° died, his brother Ferdinand III° was not interested at all in horses and so closed Naples and Ficuzza breeding farms and sold all horses! An enormous genetic patrimony was going to be disrupted. Luckily few Sicilians noble families bought some of these stallions and mares maintaining some of that blood lines but the most of the Sicilian indigenous were sold to anybody and they were mixed with any kind of other horses. One of these families that bought that Sicilian indigenous and still is breeding that ancient blood lines is the Salomone family from Tusa. Nowadays they have the best samples of what was and still is the original Sicilian indigenous. 12 years ago was formed the Association of the Sicilian indigenous to re-establish the guidelines to have again alive the breed. Our horses are mostly Sicilian indigenous (some more, some less pure). The third Sicilian horse is the Sicilian Pure Oriental (Puro Sangue Orientale: PSO). In 1876 was established the stud book of these horses imported by the Italian Cavalry in Catania after a trip of a Colonel to buy top stallions and mares from the area of Syria/Lebanon. These horses were used to improve the blood of the horses of the Cavalry and to be breed in purity. After so many generations breed in purity on Sicilian soil, this horse became a specific Sicilian breed. There are now only around 190 horses left. They are under the UNESCO protection. Comparing the forms of oriental horses imported by the Greeks and drawn on vases and coins of the time now in museums, we can see that head and proportions are exactly the same of the PSO. Genetic studies found that the DNA of PSO it is coming from one only aplotype so without the “crazy” mix of different Arabians bloods that there are in many Arabian horses of today made by the man to enhance “necks and noses” as the actual fashion want. Some of our horses has PSO father.