Attendees David Floyd James Floyd John Tinker Colin Campbell Tom Johnson Geraint Cooper Matt Bristow Tom Scoble Sam Smith Keegan Wicks Jamie Wright Mitch Slaney Sean Butterworth Spencer Taylor Chris Lawrence Jones Howard Pickett

Apologies Tim Boulter Kris Ford Rich Boddy Alex Wilks Matt Lingham Agenda Welcome Agree Last AGM's Minutes Chairman's Opening Statement Financial Report Resolutions  Resolution: Accounts  Resolution: Chineham RFC becoming a section of BSSC  Resolution: Chineham RFC transferring to a Company Limited By Guarantee (if necessary) President’s Closing Any Other Business

2014 AGM Minutes The minutes of the 2013 AGM were accepted by the AGM.

Chairman's Opening Statement The Chairman thanked all those who had held a position at the club in the 2014-2015 season. The very successful season on the pitch was then highlighted; in particular the promotion of the 1st XV from 2 to , the Hampshire Plate Final, the increasing training numbers and the 3rd XV fixture.

Key success stories off of the pitch were the increased membership in both Adults & Junior section, increased partnership in Schools and the general feel good factor around the Rugby Club.

Chineham RFC's sponsors, 365IT and The Barbershop, were thanked for last season’s support and are continuing to support us next season. Additional thanks were offered to Excellent Windows, Everest Community Academy & Avtec for their sponsorship of the Plate Final.

Next season bring exciting opportunities and the prospect of building on interest in the Rugby World Cup this autumn.

Future Plans Aspects that will impact the club in the future were highlighted

 Player Recruitment o Player recruitment this summer will be key in order to strengthen the squad for the coming campaign. o ACTION: John Tinker to post the Recruitment poster on the club website and make available to club members.  School/Colleges Links o Links continue to be forged with schools and colleges to strengthen the club. o Of particular interest are recent discussions with Queen Mary’s College and their signposting of their student players to Chineham RFC.  Pitch Maintenance o A new employee at Sports and Social Club has joined and providing the care and maintenance that the rugby pitch requires. o All signs point towards the pitch being available.  2nd Pitch & possible expansion o The Castlefield pitch is owned by Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council but administered by Fairfields School. o Negotiations have allowed a 2nd rugby pitch to be marked out on this field. o This proposal was sold on the number of players in Chineham RFC’s Minis section attending Fairfields and will initially be to support the Minis sections before increasing usage to include Adult Rugby as the relationship develops. o Care will need to be taken to protect this pitch to ensure that Fairfields are comfortable with this arrangement and allow the use of this playing area to be expanded.  Floodlighting o The manufacturing of the current units does not appear to be trading anymore. o The original manufacturer of the generators has been contacted and a maintenance provider are assessing the photos taken of the equipment and will provide a quote. o ACTION: John Tinker to progress with Woodleigh Power Equipment Ltd  1st Team Manager o John Tinker has volunteered to act as 1st Team Manager for the upcoming season.  Team 1st Aider o First Aid cover has been found for the 1st XV o The search for a physiotherapist to provide their services to the players is ongoing.  Coach Update o The Advert for a new Head Coach has been posted in numerous areas and we are awaiting a response. o To ensure continuity and a smooth handover to the new coach (if and when appointed), Lee Johnson has offered to lead pre-season training as of the 14th July to the end of August or until such time as the new Head Coach is appointed if this is before the end of August. Lee will be responsible for planning and running the sessions. o Whilst a backup plan is ready to be implemented if a new Head Coach is not found, the club recognises the recruitment of the Head Coach as a priority is will continue until such time as a suitable candidate is found and take over the role.  Basingstoke Sports and Social Club o BSSC continue their plan for redevelopment of the clubhouse. o This is already at an advanced stage and submissions for additional funding are ongoing. o Current proposals are shown below:

Treasurers Report Summary of Accounts –Colin Campbell gave a summary of the figures for the year.

For the year ending 2015, the company (Chineham RFC) was entitled to exemption from audit under section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies. Proposed by John Tinker, Seconded by David Floyd and carried unanimously; the members have not required the company to obtain an audit of its accounts for the year in question in accordance with section 476. (Based on turnover the club has an option not to have external auditors. We are comfortably within FSA limits, but agreement at an AGM is required).

Club Positions Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and President are not up for re-election at this AGM Matt Bristow is the new Match & Fixture Secretary for the coming season. Tom Scoble is the new Kit Secretary Chairman of the Minis is Richard Darby Minis Secretary is Kerry O’Sullivan Safeguarding Officer is Jen Davies Joining the Minis coaching team are:  Rachel Darby  Jamie Cullen  Neville Norval

Resolution – Chineham RFC becoming a section of BSSC Consideration of and, if thought fit, passing the Resolution to dissolve Chineham RFC Ltd as a company and transfer the assets and undertaking to Chineham RFC, a section of Basingstoke Sports & Social Club. The previously posted Q&A relating to this was run through and is available below:

Q: Why are we thinking of merging? A: The main reasons are: 1. To increase the security and future of CRFC. 2. To increase the possibility of grant fund opportunities by having a long term agreement on the club house. 3. The opportunity of the RFU funds to support the redevelopment of BSSC Clubhouse. 4. By being a sports section of BSSC, we will have voting rights and thus more say in the future running of the club. 5. BSSC with its central location has attracted new players and allowed the club to start a juniors section.

Q: What will be the main changes? A: To the naked eye and to the playing side there will be very few changes and non of them of a major nature. The main changes will be: 1. CRFC will cease to trade. CRFC will be a section of BSSC, and as such will have a formal seat on the BSSC committee. 2. CRFC funds and assets (e.g. floodlights) will be transferred to BSSC. 3. The Rugby sections membership fees will be paid into BSSC accounts. BSSC will be responsible for the funding and running of CRFC.

Q: Will we still be called Chineham RFC? A: Yes we will be called Chineham RFC.

Pros Cons  Permanent Home  Lack of financial independence  Full Voting Rights  Need to ensure we have the facilities we  More say in the running of BSSC want  Access to much more funding  More leverage for a second pitch

Proposed by John Tinker, Seconded by David Floyd; the resolution was unanimously carried and the process will begin immediately.

President's Closing We are a maturing club who are looking forward to the club’s first season in Hampshire 1. As the club grows we need to pull together to support the extra demands our additional commitments will put upon us. Whatever challenges we face, we will keep going forwards and by working as a unit we will succeed.

Any Other Business Player Recruitment Drive 2015 – As already mentioned, player recruitment this summer will be key in order to strengthen the squad for the coming campaign. Club members were invited to aid in this wherever possible.

Club Subscriptions – Whilst the number of players paying their club subscriptions is at the highest ever level, there are still some who are not contributing to the club.  Action: David Floyd to provide details to Tom Johnson

We confirm that the above is a true and correct account of the meeting that took place.


Club Chairman Club Secretary