No 14, 12 February 1920
Ju:mb. 14. 487 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1920. Lands re•Mt1ed as Endowments {OT Primo.ry Education. [L.B.] LIVERPOOL, Govemor-General. A PROCLAMATION. HEREAS, under the provisions of the Land Act, 1908, the lands ennmerated in the first column of the Bchednle W hereto were temporarily reserved as endowments for primary education, upon the dates specified ~in the second column of the said Schedule: And whereas notices of such reservations were laid before both Rousu of Parliament : And whereu the two Houa,e have pa.ased resolutions, upon the dates specified in the third column, approving, in terme of the tbree,hUDdred.and twenty-fourth section of the Land Act, 1908, of the lands bein!l' permanently set aside as endOllments for primary education : Now, therefore, I, Arthur William de Brito Sa.vile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon me by the Land Act, 1908, do hereby proclaim and declare that the .lands enumerated in the first column of the Schedule hereto are hereby reserved as endowments for primary educaiion. SCHEDULE. ---------·-··----~- First Cou,mn. Second Ool1am1. Thvrd Column. Date of Temporary Resolution of the 'Resolution of ,he Hoose of Locality, I Section, IBlock. i Area. Resei-vati01 , Legislative Council dated Representatives da.tec\ ----··------ ---------------- ---·---- North Auckland Land Dish'ict. A, R. P. Pukeatua Parish •• 1Allot 367[ , . 1 1 83·99 111 Aug., 1919 .. I 21 Oct., 1919 • • 1 5 Nov., 19i9. Nelson Lanti Di,trict. Burnett Survey District1 18 III .628 0 0 I 8 Jan., 1919 .
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