Industry-1 Minister Inspects Bicycle Factory (Yangon)

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Industry-1 Minister Inspects Bicycle Factory (Yangon) Established 1914 Volume XIII, Number 41 5th Waning of Kason 1367 ME Friday, 27 May, 2005 Four political objectives Industry-1 Minister inspects * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and Bicycle factory (Yangon) order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Con- stitution * Building of a new modern developed na- tion in accord with the new State Consti- tution Four economic objectives * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting par- ticipation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples Four social objectives Minister U Aung Thaung inspects the bicycle factory (Yangon) of the * Uplift of the morale and morality of the Myanma General & Maintenance Industries. — INDUSTRY-1 entire nation YANGON, 26 May — Minister for Industry-1 U ucts of the factory, finishing tasks and progress in * Uplift of national prestige and integrity Aung Thaung, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig- installing machines. The machine parts and accesso- and preservation and safeguarding of Gen Thein Tun and officials, arrived at the bicycle ries of the factory are exported by Samraint Ltd of cultural heritage and national charac- factory (Yangon) of Myanma General and Mainte- India. ter nance Industries on Upper Pazundaung Road in Next, the minister and party inspected the project * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit Mingala Taungnyunt Township this morning. The to extend the factory and the progress in renovating * Uplift of health, fitness and education minister inspected buggy vehicles for golf course the factory. Later, they inspected the production di- standards of the entire nation use invented by the factory and gave necessary in- vision of the factory and warehouse. At the briefing structions. hall, the minister and deputy minister met with the INSIDE Afterwards, the minister looked into the prod- officials and left necessary instructions. —MNA Myanmar has been able to exist with own Reception held to mark 30th Anniversary history for ages thanks to the fact that the entire national people have been always united in crush- of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations ing all the elements posing dangers to the nation and the people. between Myanmar and Vietnam (Page 7) AUNG MOE SAN YANGON, 26 May — A reception to mark the Myanmar and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, it 30th Anniversary of establishment of Diplomatic re- gives me great pleasure to extend my warm greet- Minister U Thaung and wife cut a cake to lations between Mayanmar and Vietnam was held at ings to all the distinguished guests present here to- mark the 30th Anniversary of Establishment Traders Hotel, here, at 6.30 pm today. Minister for day. of Diplomatic Relations between Myanmar and Science and Technology U Thaung and Vietnam Am- (See page 8) Vietnam. —NLM bassador to Myanmar Mr Tran Van Tung delivered speeches. Minister U Thaung said: On this auspicious occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Establish- ment of Diplomatic Relations between the Union of MAS disseminates cultivation methods YANGON, 26 May —A training course to dis- seminate agricultural methods organized by Yangon Division Myanma Agriculture Service-MAS was launched this morning at the MAS in Insein Town- ship. The course is intended to educate the trainees on the use of high-yield cultivation methods and pes- ticide. A total of 166 trainees including agriculturists in Yangon Division are attending the course. MNA Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 27 May, 2005 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire Friday, 27 May, 2005 Strive for emergence of a * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation modern and developed nation * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State In the Union of Myanmar, the govern- * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy ment, the people and the Tatmadaw are work- ing in concert for all-round development of the nation and they are doing so in accordance Commander inspects development With clear conscience with the guidance given by Head of State of Yinmabin Township * Our Myanmar, recognized Senior General Than Shwe. As a result, each YANGON, 26 May — Chairman of Sagaing Divi- In all corners of the globe and every sector of the nation is enjoying a sion Peace and Development Council Commander of There’s freedom, there’s sovereignty. gradual development. North-West Command Maj-Gen Tha Aye inspected * Objectives of own choice The growth of the agro-based industry thriving plantations of summer paddy, summer sesame Will be laid down, laid down. plays a pivotal role in striving for the all-round and pulses and beans in Yinmabin Township on 20 * Our fate, according to our choice development of the nation. Therefore, in vari- May. Will be shaped, will be mapped out ous regions, constant efforts are being made He also oversaw construction of Myitkya Bridge And implemented, implemented and Pale-Gangaw Road and gave necessary instruc- for the progress of the agriculture sector and * On our journey, be our own master tions to the officials. Own helmsman, we’ll guide industrial zones established for that of the The commander looked into sales of products at We’ll row on, row on. industrial sector. Win Thuza Shop of the Ministry of Industry-1 in * Our own life, as suits us For the development of the agriculture Yinmabin.— MNA Will be mapped out, to raise well-being sector, it is necessary to boost the production We are looking after human rights of farm machinery and implements that are in Stipends provided for State/Division Our conscience is clear! good demand and can meet the regional needs. MCWA Supervisory Committees Byan Hlwar (Trs) To be able to do so, respective plants and fac- tories under various ministries are rendering Deputy Foreign Minister necessary assistance. Industrialists, on their part, are to produce import-substitute items, U Kyaw Thu leaves for Thailand increase their share of the market, meet the YANGON, 26 May — At the invitation of the H.E Preecha Laohapongchana, Deputy Minister for For- needs of local people and the required stand- eign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, U Kyaw ard of quality and cooperate with other indus- Thu, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union trial zones. For example, the Myaungmya in- of Myanmar left here by air this morning to pay an dustrial zone is now producing fire engines that official visit to the Kingdom of Thailand. can carry 45 gallons of water, powered tillers, The deputy minister was seen off at Yangon gear boxes, engines, CNG engines and various International Airport by responsible officials from the types of combine harvesters. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the officials of Royal In striving for the progress of their re- Thai Embassy. spective regions, it is necessary for entrepre- The deputy minister was accompanied by U neurs to strike a balance between the interests Soe Lynn Han, Deputy Director and U Kyaw Soe, Assistant Director of the Ministry of Foreign of the region and their own, upholding our MMCWA President Daw Khin Khin Win presents K 5 million for State/Division MCWA Supervisory Affairs. three main national causes — non-disintegra- MNA tion of the Union, non-disintegration of national Committees through a chairperson.— MNA solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty. YANGON, 26 May — Myanmar Maternal and The industrial sector of the nation has Child Welfare Association held a ceremony to hand been enjoying a rapid development with a 24- over stipends to State and Division MCWA Supervi- sory Committees at its office in South Okkalapa Town- percent annual growth. All the necessary foun- ship this afternoon. dations are being laid down to transform the President Daw Khin Khin Win of MMCWA nation from an agro-based industrial one to gave a speech. Next, the president, the vice-president, an industrialized one. Our national goal, the Central Council members and CEC members presented emergence of a modern and developed nation, K 5 million to chairpersons of State/Division MCWA will be materialized only with the establish- Supervisory Committees. ment of an industrialized nation. Similarly, the Committees donated K 1,972,000 We would like to call on the entire peo- to patients at hospitals in Yangon Division through ple and industrialists to work hand in hand President Daw Khin Khin Win. — MNA with the government for the emergence of a Medicines, medical equipment modern and developed nation by striving for the industrial growth based on agro-based donated to MMCWA industries. YANGON, 26 May — plained the purpose of the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Thu The Indian Embassy do- donation. being seen off at the airport before nated medicines and medi- Also present on the departure for Thailand. —˚MNA cal equipment worth US$ occasion were Vice-Presi- Nuic\cMeta\Asiu;r@anpiuc\ 600 to Myanmar Maternal dent Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint ema\eta\yaU\m¥a;mquM;s∑´ren≥ and Child Welfare Asso- and officials.—MNA DAD D-G tours Mandalay ciation at the corner of Parami and Thanthuma Division
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