Bridge Connection

Barfold, Baynton, Derrinal, Elphinstone, Glenhope, Heathcote, Kyneton, Langley, Mia Mia, Metcalfe, Redesdale, Sidonia, Sutton Grange.

Edition 51 March 2014 A community owned newspaper Building a school in Timor Leste Reaching out with a hand of friendship Friends 2 Friends helps other people in a variety of ways. But came to the Redesdale market to raise money needed to transport educational aids to Timor Leste. The Friends group arranges donations of classroom mat- erials, furniture, and sport- ing equipment sourced in . Spokesperson Vicki Cronin said some donations were purchased, but most obtained through goodwill and sponsorship. “However, our biggest hur- dle is transport because it costs approximately $300 a cubic metre to ship goods to East Timor. Hence, the weekend markets to raise money to buy shipping con- Raising money to send educational aids to children in Timor Leste. From left: Vicki tainer space,” Vicki said. Cronin, Jack Edmondston, Kim Leithhead, and Mary-Anne Scull. First aid training for youth mental health Youth Mental Health First Aid courses illness or in a mental health crisis. trained. will be available to parents, guardians, The council was recognised with a ‘com- They help create a safer, healthier, and teachers, or anyone who works with munity’ award in the 2012 Mental Health more open minded community for our young people. First Aid Australia Awards for the delivery young people. Macedon Ranges Council is providing of this course to parents and teachers. Further details and bookings are avail- the award winning program free. Become a Youth Mental Health First able from Laura at It teaches adults how to help a young Aider and you will be joining more than [email protected] or 5422 0337. person who may be developing a mental 400 residents who have already been Dates in Diary page 13. Lisa Chesters MP Index available to help LISA Chesters MP says she “I am honoured to be given Page 3. A little bit of history at Redesdale market. will not overlook the region- the opportunity to represent Page 4. Anzac Day. al towns of her electorate in the people of central Vic- Page 5. Music month at Burke and Wills Winery. her term as Federal Member toria, a region I am passion- for . ate about. Page 6 Heathcote U3A activities. Ms Chesters has visited re- “I want central to Survey on new pet rules. gional towns such as Kyne- be a healthy community Page 7. Care about and of the prostate. ton and Heathcote regularly with a strong education sec- Training awards nominations open. since being elected in Sept- tor, meaningful employment Page 8 Redesdale market day. (Photos). ember. opportunities, thriving local She has also been to Parlia- businesses and a strong, Page 9. Redesdale market day. (Photos). ment in Canberra several connected community. Page 10.Mapping out Mia Mia history. times, as well as continuing Ms Chesters said her office Support for apprentices. to meet with community could assist members of the Page 11.Caring for the Campaspe. members and organisations community with services to find out how she can best ranging from providing Banksia stock available. assist them. Australia flags to helping Campaspe Landcare are champion weeders. The first term MP said she with immigration enquiries. Myna bird trapping. would continue to hold lis- “I would encourage mem- Page 12.Busy time at Buffalo. tening posts around the elec- bers of the community to torate so she could effective- contact my office if they Page 13.Editorial. Diary dates. Rainfall. ly represent the community think we can help them in Page 14.The ‘Redesdale’ Bridge. at Parliament. any way,” she said. Page 15.Sutton Grange Hall. "I know from meeting so Members of the community Crisis care for horses. many people at Heathcote can contact Lisa on 5443 Farmers Market or outside 9055 or by email at Kittens looking for a home. Kyneton Woolworths how [email protected] Page 16. Lancefield market lunch. important it is to be avail- u. Baynton Sidonia Landcare seminars. able and accessible. Gisborne aquathon. “I will continue to hold lis- CLASSIFIEDS Healthy active people. tening posts at these places," she said. For brochures and newslet- Ms Chesters said it was an ters. Contact mynardme- honour to be elected to the [email protected] 0417 Bridge Connection profits are returned to the community role in September. 567 741 Bridge Connection Advertising Rates Schedule The page is quarto by four columns. Black and white (Mono). Colour plus 25 per cent. Full page:- (17.5 cm by 26 cm). Single placement $175.00. Booking for 12 editions $2100. 1/2 page:- (17.5 cm by 12.5 cm). Single placement $93.75. Booking for 12 editions $937.50. 1/3 page:- (12cm by 12cm). Single placement $75.00. Booking for 12 editions $750.00. 1/4 page:- (12.5 cm by 8.5 cm). Single placement $50.00. Booking for 12 editions $500.00. 1/8 page:- (8.5 cm by 6 cm). Single placement $31.25. Booking for 12 editions $312.50. 1/16 page:- (7cm by 4.5cm). Single placement $22.50. Booking for 12 editions $225.00. Business card size Single placement $25.00. Booking for 12 editions $250.00. (3cm by 3clms) Single placement $50.00. Booking for 12 editions $500.00. (3cm by 4clms) Single placement $56.25. Booking for 12 editions $562.50 Front Page strip (17.5cm by 2cm). Single placement $62.50. Booking for 12 editions $687.50. (8.5cm by 2cm). Single placement $35.00. Booking for 12 editions $385.00. Line on advertisements 10 cents a word – minimum charge $3. Back cover surcharge 20 per cent. Page Three surcharge 10 per cent

Running a business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark

Page 2. Bridge Connection March 2014 A little bit of history at Redesdale market Redesdale market grows each year The Redesdale Hall Com- ular, as did the jumping cas- mittee members held their tle and slide, the laughing annual bush market on Sun- clowns and the fairy floss. day 9 March. This year we had 64 stalls Weather was perfect for an with a diverse range of items outdoor market, with a love- on offer and our advertising ly sunny day and gentle, slogan of 'something for cooling breeze. everyone' certainly rang true. Market goers enjoyed a sel- A special thank you must go ection of songs from the to all who helped in some Bendigo and District Concert way either before or on the Band and entertainment was day, ensuring it to be both a also provided by 'Jordy' and successful and enjoyable his two friends who provided market; which continues to music during rest breaks for grow year after year. the band. Carolyn-Anne Boyd. Both groups added a pleasant Graeme Newnham of atmosphere to the event and Redesdale searched are available for bookings. around the farm for stuff This arrangement worked that had been there since very well and there were sev- cockie was an egg. eral comments made on how Much of it sold to keen nice it was to hear the music gardeners for garden filtering out over the market ornaments and will set up a new life for another 100 during the day, adding to the years or so. atmosphere. This historic outdoor cop- The committee expressed per easily sold. thanks to groups. More photographs on The Kyneton Lions Club pages 8 and 9. train once again proved pop- IMPORTANT MESSAGE Redesdale Community Submission of copy to Barbecue Bridge Connection Redesdale Hall on Deadline 20th of each month Saturday 3 May

In order to relieve the load on our previous editor, 6pm Bernie Campbell, would contributors please send Meat and Desert provided. copy to The Editor Please bring a salad. BYO Drinks. [email protected] or by mail to Bridge Connection, RSVP by Wednesday 30 April to 54253194 453 Bourke Rd, Katamatite, 3649 An opportunity for Redesdale Community Ph 0417 567 741 to welcome newcomers to our town. Invite your neighbours.

Bridge Connection March 2014 Page 3 Anzac Day One hundred years ago when Australian and New Australia feared for its easy Zealand soldiers joined going, hard working, way of forces to force a way through life as did many other coun- the Gallipoli Peninsula aim- tries in a world facing polit- ing to gain a strategic advan- cal turmoil and war. tage against Germany during On Friday 25 April 2014 the first world war, fought families will come together from 1914 to 1918. during a series of Anzac Day But the Anzacs came up marches and celebrations, to against a brave nation, un- think about those days. willing, to give a yard of soil. Basically to thank those who The Anzacs lost the battle, warded off aggressive and and many soldiers on either ruthless enemies to establish side lost their lives, but the freedom we will enjoy on earned the respect and admi- 25 April 2014. Thinking ration of those at home. Very about the sacrifices made by quickly, Anzac Day was cel- our soldiers fills most people ebrated each year, until it with horror. The now famous became a tradition in the Anzac tradition was created Australian way of life.

The Lone Pine, Gallipoli, on Lone Pine Hill, where many soldiers lost their lives in terrible fighting to secure the The Veteran hill. The tree was planted in 1920 from seeds of the orig- inal group of trees cut down during the battles and By Bill Dickens remains a sentinel. The species now flourishes across He is old, bent and weary, Australia grown from seeds brought from Gallipoli. His faltering step is slow, Photo by Jim Mynard Friday 25 April 2008 But a flickering shadow Do you know this World War II soldier? Of his youth from long ago. He stands before the cenotaph ‘Mufti’, the Victorian RSL AIF. The colour patch might In a frosty April dawn, magazine, December 2013, be an early 2/14 Btn pattern. Head bowed low in reverence, published this photogrraph of the Second World War His fallen mates to mourn. soldier in an effort to find his Buck, Frank, and Bluey, identity. Mufti said the photo Rest on a Crecian hill, was found inside an old In the steaming, tropic jungle, frame with information that Joe and Buck are sleeping still. it was taken at Geelong and it is believed the soldier is The Last Post from the bugle from the central Victorian Rings out loud and clear, region. The soldier is be- Down the weathered cheek lieved to be from the 2nd There rolls a glistening tear, I will not be long old comrades Redesdale Before I meet you all once more Mufti asked that if anyone In that land beyond the sunset, recognised the soldier to On that gleaming Golden Shore. Hall please contact John Lambert by email at This poem was written by Bill Dickens, is available [email protected] who with his wife, Jessie, lived at ‘Leven Vale’ for hire. Mufti said it would be won- Glenhope for many years. The poem is Carolyn derful if we could help return based on fact as Bill served six years with the 5425 3194 the photograph to the soldier Australian Army. or his surving relatives. The poem includes two of his mates from Mia Mia.

Page 4. Bridge Connection March 2014. Music month at Burke and Wills Winery March was Music Month at Mia Mia's Dinner. Peter presented a four course played with Eric Clapton, Paul Simon, Burke and Wills Winery. gourmet dinner complemented by eight Bert Jansch, and John Renbourn. People from all around Victoria arrived wines, and provided some of his quirky Stefan makes it look easy while he for the Labour Day weekend to relax in views on many things. plays some of the most difficult pieces. the casual atmosphere, and fare, en- On Sunday 16 March a lunch and con- On Saturday 22 March classic ‘60s folk joyed in the winery garden just off the cert with one of America’s greatest and bluegrass took over when Suzette Burke and Wills Track. exponents of Delta Blues Guitar, Herft presented her fabulous show There was more to follow during the Stefan Grossman, provided top enter- ‘Shining - A Diamond In The Rust", the remainder of the month, including the tainment. story of Joan Baez in words and songs, annual Peter Russell-Clarke Wine Stefan learned from the greats and has with all the glorious and timeless clas- sics Joan recorded. On Sunday 23 March lunch and a show with the Peter Rowan Bluegrass Trio provided de- light.

Anthony and Karen Hartigan. Anthony grew up at Mia Mia on a property Martin Pearson was in across the road from the Burke and Wills Winery. charge of CD sales.

Bridge Connection March 2014 Page 5 Heathcote U3A activities 2014 Program Email – [email protected]

Understanding Technology. First Thursday. 10 am. Guide Hall. Con- vener Peter Baldwin 5433 2925. Chair based exercises. Fridays 10.30am. Guide Hall. Except the last Friday. Convener Glenys Baldwin 5433 2925. Music Appreciation. First Tuesday 2pm to 4pm. Guide Hall. Convener John McClure 5433 3269 The setting at the Burke and Wills Winery for the music festival was History Group. Third Thursday perfect, a cloudless day, and magnificent old trees. 10.30am. Guide Hall. Convener Win Jeavons 5433 2887. Survey on Garden Club. Fourth Wednesday 1.30 pm. Guide Hall. Convener Peter Baldwin 54332925 new pet rules Luncheon Club. Third Friday. Ring Macedon Council will con- Barbara Clement 54333278 for the sult with the community venue and to book a place. about the introduction of new Last Friday. Coffee Morning. Guide laws for pets in public places, Hall. Some with a guest speaker. such as dog on or off leash Further information is avail- areas, and cat curfews. able in the U3A newsletter The council is conducting an available at the Visitor online public survey, where each participant can go into Information Centre, The Hub, the draw to win $200 in pet (council offices), the Library, Heather McCormack, Mia Mia artist and supplies. or contact us. horsewoman of note, with Lancefield's Council manager of commu- Graeme Walker at the music festival. nity safety Anne-Louise Lindner, said whether people were pet owners or animal Bridge Connection Inc. lovers they were encouraged to have a say. Management Committee. “Input will help protect and improve the enjoyment of our President; Mary Bennett 03 5425 5551 Distribution public places for all residents Secretary; Regina Bennett 03 5425 5402 1000 printed copies of in the shire. [email protected] Bridge Connection are “Nearly 14,000 animal regis- Treasurer; Terry McKenzie 03 5425 3262 circulated in the Mia tration renewal notices have [email protected] Mia Redesdale been issued to all registered Region, taking in dog and cat owners, notifying Advertising 0417 567 741 Barfold, Baynton, Derrinal, Elphinstone, them of the survey. “To have your say, complete Editorial:- Jim Mynard 0417 567 741 Anytime. Glenhope, Heathcote, the five minute survey on our [email protected] Kyneton, Langley, Hard copy to 453 Bourke Rd, Katamatite 3649 Metcalfe, Sidonia, website, Sutton Grange., Founders Berni and Brett Campbell. before 30 April 2014,” Ms Lindner said.

Page 6 Bridge Connection March 2014 Care about and of the prostate What is the prostate? By Elizabeth Hannah ances of qi (energy). The prostate gland is a Government registered acupuncturist For more information or solid, walnut sized organ of severe symptoms is usu- the prostate, lower back appointments contact Eliza- beth at Kyneton Acupunc- which lies at the base of the ally in the form of prostate- and genital area, frequent ctomy; surgical removal of and urgent need to urinate, ture and Allied Health on bladder surrounding the 0403 753 221. urethra, which is the uri- the prostate gland. pain or burning on urina- Or email:- nary tract from bladder to Retention of urine is re- tion, difficulty starting to [email protected] penis. lieved by the insertion of a urinate, diminished urinary Next month Elizabeth The size of a pea at birth, it catheter. flow, dark urine with a writes about prostate starts to enlarge at puberty Traditional Chinese medi- strong odour, blood or pus cancer. until it reaches adult size cine (TCM) is very effec- in urine, and fever. by age 20. tive in the treatment of the Acute prostatitis is less In most men, it starts to en- earlier stages of prostate common than chronic, but Training awards large again after age 50. enlargement, so preventing is a serious condition with The prostate produces sec- further enlargement and severe symptoms, which nominations open need for surgery down the may require hospitalisa- retions which form part of Nominations are open for track. tion. the seminal fluid. the 60th Victorian Training The prostate is seen to be Antibiotic treatment may The prostate normally en- Awards for outstanding app- ‘nourished’ by the repro- be effective if the infection larges as part of the ageing rentices, trainees, industry ductive essence or ‘Jing’, is bacterial, however chr- process, due to hormonal leaders, training providers, which is stored in the kid- onic non-bacterial prostati- changes. and teachers. neys. tis is the most common The enlargement can put Nominations are open until With age, the vital energy form pressure on the urethra, Friday 2 May and finalists of the kidney system de- TCM offers effective treat- obstructing the flow of will be announced on Friday creases, resulting in the ment for prostatitis. urine. 27 June. disturbance of sex hor- Acupuncture and herbs are This can eventually lead to Further information is avail- mones. used to clear heat and problems with the bladder, able at Bear in mind that we are ‘damp’ as well as toxins, which in severe cases may talking about the energy of and to strengthen underly- need surgery. rainingawards. Common symptoms of the kidneys here, not path- ing weaknesses or imbal- prostate enlargement are ological changes. increased frequency at This process also decreases night, difficulty passing the sexual energy, which in CONNOLLY GLASS urine, and dribbling of ur- turn affects the prostate ine. and the circulation in this Severe abdominal pain and area. 0428 535 101 the ability to pass only a Traditionally Chinese men small amount of urine re- have used acupuncture and quire urgent medical atten- herbs to compensate for the 177 LYELL ROAD REDESDALE VICTORIA 3444 tion. decline in prostate func- Enlargement of the prostate tion, and prevent problems. can be detected during a Chinese herbs are used to Email. [email protected] rectal examination per- increase the energy of the formed by a general practi- kidneys and other related BROKEN WINDOW REPAIRS, MIRRORS, tioner (GP), who may also organs. feel the abdomen for signs Acupuncture points are of bladder distension. needled on the legs, lower BALUSTRADES SHOWERSCREENS: FRAMED, Urine and blood tests, as back and abdomen to im- well as ultra sound scans prove energy and circula- SEMI FRAMELESS, AND FRAMELESS, may be performed to check tion. for infection, determine the Prostatitis, which is infl- severity of obstruction, and ammation of the prostate, RETRO FITTED DOUBLE GLAZING measure kidney function. may be acute or chronic AND Mild symptoms may not be and is often caused by in- treated with conventional fection. COMMERCIAL WINDOW FRAMES AND GLAZING medicine, while treatment Symptoms include pain in

Bridge Connection March 2014 Page 7 Successful Redesdale market day

Master toy maker, Len Pattison, from Strathfieldsaye

Above. Always popular at community functions. The Lions Club of Kyneton train. The 47 year old train, made by the Kyneton Apex Club, has raised thousands of dollars for community services, and provided fun for children of all ages. Volunteers are fom left: Alan McGaughey, Peter Stephens, and David Quarrell.

Above. In the counting house. From left: Yvonne McGrath, Sue Newnham, and Gloria Pocock count the days takings. Left: Lisa Campbell from Redesdale made use of some old fencing wire to make these balls into ideal garden ornaments.

Above. William Greenfield from Strathfieldsaye is a third year photography student at La Trobe University. He is keen for hands on work and besides making some beautiful prints is set up to do restoration work on old prints. Besides photography he is a musician and a member of the Bendigo Band. He is on 0413 462 569.

Above: Robert Wardle from Redesdale supported the annual Redesdale market by taking a stall. Left. Members of the Redesdale Hall Committee. From left: Don Tuohey, Bill McGrath, Betty McGrath, Janette Johnson, Gay Shannon, Pauline Judd, Alwyn Charville, and Clark Andrews.

Page 8 Bridge Connection March 2014 Goods direct from nature and the past

Above. A beautiful day at the market in Picturesque Redesdale. Right. Redesdale Fire Brigade volunteers were happy to accept a donation or two to help protect community property and lives. From left: Jim Boyd, Len McGrath, and Andrew Campbell. Below. Apiarist, Christine Wardell, from Drummond.


FOR Infections Injuries Periods Jordan Waldron and Back pain Mitchell Wakefield of Menopause MJs Music. Stress Prostrates They are available for Anxiety hire at functions. Pregnancy 0487 521 217. Depression Childbirth Colds & Flu Children & Infants

and much more .... Elizabeth Hannah govt. registered acupuncturist. 0403 753 221 [email protected]

Kyneton Acupuncture & Allied Health 5/50 Mollison St., Kyneton

Bridge Connection March 2014 Page 9 Mapping out Mia Mia’s interesting history Finer details of a map to be By Kate Hicks Plains as surveyed by Philip published in a history of the Chauncy (the Heathcote parish, is in Greater Ben- a champagne bottle was bro- Mia Mia district were dis- street named after him has a digo. ken on the bridge and the cussed in detail during a misspelling). We have been researching all declaration was made that community meeting at Mia You can find the Chauncy things related to Mia Mia ‘henceforth the bridge will Mia on Wednesday 19 survey map online in the his- District, which is basically be known as the Redesdale March. toric maps collection at the the existing Mia Mia CFA Bridge’. One issue was naming the State Library of Victoria. area, the old parishes of As we were already using historic bridge between Red- The same map shows a hut, Spring Plains, Glenhope, icons on our map for things esdale and Mia Mia. almost where the Conforti and Langworner, also known such as the Duigan monu- Pre European settlement, the vineyard sits today; we on old maps, as Lang- ment and the bridge we de- area around Mia Mia was believe that is the hut that woornar. cided the bridge on the map split between aboriginal was known as Main's Mia This was also the South did not need a label. tribes. Mia. It was directly on the Western Riding of the old That led to another discov- Even then the relevant land stock trail followed by early McIvor Shire. ery - there were mixed re- area was on the edge of land pastoralists. Our initial research found sponses to the question of claimed by at least two The same map shows anoth- the Mia Mia bridge listed in how many loops or handles tribes. er hut labelled ‘Old Gov- both the national and state or whatever sit over the This is an interesting district. ernment Hut’. heritage databases, but the bridge. Then came the pastoralists We think that was a hut most entry included ‘also known How many do you think? who had runs covering what likely erected by one of the as the Redesdale Bridge’. The answers we got were became several districts. early run holders, later used The bridge is shown on the ‘Maybe three’, ‘Maybe With settlement came local as a police hut. Redesdale Wikipedia site five’, and ‘no idea’. government. Other writers have claimed with a link to ‘Mia Mia Next time you drive over the Land once part of the early that ‘Main's Mia Mia’ Bridge’. bridge, check it out. runs ended up in several (sometimes spelled Maine) Initially we found very little If anyone out there knows shires including Metcalfe was in what was to become about the bridge in old news- when those loops or whatev- Shire and McIvor Shire. the village of Mia Mia, but paper searches for either Mia er were raised in height, we'd These shires built the iron older writers indicate it was Mia or Redesdale Bridge un- be interested in the answer. bridge across the Campaspe more directly on the old til a reference in one set of The other contentious issue River. They shared the hon- stock route. meeting minutes referred to was exactly where did Major our, costs, and arguments, Anyone interested in the the Iron Bridge. Mitchell cross the Campaspe related to building the progress of our history book That appears to have been in 1836? bridge. can email us at miamiaso- the name used in early meet- Annette Coombe came to Records show argumentative [email protected] and we'll ings. our rescue by reminding us meetings held at the Mia Mia put you on the email list for We now have much informa- the major's line is very clear- Inn. our little quarterly newslet- tion, including that cattle ly laid out in the 1858 de- Mia Mia Inn was probably ter. were not allowed to trot over tailed parish map of Spring the nearest public meeting the bridge. place to the border between Our map will be an attractive those two shires. Maybe support for apprentices is looming graphic representation of the Then came council amalga- district showing significant The State Government has asked for a report on a pathway mations, and even now, the creeks and rivers and roads. to better understand apprentice and trainee employment pat- Mia Mia community covers We had the label ‘Mia Mia terns. Length of training, workplace experiences, size and multiple shires with the Bridge’ on our map. location of the employer, employment contract provisions, north end of Spring Plains But a Redesdale representa- employment conditions and type of industry could be con- parish in the City of Greater tive attended the meeting sidered. Apprenticeship completion rates are an issue Bendigo as is some of and made us realise that the nationally and it is expected this research will help improve Langworner. name of the bridge is quite conditions for apprentices and an increase in young people The rest of Langworner is an emotive issue for the taking up apprenticeships. under water. Redesdale community who The education and training minister said the Government All of Glenhope is now in feel that it should be called needed to ensure apprentices and trainees were supported to Mitchell Shire. ‘Redesdale Bridge’, given fulfill their training and secure long term meaningful The township of Mia Mia, that on the day it was opened employment. part of the Spring Plains

Page 10 Bridge Connection February 2014 Banksia stock Caring for the Campaspe available Angela Gladman from North Parrot and Squirrel Glider. interest in becoming in- Central Catchment Manage- The goal of the four year volved. Landcare is seeking good ment Authority will be guest project, funded by the Vic- However, for people who homes for Banksia marginata speaker at the Campaspe torian Government through have Campaspe River fron- tubestock. Valley Landcare Group the Securing Priority Water- tage and would like to find These trees have been grown meeting at 7pm in the Mia ways program is to improve out more, it is not too late. from remnant banksias in Mia Hall on Friday 4 April. the condition of riparian veg- Please contact Angela Glad- Baynton. Caring for the Campaspe etation leading to improve- man on 5440 1825 or email The group needs people to project, is the first large scale ments in the aquatic and [email protected]. plant them out and look after on ground works project to riparian ecosystem health of them in the areas of Baynton, deliver river health improve- the Campaspe River. For more information re- Sidonia, Glenhope, Benloch, ments for the Campaspe Riv- The project will work with garding Campaspe Valley Pastoria, Barfold, and Lang- er from its headwaters near both private river front land- Landcare Group, please con- ley, so they grow and share Ashbourne, to the Murray holders, public land man- tact president Phillip Don on their pollen with the remnant River at Echuca. agers, and community 5423 4182 or mrdon@west- trees and those planted in The Campaspe River con- groups to deliver fencing, or secretary previous years. tains several threatened veg- weed control, and revegeta- Barbara James on 0458 590 The plants come complete etation communities, aquatic tion incentives. 642. with guards, weed mats, life, and provides habitat for Landholders along the river Email:- mulch, a stake, and will be many terrestrial species, were given an opportunity [email protected] available in June for planting such as the threatened Swift via direct mail to express an until late August. Planters need to have a stock and pest free planting area. Campaspe Landcare are champion weeders They need to be kept free of weeds for at least two years, Free plants and good advice Residents are encouraged to are being eradicated from either by spraying, suppress- were drawcards for Campa- identify and report the weed roadsides in the area. ing, cutting, or pulling, and spe Valley Landcare Group to the group so that mapping Contact with the Campaspe watered fortnightly if the at the annual Redesdale and support is continued. Landcare Group is through summer is dry and hot. Bush Market held on Sunday Funding has been received secretary Barbara James on Orders can be made with 9 March. from grants to target other 0458 590 642, or president Clare on 5423 4 152. Campaspe Landcare has a weeds such as gorse, which Phillip Don, on 5432 4182. serious focus on the eradica- Myna bird tion of Texas Needle Grass. The group is mapping the in- trapping vasive weed and informing KYNETON TRAVEL Campaspe landcare is tar- landholders about identifica- Jim and Nancye Peucker geting Indian Myna birds. tion and control. 20 High Street Members have trapped and Workshops have been held Kyneton, Vic 3444 for landcare members and euthanased several of the Tel 03 5422 1777 pests. The group is working residents with the help of Mt with another group in the Alexander Shire and Caring Email: [email protected] Macedon Ranges which for Country support. Licence No30393 supplies traps and coordi- The group is targeting the nates the trapping and erad- weed and is hoping to gain ication of the birds. funding for eradication after mapping its spread. Please send news items about community groups to The editor Bridge Connection 453 Bourke Road, Katamatite 3649 email: [email protected]

0417 567 741

Bridge Connection February 2014 Page 11 Busy time at Buffalo Buffalo Sports Stadium in phone 5427 3411 or buffa- kilometres, with the run ings from 11am to noon. Woodend needs more [email protected] 15 kilometres. Registration is with Zum- teams for its Mixed Vol- The Rotary Club of This will be on Sunday 4 ba Instructor, Karen Fran- leyball Competition and Gisborne is coordinating May at Macedon Com- cis, on 0432 807 682. Tuesday night ladies net- the 2014 Great Macedon munity Centre, Waterfalls Signature Cheer and ball competition. Challenge Ride/Run over Road, Macedon. Dance Studio are offering For more information, 70 kilometres and 116 Further information is cheerleading and dance available from Barry classes in Macedon and Wills on 0408 284 510 or New Gisborne. Our cheer- leading teams are looking u. Macedon Ranges for more members so we Basket-ball Association can compete in competi- capped off a terrific sum- tions from July 2014. mer season with its Grand Cheerleading classes and Final Day for Sunday 23 teams are available for March at Buffalo Stadium. children five to 18 years Registrations are now old. Call or text Amy available online for the Citroen on 0417751868 or Winter Season which runs visit www.signaturecheer- across Term 2 and Term 3. Competitions (including Strength for Health is a training for all junior lev- progressive strength train- els) are available in ing program designed Woodend for boys and specifically for older ad- girls from Under 10s right ults, with classes on Tues- through to senior levels. days from 1pm to 2pm Visit macedonrangesbas- and Fridays from 9.30am for more to 10.30am. information. Zumba class- Fees are $60 for a 10 pass es will be held at the card or $118 for a 20 pass Macedon Community card. Centre on Wednesdays Please tell your friends to from 10am -11am. Zumba come along and enjoy the classes are also held at benefits of regular exer- Buffalo Sports Stadium on cise with our experienced Monday and Thursday instructors who offer an evenings from 7.30 to individual exercise pro- 8.30pm and Friday morn- gram.

Page 12 Bridge Connection February 2014 Diary Dates Editorial To Sunday 1 June. Red Poppies Display in the Bendigo Library. Friday 4 April. Dyslexia Support Group. 9am at Ethic Cafe, Anzac Day thoughts Woodend. Marg 0409 550 238. Sunday 6 April. The horrible battle on the Gallipoli Peninsula 99 years ago impacted on Daylight saving ends. two nations in a terrible way, but despite the tragic losses, both nations Thursday 10 April. in those few months forged their place in the world. The fledgling 10.30am. Coffee morning at Redesdale shop. Australian nation came of age by setting its own tradition, win or lose, Friday 18 April. and the loosely political Turkey, led eventually by Gallipoli veteran Good Friday. Kemal Ataturk who became president, to unify and build the Turkish Sunday 27 April. nation. The war shall never be forgotten by either nation. Ataturk left a 1pm to 5pm. Afternoon tea dance. Redesdale Hall. moving message on a large stone in the Gallipoli Memorial grounds: Enquiries to Gloria on 5425 3123. Monday 28 April. “Those heroes that shed blood and lost their lives . . . . you are now Registrations close for Rural Businesswomen lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There Conference, Beechworth. is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us, where Friday 2 May. they lie side by side in this country of ours . . . . you, the mothers who Dyslexia Support Group. 9am at Ethic Cafe, sent their sons from far away countries, wipe away your tears. Your Woodend. Marg 0409 550 238. sons are now lying in our bosom and are at peace. After having lost Saturday 3 May. their lives on this land, they have become our sons as well.” 6pm. Redesdale community barbecue. RSVP by Wednesday 30 April to Carolyn on 5425 3194. Tuesdays 5, 12 August. Sunday and Monday 4 and 5 May. Macedon Ranges youth mental health training. Rural Businesswomen Conference, Beechworth. Gisborne Council office. 6pm. Monday 5 May. Rainfall Thursday 14 August. Japanese Children’s Day. 10.30am. Coffee morning at Redesdale shop. Thursday 8 May. Friday 29 August to Sunday 31 August:- Mia Mia 10.30am. Coffee morning at Redesdale shop. Heathcote Film Festival. Thursdays 15, 22, 29 May. Sunday 14 September. 2013 538.00 Macedon Ranges youth mental health training. 1pm to 5pm. Afternoon tea dance. Redesdale Hall. Jan 0 0 Sacred Heart College, Kyneton. 6pm. Enquiries to Gloria on 5425 3123. Feb 63.5 63.5 Mar 24.5 88.0 Friday 30 May. Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 October:- April 5.0 93.0 Applications for Ian Morton Memorial Scholar- Wine and and Food Festival Weekend Heathcote. ship close. Alana 5448 2600. May 63.0 156.0 Friday 5 September. June 32.0 188.0 Thursday 5 June. Dyslexia Support Group. 9am at Ethic Cafe, July 78.5 266.5 Macedon Ranges youth mental health training. Woodend. Marg 0409 550 238. Aug 88.0 354.5 Sacred Heart College, Kyneton. 6pm. Thursday 11 September. Sept 83.5 438.0 Friday 6 June. 10.30am. Coffee morning at Redesdale shop. Oct 40.5 478.5 Dyslexia Support Group. 9am at Ethic Cafe, Thursday 9 October. Nov 38.5 517.0 Woodend. Marg 0409 550 238. 10.30am. Coffee morning at Redesdale shop. Dec 21.00 538.0 Saturday 7 to Monday 9 June:- Saturday 11 October. 2014 Queen’s Birthday Weekend. Mia Mia opera. Jan 8.00 8.00 Thursday 12 June. Sunday 12 October. Feb 1.00 9.00 10.30am. Coffee morning at Redesdale shop. Mia Mis opera - matinee. Saturday 21 June. Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 October. Redesdale Winter Solstice. Macedon Ranges youth mental health train- 2013 514.9 Monday 30 June to Sunday 6 July. ing. Lancefield Neighbourhood House. 9am. Jan 0 0 World Open Snooker Championships, Bendigo. Thursday 30 October. Feb 54.0 54.0 Friday 4 July. American independence Day. Mia Mia Flower Show. Mar 28.5 82.5 Friday 4 July. Tuesdays 11, 18, 25 November. April 4.7 87.2 May 24.3 111.5 Dyslexia Support Group. 9am at Ethic Cafe, Macedon Ranges youth mental health train- Woodend. Marg 0409 550 238. June 65.0 176.5 Thursday 10 July. ing. Victoria Hotel, Woodend 6pm. July 63.0 239.5 10.30am. Coffee morning at Redesdale shop. Thursday 13 November. Aug 94.0 333.5 Tuesdays 22, 29 July. 10.30am. Coffee morning at Redesdale shop. Sept 79.0 412.5 Macedon Ranges youth mental health training. November. Oct 32.9 455.4 Gisborne Council office. 6pm. State election. Nov 50.5 505.9 Dec 9.00 514.9 Friday 1 August. Tuesday 2 December. 2014 Dyslexia Support Group. 9am at Ethic Cafe, Macedon Ranges youth mental health train- ing. Victoria Hotel, Woodend 6pm. Jan 1.00 1.00 Woodend. Marg 0409 550 238. Feb

Bridge Connection March 2014 Page 13 The ‘Redesdale’ Bridge Redesdale is situated about midway Council’s insistence on insurance for between Heathcote and Kyneton. A name annointed their bridge. The Redesdale Bridge crosses the Cam- in champagne Messrs Ingles and Gresham were suc- paspe River, which is the boundary be- opened and lowest for the design B iron cessful in raising the sunken bridge and tween the , and the bridge, a cheaper version than design transported it to Sandridge. Shire of McIvor. A, was seriously considered until the They negotiated with the government A series of conferences between the for its purchase. The sale might have been made for 6000 pounds, $12,000, except for an unfortunate offer being made by the firm to the inspector general of public works, Mr T Higginbotham, of a 2.5 per cent commission for the transaction. This indiscretion led to breaking off the negotiation, to a correspondence being laid before parliament, and Ingles and Gresham’s removal from the list of government contractors. The bridge was then bought by Langlands and Company for 2000 pounds, $4000, but the venture did not prove profitable, because they sold the 200 ton portion now at Redesale for 1000 pounds, $2000. The remaining section was sold for the The Redesdale Bridge, on the Heathcote to Kyneton Road, price of old iron. where it cosses the Campaspe River. Immersion in the sea caused severe two shires concerning the proposed tenderers, Messrs Kelly and Drake, rusting and a battle ensued between the bridge, began on Thursday 23 August declined to comply with the deposit councils and Langlands over who 1866. requirements. would pay for the scraping and paint- Building the bridge was a joint venture The next lowest tenderer, Mr Thomas ing. between the two shires and as with Doran, about 300 pounds, $600 higher Langlands offered 30 pounds, $60, many partnerships, differences of opin- at 3585 pounds, $7170 was then called, towards an estimated cost of 200 ion arose about the site and the type of and after satisfactoy assurances, the pounds, $400, which was finally structure. contract was awarded. accepted. Conferences about the project were McIvor councillor Morris and Mr The girders were transported to held in the Mia Mia Hotel, so it may be Muntz were appointed to proceed to Redesdale by bullock dray, where they imagined that at the end of business, to negotiate terms for the were scraped and oiled on site, and after a brief adjournment, a cordial rela- purchase of the iron bridge and arrange erected with the aid of a temporary tionship would prevail. for its defects to be remedied. wooden bridge. Engineer Strong of McIvor and engi- It is here that is seen another case of a Originally intended to be completed by neer Muntz of Metcalfe both submitted bridge coming to rest where it was not April 1867, work on the bridge dragged designs for a timber bridge. intended. on interminably because of difficulty It was decided to submit the plans to the The bridge has had an eventful history. obtaining the correct rivets. engineer in chief in Melbourne for his The most accepted version is that it Technical adviser with the Railways selection. formed portion of a bridge weighing Department, Mr Ford, recommended It was also decided to award a bonus of 350 tons intended to be placed across three overhead transverse ties instead forty pounds, $80, to the successful the Yarra River at Hawthorn, costing of the two planned, in order to provide planner. 10,000 pounds, $20,000, including more strength. The stone masons Considerable progress had been made cranes for erection.The vessel in which pressed on with the abutments and fin- behind the scenes as Mr Muntz pro- the bridge was to be shipped, The ished that section of the job well in duced plans of a timber bridge and two Herald of The Morning, caught fire in advance of the iron work. Finally the of an iron girder bridge marked respec- Hobsons Bay before its cargo was dis- great day arrived for the official open- tively A and B. charged and consequently scuttled. ing on Thursday 23 January 1868. Tenders from four contractors were This was a probable cause for Keilor To page 15.

Page 14 Bridge Connection February 2014 Champagne toast on the birth of a district icon From page 14. The principal portion of the side of the abutment. and danced upon, 146 years Mayors and presidents of company then left, but anoth- Many huge loads of wool ago. neighbouring and surround- er assemblage began to ar- and firewood have passed ing districts, accompanied by rive and a ball took place on over the bridge carried by Sutton Grange Hall their ladies, and many other the bridge, which went on to road trains usually consisting visitors, attended the func- the early hours. of a traction engine, two community activities tion. Although acclaimed by local wagons, and fuel carts. Notable by their absence residents the bridge was not Modest bluestone abutments were representatives from so well regarded in some support three iron lattice April. Malmsbury. parts of the Mcivor Shire, de- double web girders in a sin- Sunday 20. Shortly after 2pm, the Mc- rided as a waste of money gle span, between which 10am. Easter egg hunt. Ivor Shire president intro- and a future white elephant. passes a narrow two lane Friday 25. duced Mrs JB Morris, who, Time, however, proved the roadway. 11am. Anzac Day in a very ladylike and appro- bridge supporters to be right Overhead, three pairs of iron priate manner broke a bottle because it was a boon to trav- arches provide transverse memorial service and of champagne over the iron ellers during the early days stability, and viewed from morning tea. ribs of the bridge, declaring it and its solid costruction has directly in front, suggest a May. to be duly opened, and to be withstood the strains of mod- spider like appearance to the known in future as ‘The ern traffic. structure. Wednesday 14. Redesdale Bridge’. Its width is restrictive, but its The inner faces of stone in 1pm Cottee afternoon. The company then sat down record of safety is good, in the abutment pillars are Admission $5. Many to enjoy the good things pro- spite of the awkward appr- dressed and finely picked. prizes. vided by host Gillam of the oaches. The wooden decking has Saturday 31. Black Hill Hotel. One fatality occurred on the been replaced and the iron- 6pm. Trivia night. Toasts were many and var- bridge when a two horse work repainted several times, ied, with no worthwhile org- buggy driven by Mia Mia the approaches widened, and June anisation neglected. resident, Mrs Russell, bolted the traffic speed increased, 7pm. Saturday 14. Proceedings terminated by down the hill. but the scene is still much as Redesdale Revellors. toasting the chairman and This resulted in tragedy it was when the bridge was vice chairman. when the horses went either annointed with champagne July. Saturday 26. 6pm. Carpet bowls and Crisis care for horses table tennis. Macedon Ranges Council Group to help develop fire been formed out of a new August. has established an Emer- ready information for horse equine industry network, Friday 29. gency Management Task owners and horse proper- the Ranges Equine Industry 8pm. Church gala night. ties. Network (REIN) in partner- Saturday 30. Kittens are Part of the task group’s role ship with members of the 6pm. Movie night. will be to identify refuges equine community. September. looking for a for horses in the event of REIN. represents a broad fire. The council is also urg- cross section of the equine Sunday 14. home ing people to make their industry, including large Historical bus tour of Cat lovers can adopt a feline own private arrangements and small businesses, clubs region. friend through Macedon and look at relocating hors- and riders. October. Council’s cat pound and es to safer areas on days of People who would like reg- Saturday 25. shelter, operating at Tony’s high fire danger. ular updates about equine 6pm. Carpet bowls and Practice Veterinary Centre The Emergency Manage- activities in the Macedon table tennis. in Woodend. The Council ment Task Group is one of Ranges, are invited to con- and Tony’s Practice are many appointed to work tact Leanne Davey, Econ- December. working in partnership to with the council to deliver omic Development and Sunday 7. 6pm. Christmas find homes for a range of some of the actions in the Tourism Department on tea. Details about BYO desexed, vaccinated, mi- Equine Strategy. 5421 9617 or email meals from Natalie 0419 crochipped, wormed, and These task groups have [email protected] 799 987 or Jenny 0427 931. vet checked cats.

Bridge Connection March 2014 Page 15 Lancefield market Baynton Sidonia lunch Landcare seminars Lancefield and District Far- mers' Market will hold a Baynton Sidonia Landcare (BSL) will offer about Aboriginal life in this area. Sunday lunch in the Mech- lectures on native bees and the important Towards the end of the year, the group will anics Institute, High Street, honey bee. arrange tours of successful revegetation Lancefield, presented by the During July, BSL will work with the Kyne- projects. spice man, Pieter Siebel, of ton Woodland Project, to have a workshop The seminars will be funded by Victorian Pete's Travelling Pans, the on platypuses and koalas. Landcare grants, from the Kyneton Wood- 'curry man', on Sunday 13 Aboriginal cultural workshops will be held land project, and from our own Landcare April from 1pm to 4pm. in August, in response to strong demand. funds. Each seminar at the Baynton Hall Pete's Sri Lankan heritage Stone tool making, story telling, and basket will include a meal with time for socialis- will be showcased in an weaving will be followed by an evening talk ing. authentic Sri Lankan buffet, over a shared table in the Gisborne Aquathon wonderful old Mechanics Hall supper room. The Gisborne Aquathon will “If you are a runner but not a winners will receive $150 Pete will share his culinary be held on Sunday 13 April. great swimmer or vice versa, cash, while the male and skills as well as stories from Gisborne Aquatic Centre you can enter as part of a female short course winners his homeland. manager Paul Ross said team to tackle the swim and will receive $75. Lots of spot Tickets are strictly limited whether you are looking to run sections of the race,” prizes up for grabs for all to 24 people, $45 each, get fit or knock out the com- Paul said. participants, including vou- BYO drinks. petition, now is the time to The mini course is suitable chers from local businesses. Bookings on 0407 860 320. be in training for the big day. for any age group and first Further information about timers, consisting of a 500 training and participation is metre run, followed by a 50 available from Paul Ross at Healthy active people metre swim. the Gisborne Aquatic Centre Paul said the short course on 5421 1452. Macedon Ranges Council’s weight related health issues included a three kilometre Healthy Active people pro- and disease by in-creasing run and 300 metre swim. gram will celebrate its suc- participation in physical Feistier participants can Please send news items cess with a healthy lunch in activity and promoting enjoy the long course of a six about community groups the Kyneton Mechanics In- healthy eating. kilometre run and 600 metre to stitute on Tuesday 8 April. It was funded by the Aus- swim. Cooking activities and give- tralian Government through Both short and long courses The editor aways will be a feature of he the National Partnership on are completed in age cate- Bridge Connection luncheon afternoon. Preventative Health and gories. Team entries will be 453 Bourke Road, The program ends in April began in September 2011. accepted for these courses Katamatite 3649 after 73 programs and activ- Everyone is welcome, but only. Gisborne Mitre 10 is or ities which have helped resi- RSVP by Friday 4 April to the official sponsor of the email: dents live healthier life- 5422 0206 or healthy- event and have provided [email protected] styles. [email protected]. $450 in cash prizes. The first The program has tackled au. male and female long course 0417 567 741

Page 16 Bridge Connection March 2014