City of Greater Bendigo Heritage Study Stage 2 FORMER SHIRES of MCIVOR and STRATHFIELDSAYE

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City of Greater Bendigo Heritage Study Stage 2 FORMER SHIRES of MCIVOR and STRATHFIELDSAYE City of Greater Bendigo Heritage Study Stage 2 FORMER SHIRES OF MCIVOR AND STRATHFIELDSAYE Volume 1 Key Findings and Recommendations Final Report October 2009 Prepared for City of Greater Bendigo The Stage 2 Former Shires of McIvor and Strathfieldsaye Heritage Study was carried out with the assistance of funds made available by the Victorian State Government. Context Pty Ltd 2009 Project Team: Louise Honman, Senior Consultant David Helms, Senior Consultant Emma Hewitt, Consultant Natica Schmeder, Consultant Sue Hughes, Consultant Lydia Lange, Project Support Report Register This report register documents the development and issue of the report entitled City of Greater Bendigo Heritage Study Stage 2: Former Shires of McIvor & Strathfieldsaye. Volume 1 Key Findings and Recommendations undertaken by Context Pty Ltd in accordance with our internal quality management system. Project Issue Notes/description Issue date Issued to No. No. 1199 3 Final 2 May 2009 Prue Hawkey Context Pty Ltd 22 Merri Street, Brunswick 3056 Phone 03 9380 6933 Facsimile 03 9380 4066 Email [email protected] ii CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY VI Introduction vi Purpose vi Background vi Methodology vi Key findings and recommendations vii Adoption of Study vii Implementation of Study viii Further work ix Fig.1 Study Area x 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Background 1 1.3 Study outcomes 2 2 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Project Management Plan 3 2.3 Assessment and documentation of places of potential significance 4 Prioritisation of places 4 Fieldwork 5 Assessment and documentation 5 HERMES heritage database 6 Establishing thresholds for local significance 6 2.4 Review of thematic environmental history 8 2.5 Review of planning controls and policy 8 2.6 Study constraints 8 3 REVIEW OF THE THEMATIC ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY 9 3.1 Introduction 9 3.2 Key themes for the former shires of McIvor and Strathfieldsaye 9 Migrating to the district 9 Mining the district 10 Farming the district 10 Developing the district 11 The coming of the railway 11 Water supply 12 Wine, vineyards and cellars 12 Religion and division 12 iii Hotels in the district 13 3.3 Conclusions 13 4 KEY FINDINGS 14 4.1 Introduction 14 4.2 Summary 14 4.3 Heritage places and precincts 15 Local significance 15 State significance 16 Post-contact archaeological places 16 Places of no significance 16 4.4 Planning controls and policy 17 Municipal Strategic Statement 17 Local policy 17 4.5 Places requiring further assessment 18 5 RECOMMENDATIONS 20 5.1 Introduction 20 5.2 Adoption of Study 20 5.3 Implementation of Study 20 Planning scheme amendment 20 Victorian Heritage Register 21 Post-contact archaeological places 21 5.4 Further work 21 REFERENCES 23 Primary Sources 23 Secondary Sources 23 Websites 25 APPENDIX A – PLACES ASSESSED BY STUDY 26 A.1 Local significance – places recommended for Heritage Overlay 26 A.1.1 Individual places (including those in precincts) 26 A.1.2 Precincts 30 A.1.3 Already on HO 31 A.1.4 Already on HO (Insufficient information for citations) 33 A.1.5 Removal from HO 33 A.2 State significance 33 A.2.1 Places Recommended for VHR 33 A.2.2 Places Recommended for removal from VHR 33 A.3 Archaeological significance and recommended for the VHI 33 A3.1 Places recorded 33 A.3.2 Already on VHI 35 A.4 No action 37 iv A.4.1 Not Found (presumed demolished) 37 A.4.2 Further site visit required 37 APPENDIX B – MAPS (FOR PRECINCTS) 38 B.1 Heathcote Precinct 38 B.2 Costerfield Precinct 41 APPENDIX C 43 Glossary 43 APPENDIX D 45 Hercon Criteria 45 APPENDIX E – CHANGES TO THE LPPF 46 Municipal Strategic Statement Cl. 21.08 46 Heritage Local Policy Cl. 22.06 46 APPENDIX F – PERMIT EXEMPTION INCORPORATED PLAN – FORMER SHIRES OF MCIVOR AND STRATHFIELDSAYE 47 1 Application 47 2 Definitions 47 3 Statements of Significance 47 4 Properties within precincts 50 5 Precinct maps 54 6 No Planning Permit Required 56 6.1 Heritage precincts 56 6.2 Individual places in the Residential 1 Zone, Township Zone or Low Density Residential Zone 57 6.3 Individual places in rural zones 58 APPENDIX G – MAPS FOR THOSE PROPERTIES WHOSE EXTENT OF REGISTRATION IS PROPOSED AS BEING DEFINED BY A MAP 60 APPENDIX H - PROJECT BRIEF 61 APPENDIX I - CITY OF GREATER BENDIGO HERITAGE RESTORATION ASSISTANCE SCHEME INFORMATION 62 v CITY OF GREATER BENDIGO HERITAGE STUDY STAGE 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Purpose City of Greater Bendigo’s commitment to the protection of heritage is clearly identified in their Bendigo +25 Community Plan, District Plans, Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) and Council Plan (2009/13). The City of Greater Bendigo (CoGB) commissioned Context Pty Ltd to complete the Greater Bendigo Heritage Study Stage 2: Former Shires of McIvor and Strathfieldsaye (the Study). The key objective of the Study is to identify places that reflect important aspects of the municipality’s history and that are valued by the local community. This report comprises Volume 1 of the Study and sets out the key findings and recommendations. Volume 2 of the Study comprises the citations for each place, precinct and post-contact archaeological place of local or State significance assessed by the Study. These citations are derived from HERMES, the Heritage Victoria heritage database. Background The Heathcote – Strathfieldsaye Heritage Study was completed by Dr. J. Penney, D. Bick and O. Moles for Earth Tech Engineering Pty Ltd in September 2002. It included a thematic environmental history and also identified 325 places of potential post contact cultural significance within the study area. After securing funding from Heritage Victoria, the City of Greater Bendigo commenced Stage 2 of the Study in June 2007 and some preliminary assessment had been carried out prior to Context taking over the project in December 2007. The partially completed study by CoGB by then had identified a total of 639 places of potential significance. The Stage 2 Former Shires of McIvor and Strathfieldsaye Heritage Study was carried out with the assistance of funds made available by the Victorian State Government. An initial task undertaken by Context in February 2008 was a scoping review of all 639 places of potential to determine priorities. As a result, a more concise shortlist of 275 places of potential significance for assessment in Stage 2 was formulated. Methodology The methodology for the Study followed the guidelines for heritage studies set out in the standard Heritage Victoria brief, as follows. The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Heritage Significance (the Burra Charter) and its guidelines was the basis of the approach for the Study. Places of cultural heritage significance were identified and assessed using the HERCON criteria. The HERCON criteria are listed in Appendix D. The thresholds applied in the application of significance include State significance and local significance. Local significance ‘includes those places that are important to a particular community or locality’. The Victorian Framework of Historical Themes developed by Heritage Victoria were used and reference was made to the Guidelines for Thematic Environmental Histories. vi FORMER SHIRES OF MCIVOR AND STRATHFIELDSAYE Key findings and recommendations Table 1.1 provides a summary of the key findings and recommendations of the Study in relation to the 639 places of potential significance. Table 1.1 – Summary of key findings Assessment finding Comments Total Local significance – Individual places Recommended for Heritage Overlay (HO). 114 (Appendix A.1.1) See Section 5.3 Local significance - Precincts Recommended for HO. See Section 5.3 2 (Appendix 1.2) State significance – Individual places Recommended for nomination to the Victorian 2 (Appendix A.2.1) Heritage Register (VHR). See Section 5.3 Local significance – Individual places Recommended for removal from the VHR. 1 (Appendix A.2.2) See Section 5.3 Post-contact archaeological places Recorded in Hermes. Recommended for 20 (Appendix A.3.1) nomination to the Victorian Heritage Inventory (VH1) Not significant – demolished places Recorded in Hermes. No further action 2 (Appendix A.4.1) Already in HO and VHR Citations have been prepared to support existing 31 (Appendix A.1.3) HO listing. Already in HO/VHI Insufficient information for citations to be 5 (Appendix A1.4) prepared Already on VHI No further action 42 (Appendix A.1.5) Contributory buildings in precincts Recommended for inclusion within proposed 67 (Appendices B1, B2) precincts. Not significant No further action 352 Further site visit required 1 TOTAL 639 The following additional recommendations are made in order to implement the key findings of the Study. Adoption of Study It is recommended that City of Greater Bendigo formally adopts the City of Greater Bendigo Heritage Study Stage 2: Former Shires of McIvor and Strathfieldsaye, which comprises: Volume 1 – Key findings and recommendations (this report) Volume 2 – Heritage place and precinct citations vii CITY OF GREATER BENDIGO HERITAGE STUDY STAGE 2 Implementation of Study Planning scheme amendment It recommended that the City of Greater Bendigo implements the findings of this Study by preparing an amendment to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme that will: Add the places assessed as being of local significance listed in Appendix A.1.1 as individual places to the Heritage Overlay (HO) of the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme with the schedule entries shown in HERMES Add Heathcote and Costerfield precincts assessed as being of local significance as individual places to the HO of the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme. Correct the name and address of HO558 in the Schedule to: 20 Pentlands Road, Mandurang (Lot 1 TP849724, Cnr Pentlands and Hollidays Road) Uniting Church (Former Bible Christian Church) Correct the mapping of the Heritage Overlay (HO665) for the former Strathfieldsaye Town Hall at 838 Strathfieldsaye Road, Strathfieldsaye, now shown at 858 Strathfieldsaye Road.
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