Attachment 4




Acknowledgement of Country

The is on both Dja Dja Wurrung and Taungurung Country, whose ancestors and their descendants are the traditional owners of this Country.

We acknowledge that they have been custodians for many centuries and continue to perform age old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal. We acknowledge their living culture and their unique role in the life of this region.

Contact: City of Greater Bendigo 195 Lyttleton Terrace Bendigo Vic 3550 Telephone: (03) 5434 6000 Website:



CONTENTS ...... 3

TABLES ...... 6




Population ...... 11

Population Forecasts ...... 11

Analysis ...... 13


Age Structure ...... 14

Analysis ...... 15


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population ...... 16

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suburb Population ...... 16

Analysis ...... 17


Place of Birth ...... 18

Language Spoken at Home ...... 19

Analysis ...... 20


Disadvantage in Greater Bendigo ...... 21

Analysis ...... 22


Population aged 12 to 24 Years ...... 23

Population aged 12 to 17 Years and Gender ...... 23

Population aged 18 to 24 years and Gender ...... 24

Population of 12 to 24 year olds in Suburbs ...... 24

Population of 12 to 17 year olds in Suburbs ...... 26

Population of 18 to 24 year olds in Suburbs ...... 27 3

Analysis ...... 28


Indigenous Population aged 12 to 24 Years ...... 29

Employment Status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged 15 to 24 Years ...... 29

Analysis ...... 29


Birthplace of 12 to 17 year olds ...... 30

Birthplace of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 31

Language spoken at home by 12 to 17 year olds ...... 32

Language spoken at home by 18 to 24 year olds ...... 33

Analysis ...... 34


Population Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds - 2016 to 2026 ...... 35

Population Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds - 2016 to 2036 ...... 36

Population Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds - 2016 to 2026 ...... 37

Population Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds - 2016 to 2036 ...... 38

Population Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds - 2016 to 2026 ...... 39

Population Forecasts of 18 to 24 years olds - 2016 to 2036 ...... 40

Analysis ...... 41


Young People aged 12 to 17 attending an Educational Institution ...... 42

Young People aged 18 to 24 attending an Educational Institution ...... 42

Highest Qualification of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 43

Analysis ...... 44


Youth Unemployment ...... 45

Youth Disengagement ...... 46

Analysis ...... 47


Household Type of 12 to 17 year olds ...... 48


Household Type of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 48

Household Tenure of 12 to 17 year olds ...... 49

Household Tenure of 18 to 24 years olds ...... 50

Household Income of 12 to 17 year olds...... 51

Household Income of 18 to 24 year olds...... 52

Household Internet Connections of 12 to 17 year olds ...... 53

Household Internet Connections of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 53

Analysis ...... 54


Disabilities by age in Greater Bendigo ...... 55

Disability Forecasts for Greater Bendigo ...... 56

Analysis ...... 56


Rural Population of 12 to 24 year olds ...... 57

Rural Population of 12 to 17 year olds ...... 57

Rural Population of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 58

Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2026 ...... 58

Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2036 ...... 59

Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2026 ...... 59

Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2036 ...... 60

Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2026 ...... 60

Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2036 ...... 61

Analysis ...... 61

REFERENCES ...... 62



Table 1: Population in Greater Bendigo ...... 11

Table 2: Population Growth from 2011 to 2016 ...... 11

Table 3: Population Forecasts until 2036 ...... 12

Table 4: Suburb Population Forecasts until 2036 ...... 13

Table 5: Age Structure of Greater Bendigo ...... 15

Table 6: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population ...... 16

Table 7: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population in Suburbs ...... 17

Table 8: Place of Birth - Summary ...... 18

Table 9: Place of Birth – Ranked by Size ...... 19

Table 10: Language Spoken at Home ...... 20

Table 11: Relative Disadvantage in Greater Bendigo ...... 22

Table 12: Population of 12 to 24 year olds ...... 23

Table 13: Population of 12 to 17 year olds and gender ...... 24

Table 14: Population of 18 to 24 year olds and gender ...... 24

Table 15: Population of 12 to 24 year olds by Suburb ...... 25

Table 16: Population of 12 to 24 year olds by Suburb – 2006 to 2011...... 26

Table 17: Population of 12 to 17 year olds by Suburb ...... 27

Table 18: Population of 18 to 24 year olds by Suburb ...... 28

Table 19: Young people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Origin ...... 29

Table 20: Young people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Origin and Employment...... 29

Table 21: Birthplace of 12 to 17 year olds - Summary ...... 30

Table 22: Birthplace of 12 to 17 year olds – Ranked by Size ...... 31

Table 23: Birthplace of 18 to 24 year olds - Summary ...... 31

Table 24: Birthplace of 18 to 24 year olds – Ranked by Size ...... 32

Table 25: Language spoken at home by 12 to 17 year olds ...... 33

Table 26: Language spoken at home by 18 to 24 year olds ...... 34

Table 27: Population forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds – 2016 to 2026 ...... 35

Table 28: Population forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds – 2016 to 2036 ...... 36

Table 29: Population Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds – 2016 to 2026 ...... 37

Table 30: Population forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds – 2016 to 2036 ...... 38

Table 31: Population forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds – 2016 to 2026 ...... 39


Table 32: Population forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds – 2016 to 2036 ...... 40

Table 33: Young people aged 12 to 17 attending an education institution ...... 42

Table 34: Young people aged 18 to 24 attending an education institution ...... 43

Table 35: Highest qualification of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 44

Table 36: Youth Unemployment in 2011 ...... 45

Table 37: Current Youth Unemployment ...... 46

Table 38: Disengaged Youth in 2011 ...... 47

Table 39: Household Type of 12 to 17 year olds ...... 48

Table 40: Household type of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 49

Table 41: Household tenure of 12 to 17 year olds ...... 50

Table 42: Household tenure of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 51

Table 43: Household income quartiles of 12 to 17 year olds ...... 52

Table 44: Household income quartiles of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 52

Table 45: Internet connection of 12 to 17 year olds ...... 53

Table 46: Internet connection of 18 to 24 year olds ...... 54

Table 47: Young people in need of assistance because of disability ...... 55

Table 48: Disability by age group ...... 56

Table 49: Forecasts of young people with a disability ...... 56

Table 50: Young people aged 12 to 24 in Rural Areas ...... 57

Table 51: Young people aged 12 to 17 in Rural Areas ...... 57

Table 52: Young people aged 18 to 24 in Rural Areas ...... 58

Table 53: Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas until 2026 ...... 58

Table 54: Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas until 2036 ...... 59

Table 55: Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds in Rural Areas – 2016 to 2026 ...... 59

Table 56: Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds in Rural Areas – 2016 to 2036 ...... 60

Table 57: Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas – 2016 to 2026 ...... 60

Table 58: Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas – 2016 to 2036 ...... 61



Welcome to the City of Greater Bendigo’s Demographic Profile of Young People prepared to inform the development of the City’s new Youth Strategy: “Explore, Engage, Empower: Young People in Greater Bendigo 2017 to 2021”.

The four year Greater Bendigo Youth Strategy (2017 - 2021) has been developed with a focus on the needs of young people aged from 12 to 24 years of age. This age range is in accordance with the Victorian Government Youth Policy “Building Stronger Youth Engagement in Victoria” and the most recent Commonwealth Government Youth Policy from 2010 titled the “National Strategy for Young Australians”.1

The Demographic Profile is a key element in an evidence base to inform the development of a new Youth Strategy. The other reports comprising the evidence base are the Youth Issues Profile, Review of Plans, Policies and Reports, Community Engagement Report, Service Mapping Report, COG (45 Mundy Street Facility) Vision and Strategy Plan and Benchmarking Report providing a comparison to two other local governments.

In particular, the Demographic Profile of young people presents and analyses Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing data and other data to inform the City about key population issues and trends. Population data and trends are a crucial tool to assist the City, youth agencies, and the State government in planning for the provision of future infrastructure and services for young people.

Data presented in this Profile (is where possible) presented with comparisons to regional Victorian (an average of all non-metropolitan Melbourne Victoria) and Victorian data to broaden the analysis. All data presented is where appropriate based on usual residents (residents whom usually live in Greater Bendigo) or estimated residential population (the official Australian Bureau of Statistics estimate of residents in Greater Bendigo).2

The Demographic Profile presents data on current and projected population growth in the City, with a particular focus on the 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 years age groups. When analysed, these data sets identify the numbers of young people in each suburban area, the projected population until 2036, place of birth, language spoken at home, young people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage, disadvantage, attendance at educational institutions, qualifications, unemployment and disengagement, household profiles, young people with disabilities and rural young people.

The Demographic Profile aims to provide data, trends and analysis that enables the City to continue in its role to plan, lead, and advocate on behalf of local young people, and assist agencies and services to plan their services and prepare effective funding submissions. The Demographic Profile will be updated upon the release of 2016 Census Data in the second half of 2017.

1 Victorian Government, Department of Health & Human Services, Building Stronger Youth Engagement in Victoria, 2016 & Commonwealth of , National Strategy for Young Australians, 2010. 2 Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo Community Profile: 8


Young People in Greater Bendigo This demographic snapshot provides a summary of the key indicators relating to young people in Greater Bendigo. This includes current population, projected population, young people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage, place of birth, language spoken at home, young people with disabilities, education, employment, household profiles, and levels of disadvantage. Data for this profile has been sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing, Profile id Consulting and other Government Departments. Population of young people  Young people aged 12 to 24 years account for 18.2% of the Greater Bendigo community or 18,315 residents, compared to 17.2% in Victoria.  There are 8,290 12 to 17 year olds and 10,025 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo, representing 8.2% and 10% of the community respectively.  The areas with the most 12 to 24 year olds are Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully with 2,294 (24.4% of the population), Kennington with 1,246 (21.4%), and Bendigo with 1,138 (19.8%).  Forecasts predict that by 2036 there will be 25,890 12 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo or 16.9% of the projected overall population of 156,151.  The areas projected to experience the highest growth in young people by 2036 are Huntly (+225.8%), Strathfieldsaye (+120.3%), Maiden Gully (+101.3%), and - Rural West (+101.2%).  The areas projected to have the highest number of young people in 2036 are Flora Hill – Quarry Hill – Spring Gully – Golden Gully with 2,607 young people (25.3% of the population), Strathfieldsaye with 2,044 (15.4%), and Kangaroo Flat – Big Hill with 1,920 (14.3%).  15% of young people or 2,750 lived in rural areas. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people  2.2% of 12 to 24 year olds identify as either Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (404 residents) compared to 1.4% of the total population in Greater Bendigo. Place of birth  The majority of young people in Greater Bendigo were born in Australia - with 93.5% of 12 to 17 year olds born in Australia compared to 84.8% in Victoria, and 91.1% of 18 to 24 year olds born in Australia compared to 72.6% in Victoria.  The most common countries of birth for 12 to 17 year olds other than Australia are Thailand (0.6%), the United Kingdom (0.4%), New Zealand (0.3%), Burma (Myanmar) (0.2%), and India (0.2%).  The most common countries of birth for 18 to 24 year olds other than Australia are United Kingdom (0.6%), China (0.6%), Burma (Myanmar) (0.4%), Thailand (0.4%), and New Zealand (0.3%).


Languages spoken at home  The most common languages spoken at home by 12 to 17 years olds are English (93.9), Karen (0.6%), Auslan (0.3%), Indonesian (0.2%), and Arabic (0.2%).  The most common languages spoken at home by 18 to 24 years olds are English (92.2%), Karen (0.7%), Mandarin (0.7%), Arabic (0.3%), and Vietnamese (0.3%). Disability  2.8% of 10 to 24 year olds identify as requiring assistance with core activities due to disability. Education  The majority (87.5%) of 12 to 17 year olds attend an educational institution compared to 89% in Victoria.  39.8% of 18 to 24 year olds attend an education institution compared to 46.4% in Victoria.  62.4% of 18 to 24 year olds have no qualification compared to 58.3% in Victoria.  6.5% of 18 to 24 year olds have a Bachelor degree or higher compared to 11.6% in Victoria.  21.8% of 18 to 24 year olds have a Vocational qualification compared to 15.8% in Victoria. Employment  Youth unemployment in Greater Bendigo is currently 6.2% compared to 13.2% in Victoria. Household profiles  27.5% of 12 to 17 year olds live in single parent households in Greater Bendigo compared to 22.3% in Victoria.  19% of 18 to 24 year olds live in group households in Greater Bendigo compared to 12.8% in Victoria.  4.9% of 12 to 17 years olds live in rented social housing compared to 3.7% in Victoria, and 2.9% of 18 to 24 years olds live in rented social housing which is the same as Victoria. Disadvantage  The three most disadvantaged areas of Greater Bendigo are Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark, North Bendigo – California Gully, and Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully. Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark is in the top 7% of disadvantaged areas in Australia, while North Bendigo – California Gully is in top 12% and Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully is in top 16%. Overall Greater Bendigo is the 31st most disadvantaged local government area out of the 79 local government areas in Victoria.



The population of Greater Bendigo has increased significantly over recent years with annual growth rates of over 1.6%. Forecasts suggest that this is likely to continue with Greater Bendigo projected to grow at 1.7% per annum until 2036, with some suburbs projected to grow at more than 3% per annum.

Population The resident population of Greater Bendigo at the 2011 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing was 100,611. This was an increase of 7,358 usual residents from a population of 93,253 at the 2006 Census, or an increase of 7.9% over the five-year period. This represents an average annual growth rate of 1.6% over the period (see Table 1). The current official Greater Bendigo population is 110,562 as of June 30, 2016. This is an increase of 9,951 from 2011 Census, or 9.9% over the five-year period, which is an average growth rate per annum of 2% between 2011 and 2016 (see Table 2). Table 1: Population in Greater Bendigo

Population of Greater Bendigo

City of Greater Bendigo - Total 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011 persons

Population Number Number Number Change over 5 Annual years % average %

Usual Resident Population 93,253 100,611 +7,358 7.9% 1.6%

Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Table 2: Population Growth from 2011 to 2016

Population Growth from the 2011 Census to 2016 in Greater Bendigo

Population 2011 2016 Change 2011 to 2016 Number Annual City of Greater Number (ABS Official Estimated Number % average Bendigo (Usual Residents) Residential Population) %

Total Population 100,611 110,562 9,951 9.9% 2%

Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Population Forecasts It is estimated that by 2036 the population of Greater Bendigo will rise to 156,151 residents – a total increase of 54,154 residents. Such an increase represents an increase from 2011 of 1.7% per annum, or an average increase of 2,166 persons per year (see Table 3).


Table 3: Population Forecasts until 2036

Greater Bendigo Population Forecasts until 2036

Estimated Residential Forecast Year Change 2011 to 2036 Population Summary 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 Total Avg. annual change % change Population 101,997 110,562 123,975 134,695 145,375 156,151 +54,154 1.7

Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:

However, the projected population growth for the City of Greater Bendigo is not expected to be evenly distributed across the municipality. Some suburban areas will experience significant growth while others will experience limited growth. Areas such as Huntly, Strathfieldsaye, Maiden Gully, Marong – Rural West, and White Hills - Jackass Flat are expected to experience above average growth with annual rates of: 6.9%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 3.7%, and 3.2% respectively compared to the overall average of 1.7%. While areas such as Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully, Heathcote & District, Kennington, Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark, and are expected to experience below the predicted average growth rate of 1.7% per annum with annual growth rates of: 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.3%, 0.3%, and 0.4% respectively. It should be noted that all areas within the City are expected to grow in population by 2036, with no area/suburb predicted to decline in population. The areas with the largest population in 2036 are expected to be: Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill, Strathfieldsaye, and Maiden Gully with 13,405, 13,286, and 11,342 residents respectively (see Table 4).


Table 4: Suburb Population Forecasts until 2036

Greater Bendigo Suburb Population Forecasts until 2036

Estimated Residential Forecast Year Change 2011 to 2036 Population Area Total Avg. annual 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 change % change

City of Greater Bendigo 101,997 112,853 123,975 134,695 145,375 156,151 +54,154 1.7

Bendigo 5,948 6,048 6,526 7,648 8,410 8,780 +2,832 1.6 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk 5,637 6,282 6,648 6,981 7,134 7,261 +1,624 1.0 North - Sailors Gully 2,126 2,283 2,505 2,636 2,740 2,852 +726 1.2 Elmore - Rural North 3,246 3,345 3,460 3,595 3,721 3,792 +546 0.6 Epsom - 3,902 4,823 5,284 5,390 5,467 5,525 +1,623 1.4 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden 9,439 9,735 9,991 10,198 10,232 10,289 +850 0.3 Gully Golden Square 8,575 9,208 9,929 10,368 10,714 10,915 +2,340 1.0 Heathcote & District 3,738 3,805 4,022 4,149 4,182 4,172 +434 0.4 Huntly 2,088 3,368 5,167 7,099 8,955 10,949 +8,861 6.9 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 10,029 11,307 12,157 12,401 12,833 13,405 +3,376 1.2 Kennington 5,928 6,033 6,168 6,259 6,235 6,240 +312 0.2 Long Gully - West Bendigo 4,872 4,896 4,969 5,027 5,207 5,313 +442 0.3 - Ironbark Maiden Gully 4,323 4,900 5,474 6,966 8,955 11,342 +7,019 3.9 Marong - Rural West 3,827 4,561 5,400 6,563 7,906 9,452 +5,625 3.7 North Bendigo - California 8,349 8,813 9,113 9,346 9,618 9,815 +1,466 0.6 Gully Rural East 6,316 7,491 8,353 8,793 9,073 9,470 +3,153 1.6 Strathdale 5,791 5,956 6,075 6,152 6,196 6,253 +462 0.3 Strathfieldsaye 4,691 5,689 7,449 9,120 11,227 13,286 +8,595 4.3 White Hills - Jackass Flat 3,173 4,310 5,286 6,005 6,568 7,040 +3,867 3.2 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast: Analysis Overall analysis demonstrates that the population of Greater Bendigo is growing at a considerable rate per annum and is predicted to continue to do so into the future. The average annual population growth rate from 2011 to 2016 was 2%. This is similar to the Victorian growth rate of 2.1% during 2016,3 and will be confirmed when the 2016 Census data is released. Analysis also demonstrates that the largest percentage of population growth between 2011 and 2036 will be in Huntly, with an increase from 2,088 residents in 2011 to 10,949 in 2036 - an increase of 8,861 residents, or an average growth rate of 6.9% per annum. This is well above the projected growth rate of 1.7% for all of Greater Bendigo. However, the largest populations will be in the suburbs of Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill, Strathfieldsaye, and Maiden Gully with 13,405, 13,286, and 11,342 residents respectively. Finally, suburbs such as Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully, and Golden Square will continue to have populations of over 10,000 residents each whilst slowing in growth to 1% per annum or less.

3 ABS, Australian Demographic Statistics, June Quarter 2016, 3101.0:[email protected]/mf/3101.0 13


To assist analysis, age structure can be divided into age groups called service groups - these are age groups that are determined by stage of life such as secondary schoolers (aged 12 to 17 years) or empty nesters or retirees (60 to 69 years). The age structure of Greater Bendigo by service group shows that there are differences between each service group and differences when compared to regional Victorian and Victorian age structures.

Age Structure The City of Greater Bendigo’s age structure from 2006 to 2011 highlights a growing population across most age groups, with some variation across service groups. Several service groups such as empty nesters and retirees (60 to 69 years), elderly aged (85 years and over), babies and pre- schoolers (0 to 4 years), young workforce (25 to 34 years) and tertiary education and independence (18 to 24 years) grew at above the average growth rates between 2006 and 2011, while service groups such as primary schoolers (5 to 11 years) and secondary schoolers (12 to 17 years) declined in population during the period. The largest service groups in 2011 were: parents and homebuilders (35 to 49) with 19.4% of the population, older workers and pre-retirees (50 to 59) with 13.3%, young workforce (25 to 34) with 11.7%, empty nesters and retirees (60 to 69) with 10.5%, and tertiary education and independence (18 to 24) with 10.0%. Residents aged between 12 and 24 are represented in two services groups: secondary schoolers aged between 12 to 17 years and tertiary education and independence aged from 18 to 24 years. These two groups experienced different population growth between 2006 and 2011. The 12 to 17 population declined by 79 residents, while the 18 to 24 year olds increased by 744. In 2011, the number of 12 to 17 year olds was 8,290 or 8.2% of the overall population, and the number of 18 to 24 year olds was 10,025 or 10% of the overall population. The total population of 12 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo in 2011 was 18,315, representing 18.2% of Greater Bendigo’s population. As a percentage of population the 12 to 17 service group was lower with 8.2% of the population than regional Victorian average of 8.4% but higher than Victoria average of 7.5%. As a percentage of population the 18 to 24 service group at 10.0% was higher than both the regional Victorian average of 8.1% and the Victorian average of 9.6% (see Table 5).


Table 5: Age Structure of Greater Bendigo

Age Structure in Greater Bendigo by Service Groups

Usual Residents 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011

Service age Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % group (years) VIC % % VIC % %

Babies and pre- schoolers (0 to 4) 5,780 6.2 6.0 6.2 6,744 6.7 6.3 6.4 +964 16.7%

Primary schoolers (5 to 11) 9,115 9.8 9.7 9.0 8,907 8.9 8.8 8.5 -208 -2.3%

Secondary schoolers (12 to 8,369 9.0 9.0 8.1 8,290 8.2 8.4 7.5 -79 -0.9% 17)

Tertiary education and independence (18 9,281 10.0 8.0 9.6 10,025 10.0 8.1 9.6 +744 8.0% to 24)

Young workforce (25 to 34) 10,703 11.5 10.7 13.7 11,795 11.7 10.5 14.2 +1,092 10.2%

Parents and homebuilders (35 19,422 20.8 21.1 22.3 19,487 19.4 19.8 21.4 +65 0.3% to 49) Older workers and pre-retirees 12,278 13.2 13.8 12.7 13,379 13.3 14.0 12.5 +1,101 9.0% (50 to 59)

Empty nesters and retirees (60 8,274 8.9 10.0 8.6 10,603 10.5 11.9 9.7 +2,329 28.1% to 69)

Seniors (70 to 84) 8,230 8.8 9.7 8.2 9,134 9.1 10.0 8.1 +904 11.0%

Elderly aged (85 and over) 1,779 1.9 2.0 1.7 2,247 2.2 2.3 2.0 +468 26.3%

Total population 93,231 100.0 100.0 100.0 100,611 100.0 100.0 100.0 +7,380 7.9% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Analysis In 2011, there were 8,290 young people aged between 12 and 17 or 8.2% of the overall population. This is lower than the regional Victorian average of 8.4% but higher than the Victoria average of 7.5%. There were also 10,025 young people between 18 and 24 or 10% of the overall population which was higher than both the regional Victorian average of 8.1% and Victorian average of 9.6%. The dominant service groups were parents and homebuilders (35 to 49 years), older workers and pre-retirees (50 to 59 years), young workforce (25 to 34 years), empty nesters and retirees (60 to 69 years), and tertiary education and independence (18 to 24 years) all with more than 10% of the population each. In terms of emerging groups, empty nesters and retirees (60 to 69 years years), elderly aged (85 and over years), and babies and pre-schoolers (0 to 4 years) all showed significant growth between 2006 and 2011.



The population of residents who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) in Greater Bendigo varies from suburb to suburb, with the highest population of those identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander in the suburbs of Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark, Huntly, and North Bendigo - California Gully. A comparison of Greater Bendigo with regional Victorian and Victorian averages also reveal that these suburbs had higher percentages of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders than both regional Victoria and Victoria.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population of Greater Bendigo is distributed unevenly across the municipality, with some areas more represented than others. At the 2011 Census the total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) resident population of Greater Bendigo was 1,447 or 1.4%. This was an increase of 426 or 41.7% since 2006. Significantly, at 1.4% of the population, this was above the Victorian average 0.7%, and just below the regional Victorian average of 1.5% (see Table 6).

Table 6: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to Residents 2006 2011 2011

Population Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % group VIC % % VIC % % Total Aboriginal and Torres 1,021 1.1 1.2 0.6 1,447 1.4 1.5 0.7 +426 41.7% Strait Islander population Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suburb Population The suburbs areas with the highest percentage of ATSI residents were: Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark (3.8%), Huntly (2.4%), North Bendigo - California Gully (2.4%), Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully (2.2%), and Golden Square (1.8%). All of these suburbs had a higher percentage of residents identifying as Indigenous Australians than the Greater Bendigo average of 1.4%, the regional Victorian average of 1.5% and the State average of 0.7%. The suburbs with the lowest percentage of residents of ATSI origin in 2011 were: Maiden Gully (0.6%), Rural East (0.7%), Kennington (0.7%), Strathfieldsaye (0.7%), East Bendigo (0.8%). All of these suburbs had a lower percentage of residents identifying as Indigenous Australians than the Greater Bendigo average of 1.4%, regional Victorian average of 1.5%, but the same or similar to the State average of 0.7% (see Table 7).


Table 7: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population in Suburbs

People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin in Greater Bendigo’s Suburbs in 2011 Area (Usual Residents) Number Total population Percentage % Bendigo 85 5,760 1.5 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 122 5,546 2.2 East Bendigo 16 2,120 0.8 Elmore - Rural North 50 3,200 1.5

Epsom - Ascot 62 4,364 1.4 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully 90 9,415 1.0 Golden Square 149 8,405 1.8 Heathcote and District 50 3,708 1.4 Huntly 37 1,542 2.4 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 133 9,838 1.4 Kennington 38 5,819 0.7 Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 181 4,777 3.8 Maiden Gully 25 4,258 0.6 Marong - Rural West 37 3,850 1.0

North Bendigo - California Gully 195 8,204 2.4 Rural East 43 6,260 0.7 Strathdale 49 5,686 0.9 Strathfieldsaye 34 4,650 0.7 White Hills - Jackass Flat 50 3,150 1.6 City of Greater Bendigo 1,447 100,611 1.4 Regional VIC 19,689 1,345,727 1.5 Bendigo SA4 1,794 140,699 1.3 Greater Melbourne 18,011 3,999,950 0.5 Victoria 37,984 5,354,023 0.7 Australia 548,126 21,504,691 2.5 Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas: islander&year=2011

Analysis Overall analysis highlights that the ATSI population of Greater Bendigo grew by 41.7% between 2006 and 2011. Therefore Greater Bendigo’s indigenous population was higher in 2011 at 1.4% of the population than the Victorian average of 0.7%, but lower than the regional Victorian average of 1.5%, while the suburbs of Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark, Huntly, and North Bendigo - California Gully all had Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations of above 2% each.



Cultural diversity in Greater Bendigo increased between 2006 and 2011. Indicators like place of birth and language spoken at home have changed over the period with more residents from non- English speaking backgrounds, although the majority were still born in Australian or in English speaking countries.

Place of Birth In 2011, 7% of Greater Bendigo’s population or 7,023 residents were born overseas. This was an increase of 1,459 residents from 2006, or an increase of 26.2%. While the majority of residents were born in Australia or born overseas from English speaking backgrounds, 3.4% were from non- English speaking backgrounds. This was an increase of 43.4% from 2006 to 2011 – a higher increase in growth than Australian born or born overseas with an English speaking background. However, 7% of the population born overseas is much lower than the Victorian average of 26.2% and regional Victoria with 10.6%. This trend is repeated with residents born overseas from non- English speaking backgrounds with Greater Bendigo at 3.4% and regional Victorian and Victorian rates at 5.5% and 19.5% respectively (see Table 8).

Table 8: Place of Birth - Summary

Birthplace in Greater Bendigo - Summary

Usual Residents Change 2006 to 2006 2011 2011 Birthplace Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % VIC % % VIC % %

Total overseas 5,564 6.0 10.1 23.7 7,023 7.0 10.6 26.2 +1,459 26.2% born - Non-English speaking 2,417 2.6 5.2 17.3 3,465 3.4 5.5 19.5 +1,048 43.4% backgrounds - Main English 3,147 3.4 4.9 6.5 3,558 3.5 5.1 6.7 +411 13.1% speaking countries

Australia 82,853 88.8 84.3 69.6 88,822 88.3 84.3 68.6 +5,969 7.2%

Not stated 4,838 5.2 5.6 6.6 4,768 4.7 5.0 5.2 -70 -1.4%

Total Population 93,255 100.0 100.0 100.0 100,613 100.0 100.0 100.0 +7,358 7.9% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

The most common countries of birth other than Australia were: the United Kingdom (2.4%), New Zealand (0.7%), India (0.3%), the Netherlands (0.3%) and the Philippines (0.3%). The countries with the largest increases of residents born overseas in percentage terms between 2006 and 2011 were: Burma (Myanmar) (5033.3% or an increase of 151 people), Thailand (402.8%), and India (168.9%). While the countries with the largest increases in actual numbers between 2006 and 2011 were: United Kingdom, India and Burma (Myanmar) with 215, 201, and 151 respectively. Greater Bendigo had a higher rate of residents born in Burma (Myanmar) with 0.2% compared to regional Victorian and Victorian rates with 0% and 0.1% respectively (see Table 9).


Table 9: Place of Birth – Ranked by Size

Birthplace in Greater Bendigo - Ranked by Size

Usual Change 2006 to Residents 2006 2011 2011

Birthplace Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % VIC % % VIC % % United 2,176 2.3 3.5 4.1 2,391 2.4 3.5 4.0 +215 9.9% Kingdom New Zealand 567 0.6 0.9 1.3 663 0.7 1.0 1.5 +96 16.9% India 119 0.1 0.2 1.1 320 0.3 0.4 2.1 +201 168.9% Netherlands 281 0.3 0.6 0.5 299 0.3 0.6 0.4 +18 6.4% Philippines 177 0.2 0.2 0.6 253 0.3 0.3 0.7 +76 42.9% Germany 247 0.3 0.5 0.6 242 0.2 0.5 0.5 -5 -2.0% China 122 0.1 0.1 1.1 212 0.2 0.2 1.8 +90 73.8% Thailand 36 0.0 0.0 0.1 181 0.2 0.1 0.2 +145 402.8% South Africa 119 0.1 0.2 0.4 169 0.2 0.2 0.5 +50 42.0% Italy 157 0.2 0.7 1.7 163 0.2 0.6 1.4 +6 3.8% Burma 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 154 0.2 0.0 0.1 +151 5033.3% (Myanmar) Malaysia 104 0.1 0.1 0.6 143 0.1 0.1 0.7 +39 37.5% Sri Lanka 92 0.1 0.1 0.6 143 0.1 0.1 0.8 +51 55.4% Ireland 105 0.1 0.1 0.2 124 0.1 0.2 0.3 +19 18.1% United States 122 0.1 0.2 0.3 124 0.1 0.2 0.3 +2 1.6% of America Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Language Spoken at Home In 2011, 92.8% of residents in Greater Bendigo spoke English as the main language at home. The most common languages other than English were: Karen (0.3%), Italian (0.2%), Mandarin (0.2%), and Filipino/Tagalog (0.2%). There were several significant changes between 2006 and 2011 regarding languages spoken at home. In 2006, no residents spoke Karen but by 2011 284 residents spoke Karen at home. Between 2006 and 2011 the largest increases in languages spoken at home other than English were: Hindi, Arabic, and Mandarin with increases of 241.9%, 116.4% and 53.7% respectively. In 2011, the percentage of Greater Bendigo residents that spoke English at home was higher at 92.8% than regional Victoria with 90.4% and much higher than Victoria with 72.4% (see Table 10).


Table 10: Language Spoken at Home

Language Spoken at Home in Greater Bendigo - Ranked by Size

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011

Language Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Spoken at Number % Number % Number % VIC % % VIC % % Home English 87,702 94.0 91.1 74.4 93,365 92.8 90.4 72.4 +5,663 6.5% Karen 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 284 0.3 0.1 0.1 +284 -

Italian 210 0.2 1.0 2.7 242 0.2 0.9 2.3 +32 15.2%

Mandarin 149 0.2 0.1 1.3 229 0.2 0.2 1.9 +80 53.7%

Filipino/Tagalog 110 0.1 0.1 0.4 158 0.2 0.2 0.6 +48 43.6% Greek 138 0.1 0.3 2.4 156 0.2 0.2 2.2 +18 13.0%

Cantonese 102 0.1 0.1 1.4 137 0.1 0.1 1.4 +35 34.3%

German 143 0.2 0.3 0.4 131 0.1 0.3 0.4 -12 -8.4%

Arabic 55 0.1 0.2 1.1 119 0.1 0.2 1.3 +64 116.4% Hindi 31 0.0 0.0 0.4 106 0.1 0.1 0.6 +75 241.9% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Analysis Overall analysis of the cultural diversity of Greater Bendigo in 2011 shows that the dominant groups were Australian born, and those born overseas with United Kingdom heritage and English speaking backgrounds. However, between 2006 and 2011 the fastest growing groups were from non-English speaking backgrounds and born overseas in countries such as Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, and India; with the fastest growing languages being Karen, Hindi, Arabic, and Mandarin.



The Socio-economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) measures the relative level of socio-economic disadvantage based on a range of Census characteristics that reflect disadvantage such as low income, low educational attainment, and high unemployment. A high score on the index means a lower level of disadvantage, while a low score on the index means a higher level of disadvantage.

Disadvantage in Greater Bendigo In 2011 the City of Greater Bendigo’s Index score for Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage was 983, which ranked Greater Bendigo as the 31st most disadvantage municipality out of Victoria’s 79 local government areas.4 The most disadvantaged suburbs in 2011 with low SEIFA scores were: Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark (863.3), North Bendigo - California Gully (899.2), Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully (921.7), Heathcote and District (928.8), and Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill (944.0). All of which were more disadvantaged than the regional Victorian average (977.7), Victorian average (1009.6), and Australian average (1002.0). The least disadvantaged suburbs in 2011 with high SEIFA scores were: Strathfieldsaye (1090.2), Maiden Gully (1084.8), Rural East (1066.3), Epsom – Ascot (1038.1), and Marong - Rural West (1038.0). All of which were more advantaged than the regional Victorian average (977.7), the Victorian average (1009.6), and the Australian average (1002.0). Overall Greater Bendigo is more disadvantaged than Victoria is on average, but less disadvantaged than regional Victoria is on average. However, four areas in Greater Bendigo have a percentile of below 20 (Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark, North Bendigo - California Gully, Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully, Heathcote and District) with Long Gully below a percentile of 10 with a percentile of 7. This means that Long Gully is in the 7% of Australia’s most disadvantaged suburbs with 93% of Australian suburbs more advantaged (see Table 11), and that all four areas listed (Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark, North Bendigo - California Gully, Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully, Heathcote and District) are in the 20% of Australia’s most disadvantaged suburbs with 80% of Australian suburbs more advantaged (see Table 11).

4 Profile id, SEIFA Disadvantage by LGA: 21

Table 11: Relative Disadvantage in Greater Bendigo

Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) - Relative Disadvantage in Greater Bendigo

Most Disadvantaged to Least Disadvantaged

Area 2011 Index Score 2011 Percentile Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 863.3 7 North Bendigo - California Gully 899.2 12 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 921.7 16 Heathcote and District 928.8 18 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 944.0 22 Golden Square 963.9 29 Bendigo 973.2 33 Regional VIC 977.7 35 Elmore - Rural North 979.1 36 White Hills - Jackass Flat 980.1 36 City of Greater Bendigo 983.1 37 Bendigo SA4 985.3 38 East Bendigo 988.6 40 Kennington 993.0 42 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully 1000.4 46 Australia 1002.0 47 Victoria 1009.6 51 Huntly 1014.4 54 Greater Melbourne 1020.3 57 Strathdale 1025.4 60 Marong - Rural West 1038.0 68 Epsom - Ascot 1038.1 68 Rural East 1066.3 83 Maiden Gully 1084.8 90 Strathfieldsaye 1090.2 92 Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Analysis The City has seven areas that are more disadvantaged than the regional Victorian average, and 13 areas more disadvantaged than the Victorian average, with Long Gully below a percentile of 10 with a percentile of 7. This means that Long Gully is in the 7% of Australia’s most disadvantaged suburbs with 93% of Australian suburbs more advantaged. However, not all suburbs in Greater Bendigo have high levels of disadvantage, some suburbs like Strathfieldsaye, Maiden Gully, Rural East, Epsom – Ascot, and Marong – Rural West are less disadvantaged than the regional Victorian, Victorian, and Australian average. These suburbs all have index scores of over 1000. This suggests that Greater Bendigo has a diverse experience of disadvantage from areas of very high disadvantage to areas of low disadvantage, but overall is the 31st most disadvantaged local government area in Victoria.



The age structure of young people in Greater Bendigo reveals that there were more 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo in 2011 than 12 to 17 year olds, and that the population of 12 to 24 year olds varied between suburbs with high concentrations of young people in the Flora Hill-Quarry Hill- Spring Gully, Kennington, and Bendigo, and low levels in the Heathcote, Eaglehawk-Eaglehawk North-Sailors Gully, and Elmore-Rural North.

Population aged 12 to 24 Years In 2011, there were 18,315 young people aged between 12 and 24 or 18.2% of the overall population. The number of young people aged from 12 to 17 year was 8,290 or 8.2% of the population, and the number of 18 to 24 year olds was higher at 10,025 or 10% of the population. During this period the 12 to 17 group declined in population by 79 residents, while the 18 to 24 group increased by 744. As a percentage of population the 12 to 17 group was lower with 8.2% of the population than the regional Victorian average of 8.4% but higher than Victoria average of 7.5%; while as a percentage of population the 18 to 24 group was higher with 10.0% of the population compared to the regional Victorian average of 8.1% and Victorian average of 9.6% (see Table 12).

Table 12: Population of 12 to 24 year olds

Population of 12 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Residents 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011

Service age Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % group (years) VIC % % VIC % % Secondary schoolers (12 to 8,369 9.0 9.0 8.1 8,290 8.2 8.4 7.5 -79 -0.9% 17) Tertiary education and 9,281 10.0 8.0 9.6 10,025 10.0 8.1 9.6 +744 8.0% independence (18 to 24)

Total 12-24 17,650 18.9 17.0 17.7 18,315 18.2 16.4 17.2 +665 3.8%

Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Population aged 12 to 17 Years and Gender There were more males than females in the 12 to 17 years age group in 2011 with 4,200 males and 4,090 females. While males were a lower percentage of the age group (8.6%) than the regional Victorian average (8.8%), they were higher than the Victorian average of 7.9%. Females were lower at 7.9% than both the regional Victorian average of 8% but higher than the Victorian average of 7.2% (see Table 13).


Table 13: Population of 12 to 17 year olds and gender

Population of 12 to 17 year olds and Gender in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 residents 2011 Service age Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % group (years) VIC % % VIC % %

Secondary 8,369 9.0 9.0 8.1 8,290 8.2 8.4 7.5 -79 -0.9% schoolers (12 to 17) -Males 4,220 9.4 9.4 8.5 4,200 8.6 8.8 7.9 -20 -0.5% -Females 4,149 8.6 8.6 7.8 4,090 7.9 8.0 7.2 -59 -1.4% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Population aged 18 to 24 years and Gender There were more males than females in the 18 to 24 years age group in 2011 with 4,832 males and 5,193 females. Both males and females increased in population between 2006 and 2011, with males increasing by 391 and females increasing by 353. While males were a higher percentage of the age group (9.9%) than the regional Victorian average (8.1%) they were the same percentage as the Victorian average of 9.9%. Females were higher at 10% than both the regional Victorian average of 7.7% and Victorian average of 9.3% (see Table 14).

Table 14: Population of 18 to 24 year olds and gender

Population of 18 to 24 year olds and Gender in Greater Bendigo

Change 2006 2006 2011 Usual Residents to 2011 Service age group Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % (years) VIC % % VIC % % Tertiary education and 9,281 10.0 8.0 9.6 10,025 10.0 8.1 9.6 +744 8.0% independence (18 to 24) -Males 4,441 9.9 8.8 9.9 4,832 9.9 8.4 9.9 +391 8.8%

-Females 4,840 10.0 7.7 9.3 5,193 10.0 7.7 9.3 +353 7.3% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Population of 12 to 24 year olds in Suburbs In 2011, the areas with the highest percentage of 12 to 24 years olds were: Flora Hill – Quarry Hill – Spring Gully – Golden Gully (24.4%), Kennington (21.4%), and Bendigo (19.8%). These suburbs were all above the Greater Bendigo average rate of 18.2%, the regional Victorian average of 16.4% and the Victorian average of 17.2%. The Suburbs with the lowest percentage of 12 to 24 years olds were: Heathcote and District (12.9%), Eaglehawk – Eaglehawk North – Sailors Gully (15.5%), and Elmore – Rural North (15.7%). These suburbs were below the Greater Bendigo average rate of 18.2%, the regional Victorian average of 16.4% and the Victorian average of 17.2%. In 2011, 2,729 young people aged 12 to 24 lived in the rural areas of Greater Bendigo these being Elmore – Rural North, Heathcote & District, Marong – Rural West, and Rural East) which was 15% of all 12 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo (see Table 15).


Table 15: Population of 12 to 24 year olds by Suburb

Young People aged 12 to 24 Years in Greater Bendigo by Suburb in 2011

Number of Number of Total 12 Total Population Area (Usual Residents) % 12 to 17 18 to 24 to 24 of Area/Suburb Bendigo 406 732 1,138 5,760 19.8 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - 447 409 857 5,546 15.5 Sailors Gully East Bendigo 124 253 377 2,120 17.8 Elmore - Rural North 271 230 501 3,200 15.7 Epsom - Ascot 372 414 787 4,364 18.0 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - 679 1,616 2,294 9,415 24.4 Golden Gully Golden Square 607 962 1,568 8,405 18.7 Heathcote and District 280 200 479 3,708 12.9 Huntly 161 137 298 1,542 19.3 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 740 868 1,608 9,838 16.3 Kennington 433 813 1,246 5,819 21.4 Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 380 499 879 4,777 18.4 Maiden Gully 497 320 816 4,258 19.2 Marong - Rural West 366 297 663 3,850 17.2 North Bendigo - California Gully 629 767 1,396 8,204 17.0 Rural East 694 412 1,106 6,260 17.7 Strathdale 514 553 1,067 5,686 18.8 Strathfieldsaye 466 292 758 4,650 16.3 White Hills - Jackass Flat 271 284 555 3,150 17.6 City of Greater Bendigo 8,290 10,025 18,315 100,611 18.2 Regional VIC 112,734 108,436 221,170 1,345,727 16.4 Bendigo SA4 11,484 12,426 23,910 140,699 17.0 Greater Melbourne 291,124 404,798 695,922 3,999,950 17.4 Victoria 404,205 514,567 918,772 5,354,023 17.2 Australia 1,673,158 2,020,048 3,693,206 21,504,691 17.2 Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas:

Between 2006 and 2011 the suburbs that experienced the highest increases in young people aged 12 to 24 year were: Epsom – Ascot (34.8%), Maiden Gully (31.7%), and Rural East (19.2%). These suburbs were all significantly higher in growth for the age group than Greater Bendigo overall with 3.8%, and higher than regional Victoria with 1.1%, and Victoria with 5.3%. Between 2006 and 2011 the suburbs that experienced the largest decrease in 12 to 24 year olds were: East Bendigo (-10.5%), Bendigo (-6.8%), and Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully (-6.1%). These suburbs were all significantly below the average growth for the age group than Greater Bendigo overall with 3.8%, and lower than regional Victoria with 1.1%, and Victoria with 5.3% (see Table 16).


Table 16: Population of 12 to 24 year olds by Suburb – 2006 to 2011

Young People aged 12 to 24 Years in Greater Bendigo by Suburb - 2006 to 2011

Usual Residents 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011 Area Number Number Number % Bendigo 1,221 1,138 -83 -6.8% Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 913 857 -56 -6.1% East Bendigo 421 377 -44 -10.5% Elmore - Rural North 472 501 29 6.2% Epsom - Ascot 583 787 203 34.8% Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully 2,430 2,294 -136 -5.6%

Golden Square 1,503 1,568 66 4.4% Heathcote and District 456 479 24 5.2% Huntly 305 298 -7 -2.3% Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 1,535 1,608 73 4.8% Kennington 1,191 1,246 55 4.6% Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 929 879 -50 -5.3% Maiden Gully 620 816 196 31.7% Marong - Rural West 618 663 45 7.3% North Bendigo - California Gully 1,359 1,396 37 2.7% Rural East 927 1,106 178 19.2% Strathdale 1,040 1,067 27 2.6% Strathfieldsaye 642 758 116 18.1% White Hills - Jackass Flat 520 555 35 6.8% City of Greater Bendigo 17,650 18,315 665 3.8% Regional VIC 218,732 221,170 2,438 1.1% Bendigo SA4 23,502 23,910 408 1.7% Greater Melbourne 654,272 695,922 41,650 6.4% Victoria 872,869 918,772 45,903 5.3% Australia 3,529,834 3,693,206 163,372 4.6% Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas:

Population of 12 to 17 year olds in Suburbs In 2011, the Suburbs with the highest percentage of 12 to 17 years olds were: Maiden Gully (11.7%), Rural East (11.1%), and Huntly (10.4%). These suburbs were all above the City average of 8.2%, the regional Victorian average of 8.4%, and the Victorian average of 7.5%. The Suburbs with the lowest percentage of 12 to 17 years olds were: East Bendigo (5.9%), Bendigo (7%), Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully (7.2%), and Golden Square (7.2%). These suburbs were below the City average of 8.2%, the regional Victorian average of 8.4%, and the Victorian average of 7.5% (see Table 17).


Table 17: Population of 12 to 17 year olds by Suburb

Young People aged 12 to 17 Years in Greater Bendigo by Suburb in 2011 Area (Usual Residents) Number Total population Percentage % Bendigo 406 5,760 7.0 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 447 5,546 8.1 East Bendigo 124 2,120 5.9 Elmore - Rural North 271 3,200 8.5 Epsom - Ascot 372 4,364 8.5 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully 679 9,415 7.2 Golden Square 607 8,405 7.2 Heathcote and District 280 3,708 7.5 Huntly 161 1,542 10.4 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 740 9,838 7.5 Kennington 433 5,819 7.4 Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 380 4,777 7.9

Maiden Gully 497 4,258 11.7 Marong - Rural West 366 3,850 9.5 North Bendigo - California Gully 629 8,204 7.7 Rural East 694 6,260 11.1 Strathdale 514 5,686 9.0 Strathfieldsaye 466 4,650 10.0 White Hills - Jackass Flat 271 3,150 8.6 City of Greater Bendigo 8,290 100,611 8.2 Regional VIC 112,734 1,345,727 8.4 Bendigo SA4 11,484 140,699 8.2 Greater Melbourne 291,124 3,999,950 7.3 Victoria 404,205 5,354,023 7.5 Australia 1,673,158 21,504,691 7.8 Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas:

Population of 18 to 24 year olds in Suburbs In 2011, the Suburbs with the highest percentage of 18 to 24 years olds were: Flora Hill – Quarry Hill – Spring Gully – Golden Gully (17.2%), Kennington (14%), and Bendigo (12.7%). These suburbs were all above the Greater Bendigo average of 10%, the regional Victorian average of 8.1%, and the Victorian average of 9.6%. The Suburbs with the lowest percentage of 18 to 24 years olds were: Heathcote and District (5.4%), Strathfieldsaye (6.3%), and Rural East (6.6%). These suburbs were below the City average of 10%, the regional Victorian average of 8.1%, and the Victorian average of 9.6% (see Table 18).


Table 18: Population of 18 to 24 year olds by Suburb

Young People aged 18 to 24 Years in Greater Bendigo by Suburb in 2011 Area (Usual Residents) Number Total population % Bendigo 732 5,760 12.7 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 409 5,546 7.4 East Bendigo 253 2,120 11.9 Elmore - Rural North 230 3,200 7.2 Epsom - Ascot 414 4,364 9.5 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully 1,616 9,415 17.2 Golden Square 962 8,405 11.4 Heathcote and District 200 3,708 5.4 Huntly 137 1,542 8.9 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 868 9,838 8.8 Kennington 813 5,819 14.0 Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 499 4,777 10.5 Maiden Gully 320 4,258 7.5 Marong - Rural West 297 3,850 7.7 North Bendigo - California Gully 767 8,204 9.3 Rural East 412 6,260 6.6 Strathdale 553 5,686 9.7 Strathfieldsaye 292 4,650 6.3 White Hills - Jackass Flat 284 3,150 9.0 City of Greater Bendigo 10,025 100,611 10.0 Regional VIC 108,436 1,345,727 8.1 Bendigo SA4 12,426 140,699 8.8 Greater Melbourne 404,798 3,999,950 10.1 Victoria 514,567 5,354,023 9.6 Australia 2,020,048 21,504,691 9.4 Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas:

Analysis Whilst the 18 to 24 year old group grew between 2006 and 2011, the 12 to 17 year group declined in population. This can possibly be explained by presence of tertiary education institutions such as La Trobe University and Bendigo TAFE within Greater Bendigo. This argument is also supported by the fact that the 18 to 24 year old cohort was higher than both regional Victorian and Victorian averages, and by the fact that females (who now represent 55.4% of Australian University students)5 in the 18 to 24 group are a larger percentage than males compared to regional Victorian and Victorian averages. There were above average populations of young people aged 12 to 24 years in Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully, and Kennington, with the highest levels of population growth between 2006 and 2011 in Epsom – Ascot, Maiden Gully, and Rural East. The two age groups (12 to 17 and 18 to 24) were different in terms of growth between 2006 and 2011, with the highest level of growth for 12 to 17 year olds in Maiden Gully and Rural East, and the highest level of growth for 18 to 24 year olds in Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully, and Kennington.

5 Department of Education, Selected Higher Education Statistics – 2015 Student data, 2015: 28


Young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are over 2% of the 12 to 24 year old population, compared to 1.4% of all of the population in Greater Bendigo. But youth unemployment amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is over 30% compared to over 6% for all young unemployed people in Greater Bendigo.

Indigenous Population aged 12 to 24 Years In 2011, there were 404 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people representing 2.2% of the population. This was higher than the total percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents of 1.4% (see Table 6) within the total population of Greater Bendigo (see Table 19).

Table 19: Young people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Origin

Young People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Origin aged 12 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo

Usual Residents ATSI Population aged 12 to 24 years Total Population 12-24 ATSI %

Persons (2011) 404 18,300 2.2% Source: ABS, Census of Population and Housing 2011, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (Indigenous) Profile (Catalogue number 2002.0) Greater Bendigo (C) (LGA22620), Based on Place of Usual Residence, 2011:

Employment Status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged 15 to 24 Years In 2011, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth unemployment was 30.3% in Greater Bendigo compared to 24.7% at the national level, and 10.7% for all unemployed in Greater Bendigo (see Table 20). This is over twice the national rate of indigenous youth unemployment and nearly three times the City’s rate of youth unemployment.

Table 20: Young people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Origin and Employment

Employment Status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged 15 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo in 2011 Greater Bendigo Greater Bendigo Labour Force 15 to 24 Years (2011) National % Number % ATSI Unemployed Youth 43 30.3% 24.7% All Unemployed Youth 982 10.7% 12.2% Sources: ABS, Census of Population and Housing 2011, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (Indigenous) Profile (Catalogue number 2002.0) Greater Bendigo (C) (LGA22620), Based on Place of Usual Residence, 2011: & ABS, Labour Force Characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, Estimates from the Labour Force Survey, 2011:[email protected]/DetailsPage/6287.02011?OpenDocument & Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas: rate&year=2011

Analysis In 2011 Greater Bendigo had a higher percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people (with 2.2%) than the total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander percentage of population of 1.4%. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth unemployment was high at 30.3%, compared to all 15 to 24 year old residents in Greater Bendigo with 10.7%, and the national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth unemployment level at the same time of 24.7%.



Cultural diversity of young people in Greater Bendigo reveals that while most young people are born in Australia and speak English at home, there are increasing numbers born overseas and increasing numbers from non-English backgrounds with a decline in those speaking English at home.

Birthplace of 12 to 17 year olds In 2011, 261 12 to 17 years olds were born overseas or 3.2% of the age group. This is lower than the regional Victorian average of 4.1% and the Victorian average of 11.4%. However the majority of those born overseas (2.1% or 172) were born overseas in non-English speaking countries. This is both an increase in the total amount of 12 to 17 year olds born overseas from 2006 to 2011 and in those with non-English speaking backgrounds. The total amount born overseas increased by 60.1% over the five-year period and those with non-English speaking backgrounds increased by 97.7% over the same period (see Table 21).

Table 21: Birthplace of 12 to 17 year olds - Summary

Birthplace of 12 to 17 year olds in Greater Bendigo - Summary

Usual 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011 Residents Birthplace Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % VIC % % VIC % % Total overseas 163 1.9 2.9 9.3 261 3.2 4.1 11.4 +98 60.1% born

-Non-English 87 1.0 1.6 6.8 172 2.1 2.5 8.1 +85 97.7% speaking backgrounds

-Main English 76 0.9 1.3 2.5 89 1.1 1.7 3.2 +13 17.1% speaking countries Australia 7,964 95.1 93.6 86.0 7,740 93.5 92.3 84.8 -224 -2.8%

Not stated 245 2.9 3.5 4.7 281 3.4 3.6 3.9 +36 14.7%

Total people 8,372 100.0 100.0 100.0 8,282 100.0 100.0 100.0 -90 -1.1% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

In 2011, the most common countries of birth other than Australia were: Thailand (0.6%), the United Kingdom (0.4%), New Zealand (0.3%), Burma (Myanmar) (0.2%), and India (0.2%). In terms of actual numbers the largest increase was in residents from Thailand with an increase of 48 new residents in the 12 to 17 age group (see Table 22).


Table 22: Birthplace of 12 to 17 year olds – Ranked by Size

Birthplace of 12 to 17 years olds in Greater Bendigo - Ranked by Size Usual Residents 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011

Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Birthplace Number % Number % Number % VIC % % VIC % % Thailand 0 0.0 0.1 0.1 48 0.6 0.2 0.2 +48 - United 30 0.4 0.4 0.8 35 0.4 0.6 1.1 +5 16.7% Kingdom New 26 0.3 0.6 1.1 26 0.3 0.7 1.4 0 0.0% Zealand Burma 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19 0.2 0.0 0.1 +19 - (Myanmar) India 9 0.1 0.1 0.5 17 0.2 0.1 0.7 +8 88.9% Fiji 0 0.0 0.0 0.1 17 0.2 0.0 0.1 +17 - China 6 0.1 0.2 0.6 16 0.2 0.2 0.9 +10 166.7% South 16 0.2 0.1 0.3 16 0.2 0.2 0.4 0 0.0% Africa Philippines 12 0.1 0.1 0.4 14 0.2 0.3 0.6 +2 16.7% United 4 0.0 0.1 0.2 12 0.1 0.1 0.3 +8 200.0% States of America Indonesia 0 0.0 0.0 0.2 10 0.1 0.0 0.2 +10 - Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Birthplace of 18 to 24 year olds In 2011, 449 young people aged 18 to 24 were born overseas or 4.5% of the age group. This is lower than the regional Victorian average of 5.7% and the Victorian average of 22.2%. The majority of those born overseas (3.3% or 332) were born overseas in non-English speaking countries. This is both an increase in the total amount of 18 to 24 year olds born overseas from 2006 to 2011 and those with non-English speaking backgrounds. The total born overseas increased by 58.1% over the five-year period and those with non-English speaking backgrounds increased by 96.4% over the same period (see Table 23).

Table 23: Birthplace of 18 to 24 year olds - Summary

Birthplace of 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo - Summary Usual 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011 Residents Birthplace Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % VIC % % VIC % % Total overseas 284 3.1 4.3 20.0 449 4.5 5.7 22.2 +165 58.1% born -Non-English 169 1.8 2.8 17.1 332 3.3 3.8 18.8 +163 96.4% speaking backgrounds -Main English 115 1.2 1.6 2.9 117 1.2 1.8 3.4 +2 1.7% speaking countries Australia 8,594 92.7 91.0 73.4 9,123 91.1 89.8 72.6 +529 6.2% Not stated 397 4.3 4.7 6.6 443 4.4 4.5 5.2 +46 11.6% Total people 9,275 100.0 100.0 100.0 10,015 100.0 100.0 100.0 +740 8.0% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:


In 2011, the most common countries of birth other than Australia were: the United Kingdom (0.6%), China (0.6%), Burma (Myanmar) (0.4%), Thailand (0.4%), and New Zealand (0.3%). In terms of actual numbers the largest increase was from residents from Burma (Myanmar) with an increase of 45 (see Table 24).

Table 24: Birthplace of 18 to 24 year olds – Ranked by Size

Birthplace of 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo - Ranked by Size

Usual 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011 Residents Birthplace Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % VIC % % VIC % % United 43 0.5 0.6 1.0 65 0.6 0.6 1.1 +22 51.2% Kingdom China 40 0.4 0.4 2.8 61 0.6 0.6 4.2 +21 52.5% Burma 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45 0.4 0.1 0.2 +45 - (Myanmar) Thailand 11 0.1 0.1 0.4 42 0.4 0.1 0.3 +31 281.8% New 55 0.6 0.7 1.2 31 0.3 0.8 1.5 -24 -43.6% Zealand India 15 0.2 0.3 1.8 27 0.3 0.6 2.6 +12 80.0% Philippines 16 0.2 0.2 0.6 24 0.2 0.3 0.6 +8 50.0% South 12 0.1 0.1 0.4 16 0.2 0.2 0.4 +4 33.3% Africa Malaysia 15 0.2 0.2 1.4 12 0.1 0.2 1.3 -3 -20.0% Iraq 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 11 0.1 0.1 0.4 +11 - Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Language spoken at home by 12 to 17 year olds In 2011, the most common languages spoken at home by 12 to 17 years olds were English (93.9), Karen (0.6%), Auslan (0.3%), Indonesian (0.2%), and Arabic (0.2%). The largest increase in terms of numbers between 2006 and 2011 was Karen speakers from zero in 2006 to 46 in 2011. The largest decrease in actual numbers was amongst English speakers with a decrease of 188 young people. The percentage of English spoken at home amongst the 12 to 17 age group is higher with 93.9% than both the regional Victorian average with 92.7% and the Victorian average at 77.7%. But Karen spoken in Greater Bendigo (spoken by immigrants from Myanmar) with 0.6% is significantly higher than the regional Victorian and Victorian average with 0.1% each (see Table 25).


Table 25: Language spoken at home by 12 to 17 year olds

Language Spoken at Home by 12 to 17 year olds in Greater Bendigo - Ranked by Size

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011 Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % Language VIC % % VIC % % English 7,972 95.2 93.8 79.6 7,784 93.9 92.7 77.7 -188 -2.4% Karen 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 46 0.6 0.1 0.1 +46 - Auslan 9 0.1 0.1 0.0 23 0.3 0.1 0.1 +14 155.6%

Indonesian 30 0.4 0.1 0.2 19 0.2 0.1 0.2 -11 -36.7%

Arabic 5 0.1 0.2 1.5 13 0.2 0.3 1.7 +8 160.0% Greek 9 0.1 0.1 1.4 13 0.2 0.1 1.4 +4 44.4% Mandarin 4 0.0 0.1 1.1 12 0.1 0.2 1.6 +8 200.0% Italian 0 0.0 0.3 0.9 11 0.1 0.3 0.8 +11 - Cantonese 16 0.2 0.1 1.3 11 0.1 0.1 1.3 -5 -31.3% Tagalog 3 0.0 0.1 0.2 10 0.1 0.1 0.3 +7 233.3% French 18 0.2 0.1 0.1 10 0.1 0.1 0.2 -8 -44.4% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile: language?COIID=3&BMACOIID=40

Language spoken at home by 18 to 24 year olds In 2011, the most common languages spoken at home by 18 to 24 years olds were English (92.2%), Karen (0.7%), Mandarin (0.7%), Arabic (0.3%), and Vietnamese (0.3%). The largest increase in terms of numbers between 2006 and 2011 was English with an increase of 545 young people, while Karen was second largest with an increase of 68 young people from zero in 2006. The percentage of English spoken at home amongst the 18 to 24 age group was higher in Greater Bendigo with 92.2% than both the regional Victorian average of 90.7% and significantly higher than the Victorian average of 69.8%. Finally, Karen speakers with 0.7% were significantly higher than the regional Victorian and Victorian averages of 0.1% each (see Table 26).


Table 26: Language spoken at home by 18 to 24 year olds

Language Spoken at Home by 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo - Ranked by Size

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011 Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % Language VIC % % VIC % % English 8,691 93.6 91.8 71.2 9,236 92.2 90.7 69.8 +545 6.3% Karen 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68 0.7 0.1 0.1 +68 - Mandarin 41 0.4 0.4 3.3 68 0.7 0.6 4.5 +27 65.9% Arabic 11 0.1 0.2 1.5 32 0.3 0.3 1.7 +21 190.9% Vietnamese 5 0.1 0.1 1.7 27 0.3 0.1 2.0 +22 440.0% Cantonese 12 0.1 0.2 2.2 25 0.2 0.2 2.0 +13 108.3% Tagalog 6 0.1 0.0 0.2 21 0.2 0.1 0.3 +15 250.0% Korean 5 0.1 0.1 0.2 14 0.1 0.1 0.3 +9 180.0% Russian 6 0.1 0.1 0.3 13 0.1 0.0 0.2 +7 116.7% Punjabi 0 0.0 0.1 0.4 12 0.1 0.2 1.1 +12 - Inadequately 16 0.2 0.1 0.1 12 0.1 0.1 0.1 -4 -25.0% described Persian/Dari 0 0.0 0.0 0.3 11 0.1 0.1 0.4 +11 - Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile: language?BMACOIID=40&COIID=4

Analysis Overall analysis demonstrates that most young people aged 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 were born in Australia. However, there is an increasing number of young people born overseas from non- English speaking backgrounds. There were slightly different results for the age groups with those 12 to 17 years coming from Thailand, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Burma (Myanmar), and India; while the 18 to 24 year olds were from the United Kingdom, China, Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, and New Zealand. However, while the percentage of 12 to 24 year olds born overseas is growing, it is still lower than the regional Victorian rate and significantly lower than the Victorian rate. Furthermore, English is still the main language spoken at home, but change is evident with the languages spoken at home diversifying from almost entirely English to include languages like Karen, Mandarin, Arabic, and Vietnamese. Both the 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 age groups were different in terms of dominant language spoken. The 12 to 17 year old group’s dominant languages were English, Karen, Auslan, and Indonesian whilst the 18 to 24 group’s dominant languages were English, Karen, Mandarin, and Arabic. Yet, while Greater Bendigo’s percentage of 12 to 24 year olds speaking a language at home other than English is increasing, it is still lower than regional Victoria, and significantly lower than the Victorian average.



Population forecasts of young people in Greater Bendigo show growth in both 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 ages groups over the next two decades. They also show population changes across all suburbs with some suburbs experiencing significant growth and others experiencing low or negative growth.

Population Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds - 2016 to 2026 The current (2016) estimated residential population of 12 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo is 19,440 or 17.2% of the population. This is expected to rise by 15% by 2026 to 22,257, or 16.6% of the population. In 2016 the suburbs with the most 12 to 24 year olds were: Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully (2,199), Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill (1,687), Golden Square (1,669), and North Bendigo - California Gully (1,537). The suburbs with the fewest 12 to 24 year olds were: East Bendigo (380), Heathcote and District (429), Elmore and Rural North (502), and Huntly (583). The 2016 to 2026 projections show that the suburbs of Huntly (+103.4%), Strathfieldsaye, Marong – Rural West (+50.9%), and Bendigo (+31.7%) are expected to grow the most in terms of percentage; and that the suburbs of: Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark (-10.6%), Elmore - Rural North (-8.2%), Strathdale (-1.0%) are expected to grow the least or decline in terms of percentage. In 2026 the suburbs with the most 12 to 24 year olds are expected to be: Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully (2,467), Golden Square (1,814), and Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill (1,782). In 2026 the suburbs with the least 12 to 24 year olds are expected to be: East Bendigo (419), Heathcote & District (451), and Elmore - Rural North (461). (See Table 27)

Table 27: Population forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds – 2016 to 2026

Population Forecasts of Persons aged 12 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo - 2016 to 2026 Change between Estimated Residential Population 2016 2026 2016 and 2026 Area Number % Number % Number % City of Greater Bendigo 19,440 17.2 22,357 16.6 +2,917 +15.0 Bendigo 1,149 19.0 1,513 19.8 +364 +31.7 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 913 14.5 928 13.3 +14 +1.6 East Bendigo 380 16.7 419 15.9 +39 +10.2 Elmore - Rural North 502 15.0 461 12.8 -41 -8.2 Epsom - Ascot 831 17.2 913 16.9 +82 +9.9 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully 2,199 22.6 2,467 24.2 +268 +12.2 Golden Square 1,669 18.1 1,814 17.5 +146 +8.7 Heathcote & District 429 11.3 451 10.9 +22 +5.2 Huntly 583 17.3 1,186 16.7 +603 +103.4 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 1,687 14.9 1,782 14.4 +95 +5.6 Kennington 1,173 19.4 1,224 19.6 +51 +4.3 Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 817 16.7 730 14.5 -87 -10.6 Maiden Gully 885 18.1 1,110 15.9 +225 +25.4 Marong - Rural West 727 16.0 1,008 15.4 +280 +38.6 North Bendigo - California Gully 1,537 17.4 1,606 17.2 +70 +4.5 Rural East 1,276 17.0 1,435 16.3 +159 +12.4 Strathdale 1,043 17.5 1,032 16.8 -11 -1.0 Strathfieldsaye 928 16.3 1,400 15.4 +472 +50.9 White Hills - Jackass Flat 711 16.5 876 14.6 +165 +23.3 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:


Population Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds - 2016 to 2036 The projected growth of the 12 to 24 age group across the City from 2016 to 2036 is predicted to add an additional 6,450 young people, up from 19,440 in 2016 to 25,890 in 2036, or 16.6% of the population. This is an increase of 33.2% over the next 20 years. The 2016 to 2036 projections show that the suburbs of Huntly (+225.8%), Strathfieldsaye (+120.3%), Maiden Gully (+101.3%), and Marong - Rural West (+101.2%) are expected to grow the most in terms of percentage; while that the suburbs of Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark (- 13.6%), Strathdale (1.4%), and Elmore - Rural North (2.3%), are expected to grow the least or decline in terms of percentage. In 2036 the suburbs with the most 12 to 24 year olds are expected to be: Flora Hill – Quarry Hill – Spring Gully – Golden Gully (2,607), Strathfieldsaye (2,044), and Kangaroo Flat – Big Hill (1,920). In 2036 the suburbs with the least 12 to 24 year olds are expected to be: East Bendigo (455), Heathcote & District (460), and Elmore – Rural North (514). (See Table 28)

Table 28: Population forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds – 2016 to 2036

Population Forecasts of Persons aged 12 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo – 2016 to 2036

Estimated Residential Change between 2016 2026 2036 Population 2016 and 2036 Area Number % Number % Number % Number % City of Greater Bendigo 19,440 17.2 22,357 16.6 25,890 16.6 +6,450 +33.2 Bendigo 1,149 19.0 1,513 19.8 1,678 19.1 +529 +46.0 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North 913 14.5 928 13.3 1,046 14.4 +132 +14.5 - Sailors Gully East Bendigo 380 16.7 419 15.9 455 15.9 +74 +19.6 Elmore - Rural North 502 15.0 461 12.8 514 13.5 +12 +2.3 Epsom - Ascot 831 17.2 913 16.9 913 16.5 +82 +9.9 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring 2,199 22.6 2,467 24.2 2,607 25.3 +408 +18.6 Gully - Golden Gully Golden Square 1,669 18.1 1,814 17.5 1,887 17.3 +218 +13.1 Heathcote & District 429 11.3 451 10.9 460 11.0 +31 +7.3 Huntly 583 17.3 1,186 16.7 1,900 17.4 +1,316 +225.8

Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 1,687 14.9 1,782 14.4 1,920 14.3 +234 +13.8

Kennington 1,173 19.4 1,224 19.6 1,245 19.9 +71 +6.1 Long Gully - West Bendigo - 817 16.7 730 14.5 706 13.3 -111 -13.6 Ironbark Maiden Gully 885 18.1 1,110 15.9 1,782 15.7 +896 +101.3 Marong - Rural West 727 16.0 1,008 15.4 1,463 15.5 +736 +101.2 North Bendigo - California 1,537 17.4 1,606 17.2 1,704 17.4 +168 +10.9 Gully Rural East 1,276 17.0 1,435 16.3 1,481 15.6 +205 +16.1 Strathdale 1,043 17.5 1,032 16.8 1,057 16.9 +14 +1.4 Strathfieldsaye 928 16.3 1,400 15.4 2,044 15.4 +1,117 +120.3 White Hills - Jackass Flat 711 16.5 876 14.6 1,027 14.6 +317 +44.6 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast: 36

Population Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds - 2016 to 2026 The projected growth of the 12 to 17 age group from 2016 to 2026 is expected to be 1,910, up from 8,467 in 2016 to 10,377 in 2026 or 7.7% of the population. This is an increase of 22.6% over the 10-year period. The 2016 to 2026 projections show that the suburbs of Huntly (+128.3%), Strathfieldsaye (+56.3%), and Marong – Rural West (+46.5%) are expected to grow the most in terms of percentage; and that the suburbs of: Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark (-5.2%), Elmore - Rural North (5.4), and Strathdale (5.4) are expected to grow the least or decline in terms of percentage. In 2026 the suburbs with the most 12 to 17 year olds are expected to be: Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully (832), Strathfieldsaye (825), and Rural East (820). In 2026 the suburbs with the least 12 to 17 year olds are expected to be: East Bendigo (149), Elmore - Rural North (268), and Heathcote & District (269). (See Table 29)

Table 29: Population Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds – 2016 to 2026

Population Forecasts of Persons aged 12 to 17 Years in Greater Bendigo - 2016 to 2026

Change between Estimated Residential Population 2016 2026 2016 and 2026 Area Number % Number % Number %

City of Greater Bendigo 8,467 7.5 10,377 7.7 +1,910 +22.6

Bendigo 448 7.4 530 6.9 +82 +18.3

Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 390 6.2 500 7.2 +109 +28.1

East Bendigo 129 5.6 149 5.7 +20 +16.0 Elmore - Rural North 254 7.6 268 7.4 +14 +5.4 Epsom - Ascot 356 7.4 427 7.9 +71 +20.1 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden 729 7.5 832 8.2 +103 +14.2 Gully Golden Square 645 7.0 734 7.1 +89 +13.8 Heathcote & District 205 5.4 269 6.5 +64 +31.1 Huntly 264 7.8 602 8.5 +339 +128.3 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 706 6.2 819 6.6 +113 +16.0 Kennington 427 7.1 460 7.3 +32 +7.5 Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 327 6.7 310 6.2 -17 -5.2 Maiden Gully 468 9.5 620 8.9 +153 +32.7 Marong - Rural West 388 8.5 569 8.7 +180 +46.5 North Bendigo - California Gully 677 7.7 726 7.8 +48 +7.1 Rural East 734 9.8 820 9.3 +86 +11.8 Strathdale 476 8.0 502 8.2 +26 +5.4 Strathfieldsaye 528 9.3 825 9.0 +297 +56.3 White Hills - Jackass Flat 317 7.3 416 6.9 +99 +31.3 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:


Population Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds - 2016 to 2036 The projected growth of the 12 to 17 age group from 2016 to 2036 is 3,623, up from 8,467 in 2016 to 12,091 in 2036, or 7.7% of the population. This is an increase of 42.8% over the 20-year period. The 2016 to 2036 projections show that the suburbs of Huntly (+261.9%), Strathfieldsaye (+124.8%), and Maiden Gully (+117.5%) are expected to grow the most in terms of percentage; and that the suburbs of Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark (-9.5%), Strathdale (+5.7%), and Kennington (+6.6%) are expected to grow the least or decline in terms of percentage. In 2036 the suburbs with the most 12 to 17 year olds are expected to be: Strathfieldsaye (1,187), Maiden Gully (1,017), and Huntly (955). In 2036 the suburbs with the least 12 to 17 year olds are expected to be: East Bendigo (167), Heathcote & District (255), and Elmore - Rural North (288). (See Table 30)

Table 30: Population forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds – 2016 to 2036

Population Forecasts of Persons aged 12 to 17 years in Greater Bendigo - 2016 to 2036

Estimated Residential Change between 2016 2026 2036 Population 2016 and 2036 Area Number % Number % Number % Number %

City of Greater Bendigo 8,467 7.5 10,377 7.7 12,091 7.7 +3,623 +42.8

Bendigo 448 7.4 530 6.9 609 6.9 +162 +36.1 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - 390 6.2 500 7.2 550 7.6 +160 +41.1 Sailors Gully East Bendigo 129 5.6 149 5.7 167 5.9 +38 +29.7 Elmore - Rural North 254 7.6 268 7.4 288 7.6 +34 +13.3 Epsom - Ascot 356 7.4 427 7.9 416 7.5 +60 +17.0 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring 729 7.5 832 8.2 837 8.1 +108 +14.8 Gully - Golden Gully Golden Square 645 7.0 734 7.1 765 7.0 +119 +18.5 Heathcote & District 205 5.4 269 6.5 255 6.1 +50 +24.3 Huntly 264 7.8 602 8.5 955 8.7 +692 +261.9 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 706 6.2 819 6.6 866 6.5 +160 +22.6 Kennington 427 7.1 460 7.3 456 7.3 +28 +6.6 Long Gully - West Bendigo - 327 6.7 310 6.2 295 5.6 -31 -9.5 Ironbark Maiden Gully 468 9.5 620 8.9 1,017 9.0 +550 +117.5 Marong - Rural West 388 8.5 569 8.7 824 8.7 +436 +112.4 North Bendigo - California Gully 677 7.7 726 7.8 771 7.9 +94 +13.9 Rural East 734 9.8 820 9.3 843 8.9 +109 +14.9 Strathdale 476 8.0 502 8.2 503 8.0 +27 +5.7 Strathfieldsaye 528 9.3 825 9.0 1,187 8.9 +659 +124.8 White Hills - Jackass Flat 317 7.3 416 6.9 485 6.9 +169 +53.2 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:


Population Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds - 2016 to 2026 The projected growth of the 18 to 24 age group from 2016 to 2026 is 1,007 young people, up from 10,972 in 2016 to 11,980 in 2026, or 8.9% of the population. This is an increase of 9.2% over the ten-year period. The 2016 to 2026 projections show that the suburbs of Huntly (82.9%), Strathfieldsaye (43.8%), and Bendigo (40.2%) are expected to grow the most in terms of percentage; and that the suburbs of Elmore - Rural North (-22.2%), Heathcote & District (-18.6%), Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North – Sailors Gully (-18.2%), and Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark (-14.2%) are expected to grow the least or decline in terms of percentage. In 2026 the suburbs with the most 18 to 24 year olds are expected to be: Flora Hill – Quarry Hill – Spring Gully – Golden Gully (1,636), Golden Square (1,080), and Bendigo (984). In 2026 the suburbs with the least 18 to 24 year olds are expected to be: Heathcote & District (182), Elmore – Rural North (193), and East Bendigo (270). (See Table 31)

Table 31: Population forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds – 2016 to 2026

Population Forecasts of Persons aged 18 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo – 2016 to 2026

Change between Estimated Residential Population 2016 2026 2016 and 2026 Area Number % Number % Number % City of Greater Bendigo 10,972 9.7 11,980 8.9 +1,007 +9.2 Bendigo 702 11.6 984 12.9 +282 +40.2 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 523 8.3 428 6.1 -95 -18.2 East Bendigo 252 11.0 270 10.2 +18 +7.1 Elmore - Rural North 248 7.4 193 5.4 -55 -22.2 Epsom - Ascot 475 9.8 486 9.0 +11 +2.3 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden 1,470 15.1 1,636 16.0 +165 +11.2 Gully Golden Square 1,023 11.1 1,080 10.4 +57 +5.5 Heathcote & District 224 5.9 182 4.4 -42 -18.6 Huntly 319 9.5 584 8.2 +264 +82.9 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 980 8.7 963 7.8 -18 -1.8 Kennington 746 12.4 764 12.2 +19 +2.5 Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 490 10.0 421 8.4 -70 -14.2 Maiden Gully 418 8.5 490 7.0 +72 +17.2 Marong - Rural West 339 7.4 439 6.7 +100 +29.5

North Bendigo - California Gully 859 9.7 881 9.4 +21 +2.5

Rural East 542 7.2 615 7.0 +72 +13.3 Strathdale 567 9.5 530 8.6 -37 -6.4 Strathfieldsaye 400 7.0 575 6.3 +175 +43.8 White Hills - Jackass Flat 394 9.1 460 7.7 +66 +16.8 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:


Population Forecasts of 18 to 24 years olds - 2016 to 2036 The projected growth of the 18 to 24 age group from 2016 to 2036 is expected to be 2,826 young people, up from 10,972 in 2016 to 13,799 in 2036, or 8.8% of the population. This is an increase of 25.8% over the 20-year period. The 2016 to 2036 projections show that the suburbs of Huntly (195.9%), Strathfieldsaye (114.4%), Marong-Rural West (88.4%) are expected to grow the most in terms of percentage; and that the suburbs of Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark (-16.3%), Elmore - Rural North (-9.0%), and Heathcote & District (-8.3%) are expected to grow the least or decline in terms of percentage. In 2036 the suburbs with the most 18 to 24 year olds are expected to be: Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully (1,770), Golden Square (1,122), and Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill (1,054). In 2036 the suburbs with the least 18 to 24 year olds are expected to be: Heathcote & District (205), Elmore - Rural North (226), and East Bendigo (288). (See Table 32)

Table 32: Population forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds – 2016 to 2036

Population Forecasts of Persons aged 18 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo – 2016 to 2036

Estimated Residential Change between 2016 2026 2036 Population 2016 and 2036 Area Number % Number % Number % Number %

City of Greater Bendigo 10,972 9.7 11,980 8.9 13,799 8.8 +2,826 +25.8

Bendigo 702 11.6 984 12.9 1,069 12.2 +367 +52.3 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - 523 8.3 428 6.1 495 6.8 -28 -5.3 Sailors Gully East Bendigo 252 11.0 270 10.2 288 10.1 +36 +14.3 Elmore - Rural North 248 7.4 193 5.4 226 6.0 -22 -9.0 Epsom - Ascot 475 9.8 486 9.0 497 9.0 +22 +4.6 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring 1,470 15.1 1,636 16.0 1,770 17.2 +300 +20.4 Gully - Golden Gully Golden Square 1,023 11.1 1,080 10.4 1,122 10.3 +99 +9.7 Heathcote & District 224 5.9 182 4.4 205 4.9 -19 -8.3 Huntly 319 9.5 584 8.2 944 8.6 +625 +195.9 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 980 8.7 963 7.8 1,054 7.9 +74 +7.6 Kennington 746 12.4 764 12.2 789 12.6 +43 +5.8 Long Gully - West Bendigo - 490 10.0 421 8.4 410 7.7 -80 -16.3 Ironbark Maiden Gully 418 8.5 490 7.0 764 6.7 +346 +82.9 Marong - Rural West 339 7.4 439 6.7 639 6.8 +300 +88.4

North Bendigo - California Gully 859 9.7 881 9.4 933 9.5 +74 +8.6

Rural East 542 7.2 615 7.0 639 6.7 +96 +17.7 Strathdale 567 9.5 530 8.6 554 8.9 -13 -2.3 Strathfieldsaye 400 7.0 575 6.3 857 6.5 +458 +114.4 White Hills - Jackass Flat 394 9.1 460 7.7 542 7.7 +148 +37.6 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:


Analysis The projected population of 12 to 24 year olds for 2036 reveal a significant increase on 2016 figures. The population of most suburbs will increase, except for Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark. The largest populations of 12 to 24 year olds are expected to be in Flora Hill – Quarry Hill – Spring Gully – Golden Gully (2,607), Strathfieldsaye (2,044), and Kangaroo Flat – Big Hill (1,920); while the smallest populations will be East Bendigo (455), Heathcote & District (460), and Elmore – Rural North (514). There will also be growing populations of 12 to 24 year olds in Huntly, Strathfieldsaye, Maiden Gully, and Marong - Rural West - all with growth of over 100% by 2036. The population of the 12 to 17 age group will grow in most suburbs between 2016 and 2036 except for Long Gully; while the 18 to 24 group is predicted to decrease in population in Elmore – Rural North, Heathcote & District, and Long Gully – West Bendigo – Ironbark over the same period.



Young people aged 12 to 17 years in Greater Bendigo attend educational institutions at a lower level than those in both regional Victoria and Victoria, while those aged 18 to 24 attend more than their regional counterparts but less than those in Victoria. However, 18 to 24 year olds have higher rates of vocational qualifications than the regional Victorian average, but lower rates of bachelor degrees or higher and advanced diploma/diploma qualifications than the Victorian average.

Young People aged 12 to 17 attending an Educational Institution In 2011, the majority of young people (87.5%) aged 12 to 17 were attending an educational institution. The majority of these were attending secondary school at 74.8%, followed by 8.5% still in primary school, and 3.1% in TAFE. The largest change between 2006 and 2011 was experienced by TAFE, with an increase of 72.8%. However, comparisons show that Greater Bendigo had a slightly lower percentage of 12 to 17 year olds attending an educational institution compared to both regional Victoria with 88.1% and Victoria with 89%. This was also evident in secondary attendance (74.8%) with both regional Victorian and Victorian rates being higher at 76.1% and 78.1% respectively (see Table 33).

Table 33: Young people aged 12 to 17 attending an education institution

Young People aged 12 to 17 years attending an Education Institution in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011

Type of Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % Institution VIC % % VIC % % Attending 7,299 87.1 87.2 87.1 7,253 87.5 88.1 89.0 -46 -0.6% Pre-school 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0% Primary 708 8.5 8.6 7.9 701 8.5 8.9 8.3 -7 -1.0% school Secondary 6,344 75.7 76.0 76.9 6,198 74.8 76.1 78.1 -146 -2.3% school TAFE 147 1.8 1.7 1.4 254 3.1 2.1 1.7 +107 72.8% University 7 0.1 0.1 0.3 6 0.1 0.1 0.2 -1 -14.3% Other 93 1.1 0.8 0.6 94 1.1 0.9 0.7 +1 1.1% Not 436 5.2 4.5 3.6 356 4.3 3.8 2.8 -80 -18.3% attending Not stated 641 7.7 8.2 9.3 677 8.2 8.1 8.2 +36 5.6% Total people 8,376 100.0 100.0 100.0 8,286 100.0 100.0 100.0 -90 -1.1% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Young People aged 18 to 24 attending an Educational Institution In 2011, a minority of young people aged 18 to 24 were attending an educational institution with 39.8% in some type of institution. The majority of these were attending University (24%), followed by TAFE with 9%, and 5.4% still in secondary school. The largest change between 2006 and 2011 was experienced by TAFE, with an increase of 33.1% from 2006. However, comparisons show that Greater Bendigo had a much lower percentage of 18 to 24 year olds attending an educational institution (39.8%) than Victoria with 46.4%; however this was above the regional Victorian average of 34.6%. This was also evident in University attendance (24%) as 42 the Victorian average was higher with 29.3% and the regional Victorian average lower with 16.2% (see Table 34).

Table 34: Young people aged 18 to 24 attending an education institution

Young People aged 18 to 24 years attending an Education Institution in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 2006 2011 Residents to 2011 Type of Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % Institution VIC % % VIC % % Attending 3,348 36.1 31.2 42.3 3,986 39.8 34.6 46.4 +638 19.1% Pre-school 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0%

Primary 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0% school Secondary 464 5.0 5.7 4.4 539 5.4 5.9 4.9 +75 16.2% school TAFE 680 7.3 9.7 10.4 905 9.0 10.5 10.2 +225 33.1% University 2,069 22.3 14.1 25.9 2,400 24.0 16.2 29.3 +331 16.0% Other 135 1.5 1.7 1.7 142 1.4 2.0 2.1 +7 5.2%

Not 5,395 58.1 62.4 49.5 5,495 54.9 59.4 46.8 +100 1.9% attending Not stated 537 5.8 6.4 8.1 537 5.4 6.0 6.8 0 0.0% Total people 9,280 100.0 100.0 100.0 10,018 100.0 100.0 100.0 +738 8.0% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Highest Qualification of 18 to 24 year olds In 2011, 62.4% of 18 to 24 year olds stated they had no formal qualifications. Of those with formal qualifications, 21.8% stated they had a vocational qualification, 6.5% had a bachelor degree or higher, and 3% an advanced diploma/diploma. All categories increased between 2006 and 2011. Those with a vocational qualification increased the most during the period with a 10.8% increase. Greater Bendigo had a higher percentage of 18 to 24 year old residents without qualifications (62.4%) than the Victorian average (58.3%) and the regional Victorian average (59.2%); and a higher percentage of 18 to 24 year olds with vocational qualifications (21.8%) than the Victorian average (15.8%) but lower than the regional Victorian average of 23.7%. Greater Bendigo also had a lower percentage of 18 to 24 year olds with a bachelor degree or higher (6.5%) and advanced diploma/diploma (3%) qualifications than the Victorian average of 11.6% and 6.2% respectively (see Table 35).


Table 35: Highest qualification of 18 to 24 year olds

Highest Qualification achieved by 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011 Qualification Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % Level VIC % % VIC % % Bachelor or Higher 602 6.5 5.9 11.1 656 6.5 5.9 11.6 +54 9.0% degree Advanced Diploma or 269 2.9 3.6 5.7 298 3.0 3.7 6.2 +29 10.8% Diploma Vocational 2,015 21.7 22.2 14.6 2,187 21.8 23.7 15.8 +172 8.5% No 5,679 61.2 59.8 58.5 6,246 62.4 59.2 58.3 +567 10.0% qualification Not stated 712 7.7 8.4 10.1 630 6.3 7.5 8.1 -82 -11.5%

Total people 9,277 100.0 100.0 100.0 10,017 100.0 100.0 100.0 +740 8.0% Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Analysis Analysis of 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 year olds attending educational institutions and level of qualifications indicates that there were differences between the two age groups. It reveals that the 12 to 17 year old group attended an educational institution more than the 18 to 24 year old group - which is to be expected. But it also revealed that both groups were attending educational institutions at a lower rate than the Victorian average. Finally, analysis highlights that 18 to 24 year olds had lower rates of bachelor degree or higher and advanced diploma/diploma qualifications than the Victorian average, but a higher rate of vocational qualifications than the regional Victorian rate.



Youth unemployment in Greater Bendigo, while lower than the national and Victorian levels, is higher than overall rate of unemployment in the municipality. Some areas within the municipality experience higher levels of youth unemployment than other areas, with youth disengagement often (but not always) high in the same areas.

Youth Unemployment Youth unemployment in 2011 was 10.7% or 982 young people, with Huntly, North Bendigo - California Gully, and Strathfieldsaye recording the highest levels at 17.6%, 15.9% and 15.3% respectively. The overall rate was slightly lower than the regional Victoria rate with 11.1% and Victoria with 12%. While White Hills - Jackass Flat, Rural East, and Kennington recorded the lowest levels of unemployment at 3.6%, 6.2% and 7.3% respectively (see Table 36).

Table 36: Youth Unemployment in 2011

Youth Unemployment in Greater Bendigo in 2011

Area (Usual Residents) Number Total labour force aged 15 to 24 % Bendigo 79 639 12.4 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 38 409 9.3 East Bendigo 26 219 11.9 Elmore - Rural North 27 208 13.0 Epsom - Ascot 37 411 8.9 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully 145 1,311 11.1 Golden Square 88 863 10.2 Heathcote and District 19 155 12.6 Huntly 26 150 17.6 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 86 805 10.7 Kennington 49 672 7.3 Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 54 454 11.9 Maiden Gully 40 436 9.2 Marong - Rural West 24 293 8.2 North Bendigo - California Gully 115 723 15.9 Rural East 27 432 6.2 Strathdale 38 515 7.4 Strathfieldsaye 57 373 15.3 White Hills - Jackass Flat 10 278 3.6 City of Greater Bendigo 982 9,219 10.7 Regional VIC 11,525 103,425 11.1 Bendigo SA4 1,209 11,502 10.5 Greater Melbourne 39,808 324,302 12.3 Victoria 51,527 428,443 12.0 Australia 213,815 1,754,092 12.2 Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas:


The current (March 2017) rate of youth unemployment in Greater Bendigo is 6.2%, significantly lower than the Victorian rate of 13.2% and national rate of 13.3%. This suggests the current rate is possibly understated because similar regional cities in Victoria such as Ballarat and Shepparton also both have higher youth unemployment with 9.6% and 10.6% respectively.6 However, even if this figure is an accurate reflection of current youth unemployment it is still higher than the overall unemployment rate of 4.2% in Greater Bendigo (see Table 37).

Table 37: Current Youth Unemployment

Youth Unemployment in Greater Bendigo - March 2017 Region Youth Unemployment Rate (15 - 24) % Unemployment Rate (15+) % Greater Bendigo SA4 6.2% 4.2% Victoria (average) 13.2% 6.1% Australia (average) 13.3% 5.9% Source: Department of Employment, Labour Force, City of Greater Bendigo:

Youth Disengagement Youth disengagement (defined as neither in employment or education or training) was 9.8% in 2011 or 1,408 young people, with Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark, Heathcote and District and North Bendigo - California Gully recording the highest level of youth disengagement with 21.6%, 18.5%, and 16.2% respectively. All of these suburbs were higher than Greater Bendigo with 9.8%, regional Victoria with 10.3% and Victoria with 8.1%. While Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully, Strathdale, and Strathfieldsaye recorded the lowest levels of disengagement at 3.2%, 3.2% and 4.9% respectively. All lower than Greater Bendigo with 9.8%, and regional Victoria with 10.3% and Victoria with 8.1% (see Table 38).

6 Department of Employment, Labour Force, City of Greater Bendigo: 46

Table 38: Disengaged Youth in 2011

Disengaged Youth in Greater Bendigo in 2011 (Aged 15-24 and not Employed or in Education) Area (Enumerated) Number Total persons aged 15 to 24 % Bendigo 125 1,007 12.5 Eaglehawk - Eaglehawk North - Sailors Gully 87 634 13.7 East Bendigo 38 347 10.9 Elmore - Rural North 37 382 9.8 Epsom - Ascot 48 610 7.8 Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully 71 2,201 3.2 Golden Square 143 1,343 10.7 Heathcote and District 59 318 18.5 Huntly 23 246 9.3 Kangaroo Flat - Big Hill 146 1,215 12.0 Kennington 93 1,064 8.7 Long Gully - West Bendigo - Ironbark 148 685 21.6 Maiden Gully 41 545 7.4 Marong - Rural West 41 471 8.7 North Bendigo - California Gully 170 1,051 16.2 Rural East 40 692 5.8 Strathdale 26 807 3.2 Strathfieldsaye 25 509 4.9 White Hills - Jackass Flat 29 401 7.3 City of Greater Bendigo 1,408 14,424 9.8 Regional VIC 17,245 167,769 10.3 Bendigo SA4 1,805 18,412 9.8 Greater Melbourne 40,820 552,826 7.4 Victoria 58,068 720,642 8.1 Australia 275,305 2,866,000 9.6 Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas:

Analysis Analysis of local youth unemployment and disengagement shows that some suburbs were impacted more severely than others. Suburbs like Long Gully - West Bendigo – Ironbark, Heathcote and District and North Bendigo - California Gully all had high levels of both youth unemployment and disengagement – with 21.6%, 18.6% and 16.2% respectively. These suburbs were all above the Greater Bendigo percentage of youth unemployment in 2011 of 10.7% and disengagement of 9.8%, and were all higher than the Victoria average of 8.1% and regional Victorian average of 10.3%. While suburbs like Flora Hill - Quarry Hill - Spring Gully - Golden Gully and Rural East had low levels of both youth unemployment and disengagement, and were lower than the overall Greater Bendigo percentage, and Victorian and regional Victorian averages. Analysis also shows that there was not always a correlation between high unemployment and high disengagement, as Strathfieldsaye had high youth unemployment but low youth disengagement. Finally, the current youth unemployment rate for Greater Bendigo of 6.2% suggests a lower youth unemployment rate than expected, especially when compared to the higher Victorian youth unemployment rate of 13.3%.



There are differences in household profiles between the 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 age groups in Greater Bendigo. More 12 to 17 year olds live in single parent households than 18 to 24 year olds, but more 18 to 24 year olds live in couples without children households and in group housing. There were more 12 to 17 year olds in rented social housing than 18 to 24 year olds, while both groups saw an increase in the number of low income households. The vast majority of both groups live in households with internet connection.

Household Type of 12 to 17 year olds At the 2011 Census the majority (71.5%) of 12 to 17 years olds in Greater Bendigo lived in couples with children households, while 27.5% lived in single parent households. From 2006 to 2011 the number of 12 to 17 year olds living in couples with children households declined by 136 or -2.3%, while those living in one parent households increased by 79 or 3.8% over the period. The percentage of 12 to 17 year olds living in couples with children households was slightly higher in Greater Bendigo with 71.5% than in regional Victoria with 70.5%, but lower than Victoria with 73.0%. However the percentage of 12 to 17 year olds living in single parent households in Greater Bendigo (27.5%) was higher than both regional Victoria and Victoria with 24.6% and 22.3% respectively (see Table 39).

Table 39: Household Type of 12 to 17 year olds

Household Type of 12 to 17 year olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011

Households by Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % type VIC % % VIC % % Couple with 5,812 72.1 75.2 73.3 5,676 71.5 70.5 73.0 -136 -2.3% children

Couple without 10 0.1 0.2 0.7 27 0.3 0.9 0.7 +17 170.0% children

One parent family 2,106 26.1 23.0 21.5 2,185 27.5 24.6 22.3 +79 3.8%

Other Family 9 0.1 0.1 0.6 0 0.0 0.5 0.5 -9 -100.0%

Group household 37 0.5 0.2 0.4 0 0.0 0.4 0.3 -37 -100.0%

Lone person 0 0.0 0.1 0.6 9 0.1 0.6 0.5 +9 - household

Other non- classifiable 89 1.1 1.1 3.1 43 0.5 2.6 2.7 -46 -51.7% household

Total people in private dwellings 8,063 100.0 100.0 100.0 7,940 100.0 100.0 100.0 -123 -1.5%

Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Household Type of 18 to 24 year olds The largest single group of 18 to 24 years olds in Greater Bendigo lived in couples with children households with 40.1%, followed by group households with 19%, one parent households with 17.8%, and couples without children households with 12.7%.


From 2006 to 2011 the number of 18 to 24 year olds living in all categories of households increased, with those living in one parent households increasing the most by 228 or 16.7% over the five-year period. The percentage of 18 to 24 year olds living in one parent households was just lower at 17.8% than in regional Victoria with 17.9%, but higher than Victoria with 16.5%. However the percentage of 18 to 24 year olds living in Group households in Greater Bendigo (19%) was higher than both regional Victoria and Victoria with 12.2% and 12.8% respectively (see Table 40). This is possibly explained by the presence of tertiary institutions in Greater Bendigo.

Table 40: Household type of 18 to 24 year olds

Household Type of 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 2006 2011 residents to 2011

Households Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % by type VIC % % VIC % %

Couple with 3,297 40.2 48.5 47.4 3,590 40.1 44.1 47.2 +293 8.9% children

Couple without 1,079 13.1 14.3 10.6 1,138 12.7 13.3 10.8 +59 5.5% children

One parent 1,363 16.6 15.9 15.1 1,591 17.8 17.9 16.5 +228 16.7% family

Other Family 241 2.9 2.1 4.5 245 2.7 2.9 4.3 +4 1.7% Group 1,648 20.1 11.9 12.7 1,699 19.0 12.2 12.8 +51 3.1% household Lone person 470 5.7 5.8 5.0 522 5.8 6.8 4.9 +52 11.1% household Other non- classifiable 111 1.4 1.5 4.6 168 1.9 2.8 3.6 +57 51.4% household Total people in private 8,209 100.0 100.0 100.0 8,953 100.0 100.0 100.0 +744 9.1% dwellings Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Household Tenure of 12 to 17 year olds At the 2011 Census the majority or 57% of 12 to 17 years olds lived in households that had a mortgage, 17.9% lived in fully owned households, 17.8% lived in private rented households, and 4.9% lived in rented social housing. The percentage of 12 to 17 years olds living in households with a mortgage declined from 2006 to 2011 by -3.2%, as did those living in fully owned households with a decrease of -15.1%. While the overall percentage of 12 to 17 years olds living in rented households increased from 2006 to 2011 by 24.8%, those in rented social housing decreased by -9.2%; and those in privately rented households increased by 39%. There were fewer 12 to 17 years olds living in fully owned households (17.9%) compared to regional Victoria and Victoria with 19.9% and 20.5% respectively, but a higher percentage of this group living in rented social housing (4.9%) than regional Victoria and Victoria with 4.8% and 3.7% respectively (see Table 41).


Table 41: Household tenure of 12 to 17 year olds

Household Tenure of 12 to 17 year olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011 Tenure by Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % type VIC % % VIC % %

Fully owned 1,629 21.0 25.1 22.6 1,383 17.9 19.9 20.5 -246 -15.1%

Mortgage 4,558 58.7 56.1 52.9 4,413 57.0 52.2 53.2 -145 -3.2% Renting 1,403 18.1 16.4 19.3 1,751 22.6 23.5 21.7 +348 24.8% Renting - Social 414 5.3 4.1 4.0 376 4.9 4.8 3.7 -38 -9.2% housing Renting - 989 12.7 12.3 14.8 1,375 17.8 18.2 17.6 +386 39.0% Private

Renting - 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0 0.0 0.6 0.4 0 0.0% Not stated

Other tenure 0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0 0.0 0.5 0.4 0 0.0% type

Not stated 176 2.3 2.4 4.8 190 2.5 3.9 4.2 +14 8.0%

Total people counted in 7,766 100.0 100.0 100.0 7,737 100.0 100.0 100.0 -29 -0.4% private dwellings Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Household Tenure of 18 to 24 years olds At the 2011 Census 40.2% of 18 to 24 years olds lived in privately rented households, 37.8% lived in households with a mortgage, 15.2% lived in fully owned households, and 2.9% lived in rented social housing. The percentage of 18 to 24 years olds living in in rented social housing increased from 2006 to 2011 by 24.1%, while the percentage of 18 to 24 year olds living in a privately rented household also increased by 12.5%. There were fewer 18 to 24 years olds living in fully owned households (15.2%) compared to regional Victoria and Victoria with 18.2% and 21.1% respectively, but a higher percentage of this group living in privately rented housing (40.2%) than regional Victoria and Victoria with 33.7% and 32.5% respectively (see Table 42).


Table 42: Household tenure of 18 to 24 year olds

Household Tenure of 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011 Tenure by Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % type VIC % % VIC % % Fully owned 1,423 17.5 21.6 22.7 1,373 15.2 18.2 21.1 -50 -3.5%

Mortgage 3,046 37.4 40.2 35.6 3,405 37.8 37.5 36.8 +359 11.8% Renting 3,440 42.2 34.6 34.5 3,883 43.1 38.7 35.9 +443 12.9% Renting - Social 212 2.6 3.0 2.9 263 2.9 4.3 2.9 +51 24.1% housing Renting - 3,219 39.5 31.5 30.9 3,620 40.2 33.7 32.5 +401 12.5% Private Renting - 9 0.1 0.1 0.6 0 0.0 0.7 0.5 -9 -100.0% Not stated Other tenure 0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0 0.0 0.4 0.4 0 0.0% type Not stated 244 3.0 3.6 6.9 343 3.8 5.1 5.7 +99 40.6% Total people counted in 8,153 100.0 100.0 100.0 9,004 100.0 100.0 100.0 +851 10.4% private dwellings Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Household Income of 12 to 17 year olds In 2011, 10.8% of residents aged 12 to 17 lived in households with incomes in the bottom quarter of household income. Another 25.8% lived in households in the second lowest quarter of household incomes - meaning a total of 36.6% lived in households in the bottom half of household incomes; and 27.3% lived in households in the top quarter of household income and 36.1% in second highest quarter. While between 2006 and 2011 the number of those 12 to 17 living in the bottom quartile increased by 21.3% or 123 young people. Greater Bendigo had fewer 12 to 17 year olds living in the lowest income quartile with 10.8% compared to regional Victoria with 14.2% and Victoria with 12.5%. However, Greater Bendigo had a lower percentage of 12 to 17 year olds living in households in the highest income quartile with 27.3% compared to Victoria with 34.8% (see Table 43).


Table 43: Household income quartiles of 12 to 17 year olds

Household Income Quartiles of 12 to 17 years olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011

Quartile Regional Victoria Regional Victoria $ Number % $ Number % Number % group VIC % % VIC % %

Lowest $0 to $0 to 568 9.0 10.1 11.7 691 10.8 14.2 12.5 +123 21.6% group $539 $624

$540 $625 Medium to 1,916 30.4 31.4 23.0 to 1,643 25.8 25.8 22.0 -273 -14.3% lowest $1,021 $1,213

$1,022 $1,214 Medium to 2,241 35.5 34.1 29.8 to 2,301 36.1 33.4 30.7 +61 2.7% highest $1,682 $2,148

$1,683 $2,149 Highest and 1,587 25.1 24.5 35.5 and 1,741 27.3 26.6 34.8 +154 9.7% group over over Total - 6,312 100.0 100.0 100.0 - 6,376 100.0 100.0 100.0 +64 1.0% people Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Household Income of 18 to 24 year olds In 2011, 13.3% of persons aged 18 to 24 lived in households in the lowest household income quartile, and 27.6% in second lowest group meaning a total of 40.9% were in households in the bottom half of household earnings, while 24.3% lived in households in the top quarter of household incomes and 31.9% in second highest quarter. However between 2006 and 2011 the number of 18 to 24 year olds living in the bottom quartile increased by 24.1% or 195 young people. Greater Bendigo had fewer 18 to 24 year olds living in the lowest income quartile with 13.3% compared to regional Victoria with 14.1% and Victoria with 14.2%. However, the City had a lower percentage of 18 to 24 year olds living in households in the highest income quartile with 24.3% compared to regional Victoria with 27.9% and Victoria with 36.8% (see Table 44).

Table 44: Household income quartiles of 18 to 24 year olds

Household Income Quartiles of 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011 Quartile Regional Victoria Regional Victoria $ Number % $ Number % Number % group VIC % % VIC % %

Lowest $0 to $0 to 808 12.1 11.0 13.6 1,003 13.3 14.1 14.2 +195 24.1% group $539 $624

$540 $625 Medium to 2,084 31.3 29.6 19.9 to 2,082 27.6 26.1 20.1 -2 -0.1% lowest $1,021 $1,213 $1,022 $1,214 Medium to 2,251 33.8 33.4 28.5 to 2,637 34.9 31.9 29.0 +385 17.1% highest $1,682 $2,148 $1,683 $2,149 Highest and 1,526 22.9 26.0 37.9 and 1,836 24.3 27.9 36.8 +310 20.3% group over over

Total - 6,670 100.0 100.0 100.0 - 7,558 100.0 100.0 100.0 +888 13.3% people Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:


Household Internet Connections of 12 to 17 year olds In 2011 the majority or 89.8% of 12 to 17 year olds lived in households with an Internet connection, and most (88.6%) had broadband connections, while only 5.5% lived in households with no connection. From 2006 to 2011, 12 to 17 year olds living in households with internet connections increased by 4.3% or 278 young people. The number of 12 to 17 year olds living in household with Internet connection in Greater Bendigo (89.8%) was higher than regional Victoria with 88.1% and the same as Victoria with 89.8% (see Table 45).

Table 45: Internet connection of 12 to 17 year olds

Type of Internet Connection for 12 to 17 year olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011 Connection Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % Type VIC % % VIC % % Total internet 6,703 82.1 80.6 81.9 6,990 89.8 88.1 89.8 +287 4.3% connection -Broadband connection 4,049 49.6 49.1 60.4 6,890 88.6 82.7 85.6 +2,841 70.2% -Dial-up connection 2,654 32.5 31.5 21.1 38 0.5 2.5 2.1 -2,616 -98.6% -Other 0 0.0 0.0 0.4 62 0.8 2.8 2.1 +62 - connection No Internet 1,294 15.8 16.8 12.9 427 5.5 6.7 4.7 -867 -67.0% connection Not stated 170 2.1 2.6 5.2 363 4.7 5.3 5.5 +193 113.5% Total people in private 8,167 100.0 100.0 100.0 7,780 100.0 100.0 100.0 -387 -4.7% dwellings

Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Household Internet Connections of 18 to 24 year olds In 2011 the majority or 83.2% of 18 to 24 year olds lived in households with an Internet connection, and most (75.6%) had broadband connections, while 12.2% lived in households with no connection. From 2006 to 2011 18 to 24 year olds living in households with Internet connections increased by 38.7% or 2,118 young people. The number of 18 to 24 year olds living in a household with Internet connection in Greater Bendigo (83.2%) was higher than regional Victoria with 82.2% and lower than Victoria with 86.4% (see Table 46).


Table 46: Internet connection of 18 to 24 year olds

Type of Internet Connection for 18 to 24 year olds in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011 Connection Number % Regional Victoria Number % Regional Victoria Number % Type VIC % % VIC % % Total internet connection 5,466 64.3 62.5 72.3 7,584 83.2 82.2 86.4 +2,118 38.7%

-Broadband 3,260 38.3 37.9 54.1 6,893 75.6 71.2 79.4 +3,633 111.4% connection -Dial-up 2,187 25.7 24.4 17.4 40 0.4 2.4 2.0 -2,147 -98.2% connection -Other 19 0.2 0.2 0.8 651 7.1 8.5 5.0 +632 3326.3% connection No Internet 2,709 31.9 33.6 20.4 1,108 12.2 11.8 6.9 -1,601 -59.1% connection Not stated 330 3.9 3.9 7.3 422 4.6 6.0 6.7 +92 27.9% Total people in private dwellings 8,505 100.0 100.0 100.0 9,114 100.0 100.0 100.0 +609 7.2%

Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

Analysis Analysis of household types of 12 to 24 year olds reveals that the majority of 12 to 17 years olds lived in couple with children households, while less than half of 18 to 24 year olds lived in couple with children households. It shows that more 12 to 17 years olds lived in one parent households than did 18 to 24 year olds. This is also higher than the regional Victorian average and Victorian average. It also reveals significant difference between 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 groups with regards to living in group housing with 19% of 18 to 24 year olds living in group housing, but no 12 to 17 years olds in group housing. Analysis of 12 to 24 year old housing tenure reveals that there were more 12 to 17 year olds than 18 to 24 year olds living in rented social housing, which was also higher than regional Victoria and Victoria. It also reveals that while most 12 to 24 year olds in 2011 lived in households that were fully owned, had a mortgage or were privately rented, that the category of fully owned was decreasing and private renting was increasing. Furthermore, while both the 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 age groups were less represented in the lowest income quartile in 2011 compared to regional Victorian and Victorian averages, locally the number of young people in the lowest income quartile increased. The vast majority of young people aged 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 lived in households with Internet connections. However, there are some differences with the 18 to 24 year olds less connected than 12 to 17 year olds, as 83.2% of 18 to 24 year olds and 89.8% of 12 to 17 year olds lived in households with the Internet.



Young people with disabilities in need of assistance with core activities are marginally more prevalent in Greater Bendigo compared to regional Victoria and Victoria, while forecasts predict an increase in the number and percentage of young people with disabilities in Greater Bendigo.

Disabilities by age in Greater Bendigo Unlike many ABS age group statistics, disability age groups are not provided as service groups, therefore an exact 12 to 24 age-disability analysis is difficult. However it is possible to use ABS data of a similar age group of 10 to 19 provided by Profile id and 10 to 24 provided by the City of Greater Dandenong (Statistical data for Victorian Communities). In 2011, 5.5% or 5,515 residents required assistance with core activities due to disability in Greater Bendigo, of these 405 were aged between 10 and 19 years old or 2.9%. This is slightly higher than the regional Victoria average of 2.8% and the Victorian average of 2.3% at the time. Between 2006 and 2011 the age cohort of 10 to 19 who required assistance increased by 91 residents or 29% (see Table 47).

Table 47: Young people in need of assistance because of disability

Young People with Disabilities who need Assistance with Core Activities in Greater Bendigo

Usual Change 2006 to 2006 2011 Residents 2011

Assistance needed by Regional Victoria Regional Victoria Number % Number % Number % age group VIC % % VIC % % (years) 0 to 4 53 0.9 1.0 0.9 75 1.1 1.1 1.0 +22 41.5% 5 to 9 119 1.9 2.4 2.1 233 3.7 3.2 2.7 +114 95.8% 10 to 19 314 2.3 2.1 1.7 405 2.9 2.8 2.3 +91 29.0%

20 to 59 1,409 2.9 2.8 2.1 1,620 3.1 3.2 2.3 +211 15.0% 60 to 64 274 6.1 5.8 5.7 431 7.1 6.7 6.3 +157 11.1% 65 to 69 258 6.8 6.1 6.6 368 8.1 7.3 7.6 +110 42.6% 70 to 74 270 8.4 8.3 10.0 382 10.2 9.4 10.9 +112 41.5% 75 to 79 385 13.4 13.5 15.9 430 14.7 14.6 17.5 +45 11.7% 80 to 84 552 26.0 24.9 26.8 541 22.1 23.6 27.2 -11 -2.0% 85 and over 859 47.6 47.0 47.1 1,030 45.4 47.0 48.0 +171 19.9% Total persons needing 4,493 4.8 4.9 4.2 5,515 5.5 5.7 4.8 +1,022 22.7% assistance Source: Profile id, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile:

In 2011, 3.7% of the 10 to 14 age group, 2.5% of the 15 to 19 age group, and 2.1% of the 20 to 24 age group required assistance with core activities due to disability. If these three groups are then averaged, then 2.77% of 10 to 24 year olds in 2011 identified as requiring assistance with core activities due to disability (see Table 48).


Table 48: Disability by age group

Disability by Age Group in Greater Bendigo in 2011 Age Group Number % of age group 0-4 73 1.1% 5-9 235 3.9% 10-14 238 3.7% 15-19 170 2.5% 20-24 138 2.1% 25-29 118 2.0% 30-34 137 2.5% 35-39 142 2.4% 40-44 228 3.7% 45-49 235 3.6% 50-54 300 4.5% 55-59 326 5.2% 60-64 429 7.4% 65-69 371 8.5% 70-74 384 10.8% 75-79 434 15.9% 80-84 531 23.9% 85-89 590 43.6% 90-94 326 63.9% 95-99 93 74.4% 100+ 16 72.7% Source: Statistical Data for Communities, Disabilities by Age in City of Greater Bendigo:

Disability Forecasts for Greater Bendigo It is expected that by 2026 the number of 10 to 24 year olds with a disability in Greater Bendigo will increase from 559 in 2011 by 98 residents to 657, or by 17.5% over the 15-year period (see Table 49).

Table 49: Forecasts of young people with a disability

Forecasts of Young people with a Disability in Greater Bendigo - 2011 to 2026 Age Group Disabled persons 2011 Disabled persons 2026 Numerical change Change % 10-14 238 309 71 30% 15-19 175 203 28 16% 20-24 146 145 -1 -1% Total 559 657 98 17.5% Source: Statistical Data for Communities, Disabilities Forecasts for City of Greater Bendigo:

Analysis Young people aged 10 to 19 with a disability accounted for 2.9% of that age cohort. This group increased in population between 2006 and 2011 by 29% (or 91). At 2.9% the number of 10 to 19 year olds living with a disability was above the Victorian average of 2.3%, and just above the regional Victorian average of 2.8%. Finally, the data suggest an increase between 2011 and 2026 of 17.5% of young people with a disability between the ages of 10 and 24 years of age.



The population of rural 12 to 24 year olds has grown between 2006 and 2011. All four rural areas (Elmore, Heathcote, Marong-Rural West and Rural East) grew in their populations of young people. However, while the population of young people in the rural areas is projected to increase overall, there will be limited to negative growth in some rural areas.

Rural Population of 12 to 24 year olds In 2011, the four rural areas of Greater Bendigo had a population of 2,750 or 15% of young people aged 12 to 24 years out of the overall population of 18,315 young people. From 2006 to 2011 all four rural areas increased in their population of 12 to 24 year olds with Rural East experiencing the largest growth up 19.2% (+179 residents), Marong – Rural West (7.3% or +45 residents), Elmore – Rural North (6.2% or +29 residents), and Heathcote and District (5.2% or +25). (See Table 50) Table 50: Young people aged 12 to 24 in Rural Areas

Young People aged 12 to 24 years in Rural Areas - 2006 to 2011 Usual Residents 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011 Area Number Number Number % Elmore - Rural North 472 501 29 6.2% Heathcote and District 455 480 25 5.2% Marong - Rural West 618 663 45 7.3% Rural East 927 1,106 179 19.2% Total Rural 2,473 2,750 277 11.2% City of Greater Bendigo 17,650 18,315 665 3.8% Regional VIC 218,732 221,170 2,438 1.1% Victoria 872,869 918,772 45,903 5.3% Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas:

Rural Population of 12 to 17 year olds In 2011 the four rural areas had a population of 1,611 or 19.4% young people aged 12 to 17 years old out of a total 12 to 17 population of 8,290. From 2006 to 2011 only Rural East increased in its population of 12 to 17 year olds up 14.6% (+88), while Heathcote and District, Marong – Rural West, and Elmore – Rural North all decreased by -0.8% (-2), -3.0% (-11), and -10.3% (-32) respectively. (See Table 51) Table 51: Young people aged 12 to 17 in Rural Areas

Young People aged 12 to 17 years in Rural Areas - 2006 to 2011

Usual Residents 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011 Area Number Number Number % Elmore - Rural North 303 271 -32 -10.3% Heathcote and District 282 280 -2 -0.8% Marong - Rural West 377 366 -11 -3.0% Rural East 606 694 88 14.6% Total Rural 1,568 1,611 43 2.7% City of Greater Bendigo 8,369 8,290 -79 -0.9% Regional VIC 115,869 112,734 -3,135 -2.7% Victoria 400,925 404,205 3,280 0.8% Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas: 57

Rural Population of 18 to 24 year olds There were 1,139 rural young people or 11.4% of the population aged 18 to 24 years old out of a population of 10,025 in 2011. From 2006 to 2011 all four rural areas increased in 18 to 24 year olds with Elmore – Rural North experiencing the largest increase over the five-year period of 35.8% (+61 residents), while the other three areas of Rural East, Marong – Rural West, and Heathcote & District increased in 18 to 24 year olds by 28.1% (+90), 23.5% (+57), and 14.9% (+26) respectively (see Table 52).

Table 52: Young people aged 18 to 24 in Rural Areas

Young People aged 18 to 24 years in Rural Areas - 2006 to 2011

Usual residents 2006 2011 Change 2006 to 2011

Area Number Number Number % Elmore - Rural North 169 230 61 35.8% Heathcote and District 174 200 26 14.9% Marong - Rural West 240 297 57 23.5% Rural East 322 412 90 28.1% Total Rural 905 1,139 234 25.8% City of Greater Bendigo 9,281 10,025 744 8.0% Regional VIC 102,863 108,436 5,573 5.4% Victoria 471,944 514,567 42,623 9.0% Source: Atlas id, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas:

Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2026 The rural areas of Greater Bendigo are expected to have varied growth rates over the next ten to twenty years. In 2016 the rural area with the largest population of 12 to 24 year olds is Rural East with 1,276 persons while Heathcote and District has the lowest with 429 residents. The rural area expected to have the highest growth rate between 2016 and 2026 is Marong-Rural West, up from 727 in 2016 to 1,008 in 2026 (+281 or 38.6%). At the same time, Elmore-Rural North is projected to decline by 41 young people (-8.2%) over the period. The rural area projected to have the most 12 to 24 year olds in 2026 is Rural East with 1,435, followed by Marong – Rural West, Elmore – Rural North, Heathcote & District with 1,008, 461, and 451 residents respectively (see Table 53).

Table 53: Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas until 2026

Population Forecasts of Rural Young People aged 12 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo - 2016 to 2026

Estimated Residential Change between 2016 2016 2026 Population and 2026 Area Number % Number % Number % City of Greater Bendigo 19,440 17.2 22,357 16.6 +2,917 +15.0 Elmore - Rural North 502 15.0 461 12.8 -41 -8.2 Heathcote & District 429 11.3 451 10.9 +22 +5.2 Marong - Rural West 727 16.0 1,008 15.4 +281 +38.6 Rural East 1,276 17.0 1,435 16.3 +159 +12.4 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:


Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2036 The rural area expected to have the highest growth rate between 2016 and 2036 is Marong-Rural West. Here the population is set to grow from 727 in 2016 to 1,463 in 2036, an increase of 736 residents (+101.2%). The area projected to have the most 12 to 24 year old residents in 2036 is Rural East with 1,481, followed by Marong – Rural West, Elmore – Rural North, Heathcote & District with 1,463, 514, and 460 respectively. No rural area is projected to decline in population between 2016 and 2036 (see Table 54).

Table 54: Forecasts of 12 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas until 2036

Population Forecasts of Rural Young People aged 12 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo - 2016 to 2036

Estimated Residential Change between 2016 2026 2036 Population 2016 and 2036 Area Number % Number % Number % Number %

City of Greater Bendigo 19,440 17.2 22,357 16.6 25,890 16.6 +6,450 +33.2

Elmore - Rural North 502 15.0 461 12.8 514 13.5 +12 +2.3

Heathcote & District 429 11.3 451 10.9 460 11.0 +31 +7.3 Marong - Rural West 727 16.0 1,008 15.4 1,463 15.5 +736 +101.2 Rural East 1,276 17.0 1,435 16.3 1,481 15.6 +205 +16.1 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:

Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2026 In 2016 the rural area with the largest population of 12 to 17 year olds is Rural East with 734 persons while Heathcote and District has the lowest with 205 young people. The rural area expected to have the highest growth rate between 2016 and 2026 is Marong-Rural West, growing from 388 in 2016 to 569 in 2026 or an increase of 181 residents (+46.5%). The area projected to have the most 12 to 17 year olds in 2026 is Rural East with 820, followed by Marong – Rural West, Heathcote & District and Elmore – Rural North with 569, 269, 268 and respectively. No rural area is projected to decline in population between 2016 and 2026 (see Table 55).

Table 55: Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds in Rural Areas – 2016 to 2026

Population Forecasts of Rural Young People aged 12 to 17 years in Greater Bendigo - 2016 to 2026

Estimated Residential Change between 2016 2016 2026 Population and 2026 Area Number % Number % Number % City of Greater Bendigo 8,467 7.5 10,377 7.7 +1,910 +22.6 Elmore - Rural North 254 7.6 268 7.4 +14 +5.4 Heathcote & District 205 5.4 269 6.5 +64 +31.1 Marong - Rural West 388 8.5 569 8.7 +181 +46.5 Rural East 734 9.8 820 9.3 +86 +11.8 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:


Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2036 The rural area expected to have the highest growth rate between 2016 and 2036 is Marong-Rural West, which is expected to grow from 388 in 2016 to 824 in 2036 (up 436 or 112.4%). The rural area projected to have the most 12 to 17 year olds in 2036 is Rural East with 843, followed by Marong – Rural West, Elmore – Rural North, Heathcote & District with 824, 288, and 255 respectively. No rural area is projected to decline in population between 2016 and 2036 (see Table 56).

Table 56: Forecasts of 12 to 17 year olds in Rural Areas – 2016 to 2036

Population Forecasts of Rural Young People aged 12 to 17 years in Greater Bendigo - 2016 to 2036

Estimated Residential Change between 2016 2026 2036 Population 2016 and 2036 Area Number % Number % Number % Number % City of Greater Bendigo 8,467 7.5 10,377 7.7 12,091 7.7 +3,624 +42.8 Elmore - Rural North 254 7.6 268 7.4 288 7.6 +34 +13.3 Heathcote & District 205 5.4 269 6.5 255 6.1 +50 +24.3 Marong - Rural West 388 8.5 569 8.7 824 8.7 +436 +112.4 Rural East 734 9.8 820 9.3 843 8.9 +109 +14.9 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:

Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2026 In 2016 the rural area with the largest population of 18 to 24 year olds is Rural East with 542 persons while Heathcote and District has the lowest with 224 residents. The rural area expected to have the highest growth rate between 2016 and 2026 is Marong-Rural West, with an increase of 100 young people from 339 in 2016 to 439 in 2026 (or an increase of 29.5%) Concurrently, Elmore-Rural North is projected to decline by 55 young people (-22.2%), and Heathcote & District is expected to decline by 42 (-18.6%). The rural area projected to have the most 12 to 17 year olds in 2026 is Rural East with 615, followed by Marong – Rural West, Elmore – Rural North, and Heathcote & District with 439, 193, and 182 respectively (see Table 57).

Table 57: Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas – 2016 to 2026

Population Forecasts of Rural Young People aged 18 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo - 2016 to 2026 Estimated Residential Change between 2016 2016 2026 Population and 2026 Area Number % Number % Number % City of Greater Bendigo 10,972 9.7 11,980 8.9 +1,008 +9.2 Elmore - Rural North 248 7.4 193 5.4 -55 -22.2 Heathcote & District 224 5.9 182 4.4 -42 -18.6 Marong - Rural West 339 7.4 439 6.7 +100 +29.5 Rural East 542 7.2 615 7.0 +73 +13.3 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:


Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas - 2016 to 2036 The rural area expected to have the highest growth rate between 2016 and 2036 is Marong-Rural West, which is expected to grow from 339 in 2016 to 639 in 2036 (an increase of 300 young people or 88.4%). At the same time Elmore-Rural North is projected to decline by 22 12 to 24 year olds, (- 9.0%), and Heathcote & District to decline by 19 (-8.3%).The rural areas projected to have the most 12 to 17 year olds in 2036 are Marong – Rural West and Rural East both with 639, followed by Elmore – Rural North, and Heathcote & District with 226, and 205 respectively (see Table 58).

Table 58: Forecasts of 18 to 24 year olds in Rural Areas – 2016 to 2036

Population Forecasts of Rural Young People aged 18 to 24 years in Greater Bendigo - 2016 to 2036

Estimated Residential Change between 2016 2026 2036 Population 2016 and 2036 Area Number % Number % Number % Number % City of Greater Bendigo 10,972 9.7 11,980 8.9 13,799 8.8 +2,827 +25.8 Elmore - Rural North 248 7.4 193 5.4 226 6.0 -22 -9.0

Heathcote & District 224 5.9 182 4.4 205 4.9 -19 -8.3

Marong - Rural West 339 7.4 439 6.7 639 6.8 +300 +88.4

Rural East 542 7.2 615 7.0 639 6.7 +97 +17.7 Source: Forecast id, City of Greater Bendigo, Population Forecast:

Analysis In 2011, the areas with the most 12 to 24 year olds were Rural East, and Marong – Rural West. The fasted growing rural area from 2006 to 2011 was Rural East, while the slowest growing was Heathcote & District. However, when the two age groups are compared there were significant differences. The 12 to 17 year old group experienced a decline in population between 2006 and 2011 in three of the four rural areas, with only Rural East increasing in population; while the 18 to 24 year olds group increased in population in all rural areas, with the largest increase in Elmore – Rural North, followed by Rural East. Analysis of rural population forecasts reveals that the areas of Rural East and Marong – Rural West are likely to have the largest populations of 12 to 24 year olds by both 2026 and 2036. With Elmore – Rural North and Heathcote & District predicted to have the fewest 12 to 24 year olds by 2036. Analysis also reveals that between 2016 and 2036 both the 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 groups will experience high growth in of Marong – Rural West. While 12 to 17 year old growth will be slower in Elmore- Rural North and Heathcote & District, and 18 to 24 year olds will decline in Elmore-Rural North and Heathcote & District between 2016 and 2036.



Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Demographic Statistics, June Quarter 2016. Catalogue number 3101.0:[email protected]/mf/3101.0

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2011, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (Indigenous) Profile. Greater Bendigo (C) (LGA22620), Catalogue number 2002.0: file/LGA22620?opendocument&navpos=220

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2011, City of Greater Bendigo, Social Atlas Id:

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2011, City of Greater Bendigo Population Forecast, Forecast id:

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2011, City of Greater Bendigo, Community Profile, Profile id:

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Labour Force Characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, Estimates from the Labour Force Survey, 2011. Catalogue number 6287.0:[email protected]/DetailsPage/6287.02011?OpenDocument

City of Greater Dandenong, Statistical Data for Victorian Communities, Disability Forecasts for Greater Bendigo, 2016: data-for-victorian-communities

Commonwealth Government of Australia, National Strategy for Young Australians, 2010: http://passthrough.fw- outh_Strategy.pdf

Department of Education, Selected Higher Education Statistics – 2015 Student data, 2015:

Department of Employment, Labour Market Information Portal, Bendigo SA4 March 2017:

Department of Human Services, Building Stronger Youth Engagement in Victoria, 2016: government-youth-policy