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1977 The One Hundred and Fourteenth Commencement 1977 La Salle University

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Recommended Citation La Salle University, "The One undrH ed and Fourteenth Commencement 1977" (1977). La Salle Commencement Programs. 46.

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I uesday May 17. 1977

tour o'< Kh k id the .iltrnuKMi


The history of academic dress begins in the early days of the oldest universities. A statute of 1321 required all "Doctors, Licentiates, and Bachelors" of the University of Coimbra to wear gowns. In England during the second half of the 14th century, the statutes of certain colleges forbade "excess in apparel" and prescribed the wearing of a long gown. It is still a question whether academic dress finds its sources chiefly in ecclesiastical or in civilian dress remains unresolved. Gowns may have been considered necessary for warmth in the unheated buildings used by medieval scholars. Hoods may have served to cover the tonsured head until superseded for that purpose by the skull cap. The cap was later displaced by a head-dress similar to ones now recognized as "academic." European institutions continue to show great diversity in their specifi- cations of academic dress. However, when American colleges and universities adopted a system of academic apparel a half century ago, a code was devised for all to follow.

GOWNS. The gown for the bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves and is worn closed. The gown for the master's degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, with the sleeve base hanging down in the tra- ditional manner. The rear part of the sleeve's oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. It may be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctor's degree has bell-shaped sleeves and may be worn open or closed. Bachelor's and master's gowns have no trimmings, but the doctor's may be faced on the front with black or colored velvet and with three bars of the same across the sleeves. If color is used, it is the color distinctive of the subject to which the degree pertains, and it matches the edging or binding of the hood. For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctors' gowns, edgings of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different subjects are as follows:

Agriculture—Maize Medicine—Green Arts, Letters, Humanities—White Music—Pink Commerce, Accountancy, Business—Drab Nursing—Apricot Dentistry—Lilac Oratory (Speech) —Silver Gray Economics—Copper Pharmacy—Olive Green Education—Light Blue Philosophy—Dark Blue Engineering—Orange Physical Education—Sage Green Fine Arts—Brown Public Administration—Peacock Blue Forestry—Russet Public Health—Salmon Pink Journalism—Crimson Science—Golden Yellow Law—Purple Social Work—Citron Library Science—Lemon Theology—Scarlet Veterinary Science—Gray

HOODS. Hoods are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the

degree. The binding or edging of the hood is the color indicative of the subject to which the degree pertains,

except that the doctor's cap may have its tassel of gold thread.

CAPS. Mortarboards are generally worn as part of the academic costume. The long tassel fastened

to the middle point of the cap's top is either black or the color appropriate to the subject. It is customary for degree candidates to wear the tassels on the right front side before degrees are conferred and to shift

them to the left when the degrees are awarded. This custom is in some respects a substitute for individual hooding.

*Adapted from "An Academic Costume Code and Ceremony Guide," American Universities and Colleges (Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education, 1959). 1


Brother A. Philip Nelan, F.S.C., Ph.D., LL.D. Chairman, Board of Trustees presiding

•Processional Wind Ensemble

Invocation Reverend James W. McGrane, O.S.A.

National Anthem Arr. R. W. Bowles

Presentation of Candidates

Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts James J. Muldoon, F.S.C., Ph.D. Thomas M. Coffee, Ph.D. Dean, School of Arts and Sciences Dean, Evening and Summer Sessions \imM r >f Arfs Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Reverend Leo M. Van Everbroeck, C.I. CM., M.A. Bruce V. MacLeod, Ph.D. Director, Graduate Division Dean, School of Business Administration in Religious Education

Conferring of Degrees in Course Patrick Ellis, F.S.C., Ph.D. President, La Salic College

A Graduate Speaks Timothy Terrence OToole, B.A.,

Presentation of Lindback Awards Emery C. Mollenhauer, F.S.C., Ph.D. Vice President, Academic Affairs

The Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Auaids are /jusenttd fur Distinuuisheii Teaching

The Conferring of Honorary Degrees DOCTOR OF LAWS M.u\ HiMvtm.iim MiSliuin Pkikmtkropitt John McShain, Sc.D., KfMNMM DOCTOR <>F FINE ARTS

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Ravmond E. Payne Jr. Eugenia Marie Shane Donald Williams Jeffrey Frederick Scott

Elizabeth Roberta Anderson Dennis M. Hannigan Thomas G. Meizinger James Joseph Anderson Jr. Beverly Marie Hauck Thomas Joseph Metz Robert Richard Ballester Milton Prince Havens, Jr. Thomas Joseph Miller Elizabeth Anne Ban- James John Henshaw Robert Russell Millman Frederick Joseph Beaver James Hoeke Donald L. Moore Joseph Henry Bohr Marvin Hollin Rowland John Myers Raymond Lewis Bond Fred Howard Jr. William Francis Nolan, 3rd Claude Henry Buehrle Joseph James Huber Catherine Theresa O'Brien James Patrick Butler, Jr. Robert Francis Hunter John Vincent O'Donnell Richard William Campbell Curtis C. Huston Richard H. O'Donnell William Henry Campbell Jr. Michael F. Jenkins Daniel F. O'Leary Samuel Anthony Caterfino Robert John Johnston Joseph Harry Parsons Jr. William Robert Chambers Ralph Joseph Jones Jr. Charles Patrick Pashley Carl Paul Christensen Thomas Henry Jones Elmer Petrikis Pfetzing Richard J. Cifelli Robert George Jordan Bruce Charles Lloyd Vernon Clemmer Jr. Daniel J. Kane, Jr. Earl Pflaumer Michael John Collins Harry A. Keen Catherine D. Pittner Albert Frederick Coston Waldemar E. Kehler Edward Martin Prigge James Paul Dancer John Joseph Kelly John Pyrih Kenneth Michael Reilly Gregory J. D'Angelo Charles Francis Kiley Alan E. Davis George Wesley King Thomas J. Reilly Larry T. DeAngelo Charles Franklin Knappenberger Raymond Curtis Rodgers Charles F. DePiero Patricia A. Komelasky David Stewart Rogers Richard Joseph DeSanctis Kenneth Frederick Krech William Charles Rowland Thomas Sable Joseph J. Dillon John Joseph Latsko James George Anthony Dolnycky Ronald Leverich Thomas William Sargent Joseph B. Schmidt James J. Duffy, Jr. Alfred Thomas Little Kathryn Andrea Dworznicki Eugene John Loftus Rose M. Schreiner Ann Regina Dwyer Michael Anthony Lopacki Edward August Schussler Jr. Gerald Theodore Seaman Jerome Joseph Ey, Jr. Eugene Lugat Robert Alan Farber Leo Patrick Lynch Michael Frederick Seidenburg Selepes William Foster Felton Jr. Michael Matthew Macaitis Jr. William George Thomas Bernard Fenerty Anthony Joseph Macrina Carl Robert Seuffert Calvin C. Smith Dennis J. Flannerv Francis X. Marsh Mathauser David Joseph Smith Edward J. Foehl Richard Louis Robert Lauer Ford Mary Ann Alice Matusko Frank J. Snock Jr. Barbara Mary Fridmann Nikolaus Maximenko Charles Michael Stasen Jr. Donald Francis Thackray John Reynolds Frock Ronald J. McConnell Edward Francis Garry Denis Patrick McCrossan William Joseph Thompson John Richard Gensel Stewart John McKendry James Edward Vance John William Gill Michael Andrew McKillip Thomas Joseph Volker Kathleen Teresa Gordon John Joseph McLaughlin James Freddrick Waller George McNally Stephen Kenneth Wheeler William J. Graham James Gerald Joseph Gregory Robert Joseph McNulty William Wiley Dennis Michael Haines William Joseph Austin Meehan George Wright BACHELOR OF ARTS MAXIMA CUM LAUDE Carole V. Corvin Theresa Connolly Gaidjunas Robert George Tully Rosemarie Wells Dolnycky MAGNA CUM LAUDE Zebulon V. Casey John Howard Harrison Rudolph Anthony Perrone John K. Cimino Dolores Ann Juska Maria C. Radominski Robert Joseph Donnelly Gerald Alan Kaplan Frederick Lawrence Ragsdale I E


Panic ia Anne Campbell Thomas Patrick Hanna Jr. Mars V Mi Avon

Mar \ Therese Ferro Patricia Lavin Juliano Patrick Joseph O'Neill Michael Finlev Diamantino Pereira Machado Denise Marie Parrott Sil\ ia S. Grat/ John Francis Madden John S. Toczvdlowski Jr.

Michel Raoul Alexia Peter John Finnegan Mil hail F. Newell WeltOD Roland Atterhurv Jr. Bets) Rexlolico Fisher Cartel McGrevi Norwood Jr. Ernest Rodgers Ballard Ulan Norman Fusco Richard Miihael Oblek Loretta Elaine Bassetti Joanne Rita Gallagher Veronka Mar) O'Doherts Stephen Eugene Baumann Frank Ghigliano William James Pel>eril\ John Thomas Bevivino Grant Samuel Gtahfelder Stephen Lorenzo Pbjunsore Sr. Thomas Francis Bolton Raymond Paul Hill James tnthon) Poulos Margaret Agnes Broadle\ Hilar] Marie Hoguet Edward J. Press

i \ Thomas Vincent Care) H.u | Hohrath Biidget Theresa Raab

Thomas Edward Carter, Jr. Calvin Edwaid Lee Reel it John J. Jr. William Gerald Cavanaugfa Joanne (.. Leek Ruth Dorothea Ridkj

I ram is Thomas Llark James H. Leswing |olin rlarr) Seiplc

Karen L. Lhmei David Lee Locke William |. sk\im

John Fraiuis Cork*) |i James Joseph Mai shall John George Stat kei i Joseph James ( urr) Timoth) McAleese Frank Suminski Leslie Ulan Davia Seamus Panic k M«( after] Renae Lee Tohen

I ia M<( James J. Devlin John ran ullough Lucille Theresa Tompkins Ruth Lemal DiDomenico Dermis Michael Me (»acl\ Mai) Alice M. Walki.

III t Walta J. Donahue James M. McHugfa Roller Williams

('.. Frank Dorme ll\ Mai \ I Mi Laughlin Joanne P. Woitanowski Patrick Joseph Doughert) John Vincent Mukah) . Jr. fames D. Woodland Stephen Joseph Dougherty Alfred Lewis Neher Jr. Thomas Anthom Zahlocki John David Fields III



Bet naid (.. Banker


Edward Thomas Duff) Jr Patrick Bagnell ( . Hilton Gerald Jonathan J Pahna Wall,. Joseph Brack James |<>hn Hoddei ( .ill Polansk) Wade D Burns Richard Stephen Kenned) James Joseph Quirus Joseph ( errito Juan ( at los Luiso Richard tathon) Roaot

( Edward John raig J. John Pan ic k Mc Grenra D.mi.i David rorpe)

J. inn i I nomas I ox Stephen Pete Mesaros Bernard M. rrachtenbe

Dennis I I lalstt a. Kenneth Ulen Mitchell 1 lli;e lie |ose pll TleiM 11

William II Mill I rant ia Joseph Ovhell Ruedigei l \i>n Koet ki


Bruce V. MacLeod, Ph.D., Dean


\ on, ,n Joseph I iavardii Doroth) \nn Mt Mulk n Joai ui< Ma • >< Pen \i..„ K .m Gallaghi John Edward Mitchell Rol .< II D.Krid v...

John Edward Krol tnthon) i Newahd 1 .In .. M.c.i, St Sa

I <•- homaa rard McBride Sean I imoth) O'Meara ( u i.l Mai. , /.,,.,. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MAGNA CUM LAUDE Dwight Yelbert Cooper Marv Lynn McNally Michael James Quigg George DiRado Stephen Michael Joseph Montana Frank J. Salandria Elaine Louise Glebocki Timothy Owen Nolen Deborah Mary Sheridan Raymond Robert Hough John Edward Pooler Larry S. Tuliszewski Ingrid Gerlaine McHale Mary Beth Katherine Preisler CUM LAUDE William Michael Balke William Joseph Kane Edward Saks Stephen Peter Carter Gary Matthew Knoerlein Alan Kevin Smith Thomas Carmen DeNofa James William Lomanno Arthur Joseph Torno Robert Paul DiRenzo Anthony Thomas Mazzei Alexandra Trypupenko (anus Michael Fanelli Jane O'Brien Angelo George Vitullo Jr. Carl William Graf Philip L. Penny Carl Wahl Rav G. Grossman Gary E. Rapanaro

Robert L. Albrecht James Bernard Dowd II Ronald Francis Kenney Marcello Michael Aquino Laurence Alan Drabyak Raymond Walter Kerstetter Michael Francis Arizin Herman Alfred DuBose Patricia Anne Kilcoyne John B. Bacanskas Joseph Aloysius Duffy Jr. Henry Mark Kloszynski

Fred Stephen Bachman David J. Dziena Christopher B. Koob James Joseph Bagnell III Edward Valentine Dzik, Jr. Robert M. Koslosky Russeli Raymond Barrett Richard Louis Fagnani Enrique San Jose Lacson Veronica Maria Bassion Christopher Howard Fallon John C. Lane John Peter Bisco John Fanelli III William Joseph Layer Jr. Edmund Charles Blaszczyk Alice Marie Farace Christopher Agosto Lee

John Anthony Bolash Daniel J. Ferrari Louis Edward Lettieri Anthonv Angelo Bonanni Gary Richard Finn Wilfredo Luna Lopez Michael Timothv Brennan William F. Flooks Jr. Richard Arlen Lord Jr. E. Broderick Daniel Edward Foidl Margarida Celia MacCormick Dennis J. Franklin Roosevelt Brown Maureen Ann Fox Joanne Mach Harts Barclay Brown Michael Kevin Fox John David MacLuckie Paul Wilmore Brown Philip John Friend Joseph Anthony Maguire John Fusco Patrick Albert J. Budano J. Joseph Maher Thomas James Carey Michael C. Gallagher Jaroslaw Makar George Francis Carroll Erry Gani Theodore George Mallick John Gilbert Casella Frank Carlton Garvin John Frank Mansor Theodore Francis Chupein Glenn Edward Gav Denise Marie Marasco Gladys L. Church James Anthony Geier Arthur William Marta Jr. Leo John Cimoch Randv Jay Gilgore Faith Anne Maslanka Paul Giordano Arthur Charles Coles III Gaetano Michael J. Matecki Joseph Patrick Conville, Jr. Thomas Anthonv Gisondi Dennis Phillip McBride Howard Michael Goldstein Kenneth Thomas Coppola James J. McBride Peter Joseph Costa Edward Winton Graham Gerard T. McCann Norma Jean Grant Patrice McCarthy Arline J. Costantino Peter Francis Cremins Drew Joseph Greaves Jeffrey Michael McClelland Cyzio Aaron Rodney Green Marie McEnerney Robert J. Kathleen Marv Frances Danis John Fredrick Greenly Jr. Joseph Edward McEntee Thomas Robert De Bolt Rosemarie Grofcsik Francis Thomas McGettigan Charles Anthonv DeC.hristopher Jr. David Anthonv Grover Joseph A. McGettigan Jesus Hizon De Leon Gerard Patrick Hanlon William Michael McGinley Jr. Michael William DePetris Dennis Francis Hannah Patricia Mary McGoldrick David G. Desormeaux Joseph L. Harrigan Richard Thomas McGovern Francis Gerard Devlin Kenneth Mark Hartley Kathleen Marie McGroarty Daniel G Diasio John William Henry Richard Joseph McHale Nicholas Angelo DiBello Gregg Douglas Herrington Joseph John McHenry Jr. Dominic Joseph DiChristopher Jr. John Joseph Higgins John Lawrence Mclntyre

Frank T. DiMartino Edward J. Hodnicki Jr. Louis Aloysius Meindl Jr. David Joseph D'Imperio Jr. John Dennis Hoffman Frank Joseph Melfi Anthony Albert DiNardo Brian James Hood Eileen Patricia Middleton John Michael Donohue Norman Lavelle Johnson John F. Miller Albert Hutchinson Dorsev III Donald William Joos Eileen E. Mingen Joseph John Dot/man Thomas Michael Kappra Michael T. Mokriski

Joseph Leo Dougherty Stanley J. Karwel Thomas John Monaghan 1


Joseph M. Montgomery Jose Luis Ramos Richard Calvin Stephens Joseph Patrick Moran C barles Gerard Resch Ste\en G Stukowski William Joseph Morgan III John Joseph Rongione James Edward Satdnfe Jr. Frederick Pieston Morris III Adrian Ruhio Chriatophei M. Val

Christopher Michael Murj>h\ Peter Lawrence Sandusk\ Paiiick J. Tarzian |ose|)h Thomas Naclolski Ronald Nicholas Sansone Michael Andrew Tkac/\k Angelo Carmine Neri Ronald S. Santo Mat io ^am Tobia |(ilm Joseph Ochal Mark Chi istophci s.intiv James Christopher Tolbert Jr. Edward James O'Hanlon Robert Joseph Sarcewia V\ tautas C. Yolertas Daniel Frederick O'Laughlin Rudolph Seller Bruce Joseph Waugh losvpli Pcici Onorato \. 11 hoiiN Thomas Seravalli Thomas John Weba John Daniel O'Shea Charlotte M. Sherman Mar] I) Wm Joseph Edward Oswald Emerilo Shish Robert Jack Wildin Michael Anthom Parker James Rlaii Skowronski Gerald George Willis Martin A. Pauls Frank Vincent Smith Ronald Phillip Wilson Albert Anthom Peiugini, Jr. Keith Bradford-Daniel Smith James Steven Xenakii (hiistnphci S. Piltounicos Jeannette Span a Edward fames Voa

Leo James Pound Pad i< k Paul Spinosa BernadettC Immaiulata Zaluski Kichaid John Poweis R(>\ \iiih Monica Stankiewia


Brother James J. Muldoon, F.S.C., Dean MAXIMA CUMLAUDE

Diane Marie \dc li//i Susan Elaine Howard Mai v Viiii ( athd ine Rocchi Lawrem e Pan i< k Byi net David Allan Jaskoa i.ik Kathryn W. Schoedla

John Anthony ( ai l<> Bemadettc Mai ie Kore\ Mai i.i ( lairc Si hi am

Joanxu I ( ollins Celeste Yvonne l amb Jerry Ban v hwasti Alice Elisa DeGregorio Kristine Byrne Long Mar) k.itlirwi Smith

Mai ) Lou Donohoc ( Mli.i Irene M\< hajhw Howard l>\ bag Stablci

Theresa inn Dunn Pan i( i.i knn Neppi l) Sweeney ()'( I i < | \ I ll< Ken Michael Pan i< k onnm Patrii ia time Tulh

i< I Theresa Mai \m I Timothy Ten cue e OToolc Judith \lc( loud Ihll

Ronald I red I einberg Maryann Helenc Pierce It on Philip NN UgOSSfci


I*. I.. .i\s Ion Mlxil i I. iii . \ii. bael Gustin lames Joseph Priix

John Michael Bloomfield I redi i. k ( li.n lea rlansehnann Maureen Brigid Really Michael Ronald Buckley Louis ( Hasna i). .us, Lorab Reschauei Kevin < Burns Marlene Rey Herrera knthony Joseph Rizaotte \..n.. ( elenxa Susan Marie Horvath Gail Romberg

( harles I I erveny David W k..i David s.< in I. is I). in an. Pete James I everty KeUy |> i redrM Louis Salto Rom Rita Del uca Noreen Kilroy Kan n Dolores Sasaamaa

Joseph Vincent DM com I amis /a. li.n JaSI Koinian \nn. Bridget Shearon Donna M Dunlxiio Mai k Saul Ki ugei Dolores IngeJa Siegt I

( .nil. Man nn« Edwards Joseph l l. vms 1 isa tdama Stackhousc

l His David | Rita P. l nig Angelica Maria Stacy

Donna I auiiiin; 1 o\ David Robert Maact ri |ul« Vim Stout

\ II. m I).. m.I (..II, , Margaret Mary Mel enigan Kathleen Mart Walta [eannt Mary Gibon Janet Inn Pappianni Stephen viii.d Wydrrynaki

Rose Ellen Guerin Pan i< i.i I ouisc Pan nti


Vndrrs Margaret ( assa v.noi.i Jeffrey t ramei

David ( 1, .Ml Vik. H Maria ( I hindamo Rudolph i heodon Dt Persia Ji si, .11, >n Rand i Ban tnthony i I ianfrani i li... hi. i.i

i li ,11, < s Basi Karei M.iuiiIvii I ( hi, .n Margaret tarn Dugact Drill. ,s |, ,s.| lh Bov ,n. on. V WilburnCop, | I. Duikin I

1 v mi 1 I. Ma Brooki loin, M.i ( ,„,,,..,.. Di.nin. i ...... Fabii BACHELOR OF ARTS CUMLAUDE

Man Louise Fagan Catherine Louise Malone Stephanie Jo Smith Robert Michael Feeney Suzanne Mary McDonough Angelo Gino Stortini Margaret Finkenhofer Mark P. McGovern Frederick Thomas Sutter Gregory Joseph Gibson Mary Beth Mullane Carol Theresa Tressel Joseph Gerard Glackin Mary C. Murray Gail Lynne Valentine Marcus Michael Goldbacher Nguyen Thuy Lich Theresa Cornelius Johnathon Van Galen Thomas Michael Grady Daniel Kevin O'Halloran Stephen Joseph Van Osten Charlotte Patricia Guarracino Louis Anthony Petroni Bernard Joseph Vaughan Judith M. Haegele Debra Ann Plunkett Eugene Robert Viscusi Sheilann Patricia Hewitt Elizabeth Marie Powers Walter Patrick White Rosemarie Ann Higgins Peter John Proko Jr. Dawn Marie Woolam Joan A. Kronick Mary Anne L. Pushaw Shelby R. Yim Jonathan Marc Lax Joseph Louis Rakszawski Adrienne Jeanne Zalli Ralph Andrew Magnatta James Henry Rutherford

Robert James Agness Jr. Francis A. Champine Gail M. Farina James Joseph Ahern Jr. Karen Joanne Chernitsky Lawrence Joseph Feldman Joan M. Ahem John Conard Chesna Norbert John Fenerty Theresa Diane Ahrens David Joseph Chlebda JoAnn Marie Fernandez Andrew Albert Albero William Joseph Ciliberti Nina Patricia Ferrant Cheryl Lynn Alexander Paul Michael Coady Mary Regina Fitzgerald William Nathaniel Allen Bernard Joseph Cobb Edwin Francis Fitzpatrick, Jr. Ethiel Almond Glenn Neal Collier Charles Dutch Fleischmann Robbin R. Alston Richard Michael Connelly Maureen Elizabeth Flynn Paul Andreas Andersen Renee E. Connolly James Howard Ford, FSC Linda Arricale Thomas Cavanaugh Corcoran Francis Xavier Fox Carolyn Artis Robert Thomas Cornelison Richard S. Freeman Vivian Ayers Brian Paul Costello Patrick Hugh Friel Theresa M. Bannon Joseph Angelo Crea Karen Marie Fries Anthony Thomas Barbuto Fiory Joseph Cruciani Jr. John Gagliardi Albert Joseph Barrett Elizabeth Anne Cummings Mary Theresa Cairo Mark Lawrence Barry Robert Joseph Cunningham Joseph John Galiano James Joseph Barton Thomas Jackson Cunningham Susan Julia Gan

Ernest Michael Behr Dorothea Joan Dangel Michael J. Gasiewski Thomas Bermingham Rosemary Anne Dattilo Stephen Joseph Gauder Elizabeth Anne Betzler David James Davis Barbara Grace Gawinski David Joseph Blair Marcelo De Almeida Russell Joseph Gazzara Deborah Ann Bodnar Mary Elizabeth DeCrescente Robert Paul Giuliano George Stephen Bojaciuk Edwin William DeGeorge Lawrence Gladnick Cynthia Ann Bonatucci Michael Aloysius Delaney Diane M. Glendon Eileen Marita Bonner Joseph John Del Rossi Alan Goldberg John Kevin Boyd John Raymond DePugh Joseph Michael Golden Glenn Steven Bozzacco Theresa Rose Detorie Laura Theresa Goliaszewski Michael Thomas Brady Mildred Ann Devereaux Charles Joseph Gorman III Lisa Marie Brannan Stephen Dominick DiCicco James Michael Gould Stanton Aaron Bree Robert Joseph Dilonardo John Joseph Grace Francis Emerson Brindel John Mark Dixon Jerilyn E. Green Barry Donald Brodzinski William Thomas Dobbins Jr. Robert Lawrence Green Donna Lee Brooks John Stephen Dobrowalski Jeanne Lynn Griffiths Edward A. Brownell Anne Catherine Domineske Linda Griglione

William J. Bryers John J. Donnelly Edward Michael Grostas Clifford Lee Bryman John Michael Dronson Arthur Gerard Grover Joan Elizabeth Burke James Joseph Dudish Patricia Malloy Grubb Lisa Anne Seton Burke Kathryn Mary Duffy Robert A. Hamme Deborah Anne Cadden Donna Marie Duncan Mi-Soo Han Clairemarie Ann Caffrey Dominic James Earaminas Kenneth Bernard Hankinson Michael James Cahill James R. Edwards Patricia Ann Hanratty Lori Lynne Calkins Ralph Andrew Ehinger Mark Joseph Peter Harkins Joseph Robert Cancila Clifford F. Eike Keren Irma Harris Benjamin S. Carilli Frederick Nicholas Engelmann John Patrick Hartigan James A. Carroll William Benjamin Exley Charles Joseph Harvey Jr. James Francis Cavacini Jr. John R. Fafara Belinda Louise Hayes John M. Cavella Edward John Fagan Jr. John Joseph Healy Jeffrey Thomas Cesarone Joseph Robert Fares Raymond E. Heckroth 1


Daniel Joseph Hefferan Jr. Rosemarie Matthews Margaret Patricia Rapp Kathleen Margaret Heffron Olga S. Mazepa Bernard Michael Ra\ca Henry Michael Hejnar James Michael McCauley Kathleen Anne Regan Thomas Gerard Helinek Daniel James McDevitt William Joseph Reilh

Debra Henderson Nora Marie McFadden Anthon\ J. Ricci John Alan Hen- James G. McGann Emil Anthom Ricci Winifred Agnes McGinnis Fiedeiick A. Ries Linda J. Hershman Andrew T. Hershock Giace M. McGlynn Marilyn Lucille Rile> III Joseph E. Hill Louis Joseph McGrath Vincenza J. Romano Pamela Marie Hill John F. McHenry III Michael Paul Rose I)a\id Joseph Hiltehrand Francis Xavier McKeffery Jr. Stanley Thomas Ruchleuicy Daniel Brian Hingley Ann E. McKeown George Charles Rudan Jr. Brian Joseph Holt Bruce Lindsay McLeod Sberyl Man ia Rudie John Patrick Horan Paul Michael McLoone (oncetiinu Maiia Ruggeri Alan Foster Howard James George Melly Joseph John Saboe William Wayne Hudson F.S.C. Joseph P. Menta Maureen R. Santina James Thomas Hughes Craig Andrew Merit/ Jama Faliick Seaiil.ii Jeffrey Peter Hurley Robert Louis Met/field Richaid (; Vhall John James Iannello William Joseph Miles Jr. Joseph Lc-Nitr Scheelei Tamara Francine Idelson Susan Marie Miller Bruno Si ipione

Marjorie Irby is IV Ruth David Gerard Molush Pram J. Sdinger, [oscph Italia Jr. Mar) Ellen C. Mooney I awrence inthon) Sei Die Janet M. Jachimowicz Mar) Louise Ann Moone\ |..v Shunian Joaeph John Jankicwit/ Francis John Morell (..11 \ Robot Sicilian Michael Anthony Jankowski Mark Stephen Moross Randall Fii( Sillc, Hi Nam Michael Jenkins Frank Moaca Kathleen Marie ftlitmifr* s| William Patrick Jennings Jr. James John Murphy l ranca Taaa ( >\sev Regina Patricia Jones Jamei William Muskett John inthon) Snialdoiit John Kalinowski Anita Jane Muth Anne Mai ie Smith Ellen Kaplan Donna M. Mncis Helen Maiijaict Smith Steven Jama Keenen Stephen Mark Naughton Margaret Mar) Smith

Diana Maiie Kellv LaVonne Isahelle Neal W .111. 11 Joaeph Smith Jr. William H. Kennev M Nemetfa Jr. Ouima M. Snowden Kin/lei F.S.C. B. ( uilis (). Soiuk Robert J. Hyginui Kofie Norgah ( hriftopher J. Kirk Gerald Philip Nugent HI Paul Joaeph Speakei David John Klein Janet Marie o.ikes Philip Joseph Spinma

\i.ii s.niiK I heresa Klenunei Maiie Panic i.i 0*Hagan Dorotln M. Stad v. ronica Marie Khieek Edward Joaeph Olding (1 Franca Ellen staldc. ka

Roman Joseph Knihnit k) Janus Patrit k < Hint Mai \- [canine Sufanclli

Koch i >. i Mar) Josephine Madeline Salvatore < > I ia Debra Lynne Steffa

C.n\ Mil Koinai Sarita M. Ohnedo Hi i. in |a\ Stengel sk Ok si Paul Kopanyi ia phen Michael Orcaewakl 1 an rem 1 Edward Stoffa

Roberf Louii Korn 1 IK.. Eve Orkin sisui Rita Marie stokes 1) P Nora Kathleen Knunei Dolora Joanne Orth Raymond ( haria smuL

Joseph Philip KneminaVi ( onatant ( M Pskov, i.ik Jama Kametfa Stucke) John Walin 1.1(011 Suzanne Bernadette Pan 1/1 John |os( ph Sun ill imanii

v nil .1 La Cra < Mark 1 redei it k Pattenon Richaid Leonard SwerdMk

Saia Helena Lande ViniioiiN \ii( had Pedii inn H.u bara 1 s >* inand S\ Gordon Mi< had Langston 1 it m\ Perhnan Mai) Pall. 1 son % o\( 1 .111. Rk (.imIii I m<> (.i.n David Petrauakl Daniel 1 eon Sywulak

Jama <- Lam hnej RoImi 1 Domt nu Pt tronglo Michael Francn Taaae)

Deborah tnne 1 1 Gregor) Petrucd Gerard ( harla raylot

1 k. 1 < 1 1 Roman § ewfc 1 ugi in Root 1 Pit "lo Robert odd. |,

Sin. 11 1 l).i\ id Lit John Paul Pinto Ri( hard Pi i< 1 1 out tta John Howell Little Valei ie Vnn Pftnej John I Tuiiui Ill

i« •• s . Neil 1 rmacft 1 "i"» Joseph 1 Poekert |.mi< ( lui nilsa

1 o\%. lis 1 |i Maureen inn *) Daniel ( h.u Polastic meat vValtet 1 rases, Kevin William 1 vnch Debra Inn Popid ( .mi Jama Valence, |.

(.<•<.. K. Thomai Mad onneH \ 1.101 John Powen 1 imoth) n Van j„Mpi. knthon) Maggionralda Robert Paul Pradlio D.mi.s John Vokra Michael Joseph MainardJ \i. .inn Ronald Pranacavage Janet Eileen Vol... John Gerard Malonc Raymond D PaulkowakJ Richard Joaeph Votta

Eugene [oaeph Mancnao sim, 1 Marie Igna Punte kndrew John \s..k.i<.

h/.ii.. 11, John K Marianl Jam 1 ih Rabbit! V.. l.l.s, \\.,lk(.

|i |i M.nx Nanq Mariano 1 ugt ae N« Mini KniiM \ George [oaeph Vt akti . Joyce inn Martorelll Maria RanalU Joaeph Edward Warhub Melanie Ruth Matthcwi David Joaeph Randazao 11. ...N lot... Washburn BACHELOR OF ARTS

Andrea M. Washington Richard Wilczewski Michelle Zalewski Robert Horatious Waters, Jr. Paul T. Woerner Marco Anthony Zanoni George Louis Weber John George Wolodzko Joan Marie Zarreke Stephen John Weber Madeline Marie Woods Peter Thomas Zenner Joseph P. Waldon Richard Theodore Wroblewski Dolores G. Zilavy

Gary Stephen White Jane Ann Yatko Albert J. Zimmerman Therese Marie White Margaret Ann Zabo Nina Zuchowicz Donn Kevin Wilber MASTER OF ARTS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION

Rev. Leo M. Van Everbroeck, C.I. CM.. Dincto,

Sister Marv Nicholas Amodio, OSF, B.A., St. Joseph College (CoUegeville, Indiana), 19t>6, Theology Sr. Marion Michael Beagen, O.P., B.A.. Mi. St Mai\ (Newburgh, Ncu York), 1966, Education Sistci Michclc Beiter, s.s.j., B.A.. MedaiUe College, 1967, Mathematics

sister Audrcv Boettcher, B.s., College oi St. Elizabeth (Convent, N.J.), 1959 Elementary Education

( »">8. Marie Volarrda Bunts, B.S., \It. St. Agnes (Lo\ola). 1 Elementary Education

Sister Anne CampaneUa, B \ . Oui Lady ol Angela (Glen Riddle, Pa.). l'»7»). English Literature Anttalee M. Cardillo, \.B.. Immaculata College, 1968, Theology

Carole L. Chemecky, LB., La Salle ( ollege, I'lTli. English Education

sister Mary ( iielli. o.l'.. LB., Dominican ( ollege, 1964, Education

( Sistei M. Patricia Joseph (otkci\, R.S.M.. B. Mils.. Manhatianv ille ( olle»e. l '

B. \ , , 1966, Humanities

si \ I) . B.s.. ( 1).( 1 *»«>ii. Education Mary Teresa Day, S Trinity ollege I Washington, .),

Bto. Phillip R. DePorter, I s.( . B. \ . 1 .. Salle ( ollege, 1964, Spanisfa

( M. Ed., Temple University, l >7o. S|,.mi-.ii Rei Mark Domini. Falcone, O. Praem., B.A., St Norben College, 1962, Philosophy si [o.ui \i. Farley, S.NJX, a.B.. Emmanuel College (Boston, Mass.), 1961, Education

Si. Philomena I leek. o.s.B.. B.s.. Seton Hall University, 1971, Secondary Education Si. Marie Pierre Galetto, D.M., B.s., St Joseph, 1971, Elementary Education Sistei Kom \(ioni(.i Gaughens, B s rrinity College, 1963, Education State Carol Gnau, SSND. B.A.. College ol None Dame oi , 1969, Elementary Education

St...... i Aiken Marie Mali. S.< , B.A., B EtL, Mt. St. Vincent Diversity (Halifax), 1968, I iberal Vih. Eduo Fr. Robert nil/. T.O.R., B.A., St. Francis College (Loretto, Pa.), 1967, Philosophy

s.. [eanne Hunter, O.P., B.s.. 1 a Salic < ollege, 1971, Humanities

l s. ran is Rii hard Johnson, \ B . St. ( hai tea minary, 1970, Philosophy sistci John Francis Kearney, B.A., Notn Dame "I Maryland, 1968, Elementary Education

Sistei Marie Stephen Kebort, B.s , Villi Mai. a (Erie, Pa.), 1967, I dm at ion

Virginis inn Lynch, \ r. Notre Dame ol Maryland, 1969, Elementary Education

Howard MacDonald, LB., l a Salle ( ollege, 197 '-. History Robert (oi.ii McCarty, BA, St Joseph's College, 1975, Sociology

s. Maul... I Moyta, o.s.b.m.. B.s.. Misercordia ( ollege, 1965, s,„ ...l Science i s.< s . beress 0*Suluvan, v r, Nazareth ( ollege (Nazareth, kcntu.kN <. » l », 196 lementary ducati

( ..ii. •.;< Edward W. Puhr, B.E., niinois Stan . 1 965, Elementary Education

Sistei Rose Marie Rocha, RAM., B s Mercy (oil,-, ,,i Liberal Vnv 1961, Education

( ... li.i ii. s.„ si B( niad. , s, B. Ed., Ml Vincent University (Halifax), 1967, Education s s,. M Michael Sands, i< \i . i; \ . Mary'i ( oil.-, .15. Ifast, n Ik land. 1951, 1 oglish ( ..I smu/.i. s i si \.< o . B v. Joseph's College (Colkgeville, Indiana), 1971, rheology

sist.i B.ina.i. ii. s i; s. b s Villanova University, 1952, Elementary Education

I'a.ii ( [aggart, LB Si Mary's University (Baltimore, Maryland), 1948, Liberal Arts,

M V. Villanovs l Diversity, I960, Supervision -n\i\ Administration

Will...... I i s rbsne, B L, Ulentown ( ollege ol ( i rands n< Sales, 197 • 1 oglish

Barbara H. White, lis. rrinity College (Washington, i>< >, 1966, Education

Sister Sally \ Witt, i s| B.A., Carlow College (Pittsburgh. Pa.), 1972, Liberal Vu>

R.ta Mary Wonders, B L, Notn ha...... I Maryland, 1972, Elementary Education

rheress Urn Zaleski B.A.. 1.1...... CoUegi 1969. Education DEPARTMENTAL ACADEMIC SENIOR AWARDS AWARD WINNERS EVENING DIVISION DAY — ARTS & SCIENCES Bernard G. Kinker Dolores Siegel James Quirus ry Jerry Schwartz Electronic Phy! Edward T. Duffy Earth Science Maureen B. Reilly English Rosemarie W. Dolnycky Gail Rothherg Finance Michael F. Seidenburg Maria Schragen Mary Ann Rocchi John McCulIough English Timothy T. O'Toole Humanities Mary C. McAvoy Kristine Long Management Judith D. Morgan Fine Arts Dennis J. Boylan Marketing Robert A. Farber Foreign Languages Patricia Tully Psychology Carole Corvin History Fredrick Hanselmann Sociology Zebulon V. Casey Mathematical Sciences Patricia Nepps Philosophy David Keer Physics Angelica Staeey Political Science John A. Carlo Psychology Lawrence P. Byrnes Religion Mary C. Edwards Sociology- Howard Stabler BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Accounting Vincent J. Ciavardini Rosemary A. Gallagher Finance Timothy O. Nolen Management John E. Krol Marketing Anthony T. Mazzei

JOHN J. MCSHAIN AWARD (Public Welfare) Carol Marie Zajac JAMES A. FINNEGAN MEMORIAL AWARD (Christian Ideals of Social Justice) William H. Kenney

DR. JOSEPH J. SPRISSLER AWARD (Scholastic Achievement, Evening) Maryann A. Matmko

DEAN'S AWARD OF THE EVENING DIVISION STUDENT CONGRESS (Scholastic Achievement, Evening) .... Zebulon V. Casey

DR. VICTOR D. BROOKS AWARD (Liberal Arts, Evening) Carole Corvin


Name Major Institution Award CYNTHIA ANN BONNATUCCI Chemistry Undecided F, A MICHAEL R. BUCKLEY Psychology- Case-Western A Reserve Univ. KEVIN BURNS Mathematics Pa. State Univ. A LAWRENCE BYRNES Psychology Yale Univ. Law School S ALICE DE CREGORIO Mathematics Drexel Univ. A JOSEPH DI CECCO Psychology Univ. of Massachusetts F THERESA EXNER Psychology Univ. of Connecticut F NINA FERRANT Biology Univ. of Delaware A

MARK J. FLEMING Political Science Temple Univ. F GREGORY GIBSON French France Ful. LAURA GOLIASZEWSKI Physics A ROBERT L. GREEN Chemistry Univ. of F, A ROSE E. GUERIN Psychology- Bryn Mawr College DF STEVEN J. KEENAN Earth Science Bowling Green Univ. A KRISTINE LONG English SUNY, Buffalo F, DF MARGARET McGUIRE English Temple Univ. A MARGARET McLENIGAN Psychology Wayne State Univ. A CARTER NORWOOD History Princeton Univ. F, DH1 JAMES PERRY Mathematics Drexel Univ. A JOSEPH POEKERT Biology North Dakota State Univ. A MICHAEL J. QUIGG Pa. State Univ. A MAUREEN B. REILLY Earth Science Texas Christian Univ. A GAIL ROTHBERG Economics Lehigh Univ. S PAUL SPEAKER Economics Purdue Univ. A ANGELICA STACY Physics F, A MARY STEFANELLI German Univ. of California at Davis A PATRICIA TULLY Spanish Bryn Mawr College F CAROL ZAJAC Accounting-German Univ. of Munich Ful. KEY TO AWARDS

A — Assistantship ? — Dan fori h Finalist DHM - Danforth Honorable Mention F — Fellowship Ful. — Fulbright Grant S — Scholarship