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11 MAY 2017 RENEWABLE NEWS n ISSUE 359 RENEWS.BIZ Regular THIS WEEK Innogy game New wire to give Eon 20:20 vision at Rampion face on for Eon is to install a standalone fibre Redesign optic cable from shore to its 400MW US auctions Rampion to sidestep a Innogy is planning to take persistent communications fault in one part in upcoming offshore of the project’s two export wires. p2 wind lease auctions in to smooth Massachusetts and New Post-subsidy brainstorming York and is eyeing potential at 24-turbine Sandy Knowe partnerships with existing Issues Developers behind the consented leaseholders in the US. 24-unit Sandy Knowe wind farm in feathers at The German utility developer south-west are in discussions is targeting “trifecta” waters with potential turbine suppliers about a off the north-east Atlantic post-subsidy solution. p3 coast boasting large nearby SCORCHED EARTH: SSE populations, high energy prices Invis bid to double up on Inch Cape and Coillte are battling a and robust wind resources. Donegal grid connection Red Rock Power has slashed summer. The new Inch Cape massive gorse fire that is Newly-hired US offshore Invis Energy is seeking approval for joint turbine numbers by more design is based on 250-metre threatening part of the lead Chris Wissemann said grid infrastructure to connect a pair of than a third as part of a Plan rotors and 176-metre hubs, under-construction 169MW “the time is right” for Innogy consented Irish wind farms as a single B bid to secure fresh planning up from the previously Galway mega-farm in the to build on its experience at project featuring up to 24 turbines. p7 consent for its 784MW Inch consented 172 and 129 west of Ireland. northern Europe projects in Cape offshore wind farm in metres, respectively. The blaze “escalated” late what will be a “substantial” Publication dates; Scotland. Overall tip heights would on Tuesday after easing on new market. OFFSHORE The Chinese developer stretch to 301 metres, up Monday night. At one point New York, where the Six-month wait before lights is working on a revised from 215 metres, and even earlier this week flames were company previously bid but go on at DolWin3 hub p4 72-turbine Outer Tay layout fewer machines would be within 40 metres of a pair of lost out to Statoil, has 2.4GW Massachusetts out to fill its that would replace the original built should more powerful 3MW turbines. on the books, Massachusetts boots in call p8 disputed 110-unit project. hardware become available. Three units of the Galway plans to build 1.6GW and New Red Rock has told Marine Various foundation types fire service, a Coillte-deployed Jersey is expected to develop Scotland the new design including traditional piled helicopter and the Irish Air at least 1.1GW. will improve the wind jackets, suction bucket Corps are all working to bring Readership p2 farm’s economics while jackets, gravity base jackets the flames under control. Orkney project also reducing “associated and hybrid gravity bases “The fire continues to environmental effects”. remain in the frame. Up to comprise a number of option at DCNS A planning application is two substations with piled separate fire events to DCNS Open Hydro is eyeing the southern and western Early homework pays off at being prepared against the jackets or gravity base jackets deployment of two 2MW perimeter of Galway wind 600MW Gemini p10 background of a long-running are also envisaged. open centre tidal turbines at legal battle over Scottish The full design is yet to be park,” SSE said. the European Marine Energy Supply chain investment ready government consent for Inch finalised but the developer At least a quarter of the Centre in Orkney. to roll in Maryland p19 Cape, which was overturned said it believes the revised 4000-hectare Cloosh Valley The company was recently due to bird issues. project will result in an forest where parts of the given the all-clear by Marine NEWS “The application for consent overall 23% reduction in wind farm are located has Scotland for the mini-array of already been destroyed. Onshore ready to fly without for the revised development total disturbed area and a 16-metre machines at the Fall Coillte said it believes the fire supports, says wind veteran is being pursued in parallel 44% cut in lost habitat as a of Warness test site. was started deliberately. p5 with the ongoing judicial result of a streamlined build A timeline has yet to be Advertising review process for the original programme. “Our priority is to deal with identified for installation. SSE eyeing power surge at development,” said Red Rock. RSPB Scotland, which the incident while ensuring In , meanwhile, Scottish extension p12 Mainstream’s 450MW Neart took the initial legal action the safety of our employees, the Marine Management UK relying on Europe for na Gaoithe and the SSE/ against the consents, said: contractors, ground crews Organisation has issued 2018 geothermal spark Fluor consortium’s 1050MW “Projects must be sited and and support personnel,” SSE a licence to US developer Three-page Focus starts on p13 Seagreen projects are also designed to minimise impacts added. Two-thirds of the GWave to deploy its under- aiming to ride wave awaiting resolution of the on Scotland’s internationally site’s 69 turbines have been construction 9MW device at specifications p3 of repowering projects p17 legal case, which is due in renowned seabird populations.” erected. Photo: Mel Mullarkey next year. Energising the world for future generations Sustainable EPC and Marine Contractors

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European NETHERLANDS Nuon pushing for some extra megawatts at Wieringmeer Onshore 10GW p5 Media Pack growth FRANCE Elections add spurt in urgency to EU nod for Paris supports rejig Exclusive business information on the renewables industry Quarterly p7 Germany PORTUGAL Senvion expecting new blade to give it the edge Introduction; p11 Our approach to news uses reNEWS, real-time news customised daily alert service a content-rich and highly

UNITED KINGDOM Publication dates; Scotland hot-spot p2 despite Whitehall GREEN SHOOTS: Developer Dirkshof has commissioned 21 Vestas V112 3.45MW turbines at the Reussenköge chill winds repowering project in Schleswig-Holstein Photo: Dirkshof p14 multiple digital platforms, website, and coverage at key industry targeted media proposition

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SPONSORED BY opportunities; 11 May 2017 LiVE @ ALL-ENERGY 2017 Specialist lawyers with deep renewables Advertising industry knowledge. Tories must get over THURSDAY’S onshore wind ‘allergy’, HIGHLIGHTS says SPR boss Scotland to stand 14 SEPTEMBER 2017 RENEWABLE ENERGY NEWS „ ISSUE 367 RENEWS.BIZ ScottishPower THIS WEEK Renewables Brexit banter specifications Salvage operation at Polish p5 chief executive Industry experts line up to give their IDEULFDWRU672΍VKRUH 3ROLVKIDEULFDWRU672΍VKRUHKDVȴOHG GE spreads Keith Anderson take on the way forward for the UK IRULQVROYHQF\DQGDVHDUFKKDVEHHQ (pictured) energy sector after the country leaves ODXQFKHGIRUSRWHQWLDOQHZLQYHVWRUVWR tall on renewables UHVFXHWKHFRPSDQ\p2 accused the UK Scotland can remain a the European Union in Day Two’s

4XLFNȴ[SOHDRYHU0: Irish wings government renewables world leader in opening session. Irish onshore wind gridlock of being “allergic” to onshore wind the face of cold political winds 09:30-10:30, 'HYHORSHUVDUHSXVKLQJWRVHFXUH IDVWWUDFNJULGDFFHVVIRU0:RI despite “overwhelming” public support coming from south of the Lomond Auditorium FRQVHQWHGEXWVWUDQGHGSURMHFWV p3 with 30MW Daily for the technology in the All-Energy border, insists First Minister 2017 opening session. p2 Nicola Sturgeon. CfD2 INSIDE STORY $XFWLRQMDFNSRWIRUR΍VKRUH Her government will Floating voter wind development in UK supply deal do “all we can” to build on A panel of industry heavyweights )RXUSDJHVRILQGHSWKFRYHUDJHRIWKH ZLQQHUVORVHUVDQGLQGXVWU\UHDFWLRQ the country’s green power including representatives from Statoil, GE has secured a plum WKDQ0:RI5HȴWZLQG 2΍VKRUHZLQGFRVW starts on p4 turbine supply contract at farms in the country including journey shows the successes in its new energy , and Ideol tell All-Energy the Craydel Group’s 30MW several projects via its Invis way ahead for tidal strategy, she said during a 2017 why the smart money is on NEWS Glenmore wind farm in Energy joint venture. email County Clare, Ireland. Turbine deliveries at Turbine titans crank up The tidal industry could be cost- passionate keynote speech at LOW CARBON SEEDCORN: Scotland’s First Minister Nicola ȵRDWLQJR΍VKRUHZLQG The manufacturer’s 2.85- Glenmore are pencilled in to onshore power options p8 103 model is the preferred start next summer and the FRPSHWLWLYHZLWKR΍VKRUHZLQGZLWKLQ the opening plenary session Sturgeon, speaking at All-Energy 2017 (above), revealed 11:00-12:30, (OHPHQWFORVLQJRQ0: choice for the site, according project could be completed ȴYH\HDUVLIWKH8.JRYHUQPHQW of All-Energy 2017. that more than £43m in funding is to be made available Lomond Auditorium divvy in Ireland S to sources. by end-2018. HOT AND HEAVY: Jan De of lifting capacity and new Daily (')PL[HVD0:SURMHFW Craydel has consent for Craydel Group company Nul jack-up Vole au Vent sea-fastening equipment reintroduces ring-fenced support The strategy, which is out for 13 low carbon projects across the country. The awards cocktail for Kintyre p11 12 units with 136.5-metre Mid Cork Electrical will has begun loading out the KDVEHHQȴWWHGWRVXSSRUW for the sector, All-Energy 2017 has for consultation until the by the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme 'URQHVȵ\WRR tips but has reduced tackle the majority of civil ȴUVWEDWFKRI0+Ζ9HVWDV WKHMDFNXSȇVȴUVWFUDFN close to the numbers due to grid capacity and electrical engineering, V164-8.3MW turbines due at installing 8MW-plus heard. p3 end of the month, sets out are expected to be matched by a minimum of £43m Sun worshippers sun — for now constraints in the area, it is according to sources. to go up at EDF’s 41.5MW hardware. Scotland’s ambition to meet from private and public sector partners. Winners include A variety of contributors will discuss Two-page Focus understood. Construction could start %O\WKGHPRQVWUDWRUR΍ 9%06YHVVHO1GXUDQFH alerts starts on p12 $ȴQDOFDOORQZKHWKHUWR shortly now Clare County Northumberland, north-east has meanwhile completed 50% of all its energy needs an energy storage project in Shetland, low carbon heat a range of solar topics including EMail Green power to go under deploy nine or 10 turbines &RXQFLOKDVVLJQHGR΍RQ England. laying 11km of Nexans-made from renewables by 2030. networks in Dundee, Stirling, Clydebank and Glenrothes, Scotland’s potential domestic 'LVVHFWLQJ%UH[LWȇVLPSDFW hammer in Ireland p16 has yet to be made but compliance conditions The vessel will return to 66kV cable at Blyth, linking all sources indicated the latter following a four-month delay. Esbjerg to pick up the second ȴYHJUDYLW\EDVHIRXQGDWLRQV on the UK energy market Sturgeon said the target is and the installation of a heat pump on the River Clyde to installations and business rates for PV. option is favoured. The turbines, which will run DQGȴQDOFRPSOHPHQWRIWZR to the landing point at Britain’s divorce from the EU will come ȊKXJHO\DPELWLRXVȋEXWUHȵHFWV serve the Gorbals area. Photo: reNEWS 13:00-14:30, Leven OPEN ROAD IN The supply deal will mark in two clusters south west of PDFKLQHVRQFHWKHȴUVWWKUHH Cambois beach, EDF said. :HOVKRQVKRUHZLQGZLOOSDVVWKH*: GE’s debut with the Michael Ennis, will connect to the grid are installed over the coming The project is scheduled under the conference spotlight at All- ȊLPPHQVHFRQȴGHQFHȋLQWKH LQVWDOOHGFDSDFLW\PLOHVWRQHLQ Murnane-led developer, which via a 2km underground wire at days. to go online later this year. DQGSURJUHVVLYHHQYLURQPHQWDOSROLF\ is currently building more the Booltiagh substation. Energy 2017 in Glasgow on Thursday renewables sector and its potential,” she told delegates. election, Sturgeon called on Alerts LVRSHQLQJWKHORQJWHUPGRRUWRRWKHU A crane with 1500 tonnes 3KRWR-DQ'H1XO*URXS UHQHZDEOHV with an hour-long session called ‘The GL΍HUHQWWHFKQRORJLHV “Renewables seems to come a the industry to bang the drum /LQHRQFDEOHV *HWWKH OSB and Bladt in line for TP second helpings at Hornsea 1 H΍HFWVRI%UH[LWRQWKHUHQHZDEOHDQG The First Minister accused poor second to nuclear.” for renewables and remind Panel featuring JDR and Ecosse Subsea IXOOVWRU\LQ 2΍VKRUH6WUXFWXUHV%ULWDLQ plans to deploy a mix of 20 TPs is being made by is meanwhile planning to WKHUHNEWS and Bladt of Denmark look set suction bucket jackets and *HUPDQFRPSDQ\6WHHOZLQG VKLSWKHȴUVWEDWFKRIVL[ low carbon energy sectors’. p4 Whitehall of trying to thwart Sturgeon cited the removal politicians of its economic Systems will focus on the latest Wales 2017 to win contracts to fabricate monopile foundations at the 1RUGHQKDPDQG8.RXWȴW monopile foundations being VSHFLDO up to 58 additional transition 174-turbine wind farm. Wilton Engineering. produced at its Rostock facility Scotland’s aims across the of Pot 1 technology from value, adding there are 60,000 GHYHORSPHQWVLQR΍VKRUHZLQGFDEOLQJ UHSRUW Live coverage from pieces for Dong’s 1.2GW The UK yard was awarded 26%LVH[SHFWHGWRVXSSO\ as early as 1 December, it is ZKLFKZLOO renewables mix by removing WKH&RQWUDFWVIRU'L΍HUHQFH low carbon jobs in a Scottish and methods for reducing the risks +RUQVHDZLQGIDUPR΍WKH a deal to manufacture 56 TPs up to 30 of the additional TPs understood. EHVHQW Introduction; east of England. for the project earlier this year from its plant on Teesside, +RUQVHDȇV6LHPHQV Independent renewables price supports, adding the auction regime, the stalling of sector worth £10.5bn. during wire installation. RXWODWHU WRGD\6XEVFULEHUV The prize was put and Bladt is working on 40 of according to sources, with Gamesa 7MW turbines are VHFWRURQEDFNIRRWLQ8. country has enough current a decision on non-mainland Further political headwinds 15:00-16:30, ZKRGRQRWUHFHLYHWKHLUFRS\VKRXOG out to tender after the the structures. Bladt handling the balance. due for commissioning in contact VDOHV#UHQHZVEL] Danish developer ditched 7KHȴQDOFRPSOHPHQWRI German fabricator EEW 2020. Construction of independent UK and consented wind projects onshore wind, and the are blowing due to Brexit, Lomond Auditorium UHQHZDEOHVSURMHFWVKDVȵDWOLQHG in the pipeline to meet its “dragging out” of changes to added the First Minister. Benefits; in the wake of “steep” and needs twice over. the Levy Control Framework 6FRWODQGKDVEHQHȴWHGIURP “sudden” subsidy cuts, accordingindustry to “The UK approach as detrimental to the Scottishevents binding climate change power purchase agreement agent continues to be an obstacle renewables sector. targets and EU funding, which for rolling industry news updates Energising the world SmartestEnergy. p5 to Scotland fully realising its Ahead of the 8 June general are now at risk. on your PC and mobile Advertising for future generations Sustainable EPC and Marine Contractors ϧпцαӰӱӵӰӱӷӸӵӰӸӸ ёёёβчяуьтлццпшпьсѓβнщβях specifications p6 ушъльюшпьэтуъёуют ёёёβёушоёёэβнщч 24 digital issues Vital information We connect global thinking & eye for detail

Stand #S-A21

LIVE@ 8 June 2017 LiVE @ OFFSHORE WIND ENERGY 2017 #Offshore2017 βββϗпцуѐпьушсϔчмуюущшэ OFFICIAL DIGITAL per year NEWS MEDIA PARTNER THURSDAY’S 9MW power hike HIGHLIGHTS for the offshore Floating voter This session will look at ongoing for Siemens unit and planned projects in floating Digital Siemens is offering an rotor 10MW-plus offshore turbine offshore wind from the perspective of upgraded 9MW version of its diameter will be ready for deployment developers, technology specialists and .biz current offshore as its 7MW in the early 2020s. suppliers. Modular substation bet for projects with suitable site unit at the Engineers have dubbed 09:30-10:45, Room 8 at fabricator STX conditions. Østerild the machine Triton but STX offshore energy chief Frédéric Offshore chief executive test site in specifications are being kept Grizaud (above) unveiled a new Michael Hannibal said the Denmark. under wraps. Offshore vice 2020 vision modular design for offshore so-called flex-rated platform Hannibal president Cornelius Drücker Helen Fairclough, the UK national news substations that can handle up to incorporates minor tweaks to PROGRESS: refused to said the unit could have a cut- contact point for energy in the 900MW of exports from a single the manufacturer’s current Siemens’ 6MW be drawn in speed of below four metres EU’s Horizon 2020 research and topside at OWE 2017. p2 offshore offering, including a model Photo: renews on when per second. development funding programme, will Dailies stronger magnet generator. 10MW-plus Nacelles and hubs are be available for 1-2-1 meetings with wind sector The new machine is already hardware might become likely to be made at Senvion’s delegates. Offshore now magnet for featuring in discussions with available. Components must factory in Bremerhaven, 09:30-14:30, Stand S-F21 institutional investors developers, he confirmed. not expand so much that Germany, with blades to Demand from institutional investors When asked if its rating could fabrication options become be produced at recently for stakes in offshore wind assets go beyond 9MW, Hannibal limited, driving up costs, he upgraded facilities outside Power play has helped drive record transaction replied: “Wait and see.” said. Porto, Portugal, he added. Experts in wind farm transmission volumes in the sector over the past He was speaking to renews “We are following the Uncertainty over future technology will give an overview of 12 months, according to the Green on day two of Offshore Wind product development project volumes is casting how improvements in areas such as Investment Bank. p3 Energy 2017 in London where process. Right now we are a cloud over development cabling can lead to cost reduction in MHI Vestas launched a 9.5MW running all the designs but of larger turbine, Drücker offshore wind. version of its V164 platform we have not looked at any warned. 09:30-10:45, Room 11 Growth in sector new-kid earlier this week. timings for when this will hit “A certain guaranteed Introduction; the US heads for fast lane Siemens is already testing the market.” volume of work makes Momentum a prototype 8MW model Senvion has meanwhile investment easier and lets Reading the tea leaves in the nascent featuring the same 154-metre said its next-generation you scale up quicker,” he said. What does the future of UK offshore Comprehensive US offshore wind look like? Senior industry folk wind industry Windcarrier flying high in German get together to predict the next steps, is growing and Fred Olsen Windcarrier has second half of 2019, OWE Windcarrier commercial including what the response will be to the sector is scooped a deal to transport 2017 was told. manager Martin Degen. cost-cutting across Europe. well-placed and install “This new contract Windcarrier is also lined 11:30-12:45, Room 11 to take 7MW turbines at EnBW’s will continue our strong up to transport and install Events & dates; advantage of 112MW Albatros wind farm in relationship with Siemens the same 7MW hardware at cost cutting seen in other markets, Jose the German North Sea. Gamesa, emphasising EnBW’s nearby 497MW Hohe Zayas (pictured) of the US Department The project’s 16 turbines faith in our vessels and See project starting in the first for rolling industry news updates of Energy told OWE 2017. p4 will start going up in the future collaboration,” said half of 2019. on your PC and mobile

innogy. A global leader Advertising in renewable energy market reports Rolling news at and shaping the future of offshore wind. Make innogy your partner of choice, for innovation and technology. Find us at OWE2017, North Hall, at the innogy business lounge and let’s talk business! specifications p7

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2-B Energy 2B6-RS PRojEct DEPLoYMENt VItAL StAtIStIcS IEC class I Key characteristics Offshore projects Rotor diameter 140.6m Radical two-bladed downwind turbine designed for 40-year service life, with ‘an One wind farm in development – Power rating 6.0MW integral plant approach.’ It further has two nacelle levels, a passive cooler platform, a (2 units, UK, aimed for commissioning in Number of blades 2 self-aligning ‘soft yaw’ system, and a lattice-type welded truss tower. The latter ‘open’ early 2017); perhaps rated above 6.0MW Orientation Downwind structure extends from the seabed to the nacelle yaw bearing. Operation Pitch-controlled variable speed Product status Head mass n.a. 2 Product notes Prototype installation completed in Specific power 386W/m 1. Modular platform design aimed at rapid future up scaling in line with market Eemshaven (NL) at September 30, 2015 Prototype Onshore second half 2015 Offshore Introduction Announced 2007 demand; 2. ‘Soft yaw’ capability means that the rotor follows wind direction changes Track record Usage Offshore automatically in normal operating mode, and then only requires some nacelle yaw Onshore prototype Power electronics Medium voltage dampening motion. In emergency situations, like a combination of extreme weather generation system eliminates ‘traditional and/or turbine failure, eight yaw motors are activated for bringing the turbine in a full size transformer’ at turbine level. safe non-operating position. The extra ninth motor provides system redundancy; Drive train Three-stage gearbox with side 3. Modest 78-metre rated tip speed. torque supports and a DFIG.

Bonus 2.3 MW – RS PRojEct DEPLoYMENt VItAL StAtIStIcS Turbine IEC class Initially likely none; Key characteristics Offshore projects later SWT-2.3-82 VS, IEC IA The Bonus 2.3MW partly represents the ‘classic’ Danish design philosophy, including 3 wind farms / project turbine – Rotor diameter 82.4m especially a non-integrated high-speed drivetrain with three-point gearbox support, Samsø (10 units, 2002, DK)*; Power rating 2.3MW fixed-speed(s) and induction generator; switch to CombiStall with pitch able blades, Rødsand/Nysted (72 units, 2003, DK); Number of blades 3 Frederikshavn (1 unit, 2003, DK); Orientation Upwind Offshore Technology Yearbook first introduced in Bonus 1 MW (54m); CombiStall offers superior output control with a near-constant output level above rated and independent of weather conditions, and * one Samsø turbine lost a complete head Operation CombiStall (active stall) eliminates the need for bi-annual blade angle adjustment; two-speed generator. (nacelle + rotor) at November 28, 2015 controlled fixed speed Head mass 136T (Nacelle 82T, Rotor 54T); Product notes Product status figures SWT-2.3-82 VS 2 1. Fitted with in-house developed and manufactured one-piece-moulding Bonus B40 No more available Specific power 431W/m blades; Prototype 1999 2. Successor of Bonus 2 MW, and the outcome of a long-time successful company Track record Introduction n.a. Yearbook evolutionary product development and optimizing strategy; Onshore and offshore total numbers; Usage Onshore and offshore Ireland 3. No hints for a switch to pitch-controlled variable speed in March 2003, but 506 units Power electronics None introduced later that year - Bonus 2.3 MW VS; Drive train Non-integrated high-speed 4. Siemens acquired Bonus Energy in October 2004. geared with three-point gearbox support. soars on Introduction; second 2O18 Sponsorship; wind...


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In addition to our regular industry and include ‘Energy way to ensure ‘being seen’ issue digital in-depth reporting, we also Storage’, ‘Scotland’, ‘OTY’, as they are very popular with publish separate special ‘Ireland’, ‘Wales’, ‘Global our readers. reports. These features focus Offshore Wind’, and ‘Global For publication dates on specific areas of interest Marine’. Advertising in these please see below. newsletter within the renewables special reports is an excellent Established in 2002, the twice a month, 24 times a reNEWS digital newsletter is year via email. For publishing regarded as a leading source schedule dates please see of information on offshore below right. Special Reports wind and marine renewables Energy Storage Scotland in Northern Europe and n If you haven’t seen a 2018 February 22 March 22 worldwide, and for onshore copy of reNEWS and would Engineers 23 FEBRUARY 2017 n WWW.RENEWS.BIZ YOUR 9 MARCH 2017 n WWW.RENEWS.BIZ unrivalled STORAGE Planners Specialist Consultants in the EXPERTS Renewable Sector Market leading legal support to the renewable Scientists [email protected] energy industry wind in the UK, Ireland and like to, 0141 248 3434 | [email protected] visit our Free ENERGY STORAGE REPORT 2017 SCOTLAND SPECIAL REPORT 2017

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Cavan | Cork - Tel: +353 (0) 49 555 5050 IRELAND Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Consultancy Governing Body IRELAND SPECIAL REPORT 2017 As a premium content free consecutive issues May Marine Technologies publication,NGO's / Industry AssociaIon reNEWS is read over a two-month period, Onshore Wind Developer 10 24 by senior decision-makers in advertisements will not only June 7 21 Offshore Wind Developer the wind andServices marine industry. be seen by paid subscribers Turbine Manufacturer Our readership includes but also by these trialists. Ireland UIlity Contractor / Supplier Other / Academia July 5 19 Summer soars on utilities, developers, The reNEWS readership second contractors, consultancies, is broken down into the August 9 23 2O17 wind...

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ZephIR Lidar delivers all your wind measurement needs turbine manufacturers, follows clockwise direction): September 13 27 October 11 25 3% Global 8% November 8 22 Wales Offshore Wind 22% September 13 November 22 CAERDYDD THE INDUSTRY STANDARD VOLVO OCEAN RACE OFFSHORE WIND LIDAR December 14 SEPTEMBER 2017 n WWW.RENEWS.BIZ 24 NOVEMBER 2016 n WWW.RENEWS.BIZ AVAILABLE ON ALL 27 Mai – 10 Mehefin 2018 6 20 COMMERCIAL FLOATING PLATFORMS Especially CARDIFF for UK VOLVO OCEAN RACE 27 May – 10 June 2018 VENSYS 82 OFFSHORE BOOK A > 1.5MW | 58 m Hub height WIND LIDAR CALL NOW WALES SPECIAL REPORT 2017 GLOBAL OFFSHORE WIND REPORT 2016

Specialist lawyers with deep renewables ! 13% industry knowledge. RENEWS.BIZ RENEWABLE ENERGY NEWS n ISSUE 367 14 SEPTEMBER 2017 Viva la costs THIS WEEK Salvage operation at Polish fabricator ST3 Offshore GE spreads Polish fabricator ST3 Offshore has filed for insolvency and a search has been launched for potential new investors to rescue the company. p2 Irish wings revolucion! Quick-fix plea over 350MW Irish onshore wind gridlock Developers are pushing to secure fast-track grid access for 350MW of . p3 consented but stranded projects with 30MW

CfD2 INSIDE STORY Auction jackpot for offshore wind development in UK supply deal Four pages of in-depth coverage of the than 120MW of Refit 2 wind GE has secured a plum winners, losers and industry reaction farms in the country including turbine supply contract at starts on p4 several projects via its Invis the Craydel Group’s 30MW Energy joint venture. Glenmore wind farm in Turbine deliveries at NEWS County Clare, Ireland. Glenmore are pencilled in to Turbine titans crank up The manufacturer’s 2.85- p8 start next summer and the onshore power options 103 model is the preferred project could be completed of lifting capacity and new choice for the site, according HOT AND HEAVY: Jan De Element closing on 100MW by end-2018. sea-fastening equipment p10 to sources. Nul jack-up Vole au Vent divvy in Ireland Craydel Group company has been fitted to support Craydel has consent for has begun loading out the EDF mixes a 59MW project Mid Cork Electrical will the jack-up’s first crack Wales 12 units with 136.5-metre first batch of MHI Vestas cocktail for Kintyre p11 tackle the majority of civil at installing 8MW-plus tips but has reduced V164-8.3MW turbines due Drones fly too and electrical engineering, hardware. numbers due to grid capacity to go up at EDF’s 41.5MW close to the according to sources. VBMS vessel Ndurance constraints in the area, it is Blyth demonstrator off sun — for now Construction could start has meanwhile completed understood. Northumberland, north-east Two-page Focus shortly now Clare County laying 11km of Nexans-made to go its A final call on whether to England. starts on p12 Council has signed off on 66kV cable at Blyth, linking all deploy nine or 10 turbines The vessel will return to compliance conditions five gravity base foundations Green power to go under has yet to be made but Esbjerg to pick up the second following a four-month delay. to the landing point at hammer in Ireland p16 sources indicated the latter and final complement of two 12% The turbines, which will run Cambois beach, EDF said. option is favoured. machines once the first three in two clusters south west of The project is scheduled The supply deal will mark are installed over the coming own way OPEN ROAD IN WALES Ennis, will connect to the grid to go online later this year. GE’s debut with the Michael days. Welsh onshore wind will pass the 1GW via a 2km underground wire at Photo: Jan De Nul Group Murnane-led developer, which A crane with 1500 tonnes installed capacity milestone in 2018 the Booltiagh substation. and progressive environmental policy is currently building more WHY NOT ORDER A LIDAR TODAY is opening the long-term door to other AND GET ON SITE QUICKLY, WITHOUT ALL OF THE HASSLE? 8JUIFYUFOTJWFFYQFSJFODFJOPGGTIPSFSFOFXBCMFT )VHIFT44& is meanwhile planning to renewables. OSB and Bladt in line for TP second20 TPs is being helpings made by at Hornsea 1 EFMJWFSTJOUFHSBUFE IJHIRVBMJUZBOEDPTUFGGFDUJWFTVCTFBTPMVUJPOT Subsea Get the plans to deploy a mix of ship the first batch of six NOW AVAILABLE TO ORDER ONLINE Offshore Structures Britain German company Steelwind • Diving Services • UAV Services full story in suction bucket jackets and monopile foundations being and Bladt of Denmark look set Nordenham and UK outfit APPROACHING WINDY • Oil & Gas • Underwater Inspections the reNEWS monopile foundations at the produced at its Rostock facility For more information please visit • Renewable Energy • Civil Engineering Works Wilton Engineering. • Nuclear & Power Generation • Tower Teams Rope Access to win contracts to fabricate SEASON BUT NO Hughes SSE is now part of James Fisher and Sons plc. Wales 2017 174-turbine wind farm. as early as 1 December, it is • ROV Services up to 58 additional transition OSB is expected to supply • Emergency Response - NDT special The UK yard was awarded understood. PERMISSION FOR YOUR report, pieces for Dong’s 1.2GW up to 30 of the additional TPs a deal to manufacture 56 TPs Hornsea 1’s Siemens 0GæDFT-JWFSQPPM"CFSEFFO8BMFT-POEPO-PXFTUPGU888)44&$06,JOGP!ITTFDPVL 2 which will Hornsea 1 wind farm off the from its plant on Teesside, MET MAST? for the project earlier this year Gamesa 7MW turbines are be sent east of England. according to sources, with and Bladt is working on 40 of due for commissioning in out later The prize was put Bladt handling the balance. the structures. 2020. today. Subscribers out to tender after the German fabricator EEW The final complement of who do not receive their copy should Danish developer ditched 18% contact [email protected]. Energising the world for future generations Sustainable EPC and Marine Contractors Global Marine 4% December 6 1% To avoid

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Book now at @scotrenew scottishrenewables 7% 2% disappointment, SRE1513 GLOBAL MARINE SPECIAL REPORT 2016 7% Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Readership Figures Consultancy Governing Body Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Readership Figures Consultancy Marine Technologies Readership Figures Governing Body NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Readership Figures secure yourOnshore Wind Developer Commencing Readership Figures Readership Figures countdown, Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Consultancy Marine Technologies Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Governing Body NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Offshore Wind Developer Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Consultancy Onshore Wind Developer Services Consultancy Governing Body advertising spaceTurbine Manufacturer Governing Body engines on... Marine Technologies Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Readership Figures NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Offshore Wind Developer Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Readership Figures Consultancy Marine Technologies Onshore Wind Developer Consultancy Services UIlity Marine Technologies Governing Body NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Readership Figures Turbine Manufacturer Governing Body Contractor / Supplier NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Onshore Wind Developer Other / Academia Onshore Wind Developer Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Offshore Wind Developer Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Marine Technologies Consultancy Consultancy Services UIlity Marine Technologies NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Offshore Wind Developer Governing Body Readership Figures Turbine Manufacturer Governing Body Contractor / Supplier NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Offshore Wind Developer Onshore Wind Developer Consultancy Services Other / Academia Onshore Wind Developer Services Governing Body Turbine Manufacturer now in any of theseTurbine Manufacturer Marine Technologies UIlity Marine Technologies Offshore Wind Developer NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Readership Figures Contractor / Supplier NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Offshore Wind Developer Services Marine Technologies UIlity Onshore Wind Developer Consultancy Other / Academia Onshore Wind Developer Services UIlity Turbine Manufacturer NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Contractor / Supplier Governing Body Turbine Manufacturer Contractor / Supplier Onshore Wind Developer Other / Academia publications byOther / Academia ... Onshore & Offshore Wind Developer Offshore Wind Developer Offshore Wind Developer UIlity Consultancy Services Marine Technologies Services UIlity Contractor / Supplier Offshore Wind Developer Governing Body Turbine Manufacturer NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Turbine Manufacturer Contractor / Supplier Other / Academia Services Onshore Wind Developer Other / Academia Turbine Manufacturer Delivering

OpenHydro, a DCNS company, specialises in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of marine turbines generating renewable energy from tidal streams. Marine Technologies UIlity UIlity NGO's / Industry AssociaIon Contractor / Supplier Offshore Wind Developer Contractor / Supplier UIlity Onshore Wind Developer Other / Academia Services Other / Academia Contractor / Supplier Turbine Manufacturer Other / Academia 3% 8% Offshore Wind Developer Services UIlity Turbine Manufacturer Contractor / Supplier Other / Academia 3% 8% 22% UIlity Contractor / Supplier Other / Academia 3% 3% ... contacti3% ng the sales team 8% 8% 22% 8% 3% 3% 8% 22% 8% 22% 13% 22% 3% 3% 3% 8% 8% 22% 13% 8% 22% 3% 22% 13% 8% 22% 13% 22% 13% 3% 13% 22% 13% 8% 12% 13% 22% 13% 13% 12% 13% 18% 12% 12% 12% 13% 18% 12% 12% 4% 18% 18% 18% 1% 12% 12% 4% 12% 3% 18% 18% 1% 7% 2% 4% 12% 3% 4% 7% 4% 18% 18% 1% 18% 7% 2% 1% 1% 12% 3% 4% 7% 3% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 4% 18% 7% 7% 3% 4% 1% 7% 7% 3% 1% 4% 7% 7% 2% 2% 18% 3% 1% 7% 7% 3% 1% 4% 7% 7% 3% 1% 2% 2% 2% 7% 7% 4% 7% 7% 3% 1% 7% 7% 2% 3% 1% 7% 7% 2% 7% 7% 2018 Media Pack Regular Issues & Special Reports 03

22 October 2015 WIND 03 19 November 2015 NEWS 08 19 November 2015 GLOBAL OFFSHORE 09 19 November 2015 MARINE 07 said. SPR is also ROUND 3 RUNNERS AND FALLERS EDF timeline pushing on with its Nova Scotia IN BRIEF IN BRIEF 08 Project MW Developer Consent milestone NEWS SHORTS East Anglia zone. Vestas finds 1200 RWE Abandoned November 2013 Wavepower staffs up to n Buccleuch Estates and 2020 Nordex gets hands at Beck Burn n The renewables unit of German n Siemens’ wind and renewables pre-tax profit of €36m, up from Plans for the 1.2GW EA3 are said to be n Vattenfall has sold 19 Danish wind sowing the Renewables are fine-tuning plans EDF Energy Renewables is utility EnBW has posted an adjusted business posted a profit of €72m in its €22.8m in the year-ago period, on the “progressing incredibly well” with the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck A&B 2400 Statoil, Statkraft, RWE and SSE Consented February 2015 farms featuring 88 turbines to Green for the up to 168MW North Lowther to start construction at its EBITDA of €156m for the first nine fiscal fourth quarter versus a loss of back of a 50% jump in sales to €685m. developer looking to lodge a consent Dogger Bank Teeside A&B 2400 Statoil, Statkraft, RWE and SSE Consented August 2015 Power Partners for an undisclosed seeds for a AA months of 2015, up 7.4% on the €60m in the same period last year. A The manufacturer said its takeover of Energy Initiative, a wind farm complex nine-turbine Beck Burn wind an extra turn application in the “near future”. Dogger Bank Teeside C&D 2400 Statoil, Statkraft, RWE and SSE Discontinued and handed seabed back to Crown Estate in August 2015 sum. The 65MW disposal is part of find winning technology 19 NOVEMBER 2015 RENEWABLE ENERGY NEWS n ISSUE 324 RENEWS.BIZ in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. on 72MW Irish prize farm in Cumbria in the second year-earlier period. Onshore wind slight drop in onshore turbine orders Acciona, expected to be completed in Construction will launch two to three the Swedish utility’s strategy to focus tidal power Somerset marine developer for prototype deployment learn from it and improve the East Anglia 1 714 SPR Consented June 2014, due online 2020 farm production and the ramp-up of was offset by growth in the services 2017, will result in a 15% to 18% cut THIS WEEK The partners held a second round Nordex has secured a so the swap will come at the Infrastructure Development quarter of 2016 to meet the years after a positive decision, if given. East Anglia 3 1200 SPR Application filed to the Planning Inspectorate in November 2015 on “larger” wind projects. Wavepower Technologies is in 2016. Possible test sites next concept,” he said. Senvion on verge of maiden EDF turns of public exhibitions in recent weeks 29-turbine supply deal cost of 14.5MW in headline site lies to the east of the Renewables Obligation cut-off the 288MW Baltic 2 offshore project business. in the cost of energy by 2018. The wind farm is expected to beanfeast seeking to hire 15 engineers include Falmouth’s FabTest, Rubie-Todd said of speed in East Anglia 4 1200 Vattenfall PINS application expected to be filed in fourth-quarter 2016 Irish victory to showcase a 42-turbine layout north for West Clare Renewable capacity. semi-state developer’s of March 2017. compensated for the negative impact feature up to 172 7MW-plus turbines n Vestas won an order from China’s Nova Scotia’s government has to support plans to deploy Wales’s South Pembrokeshire Wavepower is driven by cost the tables of run-of-river plants, EnBW said. n Nordex banked a third-quarter news Hornsea 1 1200 Dong Energy Consented December 2014, due online 2020 Senvion is close to landing its first EU grant opens of Wanlockhead based on hardware Energy’s 72.5MW Slievecallan Eight Nordex machines operational 84MW Mount The developer is understood re .biz in the northern half of the lease area Hanas for 25 V110-2MW turbines. reaffirmed its commitment to a prototype device off the wave site, Orkney’s European of energy and maintenance ever Irish supply contract with MM82 EDF Energy Renewables and of between 3MW and 4MW. wind farm in the west of have meanwhile been officially Lucas project. to be in talks with two turbine off Lowestoft. Hornsea 2 1800 Dong Energy Under examination by PINS, consent decision due March 2016 The Danish manufacturer will supply tidal energy in the Canadian British Isles next year. Marine Energy Centre and rather than the best turbines in the final shake-up at two partner Force 9 have been Feasibility studies have reduced Ireland. inaugurated at ESB’s 20MW suppliers, including Vestas, for new turbines EA3 will be linked to Bramford Hornsea 3 1200 Dong Energy PINS application expected to be filed in first-quarter 2016 the hardware to the Wanglejing province’s Electricity Plan The company will boost its Ireland’s Galway Bay. hydrodynamic efficiency. Galetech Energy wind farms. p2 given the all clear on appeal the project from an initial up to 140 The contract has yet to Woodhouse wind farm in n Provento Ireland has the project near Solway Moss. Vestas is to offer its coming added. Vestas is upgrading in Suffolk via 140km subsea export Moray 1100 EDP/Repsol Consented March 2014, awaiting next CfD round Niujijuan wind farm in the Ningxia Hui 2015-2040. 20-strong engineering team Wavepower co-founder “We’re not looking at Lower costs to build the seven-turbine turbines. Further consultation is be signed but an agreement County Waterford, which appealed against local A consent variation will allow 3.45MW Class 1 and 2 its 3.3MW onshore turbines cables and 37km underground wires. Navitus Bay 970 Eneco/EDF Rejected by Secretary of State September 2015 autonomous region next year. Officials aim to have to 35 with positions available and chief executive David oscillating water columns.” Craigton and Spittalhill wind planned ahead of an eventual Section for 2.5MW N90 machines features a mix of N80 and authority rejection of its models with a blade length of turbines, currently being to 3.45MW across all wind A converter station will be required to up to 22MW of capacity for electrical, mechanical, Rubie-Todd said the company The longer-term aim to unlock new horizons at Rampion 400 Eon/GIB/Enbridge Final investment decision May 2015, expected online 2018 10GW UK farm near Stirling in Scotland. 36 application. is in the bag, according to N90 hardware. 12MW Crilly wind farm on the up to 51.5 metres. upgraded from the 3.3MW regimes to increase energy change DC power to AC. n RWE Innogy recorded a “marked in production or active design, modelling and tank has whittled down 250 device is to be both a device Rhiannon, Irish Sea 2200 /Dong Abandoned 2014 offshore Holyrood officials this week local sources. Construction is John Sisk and Sons and the Donegal and Tyrone border. EDF will launch a tender for platform, in an optional power performance by up to 12%. Vattenfall’s 1.2GW EA4 project improvement” in earnings in the first development by the early testing specialists. New concepts to a “handful”. manufacturer and site Seagreen A&B 1050 SSE/Fluor Consented October 2014, in limbo prize, says overturned local authority n ABO Wind has applied to Perth expected to get underway in Kirby Group were responsible civil engineering works when a mode of up to 3.6MW for the The V105, V112, V117 and in the north of the zone, which is three quarters of the year, boosting 2020s in the Bay of Fundy. offices are currently under “I hope to have some developer. Rudd rejection based largely on and Kinross Council to build the 2016 with awards imminent for civil and electrical works at n Galetech Energy has turbine deal is finalised, which highest-speed onshore sites V126 are being improved via also in the Planning Inspectorate the operating result €251m year on Progress toward large- construction in Glastonbury. sort of test in the sea next “Our dream is to make Energy Secretary Amber Rudd has Scotrenewables visual impacts. The wind farm 11-turbine Green Burn project near for electrical and civil the project. won consent for a revised is expected to be next month. such as those in Scotland. a combination of larger rotor system, is expected to require four also be responsible for installation number of elements with the offshore is due to end on 3 March. The year to €280m largely due to the scale deployment will follow Wavepower, which claims year,” he said, adding that commercially viable wave sketched plans for up to 10GW of near the Carron Reservoir Alyth. engineering packages. substation at its consented The developer is working to The Danish manufacturer sizes, optimisation of load 160km seabed export cables and from 2019 and ongoing operations substation the subject of a “flexible government then has a further six commissioning of the 576MW Gwynt y passage of the Marine to have £50m of backing from the company will likely energy devices, build out new offshore wind post-2020 with at Orkney tidal device developer will be installed next to the from the Horizon 2020 will feature turbines of up to The site, next to SSE’s operational West Clare is linked with n Bord na Mona has kicked 23MW Carrickallen wind farm meet the remaining planning said the boost would be carrying structures, optimised 37km underground links running and maintenance services. Ramboll is approach” that could result in a months to make a consent decision Mor wind farm off Wales and 295MW Renewable Energy Act and the private investors including deploy a variety of different projects ourselves and sell least three competitive rights auctions Scotrenewables has bagged first device, which is due to Competitive Low Carbon 125 metres and top power is 36.8MW Drumderg wind farm, would Craydel Group as well as a off consultations with An in Cavan. Project construction conditions imposed by achieved by operating power converters and control to an onshore converter station at designing foundations. number of awards. but Statkraft and development Nordsee Ost off Germany. setting up of a new area for chairman and Pensions technologies before deciding electricity. planned over the next four years. p3 approximately €10m in be deployed shortly at the Energy Call 3 with sign-off expected to be 21MW. feature 3MW hardware with tips of up number of local landowners. Bord Pleanala ahead of will start next year. Carlisle City Council. the hardware at a slightly system changes. Bramford. SPR kicked off a number of major The majority of deals will be in partner RWE are said to be confident commercial projects. Direct founder Adam Norris, on a device to take to market. “If can have kit in the water funding from the European European Marine Energy imminent, according to EDF is elsewhere preparing to 126.5 metres. Emma Tinker of HgCapital sits an application for the up higher tip speed to achieve The new control system tendering competitions in July for place by February 2016, the Scottish of a positive outcome. n Envision Energy has appointed The plan also states that said the enlarged team “I’m expecting us to put generating power by the end SPR bid to lift Argyll and Bute Union’s Horizon 2020 R&D Centre’s Fall of Warness test sources. to file a Section 36 application on the board. to 30-turbine Cloncreen an increased nominal significantly increases input n the run-up to 2020, SPR is packages including array cable supply developer said. The up to 288-turbine wind fram Skanska to manage construction new sector research funding will develop one or more something in the water and it of the decade supplying clean wind complex to 112MW programme to build and site off Orkney, by the end of Development partners for its proposed Fallago Rig 2 n SSE has updated plans for an Slievecallan was originally wind farm in County Offaly. power rating within existing and outputs for a flexible steaming ahead with its 714MW and installation, and foundation Statkraft’s 900MW , off is scheduled to be logistics at the Kafjarden wind farm in will be available from the as-yet-undecided wave not work, so we’ll do it at low energy in the UK that would ScottishPower Renewables has filed to I deploy a next-generation the decade. They will share include Irish tidal project project in the Scottish HVDC interconnector between the based on Vestas V90 turbines The expected Strategic certifications. and future-ready set-up, the EA1 project. The developer said supply and installation at the Round the last Round 2 project still in built in a single rolling phase with first Sweden, which will feature four of the Department of Energy to energy converter concepts cost and relatively quickly to be awesome.” build an ‘old school’ third phase at its floating turbine. the same export cable. developer DP Energy, Belfast Borders. The 12-turbine Scottish mainland and the Outer Chief product manager company claimed, adding construction of the £2bn offshore 3 project. development, is also quietly getting on power by 2020, although a final layout Chinese company’s 3MW turbines and leverage private funds and Beinn an Tuirc wind farm. p9 The Stromness company The second turbine is to shipyard Harland & Wolff and extension with tip heights of Hebrides with the western terminus Jan Hagen said the higher the ethernet-based product wind farm will gear up in 2017 and full Tenders were invited in September with gaining consent for its electrical remains undecided. five 2.3MW units. Envision is also to complement Offshore Energy IN BRIEF will build a medium voltage feature an energy storage mooring outfit TFI Marine, as 126.5 metres will have a top converter station now planned at Developers pull out output requires a trade-off in reduces physical components operations are scheduled for the turn for transmission works including system prior to a planned 2017 Development and construction open a new office in Hamburg. Research Association awards. OFFSHORE version of its 2MW SR2000 system to enhance the well as EMEC. power of 41.4MW and is on a Arnish Point near Stornoway rather terms of a narrower operating housed in the turbine by 40%. of the decade. export and onshore cables and construction start. phases will be delivered by a joint The opening of the n Turin developer Wave for Energy out of the water for maintenance. The in the Indian Ocean. A first stage of Cable switch slows tie-in at machine, to be dubbed project’s overall electrical Scotrenewables’ floating reduced footprint versus an than at Gravir. scissors in Scotland temperature window and Vestas expects to Siemens has been lined up to offshore and onshore substations. The Planning Inspectorate’s ongoing Statkraft-RWE project team managed n French floating foundation Maritime Link interconnector will grid-connect its Inertial Sea cost of the first phase of the Marina di 1MW at a site off the Andaman and Borkum Riffgrund 2 p10 SR2000-MV, it is understood. efficiency and business case. turbine is the second marine earlier 17-machine layout. The subsea cable route has reactive power capabilities. erect a 3.45MW upgrade supply 102 7MW turbines and will These are being broken into a examination of the £4bn development by the Norwegians. n specialist company Ideol and China in late 2017 or early 2018 will Wave Energy Converter by the end of Pisa project is estimated at €200,000. Nicobar Islands will be extended in The new 2MW iteration Funding will be allocated energy project to receive cash also been tweaked as a result. The Willowind has slimmed down Muirden Energy has “We are trying to optimise demonstrator by next Steel are to collaborate on potential allow excess tidal and wind January. Cabling was due to start this phases, reaching up to 30MW. Tender game plan at 900MW REALISTIC under this particular call. project is not expected online until designs for its now-54.4MW meanwhile reduced the size power production on a summer with first deliveries offshore wind projects in Taiwan. power to be bundled with week and is expected to be completed n Bluewater Energy’s BlueTEC Triton Knoll p16 Offshore wind Danish developer end-decade. Linfairn wind farm in South of its proposed West Garty SOLUTIONS TO site-specific basis and we will likely by the end of 2016. for export. by mid-January. The 100kW device floating tidal platform has been n Apple has committed to a €1m Wavestar’s 1MW wave device Ayrshire, south-west Scotland. wind farm in the Scottish be able to tailor it between Hagen said some of the n The Renewables InfrastructureG Additional development was put in place off Sicily in August. upgraded with Tocardo’s larger T2 Ocean Energy Industry Fund to finding its mojo ONSHORE within an offshore wind farm The offshore wind sector is n has launched a third The London developer has Highlands following an ENVIRONMENTAL 3.45MW and 3.6MW,” he said. upgraded components have Group has raised £78m via a share opportunities, including turbine. The 200kW machine has support prototype deployment at in the Belgian North Sea is in honing its craft with projects bond with the aim of raising up reduced turbine numbers objection raised by the local “We can have individual already been deployed in issue, positioning it to “take advantage licences and access to Nova n 40South Energy has installed the doubled BlueTEC’s capacity. Ireland’s Galway Bay test site. Up to Muirhall buys assorted AES line to receive around €17m. across the world-leading to £25m to assist in building six from 25 to 17 with tips now council. dialogues with customers operational turbines. of the strong pipeline of attractive Scotia markets, will be granted first of two planned H24 wave energy €250,000 will be awarded each year. wind assets in Scotland p4 ISSUES Scotrenewables’ initial Northern European market renewable energy projects in pegged at 126.5 metres and Turbine numbers at the site about site conditions, investment opportunities currently on a competitive basis. converters off the coast of Pisa, Italy. n Seabased of Sweden has signed Airvolution looks to stretch SR2000 features a 64-metre being built the UK. hardware of up to 3.2MW in near Helmsdale in Sutherland wind speeds, turbulence, n Vestas posted a third-quarter under consideration”. Chief executive Michele Grassi said a memorandum of understanding n Sabella has started generating arms at new acquisition p13 floating hull incorporating in record The company said the projects the frame. have been cut by one to 17. E temperature range, opex net profit of €206m, up from Plato heading testing of the 50kW device would last with New Delhi-based developer power from its D10 turbine near two 1MW rotors mounted on times and in are already in the first stages of Plans for a northern Tips have been lowered from and capex to find the best €102m a year earlier, as n Lightsource Renewable Energy “several months” before it is hauled Seafaradays Energy for a wave project Ouessant island off Brittany. retractable legs. construction and that investors are in is to invest £2bn in the Indian solar for the water MARINE ever more construction compound have 120 to 110 metres. possible solution.” orders rose 50% to 1508MW It is currently undergoing routine line for a return of 5.5% per annum. been dropped while access Planners previously raised The 3.6MW turbines can in the three months. Year-to- sector over the next five years. The Tidal developer Sustainable Wavepower staffs up to find FINAL PREPARATIONS: the developer’s 2MW SR2000 device commissioning by Harland & manner. roads and the amount of concerns about landscape be ordered and delivered on date orders total 6275MW, up up to 3GW campaign is part of a Marine Energy is preparing to winning technology Photo: Scotrenewables p7 is due to be installed at EMEC by the year-end Wolff at Belfast Harbour. Costs n Lancashire County Pension Fund forest felling necessary to and visual impacts from the the same timeline as standard from 4290MW at this stage wider £10bn package of co-operation deploy a 50kW Plato device remain an is taking a minority stake in 500MW accommodate the wind farm project. 3MW platform machines, he of 2014. unveiled last week between the UK at Orkney’s European Marine France hits brakes on Round 3 auction issue although industry is of EDF Nouvelles wind assets have been reduced. Fresh council guidance D and India. Energy Centre. France has delayed its will take place after coming and questioned whether determined to address the in Portugal. Scottish ministers will have will be provided to ministers, SSE flies in wild weather The Isle of Wight company promised Round 3 offshore presidential elections. preparations over the next 18 current upward curve. the final say on the proposal who again will make the final SSE’s renewable energy in construction in the UK on n National Grid has given the is on site and will install wind auction until the second Consultation on zones for months will survive likely post- The renews Global Offshore under Section 36 powers. decision on West Garty under generation jumped in the first track to meet the Renewables green light to the use of modular an anchoring system at half of 2017. the around 3GW round will election policy shake-ups. 2015 special report will Section 36 powers. half of the year on the back of Obligation deadline of end- transformer stations at UK offshore EMEC’s Fall of Warness grid- wind farms. Siemens developed Environment Minister kick off in the first quarter of Round 3 is due to feature be sent out separately to 2HSD(CDMSHÖB@SHNM@MC$U@KT@SHNM wet and windy weather in its March 2017 and another connected test bed once it OpenHydro fights the fat n SSE will hold a supply chain core markets. 472MW holding consent. the concept, which places mini- receives a licence from Marine Segolene Royal told the next year on the new timeline. up to six zones and would subscribers later today. $( 2BQDDMHMF@MC2BNOHMF F Costs take centre stage as major tidal European Wind Energy Preliminary technical surveys double the country’s offshore Anyone who does not day for local businesses next Output in the UK and The timing and substance substations atop extended turbine Scotland. turbine deployments loom in Canada Association 2015 conference will follow in the third quarter. wind capacity to 6GW receive the data-heavy month for the 32-turbine $( #DRHFM@MC/QNIDBS,@M@FDLDMS Ireland rose to 3163GWh in of the next Contracts foundations. The first of four Plato devices and France. in Paris this week that the Industry sources expressed assuming Round 1 and 2 are document should contact Bhlaraidh wind farm in the 2S@JDGNKCDQ$MF@FDLDMS@MC,@M@FDLDMS the six months to September for Difference allocation to be deployed at EMEC by n Lekela Power partners Mainstream Two-page focus starts on p11 long-awaited competition disappointment at the delays fully constructed. [email protected] Highlands, where RJ McLeod +@MCNVMDQ+H@HRNM@MC6@XKD@UHMF from 2337GWh in the same round will have particular 2017 is expected to be online and Vestas are the lead period of 2014. Onshore and “implications” for onshore, and Actis have signed a memorandum at the turn of the year. Providing the expertise in the planning, /NRS "NMRDMS2DQUHBDR contractors. offshore wind output was up offshore and Scottish islands of understanding with the Egyptian SME has meanwhile H engineering and installation of offshore wind farms. Full construction at the around 50% while hydro grew wind, the company warned. Electricity Transmission Company for a completed recruitment of wind farm near Invermoriston some 25%. SSE is continuing its asset 250MW wind farm in the Gulf of Suez. seven new members of in the Great Glen is due to Operating profit for the six optimisation programme via staff, including an Orkney- Tel: +44 117 929 5250 Offshore Geoscience Engineering Consultancy C kick off in spring 2016 in time 5HRHSTR@S$6$ /@QHR 2S@MC* months was £702m, up from the sale of operational and n Vestas is planning to build a new based project engineer. [email protected] to qualify for supports under £530m last time. The utility in-development wind projects blade factory in India. Riff Hutchinson has been the Renewables Obligation developer said it has 441MW with up to 300MW still on the appointed production B feasibility • engineering • installation • operation regime. of new onshore wind projects block. manager.

19 November 2015 OFFSHORE 16 19 November 2015 GLOBAL OFFSHORE 08 19 November 2015 GLOBAL OFFSHORE 03 19 November 2015 GLOBAL OFFSHORE 44

CT Offshore vessel Sia will be GLOBAL COUNTDOWN DEMONSTRATOR CHECK-UP RWE buys IN BRIEF installing Siemens on duty to install 87 inter-array Project, Country MW Lead developer Turbine Capex per megawatt-hour for the 450MW at Project MW Developer Update Tender game plan at 27 6MW turbines from cables at Dong’s mighty 660MW On the books in 2015 04 for wind farms £114/MWh. Heavy seas for DoE Aqua Ventus Maine 12 UMaine/Emera/Cianbro Continuing design and engineering, n Walney 3 wind farm starting in in grid link Team Humber Marine Alliance next autumn and Gwynt y Mor, UK 576 RWE Siemens 3.6MW £2bn reaching final The UK bids raised eyebrows but BOEM conducting environmental and other local representatives were Dudgeon is due to go live in 2017. spring 2017 Photo: CT Offshore assessment Humber Gateway, UK 219 Eon MHI Vestas 3MW £800m investment decision in 2020. underscore the expectation that due to meet a trade delegation from Eon is already taking strides Even market leader Dong is coy, increased competition in Europe’s back-up Kentish Flats 2, UK 49.5 Vattenfall MHI Vestas 3.3MW £165m Atlantic City 24 Fishermen’s Energy Requested DoE extension, switched to RWE has tapped EDS Group Germany this week to strengthen 900MW Triton Knoll onshore for its 400MW Rampion saying that because of the increasing offshore wind markets will accelerate demo developers Siemens turbines, trying to re-apply Westermost Rough, UK 210 Dong Siemens 6MW £850m to provide contingency cover ties between Siemens supply chain Partners Statkraft and Contracts for Difference will be pre-qualified before a wind farm and kicked off substation number of competitive tenders “it savings across the board as well as hree demonstration projects The developer switched to Siemens for ORECs Amrumbank, Germany 288 Eon Siemens 3.6MW €1bn for the grid connection at its players in Cuxhaven and north-east RWE are looking to award round. selection process focused on civil engineering at the start of would make it more difficult for us to providing a yardstick for progress awarded $47m each by the US turbines instead of XEMC machines Icebreaker (Lake Erie) 18 Leedco To select turbines by end-2015, Baltic 2, Germany 288 EnBW Siemens 3.6MW €1.3bn completed geotech studies, finalising 576MW Gwynt y Mor wind England. preferred bidder status for all “We do not know what will wider scheme optimisation November, marking the debut for make the ‘right’ offer if we disclose towards the €100/MWh holy grail. Department of Energy have in hope of overcoming state Borkum Riffgrund 1, Germany 312 Dong Siemens 4MW €1.25bn T monobucket foundation design farm off Wales. A delegation from the Virginia tier-one contracts at the up to be in the allocation pot. We produces a winner. Round 3 construction. recent or current cost levels”. Approaching the latter will be been granted extensions until May regulators’ objections to the Chinese Virginia 12 Dominion Requested DoE extension, re-tendering The specialist company Offshore Wind Consortium in the US 900MW Triton Knoll wind farm are aiming to remain flexible Triton is likely to feature Trenching and duct-laying of cable Borkum West 2.1, Germany 200 Trianel Areva/Adwen 5MW €1bn 2016 after missing key milestones this manufacturer. The NJ Senate has Auction results are giving some crucial for what follows. The majority construction to reduce costs will carry out quarterly will meet representatives from Hull at off Lincolnshire by the third to ensure that we optimise HVAC technology for its grid started at the end of October with Butendiek, Germany 288 WPD Siemens 3.6MW €1.3bn indication of future cost curves. of governments have largely parked summer. The DoE said it expects “to passed a bill that would force DanTysk, Germany 288 Vattenfall Siemens 3.6MW €1.05bn WindFloat Pacific 25 Principle/Deepwater Requested DoE extension, downsized investigations of onshore and the local university early next month quarter of next year. our bid. Our goal is to secure connection although that exploratory works also kicking off Vattenfall is building the 400MW Horns the difficult decision on how best to finalise the current evaluation this fall”. regulators to approve the project but from 30MW, looking for power offshore export assets in a bid to discuss a possible memorandum of New project director James a CfD based on 900MW,” element remains subject to a offshore. The wind farm off Brighton Global Tech 1, Germany 400 Global Tech Areva/Adwen 5MW €1.7bn Rev 3 based on a bid of 77 ore/kWh, decarbonise by 2030 with even fewer Fishermen’s Energy is seeking to re- it has yet to clear the assembly. purchase agreement to avoid shutdowns estimated understanding. Cotter said the developers Cotter said. live planning application with on England’s south coast will feature Nordsee Ost, Germany 295 RWE Senvion 6.15MW €1.05bn albeit that price is described as a having mapped a specific role for apply for offshore renewable energy Dominion Power is trying to cut to cost £125,000 per day. want to work collaboratively “We are a R2 project a decision due from DECC 116 MHI Vestas V112-3.45MW Luchterduinen, Netherlands 129 Eneco/Mitsubishi MHI Vestas 3MW €450m one-off due to unique circumstances. offshore wind. certificate funding for its reconfigured the cost of its 12MW Virginia test make a decision whether to proceed governor is backing Principle Power/ Required EDS chief executive Ryan n Dong has signed up Raytheon with potential suppliers to competing with R3 projects. next September. turbines and is set to go live in 2018. Fukushima demo, Japan 7 Fukushima Forward Mitsubishi 7MW ¥12.5bn Iberdrola secured a UK Contract “We cannot take success for $220m, 24MW Atlantic City project project by issuing separate request- in spring 2016. The Bureau of Ocean Deepwater’s Wind’s floater proposal Henderson said all offshore UK to implement a radar mitigation “drive value” and make the We should be competitive if The development team TOTAL 3.55GW for Difference in February for the granted,” said one market player. “We in New Jersey after a last-ditch court for-proposal packages for foundation Energy Management has granted and has formed a task force to wind farms should have an solution for the 258MW Burbo 2 Round 2 wind farm one of the not the most competitive.” recently also filed for a non- four-way international alliance 714MW East Anglia 1 with a £119/MWh must earn our place in the market appeal failed. design and construction, foundation environmental approval for the pilot, recommend off-take options. “The Coming in 2016 action plan as export cables wind farm that will remove clutter most competitive in the North Water depths at the site material change that will A pulled the trigger on the £1.5 bid and Mainstream picked up a CfD with every step that we take.” n “We’re asking now that a new installation, turbine erection, cable which features twin GE/Alstom Haliade principle focus right now is securing carry the highest risk of failure from air traffic control at John Lennon Sea. are 18 metres and monopile extend and reconfigure an billion, 336MW Galloper wind farm Gode 1&2, Germany 582 Dong Siemens 6MW €2.2bn application window be opened for supply and installation, as well as 150 6MW turbines on Keystone a revenue contract,” said Deepwater of any project component. Liverpool airport. Installation work is Initial tie-ups will be sealed foundations could carry next- already controversial onshore off Suffolk last month with the UK Westermeerwind, Netherlands 144 Westermeerwind Siemens 3MW €400m state-water projects,” said Fishermen’s transmission interconnection. twisted jacket foundations. Wind chief executive Jeff Grybowski. “We have been involved due to wrap up next year to coincide early next year, he said, generation turbines of 6MW, substation at Bicker Fen. Green Investment Bank, Siemens Block Island, US 30 Deepwater GE/Alstom 6MW $360m Germany to steal the UK’s thunder chief operating officer Paul Gallagher. The regulated utility expects to On the Pacific coast, a new Oregon In the meantime the project has in every single export with construction at the Round 2.5 although the exact size of 7MW or 8MW, said Cotter, Financial close at Triton Financial Services and Macquarie Donghai Bridge 2, China 102 Shanghai Donghai Shanghai 3.6MW €340m ermany is playing catch-up with a much more sedate pace with no shrunk from 30MW to a maximum cable repair in the UK this project. the prize on offer remains although smaller hardware is anticipated in 2017 with Capital teaming up with RWE Innogy. Formosa demo, Taiwan 8 Formosa Wind Siemens 4MW tbc Gthe world-leading UK offshore projects going online in 2016 and 25MW. Two to three 6MW to 8MW year. There have been five to be confirmed pending will get the vote if the costs fit. onshore construction to start Onshore construction of the TOTAL 866GW wind market thanks to the flurry of 730MW to go live in 2017 across two turbines on WindFloat platforms will breakages and it is a lot more n MT Hojgaard has been cleared the outcome of the next Two or three manufacturers the same year. substation at Leiston started this installations continuing through the commercial builds and two demos. be deployed 29km off Coos Bay in format for Scheduled for 2017 common than some think,” he of any liability for the cost of repairs month with site enabling works water depths averaging 350 metres. Blyth, UK 42.5 EDF tbc £149m end of 2017. Roles will reverse in 2018 with the added. to grouted foundations at Eon’s already complete. Cabling will begin Rope access blade repair, BOEM is expected to publish an Burbo 2, UK 256 Dong MHI Vestas 8MW £896m The country will ride above the UK building 1976MW and Germany Aside from Gwynt y Mor 174MW off at Sizewell beach next spring with i n s p e c t i o n s a n d environmental assessment in 2016. Dudgeon, UK 402 Statoil Siemens 6MW £1.5bn ongoing Northern European build 785MW while 2019 will see-saw back itself, other UK offshore Scotland. The Supreme Court in offshore construction kicking off gap with 582MW expected online in the other way with 1038MW going up Hywind 2, UK 30 Statoil Siemens 6MW Nkr2bn c o a t i n g s r e p a i r s p e c i a l i s t s wind farms to suffer export London dismissed an appeal against later in the summer. First power is 2016 and 1481MW due to go live the in the UK and 1452MW in Germany. Nordergrunde, Germany 111 WPD Senvion 6.15MW €410m outages over the past year a lower court ruling and confirmed no expected in summer 2017 with full following year ahead of a change to Overall by end-decade around “...Leedco aims to select a Nordsee 1, Germany 332 Northland Senvion 6.15MW €1.2bn include Vattenfall’s 300MW damages would be paid to the utility operations slated for March 2018. feed-in support levels. 10GW will be live in the UK with Sandbank, Germany 288 Vattenfall Siemens 4MW €1.2bn Thanet and Eon’s 174MW developer. Siemens will supply and install 56 Front runners place The UK will by comparison run at Germany hitting up to 7.7GW. n WHY YOU CHOOSE US 3MW turbine by year-end Robin Rigg, EDS said. The contractor said it will book 6MW turbines using a Swire Blue Veja Mate, Germany 400 Highland Siemens 6MW €1.5bn Dkr195m held in reserve as income Ocean vessel. Wikinger, Germany 350 Iberdrola Adwen 5MW €1.4bn Offshore Painting Services is an ISO and IRATA accredited for the 18MW Icebreaker Alstom name this year as a result. Foundations will be installed by Gemini, Netherlands 600 Northland Siemens 4MW €2.8bn organisation offering complete corrosion protective solutions artwork is laid to rest GeoSea vessel Innovation with Sif Belwind 2, Belgium 165 Nobelwind MHI Vestas 3.3MW €655m and repair services to the renewable energy sector in particular, freshwater pilot...” n ScottishPower Renewables is and Smulders sub-contracted to bet on next decade Tahkoluoto, Finland 50 Hyotytuuli tbc €120m and the construction industry in general, specialising in high Alstom’s offshore wind mulling potential development of the fabricate the monopiles. Electrical Zhuhai Guishan, China 198 China Southern Ming Yang 3MW €640m specification coatings and blade repairs, including working at height. business will be rebranded East Anglia 2 wind farm off eastern works for the substation onshore ong, ScottishPower Renewables Planning Inspectorate’s desk with a TOTAL 3.22GW The DoE has deployed a lidar- as GE following the tie-up England. Discussions are ongoing “to and later offshore will be conducted Trio of developers and Vattenfall are among the decision due back in March 2016. equipped buoy to help characterise Expected in 2018 between the two companies. agree what a future EA2 project could by an Alstom and Petrofac joint few developers to start on Paperwork for Dong’s 2GW Hornsea 3 the wind resource. D Galloper, UK 336 RWE Siemens 6MW £1.54bn OUR SERVICES INCLUDE New chief executive Anders look like” in the southern part of the venture with jackets and topside laying plans for blueprints for the next decade. is expected to be filed by the year-end Two alternate projects have Soe Jensen said development Round 3 zone. to be produced by Heerema in The Danish giant is striding forward or early 2016. Race Bank, UK 580 Dong Siemens 6MW £2bn received a total of $6.7m each Rampion, UK 400 Eon MHI Vestas 3.45MW £1.3bn IRATA rope access Transition piece and tower of the 6MW Haliade 150 Hartlepool. their gigawatt-plus at its newly-acquired Hornsea Round 3 “We already knew that the (Hornsea surface coatings repair following further funding this week to turbine will continue as n The Crown Estate has appointed its VBMS has bagged a contract zone off the Yorkshire coast. Dong zone) had around 3GW of potential Walney 3 East, UK 330 Dong Siemens 7MW £1.16bn Wind turbine blade continue development and could win Walney 3 West, UK 330 Dong MHI Vestas 8MW £1.16bn repairs Substation surface coatings planned. former head of offshore wind Huub for array cable design, supply and Round 3 wind farms already has the 1.2GW Hornsea 1 and but after the takeover we wanted repair full backing if any of the original three “Customers always came den Rooijen as director of energy, installation with JDR sub-contracted 1GW Hornsea 2 projects in the system to scope the area ourselves and Arkonabecken, Germany 385 Eon tbc €1.3bn Wind turbine blade drop out. We require artwork to first and that will continue but minerals and infrastructure with to supply the 56 wires. The former with the former expected online in look closely at what Merkur, Germany 400 DEME/Windreich GE/Alstom 6MW €1.7bn inspections Wind turbine and tower cleaning The Lake Erie Energy Development we will look to change the way immediate effect. The switch follows TOWER POWER: Sembmarine the three-level topside. the jacket is taking shape as company will also supply and install 2020. we were happy to Rentel, Belgium 294 Otary Siemens 7MW €1.25bn L Corporation (Leedco) aims to select a we work and how far we can the departure of Rob Hastings. is on schedule to deliver Transformers have also been well. We are going very much the NKT-manufactured export line. n Hornsea 2 is currently on the develop,” an insider 09 TOTAL 3.06GW 3MW turbine from a shortlist of three push the offshore industry the substation for Statoil’s delivered. to plan and we are getting OUR PHILOSOPHY “well-proven” suppliers by year-end Pencilled in for 2019 going forward,” said the Dane. n Danish offshore wind marine 402MW Dudgeon wind farm SPT Offshore is due to good feedback from (client) for the 18MW Icebreaker freshwater Beatrice, UK 588 SSE Siemens 7MW £2.1bn The Company prides itself on being built upon foundations based be compiled in InDesign “One thing we will be contractor DBB Jack-Up has secured off the east coast of England supply suction-bucket feet for Siemens,” he added. pilot. Fred Olsen Windcarrier will Neart na Gaoithe, UK 450 Mainstream Siemens 7MW £1.6bn on an ethos of excellence, with each member of the team making doing is looking to put more €100m of financing after raising the in August 2016. the foundation, a UK first. Dudgeon, off the seaside provide the full marine spread using their individual contribution; customer service and delivery is emphasis on designing future money through a four-year senior The jacket (pictured) is well Sembmarine managing town of Cromer in Norfolk, Borkum Riffgrund 2, Germany 450 Dong MHI Vestas 8MW €1.8bn K US vessels. products. Our capabilities secured bond. advanced at the company’s director Paul Thomson said: will feature 67 Siemens 6MW Borkum West 2.2, Germany 250 Trianel/EWE tbc €720m paramount in all that we do, supported by a commitment to Dosecc Exploration and Gardline have just got much greater,” Lowestoft yard with structural “We just have a few external turbines and is expected to Deutsche Bucht, Germany 252 Highland tbc €1bn technician training and development. Geosurvey this summer conducted he added. work nearly complete on platforms to complete and go live in 2017. Hohe See, Germany 500 EnBW tbc €2bn geotechnical studies to inform final wherever possible to produce POSITIVE SOLUTIONS Horns Rev 3, Denmark 400 Vattenfall MHI Vestas 8MW €1.6bn design of the Universal Foundation Industry training forum the European Energy Centre Near-shore round, Denmark 350 Various, tbc tbc tbc MAKING CONTACT monobucket. Leedco must report to has approved renews as suitable to help professionals (FOR RENEWABLES CHALLENGES) Borssele 1, Netherlands 350 tbc tbc tbc the DoE in March 2016. read gain qualifications in renewables technologies. With offices in Liverpool and we are able to quickly Stay in the know Borssele 2, Netherlands 350 tbc tbc tbc A University of Maine-led group mobilise our experienced technicians throughout the UK and when on the road Nathan Swankie [email protected] Norther, Belgium 350 Electrawinds tbc €1.2bn expects to complete design and beyond, for both on- and offshore projects. 150dpi RGB PDFs with all J Northwester 2, Belgium 224 InControl et al tbc €896m engineering by year-end for the two- MULTIPLE TOTAL 4.51GW turbine, 12MW Aqua Ventus floating DIGITAL NOTE: Indicative capital expenditure is a renews figure based on information from developers and other sources project featuring Volturnus concrete or, if no independent information is available, £3.5m or €4m per megawatt installed. Tidal zone wind farms [email protected] 0151 792 8627 semi-submersible floating foundations PLATFORMS are not listed in this table, including a number of planned developments off China and the Bac Lieu 1 and 2 off and composite towers. n I Vietnam. Developments with timetables that cannot be independently confirmed have also been excluded. fonts fully embedded. What does NOT work well are adverts created as ‘images’ Display Advertising Mechanical Data Advertising Rates using for example Photoshop. Rates per issue We then lose clarity when we Dimensions Ref: Name (exc.T VA where Notes distil into a PDF. All logos and (width x depth) applicable) graphics must be vectors. 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The reNEWS European construction, and tables European Onshore Q3 2017 Required Onshore quarterly publication with the most up-to-date The experts in is the definitive guide to data due diligence onshore wind news in Europe, format for spread across four editions EO represents an THE NETHERLANDS Giant turbine prize artwork each year. Each issue will: unmissable opportunity Community coming down the pipe at Zeewolde to reach out to this spirit giving p4 We require artwork to BELGIUM Anti- feature unrivalled in- exciting market ... wind be compiled in InDesign Germany a groups depth coverage, data and go for wherever possible to produce industry hangover jugular analysis of onshore wind on new 150dpi RGB PDFs with all planning rules development in Europe Distributed to all p5 fonts fully embedded. What ITALY reNEWS readers Siemens Gamesa does NOT work well are four-cheese pizza report on all the latest as part of their p6 adverts created as ‘images’ news stories and analyse normal subscription. using for example Photoshop. the most active players We then lose clarity when we FRANCE Compagnie in terms of construction, Available to separate popping the distil into a PDF. All logos and p2 cork on 100MW development pipelines, European Onshore construction graphics must be vectors. spree Innogy has taken a final investment decision at its 6MW Sommerland repowering project in p7 TRIGGER HAPPY: Photo: Senvion Schleswig-Holstein, one of the few non-community bids to secure capacity in Germany’s first auction in May. Three and which turbine subscribers: (pictured) will go up at the site and commissioning is slated for spring 2018. Graphic providers working Senvion MM100 turbines suppliers are doing the all four editions on Macs may be asked to

most business for just €129! EforwardS InDesign ‘packages’ RE ES SOMETIMESMO SOMETIMES LESS IS MORE LESS IS MOMORERE nes(containing: original images VENSYS Wind Turbines: nes: VENSYS Wind Turbines: – Fewer Components – Fewer Components – Less Maintenance – Less Maintenance – Less Downtime ES – Less Downtime + More Efficiency provide exclusive news E More Efficiency + More Power and fonts, etc) to mitigate Rplease speak to + + More Power + More Energy … MO + More Energy … : … for our future! es SOMETIMESn … for our future! LESScovering IS projects MORE in our sales team conflicts with our PC-based VENSYS Wind Turbines: Fewer Components – Less Maintenance – Less Downtime – More Efficiencydevelopment and production system. + to subscribe More Power + More Energy … + … for our future! The advertisement should European Onshore renewable energy European Onshore Q2 2017 1 April NEWS 26 May 2016 European Onshore Q2 2017 1 April European Onshore Q2 2017 1 April be full-colour and can include WIND 03 15 September 2016 EUROPEAN ONSHORE 18 projects by renewable Q2 2017Especially 03 15 18 5 NOVEMBER 2015 n WWW.RENEWS.BIZ sayhello@ energy people for UK early 2019. prolonged until 2030,” said SWEDEN’S 2016 RUNDOWN DUTCH SELECTION p14 “Norway… the Swedish Wind Energy NETHERLANDS DUTCH SELECTION stand PO8-1 BNetzA call for 800MW of Due online in 2016 VENSYS 82 features a stable political chief executive. 1.5MW | 58 m Hub height Turbine one-two for SenvionProject , location getsMW Developerthe call Turbinefor Money no object in new onshore wind framework, excellent wind The main turbine suppliers Project , location Project, location MW DeveloperMW DeveloperTurbine Turbine Visit us: RenewableUK, Stand 87 a link so that when the reader German grid regulator weeks ahead of the cut-off to resources and fairly large with tip heights of up to Blaiken, Vasterbotten 75 Blaikenvind Dongfang Money no Due online in 2016Barrepolder, Zuid-Holland 12 Delta Enercon ENEWABLES BNetzA has launched its participate in the auction. projects, which help us 150 metres but new permit Barrepolder, Zuid-HollandNetterden, Gelderland 12 Delta12 Yard EnergyEnercon Lagerwey EWEA 2015 R Germans in Ireland Hogabjar, Halland 38 Vattenfall Siemens A first onshore wind tender, Some 258MW of capacity achieve our goal of generating applications feature giants of EUROPEAN ONSHORE WIND SPECIAL REPORT 2015 12 October 2016 #RUKMARKET16 quick-fire Muirhall build LiVE @ MARKETPLACE 2016 the NetherlandsNetterden, GelderlandNijmegen-Betuwe, Gelderland 12 Yard10 Energy Windpower NijmegenLagerwey Lagerwey calling for 800MW of new will be allocated to projects German turbine suppliers Fellow German turbine enough electricity through 200 metres. Manufacturers MuirhallIglasjon, VastraEnergy Gotaland has opted for having reported26 to the Eolus site Vind in Muir. The South LanarkshireVestas Nijmegen-Betuwe, GelderlandOud Dintel, Noord-Brabant 10 Windpower16 Nijmegen Raedthuys Lagerwey Siemens IBERIA projects. in grid-constrained areas in are banking more than manufacturer Enercon has renewables to meet Munich’s are working on technologies Senvion MM92 turbines at its April. sites are due to go live in April object for nshore wind in the Långmarken, Värmland 25 Eolus Vind Vestas Oud Dintel, Noord-BrabantTOTAL 16 Raedthuys Siemens 50MW The price cap at the highest northern Germany. 40MW of sales at wind meanwhile been lined up to entire needs, 7.5TWh, by to reduce noise and protect 30.75MW Tormywheel wind Muirhall invested in a 2018. Netherlands, in contrast places their cursor over the INSIDE TODAY’S ComingWEDNESDAY’S up for TOTAL 50MW LIVE@ EDITION air inHIGHLIGHTS Spain as wind sites is set at €70 per Berlin plans to allocate farms in the Republic and supply 2.3MW E-70s to Antrim 2025,” said SWM head of turbines against cold farmMombyasen, near Fauldhouse Gävleborg in the Terma radar33 system Arise that Windpower will Six 2.05MW unitsVestas will be Capacity growth Oto many of its European Pick of the bunch for 2017 megawatt-hour and the support for 2.8GW of new Northern Ireland. Wind Energy’s 23MW Elginny mergers and acquisitions temperatures including de- central belt of Scotland. go live early 2017 to mitigate delivered to the Moor House neighbours, is suffering from a GermanyInnogy headsin to bat developers stay Mörttjärnberget 2, Jamtland 18 Statkraft Siemens Dutch wind Project , location Autena, Zuid-Holland MW Developer14.5 Eneco Turbinetbc deadline for bids is 2 May. onshore wind annually via Siemens has secured a project north of the border in Jakob von Gleichenstein. icing or new cold-resistant The developer, along with impacts on Edinburgh airport. wind farm north-east of being crimped by shortage of projects ready to take Marine array design Pick of the bunch Bijvanck,for 2017 Noord-Holland 12 Raedthuys tbc freeware to offer fresh suspiciousSeeking silver bullets Developments of more tenders from 2017 through contract from SSE to deliver Antrim. Norway’s turbine market is materials and coatings. partnerRammeldalsberget, WWS Renewables, Vasternorrland Tormywheel 22 was originally Rammeldalsberget Darlington Vindkraft for operations Gamesa Capacity growth nshoreadvantage wind of in a the giant subsidy pot. p5 than 750kW must be 2019, followed by an annual and install nine 2.3MW A formal deal for the 10 led by Vestas with machines Sweden is feeling the pain is pushing to build the consented in 2007. before end-2017. Senvion Netherlands, in Autena, Zuid-Holland Noordoostpolder (NOP Agrowind), 14.5Flevoland Eneco 195 NOP Agrowindtbc Enercon project cost insights This session examines how emerging Rogle, Skane 23 Eolus Vind AB GE planning issues Some 133MW of capacity was ad they can click through to Chasing registered with BNetzA three 2.9GW from 2020. machines at the Leanamore January 2018 commissioning machines due to be installed reaching heights of up to 120 from low prices for electricity 15-machine project before Senvion meanwhile was will also provide 20 years of contrastinstalled to in many the first of half ofBijvanck, 2016 Noord-Hollandwith Noordoostpolder (Zuidwester), Flevoland12 Raedthuys 90 Innogy tbc Enercon being crimped by Design Tools for Ocean Energy Arrays IRELANDstorage technology can reduce O project in northern County date on the cards for the by year-end is all but agreed metres and capacities up to and green certificates the theSättravallen, Renewables Jamtland Obligation awarded48 a contract Pervindlast AB operations and maintenanceVestas despite generousits European the year-end neighbours, total is expected Noordoostpolder to hit (NOPSlufterdam, Agrowind), Zuid-Holland Flevoland 195 NOP45 Agrowind Nuon, EnecoEnercon tbc into(DTOcean) is an open-source product forunknown UK onshore All tocurtailment and balancing costs for Kerry. utility-developer. but still to be officially signed, 3.6MW. recommendations next regime expires next March. week to supply 151MW of at the wind farms. suffering from a shortage aimed at accelerating development of Innogy Renewables UK is to research by Imperial College “As the government considers renewables. Speakers include Statoil, Skäckarp, Kronoberg 36 Statkraft Södra Vindkraft tbc planning issues around 3.15GW. This year’sNoordoostpolder addition is (Zuidwester),TOTAL Flevoland 90 Innogy Enercon 406.5MW wave and tidal projects. p2 call on the government to London that is expected to a new industrial strategy, playSiemens and RES. IN BRIEF The site close to SSE’s Civil engineer Roadbridge it is understood. Unlike its neighbour, spring, once the final details Delivery of the hardware, turbines to a trio of Contract supports budget,of projects down ready considerably to take on the Slufterdam,2015 figure Zuid-Holland 45 Nuon, Eneco tbc 620MW Tarbert has been tapped to tackle all Developer Michael Rouse Sweden is feeling the pain of the transition in 2020 are whichSorbyparken, will feature Norrbotten for Difference-winning122 Krafto wind n Muirhall has beentbc given despite generous advantageof 427MW.of a subsidy pot. SDE+ scheme, excluding offshore provide a level playing for all set out a detailed analysis of it’s time that renewables, for asA2, Conference Theatre 1, TOTAL 406.5MW } Fred Olsen Renewables has Development partner Coriolis will have an installed capacity the main construction works is on the project team, which fromFOREST low pricesFRUIT: for EDF electricity has erected worked four of out. six GE 3.2MW 111-metre tips, is due to farms developed by Banks the go-ahead by Dumfries Some 133MW of capacity NETHERLANDS your website or specific web generation technologies by the available options for the including onshore wind, are 11.00–12.00 Stormon, Vasternorrland 16 HS Kraft Siemens writes Tim Probert The country is expected to fall at wind, is now €9bn. Refit 2 revised plans for its now-44MW has lodged further information of 20.7MW but output will be with Suir Engineering on is also behind the 16.1MW andturbines green atcertificates. the Pearie Law wind Renewablesfarm in West have Lothian, a 61% kick off in November with Group. and Galloway Council for its was installed in the first half tailwinds... Floater team swaps extending future supports to future energy mix. included in this strategy,” supports budget, least 1GW short of its NREAP 2020 The latest auction in April saw 15 territory Photo: EDF Sundbyholm/Kajfjärden, Sodermanland 20 Kafjardens Vindkraft tbc goes Crystal Rig 4 extension project in with Holyrood ministers including limited to the grid connection electricals duty. Leanamore Shantavny Scotch wind farm whichOnshore will windbe fully construction operational share later ofthis the year energy mix commissioning following Twenty-six 3.4M114 15-turbine Crossdykes wind of 2016 withtarget the of year-end6GW, according toSome the 54 projects3.15GW awarded Price support for Dutchmostly single-turbinein subsidy for sitesjust 27.1MWscoop horses for Scottish onshore wind. “Initial findings highlight that Parker will add. a bid to meet the demands of the a new route for abnormal loads via of 18MW. will lift SSE’s operational wind in Tyrone where seven E-70s will slow down this year to with wind representing 17% “shortly afterwards”. machines will be delivered to farm near Lockerbie. Tip total expectedNetherlands to hit around Wind Energy supports, Association. however, are still wind is the least of the a paltry €39mof capacity. in subsidy “If you for bid just for 48MW demo UK head of onshore wind the UK would benefit from Innogy Renewables UK, into Opportunity knocks Vastraby, Jonkoping 11 Vastraby Gård Energi tbc writes Tim postsubsidy era. existing forestry roads and a fresh Components are due to capacity in Ireland’s southwest are due to be commissioned 500MW compared with more and the Bolton contractor AE Yates the Kype Muir project with a heights are set at 130 metres 3.15GW.The This Dutch year’s government addition expectsin preplanning and are not sector’s problems after 27.1MWonshore of capacity. wind “If in you the bid SDE+ for you Pilot Offshore and Atkins have Mike Parker creating a flexible network formerly known as RWE extraOil and gas companies are in the midst IN BRIEF 6GW* Development agent Natural Power 21-machine layout. begin arriving in August with a to more than 180MW. this year. than 800MW in 2015. Over remainder. n is TOTALtackling civil engineering further 513MW15 headed for Middle and top power will be 48MW. is down considerablya 759MW shortfall on the with 5242MWcertain to be in operation*onshore/offshore combinedthe Ministry of Economic onshoreare wind almost in the certain SDE+ youyou’ll are get swapped to a new foundation design (left) will and that even medium levels Renewables, last of a difficult market environment but Probert page. It is important that you innings has initiated a fresh scoping process then Thepast Dutch year, Council investment of State has in in Ayrshire, Scotland, covering 2015 figureforecast of 427MW. to be completedby come end-decade. 2020. “Everybody Affairs brought forward almostcash certainthe money you’ll because get the moneyit is one at the proposed 48MW Kincardine set out the of flexibility would facilitate year canned nine onshore could be well-placed to score work in p7 for the south of Scotland site based } Community Windpower has won theapproved sector an hasapplication declined by Nuon by to delivery of 25 Gamesa G80 turbines The countrySome is expected54 projects to awarded knows that the 6GWthere target is often a lotpreviously of pressure allocated on to laterbecause the it is cheapest one the cheapesttechnologies,” floating wind demonstrator off developer’s the most cost efficient wind projects in England due renewables. This session will assess Framework Managers put skin in game on 11 turbines of up to 200 metres. a series of appeals over planning 70%.repower “We the are 350MW hopeful Wieringermeer the asNORWAY well as more general construction CGN mulls fall at leastsupports, 1GW short however, of its are stillwon’t in pre-be reached,”local said authorities NWEA delay or The refuse total aavailable technologies,” said Harmer. said Harmer. Aberdeenshire. p4 renewables means of decarbonising our to changes in government SCANDINAVIAthe opportunities for new entrants. Crystal 4 was previously sketched as conditions, including restoration and gets the chop UK developer Infinergy has Netherlands is expected in tidewind will farm soon in North turn Holland, now wherethat movements. powering NREAP 2020planning target and of are6GW, not certainpolicy to adviser be in Rikproject.” Harmsen. for the whole of 2016 withinThe NWEAThe expects NWEA expectsa significant a wish list on electricity by enabling high planning policy and subsidy A3, Conference Theatre 1, Gigawatt leap for European Denmark a 26-machine build but was redrawn decommissioning bonds and private The Treasury is to been bought out by top the coming weeks,” he added. avintage parliamentary turbines will commissionbe replaced by turbine mix accordingoperation to the Netherlands by end-decade. “Everybody“The problem is gettingPrice support thefor Dutchso-called wind SDE+ is the scheme, upturn insignificant the number upturn of onshore in the Wednesday levels of wind deployments,” regimes. 12.30–13.30 nwind Highland Council farms has rejected in central Norway change inform us of any embedded moves out of “following the removal of financial water supplies, for its Contract for scrap the Levy Control management as it targets Infinergy will continue to has99 modern indicated units. the current Wind Energyknows Association. that the 6GW targetthe won’t right bepermits least and publicof the sector’sexcluding problems offshore after the wind, wind is projectsnumber to ofbid onshore in the next wind SDE+ Banks revving up for at RenewableUK Renewables Parker will say. As a result the company’s support for onshore wind projects Difference-winning 30MW Sneddon Framework and replace it expansion beyond British develop wind farms in the supportThe province scheme has separatelywill be an application from EDF Energy for Brenig The Dutchreached,” government said NWEA policyacceptance adviser Rik and thereMinistry is often of Economic now €9bn.Affairs brought auction projectskicking off to bidat the in theend next of the Scottish wind farm duo Marketplace 2016 in Liverpool. Innogy is also expected pipeline of approximately fast lane as in the UK”. wind farm in East Ayrshire. with a new set of spending shores. UK with large-scale projects prolongedreceived 17 responses until 2030,” to a call said for Renewablesonstruction and Force 9 forhas the CGNA greater Europe share is considering of the a expects aHarmsen. 759MW shortfall a lot of pressure forwardon local cash previouslyThe latest allocated auction to in Aprilmonth. SDE+ auction kicking off at Banks Group is kicking off enabling The return of the technology to welcome the creation of 400MW in planning or Braced for Brexit investment controls to be unveiled Chief executive Esbjorn focused “firmly” on Scotland, Swedishwhat is expected Wind to Energy be around chief 68MW 13-turbinekicked Cnoc an off Eas windat Europe’s farm mixmachines of turbine will capacitiesbe located for with 5242MW“The forecast problem to is be getting authorities the right to delaylater or auctions. refuse Thesaw total 15 mostlyavailable single-turbine for Deployment the end in of 2017 the works ahead of full construction at its to the UK fold “will deliver a the Department of Business, development is restricted to HgCapital’s Emma Tinker and falls } SSE has filed revised and reduced } Scottish Renewables chief later this year. Wilmar and chief financial said Wilmar. executiveof new onshore Charlotte wind farms. Unger. near Lochbiggest Ness. Planning onshore officials itsnorth Contract of the for fjord Difference- where completedpermits come and 2020. public acceptancea project.” and the whole of 2016sites within scoop the a so-called paltry €39m is expectedmonth. to reach at 19 p19 Contract for Difference-winning Kype system that is good for energy Energy and Industrial Strategy. Wales and Scotland. BlackRock’s Isabella Pacheco discuss C plans for its up to 88MW Hadyard executive Niall Stuart is stepping UK government officials officer Tjiwolt Wierda have The company also intends The government is tossedwind farm,out the the44.2MW 1GW proposal Fosen winningwind conditions Brenig wind are farmbetter. in ASSET MANAGEMENT URLs when the artwork is Muir and Middle Muir wind farms in security, good for consumer the fallout from the UK vote to leave Hill 2 wind farm in South Ayrshire, down in August to set up his own are grappling with the acquired the Dorsetbased to develop behind-the-meter expectedn Brookfield to rubber-stamphas completed citingVind concernsin central over Norway. visual and “We northNetwork Wales. operator Statnett Lanarkshire, Scotland. p5 bills and good for the British the EU and what impact it will have Scotland. The utility-developer is consultancy. The industry body’s details of the revised set-up company from Koop projects across the UK. theconstruction recommendations of the 14.1MW next landscapeare really impacts. happy that after lobbiedThe Paris-based for a minimum developer 1GW SERVICES economy”, he will say during for developers looking to raise project seeking permission for 22 turbines, board will begin the process of and considering changing Duurzame Energie, which “In partnership with spring,Seegronan once wind the farm final in Northern details 10 years of development hasnameplate been given capacity more to room make Wind Energy Update presents the opening session. finance. p11 down from 31, with tip heights replacing the long-time incumbent the reference price from bought it in 2008. Greensolver UK, we ofIreland, the transition where six Enercon in 2020 E-82 are nwe DECC are willfinally publish able a report to get looking toa newplay atgrid the connection 16-unit site to after the ᅚ 24/7 control centre Critical mass building Parker is expected to B4, Conference Theatre 2, pegged at 126.5 metres and “in the next few weeks”. wholesale power rates to the Wilmar said Infinergy has will continue to provide worked2.35MW turbinesout. are now being atdown whole to system work,” costs said of power a theremote Planning region Inspectorate worthwhile. for UK energy storage highlight statistics from the FRANCE14.45–15.45 ᅚ Managing all compliance The 9th Annual submitted. Our production hardware of up to 4MW in the frame. cost of gas, it is understood. kicked off development of construction and asset commissioned.The current goal of generationspokesperson technologies for lead after the EU approvedWe are a really tip height happy Energy storage is set to be one of National Audit Office that Looking If approved the extension would } Vattenfall is preparing plans for The axing of LCF, unveiled wind and solar projects in the management services to 28.4TWh by 2020 for the referendum.developer EnergyStatkraft. Minister Andrea extensionthat after to10 110 years metres. of ᅚ Power plan optimization the main low-carbon beneficiaries show onshore wind is now for a push total power at the site near an up to 16-turbine extension at its in Wednesday’s spring Netherlands and Australia. project. These services will sharedn SSE has market kicked offwith consultation Norway on LeadsomThe complex told parliament the Frontier developmentCGN last month we are agreed finally ᅚ Condition monitoring ONSHORE WIND O&M of the UK’s push to marry industrial the UK’s cheapest form of higherImproving offshore Girvan to 207MW. operational 36.9MW Clashindarroch Budget, follows an internal “The first planning consent also be provided to third willa proposed be topped corridor up for by connection 20TWh Economicsbundles reportsixE wind would farms follow withable the to getLow down Carbon to work,” ᅚ End of warranty & design life assessment strategy and climate change objectives, newbuild generation. performance wind farm in Aberdeenshire. review underway for some for a wind project in the parties.” forof EDF’s 2030. up to 198MW Dorenell wind purdaharound “in the due Trondheimcourse”, informing Contractssaid a spokesperson Company to for reduce lead ᅚ Turnkey main component exchange according to a new report. p6 Groups such as Citizens gearA look at the latest innovations } Ireland’s ESB has dropped one months. farmSweden to the Blackhillock aims to producesubstation in futureFjord. electricity Harbaksfjellet, market policy thedeveloper scope of Statkraft. its £79.23 per FORUM EUROPE process requires that we Advice have raised concerns in offshore wind, wave and tidal turbine and tweaked access routes } UK ministers have delayed a final allMoray, its electricity north-east Scotland. through developmentRoan, Storheia including and Contracts for megawatt-hourHarbaksfjellet, CfD from about the potentially negative CHANGE OF COLOURS: The 29.7MW Fraisthorpe wind including the potential for hybrid in the Section 36 application for its planning decision on ’s renewables by 2040. Difference.Kvenndalsfjellet totalling 45MWRoan, Storheiato 37.6MW. and Enercon 7–8th February 2017 | Hamburg, Germany impact excluding new farm near Bridlington on the coast of the East Riding of schemes and cost cutting O&M Chirmorie wind farm near Barrhill in 38.5MW Big Field wind farm in Currently,n Velocita isrenewables weighing bids havefor an 750MW are going up on wasKvenndalsfjellet expected to supplytotalling 16 onshore wind will have on Yorkshire has been sold by BayWa to funds managed by solutions. South Ayrshire following consultee Cornwall, south-west England, to 21 aarray 52% of shareits wind of assets the across energy Europe, nthe Scotland’s northern new shore energy whileminister is E-82750MW 2.35MW are going turbines up on under for rolling industry news updates customer bills, he will add. Octopus Investments. The project features nine Vestas A5, Conference Theatre 1, feedback. March. mixit is understood.with wind The representing company, formerGeitfjellet environment and Hitra portfolio 2 are holder thethe original northern 100-metre shore while tip Enhance and optimise your asset management re-embed this information on your PC and mobile Parker will cite forthcoming V112 turbines. Photo: BayWa 16.15–17.15 12%via development and hydroelectricity unit 2020, has the Paullocated Wheelhouse, to the whosouth. will work in heightGeitfjellet restriction. and Hitra 2 are D p2 p18 remainder.also applied for a water extraction a teamConstruction led by Economy has Secretary started located.Now CGN is looking at and O&M strategies for reduced OPEX and licenceVestas for itsand proposed Siemens 400MW are Keithat Roan Brown. and Roseaana Storheia Cunningham with VestasTrønderEnergi V90s rated andat both increased ROI theGlenmuckloch main turbine pump storagesuppliers project iswork Secretary on thefor Environment other four and 1.8MWEuropean and investor 3MW or could 4 MW PLATFORM within south-west tip heights Scotland. of up to Climateelements Change. scheduled to start deployconsortium 2.5MW Nordic hardware Wind and New ENERCON turbines 150 metres but new permit in 2018. The whole project reducePower thelast layoutyear had from to 16 to before publication; if we are applicationsn Highland Council feature in Scotland giants has of nwill Lesley be up Griffiths and running has been by 15rejig machines. their Fosen Vind plans F FOR HIGHER TIP HEIGHT SITES 200rejected metres. a request Manufacturers from Infinergy appointed2020. Welsh Secretary for afterThe an turbine earlier contract version was With the E-101, E-115, E-126 EP4 and E-141 EP4 wind turbines, areto extend working the planning on technologies window for EnvironmentPartners and Statkraft, Rural Affairs, which remainsdeemed out unprofitable to tender for a 3 MW PLATFORM ENERCON now has a comprehensive range of high performance pro- toits reduceContract fornoise Difference-winning and protect includesTrønderEnergi the planning and brief. pendingminimum a late-July1GW nameplate decision by ducts in the 3 MW and 4 MW segments of our portfolio. Larger rotor dia- turbines39MW Tom against nan Clach cold wind farm near European investor DECCcapacity. on a proposed 132kV unaware of its existence the meters for increased energy output, low sound power levels for noise H temperaturesCarrbridge. The developer including is now de- nconsortium DECC is to widen Nordic the definitionWind transmissionRoan and Storheialink between with Global renewable energy consultants sensitive sites, and storm control technology to maximise operating icingexpected or newto kick cold-resistant off construction this ofPower state aid last under year CfDs had to includeto TANwork Area on theA and other SP Manweb’sfour time, are just a few of the many features of this innovative high quality materialsmonth. and coatings. subsidies,rejig their grants, Fosen loans Vind and taxplans Stelements Asaph grid scheduled substation. to start ORDER YOUR BROCHURE NOW For over twenty years we have been helping the world’s leading renewable energy J turbine generation, suitable for 125 m tip heights and above. “We are hopeful the tide exemptions.after an earlier Any successful version contract was inThe 2018. balance The whole of plant project prize companies convert challenges into opportunities to create stronger organisations and C willn Eonsoon has turn filed nowa traffic that managementa bidderdeemed would unprofitable. have to pay back state iswill also be out up toand tender running with off Tailored Asset better, safer projects. We provide practical advice to wind and solar projects through parliamentaryplan for its 50MW commission Afton wind farm aidsThe received. wind farm now I&Hat Europe’s Brown, Jones biggest Bros onshore and Find out more link may be lost. Management Services development, construction and operations phases. has indicated the current includes bigger Vestas V117 Raymondwind farm, Brown the 1GW understood Fosen support scheme will be and V112 3.6MW turbines. toVind be central Norway. n +44 (0)1489 558 100 [email protected]

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Stand #S-A21 Dimensions 2017 #Offshore2017 exc. VAT where @ OFFSHORE WIND ENERGY Ref: Name 6 June 2017 LiVE KEEP ON TOP (width x depth) applicable) of the breaking news that OFFICIAL DIGITAL sets sail matters from OWE2017 at the NEWS MEDIA PARTNER GustoMSC new EventLive pop-up website #WorkingforOffshoreWind Atkins to unveil project design software suite generation Engineering company Atkins will next for Illustration: GustoMSC TUESDAY’S LIVE@ Digital Dailies showcase the first version of its new GustoMSC is to take the HIGHLIGHTS software for optimising the layout and wraps off a new jack-up construction of wind farms at Offshore vessel design (illustrated, Wind Energy 2017. p2 Hitting the keynotes right) equipped to install Energy ministers from Belgium, next-generation turbines and Denmark and Germany are lined up foundations. A Front Page – Shoulder advertisements 36.2mm x 36.2mm (square) £415 €455 to give keynote speeches to open SGRE gets to spread its The Dutch ship designer contract wings at 112MW Offshore Wind Energy 2017. Chief and engineer will launch the Albatros wind farm executives from Dong Energy, MHI new NG-20000X at Offshore Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Vestas, ScottishPower Renewables Wind Energy 2017 in London has confirmed a so-called extended and Siemens Gamesa will give their this week. scope contract that includes the reactions. The jack-up will feature supply of turbines and an offshore 09:30-11:00, Rooms 8-11 an integrated telescopic leg transformer module to EnBW’s T Front Page – Banner 210.0mm x 65.0mm £875 €960 crane that will be able to lift 112MW Albatros wind farm in the up to 1250 tonnes when the German North Sea. p3 Visit a vessel boom is stretched to 160 SOV Atlantic Enterprise and walk-to- metres. Loads can double to work vessel Siem Moxie are to sail 2500 tonnes at 120 metres. up the Thames and dock at the ExCel Essential toolkit for GustoMSC said the design offshore industry London for Offshore Wind Energy means the vessel is capable Record-low bids in offshore wind 2017. Don’t miss out on a guided tour of installing next-generation of the vessels during the show. K Inside pages – Quarter portrait 100.5mm x 137.5mm £655 €735 auctions around Europe are turbines in the 10MW-plus intensifying pressure on turbine Outside ExCel London category when the boom is manufacturers to deliver faster fully extended as the crane 16,500 tonnes that will enable reductions in the levelised cost of commercial director Jan-Mark maintains adequate lifting transportation of six complete energy as the industry gears up for a Meeuwisse. Nibbles and tipples height and capacity for the sets of turbine components subsidy-free future, as detailed in the “By scaling up the jack-up Kick back and relax with drinks job. or up to seven large jacket renews Offshore Technology Yearbook design and jacking system and snacks at the official day one “Key to the new approach foundations. 2017 out this week. p4 and solving the challenging networking reception. Sponsored by is to stop the spiralling trend This will reduce installation F Inside pages – Half-page landscape 204.0mm x 136.7mm £985 €1,100 crane requirements in an LM Wind Power. of growing crane weights costs, the company predicted. innovative manner, the 17:30-19:30, Stand N-N20 due to the increasing GustoMSC added the NG- China and Taiwan eye NG-20000X represents the requirements related to the 20000X is its response to a European experience next-generation wind turbine heavy foundations and high “rapidly” changing market that European supply chain companies installation jack-up in all its re installation heights, and to requires new heavy-lift vessels for rolling industry news updates are well placed to secure work in facets.” stay close to the proven to deal with bigger loads and on your PC and mobile the rapidly growing Chinese market, The vessel will also feature design technology at the installation heights. Offshore Wind Energy 2017 will a variable load capacity of Sponsorship of LIVE@ Digital Dailies £POA €POA same time,” said GustoMSC hear. p5

innogy. A global leader in renewable energy and shaping the future

of offshore wind. World LiVE @ RENEWABLEUK 2015 #RUKACE15 6 October 2015 NEWS 02 LiVE @ ALL-ENERGY 2015 6 May 2015 OFFSHORE 02 Class Make innogy your partner of choice. Subsea Power Programme Find us at OWE2017, North Hall, Cable n BOWING OUT: Rob IN BRIEF at the innogy business lounge and Provider Highlights Hastings, director of Time for planners to Nordex bags n US private equity outfit North Sea at Norddeich in Lower let’s talk business! energy and infrastructure

Visit JDR at Global Offshore Wind at the Crown Estate, is Centerbridge Partners has completed Saxony. The €15m facility includes Stand 118 KEYNOTE ADDRESS McCaffery, our Senior stepping down after a its acquisition of German turbine offices, recreation rooms, a canteen WWW.JDRGLOBAL.COM Professor Management Team and AA decade at the accentuate positive manufacturer Senvion from India’s and a four-storey warehouse. The Sir David the RenewableUK Board turbine arm UK seabed The UK should take a much present his plans for reform Suzlon Group. The deal was agreed Danish developer will use the base King of Directors. Hear about landlord to more constructive approach to All-Energy attendees in January for a cash consideration of to co-ordinate construction and O&M 24 June 2015 @ R-UK GLOBAL OFFSHORE WIND 2015 the valuable work we LiVE to consenting offshore on Thursday during the €1bn plus potential earnings-related at its 312MW Borkum Riffgrund and work in other Special Representative are doing on behalf of fields of the wind farms, according to an Environmental, Planning payments. Centrebridge has said it 584MW Gode Wind 1&2 projects. for Climate Change, our members. Join our at Acciona low carbon German manufacturer €366.4m in cash and 16.1 industry leader. and Development debate at will continue to bankroll innovation WEDNESDAY’S Professor Sir David A. team for a drink at the INSIDE industry. Nordex is to acquire Spanish million in new shares valued Decision-makers currently 1.30 pm. at Senvion. n Granada Material Handling has HIGHLIGHTS King, will deliver the Speakers’ Spotlight at the Recruitment company Acciona’s turbine at €26 each for Acciona read planning documents “It is disproportional. Meanwhile, shareholders have won a contract from Sembmarine Offshore kit up for grabs keynote address on RenewableUK stand. RO ripples will hit for Hastings’ business in a cash and shares Windpower. that detail all the potential Planning Inspectorates look authorised Suzlon to issue new equity SLP to manufacture, deliver and as doors shut at Red7 unit Day 2 at 10:00-10:25 successor deal worth around €785m. Main shareholder Skion/ negative impacts of a project at things like bird strike shares and sell SE Forge Ltd. commission two davit cranes for The assets of Red7 Marine’s offshore Keynote Address, DECC in Conference Room SOCIAL EVENT has already The takeover will create Momentum will also offload while considering few of possibilities, which in reality the Siemens-built transmission and business have been put up for sale Secretary Amber Rudd 3B. This session is The RES Networking begun, said what Nordex called “a new some of its shares in Nordex the positives, said Royal are much less than ever n ABB has bagged a two-year distribution platform at the 402MW after the company was wound up with The must-see event of the two open to all visitors. Look Reception CE. Photo: Crown Estate major player in the wind to Acciona Energia, which will HaskoningDHV director of expected, then visual impact turbine and electrical equipment Dudgeon wind farm off north Norfolk. the loss of 47 jobs. p2 days with the offshore and wider out for a preview in Day 1, RES stand 95 offshore – Ewing renewables industry looking for some industry”. The buyer will pay remain involved in wind farm renewables development and so on. The biggest threat servicing contract at Centrica’s 194MW The four-metre tall ‘Python’ cranes tomorrow’s renews Live@ Exhibition Hall 17:00 – 19:00 ownership and operation. Rufus Howard. to wildlife is inaction,” he Lynn and Inner Dowsing wind farm weigh one tonne each. Scottish Energy Minister clarity and justification on a range of RenewableUK 2015. Local content in R-UK focus Once the deal is complete “We are not just talking continued. off Lincolnshire, which features 54 Floaters on verge of Fergus Ewing is warning the government policies. Developers need to push debate how best to entice UK Skion/Momentum will hold a about the worst case scenario “Offshore wind farms get Siemens 3.6MW units. n HiDef Aerial Surveying has going mainstream year-early closure of the 9.30-10.30, Platinum 1 SOCIAL EVENT local content in British companies into the sector, 5.7% of Nordex with Acciona here, we are talking about WE WANT MORE: Lincs slated for subsidies but we secured a second one-year contract The global floating offshore wind Renewables Obligation will RenewableUK Industry Open to all event offshore wind projects to particularly if they are first holding 29.9%. Acciona has having to consider a huge Photo: Centrica never hear any comparisons n Wind power made up Vattenfall’s for delivery of high-resolution market is set to move from the trial have a “massive” impact on Connect, Day 1 attendees with a valid show the UK is still a thriving time entrants. agreed not to raise its voting range of worst case scenarios with the subsidies made for single largest investment area during digital video services at the 270MW stage to “commercial scale-up”, the offshore wind industry. Debate: Offshore Wind to 2030 RenewableUK, Stand 140, pass for Day 1. The RES market despite “uncertain” BVG Associates consultant position in Nordex above 30% all happening for just one change. It needs to be made nuclear, oil and gas. It dwarfs the first quarter of 2015, when low off the east coast according to UK innovation body ORE DECC policies for the Scotland Energy Minister Fergus Exhibition Hall 16:15 – 17:00 Networking Reception government policy. Alun Roberts, who is also for the next three years. offshore wind farm. clear that it is unlikely these offshore (wind).” production volumes and falling of England. The company already Catapult. p3 onshore sector will have Ewing sets the stage and then will take place at the RES A debate at RenewableUK taking part in the session, said Acciona produces 1.5MW “The chances of one worst negatives could happen but Howard said the UK needs electricity prices hit earnings. EBITDA provides ornithological and marine a knock-on effect across heavy-hitters from Vattenfall, stand in the Exhibition 2015 on Tuesday running from his company “has developed and 3MW turbines for case scenario happening the wealth of positives an to look at the positives, stood at Skr13.5bn versus Skr16.5bn mammal studies across Centrica’s other technologies, the Siemens, RenewableUK, Dong and Hall at the end of Day 1. 14:30 to 15:30 and entitled a robust methodology (for deployment across all wind is minimal, let alone more offshore farm will bring if built including the jobs created, in the same period last year. portfolio of offshore wind projects. Northwester 2 getting Holyrood minister said ahead ScottishPower “hash out” the post- Don’t miss this Local Content: Measuring measuring local content) that classes. The company has than that. It is completely are huge,” he said. the benefits of infrastructure The developer said the first year of project ducks in a row of his appearance at the 2020 landscape. A chance for current and opportunity to catch up Progress and Understanding minimises the extra workload four production facilities unrealistic and completely “It needs to be better projects, money plugged n Dong has inaugurated an post-construction monitoring at Lincs Northwester 2 is aiming to secure all RenewableUK Global Offshore 11.15-12.30, Platinum 1 future RenewableUK with colleagues, make Best Practice will see industry on wind farm owners and located in the US, Brazil and unfair. balanced and we need to look to the UK economy, a low operations centre for the German has yielded important results. the necessary permits for its self-titled Wind conference in London. members to meet our new contacts and network 224MW wind farm off Belgium over “There is no clarity,” he told HOPPING TO IT: Vattenfall has installed three turbines to leaders including Siemens and their supply chains, which will Spain with another under “We use a precautionary at reforming these planning carbon future and action on Chief Executive, Maria over a drink or two. the next 12 months. p4 renews. “The fact is that many date at its 49.5MW Kentish Flats 2 wind farm off eastern Construction Lessons Learned ScottishPower Renewables be discussed.” construction in India. principle and that needs to applications.” Howard will climate change. Stay connected of these companies that have England. The £165m extension, featuring 15 MHI Vestas A bit of what to do and what not to sunk millions into onshore V112 3.3MW machines, is the UK’s only scheduled new do with your offshore wind farm, RWE to keep British schemes, which now may not offshore wind construction this year. Photo: Vattenfall featuring contributions from Senvion, investment party going happen, are also invested in Fred Olsen Windcarrier, Bilfinger and 6-7 MAY l SECC GLASGOW RWE has pledged that Gwynt y Mor, the offshore industry. Parliament on Monday that strategy. “I don’t want to trade Dong. its 576MW wind farm off north Wales “Confidence will be lost she had held and will continue insults. I want to safeguard a 14.00-15.15, Platinum 2 that was officially opened last week, is and people will go elsewhere. to hold many discussions with renewable future and build on COLLABORATION just part of its ongoing commitment to (They will think) if the her devolved counterparts. the success Scotland has seen the UK. p5 government can do that The Whitehall minister within the industry. Networking Reception INNOVATION on a whim then what is to is due to give the keynote “The plans are irrational Siemens plays host as the industry stop them doing something speech at the opening of and when a government acts takes refreshment, relaxes and MEET US AT THE GIANT GLASGOW SCIENCE UK workboat players similar to other technologies, the R-UK conference, facing irrationally they have to be discusses the implications of what EXCELLENCE NETWORKING EVENING CENTRE want to double-bunk including offshore, at some the industry for the first prepared for legal challenges.” will undoubtedly have been a busy TONIGHT - 18.00 During the evening, explore the Science Centre’s three floors TIMINGS Crew transfer vessel operators are point in the future.” time since delivering the RO The minister said setting a first day. Free to attend drinks reception and packed with hundreds of interactive exhibits that will fascinate. 18:00 Doors open working with the Maritime and Ewing said he urged UK bombshell. framework for a renewables 17.00-19.00, Stand 80 networking evening Floor 1 is home to some visitor favourites and introduces you 18:15 Please gather for the Coastguard Agency to double the Energy Secretary Amber Rudd Ewing said he is not world post-2020 is now key All-Energy extends a warm welcome to all attendees to the 2015 to some basic science concepts in a fun and interactive way. Lord Provost’s speech in number of technicians each boat is to hold a consultation period looking for arguments with and he urged the government the Atrium Giant Networking Evening and Civic Reception. We are delighted Work together to see if you can solve the brainteasers in the with our Digital allowed to carry to offshore wind on the plans before they Westminster but that he to establish a clear policy for Maths Factor Zone. See a glimpse into your future with our Age 18:20 – 20:30 The Giant for rolling industry news updates you are here with us in our new home of Glasgow and are fully farms to 24. p6 were unveiled last week but fundamentally “disagrees” the future, including targets, Machine. on your PC and mobile appreciative of your ongoing support and commitment in helping Networking Evening and that she declined. Rudd told with the Conservative Party as soon as possible. All-Energy to remain as the focal point of the industry’s calendar Floor 2 is home to four zones: My World of Work!, MindWorks, Civic Reception continue and the largest gathering of renewable energy professional Science Fundamentals and Be Creative, Be Innovative. throughout the Science K assembled within the UK. Floor 3 is home to an exhibition all about you. In BodyWorks, you Centre An experienced T&D partner who cares On behalf of the entire All-Energy team, we would very much like are the experimentF and the scientist. Complimentary drinks as much about your project as you do. to extend our immense gratitude to all of the key stakeholders The dramatic hands-on exhibits allow you to take on the role of and canapés will be served and industry partners, both in Glasgow and throughout the the snot barrier, burn some energy in the giant hamster wheel, throughout the evening. Now that’s something to be proud of. UK and Europe, for all of their amazing help and support in perform a virtual autopsy and bust some moves at the DNA disco. successfully delivering All-Energy this year. We would especially like to thank the Lord Provost & Glasgow City Council for their Throughout the floors, our science communicators are there to ongoing assistance, and for their generosity in hosting this Civic help you to explore and make your experience memorable. Reception to welcome us to Glasgow. Enerrgy & MarineMa T We look forward to welcoming you to another exciting day at All-Energy tomorrow, doors open at 08.30am. Dailies 'XEOLQȏ*DOZD\ȏ/LPHULFNȏ/RQGRQȏ:DUULQJWRQȏ*ODVJRZȏ%UXVVHOV reNEWS produces digital daily directly to thousands of newsletters for a number of industry professionals. prestigious industry events. 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We then lose n The advertisement should be full- information before publication; if we raise your profile and highlights, our Digital Dailies clarity when we distil into a PDF. All colour and can include a link so that are unaware of its existence the link promote your products and also keep delegates in touch logos and graphics must be vectors. when the reader places their cursor may be lost. services to the industry? An with industry news from advert in the reNEWS LIVE@ outside the conference walls. Digital Dailies connects you Send your advertisement by email to [email protected] For booking and copy deadlines please contact our sales team

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International Offshore All-Energy 2018 Global Offshore Wind 2018 WindEnergy Hamburg 2018 MET Buoys O&M vessels SAR craft @IPF2017 WEDNESDAY’S LiVE HIGHLIGHTS 19 April 2017

Eurovision Deepwater gets busy on Offshore wind chiefs from sector Wind Partnering Forum 90MW South Fork project $1.9bn Maryland heavyweights Dong Energy, Vattenfall, Deepwater Wind has kicked off Siemens, GE and WPD will discuss survey work for its 90MW South Fork what lessons the US can learn from wind farm in the Rhode Island- p2 Europe, where projects are set to be SECC Glasgow MCCC Manchester Hamburg Messe und Massachusetts lease area. moment of truth built at record-low prices. 14:00-16:00 Wednesday, Maryland regulators will Capitol Ballroom shortly decide the winner 2018 Icebreaker cable supply and installation deals up of the head-to-head battle between developers US Wind for grabs Ship shape and Deepwater Wind for up The Lake Erie Energy Development The US Naval Academy is the location to $1.9bn of offshore wind Congress Corporation is set to go to market for for this year’s welcome reception. supports. cable supply and installation at its Hosted by Sabik Offshore, Cathie The state will become 20.7MW Icebreaker freshwater wind Associates, Deepwater Wind and US the first in the US to farm. p3 Wind, this is your chance to meet and Publishing 2–3 May Publishing 19–20 June back commercial-scale greet the great and good attending construction when it awards IPF 2017. offshore renewable energy Study to flag up best 18:00-19:30 Wednesday, credits to either the 248MW supply chain sites in Naval Academy Club, Princeton, New Jersey Maryland or 120MW Skipjack Massachusetts 2 Truxton Road project proposed by the Up to 20 waterfront sites across respective companies. Photo: GE Massachusetts have been identified GE’s Haliade 150 6MW turbine could A final OREC decision must Publishing 24–27 Sept. as plum locations for future offshore HARDWARE OPTION: Greening the greenback be made by 17 May but could wind supply chain activities in a feature at US Wind’s 248MW Maryland project The UK’s Green Investment Bank and come earlier. for steel rolling, welding, new report due to be published this Société Générale of France lead a US Wind’s 62-turbine painting and coating. UK cable month. p4 turbines to capture the safe session on how to finance large-scale Expand business networks in The heart of the world’s Maryland will be built for manufacturer JDR is on cue harbor provisions of the renewables projects including offshore $137.07 per megawatt-hour to supply and install the array investment tax credit,” he wind. in 2012 prices, according to and export wires and other added. 09:15-10:30 Thursday, the developer, which is eyeing contracts will be finalised after The developer is continuing Capitol D Publishing 3 & 5 April a 2019 construction kick-off the OREC awards are settled. to tinker with the layout and should it win the credits race. Deepwater, meanwhile, is has offered to move the Initial plans are based proposing to build Skipjack project 8km farther from Any port in a storm? on Siemens 4MW turbines off the coast of neighbouring this fast changing marketplace largest offshore wind market Abundant opportunities to Ocean City after local officials What is required of a construction port with jacket foundations but state Delaware for $135/ complained the turbines compared with an operations and 6MW hardware, including MWh in 2012 prices. The US Wind sets course to would be too visible from the maintenance base? Experts give their GE’s Haliade 150 platform, is developer’s initial blueprints build country’s first beach. insights on the best characteristics of also in the running, project are based on 15 Siemens installation jack-up US Wind plans to start onshore locations for offshore wind development director Paul turbines rated at 8MW on Developer US Wind is backing a news. jacket fabrication in 2018 at projects. Rich told re monopole foundations. consortium planning to build America’s Tradepoint Atlantic’s Sparrows 15:50-17:00 Thursday, Rich is speaking at a What’s “We anticipate being online first offshore wind installation vessel.p5 Point yard in the Port of Capitol A Largest US gathering of offshore network with industry leaders New and Spinning session at in 2022,” said Deepwater CEO Baltimore. IPF 2017 on Thursday at 15:15. Jeffrey Grybowski. Partners are already lined “We’re keeping options up to build a $40m facility open. Certainly before the for rolling industry news updates end of the year we will finalise fs on your PC and mobile ik-of hore ab .co .s m w w wind energy professionals w

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VITAL STATISTICS 2O17 Length 85m, width PLANNED DEPLOYMENT Main dimensions 150m, draft 17m, depth 32m, hub height 105m relative Projects Mitsubishi Fukushima Shimpuu N/A to lowest astronomical tide. Displacement about 26,000T.N/A Turbine options Max. water depth N/A Rates Product notes Max. wave height 1. V-shape semi-submersible developed by Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan. Discontinued Mitsubishi MWT167/7.0 1 Display Advertising Mechanical Data Turbines per unit 2. Eight mooring chains. (formerly called SeaAngel) June 2015 Prototype 3. Production of Mitsubishi turbine discontinued. Status of Mitsubishi semi- 2013 (per issue submersible N/A. Track record Introduction 1 - demonstrator at Fukushima FORWARD Key characteristics Three-column V-shape structure with square shaped buoyancy elements. Turbine Dimensions exc. VAT where mounting at the central element. Ref: Name (width x depth) applicable)

VITAL STATISTICS Width 5m, height 32m, PLANNED DEPLOYMENT Main dimensions draught 16m, hub height 65mN/A Projects Max. water depth N/A Mitsui Fukushima Mirai N/A Max. wave height 1 Turbines per unit 2013 Turbine options Prototype Offshore Technologies Yearbook Product notes 2012 Hitachi HWT2.0-80 Introduction 1. So-called ‘compact’ semi-submersible developed by Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding of Japan. Track record 2. Operational prototype installed at Fukushima. 1 - Fukushima Mirai, installed 2013 3. Design focus on shallow draught. 4. Floater draught can be controlled by ballast tanks in the bottom section of each main column. 5. Chain attachment to the upper sections of each main column. F Inside pages – Half-page landscape 204.0mm x 136.7mm £985 €1,100 6. Comes with innovative world’s first floating sub-station (66kV) called Fukushima Kizuna and submarine cable.

Key characteristics Welded steel hull incorporating three main circular tube shaped buoyancy elements with enlarged integrated bottom heave ‘plates’. Smaller central column for turbine mounting; structural integration by horizontal upper and lower cross members and additional cross bracings. G Inside pages – Tower advert 79.8mm x 291.0mm £830 €925

Seajacks Leviathan WORLD LEADING INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCESeajacks Kraken FLEET Seajacks Scylla J Inside pages – Quarter landscape 204.0mm x 68.3mm £655 €735 Seajacks Leviathan Seajacks Kraken

Seajacks Zaratan K Inside pages – Quarter portrait 100.5mm x 137.5mm £655 €735 Seajacks Hydra

Seajacks Zaratan Seajacks Hydra Sponsorship of OTY (see red box below) £POA €POA

Based in GreatBased Yarmouth, in ,Seajacks SeajacksUK has aUK proven has a proven track trackrecord record of installing of installing N-R40 and maintainingand maintainingoffshore offshorewind farms wind safely farms andsafely cost and effectively.cost effectively. visit our stand: 2O16 14 2O16 16 Contact us nowContact to discuss us now Seajacks’ to discuss installation Seajacks’ installation solutions solutions for T&I, for and T&I, O&M. and O&M. 2-B Energy 2B6 Bonus 2.3 MW Siemens SWT-4.0-130 For further information please visit, alternatively call +44 (0) 1493 841 400 or email [email protected] 2-B Energy 2B6 ProjEct DEPLoYMENt VItAL StAtIStIcS For further information please visit, alternatively call +44 (0) 1493 841 400 or email [email protected] IEC class I Key characteristics Key characteristics Key characteristics Radical two-bladed downwind turbine The Bonus 2.3MW partly represents the The new G4 platform is a comprehensive Key characteristics Offshore projects Rotor diameter 140.6m designed for 40-year service life, with ‘an ‘classic’ Danish design philosophy, including evolutionary further development and Radical two-bladed downwind turbine designed for 40-year service life, with ‘an One wind farm in development – Power rating 6.0MW integral plant approach.’ It further has two especially a non-integrated high-speed redesign of the SWT-3.6-120. It includes the integral plant approach.’ It further has two nacelle levels, a passive cooler platform, a (2 units, UK, aimed for commissioning in Number of blades 2 nacelle levels, a passive cooler platform, a drivetrain with three-point gearbox SWT-4.0-130, and the SWT-4.0-120 sister self-aligning ‘soft yaw’ system, and a lattice-type welded truss tower. The latter ‘open’ early 2017); perhaps rated above 6.0MW Orientation Downwind self-aligning ‘soft yaw’ system, and a lattice- support, fixed-speed(s) and induction model version with 120-metre rotor of the structure extends from the seabed to the nacelle yaw bearing. Operation Pitch-controlled variable speed Product status Head mass n.a. type welded truss tower. The latter ‘open’ generator; switch to CombiStall with pitch 3.6MW SWT-3.6-120. The SWT-4.0-130 Sponsorship Prototype installation completed in Specific power 386W/m2 structure extends from the seabed to the able blades, first introduced in Bonus 1 remains a dedicated lightweight offshore Product notes nacelle yaw bearing. MW (54m); CombiStall offers superior turbine with high-speed drivetrain and 1. Modular platform design aimed at rapid future up scaling in line with market Eemshaven (NL) at September 30, 2015 Prototype Onshore second half 2015 output control with a near-constant output several design features promoting cost- demand; Introduction Announced 2007 Product notes level above rated and independent of effective service-friendly upkeep; among 2. ‘Soft yaw’ capability means that the rotor follows wind direction changes Track record Usage Offshore 1. Modular platform design aimed at rapid weather conditions, and eliminates the others fitted with new aero-elastically automatically in normal operating mode, and then only requires some nacelle yaw Onshore prototype Power electronics Medium voltage future up scaling in line with market need for bi-annual blade angle adjustment; tailored slender B63 blades. dampening motion. In emergency situations, like a combination of extreme weather generation system eliminates ‘traditional demand; two-speed generator. and/or turbine failure, eight yaw motors are activated for bringing the turbine in a full size transformer’ at turbine level. 2. ‘Soft yaw’ capability means that the Product notes safe non-operating position. The extra ninth motor provides system redundancy; Drive train Three-stage gearbox with side rotor follows wind direction changes Product notes 1. The evolutionary SWT-4.0-130 further 3. Modest 78-metre rated tip speed. torque supports and a DFIG. automatically in normal operating mode, 1. Fitted with in-house developed and builds on the success of the original and then only requires some nacelle manufactured one-piece-moulding SWT-3.6-107 and SWT-3.6-120 successor, Package yaw dampening motion. In emergency Bonus B40 blades; offering higher AEP and reduced LCOE; situations, like a combination of extreme 2. Successor of Bonus 2 MW, and the 2. New-generation aero-elastically tailored weather and/or turbine failure, eight outcome of a long-time successful slender blades. They were a key enabler Bonus 2.3 MW ProjEct DEPLoYMENt VItAL StAtIStIcS yaw motors are activated for bringing the company evolutionary product in combining improved performance with turbine in a safe non-operating position. development and optimizing strategy; reduced turbine loading IEC class Initially likely none; The extra ninth motor provides system 3. No hints for a switch to pitch-controlled 3. The SWT-4.0-130 according the supplier Offshore projects later SWT-2.3-82 VS, IEC IA Key characteristics redundancy; variable speed in March 2003, but offers around 13% yield increase 3 wind farms / project turbine – Rotor diameter 82.4m The Bonus 2.3MW partly represents the ‘classic’ Danish design philosophy, including 3. Modest 78-metre rated tip speed. introduced later that year - Bonus 2.3 compared to the SWT-3.6-120 at typical Samsø (10 units, 2002, DK)*; Power rating 2.3MW especially a non-integrated high-speed drivetrain with three-point gearbox support, MW VS; 9-10m/s mean wind speed sites. Rødsand/Nysted (72 units, 2003, DK); Number of blades 3 fixed-speed(s) and induction generator; switch to CombiStall with pitch able blades, 4. Siemens acquired Bonus Energy in Frederikshavn (1 unit, 2003, DK); Orientation Upwind first introduced in Bonus 1 MW (54m); CombiStall offers superior output control with October 2004. a near-constant output level above rated and independent of weather conditions, and * one Samsø turbine lost a complete head Operation CombiStall (active stall) A page-turner (nacelle + rotor) at November 28, 2015 controlled fixed speed eliminates the need for bi-annual blade angle adjustment; two-speed generator. “Natural Power is proud to have Head mass 136T (Nacelle 82T, Rotor 54T); Product notes Product status figures SWT-2.3-82 VS 2 1. Fitted with in-house developed and manufactured one-piece-moulding Bonus B40 No more available Specific power 431W/m blades; Prototype 1999 2. Successor of Bonus 2 MW, and the outcome of a long-time successful company Track record Introduction n.a. evolutionary product development and optimizing strategy; Onshore and offshore total numbers; Usage Onshore and offshore 3. No hints for a switch to pitch-controlled variable speed in March 2003, but 506 units Power electronics None introduced later that year - Bonus 2.3 MW VS; Drive train Non-integrated high-speed 4. Siemens acquired Bonus Energy in October 2004. geared with three-point gearbox for anyone sponsored reNEWS in the launch support. G ProjEcT DEPLoYMENT ProjEcT DEPLoYMENT ProjEcT DEPLoYMENT of the highly successful reference Offshore projects Offshore projects Offshore projects One wind farm in development – (2 units, 3 wind farms / project turbine – First installed offshore in 2015; UK, aimed for commissioning in early Samsø (10 units, 2002, DK)*; under construction: 2017); perhaps rated above 6.0MW Rødsand/Nysted (72 units, 2003, DK); Sandbank (72 units, 2017, GE) Frederikshavn (1 unit, 2003, DK); and Gemini (150 units, 2017, NL) Product status * one Samsø turbine lost a complete head Prototype installation completed in (nacelle + rotor) at November 28, 2015 Product status Eemshaven (NL) at September 30, 2015 Commercially available Product status Track record No more available Track record guide for offshore wind. We Onshore prototype Offshore total numbers - n.a. Track record Onshore and offshore total numbers; 506 units involved in VITAL STATISTIcS VITAL STATISTIcS VITAL STATISTIcS IEC class I IEC class Initially likely none; IEC class IB F Rotor diameter 140.6m later SWT-2.3-82 VS, IEC IA Rotor diameter 130m hope it continues to grow and Power rating 6.0MW Rotor diameter 82.4m Power rating 4.0MW Number of blades 2 Power rating 2.3MW Number of blades 3 Orientation Downwind Number of blades 3 Orientation Upwind Operation Pitch-controlled variable speed Orientation Upwind Operation Pitch-controlled variable speed Head mass n.a. Operation CombiStall (active stall) Head mass 240T (Nacelle 140T Rotor 100T) Specific power 386W/m2 controlled fixed speed Specific power 301W/m2 Prototype Onshore second half 2015 Head mass 136T (Nacelle 82T, Rotor 54T); Prototype Onshore, December 2012; Introduction Announced 2007 figures SWT-2.3-82 VS initially fitted with 120-metre rotor Usage Offshore Specific power 431W/m2 Introduction 2012; start serial Power electronics Medium voltage Prototype 1999 production 2015; develop in future years” generation system eliminates ‘traditional Introduction n.a. Usage Offshore; full size transformer’ at turbine level. Usage Onshore and offshore Power electronics Siemens NetConverter Drive train Three-stage gearbox with side Power electronics None and MV-transformer in tower base torque supports and a DFIG. Drive train Non-integrated high-speed Drive train Non-integrated high-speed geared with three-point gearbox geared with four-point gearbox the industry support. support

This resource publication OTY includes vital Catriona Coan 2O16 15 2O16 14

2-B Energy 2B6 ProjEcT DEPLoYMENT VITAL STATISTIcS 2-B Energy 2B6 ProjEct DEPLoYMENt VItAL StAtIStIcS IEC class I IEC class I Offshore projects Rotor diameter 140.6m Key characteristics Offshore projects Rotor diameter 140.6m Key characteristics features a comprehensive information on deployment, One wind farm in development – Power rating 6.0MW Radical two-bladed downwind turbine designed for 40-year service life, with ‘an One wind farm in development – Power rating 6.0MW Marketing Manager, Radical two-bladed downwind turbine designed for 40-year service life, with ‘an (2 units, UK, aimed for commissioning in Number of blades 2 integral plant approach.’ It further has two nacelle levels, a passive cooler platform, a (2 units, UK, aimed for commissioning in Number of blades 2 integral plant approach.’ It further has two nacelle levels, a passive cooler platform, a early 2017); perhaps rated above 6.0MW Orientation Downwind self-aligning ‘soft yaw’ system, and a lattice-type welded truss tower. The latter ‘open’ early 2017); perhaps rated above 6.0MW Orientation Downwind self-aligning ‘soft yaw’ system, and a lattice-type welded truss tower. The latter ‘open’ Operation Pitch-controlled variable speed structure extends from the seabed to the nacelle yaw bearing. Operation Pitch-controlled variable speed structure extends from the seabed to the nacelle yaw bearing. Product status Head mass n.a. Product status Head mass n.a. 2 Prototype installation completed in Specific power 386W/m2 Product notes Prototype installation completed in Specific power 386W/m Product notes Eemshaven (NL) at September 30, 2015 Prototype Onshore second half 2015 1. Modular platform design aimed at rapid future up scaling in line with market Eemshaven (NL) at September 30, 2015 Prototype Onshore second half 2015 1. Modular platform design aimed at rapid future up scaling in line with market catalogue of the past, present turbine specifics and history, Natural Power Introduction Announced 2007 Introduction Announced 2007 demand; demand; Track record Usage Offshore 2. ‘Soft yaw’ capability means that the rotor follows wind direction changes Track record Usage Offshore 2. ‘Soft yaw’ capability means that the rotor follows wind direction changes Onshore prototype Power electronics Medium voltage automatically in normal operating mode, and then only requires some nacelle yaw Onshore prototype Power electronics Medium voltage automatically in normal operating mode, and then only requires some nacelle yaw generation system eliminates ‘traditional dampening motion. In emergency situations, like a combination of extreme weather generation system eliminates ‘traditional dampening motion. In emergency situations, like a combination of extreme weather full size transformer’ at turbine level. and/or turbine failure, eight yaw motors are activated for bringing the turbine in a full size transformer’ at turbine level. and/or turbine failure, eight yaw motors are activated for bringing the turbine in a Drive train Three-stage gearbox with side safe non-operating position. The extra ninth motor provides system redundancy; Drive train Three-stage gearbox with side safe non-operating position. The extra ninth motor provides system redundancy; torque supports and a DFIG. and future of offshore and is an indispensable 3. Modest 78-metre rated tip speed. torque supports and a DFIG. 3. Modest 78-metre rated tip speed.

Bonus 2.3 MW ProjEcT DEPLoYMENT VITAL STATISTIcS Bonus 2.3 MW ProjEct DEPLoYMENt VItAL StAtIStIcS wind turbine development, desktop reference for anyone IEC class Initially likely none; Get ahead of the market IEC class Initially likely none; Offshore projects later SWT-2.3-82 VS, IEC IA Key characteristics Offshore projects later SWT-2.3-82 VS, IEC IA Key characteristics 3 wind farms / project turbine – Rotor diameter 82.4m The Bonus 2.3MW partly represents the ‘classic’ Danish design philosophy, including 3 wind farms / project turbine – Rotor diameter 82.4m The Bonus 2.3MW partly represents the ‘classic’ Danish design philosophy, including Samsø (10 units, 2002, DK)*; Power rating 2.3MW especially a non-integrated high-speed drivetrain with three-point gearbox support, Samsø (10 units, 2002, DK)*; Power rating 2.3MW especially a non-integrated high-speed drivetrain with three-point gearbox support, Rødsand/Nysted (72 units, 2003, DK); Number of blades 3 fixed-speed(s) and induction generator; switch to CombiStall with pitch able blades, Rødsand/Nysted (72 units, 2003, DK); Number of blades 3 fixed-speed(s) and induction generator; switch to CombiStall with pitch able blades, Frederikshavn (1 unit, 2003, DK); Orientation Upwind first introduced in Bonus 1 MW (54m); CombiStall offers superior output control with Frederikshavn (1 unit, 2003, DK); Orientation Upwind first introduced in Bonus 1 MW (54m); CombiStall offers superior output control with * one Samsø turbine lost a complete head Operation CombiStall (active stall) including sections on floating involved in the industry, at a near-constant output level above rated and independent of weather conditions, and * one Samsø turbine lost a complete head Operation CombiStall (active stall) a near-constant output level above rated and independent of weather conditions, and by taking up our OTY (nacelle + rotor) at November 28, 2015 controlled fixed speed (nacelle + rotor) at November 28, 2015 controlled fixed speed eliminates the need for bi-annual blade angle adjustment; two-speed generator. eliminates the need for bi-annual blade angle adjustment; two-speed generator. Head mass 136T (Nacelle 82T, Rotor 54T); Head mass 136T (Nacelle 82T, Rotor 54T); Product status figures SWT-2.3-82 VS Product notes Product status figures SWT-2.3-82 VS Product notes 2 No more available Specific power 431W/m2 1. Fitted with in-house developed and manufactured one-piece-moulding Bonus B40 No more available Specific power 431W/m 1. Fitted with in-house developed and manufactured one-piece-moulding Bonus B40 Prototype 1999 blades; Prototype 1999 blades; Track record Introduction n.a. 2. Successor of Bonus 2 MW, and the outcome of a long-time successful company Track record Introduction n.a. 2. Successor of Bonus 2 MW, and the outcome of a long-time successful company wind, installation vessels and whatever level. Onshore and offshore total numbers; Usage Onshore and offshore evolutionary product development and optimizing strategy; Onshore and offshore total numbers; Usage Onshore and offshore Sponsorship Package. evolutionary product development and optimizing strategy; 506 units Power electronics None 3. No hints for a switch to pitch-controlled variable speed in March 2003, but 506 units Power electronics None 3. No hints for a switch to pitch-controlled variable speed in March 2003, but Drive train Non-integrated high-speed introduced later that year - Bonus 2.3 MW VS; Drive train Non-integrated high-speed introduced later that year - Bonus 2.3 MW VS; geared with three-point gearbox 4. Siemens acquired Bonus Energy in October 2004. geared with three-point gearbox 4. Siemens acquired Bonus Energy in October 2004. foundation suppliers. It is free to subscribers and Your company logo support. support. Siemens SWT-4.0-130 ProjEcT DEPLoYMENT VITAL STATISTIcS IEC class IB Key characteristics Offshore projects Rotor diameter 130m The new G4 platform is a comprehensive evolutionary further development and First installed offshore in 2015; Power rating 4.0MW redesign of the SWT-3.6-120. It includes the SWT-4.0-130, and the SWT-4.0-120 sister under construction: Number of blades 3 The third annual edition will be distributed at major Sandbank (72 units, 2017, GE) Orientation Upwind on the front cover (A); model version with 120-metre rotor of the 3.6MW SWT-3.6-120. The SWT-4.0-130 remains a dedicated lightweight offshore turbine with high-speed drivetrain and and Gemini (150 units, 2017, NL) Operation Pitch-controlled variable speed several design features promoting cost-effective service-friendly upkeep; among others Head mass 240T (Nacelle 140T Rotor 100T) 2 fitted with new aero-elastically tailored slender B63 blades. Product status Specific power 301W/m Commercially available Prototype Onshore, December 2012; Product notes initially fitted with 120-metre rotor of the respected OTY – offshore wind shows. 1. The evolutionary SWT-4.0-130 further builds on the success of the original SWT-3.6- Track record Introduction 2012; start serial your company name 107 and SWT-3.6-120 successor, offering higher AEP and reduced LCOE; Offshore total numbers - n.a. production 2015; 2. New-generation aero-elastically tailored slender blades. They were a key enabler in Usage Offshore; combining improved performance with reduced turbine loading Power electronics Siemens NetConverter 3. The SWT-4.0-130 according the supplier offers around 13% yield increase compared and MV-transformer in tower base to the SWT-3.6-120 at typical 9-10m/s mean wind speed sites. Drive train Non-integrated high-speed published in June 2018 – will A range of advertising and on every page (B); and geared with four-point gearbox support be further updated and sponsorship opportunities are a half-page advert on K K expanded to bring readers available (see right). Book now the first inside page (C). additional entries on cable lay to avoid disappointment. J vessels and service fleets.

2O17 66 Format Red-hot pressure to cut costs is driving innovation and alliances as fabrication yards battle for slice of the Offshore Turbine Yearbook n We require artwork to be compiled mitigate conflicts with our PC-based offshore wind contracting pie, writes Stephen Dunne

abrication yards across in InDesign wherever possible to production system. contract at the 588MW Europe are exploring in the ways to cut costs in the 2O16 F Moray Firth and has been expectation developers will joined on the job by the produce 150dpi RGB PDFs with all n The advertisement should be full- squeeze every last penny Wallsend yard in Newcastle out of the supply chain as now run by Smulders offshore wind prices hit rock SponSored by Projects. bottom. Northern Ireland’s Harland (A) fonts fully embedded. colour and can include a link so that The major players are & Wolff has emerged as a big- working with turbine hitter after a number of years manufacturers and in the doldrums. developers to create What does NOT work well are when the reader places their cursor The Belfast yard is working standardised foundation 03 on jackets for the 714MW designs, said fabrication East Anglia 1 project off the SponSored by industry sources, while some English east coast and has 2O16 are looking to mechanise (B)equipped with a distance condition- adverts created as ‘images’ using for over the ad they can click through to also nailed a deal to fabricate compared with coastal monitoring systems and multiple production lines in a bid to 02 onshore equivalents. sensors. A shared feature is a suction buckets for jackets In these pioneering medium-speed drive train with BABY STEPS: the world’s first offshorePhoto: Dong permanent magnet generator and wind farm, Vindeby, employed 450kW reduce labour costs and cases turbine designers and support that will feature at the 450MW 164 to 180-metre rotor diameters. Bonus turbines Another radical option is the multi- structure development partners The output leap between the early rotor turbine. The principle has been speed up delivery. had to cope with many uncertainties less complex. However, the maximum Borkum Riffgrund 2 wind farm 450kW and latest 8MW turbines around since the mid-1920s but including their limited understanding aerodynamic efficiency is about example Photoshop. We then lose your website or specific web page. approaches a factor of 18. only one 300kW unit with four “The downward trend in of specific marine conditions so its 38% versus typically 45% to 50% for in the German North Sea. rotors became reality. A Dutch long-running success is all the more horizontal-axis formats while power ome observers see the future of 6MW Multiwind MWT-6000 concept offshore wind (prices) has surprising. output control is far more complex. was never built the offshore wind industry as large described in OTY2016 Northern English contender However, while the Wind World S These known disadvantages, two-bladed turbines because they but this year Vestas erected a 900kW happened quicker than and Bonus machines may look largely combined with the fact that there is OSB has also continued its enable more efficient sea transport prototype with four rotors. similar to today’s 6MW to 8MW ‘super little to no offshore experience with logistics and single-hoist installation Experts differ on the likely pace expected,” said the chief class’ turbines, the differences in vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT), of complete heads. Integration of a and even a possible limit to further clarity when we distil into a PDF. All It is important that you inform us success by winning transition technology along with the marine and must be compensated by clear helicopter-landing platform is also up-scaling of offshore wind turbines, executive of one of the best- environmental challenges are vast. benefits in order to force successful technically feasible. including what could be the most piece fabrication duties for The MHI Vestas V164-8.0MW and market entry and staying power. Others reckon two-bladed rotors optimal solutions and sizes. known fabricators active in Adwen AD 8-180 models are currently Yet market breakthrough with are dynamically unbalanced requiring Three-bladed, high-speed geared the 1.2GW Hornsea 1 wind the world’s most powerful turbines. radical concepts has so far proven advanced control strategies and/or designs still dominate but the coming offshore wind. Both are dedicated offshore machines hard, typically hampered by use of a teeter hub to overcome this years will see a rapidly growing role farm off Yorkshire. designed for demanding high-wind, bankability and track record demands, inherent disadvantage especially for direct drive and medium-speed “We have got to look at deep-water locations far from shore. real risk and risk perception. logos and graphics must be vectors. of any embedded URLs when the manifest during yawing. turbines in the 6MW to 8MW class. Cost-cutting and innovative They operate with advanced pitch Furthermore, full industrialisation Vertical-axis Darrieus type turbines Siemens is talking about the introduction other ways like introducing controlled variable speed and are of a new 7MW to 8MW turbine might have their supporters, especially in of 10MW to 12MW hardware. approaches such as require an investment in the region of combination with floating structures. Only time will tell which future robot technology, more €200m to €250m. These factors above LISTINGS GUIDE Radical concepts like the 10MW turbine technologies, sizes and partnering with overseas Turbines in OTY2016 have all explain why proven conventional Aerogenerator garnered huge initial configurations will ultimately proven the outsourcing to cheaper been listed in order of wind technology is preferred, pushed current, future and historic publicity. absolute winners in the market. yards are helping drive more by powerful established suppliers models from pages 4, 21 and Darrieus installations can draw artwork is sent over. Our production locations like Asia, and 24, respectively. Images are wielding the necessary financial clout. work to English, Scottish and reproduced courtesy of the from all directions without needing a standardised designs to meet relevant manufacturer unless yaw system, thus making the designs Northern Irish locations, said otherwise stated. developer demands for lower UK sources. Natural Power Off shore costs.” Turbine Inspections In Spain, Navantia n Graphic providers working on process requires that we re-embed this The pace of growth in completed its first offshore terms of the size and power Our qualifi ed engineers perform: wind contract last year, → Factory inspections of offshore wind turbines Onsite turbine assembly monitoring fabricating jackets for → → Snagging and commissioning is storing up trouble for inspections Macs may be asked to forward information before publication; if we Iberdrola’s 350MW Wikinger the future, warned another → Blade inspections project in the German Baltic End of warranty inspections source. Dong has based its → Sea, and has followed up with → Periodic health inspections winning ‘subsidy-free’ bids off → Client representative for WTG a similar contract for East package management Germany on 13MW to 15MW (C) InDesign ‘packages’ (containing are unaware of its existence the link Anglia 1. hardware being available by The yard is also fabricating [email protected] the middle of the next decade the offshore substation for but the parameters of such the latter project and is keen original images and fonts, etc) to may be lost. machines are unknown. to add more offshore wind The consensus is jackets work to its order book. will emerge as the dominant Elsewhere, fabrication foundation approach for the of monopiles at Sif’s new larger turbines but some Maasvlakte 2 facility in are worried that a lack of Rotterdam is in full flow. information on the next The Dutch company generation of hardware will Speak to SALES said the plant, which can Send your advertisement by email to delay the design of future fabricate monopiles with foundations. 11-metre diameters, gives it a Competition in the “competitive edge” in tubular for the package price. fabrication industry is [email protected] manufacturing. meanwhile heating up as Maasvlakte 2 has already yards from the UK, Spain and loaded out monopiles for the farther afield challenge for 336MW Galloper wind farm and win work. off the English east coast UK players have made and is working on a number significant breakthroughs of other contracts including in the past 12 months. manufacture of tubulars for For booking and copy deadlines Scotland’s BiFab has secured the 497MW Hohe See project FABRICATION YARDS a jacket foundation supply off Germany.n please contact our sales team 2018 Media Pack profiles 09 Reach your target audience through our web traffic!

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