The Langlands Program (An overview) G. Harder∗ Mathematisches Institut der Universit¨at Bonn, Bonn, Germany Lectures given at the School on Automorphic Forms on GL(n) Trieste, 31 July - 18 August 2000 LNS0821005 ∗
[email protected] Contents Introduction 211 I. A Simple Example 211 II. The General Picture 223 References 234 The Langlands Program (An overview) 211 Introduction The Langlands program predicts a correspondence between two types of objects. On the one side we have automorphic representations π and on the other side we have some arithmetic objects M which may be called motives or even objects of a more general nature. Both these objects produce L- functions and the correspondence should be defined by the equality of these L-functions. A special case is the Weil-Taniyama conjecture which has been proved by Wiles-Taylor and others. I. A Simple Example On his home-page under Langlands considers a couple of very explicit and simple examples of this correspondence and here I re- produce one of these examples together with some further explanation. This example is so simple that the statement of the theorem can be explained to everybody who has some basic education in mathematics. The first object is a pair of integral, positive definite, quaternary quadratic forms P (x, y, u, v)=x2 + xy +3y2 + u2 + uv +3v2 Q(x, y, u, v)=2(x2 + y2 + u2 + v2)+2xu + xv + yu 2yv − These forms have discriminant 112 and I mention that these two quadratic forms Q, P are the only integral, positive definite quaternary forms with dis- criminant 112.Thismaynotbesoeasytoverifybutitistrue.