Shtukas for Reductive Groups and Langlands Correspondence for Functions Fields
SHTUKAS FOR REDUCTIVE GROUPS AND LANGLANDS CORRESPONDENCE FOR FUNCTIONS FIELDS VINCENT LAFFORGUE This text gives an introduction to the Langlands correspondence for function fields and in particular to some recent works in this subject. We begin with a short historical account (all notions used below are recalled in the text). The Langlands correspondence [49] is a conjecture of utmost impor- tance, concerning global fields, i.e. number fields and function fields. Many excellent surveys are available, for example [39, 14, 13, 79, 31, 5]. The Langlands correspondence belongs to a huge system of conjectures (Langlands functoriality, Grothendieck’s vision of motives, special val- ues of L-functions, Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture, generalized Rie- mann hypothesis). This system has a remarkable deepness and logical coherence and many cases of these conjectures have already been es- tablished. Moreover the Langlands correspondence over function fields admits a geometrization, the “geometric Langlands program”, which is related to conformal field theory in Theoretical Physics. Let G be a connected reductive group over a global field F . For the sake of simplicity we assume G is split. The Langlands correspondence relates two fundamental objects, of very different nature, whose definition will be recalled later, • the automorphic forms for G, • the global Langlands parameters , i.e. the conjugacy classes of morphisms from the Galois group Gal(F =F ) to the Langlands b dual group G(Q`). b For G = GL1 we have G = GL1 and this is class field theory, which describes the abelianization of Gal(F =F ) (one particular case of it for Q is the law of quadratic reciprocity, which dates back to Euler, Legendre and Gauss).
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