Introduction Motivation Results References The Langlands Program: Beyond Endoscopy Oscar E. Gonz´alez1,
[email protected] Kevin Kwan2,
[email protected] 1Department of Mathematics, University of Puerto Rico, R´ıoPiedras. 2Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong. Young Mathematicians Conference The Ohio State University August 21, 2016 Introduction Motivation Results References What is the Langlands program? Conjectures relating many areas of math. Proposed by Robert P. Langlands about 50 years ago. 1 a b For any z in H and any matrix c d in SL2(Z), f satisfies the az+b k equation f cz+d = (cz + d) f (z). 2 f is a holomorphic (complex analytic) function on H. 3 f satisfies certain growth conditions at the cusps. Automorphic forms generalize modular forms. Introduction Motivation Results References Automorphic Forms A modular form of weight k is a complex-valued function f on the upper half-plane H = fz 2 C; Im(z) > 0g (z = a + bi with b > 0), satisfying the following three conditions: Automorphic forms generalize modular forms. Introduction Motivation Results References Automorphic Forms A modular form of weight k is a complex-valued function f on the upper half-plane H = fz 2 C; Im(z) > 0g (z = a + bi with b > 0), satisfying the following three conditions: 1 a b For any z in H and any matrix c d in SL2(Z), f satisfies the az+b k equation f cz+d = (cz + d) f (z). 2 f is a holomorphic (complex analytic) function on H. 3 f satisfies certain growth conditions at the cusps.