NCAA Tournament
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M . , CH 1, 1968 B-ballers edge Evansville pen THE DEPAUW for halo-topped I CC title I ' t) . "'" Ii~f) y '(Sl ds By JERRY BCHAO - Winter Wee ken d, 1968, Then the Impossible did I Y Bellville •. DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana Vol. CII No, 39 Tuesday, M feb- 5, 1988 turned out to be a great auc· happen. Dave B row n I n g Ides, money- -----------". _ . cess In more ways than one. copped a tremendous after· and discus First, there was the Four Tops noon by driving down the I oellvilies at concert on Friday night that right side of the lane with meellng •. lott everyone whistling the 3 Ac.,. hanging aU OYer him, be kept by r Committee considers notes of "I Can't Help Myself' threw up the shot, and scored, , be achieved or "Walk Away Rene," Then putllng the Tigers out in front " on Saturday night the Cryan to stay, 1 Albert Eln Shames entertained the crowd Tom McCormick added two n discussion that hod come to see the F.I,C. free throws, Evansville scored room visitation policy I Comparison queen crowned, a meaningless basket, and It U. Thl. dis But the most Uvely part of was aU over, The Tigers had University Council formed of students, faculty, and ad· ren, and Dr. Wilson; and Deans led by two that exciling two days had to won and the ICC crown a committee to Investigate al· minlstrators to examine al· Farber, MitchelL Barnhart, and tudents, Mary be Saturday afternoon, when would spend a year in Green· ternaUve. to the present unl· ternatives to the present rule Wright. Students on the com· IlIld Mary Jo Elmer McCaU'. Tigen cap. easUe, verslty poUcy prohibiting wcr on women In men's rooms, to mlttee are Dave JellJCn. Ruth 'ed by the tured a share of the ICC crown There was no one outstand men In men', rooms last Fri· be made up at the dlscrelion RUIS, &ndy Joyce, Peg Cicero, to the cam by defeaUng the Purple Ace. Ing IndIvldua1 effort In the day, The committee plans to 01 President Dave Jensen. Martha Brandt, Rodger Gal· lion will be of EvansvlUe 84·82, victory, It was truly a team otfer its proposal, to Presi· There was a1most no dis- vln, and Pat O'Conner. i p.m. In the Bowman gym was packed, effort with three men going dent Kerstetter on or before cusslon. with the resolution I In other matters, there was with a crowd of Bengal root.- over the twenty point mark, Match 22 and hopes for an ad· being brought to a vote quick· an administration a~ en who had come hoping for Tom McCormick led aU scor· ministration response by mid· Iy, Atter it had passed, Dave ment of a shift In polley con· ~lIqht the Impoaslble. Yet none of ers with 28 points. Dave April. Jensen promptly appointed coming transportation of a1. III be select the rooters w.... prepared for Browning did a tireless job On behaU of AWS, Genecse the members of the commit· cohoUe beverages In cars. mben during the excitement that was to as playmaker and scorer as Gottscha1k fonnally presented tee. As the Council struggled to March 11-14. take plac1! In the next 2% he threw In 22 big ones. the resolulion proposing that The members of the com· hear itself above the loud " candidates hou.... (COntiDIIK on Pago 5) U·Councl1 fonm a committee mittee are: Dr. Cook, Dr. War· rock n' roU of the TGIF band ~ from each Things looked bad for the In the ballroom below, Dean mit on Mon· Tigers at first, as the Aces, Wright read a comprehensive playing ,m 0 a t h basketball, statement of explanation of Jumped out to an early lead, university policy on cars and pfflcera But Tiger spirit never let up Crash fatal for Humphreys, wife; alcohoUc beverages. 18·e9 officer. and we came back to tie It up The substance of the poUey 11 arc: Hugh at the half 45·45. change, as Dean Wright ex· 1t; T. Alan The second half looked like alumnus, recent faculty members plained it, was this: It a stu· lent; Richard It was going to be all DePauw dent is now caught transport· 'Ctary; Doug as the cats jumped out to a Sexon Humphreys, 54, guest (journalism honorary) and aHiliated with DePauw as an ing a1coholic beverages In a nrurer; Skip ten point lead. Evansville professor of journalism here Delta Chi fraternity, Mr, assistant professor of Nurs· car, th e penalty is no longer Ilrman; Dave como right bock, however, and last year and graduate 01 De Humphreys went on to eam ing assigned to Methodist hos· automatic dismissal. chninnan. regained the lead with ten Pauw was killed Sunday af· his master's degree in history pital. Indianapolis. This softening of the ad· minutes to play, It appeared ternoon with his wife Jessnlyn from the American Universi· Surviving Mr. Humphrey. ministration view seems to that the throng of rooten from In a two car accident north of ty, Washington,' D.C, and his is his son Noel who as a represent an admission that m DePauw had come on1y to be Bloomington. doctorate of letters from the sophomore here is serving as even this type of transgres. ments. disappointed, University of Rome. News Editor of Tho OoPauw sion might be, In part, situa· njor problem • Mr. Humphreys took time -_._----_. off last year from his regular He also studied at the Ital· and junior senator for ATO. tlonal. the role of ian University for Foreigners Dale Barrell wall, for Ibo job as Copy Editor of the ",rallon Front Buses in Perugia, Italy and later at big boy, 10 bring Iho ball IndlaJiapolls Now. to com· ,lillcal means the University 01 Illinois down 10 hi' Inel Ihon ho', A bu. Is being chartered by mute to DePauw and teach ".is, although where he served as on assist gono ..lIh II. Thl, II jU11 the Union Building for trans· its News Writing and Editing AWS defines Issue as ,on the rI.ks ant professor of journalism. ono oxampl. of Iho 10101 portation to NormaL I}Unols course. 5tat.,. of per· Under the Smlth·Mundt Act, elforl Ihe Tlgo.. pul and the first two rounds of After- graduating from De· lefinitely pro Mr. Humphreys was able to forlh on Salurday In Ihul, the NCAA tournament. Inter· Pauw where he served as edi· ~ destroy the ser\'c as a visiting professor student plea for privacy tlng down E ..nlYlllo, .,.ted parties are asked to In· tor of Tho DoPauw and was a .Ion Front or of journalism at Lagos City member of Sigma Delta Chi by American -Pholo by Chrillian.r quire at the Union oftlee, College, Nigeria. A letter containing AWS the administration must have During World War II he Senate's views on the prob· confidence in the maturity 01 Stale! polley corned the Bronze Star nnd lem of women in men's roorru the students, and that parents loderallng the while serving as assistant ad. is now on President Kerstet· and alumni should try to un· Ie. regardless Modified admissions popular; jutant of the Allied Commis. ter's desk. derstand the necessity of a II negollallons sian in Italy, he was made a According to Senate Pres!· change In the present ruUng. e settlement Knight of the Order 01 the clent Sandy Joyce, the letter Although th e letter makes In the large, Crown of lta1y. points out Senate's concern no recommendations for I <>sture should frosh deposit money sooner His distinguished record as for the flagrant violations of new rule, alterations, such as be sustained a 9Cholar was coupled with the rule on women in men's visiting hours in men's rooms , period with By January 20, 1968, the Mr. Fonta1ne said that no Iy the qua1ity In men is bet· broad experience in journal. rooms, and suggests reasons on the weekend, are consld· md Increased Comptroller had received the specWc statement can be ter than in past years using ism as a professional while he why the present rule shou1d ered. Limitations should be • until auch tuition deposits 01 288 of next made yet about the caliber test scores and closs ~ank as worked for the Ne. York be revised. established with the men'sllv· nlllct can be year's rreshman closs. This of the clUI, but that general· criteria. World.Tolegram, the Rich. Opinions from living units ing units setting up the stan· 10norable and compares to 29 on the same mond TimH·LHdor (Va.), the stnle that a serious need for dards, the letter notes. date lo st year, Oaylon Journa1,Hora1d (Ohio) privacy on campus exists. Stu. At the same time that this The rellson lor the increase before he fina11y setUed down dents n1so fccl that the pres. letter reaches the President's is U,e moclilled admissions Chapel, convo draw experts,' with the IndlanlpoU. Newl. ent rule should be revised In desk. the newly formed trio al.. Sun. plan being used lor the tirst f I hi' As a member of the Metho. order to give them more re· part1te U·Council commlt~ time this year. The plan of· ocus on ay t eo ogy, musIc dist Church, Mr. Humphreys sponsibllity, and the means of will be working to draft a II NITE fers application deadlines in was noted as a lay leader and obtaining privacy shou1d be proposal on the women In October, December, February, Dr.