(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Borough Council, 18/06/2019 19:30
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If you require further information about this agenda please contact: Thomas Ribbits on 020 8583 2251 or [email protected]. BOROUGH COUNCIL A meeting of the Borough Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3EB on Tuesday, 18th June 2019 at 7.30pm MEMBERSHIP The Mayor and Deputy Mayor All other Members of the Council AGENDA 1. Apologies for Absence, Other Announcements and Declarations of Interest from Members 2. Announcements To receive announcements (if any) from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive) 3. Minutes (Pages 1 - 40) To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 26th February 2019 and 12th March 2019 4. Petitions (Pages 41 - 46) Report by the Head of Democratic Services 5. Mooring Byelaws (Pages 47 - 93) Report by Councillor Steve Curran, Leader of the Council 6. Treasury Management Annual Report 2018/19 (Pages 94 - 104) Report by Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services 7. Appointment of ICT & Digital Director (Pages 105 - 106) Report by Councillor Pritam Grewal, Cabinet Member for Customer Services and Corporate Performance 8. Appointments to Committees and Other Bodies Members are asked to make any appointments that are nominated at the meeting for the remainder of the municipal year and delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Mayor, to make any adjustments necessary to ensure political proportionality 9. Decisions Taken Under Urgency Arrangements (if any) The Council is asked to note the following uses of the urgency arrangements: Council and Cabinet Decisions Taken Under Urgency Arrangements: None Forward Plan Urgency Notices: None Questions from Members 10. Councillor Patrick Barr to ask Councillor Candice Atterton, Cabinet Member for Adults, Social Care and Health “The NHS (National Health Service) Long Term Plan was published in January 2019 with big ambitions and a secured funding boost of 3.4 per cent a year over the next five years. It states how to overcome challenges faced by doing things differently, preventing illness, tackling health inequalities, backing the workforce, making better use of digital and data technology and getting the best out of tax payers' investment in the NHS. The key delivery mechanism for this is through integrated care systems which are stipulated to cover the whole country by 2021. Given this excellent plan, can the Cabinet member for Adult Health and Social Care please advise what the Council is doing to drive the move towards integrated care for the residents of the London Borough of Hounslow?” 11. Councillor John Todd to ask Cllr Guy Lambert, Cabinet Member for Highways, Recycling and Companies “One of the Key Pledges of the Hounslow Labour Party Manifesto was to 'Invest £2 million to fix potholes in local roads - and invite residents to nominate the roads that need it'. To date after one year and numerous referrals by residents to LBH, including representations made at Council meetings, only £10,000 (0.5%) of the £2m promised has been used to discharge this hollow pledge. Would you kindly clarify when residents and businesses can see action by Hounslow Highways to address the ongoing issue of potholes remaining left unrepaired.” 12. Councillor Michael Denniss to ask Councillor Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Leisure Services "Between the 30th May and 5th June 2019, several significant pollution spikes were recorded in Boston Manor Park as a result of the large-scale set-up for the Junction 2 event held last weekend. Can the Cabinet Member for Leisure Services explain how this large scale commercial event was licensed without consideration to protect air quality?" Motions 13. Proposed by Councillor Katherine Dunne and Seconded by Councillor Salman Shaheen "The impacts of climate breakdown are already causing serious damage around the world. A ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C’, published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in October 2018, (a) describes the enormous harm that a 2 °C average rise in global temperatures is likely to cause compared with a 1.5 °C rise, and (b) confirms that limiting Global Warming to 1.5 °C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society and the private sector. We believe that all governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to act and that strong policies to cut emissions also have associated health, wellbeing and economic benefits. We therefore join with other local authorities, the Mayor of London and the UK Parliament in declaring a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action. Furthermore, we commit to reviewing the existing arrangements in place to reduce the council’s carbon footprint and will identify measures towards a goal of making the council’s activities carbon neutral and ultimately zero-carbon within the shortest achievable timeframe. To enable this, we call upon the government to make available the appropriate powers and funding to local and regional government as well as pursuing policies to decarbonise the national grid and support the production of renewable energy." 14. Proposed by Councillor John Todd and Seconded by Councillor Sam Hearn “The Conservative Group note the material corporate governance and transparency irregularities and omissions in the overall oversight and control of the financial activities of the Lampton group of companies identified in the 11 June Cabinet reports CX 372, 348 and 345 but promised by April 2019 by the Cabinet Member at the October 2018 Borough Council. The same Cabinet papers fail to provide any Lampton financial data in CEX 376 the Outturn report and there has been no performance report. Furthermore, the business plan for Lampton recycle 360 presents operating costs in excess of the council budget by £0.9m. This Council therefore requires the Cabinet Member, Cllr Lambert, to submit to the Cabinet at its next meeting in July full financial and performance data from each of the Lampton entities.” 15. Proposed by Councillor Gabriella Giles and Seconded by Councillor Ron Mushiso “This Council notes that it has a moral and legal duty to reduce the impact of climate change and pollution on the residents of Hounslow and: Recognises and agrees with the International Energy Agency (IEA) statement that the 'UK has walked the talk' on addressing climate change, congratulates the Government on meeting their obligations under the first, second and third carbon budgets with headroom to spare, applauds the UK Government's role in setting up and expanding the 'Powering Past Coal Alliance', the achievement of going for more than 424 hours (17 days and 6 hours) without coal-powered energy and their commitment to phasing out coal entirely from our power system by 2025, and supports the aims and objectives of the Government’s Clean Growth Strategy. However, this Council notes that there are many issues with air quality across the Borough, that all too often disproportionately affect children. To redress these failings the Council will commit, within this municipal year to: Sign up to the Times’ ‘Clean Air For All’ Campaign, make better use of the Community Infrastructure Levy and the Leader’s Green Fund to actively explore and support solutions in partnership with community groups and the business community, to improve air quality across the whole of the Borough, evaluate the potential health benefits of replicating the ‘living wall’ and associated improvements incorporated to St Mary’s School to all schools across the Borough, and Set up a Resident's Commission to seek input from the people of Hounslow on how best to resolve this issue through locally co-produced initiatives” 16. Any Other Matters That the Mayor Considers Urgent 17. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Council is scheduled for 23rd July 2019 and commence at 7.30pm in the Council Chamber, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road. RECORDING AND REPORTING ON PUBLIC MEETINGS Please note that members of public can choose to record, or report in other ways, on this public meeting. If you wish to do so then please read the Council’s protocol which can be found on the Council’s website. Copies of the protocol are also available at the meeting. The Council asks that you avoid recording members of the audience who are not participants at the meeting. The Council will seek to facilitate this. However, anyone attending a public meeting does so in the knowledge that recording may take place and that they may be part of that record. DECLARING INTERESTS Members are reminded that if they have a personal interest in any matter being discussed at the meeting they must declare the interest and if the interest is also a prejudicial interest then they may not take part in any discussion or vote on the matter. Niall Bolger Chief Executive, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3EB Published on 10th June 2019 Agenda Item 3 At a meeting of the Borough Council held on Tuesday, 26th February 2019 at 7.30pm in the Council Chamber at the Hounslow Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow Present: The Mayor, Councillor Samia Chaudhary (in the Chair) The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sohan Sumra Councillors: Councillors Aqsa Ahmed, Javed Akhunzada, Candice Atterton, Harleen Atwal Hear, Patrick Barr, Lily Bath, Raj Bath, Joanna Biddolph, Tom Bruce, John Chatt, Samia Chaudhary, Komal Chaudri, Unsa Chaudri, Bandna Chopra, Mel Collins, Steve Curran, Theo Dennison, Michael Denniss, Sukhbir Dhaliwal, Poonam Dhillon, Katherine Dunne, Richard Eason, Richard Foote, Adriana Gheorghe, Gabriella Giles, Ranjit Gill, Vickram Grewal, Ajmer Grewal, Pritam Grewal, Shivraj Grewal, Bishnu Bahadur Gurung, Sam Hearn, Hanif Khan, Afzaal Kiani, Hina Kiani, Gurmail Lal, Guy Lambert, Tony Louki, Khulique Malik, Nisar Malik, Amrit Mann, Gerald McGregor, Shaida Mehrban, Hina Mir, Alan Mitchell, Ron Mushiso, Surinder Purewal, Shantanu Rajawat, Daanish Saeed, Sue Sampson, Salman Shaheen, Jagdish Sharma, Corinna Smart, Karen Smith and John Todd.