Sport – Projects within the Programme support DIRECTIONS OF CHILDREN SUPPORT Education – Projects assist in raising stand- not only provide necessary sports equipment ards of vocational education and unifying study Culture – Projects take efforts to raise chil- Special infrastructure for children – Pro- and repair or create new infrastructure sports Social care – Projects support children with programs of higher and special education, pro- dren’s awareness about the importance of cul- jects renovate kindergartens and schools, and objects. They create and develop networks of special needs and children at social risk in ad- vide business-training for youth, new skills in tural and historical heritage develop the artistic more than that, even projects working in other contacts between young sportsmen, organize aptation and rehabilitation, as well social, pro- eco-efficiency, nature education and traffic potential of youth. spheres, like tourism, care to organize facilities sports events, train and introduce new sports vide wider range of opportunities in communi- safety. for the recreation of children and families with games. cation and socialization, provide equal oppor- children – playgrounds. tunity for the most vulnerable groups of chil-

dren. Project “Via Han-

seatica”. Children playground in Project Avinurme Wood

“Forget a Park () Project “CCF”. Ren- Project Hurry”. ovated football “EDU no Young artists of ground in , Borders”. Project “T & L”. the artistic Football match be- Study visits Joint participation in groups from Vi- tween youth teams and net- school fair with lany and Karsa- of () working ac- presentation of va (Latvia) and and Pechory tivities of modern education (). children programs. (Russia) from schools and SOS vil- lages of Lat-

via, Estonia

Project “Sun and

Wind”. Lesson on Project “Tour”. renewable and na- Project Children play- ture-friendly ener- “Promoting ground in gy sources and en- Heritage”. Cheryokha vil- ergy saving in Project “Be good at sport”. Folklore ex- lage, Re- Meremae (Estonia). Floorball competition be- peditions of gion (Russia) tween the teams from Val- school chil- ka (Latvia), Valga (Estonia) dren to col- Project “Nature Project “Aqua and Novoe Devjatkino lect traditional Therapy”. Nature Life”. Green labo- (Russia) songs, rites and therapy experiential ratory for young legends Project “CBA”. courses for children ecologists.

Renovation of at social risk and sports grounds children with special

and competi- needs tions in field Project Project athletics for “Border “Estlatrus the children of Traffic” Traf- light”. Art Project “Green Public Houses”. Recon- Smiltene school chil- fic safety struction of kindergartens to make (Latvia) and campaign dren . them energy-efficient buildings Porhov for children (Russia).

Approximately 5 million EURO are in- Over 10 000 children are benefiting In at least 44 locations all over Programme territory project partners work for children support. In Latvia 19 vested by the Programme into children from the cooperation between Estonia, places - Rēzekne, Dagda, , Līvāni, Viļāni, Kārsava, Krāslava, Lipuški, Malnava, Preiļi, Ilūkste, , , support through projects directly Latvia and Russia. Smiltene, , Līgatne, Salacgrīva, Ķemeriand and Rīga. In Estonia 9 places - Avinurme, Tartu, , Voru, Meremae, Poltsamaa, Johvi, Valga, Rouge. 16 places in Russia - , Pskov, Pechory, Ostrov, Palkino, , No- related to children voe Devyatkino, Shlisselburg, , Porhov, St.Petersburg, Volhov, , Krasnogordsk, , . We thank projects for the photos