TRADES OffiECTORY.] . WHE 249 TUBE MAKERS. *Bazley John, Worcester rd. WHEELWRIGHTS. Hildick & Hildick patent welded for *Beeson Stephen,145 St.Owenst.Herefrd Addis Joseph, Lyonshall, Kin6ton gas steam & V:ater· Walsall Tube *Blanchard W.D.40 Etnam st.Leominstr Aldridge J .Sutton St. Nicholas, o;ks Staffordshire' *Boyd James, New street, Aldridge Thomas, Wellington, Hereford w , *Carless Wm. Stanley, Gwynne house, Amies Richard, The Marsh, Sellack,Ross TURNERS-WOOD. Gwynne street, Hereford Apperley Henry, Bishopstone, Hereford *Fleetwood Chas.J. 25 Bridge st.Herefrd Baggott Thos. Broomsash, Linton, Ross Sims &Jones, Walford, Ross *Foulkes Thos.J.Cruxwell st. Bailey John, Fownhope, Hereford Webb Alfred, 17 East street, Hereford *Hill John Roberts,Hyde Ash,Leominstr Baker George, Tillington, Hereford Munslow Reuben, SS Bridge st. Kington Baker William, Upper hill, Hope-under­ TWINE: MAKERS. TusonWltr.Vernon, Westbury,Leomnstr Dinmore, Leominster See Rope & Twine Makers. Baylis J. UIlingswick,,Worcstr VINEGAR MANUFAOTURS. Bayliss Charles, Brimfield RS.O UMBRELLA & PARASOL Beavalll J. Stockley hill,Tyberton,Herefd MANUFACTURER. Ballard Stephen, Colwall, Malvern Blake Charles, Layster's pole, Middle- Thiselton Edward J. I. 38 Church ton-on-the-Hill, Tenbury street, Hereford Champion & Co. Lim. City road, corner Brisland Thomas, King's Caple, Ross of Old street, London EC Brooks David, Low. Bullingham, Herefrd UNDERTAKERS. Brown Thomas, Brampton Bryan RS.O BrayFrederick Hagley Hereford WATCH & CLOOK MAKERS. Burton Geo. The Marsh, Weob~eyR.S.O G ' 6 &' C. 1 Cadwallader Thos. H. MunderfieldRow, Holloway eorge,··I 50. ommerClaV· t . AlIen Alfred,41 CommercIal st.Hereford Bromyar d street &VICtorIa reposItory, IC orIa Allgood Miss E. Southend st. Ledbury Christopher Enoch, RS.O street,. ~erefor~. Baker T.W.Churchst.&Homend st.Ldby Clarke Henry William, Madley R.S.O Jones WI1h.a~, Lemtwardme R.S.O , Ballard Wm. 15 South st. Leominster Cotton Alan, Bosbury, Ledbury Maddox WIlham, Offa house, St. Peter S Bellion Charles, 10 Church st. Kington Cox John, Woolhope, Hereford square, Hereford Berkley Lucas, Homend st. Ledbury Cox S. Gamage,MuchMarcle,Gloucester N~urse~. Allensmore, T:am Inn R.8.0 Bishop Herbert, High street, Bromyard Crump James, , Hereford Ohver RlChard,22 Cath~nne st.~ereford Bishop John, New street, Ledbury Dallow George, , Worcester Overton Thos.& Son~Lemtwardme~.S.O Briggs Arthur Wm.2 Church st.Kington Dallow RChances pitch, Colwall,Ledbry ParkerStanleyFranCl.s,Church st.Kmgtn Butcher Geo. & Wm. Brookend st. Ross Davidson Robt.HamptonBishop,Herefrd Po~enCharles,I<~3WIde~arshst.Herefd Coates J.& 80n,49Commercial st.Herefd Davies Edwin, Stocking field, Leominstr PrICe Albert, Lemtwardme R 8. 0 Coleman Thos.Hall, 45 High st. Kington Davies T. The Parks,,Herefrd Ru~ge Allen, Ast?n Ingham, Ross Davies Charles, Madley RS.O Dobbs Alfred, St. Weonards, Ross ~m~th Charles,. Wa~ford, Ross. Se~ advt Galloway Fras.C.27CommercI.rd.Herefd Downes Henry, Wharton, Leominster Sllllth John, VlCtona house, Leommster GriffithsJohn, Broad street, Ross Downs Thomas, Upper Lyde, Pipe & Hatton & CO.S5 Commercial st.Hereford Lyde, Hereford UNIVERSAL PROVIDER. Hayton DanI.40 Low.Church st.Hereford Draper William, Brimfield R.8.0 Whiteley William, London W; ladies' Jones Jonathan, 18 Bridge st. Hereford Easthope J. T. LeinthallStarkes, &gentlemen's attire, household fur- Lock Fredk. (repairer),High st.Bromyrd Edwards B. Up.Marston,Pembdg.R8.0 niture & bedding, pianos, music & Margrett Wm. 54 Broad st. Hereford Edwards Stphn. , Bromyard musical instruments, ironmongery, Miller Mrs. Wm. I Bridge st. Hereford Edwards WaIter John, Putley green, brushes, turnery, china & glass, Morgan Fredk. John, New st. Ledbury Putley, Ledbury grocery & provisions, wines, spirits Oswin Wm. Hy. IS Broad st. Hereford Ellis Arthur, Stansbatch, Staunton-on- &beer Palmer Benjamin, Market pI. Bromyard Arrow RS.O UPHOLSTERERS Parker Richard, 17 Church st. Hereford Eskins Wm. lot Blue School st. Herefrd • Pritchard Thos. 19 High st. Leominster Evans A. Urishay, PeterchurchJtS.O Davies Mrs. Emma,3 Edgarst. Hereford Smith Jas. Barton,42 Bridge st. Kington Evans George, Mansell Lacy,*"1Iereford Holloway George, 16 & 50 Commercial Veare Geo.Lewis,23 CommrcI. st.Herefd EvansReece, Pen-y-park, Clifford RS.O st. & Victoria repository, Victoria st. Wall John Golding, Gloucester rd. Ross Everall G. Bowley la. Bodenham,Lmnstr Hereford; telegraphic address, "Hol- Wood Wm. Frdk. 23 High st. Leominstr Everall Theoph. Whitbourne, Worcester loway, Hereford" Farmer Acton, Yatton, KingslandR.S.O Jackson Jsph. 49 CommercI. rd.Herefrd Dent E. & Co. 61 Strand WC &4 Royal Fox John, Laurel cot. Wellington,Hrfrd Maddox Wm.Offa ho.St.Peter's sq.Hrfrd Exchange EC London; watch makers Gailey Richard Monkland Leominster Motley Francis John,7 East st. Hereford to the Queen & Gailey Thomas: Pikestye, Marden,Hrfrd P . f W 1 Gaines John, Dinedor, Hereford VAN & OART BUILDERS. rmce 0 a es. GeorgeWm.EwiasHarold,PontrilasR.5".O Easthope In.T.Leinthall Starkes,Ludlow Catalogues on Gittins Henry In. , Hrfrd Barrison & Camm (Arthurl Marriott, application Grafton J. Little Overton, OrletonR.S.O agent), G. W. R. Worcester sidings, fji'" All watches of E. Dent & Co. 's Griffiths Henry, Eccles green, Norton Canon Moor street, Hereford manufacture bear the annexed trade Canon, Weobley R.S.O LeWlS Geo. & Sons,Longford, Kingsland mark Griffiths Jas. Aulden, Ivington, Lmnstr R.S.O. See advertisement Griffiths Jas. Staunton-on-Arrow R.S.O WATER WORKS. Gunter James, Eaton Bishop, Hereford Parkyn W. & Sons; office, I Cobourg Hereford (Adam Ross Jaynes, engineer), Hadley William, ~radley, Malvern street NW; works, Cobourg street Broomv hill Hereford. offices Wide- Harper J. Much BIrch, Tram Inn R.S.O & Exmouth street, Euston square, marsh-street ', Harrison & Camm, (Arthur M8:~ott, . Lond?n.N W; .vans & carts of every Kington Water Co. Limited (Chas. Wel- agent), G. W. R. Worcester SIdings, . descnp~lOn bwlt to order at reason- lington Lloyd, sec. ),Bridge st.Kington Canon Moor street, Her~ford able pnces Leominster (John Amphlett, engineer), Haynes Edward, Rodd, Klngt~n Worcester road, Leomllster Hodnett John, Docklow, Leom~ster VENTILATING ENGINEER. Ross (Thomas Blake, proprietor), Alton Holt HeD1·~, Laysters pole, Middleton- Vaughan Christopher, 27 Commercial court& The Dock, Ross H on-~f~H~, T:buii 1 Kingto street, Hereford WATERPROOFER. H~;~es J~se';~O~~tonm::.;:o n VENTILATOR MANUFAOTRS. Cordmg' George 125 ReO'ent st Londn W JacHkson Tdhomas, Holywell, Blakemere, , .,. erefor Ching Comyn & Co. Castle street,' James George, Hope Mansell, Rosa Long acre, London WC WEIGHING MACHINE MANU- James Henry, The Lea, Ross 8 anitar y Engineering and FAOTURER-PATENT. James Thomas, Coddington, Ledbury Ventilation Co. (Carter Bros.), Poupard Thomas James 134 Tooley James W. Adforton, Leintwardine RS.O 65 Victoria street, Westmmster SW. street London SE' Jay John, Bidey, Leominster The U Imperial" ventilators. See ' IJenkins Philips, Treberran, Tretire,Ross also Sanitary Engineers WELL SINKERS Jones Charles, Sunnybank, Orcop, Boss ... .• Jones C. Laystone villa. Marden, Hrfrdl VETERINARY SURGEONS. Jones William, Lemtwar~e R.S.O Jones Henry, 15 Blue School st. Herefrd Marked thus. are Members of the Royal Taylor Jas.StrettonGrandison, Ledbury Jones Ja~~, Tupsley, Hereford College of Veterinary Surgeons. Jones William, Longtown, Abergavenny J~nes *Barling Fredk. Wm. Alton street, Rossl WHEELBARROW MAKER. Wm. Preston-upon-Wyet Herefrd. *Barling Jas. Lionel,8 King st. Hereford Griffiths Wm. Berrington st. Hereford KIngS Charles, Southend street"Ledbty­ HEREFORDSHIRE 17