PHYSICAL REVIEW D 104, 044064 (2021)

Nonsingular in two-dimensional asymptotically flat

Wen-Yuan Ai * Centre for Cosmology, Particle and Phenomenology, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve B-1348, Belgium

(Received 12 January 2021; accepted 19 July 2021; published 26 August 2021)

1 pffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 We study a special two-dimensional dilaton with Lagrangian L ¼ 2 −gðϕR þ λ sech ϕÞ where λ is a parameter of dimension mass. This theory describes two-dimensional that are asymptotically flat. Very interestingly, it has an exact solution for the metric, ds2 ¼ −ðc þ tanh λxÞdt2þ dx2=ðc þ tanh λxÞ, parametrized by c. For c ∈ ð−1; 1Þ, the solution presents an but no singularity. Because of the kink profile for the metric components appearing in the solution, we refer to the spacetime described by the metric as a gravitational domain wall with the wall simply being the event horizon and separating two asymptotically Minkowskian spacetimes. The global causal structure for such an object is studied via coordinate extension and the thermodynamical quantities are computed. Only when c ∈ ð−1; 0 are the entropy and energy non-negative.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.044064

I. INTRODUCTION or anti–de Sitter space. For convenience, one usually takes jΛj¼1 so that Λ ¼1.2 Equation (1) also contains Two-dimensional (2D) gravity theories are interesting other interesting models as its special cases. For instance, because they allow one to isolate some important features the Callan-Giddings-Harvery-Strominger model [23] cor- of the higher-dimensional gravity while being very simple. ϕ − 1 ϕ −4λ2ϕ They are therefore viewed as a theoretical laboratory for responds to Uð Þ¼ ϕ, Wð Þ¼ and the spheri- . In recent years, motivated by the cally reduced gravity [24–27] is given by Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model [1–3] (see also Refs. [4–6]), Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity [7–9] has received a resur- ðD − 3Þ UðϕÞ¼− ; ð2aÞ gence of interest, see, e.g., Refs. [10–16]. JT gravity ðD − 2Þϕ belongs to the family of two-dimensional dilaton 1 −4 that can be parametrized by the following general action 2 ðD Þ WðϕÞ¼−λ ðD − 2ÞðD − 3ÞϕðD−2Þ; ð2bÞ Z 1 ffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 p− ϕ − ϕ αβ ∂ ϕ ∂ ϕ ϕ S ¼ 2 d x g½ R Uð Þg ð α Þ β þ Wð Þ; ð1Þ where D>2 is an integer representing the dimension of the spacetime before the spherical reduction. In both cases λ is where gαβ is the 2D spacetime metric. JT gravity corre- a parameter of dimension one in mass. ϕ sponds to UðϕÞ¼0, WðϕÞ¼2Λϕ. In this case, ϕ is an Actually, with a Weyl transformation, the factor Uð Þ in Eq. (1) can always be set to zero and hence 2D dilaton auxiliary field and can be eliminated by its algebraic 3 equation of motion, giving R ¼ −2Λ. Depending on gravity can be generally described by [28] the sign of Λ, JT gravity thus describes a 2D de Sitter Z 1 ffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 p− ϕ ϕ S ¼ 2 d x g½ R þ Wð Þ: ð3Þ *[email protected] 1In general, the ϕ in the first term in the square brackets can be a general function ZðϕÞ. But for physical reasons, Z0ðϕÞ is Varying the action with respect to ϕ, one has nonzero everywhere and we can introduce a new field to put the action into the form of Eq. (1). Moreover, here we only dWðϕÞ consider torsionless gravity. For reviews of dilaton gravity, see R ¼ − : ð4Þ Refs. [17–20], and for recent studies, see Refs. [21,22]. dϕ

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of 2 the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Since Λ is a dimensionful parameter, one shall restore it in Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to physical quantities via the dimensional analysis. the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, 3Note that when UðϕÞ is singular the two theories before and and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. after the transformation are not necessarily equivalent [19].

2470-0010=2021=104(4)=044064(6) 044064-1 Published by the American Physical Society WEN-YUAN AI PHYS. REV. D 104, 044064 (2021)

In this paper, we consider a special model with and then substituting GðxÞ¼AðxÞ into the equation of motion for GðxÞ. From Eq. (7), one has the Ricci scalar WðϕÞ¼λ2sech2ϕ; ð5Þ A0G0 GA00 GA02 R ¼ − − þ ; ð8Þ where λ is a parameter of dimension mass. As done for 2A A 2A2 JT gravity, we will also set λ ¼ 1 and one should be able to restore it in physical quantities. As we shall see shortly, where a prime denotes the derivative with respect to x. this theory describes asymptotically flat spacetimes. We Substituting Eq. (8) into the action (3), one obtains will show that it permits a very interesting solution with a Z  rffiffiffiffi  rffiffiffiffi  free parameter in which there is an event horizon but no sin- 1 d G dA A S ¼ dtdx −ϕ þ WðϕÞ ; ð9Þ gularity. The structure is similar to the domain wall of a 2 dx A dx G scalar field theory. Therefore we refer to this new gravi- tational object as a gravitational domain wall (or gravita- from which the algebraic equation of motion for GðxÞ reads tional kink) with the “wall” representing the event horizon. pffiffiffiffi We will then study its causal structure and thermodynam- ϕ0A0 A pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi − WðϕÞ¼0: ð10Þ ical properties. We shall see that for a particular choice of AG G3=2 the free parameter in the solution, the gravitational domain wall can have a nonzero temperature while its energy and Now substituting G ¼ A into the above equation, one entropy are vanishing. Unlike JT gravity, which is related to finally arrives at the near-horizon region of extremal black holes in higher- dimensional spacetime through spherical reduction, it is not ϕ0A0 − WðϕÞ¼0: ð11Þ clear how the potential (5) arises from a higher-dimensional theory. Nonetheless, given the interesting properties men- To obtain the other equation of motion, we let G ¼ A in the tioned above and its potential role in building holography action (9) and get for asymtotically flat two-dimensional spacetimes, it still Z deserves to be investigated. 1 −ϕ 00 ϕ The remainder of this article is organized as follows. In S ¼ 2 dtdxð A þ Wð ÞÞ: ð12Þ the next section we study the 2D dilaton gravity with the potential (5) and show that it has an exact solution in which Varying the action with respect to A,wehave the zero-zero metric component takes the kink profile when using the Schwarzschild-like ansatz. We then study ϕ00 ¼ 0: ð13Þ the global causal structure for the obtained solution via coordinate extension. In Sec. III, the thermodynamical From Eq. (13), one has ϕ ¼ ax þ b where a, b are properties for the gravitational domain wall are investi- constants. If a ¼ 0, then from Eq. (11) we have WðϕÞ¼0. gated. We conclude in Sec. IV. For the model we consider [cf. Eq. (5)], WðϕÞ vanishes only at infinity, ϕ ¼∞. And in this case, R ¼ −dWðϕÞ= ϕ ≡ 0 II. GRAVITATIONAL DOMAIN WALL IN d jϕ¼∞ . Therefore, this solution describes the trivial TWO-DIMENSIONAL DILATON GRAVITY Minkowski spacetime, AðxÞ¼constant ≠ 0. If a ≠ 0, then one can always let A. Equations of motion and solutions A general classical solution in the theory given by Eq. (3) ϕ ¼ x ð14Þ can be put in the form [29,30] after a transformation ðt; x; AÞ → ðt=a;˜ ax˜ þ b;˜ a˜ 2AÞ 2 2 1 2 ˜ ≠ 0 ds ¼ −AðxÞdt þ dx : ð6Þ (a ), which leaves the metric (6) invariant. In this case, AðxÞ Eq. (11) reduces to

Note that whether or not one shall interpret t as time and x dAðxÞ 0 ¼ sech2x; ð15Þ as space depends on the sign of AðxÞ.IfAðxÞ > then dx Eq. (6) describes a static spacetime region while if AðxÞ < 0 it describes a time-dependent spatially homo- from which one obtains AðxÞ¼ðtanh xÞþc with c being a geneous region. Following Ref. [30], one can obtain one of constant. Substituting AðxÞ¼ðtanhxÞþc and AðxÞ¼GðxÞ the dynamic equations by first considering the metric into Eq. (8), one confirms that R ¼ 2ðsech2xÞ tanh x ¼ − 0 → ∞ 1 W ðxÞ, which vanishes at jxj . Thus the above ds2 ¼ −AðxÞdt2 þ dx2; ð7Þ solutions parametrized by c describe asymptotically flat GðxÞ spacetimes. The metric reads


1 t ds2 ¼ −ðc þ tanh xÞdt2 þ dx2: ð16Þ c þ tanh x If c>1 or c<−1, then there is no solution for AðxÞ¼0 and thus there is no horizon for the spacetime considered. For c ∈ ð−1; 1Þ, the horizon is located at a finite distance

xh ¼ −artanhc; ð17Þ while for c ¼ −1 or c ¼ 1, the horizon is located at þ∞ or −∞, respectively. Below we shall consider the case x c ∈ ð−1; 1Þ. The coordinate singularity at x ¼ xh is an event horizon. The region x>xh corresponds to the static region out- side of the horizon while xxh are given by wall for c ¼ 0. cx − logðc cosh x þ sinh xÞ t ¼ 2 þ s; −1 þ c Based on them we introduce for outgoing light beams; ð18aÞ U −e−u=2;Vev=2: 22 cx − logðc cosh x þ sinh xÞ ¼ ¼ ð Þ t ¼ − þ s; −1 þ c2 For now, U ∈ ð−∞; 0Þ, V ∈ ð0; ∞Þ. In terms of the for ingoing light beams; ð18bÞ coordinates fU; Vg, the metric can be written as where s is a constant. We plot the null geodesics outside of 4 −cx the horizon for c ¼ 0 in Fig. 1. For the general case, the null 2 − e ds ¼ 2 2 dVdU: ð23Þ geodesics look similar but with the horizon horizontally ð1 − c Þ cosh x shifted from x ¼ 0. Now we can extend the range for U, V to R. One can also write the above metric in a form B. Coordinate extension To see that the wall is indeed an event horizon, we now 4 −cx 2 e − 2 2 ds ¼ 2 2 ð dT þ dX Þð24Þ do the coordinate extension starting from x>xh. We first ð1 − c Þ cosh x introduce the tortoise coordinate for our spacetime using the coordinates T ¼ 1 ðV þ UÞ, X ¼ 1 ðV − UÞ. cx − logðc cosh x þ sinh xÞ 2 2 x ; From the coordinate transformations, one has the ¼ −1 2 ð19Þ þ c relation so that the metric can be written as X2 − T2 ¼ e−cxðc cosh x þ sinh xÞ: ð25Þ 2 − 2 − 2 ds ¼ ðc þ tanh xÞðdt dxÞ: ð20Þ We show the extended spacetime in Fig. 2. Region I ∈ −∞ ∞ corresponds to x>x where the extension starts while Note that x ð ; Þ. Further, we introduce the retarded h and advanced coordinates fu; vg as region II represents x

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III. THERMODYNAMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE GRAVITATIONAL DOMAIN WALL In this section, we will study the thermodynamical properties of the gravitational domain wall through the Euclidean method [30–32]. The Euclidean action is Z 1 ffiffiffi − 2 p ϕ ϕ Ib ¼ 2 d x g½ R þ Wð Þ; ð26Þ

where xμ ¼fτ;xg and all the quantities are Euclidean. The equations of motion remain to be the same as those in Minkowski space [Eqs. (11) and (13)]. The only difference is that in Euclidean space we now have x ≥ xh. [This can be seen if we perform a Wick rotation on the coordinate T with T → −iT and we find from Eq. (25) that x ≥ xh.] From now on we label x − xh as r. Thus we have ϕ ¼ r þ xh, AðrÞ¼c þ tanhðxh þ rÞ. Near the horizon,

2 2 AðrÞ¼ðsech xhÞr þ Oðr Þ: ð27Þ pffiffiffi Defining y ¼ r, we have the metric FIG. 2. The spacetime extended from the x>xh region in Eq. (16). The hyperbolic curves are given by constant x with   4 ðsech4x Þy2 x>xh outside of the horizon and xxh sech xh and x

2 2 1 sech xh sech ð−artanh cÞ TH ¼ β ¼ 4π ¼ 4π : ð29Þ 0.5 The locally measured temperature is T T = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi loc ¼ H ð c þ tanh xÞ. 0.0 x To derive the energy and the entropy, we use Z ¼ expð−βFÞ where Z is the Euclidean partition function and F ≡ E − TS is the free energy (here E and S denote 0.5 the energy and the entropy, respectively). Using the semiclassical approximation for the partition function, Z ≈ expð−IÞ where I is the total action for the classical 4 2 0 2 4 background, one therefore arrives at FIG. 3. The Ricci scalar for the gravitational domain wall as a function of x for c ¼ 0. Note that only for x>0, x can be I ¼ βE − S: ð30Þ interpreted as the spatial coordinate. In the action I, the bulk action Ib should be supplemented 4 by the Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary term [31,33] a black hole without singularity. Our spacetime is certainly which reads5 different from Rindler spacetime because the Ricci scalar is Z not trivially vanishing everywhere. In Fig. 3, we plot the pffiffiffi 0 − τ ϕ Ricci scalar as a function of x for c ¼ . The Ricci scalar IGHY ¼ d h ðK þ CÞ; ð31Þ vanishes at jxj¼∞ and the horizon. r¼r∞

where h ¼ Aðr∞Þ¼c þ 1 is the induced metric at the 4 It seems that one can instead identify the region x<0 as the boundary and K is the extrinsic curvature of the boundary. “” region (region IV in Fig. 2) in the extended spacetime. We choose the other identification as it may shed new insights on black holes and . 5For the asymptotically anti–de Sitter spaces, C ¼ −1.


Here C is a term that depends only on the induced metric h obtain the same result as in Eq. (29). One could also on the boundary but is independent of the metric g. In the introduce a more general model with the potential 2 case of asymptotically flat metrics, it is natural to choose C WðϕÞ¼sec h ðϕ − ϕ0Þ. Then the horizon would be so that the total action for the flat-space metric η vanishes. located at x ¼ ϕ ¼ ϕ0 − artanhc. Then Z IV. OUTLOOK AND DISCUSSIONS pffiffiffi − τ ϕ IGHY ¼ d h ½K; ð32Þ In this paper, we propose a new 2D dilaton gravity whose r¼r∞ action is given by Eq. (3) with WðϕÞ¼λ2 sec h2ϕ. This theory contains the 2D Minkowski space as its trivial where [K] is the difference of the extrinsic curvature of solution. We report the discovery of a new gravitational the boundary in the metric g and the metric η. For the structure in which there is an event horizon but no flat-space metric, K 1=r∞ while, for the gravitational ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi singularity. It is observed as a nontrivial solution in the 0 domain wall, K ¼ A ðr∞Þ=ð2 Aðr∞ÞÞ. We thus obtain pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi theory we consider which reads β 1 IGHY ¼ ð þ cÞ. Substituting the solution AðrÞ into the bulk action one obtains6 1 ds2 ¼ −ðc þ tanh λxÞdt2 þ dx2; ð37Þ Z c þ tanh λx β x∞ − − 00 2 −β 1 − 2π Ib ¼ dxð xA ðxÞþsech xÞ¼ ð þ cÞ xh: where c is a parameter. To have a physical horizon, 2 x h c ∈ ð−1; 0. This metric has a coordinate singularity at ð33Þ x ¼ xh ≡ artanhð−cÞ, which can be identified as an event horizon but contains no essential singularity. Because of the Substituting the obtained I ¼ IGHY þ Ib into Eq. (30) and kink profile in the metric, one may therefore refer to such comparing both sides, one obtains an object as gravitational domain wall with the wall staying pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi at xh. We have studied the causal structure of the gravi- 1 − 1 2π 2π − E ¼ þ c ð þ cÞ;S¼ xh ¼ artanhð cÞ: tational domain wall via coordinate extension and it is ð34Þ confirmed that no signal can escape from the left side of the wall to the right side. Therefore the left side of the wall can To have a non-negative entropy, we require c ∈ ð−1; 0.In be viewed as the interior of a black hole and the right side as this physical parameter region, the energy is also non- the exterior. We have also computed the thermodynamical negative. Note that when c ¼ 0,wehaveE ¼ S ¼ 0 but we quantities for the gravitational domain wall. It remains to be still have a horizon with a nonvanishing temperature. investigated whether or not this novel gravitational struc- Before ending this section, we make some comments ture can shed some insights on Hawking radiation and the below. The Hawking temperature has a general expression information paradox. [20,34] Some issues remain to be addressed. In particular, demonstrating that the theory considered here could arise 1 from a higher-dimensional theory would largely improve 0 T ¼ jω ðϕÞjϕ ϕ ; ð35Þ H 2π ¼ h the physical relevance of the gravitational domain wall. The case c ¼ 0 is of particular interest because it gives a horizon where possessing a nonvanishing temperature but vanishing Z entropy and energy. It appears to be a bit strange and 1 ϕ remains to be understood physically. Further, considering ω ϕ − ð Þ¼ 2 dyWðyÞð36Þ the simplicity of the model, it would be beneficial to consider the coupling to matter fields. As shown in and ϕh is the value for the dilation field at the horizon. Ref. [35], one can integrate out the metric and dilaton Substituting WðyÞ¼sech2y into the above expressions, we fields and obtain a nonlocal effective theory for the matter fields that can be reinterpreted in terms of the exchange of virtual black hole geometries. In view of our model having 6Note that there could be ambiguities in identifying E and S through Eq. (30) since β could have been substituted for its value nonsingular black hole solutions, the properties of the in the intermediate steps. To get rid of such ambiguities, one virtual black hole states could be particularly simple. It should follow the procedure where WðϕÞ, which determines the would be also interesting to work out the spectrum of the temperature, is taken as a general function. See, e.g., Ref. [30]. quasinormal modes. We leave these issues for future work.

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