Amateur Radio Award's Directory Japan .1
AAMMAATTEEUURR RRAADDIIOO AAWWAARRDD’’’SS DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY JAPAN COPYED BY : YB1PR – FAISAL Page 1 . JAPAN AMATEUR RADIO LEAGUE (JARL) SERIES General Requirements: Available to both amateurs and SWL's. GCR list is accepted. Form of list will be specified, when required, in the rules of each award. If GCR not available, you must submit all the cards required plus postage for return to you. Fee of 12 IRCs or $US16 per award. An additional 2 IRCs will be charged for air mail delivery regardless of the number of awards claimed. Applicants may request up to three of the following endorsements: 1. Specific band (only contacts made in same band) (3.8 MHz is included in 3.5 MHz) 2. Modes - (only contacts made in the same mode) (CW, AM, SSB, FM, SSTV, RTTY, ATV, FAX) 3. Satellite - (only contacts made through amateur radio 4. QRP - (only contacts made through transmitters with final input of 1W or less. Only contacts/receptions made on and after 29 July 1952 are acceptable, except in the following special cases: 1. HACA, HAGA 1 Jan 1970 2. Satellite end. 15 Dec 1972 3. SSTV end. 10 Apr 1973 4. RTTY end. 8 Aug 1968 5. Okinawa QSO's 15 May 1972 6. VU-1000 29 Jul 1977 7. Cities/Guns no Before the date longer in existence- of deletion mentioned in the JCC/JCG awards: JCC/JCG list. Only land station QSO's are acceptable. MM and AeroMoblile are acceptable for 50MHz-100, 144MHz-100, 435MHz- 100, 1200MHz-10, 50 100, 2400MHz-10, 50, 100 and VU-1000 awards.
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