A Big Data Revolution Cloud Computing, 22 Aerospike, 91, 217 Competing Definitions, 21 Aerospike Query Language (AQL), 218 Industrial Revolution, 22 AJAX
Index A Big Data revolution cloud computing, 22 Aerospike, 91, 217 competing definitions, 21 Aerospike query language (AQL), 218 industrial revolution, 22 AJAX. See Asynchronous JavaScript and IoT, 22 XML (AJAX) social networks and Alternative persistence model, 92 smartphones, 22 Amazon Binary JSON (BSON), 157 ACID RDBMS, 46 Blockchain, 212 Dynamo, 14, 45–46 Bloom filters, 161 DynamoDB, 219 Boolean bit logic, 214 hashing, 47–48 B-tree index structure, 158–159 key–value stores, 51 Business intelligence (BI) practices, 193 NWR notation, 49–50 SOA, 45 Amazon Web Services (AWS), 15 C Apache Cassandra , 218. See also Cassandra Cache-less architecture, 92 Apache HBase, 220 CAP theorem Apache Kudu, 211. See also Hbase partition tolerance, 44 Append only file (AOF), 94 RAC solution, 44 Asynchronous JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 54 XML (AJAX), 15 Cassandra, 211 Atomic, Consistent, Independent, and Durable cluster node, 120 (ACID) transactions, 9–10, 128 consistent hashing, 120–121 AWS. See Amazon Web Services (AWS) data model, 153, 155 gossip, 119 node adding, 122 B order-preserving Berkeley analytics data stack and spark partitioners, 124 AMPlab, 99 replicas, 124–125 BDAS, 100 snitches, 126 DAG, 101 virtual nodes, 122–123 Hadoop, 99–100 Cassandra consistency JDBC-compliant database, 101 hinted handoff, 136–137 MapReduce, 99 LWT (see Lightweight MLBase component, 100 transactions (LWT)) RDD, 101 read consistency, 135 spark architecture, 101 read repair, 136–137 spark processing replication factor, 134 elements, 102 timestamps and granularity, 137 spark SQL, 100 vector clocks, 138–140 spark streaming, 100 write consistency, 134–135 229 ■ INDEX Cassandra Query Language (CQL), 218 D column structures, 175 cqlsh program, 175 DAG.
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