OeAD | ERASMUS+ Cooperation and Study Trip 13th May 2019 Institutional Profiles A U S T R I A South Caucasus-Austria - Cooperation and Study Trip INSTITUTIONAL PROFILE INSTITUTION and CONTACT PERSON: Last Name Kratschanova First Name Angelina HE Institution Catholic Private University Linz Department KU International Position Director of International Relations and Project Services Address (HEI) Bethleemstraße 20 Postal Code & Town 4020 Linz Country Austria Telephone +43 732 78 42 93 4153 Email
[email protected] Web address https://ku-linz.at/en/ku_international/ Experience of your HEI in international cooperation (mobilities, projects, available study programmes in English language): KU Linz International Semester (KULIS) from 2019 held in English for theology and philosophy students; International Summer School in Theology (ISST) in Summer 2020 Applicant in the ICM International Credit Mobility together with the Boston College, USA and PUCPR, Brazil INFORMATION ABOUT PLANNED PROJECT(S) WITH AZERBAIJAN: Discipline(s) / Art History, Philosophy Academic field(s) Type of institutions Universities interested in international Credit mobility and common research projects in the fields you search of: Islamic Art, Global Art History, Art and Religion, Theory of Architecture and History of Philosophy, Ethics, Bioethics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Hermeneutics, and Metaphysics If you are interested in Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (KA107 – ICM), please tick the preferred mobilities: from Austria to Azerbaijan from