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Kenyon Collegian College Archives Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange The Kenyon Collegian College Archives 9-4-1986 Kenyon Collegian - September 4, 1986 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "Kenyon Collegian - September 4, 1986" (1986). The Kenyon Collegian. 686. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the College Archives at Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Kenyon Collegian by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Olin met with Soccer Lords enthusiasm open tomorrow .m Jaws comes to Ernst Volume CXIV, Number 1 Thursday, September 4, 1986 Stag Administrative appointments mark beginning of year Ass't. claims Kenyon Dean of Students P the Community is not as ,v. rr divided in viewpoints as X its members believe, "I'm a real traditionalist and Kenyon is very and he hopes to make this apparent. traditional," explains Dean Cheryl Steele, who Finally Browning hopes not to alienate replaces Kathryn Adkins as Assistant Dean of himself from college life. He emphasizes his Students. Steele was looking for new career intention of keeping his office "open" to all possibilities and saw the job description for the i those wishing to see him, including students. position at a conference and thought it "looked r' great." Chaplain Laughing, she adds, "Then I saw the place, (location) The college, of course, I'd heard of. v T The Reverend Andrew Foster is the pro- Geographically it wasn't where I was wanting to duct of the College's two year search for a go." Steele was interviewed at the conference V;7 chaplain. Foster, his wife and two sons have and was later invited to visit the campus. "Once come to Kenyon from Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1 got here I was pretty much sold," she con- where he served for 14 years as the Episcopal cludes. chaplain the 1 at University of Michigan. He is Steele received an undergraduate degree from i a graduate of Mt. Union College and the Montevallo University in Montevallo, General Theological Seminary. Alabama. After teaching history at the high "I never felt it was my particular vocation school level for a short while, she then decided Acting Provost Browning and Chaplain Foster take part in Convocation. to be a parish priest," says Foster, who enjoys to pursue a masters degree, which was awarded campus ministry because it renews itself with would be too difficult to conduct searches for to her from Montevallo in counselling and Academic Dean each new generation. College, as he sees it, is guidance. both a Provost and Academic Dean. Following graduate school, Steele a turning point in people's lives, an ex- Maryanne Ward, who has been teaching In spent addition to her tasks as Academic Dean, a year at Florida State University as Act- perience which he feels privileged to share. Russian at Kenyon since 1975, and for the past Ward will be teaching "Russian Literature in ing Director of Student Development Pro- Foster comments, "I've always been a person year, director of the Integrated Pro- Translation" which she believes she "is going grams. who's both benefitted from, and believed in, gram in Humane Studies (IPHS), will assume to need for her peace of mind." Steele arrives at Kenyon from Mary Baldwin liberal arts. In a funny way, coming to Ken- the duties of the Academic Dean for the next College in Staunton, Virginia, where she was yon feels like a homecoming, a return to two school years. Ward is replacing Joan Director of Student Activities, a position she Provost something I cherish." He compares Kenyon Straumanis, who left Kenyon to take a posi- held for three years. to Thomas Jefferson's vision of an academic tion at Rollins College in Florida. After 20 years at Kenyon, Reed S. Brown- Her responsibilities as Assistant Dean village where people learn and live together. of As Academic Dean, Ward sees her main ing, former Chair of the History Depart- Students at Kenyon include the student hand- Foster's goals as chaplain include finding a responsibility as being a "facilitator" on cam- ment, has been named Acting Provost at the book, the women's center, serving as a sexual common religious expression pus. Her numerous and varied duties range College. Browning replaces Jerry Irish who that harrassment counselor, and working with acknowledges the College's traditional ties from dealing with the payroll for faculty sec- left Kenyon for the position of Vice President Vicky Bausinger (Director of Student Activities) but also incorporates the richness the retaries to overseeing the Off Campus Study, and Dean of Faculty at Pomona College. The of on the KC. Steele adds, me being the other religions on campus. "I would like to "... Five-Ste- p and Bogata programs. "There are temporary position of Acting Provost is one female staff member of the deans I'm see all the different groups come together and ... so many different things to do that I cannot year in length; Browning's responsibilities as responsible for, sensitive to, and interested in communicate, to challenge and help each get bored," said Ward. Acting Provost end July 1, 1987. women students, the Crozier Center, what the other to grow," he explains. However, Foster Browning describes "in- possibilities Due to the departure of both Provost Jerry his position as an are for that building, and getting it is not ecumenical; according to him, a com- Irish and Straumanis, Ward was appointed to terim position;" throughout the year a na- to have a very positive image." mon denominator between the world's wide a two-ye- ar term. It was reasoned that it tional search will be conducted for the per- variety of religions is not possible. What is manent position of Provost. In fact, Brown- possible is communication, acknowledging ing himself is a candidate for this position. the Fire differences between the groups and at the awakens students in Peirce With his acceptance of the role of Acting same time bringing them to a under- and got a fire extinguisher," Provost, Browning forfeits his time in greater By Michael Pierce recounts Cole. the standing. While the other residents of Peirce were classroom. Though he anticipates missing "I want the acceptability and respectability A Fire broke out in the room of sopho- evacuating the building, Richards put out the teaching, Browning emphasizes his excite- of religious life to be affirmed as part of the mores Andrea Bucey and Laurie Cole Sun- fire which by this time engulfed most of ment and enthusiasm concerning a move into life at Kenyon College," Foster says. He day morning Cole's bed. Damages administration. I'll ad- around 8:30. No one was are estimated at "I'm certain enjoy hopes $30O-$4O- to spend his first year O. here acquainting Physically harmed in the blaze and damage ministrative work very much," he claims, himself with the questions and issues on cam- was limited to the room, Peirce 8. Reading pointed out that although it was "So far I'm having a lot of fun." The posi- pus. "Just because people don't get up and go not the fire alarms that alerted the residents tion, Browning believes, has confronted him According to Robert Reading, Assistant to church doesn't mean of Peirce of the fire, with a that spiritual ques- Dean Student both the room and hall diverse number of problems to which of Residences, the "apparent tions aren't burning in their lives. I don'i alarms sounded. One of the students on the he must find solutions. cause" of the fire was the sun coming in the know how they're being formulated, but window hall did not hear the alarms and Reading Browning praises and reflecting off a magnifying Irish, attributing to him they're there." He would like to encourage admitted, "That is a problem make-u- p mirror. that has many improvements in the building up of the the development to be dealt with.'' of new groups where he sees faculty at Kenyon. A goal of Browning's is to the need, as well The reflection off the ignited Reading as strengthen groups that mirror either was pleased with how students, continue this the "strengthening of the faculty," already exist. He also plans to work bottom of Cole's bed or something under- security and the fire department responded to with which is crucial in one-on-on- any college community. students e and in small groups. "I neath. Cole felt the heat with her feet and the incident, "everything that should have Also among Browning's goals is, in his need to be the chaplain awoke to find flames. She then got her room- happened happened." of everybody words, the "healing of the breeches" which -s- tudents, faculty, staff, maintenance . mate, Bucey, out of bed and the two fled. The fire should lead to "greater student have developed in the Kenyon Community. people who in "We pounded on our neighbors' believe God and people who doors and awareness" of the dangers and possibility of Specifically, Browning mentions the issue of don't. My role, as I see it, is to all called security. Jeff Richards (Peirce 6) went fires, said Reading. care for the feminism, a popular one at Kenyon. He different elements." SEPT. 4, 1986 PAGE TWO PERSPECTIVE New library impresses students All the By Margaret Tuttle having checked out the books.
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