Chevron Corporation 1995 Annual Report
Chevron Corporation 1995 Annual Report New Prospects. New Perspectives. CHEVRON CORPORATION 1995 ANNUAL REPORT Table of Contents Chevron at a Glance 1 TO OUR STOCKHOLDERS BUSINESS AREAS OF OPERATION 3 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION Explores for and produces crude oil and Major producing areas include the 4 OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS natural gas in the United States and 24 Gulf of Mexico, California, the Rocky 6 THE CHEVRON WAY other countries. Third-largest U.S. natu- Mountains, Texas, Canada, the North The company’s Mission and ral gas producer. Worldwide net produc- Sea, Australia, Indonesia, Angola, Vision statements tion was more than 1.4 million barrels a Nigeria and Kazakstan. Exploration day of oil and equivalent gas. areas include the above, as well as 7 NEW PROSPECTS. Competitive Advantage: Balanced U.S. frontiers such as Bolivia, Colombia, NEW PERSPECTIVES. and international short- and long-term Congo, Peru, Ireland and Namibia. STRATEGIES FOR THE FUTURE opportunities create high-value portfolio. 10 Build a committed team to accomplish the corporate mission. REFINING Converts crude oil into a variety of Principal U.S. locations are El Segundo 10 Continue exploration and pro- refined products, including motor gaso- and Richmond, Calif.; Pascagoula, duction growth in international line, diesel and aviation fuels, lubri- Miss.; Salt Lake City, Utah; El Paso, areas. cants, asphalt, chemicals and other Texas; and Honolulu, Hawaii. Also re- 14 Generate cash from North products. Chevron is one of the largest fines in Canada, Wales and (through its American exploration and pro- refiners in the United States. Caltex affiliate) Asia, Africa, the Mid- duction operations, while main- Competitive Advantage: Largest supplier dle East, Australia and New Zealand.
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