2003 Notices Index

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2003 Notices Index The 2003 Notices Index Index Section Page Number Index Section Page Number The AMS 1487 Memorial Articles 1498 Announcements 1488 New Publications Offered by the AMS 1498 Authors of Articles 1490 Officers and Committee Members 1498 Deaths of Members of the Society 1491 Opinion 1498 Education 1492 Opportunities 1498 Feature Articles 1492 Prizes and Awards 1499 Letters to the Editor 1493 The Profession 1501 Mathematicians 1494 Reference and Book List 1501 Mathematics Articles 1497 Reviews 1501 Mathematics History 1497 Surveys 1501 Meetings Information 1497 Tables of Contents 1501 About the Cover AMS Officers and Committee Members, 1115 60, 211, 356, 457, 553, 639, 819, 894, 1070, 1233, 1388 AMS Scholarships for “Math in Moscow”, 483 AMS Short Courses, 1161 The AMS AMS Sponsors NExT Fellows, 1104 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification, 76, 288, 394, AMS Standard Cover Sheet, 74, 286, 392, 599, 713, 840, 600, 714, 842, 990, 1114, 1342, 1436 988, 1112, 1340, 1434 2002 AMS Election Results, 281 AMS Supports ICM Travel Grants, 380 2002 AMS Policy Committee Reports, 68, 386 AMS Washington Events Showcase Mathematics, 1426 2002 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (First Andy Magid Appointed [Next] Notices Editor, 486, 1416 Report), 238 Applications for AMS Epsilon Fund, 1101 2002 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (Second Applications Sought for Associate Secretary, 391 Report), 801 Applications Sought for MR Associate Editor Position, 73 2002 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (Third Bass Attends Signing of NSF Reauthorization, 380 Report), 925 Biographies of Candidates 2003, 973 2003 AAS-AMS-APS Public Service Awards, 1418 Bylaws of the American Mathematical Society, 1283 2003 AMS Election (Nominations by Petition), 71, 283 Call for Nominations for E. H. Moore Research Article 2003 AMS Elections Special Section, 965 Prize, 492, 596 2003 Notices Index, 1487 Call for Nominations for Leroy P. Steele Prizes, 285, 390 2004 AMS Election Nominations by Petition, 1311 Call for Nominations for Levi L. Conant Prize, Distin- 2004–2005 AMS Centennial Fellowships, 1261 guished Public Service Award, Oswald Veblen Prize, Acknowledgment of Contributions, 584 Norbert Wiener Prize, 445, 597 American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships, 938 Call for Suggestions for 2003 AMS Election, 282 AMS-AAAS Mass Media Summer Fellowships, 1102 Committee on Meetings and Conferences (CoMC), 68, 1307 AMS-AAAS Media Fellowship, 819 Correction to Nomination for President Elect Text, 1104 AMS Awards for Outstanding Student Paper Presentations, Council Endorses Statements about Free Scientific 1420 Exchange and Boycotts, 486 AMS Book Prize Established, 704 Deaths of AMS Members, 381, 487, 705, 819, 1105, 1427 AMS Committee on Science Policy (CSP), 69, 1307 Does Your Vote Matter (in AMS Elections)?, 877 AMS Email Support for Frequently Asked Questions, 1266 Eisenbud Presents Testimony, 703 AMS Launches New Members-Only Email Service, 1426 End-of-Year Publisher’s Discount Sale, 1130 AMS Menger Prizes at the 2003 ISEF, 936 Epsilon Awards for 2003, 704 AMS-MER Workshop on Undergraduate Mathematics, 380 Fan China Exchange Program, 1426 DECEMBER 2003 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1487 2003 Index Fan China Exchange Program Names Awardees, 1104 AMS Awards for Outstanding Student Paper Presentations, General Information Regarding Meetings & Conferences, 1420 108 AMS Book Prize Established, 704 Josephine Mitchell and Lowell Schoenfeld Memorial AMS Launches New Members-Only Email Service, 1426 Garden Dedication, 943 AMS Menger Prizes at the 2003 ISEF, 936 Mathematical Sciences Employment Center, 1035, 1163, AMS-MER Workshop on Undergraduate Mathematics, 380 1343 AMS Scholarships for “Math in Moscow”, 483 Mathematical Sciences Employment Center Forms, 1040, AMS Sponsors NExT Fellows, 1104 1168, 1348 AMS Supports ICM Travel Grants, 380 MathJobs.Org: Job Application Database for Mathematics, AMS Washington Events Showcase Mathematics, 1426 1105 Andy Magid Appointed [Next] Notices Editor, 486, 1416 Meetings and Conferences of the AMS, 109, 307, 421, 517, AP Calculus Readers Sought, 484 621, 745, 858, 1045, 1173, 1353, 1477 Araki, Lieb, and Schramm Awarded Poincaré Prizes, 1099 Membership Forms, 101, 305, 513, 617, 739, 1029, 1155 AWM Awards Presented in Baltimore, 575 Michael Downes (1958–2003), 704 AWM Collaborative Research Grants for Women, 1101 Monica Foulkes Retires, 1427 AWM Essay Contest, 1102 New Publications Offered by the AMS, 84, 296, 410, 501, AWM Essay Contest Winners, 577 605, 726, 851, 1010, 1132, 1315, 1444 AWM Travel Grants for Women, 940 Nominations for President Elect, 969 AWM Workshop on Women in Leadership Roles, 1262 Nominations for President Elect (Reprinted), 1303 Ball Awarded Crighton Medal, 1419 Officers of the Society 2002 and 2003 Updates, 594 Baouendi and Rothschild Receive 2003 Bergman Prize, Presidential Views: Interview with David Eisenbud, 370 480 Presidential Views: Interview with Hyman Bass, 232 Barkhudaryan Awarded Emil Artin Junior Prize, 60 Bass Attends Signing of NSF Reauthorization, 380 Proposed Amendments to AMS Bylaws, 968 Bell and Colella Receive SIAM/ACM Prize, 1099 Reciprocity Agreements, 1272 Bethuel Receives Mergier-Bourdeix Prize, 1257 Report of the Executive Director, State of AMS, 2003, 830 B. H. Neumann Awards Given, 1259 Report of the Treasurer, 2002, 835 BMSA Ends Chairs’ Colloquium, 942 Statistics on Women Mathematicians, 1433 Bulgaria Finishes First in International Mathematical Student Mentoring Workshop, 486 Olympiad, 1420 (The) Thomas S. Fiske Society, 444 Call for Applications for AMS Epsilon Fund, 1101 Announcements Call for Nominations for AWM Hay and Schafer Awards, 700 2001 and 2002 AAS-AMS-APS Public Service Awards, 57 Call for Nominations for E. H. Moore Research Article 2002 Morgan Prize, 476 Prize, 492 2003 AAS-AMS-APS Public Service Awards, 1418 Call for Nominations for EMS Prizes, 1102 2003 Birkhoff Prize, 470 Call for Nominations for Information-Based Complexity 2003 Cole Prize in Algebra, 468 Young Researcher Award, 941 2003 Conant Prize, 478 Call for Nominations for Leroy P. Steele Prizes, 285, 390 2003 Dirac Medals Awarded, 1257 Call for Nominations for Levi L. Conant Prize, Distin- 2003 Fulkerson Prize, 1255 guished Public Service Award, Oswald Veblen Prize, 2003 Intel Science Talent Search Winners Announced, 698 Norbert Wiener Prize, 445, 597 2003 JPBM Communications Award, 571 Call for Nominations for National Academies Communi- 2003 NSF-CBMS Regional Conferences, 257 cation Awards, 818 2003 Prize Committee for Achievement in Information- Call for Nominations for National Medal of Science, 700 Based Complexity, 61 Call for Nominations for Popov Prize, 1101 2003 Satter Prize, 474 Call for Nominations for Sloan Fellowships, 699 2003 Sloan Fellows Announced, 697 Call for Nominations for Third World Academy of 2003 Steele Prizes, 462 Sciences Prizes, 1261 2003 Summer Program for Women in Mathematics, 258 Call for Nominations for Waterman Award, 1423 2003–2004 AMS Centennial Fellowships Awarded, 695 Call for Submissions for Sunyer i Balaguer Prize, 940 2004–2005 AMS Centennial Fellowships, 1261 Call for VIGRE Proposals, 578 AAAS Fellows Elected, 255 Carleson Awarded Sylvester Medal, 1258 AAUW Educational Foundation Fellowships and Grants, Change in Procedures for 2003 AMS Elections, 579, 702 1262 Chern Receives 2002 Lobachevskii Medal, 576 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Elections, 816 Choquet-Bruhat and York Awarded 2003 Heineman Prize, American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships, 938 696 AMS-AAAS Mass Media Summer Fellowships, 1102 Chudnovsky and Lindenstrauss Awarded CMI Long-Term AMS-AAAS Media Fellowship, 819 Prize Fellowships, 577 1488 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 50, NUMBER 11 2003 Index COBASE Collaborative Grants, 817 Monica Foulkes Retires, 1427 Collaborations in Mathematical Geosciences, 256 MSRI Celebrates Its Twentieth Birthday, 373 Correction to Nomination for President Elect Text, 1104 National Academies Internship Program, 379 Council Endorses Statements about Free Scientific National Academy of Engineering Elections, 698 Exchange and Boycotts, 486 National Academy of Sciences Awards Announced, 576 CPST Project on Master’s Degrees, 579 National Academy of Sciences Elections, 816 Cryptology Paper Competitions, 258, 1102 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Deadlines and Target Dates at the DMS, 61 Fellowships, 1421 De la Peña Receives Third World Academy of Sciences National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Award, 1099 Fellowships Awarded, 1419 Departments Coordinate Job Offer Deadlines, 62 National High School Calculus Student Award, 937 Develin Awarded AIM Five-Year Fellowship, 576 National Science Award of Singapore, 1419 DMS Employment Opportunities, 259 New Institute Established in Africa, 1265 DMS/NIGMS Program in Mathematical Biology, 818 New NSF Program in Optical Communications, 485 EDGE Summer Program, 1422 News from AIM, 941 Ekeland Appointed Director of PIMS, 1265 News from the Fields Institute, 701, 1423 Elsevier Supports Joint Meetings Speakers, 62 News from the IMA, 257, 701, 1424 Enhancing the Mathematical Sciences Workforce in the News from the Institut Mittag-Leffler, 1423 21st Century, 939 News from the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Epsilon Awards for 2003, 704 Sciences, 483, 1103 Everett Pitcher Lectures, 484 News from the MBI, 1263 Fan China Exchange Program, 1426 News from MSRI, 941, 1263 Fan China Exchange Program Names Awardees, 1104 News from the New Zealand Institute of Mathematics and Feferman and Stanley
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