The MBA 2016/2017 2 Foreword skilled skilled individuals. while also helping to retain valued and see an immediate return on investment by sponsoring employers, who are able to Our unique learning method is recognised career. their in step next the means that we in students can taking support apply new skills as they are learned and it that are students able to and assess critically to operate in the This workplace. ensures executivebusiness skillswhile continuing to students deliver an MBA that builds We work and businesses alongside our developed programme by leading MBA business academics. cutting- practice-based a edge, offer we School, Business OU the At Executive Dean, OU (OUBS) School Business OU Dean, Executive Taylor, Rebecca Professor by Foreword executives who will drive growth and successand in the future. growth drive will who the are executives These opportunities. and new threats to react and spot can who and world; real the in this apply and business and of the management understand theory can who boundaries; across work and can resilient agile, are who executives than ever before. Organisations need challenging more is marketplace global The

you become a highly effective executive. executive. effective highly a become you MBA effective that is uniquelyplaced to help OU to Business School offer a tailoredand toapproach enables business education, the study programmes, allied developing with our of individual experience vast OU’s The

management management education. accessible and flexiblebusiness and We will continue tobe aleader in open, — — ethical means standards that we are able to: to and services students a of championing Our to ability offer awide range of support Inclusive Our values Our Our vision Our The OU Business School has over 30 years’ experience in helping businesses and and study programmes. practice-based businesses helping in experience ambitious years’ executives 30 across over the has globe achieve their School true potential through Business innovative OU The Values, vision mission and — — promote social justice through the the development of knowledge and skills. through justice social promote higher open making education toall society, in role unique a play economic impact. practice, is mission Our — — — we:learning, With over 30 in years’ experience delivering Innovative audience, audience, that is relevant to the workplace, management toeducation adiverse To — — —

founded founded on rigorous research and deliver transformationalbusiness and create world-class research and create teaching. world-class inspire and enable learning seek continuously new and better waysto and at innovation the ofheart our teaching lead the placing learning revolution,


and has beneficial social and and social beneficial has and — — have been able to: By listening to and we students organisations Responsive — — learning success. learning dedicate to resources our support students’ which in they live and work communities the and employers respond to the needs of individuals,

3 Values, vision and mission Making a difference… your life Our MBA will help you become someone who inspires achievement, encourages dedication and instils admiration and trust in others. Studying our MBA will take you on a With our MBA, the quality of your — Convenient: it lets you fit learning personal journey. One that will encourage experience is matched by the versatility around your day job and home life. you to challenge limits, cross boundaries of our learning methods: Our cutting-edge technology enables and change the way you think. Our MBA is you to study in your own time – at home, — Proven: our triple-accredited1 status puts designed to fit around your life and career. us in the top one per cent of business at work or on the move. By drawing on our vast experience, we enable schools in the world. — Affordable: with the option to ‘pay as you go’ in monthly instalments. you to study at the highest level in a way that — Highly regarded: our MBA is ranked as enriches your working life, without putting the 6th best online MBA in the world by — Rewarding: 82 per cent of our students2 it on hold – giving you maximum flexibility, the CEO Magazine 2016 and the QS say that they have experienced a salary coupled with convenience. Distance Online MBA Rankings 2016. increase while taking the MBA. — Practical: integrates with, and adds value to your day job, allowing you to apply your learning instantly.

1Our MBA is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). 2Postgraduate Alumni Survey, 2012. Making a difference… 4 but in your colleagues and peers, too. peers, and colleagues your in but not and only effectiveness; leadership in you, the level. next It will increase organisational and you experience need to take your career to skills the you give will MBA Our immediate impact in the workplace. can implement tomorrow – creating an learning. What action you learn today, you practice-based, of method our study through unique straightaway, from study MBA benefit your will organisation your and You special. so application that makes our MBA convenient and delivery practical teaching, quality of balance It’s our career your 96% of our MBA graduates graduates MBA our of 96% say say that they would highly Highly recommended Highly recommended recommend us.

Ian Davies, MBA Graduate change.”bring about to opportunity help own organisation the and greater appreciation of my Business study with “My the OU Alumnus MBA OU Cordier, Ansgar people.”with collaborate work better and The MBA OU also helps to you question and them. opinions, view towards their and gurus You also develop amore critical beyond ‘common sense’. approach to problems that go easier providing by astructured all the models make work my I found it especially useful that reflect upon those critically. intensively with models and context. You have to deal practicality own work for your theories’ learned to review the will“The programme ‘force’ you

School gave a me

decisions and to contribute contribute to and decisions to basis,day day to influence confidencea on up to speak the MBA OU gives the you for.from applying Not that, only otherwise have been excluded todoors positions Iwould “Without it adoubt opened has Moses Warburton, OU MBA Alumnus MBA OU Warburton, Moses University.” Open The with previous experience of working of its student-base my and scope international the delivery, because of the flexibility of thethrough Business OU School chose“I to undertake MBA my Alumnus MBA OU Sim, Mark the at

the highest levels of


5 Making a difference… Recognised as one of the world’s leading business schools

We are home to more than 25,000 successful MBA graduates. Designed for professionals keen to take the next step in their career, our MBA programme is highly practice-based, blending academic rigour with the realities of business. Our journey helps make a difference, not only to your career, but to your organisation – and your life. Our Business School is triple-accredited; by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) and the Association of MBAs (AMBA). Such accreditation ensures you will have a globally reputed qualification of proven quality. Relevant and far reaching Our MBA is successful because of its relevance to your work. It works for so many professionals because it is designed with the highest amount of practical focus – and its international programme design Typical OU MBA class profile lets you apply your MBA knowledge anywhere in the world. Average tutor/student ratio 1:16 Our MBA comes to life in Average age 37 Average years of your workplace 14 work experience The best way to learn is to practise, which is why ours is very much a practice-based 36% female Gender programme – which we call ‘practice- 64% male based learning’. Our rigorous approach to constantly applying management theories to the workplace will “The OU Business School provides help you develop independent learning, and modules and qualifications that a critical view on the knowledge you gain. thriving business people can study Employers like our approach whilst they earn, allowing them to Our unique practice-based learning brush up on their skills and explore approach is endorsed by organisations new areas of knowledge, whilst across the globe. It’s why more than 40 per cent of our MBA students are sponsored by implementing learning outcomes their employers. into their organisation from For more information on how we work with day one of study to maximise organisations, please see page 22. business opportunities.” Theo Paphitis, Business Expert

Triple accredited Only one per cent of all business schools are triple-accredited, and with more than 25,000 successful MBAs we are by far

Recognised as one of the world’s leading businessRecognised schools one as the world’s of the most popular in this elite and exclusive group in the UK. 6 executive within IBM before starting her own own her starting Janice consultancy. holds an OU MBA. before IBM within executive and UK Janice was organisations. major international senior a of number a with links strong change management and and has transformational engagement in schools and universities. and schools in engagement skills employability in young people through business on focused the development of organisation entrepreneurial, an financial and Europe, Enterprise Young a is and Guilds, & City European with Board Director Junior Achievement of Council the on Development. sits and also He Personnel of Institute Chartered James Cullens Cullens James level roles commercial at Board European Executive of James Crotty Andrew Craissati Peter Cheese Chaudhuri Sanjeeb Janice Bell Miller Margaret international practice and provides valuable input from outside the University. and The Open University. The board enables the School to be in touch with the latest public and private enterprises worldwide, reflecting the diversity of both the School executive team and to the wider University. Our board members are from arange of The IAB is advisory to the ExecutiveDean of the OU BusinessSchool, to theSchool’s (IAB) Board InternationalThe Advisory Securities India Securities Ltd. is also a Board Member of Standard Chartered Standard Chartered Bank. Based in Mumbai, Sanjeeb Head for South Asia and Global Head of Marketingat Development and is currently the Group Human Human Group the for Director Resources WS Atkins plc. currently is and and Development Personnel of Institute Chartered the director. a He non-executive is aBoard member of Group plc, and Ltd, with Oxygen African where he was HR including with Linde experience AG, The BOC which has offices in , Asia and the USA. the and Asia London, in business offices advice has which investment and finance corporate media issues, as well as running his highly successful He currently advises the Singapore Government on encompassing strategic thinking and value creation. experienced entrepreneurial business leader, Alumna. MBA OU an is Maggie solutions. innovative to expenditures findand efficienttechnology state for policy government agencies; and monitoring all large technology services; IT state-wide setting centralised for Services, responsible is she where Technology York Information New of the of Office Officer State York, Information New in Chief is Based Maggie Miller. Maggie by chaired is Board

international general management and general managementinternational and

at American Express. American at Janice is an expert in business business in expert an is Janice James James has held a broad range Peter is Chief Executive of the the of Executive Chief is Peter James James has a of variety board-level The International Advisory The Advisory International Andrew is a highly highly a is Andrew Sanjeeb is the Regional Regional the is Sanjeeb focuses on the design of technology-based curricula curricula for corporations and technology-based universities. of design the on focuses systems design and information management. His current on research papers various authored Management at Columbia University. He has of Director the Masters in Executive Technology in sustainable in growth. sustainable people and delivering innovativestrategies that result to the IAB. She has a track record of developing brings Ann (CMI), management general global experience her extensive Institute Management Chartered and enterprise objectives. enterprise and strategies technology to help accomplish business with its regulator and He customers. defines oversees and Mae Fannie all andefforts, technology represents at Fannie Mae Officer Information Chief over 180 broadcasters throughout over the throughout 180 world. broadcasters Los Angeles, Glasgow, Washington and Cardiffserving Llanelli in Wales, Tinopolis also has offices inLondon, 2000 over producing hours of television annually. in With its Europe headquarters in producers television Chairman of Tinopolis, one of the largest independent has held elected positions in the Chartered Institute Institute Chartered the of in Public Relations (CIPR). she PR, positions and elected held has communications in background extensive to thatinitiatives helpWith advance advocate of organisationalbest practice, contributing Dr ArthurDr Langer Ron Jones Ann Francke Peter Wright Renzo Scacco Jay O’Connor Lee Bruce partnerships partnerships within this region. businesses card-issuing and merchant acquiring (EMEA) Africa and the oversees company’s consumer the is He Suisse. Head of for Credit Europe,Card Services Middle East and and Express American with is Chairman of joint a Swisscard, venture card-issuing Global Management Express’ Team. In addition, Peter and Interbrand. Consulting (Accenture), PricewaterhouseCoopers leading global firms consulting Andersen including professional in gained from working with services some of the background extensive an has Renzo Bruce is Senior Vice President and and President Vice Senior is Bruce Ron Ron is the founder and Executive As Chief Executive Officer of the of Officer Executive Chief As Peter is a member of American American of member a is Peter Jay is an mentor active and Based Based in Melbourne, Australia, Arthur is the Academic Academic the is Arthur

7 The International Advisory Board (IAB) 8 Global credibility, local relevance Kevin Sampson, UK Sampson, Kevin isthat possible.” anything perception life. on believe Inow University my changed has with“Studying The Open Gillian Attard, France business practices.” similaritiesshare any our in industries. This allowed us to each working different in States, Kosovo Austria, and United the from were with “The people Istudied MBA my of your your enriches MBA diversity this that believe We from and differentsectors, industries diverse and backgrounds. and many are students Our experience. global truly a offer we 125 than countries, more in alumni and students With reach International is learning outwards. about extending it in; students bringing about not is that being a global business school creativity and innovation. We believe analysis, skills, interdisciplinary strategic emphasis an on with focus international strong a has It managers. middle‑level and senior practising Our MBA programme is designed for Global credibility, local relevance

other cultures.

mind and gain a deeper understanding understanding deeper a gain and mind experience, allowing you experience, to broaden brilliant at offering.” at brilliant BusinessOU School are so The University Open the and learning for life’, which is what motto is“My ‘continuous MattKrise, USA and countries.” different backgrounds from people with education my enrich to perspective wanted“I amore worldly Wilson Yeh, Hong Kong Hong Yeh, Wilson

Nils broader knowledge.” of means the through reality ambiguity ofand business complexity the for equipped the MBA was to be better studying for motivation “My ChristianDuncumb, Indonesia less familiar with the in past.” finance,which and have I been particularly areas such as HR environment, work particular issues challenges and within my deeper understanding of the given has programme a me University“The Open MBA - Carsten Carsten Huber, Germany

Global credibility, local relevance

MBA student locations Our alumni come from over 125 countries including:

“The Open University Angola Hong Kong Russian Federation Business School gave me Australia Hungary Senegal the opportunity to study Austria India Serbia while working in a busy Bangladesh Indonesia Sierra Leone full-time job, which was the Belgium Italy Singapore only option for me.” Bermuda Jamaica Slovakia Iztok Toplak, Czech Republic Bosnia & Herzegovina Japan Slovenia Brazil Jordan Somalia Bulgaria Kenya Spain “After completing my MBA Canada Kuwait Sri Lanka I feel great. I know that with Chile Latvia St Helena my MBA I can change my Lithuania Sweden working environment by Czech Republic Luxembourg Switzerland thinking differently, thinking Denmark Malaysia Syria outside the box, getting new Eritrea Mexico Trinidad and Tobago tools and finding new ways Ethiopia Netherlands Uganda of doing things.” Finland New Zealand Ukraine Susanne Frederiksen, Denmark France Philippines United Arab Emirates Gambia Poland Germany Portugal United States of America Ghana Qatar Vietnam Global local credibility, relevance Gibraltar Republic of Ireland Zambia Greece Romania Zimbabwe 9 10 Our model Nick Hopkins, MBA Graduate really enjoyed the journey.” residential schools have and lifelongsome friends at the is extremely supportive. Imade set for up distance learning and The University Open is very well studies. MBA career my further start my and downtime hotel in rooms to Idecidedwhen to use my assignment was an on “I India, in (B716). and perspectives practice module mba‑sample to Go faculty academics. by underpinned rigorous research from are materials study our all assured rest technology to enhance teaching and learning. You can using of forefront the at are We your learning. in you inspire and to support designed are interactive virtual learning environment – our all of which and downloads podcasts, through learn you’ll books, study as well As fees. our in included is need you that bring your learning to life, and everything – styles innovative and inspiring materials All our modules employ a blend of learning materials Learning engage your in workplace your studies. life, and you encourage to include and and that assignments refer examples back to your working practical using on focus We study. your of part your a become workplace important very residentialschools. Yourenvironment and the at or tutorials, in on goes to what limited not is learning your and us with Study that allows you to acquire new Centred on your student experience, our teaching model is a highly effective professional development method Our model MBA stage 1: management: to view an extract from our our from extract an view to

skills – without taki

Global or intercultural

Entrepreneurial training ng you away from your workplace. Integrating management knowledge through ourblended approach Corporate finance


social responsibility Operations

Creative and sustainable CRITICAL ENGAGEMENT Manage change


Evidence and integration COLLABORATIVE LEARNING

Project management

Stakeholder management CROSS FUNCTIONALITY

Corporate governance

Marketing practising senior business professionals – to give you a dynamic mix of theory and practice. and – tutors theory of our by mix dynamic a delivered you are give which to – materials professionals learning business pioneering senior create practising academics research-led world-class, Our today’s some from of Learn leading business thinkers P Collard, Professor Information Management Daniel, Professor charitable foundations. industry, services government and departments personal finance conducted for the financial Her Centre for the of Public Finance. Understanding Professor Collard is Chair of the True Potential strategy, corporate turnaround and business model model business and innovation andstrategyprocess andpractice. turnaround corporate strategy, riskpolitical management and internationalisation integrated and strategy non-market capabilities, on focuses Lawton’s Professor research expertise and Management International Strategy Lawton, Professor of solution health and social problems. relationshipbuilding andstrategic planning to the such principles as consumer orientation, He researches the of applicability marketing for Institute the of Social Marketing at Stirlingand The Open University. founder of and Professor UK Marketing first Social the is OBE Hastings Professor Marketing Social Professor Hastings, shaped some of the thinking and ideas in this field. research, teaching and work. development This has public leadership and management through has Hartley Professor to contributed the field of Leadership Public Hartley, Professor cognitive psychology. the of sociology markets, industrial relations and such finance, as behavioural business, international in firms, multinational practices contributes fields to of traders in investment banks and management research, on the Fenton-O’Creevy’s Professor role Behaviour Organisational Dean International, Associate Fenton-O’Creevy, Professor the and organisations individuals within by those organisations. systems information of use Daniel’sProfessor research focuses on the effective e rsonal Finance Capability Finance rsonal

expertise is in policy-focused socialis researchon in expertise policy-focused

Research and Scholarship Vangen, Professor universities. Warwick and Oxford at (SKOPE) Centre Social Research Council (ESRC) Skills and Knowledge University, Rutgers USA and of the Economic and Global Human Strategic Management, Resource Storey Professor is an of Associate the Center for Management Resource Human Storey,Professor and the of history finance. pensionvaluation,funds, women and investment, the fieldmeasurement, ofequity performance the of history finance.Her papersare academic in finance, investment management, and corporate researchRutterford’s Professor has centred around Management Financial Rutterford, Professor and is an Academician of the Social Sciences. Social the of Management Academician of an is and Academy British Fellow the a of is Chair David ex Law. and and Business of Faculty the in Organisations and and is Dean for Associate Research and Scholarship People for Centre the in based David Wilson is Professor of Organisation Studies Organisation Studies Professor Wilson, School. Business Policy Warwick of at Professor Marketing and Emeritus is and (AcSS) Social of Sciences Academy The and (CIM) Marketing of Robin Wensley is a Fellow of the Academy British Strategic Marketing Wensley,Professor of Dean for Social for the of Department Public and Leadership Siv Vangen is Leadership of Professor Collaborative

Management (BAM), the Chartered Institute of of Institute Chartered the (BAM), Management Law. and Business

Voluntary Sector Leadership and Associate and Leadership Sector Voluntary Associate


Enterprise Enterprise (PuLSE); of Director the Centre

Research Research and in Scholarship the Faculty

11 Learn from some of today’s leading business thinkers 12 MBA programme structure IfyouwishtostudytheMBAonthethreeyearrouteyouwillstartyourstudiesineitherMayorNovember. MBA –three year model IfyouwishtostudytheMBAonthetwoyearrouteyouwillstartyourstudiesineitherAprilorOctober. week to your studies. You to have complete the the opportunity MBA within two years. This more intensive route will be if suitable you can devote 20-25 hours a MBA year –two model (accelerated study) management capabilities. you challenging, but will always direct you towardsenables improving your This modules. to the select elective to curriculum suit your needs. MBA modules are from coming cent per 25 with 75 per cent of elements the of consists programme compulsory operations. and marketing finance, and behaviour, human management, resource organisational accounting It builds these upon a solid foundation ofcore disciplines, including impact awareness. such as:andin theory engagement; embedding global practice critical stimulationand independent judgement and coverscore themes programme MBA general the concentrates on strategic analysis, interdisciplinary skills, intellectual capability of level this of achieve To ‘mastery’ your management. of signifies science title and art degree the the in ‘master’ The practice. The emphasis for your learning is rooted in directly management overview Programme professionals. for aspirational designed specially development Our MBA has an internationally-recognised, practice-based and integrated approach to management MBA structure programme pe R perspectives andpractice rspectives andpractice Includes residentialschool MBA stage 1:management: MBA stage 1:management: Postgraduate certificate Postgraduate certificate (60 credits) (60 credits) Year 1 Stage 1 Stage 1 R R Year 1 (BXFT716) (B716)

The dynamics The dynamics (30 credits) (30 credits) of strategy of strategy (BB835) (BB835) R R

Year 2

Postgraduate diploma Postgraduate diploma finance finance

(15 credits) (15 credits) (15 credits) (15 credits) Corporate Corporate Elective 1 Elective 1 Elective 1 Elective 1

(BB831) (BB831) (BB831) (BB831) — career. your on impact — positive a have will which qualifications As you towards progress your MBA, you can pick up other en-route Earn qualifications —

shown shown below. complete and both the two year and three year models are The MBA is designed to take two between and seven years to to in claim Business Administration. the Certificate Postgraduate of completion Upon Stagesuccessful 1of the MBA, you will be eligible claim the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration. On of completion 120 towardscredits the MBA you will be eligible to the MBA. MBA. the Finally, of completion on Stagesuccessful 2,you will be awarded Stage 2 Stage 2 (15 credits) (15 credits) (15 credits) (15 credits) Y Elective 3 Elective 3 Elective 2 Elective 2 Elective 2 Elective 3 Elective 3 ear 2

Year 3 d difference: the m management ifference: the (30 credits) (30 credits) anagement Making a Making a initiative initiative (B839) (B839) R R

(F61) (F61) MBA MBA

— 30 — — — — — — — — 15 the from credits 45 following study will you MBA the of 2 Stage On MBA to match your career, and aspirations interests, expectations. tomodulesOur your offer personalise theelective opportunity Elective modules — — — — — — — — — - - Business, human rights law and corporate responsibility Supply chain management Sustainable creative management Strategic human resource management Marketingin the 21st century Managing financialrisk Management beyond the mainstream Leadership and management in intercultural contexts Entrepreneurship: experience and perspective credit credit

modules: modules modules (BB841) (BB849). (BB844) (BB842) (BB847) (BB845) (BB846) (BB848) (W822). from the modules shown opposite or study 30 credits from the the from credits 30 study or following modules: opposite shown modules the from You will also need to complete an module. elective You can choose the management initiative and your finalmodule project for technological innovation Managing Managing technological innovation 2: Stage more information). (or which BXFT716 takes seven months to complete) (see page 14 for For For more on information our MBA (TechnologyManagement) go to canqualification provide you with unique management training in innovation awideandofthen variety sectors this contexts are interested in the management of and technology technological MBA This focuses on leading-edge sector. the If technology you Management) MBA (Technology — — — — — — — — perspectives 1: Stage that will help you to make a — — — — — — — — Problem Problem solving and improvement: quality and other Thinking strategically: systems tools for managing change Project management Managing systemic change: inquiry, action andinteraction Managing for sustainability Environmental responsibility: ethics, and policy action Development: context and practice Capacities for managing development (T889) approaches you will start with with start will you consists of four compulsory modules: compulsory four of consists

and and practice practice (M815) (B716) which takes 12 months to complete (B839). MBA stage 1: management:

diff (T849); Corporate finance (T849); (T867) Making Making a difference:

erence. F69 - tec (T848); Strategic capabilities (T848); (T877) h (T878) .

(TD866) (BB831); (BB831); (TU811). (TU812)

13 MBA programme structure 14 Your first step towards the MBA — areas, including: acrossthese conversations meaningful organisationsoperate and in having in how understanding different of parts confidence gain will You place. practice takes own your which in context the of understanding better a develop will you management within organisations functions Through learning about different study will you What MBA stage 1: management: perspectives andpractice Yourstep towardsMBAthe first — — — MBA studies. to and strategic areas specialist in your that will foundation enable you a to move successfully with you provide will This how each area is interrelated with the others. principal management andfunctions learn develop will you and consolidate your of understanding study the your of course the Over — help you build on your current understanding understanding current your on build you help management. century Its dual aims are to complex the and challenging nature of twenty-first within framed is module This in Business Administration. also module entitlesyou tothis Certificate the Postgraduate of completion programme. Successful the in module first the is This

politics, andpolitics, change management organisationalstructure, power and managing people and organisations managing managing financialresources marketing management operations management. operations

— — — — — — — The module aims to: light of your own experience of managing. of experience own your in of light management of nature complex the of designed to resources help you make sense a through wide ofvariety materials, and activities guided be will you module this In and improve your ofpractice managing. of m — — — — — — — own own organisation. change which will have a real on impact your enhance your ability to plan and implement with others ideas you encounter, and through debates by challenge your own thinking and practice work to frameworks make sense of, and to skills develop interpersonal and conceptual nationalboundaries and work acrosssectoral confidently management takes place, and and increase your to ability business which in global wider context the of awareness your develop to to techniques and approaches appropriate and tools, helping you to and select adapt with develop your to ability engage critically organisational and cultural contexts managing and leading in different on, and to, perspectives approaches increase your awareness of different leading and century managing twenty-first to their assess to relevance the issues of and core the and theories of current tools frameworks, and understanding your develop a

shape shape your own management practice your own work environment, in order na reflecting upon it critically in light of the of light in critically it upon reflecting

management frameworks, theories that that will help you to use ideas and

g with, organisational complexity ement ement and to enable you to develop it threeon levels. First of all, is the module think fantastic“I — — — — the following forms of support: offer we module the Throughout Support Ross Ross Alan, MBA Student cultures.” different from people course get –that to you meet international aspect of the most rewarding, is the which is probably for the me functional areas. And finally, that knowledge to other Secondly, it helps relate you areas. specific in knowledge the functions of management and make a make real and todifference your managementstyle. management of functions the active engagement to your enhance your of knowledge requires which development Thi — — — —

allows to you develop tutor support and tutor support online engage in dedicated workshops join will you from students all around the world and where school residential one online online forums and resources. workshops two one-day s mo d ule is a programme of professional professional of programme a is ule

tutorials The The following colour panels show of examples the that topics you will study within each of the fiveunits: learning and withengaging the range diverse practice-based of managementliterature. Yo managerial competence. managerial MBA stage 1: management: perspectives and practice how and you learnWhat bring bring management and theories to principles life. operate but also why maymanagement practice learningdiffer fromhelps to management theory. Our ofpractice-based unique methodology and and theory your organisational own Through this managementyoupractice. process, will not only learnabout how should organisations the Through use of your online studyand resources will activities, include thatprocess a helps you tobetween management make connections u will and develop skills your discover such practice important professional as real reflecting on managerial issues,developing approach to an Marketing practices in context in practices Marketing and loyalty satisfaction Customer and customers markets Understanding Marketingstrategies, planning androles communicatingvalue Managing relationships and Change management Change organisations in politics and Power role manager as your and activities Management Stakeholder analysis and management Organisationalstructure Expl Managing o ring management Unit 1 Unit 4

marketing The operationsfunction in context Improving organisationaleffectiveness Analysing organisationalperformance Planning and managing operations in function operations the of role The and Diversity ethical management management resource Human Employee motivation and identity control management Analysing and context organisationalUnderstanding culture


approaches Managing and Managing people people Managing

organisations provides the opportunity to advance your professional Unit 2 Unit 5


Evaluatingfinancial performance Ratioanalysis Financial accountability accounting tools and Budgets management financialUnderstanding statements Managing and

performance financial Unit 3

resou rces

15 What and how you learn 16 MBA Stage 2 modules a company for takeover or flotation. or takeover for company a and and how projects, private sector to value to policy choose, how to both appraise public best to finance acompany, what dividend you are likely to encounter, in particular, how how to the tackle main financialproblems and challenge Youfinanceexperts. will learn enabling financial you theory corporate tounderstand of fundamentals the with you faceorganisations atboard level, and equips It you help will develop your of knowledge this area. module This organisations. a ofmultiplicity financial meet problems in their managers senior and Middle Corporate finance (BB831) your organisation. dialogue of at strategy a ofvariety levels in you help to contribute and the also betterunderstand will module The fellow with students. collaboration in sometimes them, but to analyse and critically comment on not will You merely be to expected ‘learn’ the frameworks, effectively. more role its perform in survive the organisation longer-term and to understanding of the An of frameworks and strategy an ability judgement. your inform and this module will stimulate your imagination future, the in or be will or strategic decision-making, in engaged currently you’re If The dynamics of strategy (BB835) modules Compulsory StageMBA modules 2

introduces finance problems that

use them imaginatively will help your your help will imaginatively them use just just want to learn more about strategy, manager/practitioner. your also ideas to your issue. work-based You will applied in practice by applying academic the explore to extent can which theory be your support thinking. this Through you will you have learned and to to evidence collect will require you to engage with the theories You will work on a initiative which project-like to ‘make a in difference’ your workplace. the learning gained on your MBA journey, This module enables you to utiliseand apply management (B839)initiative Making a difference: the

have an opportunity have to how an reflect opportunity

MBA study has changed you as a a as you changed has study MBA

your organisation, but also how you can use use can you these how to improve your own performance. also but organisation, your of appreciation how marketingprinciples will not only benefit strong a gain this through and all sizes deal with environmental challenges and examples that illustrate how organisations theories of current upon draw will You segmentation,targeting and positioning. such as marketingresearch, marketing marketing of issues that emerge from marketingplanning, variety a explores module This to responsive the needs of the market. more creative marketing aswell as be more has torequired organisations undertake The turmoil economic of the last few years (BB844) century 21st the in Marketing module. the completed have you after techniques that you can continue to use organisations and includes a of library for developing individuals, teams and The module offers practical approaches and in context which management operates. environment culture, the consider also ways to develop organisations. You will innovativeunderstanding and sustainable with and colleagues as effectively well as You will how explore to work more creatively style and how affect we managevalues and relate toothers. cognition, way the at look managing people and organisations. You will and ways sustainable of and developing This module deals with creative,innovative management (BB842) creative Sustainable first. (BB831) you must have completed If you wish to study institution. your within management manager, can to contribute their effective to financialrisks arises and how you, as a have a full appreciation of should how vulnerability you module the of end ugly. the By very some and bad some good, some adopted in the public and – private sectors actual examples of risk management practices recent many uses It managed. and examines then how these risks can be both measured module The risk. operational interest-rate risk, foreign exchange risk and – credit risk, liquidity and refinancing risk, financialrisks that confront all institutions Managing financialrisk Managing financialrisk (BB841) modules Elective Managing Managing financialrisk

explores the various various the explores Corporate finance

in your own professional context. professional own your in evaluate and relevant information to keyof aspects SHRM review find, and problems and human management resource (SHRM) issues with others onwork strategic collaboratively focused personnel management. operationally- You will more the from how and differs this organisation the in level at strategic a management resource human of aspects within It organisations. considersthe different resources human of management be able to decisionsinfluenceregardingthe of managers who wish to and understand This module is designed to meet the needs (BB845) management Strategic human resource the answers. even leadership when you cannot provide the limits to our own thinking, providing systems, learning to embrace dilemmas and reading situationsin terms of complex as impact, well as for (or instead of) profit, for devising strategies boundaries, sector working across cultural and organising, You’ll learn about ways alternative of than relying on ideas from within it. the mainstream’ will provide more ‘traction’ challenges, for which ideas from ‘beyond in face orsituations, from time-to-time more widely. surfacing Managers work the addressare issues these now practices be may that of part practices explores module This the mainstream (BB847) Management beyond century. twenty-first the in part in wider debates about entrepreneurship other entrepreneurial organisations, and take to develop your own venture, engage with evidence. As a result, you will be betterplaced your connecting to by experiences relevant and concepts research practices entrepreneurial deeper, a and more critical, of understanding develop also will You knowledge. you to gain relevant skills and underpinning developing entrepreneurial ventures. It helps challenges the ofcreatingdistinctive and insights into rich, provides experience-based This module public organisations. sector with partnership larger and corporations an play role in important today’s society, often in enterprises commercial and Social and perspective (BB846) Entrepreneurship: experience tomorrow’s ‘mainstream’ – because because – ‘mainstream’

industries through the use of case studies. case of use the through industries foundations and arange of specialist branding and marketing,charitable (corruption and corporate manslaughter), labour standards, criminal liability contexts such business as the of development international different very in these of concepts application and development the is diverse and considering wide-ranging, challenges of a world. globalised The module social and responsibility human rights and the corporate of terms in framed being approach when examining how is this expectation socio-legal a takes It society. wider to and with its responsibility the stakeholders its operations conducts business increasingly This interdisciplinary module considers how (W822)social responsibility law and corporate Business, human rights and partners associates. to thrive and to get the best from colleagues, develop skills, competencies and knowledge you and to supports contexts intercultural facing managers and working leaders in current your This setting. moduleissues addresses in practices own your rethink management you are also challenged to (cross- new on and leadership national)perspectives offering By settings. regional are appropriate in different national and d and on reflect your and own to practice for you opportunities provides toquestion management and this organisations, module globally natureconnected of business, Given the increasingly intercultural and in (BB848) intercultural contexts and Leadership management sustainability and sustainability risk management. account issues such as ethics, environmental of supply takingchain into operations, practices and in the management and improvement concepts important most the of their in This performance. module provides analysis benefit the see function this in environment, and organisationsthat excel skill in fundamental today’s a competitive business is management chain Supply management chain Supply NEW evelop evelop ways of managing and leading which

(BB849) (BB849)

17 MBA Stage 2 modules 18 Flexibility that fits your life office, or on the move. the on or office, – enabling you to study while at home, in the app a facilitates true mobile learning experience Anywhere OU the CDs, audio books, and text DVDs OU-produced any of versions the Offering option todownloaddigital OU Anywhere whenever they wish. allows our to students study wherever and and even your mobile phone. Such flexibility mobile – devices such as – ereaders tablets, All of our learning material is with compatible Flexible learning from in anywhere the world. – go your accessing you MBA learning platform virtual wherever you with our take can programme you travel, requires job your If Flexible location home life, and other responsibilities. allow you to fitour MBA around your work, This modules. study breaks between will means structure Its you flexible can take s ( Our MBA can be in completed just two years Flexible structure around. With a flexible approach tostudy, youcan plan your own way through our programme. The underlying approach of our MBA is that you are able to fit our programme around your life – not the other way Flexibility fits your that life see see even even years. page page 12), you although can take up to over over a number of years. of funds, and spread the cost of your MBA studies in accordance with the availability enables you This flexibility toplan your studying. currently are you pay module(s) only the you for outset; the at cost programme You will not be required to pay the full investment. significant a be can what for inflexibility managing your finances, MBA gives programme you a great our deal of of structure modular The Flexible payment anywhere in anywhere the world. get from fellow support – students from In you fact, your can contact tutors – and forums. community our of one in there’sadvisers, always to someone talk to and from online tutors and support study truth. the As well telephone, as face-to-face, quality from further be could nothing learning means doing it on your own, but Many that worry people or distance online Flexible support

Joe Synnott, MBA Graduate MBA Synnott, Joe view.” of of situations with a fresh point to able Iam how see all types personal events. amazed Iam view of both professional and enlightens to you take aholistic “The MBA is life as it changing Simon Leppich, OU MBA Alumnus cost all worked well for me.” learning style, flexibility and “The format, course make-up,

years years years 0 0 0 from from two to seven years. studies, it can be completed over anything on how much timeyou can allocate to your you wherever you go in the with world. Depending study MBA your take can You Our flexible programme has been designed to minimise disruption to your working life. in your study Fitting 7 years 5 years 4 years perspectives and perspectives and practice management: MBA stage 1: perspectives and perspectives and Stage 1 perspectives and perspectives and (60 credits) practice practice management: management: MBA stage 1: MBA stage 1: Stage 1 Stage 1 (60 credits) (60 credits) (B716) PG certificate (B716) (B716) PG certificate PG certificate



year year 1 1 Study break (30 credits) of strategy dynamics (BB835) break Study The

years (30 credits) (15 credits) of strategy Corporate dynamics dynamics 2 (BB835) (BB831) finance (30 credits) The The of strategy dynamics dynamics (BB835) The The

years years

2 2 options; you can plan your programme programme your plan can you the of options; few a only show They timescale. and achieve your MBA within your preferred could you how plan you illustrate below diagrams The

(15 credits) (15 credits) Corporate (15 credits) Elective 1 Elective 1 Corporate (BB831) finance (BB831) finance finance PG diploma PG diploma Stage 2 r studies r tostudies suit your requirements,


3 (15 credits) break Study Elective 2 break Study

years Stage 2

3.5 years years Elective 2 Elective 1 3 3 PG diploma + (15 credits)

the management initiative Elective 3 Elective 3 Elective 2 Stage 2 Making adifference: years (B839) (30credits) +


years 3.5 Study break years 4.5 break Study


years years 4 4 your your life and work schedule. ( breaks after modules, toaccommodate MBA MBA in two or three years.) for more information on completing your in various differentways, bytaking study years 5 Making adifference: Elective 3 the management initiative (30 credits) years years 4.5 5.5 (B839) break Study


MBA 6 years Making adifference: 5 the management initiative (30 credits) See See years 6.5 page page 12 (B839)



ears 7

19 Fitting in your study 20 Your learning, our support learning learning journey. will be your asset in support foremost your module will be by facilitated your tutor and Your tutor group and learning within the a range of and students different tutors. you will to get work the with opportunity programme, the through move you As to facilitate your learning. this small group will by be supported a tutor, first the for stay module you study. will Throughout the you module, whom with students, you’ll be to allocated a programme group of around 16 MBA our join you as soon As — — — — willinduction offer guidance on: of overview our MBA programme, your helpful from tools. Apart offering adetailed start-up useful and information tointroduced a number of given be will you this, During a through comprehensive online you induction. guide we begins, study your new to four learning, flexible before weeks have not may for studied many years, you or that you might be that Survey. Student recognise we National Because the in satisfaction student for 90% MBA induction over achieve consistently to universities three only access to their tutors, so they never feel that they are on their own. It’s perhaps no Our surprise,support is then,what we’remakes us one stand of out the from other flexible learning programmes.All ourstudents enjoy easy Your support our learning, — — — — tutor groups. study and criticalthinking skills how to use the learning platform virtual how to manage your time Andre Andre Simonian, MBA Graduate thingsdo differently.” experience helped to me contacts. The practical building anetwork of which was also great for residentialand schools, from tutors, forums online received“I lots of support the programme. you improve as you progress through tofeedback comprehensive provide help and module, particular a for Your tutor will mark all your assignments and individualised and support guidance. intensive more from benefit will you student ratioof around 1:16.This means get with teaching dedicated will a support, tutor- you School Business OU the At your learning in real life contexts. professionals, who will constantly ground our tutors are business also practising academics, than More programme. our andfeature effective powerful of distinct, tutors is experienced perhaps the most of Our network support more than 100 tutors Experienced

your your MBA group peers. events, where you will also be able to meet material. Our tutorials work learning as facilitative study the clarify, and through, to provide sessions an work opportunity and online These face-to-face tutorials. will to get attendthe further opportunity In toaddition our schools,you residential Tutorial events online format. face both offered to face and, for who students are prefer, via an schools residential The andpresentation consulting. negotiation, help to improve your skills, in areas such as Dedicated development workshops will context. international to work, and network learn together, in an experience. Concentrated sessions help you you studies, will a accrue wealth of real-world from two to four days. Working with live case These are immersive ranging experiences locations. of range a in – place taking programme MBA the of a part form schools compulsory residential three globe, the from together Bringing students around and workshops Residentialschools — — both: you giving They also offer support, pastoral academic relevant to your studies. administrative, nationaland regional aspects offeredby your tutor in all wider academic, to the supplementing students, support integrated learning and learner support Throughout your studies, they provide chances your of in success your achieving study goals. maximise SSTs our study experience, personalised highly a Offering (SSTs) Teams Support Student — — modules, tracking your progress and and offering individualised support. progress your tracking modules, examination and assessment,selecting reactive proactive your queries and providing support.


support: such as to responding guidance on on guidance

databases and multimedia resources – for true offlexibility resources learning. multimedia and databases ebooks, journals, of online into thousands tap can you There, library. OU’s extensive –to the aday, aweek 24 days hours seven – access free enjoy you’ll assignments, your complete and To research you help OU and online library resources — — — — via vibrant online platforms: peers, your with interact to constantly able be will you programme MBA OU the Within support Interactive Linda Goarke, MBA student MBA Goarke, Linda togood go.” internetas Ihad access Iwas New York –as long apartment tiny my or outback, Timbuktu, world Icould Iwas. the be in it matter didn’t where the in “With the Business OU School and webinars. events bodies, professional groups, online via graduates MBA of networks world’s largest the of to one You have access will countries. 125 over from alumni MBA successful 25,000 than to more home is School Business OU The Worldwide alumni community — — — — rooms in which to study with your peers. your with to study which in rooms than yourself. programme the of stage advanced more a at are who peers from advice academic take you can example, For programme. MBA our following students all with same module. same the on working are who but group, tutor your in not are who peers with interact nie rooms: Online forums: Module forums: Tutor  MBA world forum:   in a tutor-moderated forum. atutor-moderated in peers, group your and tutor your both with which enable you to interact, to interact, you enable which this lets you book virtual virtual book you lets this which allow you to to you allow which this lets you connect connect you lets this

21 Your learning, our support 22 Our MBA as employee development Manager for Europe and the Middle East Middle the and Europe for Manager Derek Harnby, Cummins Corporate Recruitment to study while the go.” on programme allows employees University“The Open MBA — — — — — — with Why is our MBA so popular same learning across the country, or the world. drawn especially to our to ability deliver the dispersed Geographically organisations are immediate return on their investment. see work an environment. Organisations enable them to apply these ideas to their to the latest business and thinking, and managers staff.Our modules introduce employees their develop of thousands organisations helps School Business OU The we large corporates, to SMEs. By listening to, and understanding, the requirements of the individual organisation,We have more than 40 years’ success in fulfilling organisational needs, across various industry sectors – from MBA asOur employee development — — — — — — It It gives you to access one of the world’s that suits you. pace and place time, a at study for developing managers, allowing you route to flexible and mobile a It’s employee employee and the organisation. one, frommanager’s day working practices an has immediate impact, developing the approach practice-based Our personal motivation. and commitment team-working, such talents, prioritisation, as effective and capability butmotivation also valuable managerial your only not develops It the private and public sector. – boundaries equaloffering to relevance cultural It and geographical, crosses sector immediate return on your investment. tomorrow –practice meaning you see an so that what activity you learn today, you can put into management daily on draws It and learners practitioners. largest communities of management

provide flexible solutions to business critical issues.


making making a todifference both the

ways of thinking.” new their from benefit great an organisation are getting their MBA activities, but we as projects being to able support work-based those from benefit So, not are only they getting projects. work-based relevant put it into demonstration very in they from gained the course and can take the knowledge that Primarily the value is that they have got from the MBA. talk to the value us about they “The BT constantly managers Andy Palmer, Head of Skills, BT Skills, of Head Palmer, Andy partners include: partners sponsoring our of Some Radio Radio Telefis Eireann G4S plc FirstGroup plc plc Atkins WS Technip United Technologies Corporation (USA) ABB Group Cummins Inc (USA) NationalHealth(NHS) Service Tocompetence. findout more go to on employability, earning potential and research shows, has a impact positive management and resources which support, you to frombenefit CMI’s wealth of development and our allows partnership a share philosophy of applied CMI practical, management and School Business OU The to you, in of recognition your qualification. personal development, and offering discount designed to your support career and Manager and AffiliateMembership, both differentmembership packages, Chartered Togetherexcellence. we are two offering standards in management and leadership in body the UK to dedicated the promoting highest professional chartered only the Management Institute (CMI), Chartered and has with Network Careers the partnered Alumni School Business OU The Partnership Institute Management Chartered School’s and international strategies. research Business OU the with in fits which andpartnership collaboration, research, GBSN also provides a resource for innovation, social justice worldwide. in line with the OU’s to strong commitment impact on development. Membership is fully management education, creating long-term building capacity programmes that advance world. The developing goal of GBSN is the to implement in education management countries on six 29 working tocontinents strengthen from schools business 67 of (GBSN),Network Business School a network school UK only to have been accepted into the the Global is School Business OU The Global Business School Network them. updating business challenges faced by today’s organisations and we reflect that in our learning materialsdevelopment by constantly of effective business networks. Our strong links with industry enable us to understand the We are focused on widening our contribution to and involvement with the business community through Business networks .

you will need throughout your career. your throughout believe need we will you services business key the provide from events to guidance on tax, they can business tool. From to networking research, membership benefits and are an essential The IoD has a wealth of impressive them. with connect and member, a As you will enjoy to many meet opportunities locations. geographical and ofspectrum company sizes, types industry home is IoD to the business from leaders across a remarkable members, 34,000 over With £220. Alumni our saving fee, the election waiving rate, preferential a at (IoD) able are to join the ofInstitute Directors prestigious graduates MBA School Business OU Instituteof Directors 86% of FTSE 100 companies, at any any at companies, 100 FTSE of 86% employers worldwide. That employers is why The Open University The is Open University trusted by given time, have sponsored sponsored have time, given students on our modules. Employer


23 Business networks 24 Your passport to a powerful global alumni and careers network Graham Finch, MBA graduate experience!” life-changing A Irelate how insight and Ithink how into Iam, who to others. unprecedented an developed I’ve success. existing its renew the process of developing asophisticated strategy to build and professional personal life. and veterinary My practice is in now MBA proved has “My invaluable an benefit to bothmy — — — — — — — — access: can you website our Through and and industries functions. across sectors, individuals at differentstages oftheir careers We offer aof to variety services support professional development and Careers out on start your own, or return to study. within your organisation,change careers, whether career; you are to looking progress you can continue todraw on your throughout Our 90,000 members. aim is to provide a that over service with community, growing You will belong to this global, powerful, School. Business OU the business postgraduate and management from qualification and professional a holds who This is careers. network open to everyone practising and leaders managers, their throughout of community its and School valuable between our connections Business An Alumni and Careers Network facilitates of members our alumni worldwide community. Our MBA is your passport to a large, extremely active, business network. MBA graduates automatically become Your global to apowerful passport network alumni careers and — — — — — — — — MBA MBA alumni courses range discounted free continuingprofessional development priority discounted discounted specialists, Maximiser development programme: free and recruiters on how to work with head-hunters videos guides recruiter and supporting free progression topics on and library career support free professional professional bodies career assessment programme career coaches, CV specialists and online resource library access for to access current international monthly webinars and a webinar access to access a career personal

of OU Business School CPD CPD School Business OU of

access to access ongoing learning and for for MBA Alumni. , developed by MBA Career Career MBA by developed , Career Career Farm

membership to professional to access and

priority access to a a to access The The Career

professional journey. your to others on experience support their ensure that you are confidentand able to use offer a training to process comprehensive If you would like to a become mentor, we your goals. and mentor like-minded to help you achieve we that can match you with a confident suitable, independent are we so MBA Europe, of in group alumni diverse most and experienced most largest, the amongst have We others in our network. to a engage with rewarding opportunity or from being benefiting mentored, it offers in interested a becoming volunteer mentor need for development. Whether you are this careers, programme focuses on the their immediate progressing in students to Designed both alumni support and Career mentoring programme management. For more goinformation, to strategy, leadership and strategic change central a theme; around for example, exploring innovation, focused are Conversations your own perspective. enable you to learn, participate, and share is location the not to accessible you, if videos and a webcast and events, our at insights research staff.leadersshare Industry their matters with each other and business with our and academic current on perspectives It’s the place for our to network share their quarterly themed basis. insight viewsinto managers’ on practising a events, an open blog access and face-to-face thinking and tobest practice you through online and practitioner and academic latest the Our programme events. networking alumni organise additional informal our At network. a local level, volunteer alumni – or other professionals within events, led by our own tutors, academics, and networking learning and development We offeronline, aof variety face-to-face, Alumni events Business Perspectives brings

. modern modern organisations. and inproductively allfunctionalareas of needed to competencies manage effectively tointroduction the keyideas, and techniques It provides a broad-based, practical their managerial abilities and understanding. management or those to looking develop aimed atqualification those new to is an internationally recognised professional The The Prof Professional in Management Certificate (S01) You will be eligible for our MBA by satisfying all three requirements of your chosen route: requirement, and – if you are an internationalstudent – a language competency requirement. There are three routes into our MBA programme. Each has an academic requirement, a work experience requirements MBA entry Key features of in the Professional Management Certificate Duration: — — — — a UK university or equivalent. or university by UK a awarded honours, with degree, You will need to have a bachelor’s — — — — are are in the world. Applicable to Applicable Respond to the Apply newly- Build on toyour experience developexisting your learning. ahlrsdge ihHonours with degree Bachelor’s essional Certificate in Management Certificate essional Part time – 1-4 years 1-4 – time Part Academic requirement    learned learned skills, knowledge and techniques immediately in your own context. the commercial, the public commercial, or sector. voluntary management development management needs development of your wherever you organisation, Route 1 A minimum of three in years’ experience a managerial, or technical role. professional

A capability A equivalent capability to an IELTS score of 6.5. or training background. is available to you whatever your educational Crucially, there are no entry requirements, it responsibilities youexercise. is study related to you the management roles and everything – development professional own your on is emphasis The and people OU six-month module the complete or above or of 640 score a achieve and examination, You will need to take the GMAT requirement Academic ahlrsdge ihu Honours without degree Bachelor’s Work Language

 experience (B628). Managing Managing 1: organisations   


requirement Route 2

prestigious MBA, provided you also have Management offersyou entry to direct our qualification,the in Professional Certificate In toaddition gaining a highlyvalued qualification and the this modules you will study, go to about information more For (see above). the for more information. onto entry direct our MBA. See below will completion, give successful you after which, (S01), Management in qualification –Professional Certificate You will need to complete our one year requirement Academic

appropriate appropriate management experience oBceo’ degree Bachelor’s No    Route3 .

25 MBA entry requirements 26 Fees and funding — Student Budget Account (OUSBA). debit or by credit card, or with an Open University front, up fees your pay can You study. your of duration the over cost you are at studying that modules time.This spreads the the for pay only You front up payment. single a require not does MBA our Unlike many traditional MBAprogrammes, you stop Don’t let funding problems — explained range fee Our 1 is MBA our as follows: for range fee approximate The as supervision, well as fees. examination elearning environment and project access toschools, residential abespoke study materials, andaccommodation and meals at books of cost the includes Unlike many business schools, our fee Fees UK’s other triple-accredited business schools, the value for money of the OU model is clear.Our MBA breaks the link between exclusivity and top-tier, triple-accredited excellence. When compared to the Fees funding and Based on 2016/2017 prices.

Rest of the world Other EU Republic of Ireland United Kingdom Region For more information go to Finance England is likely to be June 2016. date earliest for to applications Student The 2016/17. autumn from MBA your a as towardsthe contribution cost of studying available be will loans These announced by the Government. Student Finance England were recently Loans for postgraduate study through in students England loans Postgraduate for pass pass each module at the attempt. first which modules you study and assumes you The total cost of your MBA will depend on and hence may vary as you progress in in your studies. progress you as vary may hence and The module prices are reviewed annually, 0 0266 for details 303 Please call £18,602 – £20,347 £17,833 – £19,550 £15,328 – £16,991 e range fee Approximate 

   4 (0)300 +44 1 .

can can write to OUSBA at facilitiesfrom anyother provider. with OUSBA and is not able to offer you credit that The exclusively works Open University ousba by fees your OUSBA go to paying on information more For count towards your MBA. made for all subsequent modules that The same funding arrangement can be your module. time extra you may need the to secure the funding for you give could option This representative). 0% (APR your starts before module just full, in and OUSBA interest-free, repay then and module your for You can stilluse the OUSBA option toregister each If Hall, more For information go to repayments. the afford can you All credit is to subject status and proof that exclusive an rate, available only is to students. Open University This your commenced. has once module applied only is interest annum, per your after month module begins. Currently charged at 5.0% one starting – instalments repay the loan to OUSBA Ltd, in monthly module fee to The Open University. You then At OUSBA Ltd registration, pays your full works OUSBA How Ra R Amou T APR F MB p ins cr (t

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or you you or To findout more, go to [email protected]. pleaseFor information email further closing date is 28 each year.February holding honours degrees. The application is open to all graduates Open University account of financial circumstances, and of work. The voluntary fund does period not take a through experience their formal by study or research, or by either generally broadening – degrees their upon build is Fund intended to help graduates Open University Crowther The chancellor, first our Set up as a tribute to the late Lord Crowther, (Open graduates only) University The Crowther Fund — — your studies, according to your availability, by: Our fee tool calculator will help you to plan Online fee calculator onFor information further how toapply go to following May. announced is and in November, for study beginning the application the of on merit based the judged is Alumni, MBA by funded a future leader. The which scholarship, is early career demonstrate potential to be MBA the of programme to stage an individual who can first the for annual scholarship an offers School Business The Future leader fund — — chosen length of study. of length chosen MBA can be spread flexibly across your how the demonstrating totalcost of your choose you electives the on depending the calculating totalcost of your MBA,

. . Pay as you go

The flexible modular structure of our MBA allows you to plan your studies in accordance with your available finances. The following example pathways show when and how much you would need to pay. However, these are suggestive only and you can, as a student, take study breaks after any given module.

3 Year Time Plan 0-12months 13-18months 19-24months 25-30months 25-36months Corporate finance Marketing in the MBA stage 1: (15 credits) 21st century Making a management: The dynamics – £1,505 (15 credits) – £1,505 difference: the perspectives of strategy management and practice (30 credits) Managing Leadership and initiative (60 credits) – £2,991 financial risk management in (30 credits) – £5,196 (15 credits) intercultural contexts – £2,784 – £1,505 (15 credits) – £1,505 £5,196 £2,991 £3,010 £3,010 £2,784

4 Year Time Plan 0-12months 13-18months 19-24months 25-30months 31-36months 37-48months Sustainable Making a difference: creative the management MBA stage 1: management initiative management: The dynamics Corporate (15 credits) – £1,505 (30 credits) – £2,784 perspectives of strategy finance Study break and practice (30 credits) (15 credits) Leadership and Strategic (60 credits) – £2,991 – £1,505 management in human resources – £5,196 intercultural contexts management (15 credits) – £1,505 (15 credits) – £1,505 £5,196 £2,991 £1,505 £3,010 £4,289 5 Year Time Plan 0-12months 13-18months 19-24months 25-30months 31-36months 37-42months 43-48months 49-60months Management Corporate beyond the finance mainstream (15 credits) MBA stage 1: (15 credits) Making a – £1,505 management: The dynamics – £1,505 difference: the perspectives of strategy management Study break Study break Study break and practice (30 credits) Leadership and initiative (60 credits) – £2,991 Marketing in management (30 credits) – £5,196 the 21st century in intercultural – £2,784 (15 credits) contexts – £1,505 (15 credits) – £1,505 £5,196 £2,991 £3,010 £3,010 £2,784

Employer sponsorship

The Open University is highly respected “Business men and women can make a real difference to their by employers which is why more than organisation’s strategy through implementing learning from the 40 per cent of our students are sponsored by their employers. OU Business School qualifications from day one of studying. Our online Business Case Builder tool can Having the support of highly accredited qualifications under their generate a fully written tailored business belt, gives employees the confidence and knowledge to voice case in three easy steps. Explore the tool at g o solutions and strategies that reflect today’s business practices.” to create a business case to present to Sir Gerry Robinson, Business Expert your employer.

If your employer would like more information Pay as you about The Open University and the benefits of sponsoring employees, then please go to 27 28 Student achievement awards academic year. We continue to support and celebrate our alumni by recognising outstanding achievements to to achievements Here are what some of our awardoutstanding winners had to say about theirrecognising studyby experience. alumni our celebrate both and organisations and communities. support to continue We year. academic which have run for over a decade, are held to commend some of the highest achieving students fromThe OU the Business past School celebrates the exceptional achievements of its highcalibre students annually.The awards, Student achievement awards Outstanding Contribution to Society to Contribution Outstanding Alumni of Jeremy the Roebuck, Year 2014/2015 – because of MBA.” my been only has possible2000 the world. Every role since I’ve had life. It all the difference made has in with the organisation my changed because of that the way studying so means “The OU to much me MBA Dineen, of Student Michael the Year 2014/2015 for would say go “I it. Outstanding ContributionOutstanding to anOrganisation Dr Luke Alphey, Alumni of the Year 2014/2015 – experience themselves.” ofrange sources could anyone than knowledgeand from afar wider dramatically, bringing in experience “An MBA broadens horizons one’s more smoothly!” Things seem company. to my in flow period of significant transformation quickly successfully and a through It helped has to me transition else. anywhere study to want with get on and it. You will not procrastinate,Don’t just dive in

“My MBA t has “My grade. Then, enjoy!” Then, grade. required order in to get agood career and job consider and is what will what on most your in help you havetime you to contribute, focus realisticBe of the amount about needed. always is analysis thorough well as more critical whether about both me made more analytical as relationship. of And course, it has situationI approach any and Laura Alcock-Ferguson, Alumni of the Year Achievement Achievement Year the of Award Alumni 2014/2015 – Commended Highly Alcock-Ferguson, Laura Manfred Matheis, Ambassador Award 2014/2015 Ambassador Matheis, Manfred learn.” all could we business experience, from which substantial had and industries of They represented awide range came from all over Europe. of participating students who diversity international and reach into practice. I enjoyed the quality, aclearhad focus theory bringing on was the residential schools which The highlight of MBA experience my and high quality. from tutorssupport is demanding learning materials is excellent and triple accredited. The quality of the most the school importantly, and is courses are provided English; in enabled to me continue working; flexible distance whichlearning, school offers the highest quality, because it criteria: met all my the chose“I to study with the OUBS ransformed the way

“W key questions that are asked by prospective MBA students. Eileen Arney is Director for the MBA programme at The Open University Business School. Here she answers the perspective Director’s Programme A students to study with the because OU practical of our focus and the fact that 86% of FTSE 100 companies have sponsored tripleOur accredited MBA is programme testament to that. As is Eileen forward to welcoming to you The University Open Business School.” the effectiveness teaching of We our learning model. and look e A believ rney, M P BA e tha rogramme t value D irector , flexibility, an d qualityspeakforthemselves.

support that support student individual meets needs. the learning and are able to offerpersonal research. Our for tutors provide context underpinned by robust academically programmes developed by subject specialists professionals in their fields.They deliver of The majority our tutors are practising advicenot just rhetoric. practical academic be will by supported our tutors who you provide programme the Throughout my aid tutors the will How a in them situation. real-world applying before theories academic which scenarios allows to students test Weprogramme. do this by using workplace their skills from the very beginning of the into their work environments, improving to immediately implement their knowledge Our toapproach learning enables students leaders in innovativelearning technology. and learning styles learning media – we are be online – isflexibility inbuilt for arange of Our designed is to programme specifically OU? the with learn I will How Information LineInformation on school an MBA with studying us please visit our website at about queries any have you If on your career and to yourself. potential to make the a in impact positive your workplace, have will You manager. curious and to knowledge and a become reflective to develop the the yourself opportunity skills MBA of students and alumni you will be giving community global our joining By benefited their employers. study their that said MBA our graduates of 74% and performance their in 83% of respondents saw an improvement A recent OU MBA alumni found survey that with the OU Business School? studying from get I will What the tutor. from each other as well as the materials and are designed to enable to students learn and Our diverse tutor experienced. groups professionally incredibly is students MBA of are they what learning in of their The workplace. community benefits the see can they that instantly so designed is course managers the and currently are students our of Many OU Business School? the with MBA an studies Who

learning? or call the OU Business School School Business OU the call or +44



0065 .

29 A Programme Director’s perspective 30 Practical information if you live outside the UK or the Republic of of Republic Ireland, go the to or UK the outside live you if are published on our website, go to registration for dates closing The least a month before you begin your study. Information LineInformation on Please call the OU Business School programme. MBA our information about further you give you and have might questions any answer can who study advisers, our of one contact always can You us to Talk mba-online go sessions, to information online of number a run we Or, if you can’t make it to one of these events For details of UK events near you, go to to you have we that will suit your needs. At some events modules what and us, with study with OU staffand discuss what it’s like to Europe to Continental giving you meet the opportunity and Ireland UK, the in events a The hosts Open University number of us Meet and route) you study accelerated the taking and May November (April and for October those in starts programme MBA Our dates Start For more information go to of relevant previous study recognition elsewhere. in awarded be can 2 modules Stage at elective of credits a 30 of MBA, the maximum for required credits 180 the Of Credit transfer information Practical

subject specialists. subject

can can view our learning materials, or talk will need to register for your modules at . +44


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. Christoph Weimer, MBA Graduate a a new journey, the of beginning the end but it is “An MBA is not For information, gofurther to offer which of The MBA. Open University some organisations partner international of number large a have We International — — — register to Ways — — — If you live outside the UK or the Republic of of Republic Ireland, go the to or UK the outside live you If LineInformation on Call The Business School Open University Online at study-mba

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Contact points for advice and registration

Please visit our website: or, for students resident in the UK and Ireland, please call The Open University Business School Information Line:+44 (0)300 303 0065 Lines are open (UK time): Monday to Friday 09:00 to 20:00 Calls are charged at the UK local rate when calling from a UK landline. Calls may be recorded for training and security purposes.

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