Liverpool. [Kelly's

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Liverpool. [Kelly's 534 HEM LIVERPOOL. [KELLY'S Hembry Benjamin & Co. (.Arthur E. Taylor, manager), lino- Henderson Samuel, plumber, SI Greenwood street, Everton leum & oil cloth warehouse, 24 North John street j TA Henderson Thomas, Insurance agent, 2 Avon at. Everton "Hembry, Liverpool;" Tn 2135; also 4il Cross street, Henderson Thomas, patentee of mechiUlica.l stokers, self- Manchester: London address, 16 New!late street, E.C cleaning furnaces & smoke-preventing appliances; TA Hemelryk Paul Edward Joseph, cotton broker, see Hornby, "Mechanical, Liverpool"; Tn 2366; 6 & 1:' Trueman st Hemelryk & Co. ; res. Wavertree lodge., Mill la. Wavertree Henderson William, auctioneer, see Henderson Brothers; Hemer John, brass finisher, 113 Granton road, Evertou res. 1 .Arundel street, Walton Hemingway Joseph, plumber, 116 Radcliffe street Henderson William, boiler maker, 59 Evelyn etreet, Kirkdale- Hemingway Thomas,tallow chandler, 24 County road, Walton Henderson William, cah driver, 20 Behn-ave st. Erskine st Hemingway Wm. post office clerk, 101 Esmond st. Abfield Henderson William, compositor, 1 Lndwig road, Walton Hemmin James. stationer, 62 Bold street Henderson William, engineer, 23 Rosalind street, Kirkdale Hemming Frank, enamelled letter &c. manufacturer, see The Henderson William, iron merchant, see Henderson & Glass; Liverpool Rubber Stamp Co res. Rosslyn, Crosby road north, Waterloo Hemmtngs Alfred, teacher of singing, 39 Bedford Rt. north Henderson Wm. marine engineer, 16 Merlin st. Toxteth park Hemmings Elizabeth (Mrs.), horse fiesh dealer, 15 Currie st Henderson William, stone ma11on, 6 Windsor st. Toxteth pk Hemmings George, clerk, 51 Underley street, Edge hill Henderson William Campbell, auctioneer, see Henderson Hemmings William, sawyer, 22 Olivia street, Bootle Brothers: res. 1 Arundel street, Walton Hemmingway John, bookkeeper, 10 Redgrave st. Kensingtn Henderson William Gavin, manager of the Liverpool Union Hemp, Yarn & Cordage Co. Lim. fia.x & jute manufacturers, Bank Limited, 6 Brumwick st.; res, 2 Holly rd. Fairfleld .Ariel chambers, 14 Water street; Tn 2031 Henderson Wm.J.custorns officer,16 Hawkesworth st. Walton Hemphill Samuel, greengrocer, 20 Westminster rd. Kirkdale H".nderson William J. dealer, SO Dryburgh street, Kirkdale Hemphills William, grocer, 340 Park road, Toxteth park Hendle Caroline (Miss), schoolmistress, Church ru. Wool ton HemstockFrancisW.bookkeeper,175 HarTowby l'<t.Toxteth pk Hendley Emma (Mrs.), dress ma. 17 Gran by st. Toxteth pk Hemsworth Edward, shopkeeper, 40 Chatsworth st. Edge hill Hendley Joseph, engine driver, 102 Stevenson st. Wavertree Henabery John, mariner, 108 Beaufort street, Toxteth park Hendrey Duncan, tobacconst.&statnr.1700akfield rd• Hency Edwd. ships' steward, 52 Palmerston drive,Litherland Hendrick Charles, joiner, 1 Cawdor street, Toxteth park Hendel Carl, waiter, 25 Beresford road Hendrick John, dock gateman, 6 Skirving street • Hendel Wilhelmina (:Mrs.), dress & mantle maker, 2.5 Beres- Hendrie John, engineer, 19 Garfleld street, Bootle ford road, Toxteth park Hendrie John, joiner, 31 Byford street, Edge hill Henderson Brothers, auctioneers, 64 Scotl»nd road Hendry Daniel L.R.C.P.Edin., L.F.P.S.Glasgow, L.S,A,Lond. Henderson Brothers, metal merchants, 5 Waterloo buildings, physician & surgeon, 28 Bath street, Waterloo 2 Wood street Hendry Henrietta (:Mrs.), shopkpr. 36 Westcott rd. Anfield Henderson Brothers, steam ship owners, Commercial build- Hendry James, boiler maker, 47 Hertford road, Bootle ings, 17 Water street Hend!·y James Alex. surge •n, ~39 Westminster rd. Kirkdale Henderson &: Glass, iron, steel, tinplate, &: Hendry Jane (MI'><.), hosier, 81 Breck road, Everton general rnert:han-ts; office & warehou~es: 18, 20 Hendry Mary (Mrs.), pawnbroker, 284 Great Howard street & 22 Vu lean street; city office: 8b Rurnf'ord & 87 Derby road, Bootle place: Tn. Vu lean street, 443; R u~nf'ord Hendry Mary (.Mrs.), pawnbroker. 180 & 182 Marsh la.Bootle- place, 791; TA 11 Vu lean, Liverpool" Hendry Mathew, boilel' maker, 11 Evelyn street, Kirkdale Henderson J ames & Co.ship store dealer~, 2 & 4 Orford street, Hendry Mathew, boiler maker, 2 H ermia street, Kirkdale Wapping; bonded warehouse, 48 Hanover street; TA Bendry Samuel, engineer,1u Warwick street, Toxteth park "Almira, Liverpool; " Tn 2230 Hendry Thoma.q, marine engineer, 48 Cawdor st. Toxteth pk Henderson, McMillan & Co. provision merchants, 17 Temple Hendry Wllliam, bookkeeper, 8 Primrose street, Kirkdale st.; Tn 1337; TA" Abode, Liverpool" Hendy Samuel, master mariner, 14 Norma roau, Waterloo Henderson Wm. & Sons, silk mercers, 9, 11, 13 & 15 Church Bendy Thomas, ships' steward, 5 Great Cros~hall street street; Tn 1696 Henesey & Co, cabinet makers, 15 Park place, Toxteth park Henderson & Co. hardware merchants, 18 & 20 Park lane Henesey Alfred, cabinet maker &c. see Henesey & Co.; res~ Henderson & Co. tea merchants, 1st floor, 4 Rkby s bldgs. 68 Beresford road 21 Dale street; warehouse, 21 King street Henesey John, cabinet maker, 7 Upper Hill st. Toxteth park Henderson A. J. butcher, 107 Stall, St. ,Tohn's market Henessey James, boiler maker, 5 Celia street, Kirkdale Henderson Albert, tailor, 3 Tarleton street; res. 13 Milton Heney Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Maun street, Bootle road, Edge lane; Tn 5097 Heney Thomas, hosier, 7 Scotland place Henderson Alexander John, clerk, 12 Stanfield rrl. Everton Hengler's Circus (Albe1t Henry Hengler, proprietor), 6. Henderson Annie (Mrs.), boot maker, 86 Wavertree road West Derby road Henderson Arthur, Mlicitor, firm, Win~tan ey, Morecroft Henharen Catherine (Mrs.). apartmenttl, 43 Pleasant street & Co. Scottish Provident buildings, 2 > Castle street ; res. Hening Thomas, master mariner, 36 Yew Tree road, Walton Fern Lea, Oakbill park, Old ciwan Henker John Edgar, sugar boiler, 14 Sandheys street Henderson Capt. Henry R.N.R., F.H.R.s. principal examiner I Henley William, wine & beer retailer, 172 Field street & secretary to Local Marine Board, Canning }Jlace; res. Hennaway Alice (Mrs),apartments, 82 Geraint st. Toxteth pk 18 Bidston road, Oxtoa Henneman Chas. ship sttward, ~7 .Haliburton st. Toxteth pk. Henderson David, joiner, 21 Viola street, Boot:e Hennessey Catherine (Mrs.), coal dealer, 77 Latimer street Henderson David L. manager Globe Parcel~ ~ xpress, 11 I Hennes3ey Joseph, foreman, 31 Wilbraham street North John street; res. 15 Barrington road, Toneth park Hennessey Thomas, cabinet maker, 39 Cobden st. Everton Henderson David, railway guard, 10 Bird stree', Edge hill Henne.;sey William, cabinet nmker, 37 Talbot street Henderson Edwin, butcher, 111 Rocky lane, Anfieltl Hennessy Edward, clerk,J,II Holly grove, Seaforth Henderson George, boot maker, 24 Lark iane, l'oxteth park Hennessy John, rate coll~tor,5D Up. Warwick st. Toxteth pk Henderson Geo. stonemason, Lower House lane, West Derby Hennessy John, shopkeeper, 1 Phelps street, Litherland Henderson Geo. tobacconist, 88 Farnworth ~t. Kt>nsington Hennessy Joseph A. wool broker 61. wool merchant & dealer,. Henderson Henry, w,1tch m a. 11 Bonrne st. Wtst Del by rd 19 Goree piazzas; res. Holly grove, Seaforth Henderson Henry W. clerk, 56 Dun! nee strPet, Wait on Hennigen N orah (:M~rs. ), lodging house, 26 Prospect street Henderson Henry Welsby, clerk, 51 Arundel otr et, Walton Hennin Bernard, coal merchant, 12 Church road, Waterloo Henderson Hugh, shopkeeper, 19 Ceres ~treet, Kirkda.le Hennings Martin, sugar refiner, 130 Gt. Mersey st. Kirkdale­ Henderson James, assistant inspector of postmen, 3 Penton Henochsberg & Ellis, clothiers, 12, 14 & 16 lsllngton & 23 &. street, West Derby road 25 Camden street; Tn 2315 Henderson James, Masonic Arms P.H. 17 North Hill street, Henochsberg Samuel J. clotllier, see HeJlochsberg & Ellis;. Toxteth park res. 120 Prince·s road Henderson J ames, schoolma.~ter, 85 Empress rd Ken~ington Henricksen John, beer rt>tailer, 71 Duke street Henderson James W. ship store dealer, see Henderoon James Henrickson John, seaman, 12 Bedford place, Bootle & Co.; res. 60 Bridge street. Birkenhead Henrikson Andrew C. missionary, 15 Viola street, Bootle Henderson Jane (Mrs.), sh()pkeeper,l16 Seafortll r•l.3eaforth Henry Alexander, dock gateman, 191 Fountains rd.Ki.rkdale: Henderson Janet (.Mrs.), Royal Oak P.H. ;;3 Greenwood st. Henry Annie Elizabeth(.Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 27 Boundary pl Everton Henry Charlei! James Uampbell, provision broker, see Henderson John, auction£er, see Henderson Bl'< s.; res. 17 Gardner Wm. & Co.; reil. 2 l'ollemache rtl. Cloughton, B Chepstow street, Walton Henry David, engine driver, 28 Up. Warwick st. Toxteth pk Henderson John, dentist, 57 Pembroke place Henry Edward, milk seller, 220 Athol street Henderson John, iron moulder, 21 Byles ~treet, T•Jxtetb prk Henry Edward, tailor, 23 Kemp.,.ton street Henderson John, joiner, 34 Alfonso road, Kirkd;ue Henry }'rancis, shopkeeper, 6:.! Circus street HendersonJn.naval draughtsmn.20Ballingt .n ,t.l' xteth pk Henry James, provision dealer, 46 ::;cotland road Henderson John, silk mercer,see Henderson vViiliam & Sons; J-Jenry James, thipwright, 43 Arthur street, Toxteth park res. 299 Edge lane Henry James, wareho).lse keeper, 14 Beresford st. J;.verton Benderson John, warehousemen, 164 Delamore st. Kirkdale Henry Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr. 263 B aufort st. Toxteth park • Benderson John Olive, engineer, 4 Homer st. 'l'oxteth park Henry Jn. advertising agent,27 Wellington aven. Toxteth pk Henderson John Edward, grocer & provision deJ.ler, 204 & Henry John, boot maker, 6:.1 .l!'ortll street, Kirkdale 220 Stanley road, Kirkdale Henry John,
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