Enquiries To: Information Team Our Ref: FOI 678107 Request-563551

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Enquiries To: Information Team Our Ref: FOI 678107 Request-563551 Enquiries to: Information Team Our Ref: FOI 678107 [email protected] Dear Ms Mullen Freedom of Information Request 678107 Thank you for your recent request received 22 March 2019. Your request was actioned under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in which you requested the following information – In numerous Council meetings/media reports etc, Mayor Anderson has stated that he has created '67 acres of new green space'......he made it very clear that this was NOT refurbished green space or 'Meanwhile' green space....but permanent new green space [1] Please clearly indicate the location of each of these new green spaces [2] Please indicate when each one was created and the acreage of each one Response: Liverpool City Council would advise that a detailed report on this matter was submitted to the then Neighbourhood Services Select Committee at its meeting of 24 February 2015. A copy of the report and accompanying appendices is attached with this letter. We would advise that this report was and remains fully in the public domain and in accordance with the application of Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), that this can be reasonably accessed via the following weblink – http://councillors.liverpool.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=1432&MId=14489 The sites included in the report were incredibly diverse and as such were the result of a mix of different circumstances; there are some sites which were highlighted as development space in previous regeneration activity and were still deemed to be potential development sites. In this circumstance the improvement was described as a meanwhile use and a temporary improvement until such time the site was developed. However there were also sites which were deemed long term/ permanent improvements and on land not designated for potential development at the time. We would further advise that the City Council’s website for Committees and decision- making bodies includes a comprehensive search facility and may be accessed via the following weblink – http://councillors.liverpool.gov.uk/iedocsearch.aspx?adv=1&fc=1&SS=Text%20to%20search %20for In accordance with the application of Section 21 FOIA 2000 this letter is also intended as a Section 17 Notice under FOIA 2000. This concludes our response. The City Council will consider appeals, referrals or complaints in respect of your Freedom of Information Act 2000 and you must submit these in writing to [email protected] within 28 days of receiving your response. The Liverpool City Council Information Team Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1DS E: [email protected] matter will be dealt with by an officer who was not previously involved with the response and we will look to provide a response within 40 days. If you remain dissatisfied you may also apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision about whether the request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.The Information Commissioner’s website is www.ico.gov.uk and the postal address and telephone numbers are:- Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. Telephone 0303 123 1113. Email – [email protected] (they advise that their email is not secure) I trust this information satisfies your enquiry. Yours sincerely A Lewis Angela Lewis Information Team Enc Liverpool City Council Information Team Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1DS E: [email protected] NEIGHBOURHOODS SERVICES SELECT COMMITTEE All Members of the Neighbourhoods Services TO: Select Committee DATE: Tuesday, 24 February 2015 TIME: 5.00 p.m. West Reception Room, Town Hall, High Street, VENUE Liverpool 2 CONTACT OFFICER: Ann Coy Tel: 0151 233 0413 E-mail : [email protected] Signed: Ann Coy Date of despatch: 16 February 2015 (Committee Services) THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMITTEE MEETING If confidential information is to be discussed the Committee can determine to exclude the press & public If you have any additional needs to facilitate your attendance at this meeting please contact the officer named above. Liverpool City Council Municipal Buildings, Dale Street, Liverpool, L2 2DH web: www.liverpool.gov.uk NEIGHBOURHOODS SERVICES SELECT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP – 2014/15 CHAIR Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins DEPUTY CHAIR Councillor Joe Hanson MEMBERS Councillor Daniel Barrington Councillor Peter Brennan Councillor Joanne Calvert Councillor Doreen Knight Councillor Barbara Murray Councillor Mark Norris Councillor Pauline Walton Councillor Gerard Woodhouse Councillor Lawrence Brown ALTERNATE MEMBERS Councillor Louise Ashton-Armstrong Councillor Richard Wenstone Councillor Jeremy Wolfson Councillor Emily Spurrell Councillor Tom Crone CABINET MEMBER Councillor Steve Munby NEIGHBOURHOODS SERVICES SELECT COMMITTEE Tuesday, 24 February 2015 5.00 P.M. AGENDA 1. Declarations of Interest To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers present to declare a pecuniary or significant prejudicial interest in any matter on the agenda. 2. Minutes of Last Meeting To consider minutes from last meeting of this Select Committee, as held on 6 January 2015. (Pages 1 - 11) 3. Question Time To provide an opportunity for the submission of questions from both Members of the Select Committee and public to the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods Questions may be submitted at the meeting or preferably, to enable a more detailed answer to be provided, in advance to the Committee Secretary by 12.00 noon on Friday 20 February 2015 utilising the following options – • by email to [email protected] or • in writing to: Democratic Services Municipal Buildings Dale Street Liverpool L2 2DH 4. Motion - Community First Panels submitted by Councillor Steve Radford To consider the terms of the following Motion submitted by Councillor Steve Radford – “This Select Committee wishes to thanks all the 13 Community First Panels who dispersed considerable additional match funding in their community despite complex I.T. systems used in the scheme. This Select Committee wishes to write to the Office for Civil Societies to review and continue the scheme and focus resources to wards of economic deprivation”. 5. Community Resource Unit Grants Update To consider a report providing an update on the continued progress of the Grants and Performance Grant Programmes (formerly CRU). (Pages 12 - 16) 6. Green Space Report This report provides an update on work being undertaken to improve pockets of land across the City through either ‘meanwhile use’ as community gardens, or the creation of improved green space of a temporary or permanent nature, setting out key issues and learning outcomes arising from several years of improving green spaces and support for ‘meanwhile use’ of vacant sites. (Pages 17 - 73) 7. Dates and Times of Forthcoming Meetings The Committee to note the date and time of the next meeting of this Committee – th • Tuesday 14 April 2015, 5:00 p.m. onwards; This meeting is scheduled to take place in the West Reception Room, First Floor, Liverpool Town Hall unless otherwise advised. The venue remains subject to change and prior notification. Page 1 Agenda Item 2 M ! " " " # #$ !"##! % $%%" & %'' (( # M (M% %% * &( % $ &$ "+ ",'%' - " ( +$ $&$'" ..... /0$ ()*+*,"+ ( "++ # ' ""# '' " " ' + ' 1" ( " $ # " "$ 23$ #+*,&+#- 4%((" "(+ ("2( 5362$ -. (+ (+%(("2 ( 5362 '' " "$ Page 2 #++-/0 #* 12*+*).3+( ()- % ( + " "" ++ " '+ " " ' '' # ("- " & (' ( + (5 M7 5368 % ' + " 9 ": "++ " "# '4 " 9 " "% " + (63$33 ( 5$33'( + "$ *)(* *$,,(+ $+ & %'' (( ""% (( ( "(+;" " " + + " " ++ ( " '+ '# " "((%'' ,++ <%,R> ' ?+ (+ ('+ ( ($ 26$ +*0-4***.+$-+*)5. 4%(( " ' ", ;'" + ( & %'' (( "'+' - , 1M # # # # # M M M ! 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