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Détails sur le produit Rang parmi les ventes : #1055164 dans eBooksPublié le: 2008-03-06Sorti le: 2008-03- 06Format: Ebook Kindle | File size: 74.Mb

Par Budge Wilson : Before Green Gables before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Before Green Gables:

Commentaires clientsCommentaires clients les plus utiles0 internautes sur 0 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Courtesy of Teens Read TooPar TeensReadTooAnne Shirley, a beloved character recognized worldwide for the past one hundred years, returns in this fantastic prequel.Centered around Anne's life prior to her arrival in Avonlea, this book answers the questions of how the little red-headed orphan came to be herself.Anne - with an e - had quite an upbringing in those early years, orphaned at three months of age and bounced around from home to home as free, live- in labor. So, how did she get that exquisite vocabulary and her love of all things beautiful? We thought it would always be a mystery, and so it may have been if not for Budge Wilson.An award-winning Canadian author of many books for children and young adults, Wilson seems to have been the perfect choice to tell this tale. She managed to create a realistic backdrop using the many resources available about Anne's life, chiefly the eight books in L.M. Montgomery's renowned series, along with input from literary experts and historians.It's hard to give oneself over to an Anne book not penned by Montgomery herself, but since Wilson has a unique and strong voice in her own right, and since most fans are eager for anything Anne-related, it doesn't take long to fall in love all over again with the perky little girl who has a ferocious appetite for life. I laughed, I cried, and I closed this book with a sense of satisfaction I haven't felt in a long time.I can't help but feel that Budge Wilson is a kindred spirit.Reviewed by: Julie M. Prince

Présentation de l'éditeurBefore she had arrived at Green Gables, had a difficult early life. Orphaned as a baby, she was sent from one foster-home to the next, caring for other people's children even though she was but a child herself, and escaping from her dark reality through the power of her vivid imagination. Curious, inventive and outspoken, even at a young age, Anne battles to make a life for herself by searching out kindred spirits, finding solace in her books, and dreaming of the day she has a family of her own.Budge Wilson has developed the seeds of L. M. Montgomery's ideas into a fully realized, beautifully written story.From Publishers WeeklyAcclaimed author's Wilson's (The Leaving) disarming prequel to the beloved classic gets off to a slow start but picks up momentum when the focus shifts from the heroine's parents to Anne herself. Orphaned in infancy, Anne is shuffled from one family to the next; despite poverty, hardship and heartbreak, she retains her indomitable spirit and an intense hunger for knowledge. Raudman's childlike voice has an innocent quality in keeping with Anne's sense of wonder and hope. She keeps a steady pace, allowing readers to enjoy the story as Wilson masterfully rounds out Anne's early life. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Revue de presse"Profound ideas, persuasively fleshed out. L.M. Montgomery would surely have approved." -Washington Post "Good news for those who love the feisty, imaginative heroine of Anne of Green Gables. If the half-dozen or so books by aren't enough, readers now can step back in time to learn about Anne's early years...Anne has many adventures in this briskly plotted novel." -Columbus Dispatch "Wilson makes Anne Shirley speak like Montgomery's Anne Shirley and even provides a credible scenario to show how a backwoods girl with little education managed to acquire the vast, precocious vocabulary that has endeared Anne to many readers." -Edmonton Journal (Alberta, Canada) "Wilson cleverly and adroitly portrays the essence of Montgomery's famous red-headed orphan." -Library Journal

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