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[email protected] FINAL REPORT: SHORT VERSION THE PRIMARY MATHEMATICS RESEARCH PROJECT 2004 - 2007 Towards evidence-based educational development in South Africa Eric Schollar February 2008 Acknowledgements The Primary Mathematics Research Project would not have been possible without the organizations and people acknowledged below. Nonetheless, their mention does not necessarily imply endorsement of its findings. The generous support of the Shuttleworth Foundation to the PMRP since its inception for Phases I and II, as well as the generous support of the Zenex Foundation to Phase II, is gratefully acknowledged. The support and approval of the PMRP by Dr. Sibusiso Sithole, Chief Director of the Directorate of Quality Promotion and Assurance and Dr. Meshack Moloi, Director of the National Systemic Evaluation – both of the National Department of Education - and Onica Dederen, Senior General Manager, Limpopo Department of Education is gratefully acknowledged. The unstinting and professional support and assistance of Mr. N. Mukhacwa, Circuit Manager of the Malamulele North East Circuit of the Vhembe District, has been invaluable throughout Phase II. Thanks are also due to Mr. D. Moruti and Mr. L. Maluleke, Circuit Managers of Malamulele East and Central Circuits. Thanks for their patience, cooperation and support to the principals, teachers and learners in the schools in which Phase II of the PMRP was conducted.