A Sociological Investigation
DISSATISFACTION OF MALAMULELE RESIDENTS WITH SERVICE DELIVERY IN MALAMULELE AREA, LIMPOPO PROVINCE: A SOCIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION BY NTSAKO SIMEON MATHONSI 200402793 Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Sociology in the FACULTY OF HUMANITIES (School of Social Sciences) at the UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO Supervisor: Prof SL Sithole 2017 Declaration I wish to declare that the work on Dissatisfaction of Malamulele residents with service delivery in Malamulele area, Limpopo Province: A sociological investigation submitted towards fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Sociology has not previously been submitted by myself for a degree at any other university, and also that the work is my own in both design and execution, and that all material contained herein has been acknowledged accordingly. ________________________ ___________________ Mr NS Mathonsi DATE i Dedication This work is dedicated to my wife - Wisani Mathonsi, my daughters - Vun'we Blessing Mathonsi and Xiluvelo Abundance Mathonsi, as well as my parents - Mr Yobert and Mrs Maria Mathonsi, who are my source of strength and my support structure. I also wish to dedicate this work to my late grandfather, patriarch Shabane Samuel Mungoni who has been and always will be my inspiration. ii Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere gratitude for assistance and support to the following authorities, people, and institutions: The Almighty God who is the author and perfector of my faith. My supervisor, Professor SL Sithole - for his wisdom, guidance, advice, support and supervision, and his trust upon me. The Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA) for the financial assistance.
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