APHA Newsletter No. 165 (Winter 2008)
Libraries and the Getty Research Institute for their gener- Newsletter ous donation of space and personnel (and thanks to all of Number 165 our volunteers!). We are also deeply grateful to the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation and to the Southern Chapter Winter 2008 of the American Antiquarian Booksellers Association for magnanimous funding assisting graduate students and sub- sidizing support for speakers. Particular thanks to the apha Southern California Chapter Board, who did so much to plan the conference and were instrumental in mak- ing things happen: Richenda Brim, Ryan Hildebrand, Report on the 2007 Annual Conference, Steve MacLeod, and Kitty Maryatt. Other members of the “Transformations: The Persistence Planning Committee (not on the board), who also helped to moderate panels, included Cristina Favretto, Jennifer of Aldus Manutius” Schaffner, Nina Schneider, Deborah Whiteman, and Susan Allen. Finally, thanks to other members of the ucla & getty research institute, Planning Committee: Linda Ninomiya and Gary Strong, october 1113, 2007 Rhonda Super, and Vi Ha. Again, particular thanks to our Local Arrangements Chair, Gary Strong, and to our Pro- apha’s 2007 annual conference was a resounding grams Chair, Kitty Maryatt, for a superb conference. success. The theme was decided at an early meeting that Paul Romaine, was inspired by ucla’s Aldus Vice-President for Programs Manutius holdings, which in turn suggested our keynote speaker. Kitty Maryatt de- following our recep- signed the program and logo. tion at the ucla Faculty Cristina Favretto curated the Center’s California Room, exhibit of Aldines, which was and the conference banquet, supplemented by books that H.
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