April 12, 2017 Honourable Brad Wall Premier of Saskatchewan Room 226, 2405 Legislative Drive Regina, SK S4S 0B3 Dear Honourable Premier Brad Wall, I have corresponded with both yourself and Deputy Premier Don Morgan in the past regarding the betrayal and terrible unresolved injustice towards former members of the Saskatoon Police as a result of the Stonechild Inquiry. You replied to me nearly three years ago and advised Mr. Morgan would be contacting me. I have not heard from Mr. Morgan nor yourself. Our pleas continue to be ignored. As noted in previous correspondence and conversations we have carefully documented new evidence regarding the short sightedness and wrongfulness of the Stonechild Inquiry. This evidence clearly reveals the truth and how evidence was concealed, distorted and/or manipulated, causing personal and professional failure. We kindly request you personally intervene immediately and appoint an out of province Federal Justice with subpoena and resolution authority to review what we have documented. We will co-operate fully in providing all details of new evidence and information. We invite you to attend investigative journalist Candis McLean’s book signing of “When Police Become Prey” on Saturday April 22, 2017 at the Canadian Club, 2148 Connaught Street, Regina from 2-5pm or on Monday April 24, 2017 at the ANAVETS Club at 359-1st Avenue North Saskatoon from 7-9pm. We look forward to your response. Thank you. Yours truly, Dave Scott Saskatoon Police Chief, retired
[email protected] h 587-269-0335 c 780-916-8250 cc: