Edition: August 2020 RAJHIN09119/36/All/94/TC

Srijan Yatra

Fascinating Journey of Life www.srijan-yatra.com Srijan yatra , August 2020

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat Raksha Bandhan, Independence day, Eid- ul-Juha, Gayatri jayanti, Sri Krishna Janmashtami, Shriganesh Chaturthi Best wishes to you

- Creation travel family


Srijan yatra , August 2020 Editorial

Come on Rakhi Of The thread Tied up Tree Of Defence Of Too promise Take

Defence And The bond two The words From together Made up is Raksha Bandhan, meaning One Like this The bond that Defence Of promise Give And two People To love Of The thread From The dam Take Practical As On Good Only him brother-sister Of Unbreakable The bond And Unlimited The love Of symbol agreed go Ho, but right Meaning In this family And society Of The middle Of Holy alliance is. that T Yag And Dedication To Indicates is. Present society In our Front that Social Issues Huh, them away To do In Raksha Bandhan Of Festival Important Role Fulfill can is. when The elderly mother-Father To help Find Have old age home Of And Go Have See Huh so We Myself Ours development And advancement On The question Mark felt Find Huh. After all this Too so Social The bond is, Again mother-Father Destitute Why theThe this Problem Of Solution Too Raksha Bandhan On mother-Father To Rakhi Tied up And Lifelong Of for Their All The obligations Of The responsibility With did Go can is. Again modern The era In Time Of Lack has Too Relationships In Apart Kind Of Distance Made up Given is, In which One Others Of for Time No Happen. Its reason Too family Of Member Each other In chit chat No Tax Find Huh. Communication Of this Lack The differences To Birth Gives is And Misunderstandings To The force Get is. this day brother-sister, father's sister-uncle with Sitting Rakhi Tie up-Binds Huh so this type Of Problem From Dealt with Go can is. This only No, this Festival Communalism And category-Cast Of Wall To Topple In Too Main Role Fulfill can is. The need is so try To do Filled Of. The seam4History Occur Go are The families In many In two The sisters or two brother Only Occur Huh so They Raksha Bandhan On So Downcast Ho Go Huh That them Who Rakhi Will tie or They who Rakhi Will tie. but Like this No Huh. sister Of sister To And brother Of brother To Rakhi to tie Too them One Others Of near Brings is. The same Kind mother-Father Of children To Rakhi to tie and children Of mother-Father To Rakhi to tie Too Their between Of Difference To Erases is. so Let go when We Raksha Bandhan Festival To new form In Convince Of talk Tax are Huh so Us society, family And environment To Save Of Common man The need On Centralized Happen needed. this Holy Festival On We All To this oath to take needed That this day One Tree To Too love Of this Door Will tie And That Tree Of Defence Of complete The responsibility Will take

-Suman Aditya


Srijan yatra , August 2020

Self Brainstorm

Ma Gayatri - Birthplace of Indian Culture

Mother Gayatri is considered the birthplace of Hindu Indian culture . They have four Vedas of ori gin considered to be like. So Vedas The essence of the Gayatri mantra to be considered was that. Recognition is that the four Vedas, the knowledge to take the post of the virtue of the acquisition would have , he alone Gayatri mantra to understand just to get used to. Vedas th e origin of why the mother Gayatri to Vedmata said to have. While Brahma , Vishnu and Mahesh 's adorable having the same Devmata also said to have. All knowledge of the Divine also Gayatri are , the reason these knowledge - Ganga to be recognized is. Mother Gayatri to the mother Parvati , mother Saraswati , mother La kshmi 's menu is also believed to have. Atharva in Mother Gayatri to age , vitality , power , fame , wealth and Brh mtej provided to a goddess said was that. Shravan Purnima to Gayatri anniversary celebration of Mark on observed is that. Say you , this day creation of more of Brahma on Gayatri mantra app ears to be. Mother Gayatri 's grace from Brahma the Gayatri mantra to explain his four faces the four Ve das and as in the. Start the mother Gayatri only gods to limited ago , but the type Bhagirath stri ngent austerity of Ganga Maiya to heaven from earth to unload brought , the same way Vishwamitra was too harsh practices by the


Srijan yatra , August 2020 mother Gayatri of glory that Gayatri mantra the general to bring. Vedas , the scriptures and mythology is the mother Gayatri 's glory sing as you , ancient 's Rishi - Munis of the modern India of thinkers who have it about the many things than you. Mahabharat a, the author Ved Vyas says that that like flowers in honey , milk into butter essence as in the the way as all the Vedas the essence of Gayatri is. If Mother Gayatri to prove you have to do it kamdhenu the same is. As Mother Gan ga body of sins to wash the body - mind to clean it is , the same type Gayatri form Brhmganga the Spirit Holy be done is. Gayatri 's common to bring that Vishwamitra says that that Gayatri from increased holy to the spells and there does not have. That humans regularly as the Gayatri mantra to chant that is , he sins of fine anyway as free to be used is such slough off leaving the snake would have. Mother Gayatri to Brahma 's second wi fe is also said to have. Only then Pushkar in , where Brahma is the only temple located is , there is a mountain on Gayatri then another mountain on Savitri 's temple made up of. Said is that tha t Lord Brahma at the sacrifice of waiting to have had. But one reason his wife Savitri them with not had. While recogni zing this is that religious functions in wife with you so that the fruit must get it , Icel new they sacrifice to join the the to even exist Goddess Gayatri of marriage can be. After the Savitri to the address shown that he is annoyed by Brahma to the world in not worshiped going to curse you have. So Brahma 's worship not the heart is.


Srijan yatra , August 2020


Srijan yatra , August 2020


Monsoon season in health to keep special care

Scorching heat and humidity to escape to the order even though we monsoon the season of wai ting is to be , but this disease from the division is. Therefore monsoon of course be a problem to avoid th e preparation course to take. Summer 's days on hunger little seems is to our health , too weak to be used is. While rain and weather in the environment for many types of bacteria and germs active to go there. So health on special a ttention to the needs there are. The weather in occasional chilly and sometimes hot weather are to be caused by the digestive action well not exist is. So these problems to avoid in every possibl e effort to look for. Monsoon in clean cleaning on special attention to very important is. Cleaning the hands of c leaning special needs is , therefore, eat dinner with first hands on must wash. Currently in serious dialogue to corona transition of moving it and also must have. If you nail increase the buff are s o this season in small nails hold. With only a little light food to eat the habit insert , which is that easy to digest for. Because rain in gas , indigestion , including stomach of problems over there are. At the least rainy of days in the outside of the food or stale food is absolutely not eat. The weather in the


Srijan yatra , August 2020 fridge for bottles to change the habit of putting the bike. Out of juice or water to drink from even avoiding to. Because outside of food and beverage items from infection of the risk to be is. So bottled water or boiled in water and drink the habit enter. Monsoon in wet to fe ar more is that , because children are home from inside the same play the same inspired to. Home and home to around water deposit not to give. Monsoon coming from the first to the clean cleaning make sure. This season the whole arm of clothes to wear , so you mosquitoes to escape to. Your immune system to strengthen essential to for healt hy diet is consumed in. Fast food is consumed to the refrain. Every one of the rain in the wet like that , the rain in much longer to soak in cold - cough and fever may be is. Icel new rain in the wet on much longer the hair the wet not keep. Wet the clothes , shoes - slippers to immediately turn to. More time to wet clothes wear the skin disease to be able to. Diabetes of patients to the particular form of his feet to take care to look for. Feet wet is to immediately make them clean again. The weather in the aged and sick to be the likely more significant is. Therefore it is important that their health is taken care of . Older rain in much out not quit. Drink hot tea , coffee or soup . Do not eat too much raw fruit or salad . Eat in turmeric , cardamom , anise , cinnamon is used to. Th ese disease -resistant disabled person growing is. In addition monsoon season in the night to sleep in for bed nets to use to. If regular medicines having been traveling so much volume in the dose deposited by bike , so rainy the result of out not being able to do any drug in continuation remains are. The old adage is that treatment from rescue services is. Therefore monsoon season in this rule to foll ow course in and healthy looking , cool Stay.


Srijan yatra , August 2020


Raksha Bandhan at home to create this delicious dish

North India for several states in Raksha Bandhan on the way - like the sweet dish to make the trend is. But sweet as well - with you at home on the the delicious dishes to quickly set up can have , those evenings writing the cheese tikka , tandoori potato steak , veg biryani , curry - rice , chick peas - kulcha , semolina of pudding and porridge pancake. Cheese is all like to have , but when it speci al way to prepare is to do so , it attached dishes too little to be done are. Paneer Tikka making of for you this thing , cream , salt , chopped up cilantro and a bit of hot spice of well marinated in. After roasting the Paneer Marination on a low flame , your Paneer Tikka will be ready . You it onions and sauce of with all been so its flav or and increases will. Raksha Bandhan on the main course of for veg biryani, a good option may be is. Veg biryani to the order you Basma ti rice is used to. Peas , potatoes , cabbage and carrots in with yogurt , nutmeg , curry leaf and h ot spices to mix. Rice and vegetables to meet the following it without heat to cook. It later rose


Srijan yatra , August 2020 water , Sisal water , chili powder and black pepper powder to it garnish in and a once again som e time to light fire to cook. Rice ripening of post it all in. Tandoori Aloo Tikka 's recipe even easie r is. Potato boiling of them peeled and yogurt , cream and spices as well marinated in. Pan on re fined cast him without heat to keep. Oil heated to the following potatoes to the pan to keep and light brown having to soak up. Your tandoori potato tikka is ready . This tomato sauce or even chili sauce and with all the can do. Curry - rice in combination eating a case of never failing not to be. It ships to the to have the first gram of fritters ready to. Gram of dissolving mild spices and with marinated in. Fry it on refined . In lat er yogurt the best way beaten back and a little water to enter. The solution in chili powder , turmeric , small amounts of coriander powder , salt and c hopped occurred onions add and light fire to cook. Gram of Pkaudon to this place. Some time c ook and then the rice is well served in. Similarly like thread on chole - kulcha make the best option may be to. As for onions - garlic and other spices to mix paste prepared to take. Embroidery in refined place and light the flame in the paste to fry bike. Then it boiled in Colon to enter and gravy and with such heat to cook. Kulc ha market in ease of getting pets are. Kulcha heated by Chole 's with all in. Eat the after dessert i n Suzy 's pudding get it , then what is happening. It ships to the to the first indigenous fuel in se molina and fry experience. Also after it water , milk , sugar , cashew nuts , almonds , raisins , cardamom , Chironji and pistachio enter. Light flame to cook and care Keep the halva in bales not going to get. Dry fruits and toppings of such use to the following halva to serve you. Sweet in the porridg e pancake also the best option is. Pancake making of for the right amount of flour , semolina , fennel , lost , milk , saffron , sugar , cardamom powder and ba king soda and mix marinated in and refined in light flame to fry. Rabri market for easy to get done is. Cold porr idge of up flapjack served in. Then again, while what is of , Raksha Bandhan on these delicious dishes at home on the same make and Bravo get


Srijan yatra , August 2020


Ranthambore , which houses the places themselves Trinetra Ganesh

Rajasthan 's Sawaimadhopur district of identified natural significance of the sites , historical buildings and with - with Ranthambore Fort in at Trinetra Ganesh Temple and also the. Here Lord Ganesha 's own Prakty statue per Ishtap injury is , where the country 's various parts of devotees every good work from before Lord Ganesh the i nvitation to come to. Every year Bhadrapad month of Chaturthi to here lakkhi Fair solida rity heartening is. This temple is a unique confluence of nature and faith . India in four self Prakty Ganesh temple are , inc luding Ranthambore to Trinetra Ganesh first are. In addition Siddapur Ganesh temple in Gujarat , Avantika Ganesh temple in Ujjain and Siddapur Sehore Temple Madhya Pradesh in the self Prakty Ganesh per Deposit is. Said is that the Maharaja Vikramaditya , who Vikram Samvat the calculated start of this week , they also each Wednesday at Ujjain and later Ranthambore located Trinetra Gane sh 's philosophy to come were. Dream in middle order to post only he Siddapur Sehore of Ganesha 's establishment made this week. This is the third eye of recognition Gajvandnm Citym in Vinayak 's third eye of the description is. Public recognition is that Lord Shiva had my third eye successor forma


Srijan yatra , August 2020 t Soum son Ganapati to entrust been had. It Mahadev of all powers Gajanan the lies hav e been. Mahagnpti Sodsh Strotmala in Vinayak 's 16 war forms the description is. Mahag npti very specific grand is , that Trinetra holding you are. Recognition is the Ranthambor e in this Trinetra copy plus Mahagnpti the same format is. Here Lord Ganesha 's dressing normal days in the silver of work to be expected that , but Ganesh Chaturthi to adorn gold in the work of the is. It works out of imported used to and many hours of law - law of Lord Ganesh 's consecration be expected to. Ramayana in the temple of mentioni ng the temple of about the Ramayana in even mentioning get is. Said is that that Lord R am was Lanka 's side traveled to Time Lord Trinetra Ganesh 's anointed same as in the W S. In addition to Lord Krishna has also Rukmini to marry Rchate time Ranthambore come Lord Trinetra Ganesh to invite the Ia was. Lord Ganesha of the statue itself Prakty is , which Trinetrdha ri is. Them the third eye the knowledge of symbols to be used is. The whole world in which the only temple is where God Ganesh your entire family , both Ptn Ion Riddhi and Siddhi an d two sons good and benefit of well ensconced there. Their feet to have their vehicle rat even sitting up is. The circumambulation of this Lord Trinetra Ganesh temple is 7 km lon g . Et Ihas in any of the descriptions that are is that the Ganesh temple 's construction Ra nthambore the king Hmirdev Chauhan had made was. 's ruling Mughal Alauddin K hilji in Ranthambore fort to the four sides of the surround have had and things right to the name did not get to was the Lord Ganesha by Maharaja Hmirdev Chauhan to dream in philosophy by saying that my prayers do , all problems over a will . In the second the day fortification of the wall on Trinetra Ganesh 's statue Face it went. King Hmirdev by their worship of and Lord Ganesha in by said place on the grand temples of the building built. This way many years to run the war ended it was. Citt Ion - invitation letters to dig Lord Ganesh the first god believed to have. Therefore a single g ood work than before Ranthambore is God Trinetra Ganesh the letter sent Invite be exp ected to. Jndharna is that even Lord Ganesh the first invitation sent to all work smoothly standard consists of. So even here the self Prakty Ganesh copy plus the front letters and invitation letters to dig out remains is. Ranthambore Ganesh temple of the written invita tion letters or letters the postman big honor to with the temple to make division is , that priest by Lord Ganesha to read pronounced is the. Heav y turnout in the by these letters to to the government 's different from the post office opened up to. How to arrive Trinetra Ganesh Temple Sawai Madhopur than 13 kilometers from the World Heritage in include Ranthambore fort the inside at the Trinetra Ganesh Temple. R ail route from here to reach the to Sawai Madhopur Junction to get to , which


Srijan yatra , August 2020 is a central Delhi - railway track on the right is. Here the road route from the bus or private vehicle from Ranthambore fort to go to may have. In addition air rout e from Jaipur Airport on down here by bus or private vehicle from Sawai Madhopur cam e to be is.


Srijan yatra , August 2020


Kanha in to market in were beautiful Dressage this time Janmashtami on if you your child is to Kanha of Dress buy the plans are to hav e so we you something Options show , so you help find may have. But then Krishna birt h of for markets in Kanha to for beautiful dress of large range view to get going is to sh op at Kanha dress of many varieties available are. But kurta , dhoti , flute , crown and thr ew a combo pack of thing only a few and is. These packs are easy to market in every space available is , in Kanha from about every thing including th e went to and the look in your baby very cute look. In addition to the yellow color of the outfit 's with peacock feathers were dress also have your baby at Tri Tax can have. It put it on the bracket threw the child 's waist on the sacred , then it is very cute look. If you yellow color of rather than the white color of dress you want to look white kurta , dhoti and with the red color of the bracket threw the combination also market at present is. As the market in numerous colors in Krishna - Radha is to dress to get going are , but the yellow color of the dress to demand the most is. With the Kanha 's Morpank style of dress for the peopl e will like you to have. This time Krishna and Radha 's dress in mirror work of the more d emand there is. Mirror work of dress Jaipuria style in available places , in five colors to use and has a. This dress is also available in Bandhage print . The crown of the Kanha 's dhoti and cap o n the Mirror Work has happened is. These dresses of Kanha are available in every size .


Srijan yatra , August 2020

Newborn baby from the teenagers to to get going these beautiful Dressage in every age and according to texture something different is. Newborn baby in for Kanha Dress Cott on 's created went to , that child 's problems do not occur. In addition small children to dress up in beads , etc. The use also not have been that. While teenagers and to become dress on beautiful beads work has happened is. This time Krishna is with - with Radha and for the market in several colors in Dressage get wind of. These blue col or of the red color in elegant skirts available there. Although Corona of impact this time of Janmashtami at even is , but excitement and enthusiasm for a reduction do not have.


Srijan yatra , August 2020


IPU in Ll Agst to be able to online applications Indian Military College in 30 Sitnbr to make appl ication Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University ( IPU ) in on various courses for admission to for online applications to date an time ag ain raise the is. Now applicant Ll Agst to apply to can you. Corona is due in March from now until 8 time application of the date the increase be done is. It first final date 3l Julai set of went this week. Administration by students to quickly and soon applied to the advice given is. Indi an Military College , Dehradun in entering the process started to went to. 11 to 13 years of baby it for 30 Sit nbr to apply to can you. Araimsi Military Training Directorate has said is that Julai 202l o f the session of the eighth class of admission test a and two in December the country to choose the centers in need. Application form , details magazin e and old question papers National Indian Military College Garhi Cantt Dehradun to get the go can have. General category of candidate 600 rupees , while scheduled class of ca ndidate 555 bucks to pay an application form and details Magazine 's set the tax can ha ve. Scheduled Tribes of candidate 's for the certificate to verify the copy sent essentially is. Log in to only students with the application of characters are. Candidate A Julai 202l to any recognized the school in sev enth grade in studying or VII have to be and a Julai 202l at age 11 years 6 months to red uce and 13 years old with more not to.


Srijan yatra , August 2020


to be IPL 2020 's debut

Asia Cup and T - 20 World Cup 2020, the cancellation of the after IPL 2020 to organize the way before the clean may have had , but fans of the mind in question was that after this tournament India in organized will or abroad in. Now IPL governing council 's chairman Brijesh Patel said IPL the event site from the curtain lifted to the. He cleaned up by the year 2020 the IPL UAE in organizing the will. IPL L9 Sit nbr the start will and final match 8 Nvanbr been played will. While the process as soon as the services IPL Governing Council 's meeting in matches of schedule and standard oper ating procedures on the final decision taken will. Brijesh Patel has said that the UAE has the same we IPL held to the plan have had. Now we have them it was held to the information will be. But her first IPL the complete schedule them to necessarily be. In L' new soon the IPL governi ng council 's meeting held should have. The following schedule is announced by the will. We sch eduled a taken is. Hope you are , the government also it approved a will. In this way, it will be a full IPL of 51 days . UAE in Dubai , Abu Dhabi and Sharjah in cricket 's three big ground are to be expected is that the matches of organizing these places to be. You tell yourself UAE 's first of the IPL in 2020 of preparations start to the week. Dubai Sports City 's head of cricket events Salman Hanif was the last time the information given was that they IPL 's view event of features to set up to have. Hani f said it also said was that Dubai Sports City , the Dubai International Stadium and ICC Academy matches in to complete such preparation is. Tell yourself that Dubai International Stadium in 9 pi


Srijan yatra , August 2020 tch made was that , so even pitch to prepare you for any kind of problem does not occur that is. In addition to Abu Dhabi and Sharjah in Cricket Ground also IPL is to prepare is. IPL is scheduled to Mutab that incl udes a day in the two matches played will. Evening of games to start the time 7:30 pm to be. Strict protocols t o see in this thing to make to the order that matches the middle of the best difference is , 10 double header plans were made to. With the Kovid - 19 Replacement of the approval granted went to. Also under that match in during a player Coro na Pojitiv found is that if the match with only the player out of the will and its place team any other player in the playing XI in involved will. While the stadium in the audience to call to speak to the Emirates Cricket Board ( ECB ) to discuss the subsequent decision taken will. BCCI has all franchis es from visa process start to the saying has it.


Srijan yatra , August 2020

Interview: Mahant Nritya Gopal Das

temple there will be , where the deity is seated

Ayodhya in Sri Ram Temple of bhumi poojan be done is. Sriram Fatherland trust the president and maniram slave camp of Ma hant dance Gopal Das to say is that Ayodhya in grand and divine Ram temple is built in the same location at will , which is located on the Lalla sits there. Srijnyatra to the interview in his clear and that the model before the Ayo dhya to be was a , that of the temple 's construction has to be and it works the next 6 months to begin to be. Submission is they were talking to edit portions - - Ram temple construction is for funding of the system where the will ? - Temple building in order not to fund the will and not the government the funds seek. Which is also God 's prophet cooperation will , that of Ayodhya in grand and divine Ram temple t o build will. Where the temple construction of cost and budget of the matter is , it to soon as Ayodhya in trust of the meeting will be. Similar to the temple built to date have come to be. -


Srijan yatra , August 2020

Temple of construction offer per model of Mutab that it will ? - Absolutely. A model before the Ayodhya to be was a , that of the Ram temple to build will. A lot changes occur can have. But the location on the Lalla sits there , the temple where the will and the work six months a safe start to be. Also to Delhi in these leaders of the meeting will be taken to and now a meeting Ayodhya to have it. - but Congress then trust the formation on the question raised is that ? I have this to say is that every thing the politics of adding not seen to be. This is a matter related to the faith of crores of Hindus . Then trust in forming the government has done is. We have the temple built in cooperation with for all the invitees will , whose faith in the interest would be. The entire country and leaders are also involved in this. Congress of leaders also cooperate to the reception is. - Trust the formation of the clues of neglect of the charge is ? - Trust in all people to join to have a , an out of the man does not have. This charge unhappy to stop is that trusts formed for clues to the neglect of went. His struggle with the then today this opportunity found is that gran d Ram temple be going for it. Just do not trust the set -up is. Need arises on such - as people join will , the trust 's size also increases will. - dispute so many saints to trust in not to go on too is ? - such a dispute can not do. As Saints of the number too much is , therefore, every one of the service do not have to be. Those with early as Ayodhya in all saints of arenas in with meeting will a nd temple building in all cooperation had to be. Trust the administrator of land Ika in the , grand temple of building so all the suppor t from to have. - What court in having been the case now finished the will ? - Court of the now disputed structure demolition of all accused to acquittal to have to look for. In all accused accused sacred places. The case for me than trust the Secretary flee op inion , former Deputy Prime Minister LK Advani and former Union Minister Dr . Murli Manohar Joshi also accused of a nd we all CBI court in his statement would get out there.


Srijan yatra , August 2020

Tribute :Actor Sameer Sharma

Film and TV industry in this year continued bad news from the front having been there. Sushant Singh Rajput of suicide from now people emerged als o not had that TV actor Sameer Sharma had also committed suicide by Lee 's. Samir 's body in their home for fans to hang found is. Many TV serials in the work to have Sam 's suicide to back the due before not occurred is. But Samir 's Instagram t o see think is that they already have this matter in hand gesture can be had that he lives to bring down to the can. Samir your social media account on the last few days of the photos shared by are the ones by looking for was that they Depression o f battling to do. Although suicide of a week ago Samir social media by far be the case. But it first had to be posted are they a part of their mental state to understand to help you to do. 27 Julai to Samir said his post in a poem written was , that line some of this kind was - ' I own pyre made and therefore were , and my fire from the water went. My inside which some even had it all that water was. I have my dreams of waking up to for their blood to be. Now my dreams have gone to and I am. I ashes of with awakened and it only had had. The rest remained were had it I woke taken. And it is a section in the left given. Now I have this hope that I am that my ashes at this time better dreams meet. " 44 -year-


Srijan yatra , August 2020

old Samir Sharma to 5 Agst the night in Mumbai 's Malad at their home in the dead have been had. Their bodies fan of hanging had had , which tell I was that he committ ed suicide to have. Sameer Sharma this time out plus the TV show " These relationships are love of ' the eye 's are used. He stars One of the serial ' heart what to do , " the television debut did and also after ' story home base of ' in Krishna Agarwal of the role played , but they identify ' because law is also ever -law was " show the met. In this serial , he played the character of Tusshar and his acting was highly appreciated . Sameer wa s also a part of SAB TV 's famous show ' Left Right Left ' . He also played the role of a hockey coach in the ' Veeranwali ' serial on 9X . While Star Plus 's serial " This relationship is called the " in his val or Maheshwari of the role played. Actor Samir Sharma 's film in any work done. He 2014 in iPhone Bollywood film " laugh so stuck ' in supporting roles played. The film in Parineeti Chopra and Sidharth Malhotra main roles in sight were used. In after Samir 's year 2107 to come f Ilm ' coincidence ' in the work done. Acting in addition to his many AIDS and modeling assignments for work done. Sameer Sharma was a resident of Delhi . After the reading of the connection in shift be made. In later he an advertising agency in the work done. Bangalore in Sameer some time to Radio City for the employed are. In after actin g in the world in a career of creating a for Mumbai went up. In later Samir constant TV in active are. Web series of t he round in Samir 's digital of the stance was. He YouTube channel Hey the web series Aisa Mai virtual girlfriends of using digital debut did. In this, he played the role of ASP Adil Sheikh


Srijan yatra , August 2020


How will your to August the month our health , how will , we wealth of much benefit will , our Stars high to be or not , it all monthly horoscope of medium to be being can have. ... then let you in August month 's horoscope from familiar offer you. Here , you to what will be the year of independence of the Month ... Mesh month the first week of family and domestic entanglements of reason mind disturbed and dissatisfied will. There may be child related problems . But the wealth of arrival and a worsening of working in corrections and work accomplishment of yoga poses am is. Promotion is also possible . The average wealth of the waste and the day remains will. Suddenly a conspiracy to harm you may have. Kinsman against the trouble to p romote will. Contingent matter - is the sum of the loss of earthquake . Loans of transactions - transactions shall not do. Taurus this month the children of the mental stress increase may have. Home from away also to have may have. Studie s in obstacles to face to face can have. Some economic problems also continue to remain. A state of intellectual insanity or mental distress is possible . There will be disputes with close captives . Saturn 's Dayya the impact of child -related concerns continue to be. But you will get success in social work . Take special care in a lawsuit . Months of the end of the body to some trouble to be. Traveling is also not auspicious . There will be uncertainty in Gemini family and economic situation . Father to suffer the can is. Brothers - brothers of responsibility get may have. Secret discomfort and physical pain of yoga poses for y ou. Unplanned work on more money spent will. Home from away to have may have. Speech def ect to cause the family to suit dispute may have. If it is not taken seriously , the problem will get entangled . If the wealth gains will. Secrets in value and position in the growth will be. Enemy at Victory will and friends of Prasn variation achieved will. Cancer The situation in busi ness and job will be moderate this month . Economic area in the confusion of the situation to the minds turbulent remain. If in any changes to the plan will be , but the Sun , Mercury and Venus in communication amount to be the personal , domestic and economic diffi culties continue to remain. Anger and provocative speech to avoid. Work practice in He dip , plus benefits will , reig ning in value and rank grow. Strunash and women well in growth will be. Brothers of peace will , but friends of careful Stay. The body will be healthy . Singh this month had spent the burden come may have. Without thinking right or h urried into a decision not to do so. This decision loss giving will. Health of the problem is likely to have. Domestic complications will increase. 17 on the Sun in the ascendant in


Srijan yatra , August 2020 the communication to the daily work and public sector in stopping the work in progress will be. Pleasant future construction of concrete plans available will. Political and administrative influ ence will increase. Stop the work will be. Court compatibility of receipt , travel in success , wealth of accumulation will. Virgo this mon th commercial areas in the tough conditions of the face will. Wealth benefits of yoga poses am is , the day the vehicle so equipped and physical actions on the wealth of spending more to the hope is. Physical and mental anxiety remains will. But courag e and effort will expand . Your nature will be admirable everywhere and health will be good this month . But the family - clan quality of care remain. Permanent property in decline come may have. Was the amount a person of natives of this month subsistence taxable income will be. While individual tenth in the Sun , Mercury and Venus , the sum of the opposite situation in the accidental benefits received will , but unexpected expen ses also increased. Health soft , anger more and excited to be out there to make the work go wrong can have. Icel new carefully sipping. Government and government officials to support the important achievement possible is. A good helper to get to the desired support to the also no evil do not have. Scorpio This month will be an expected increase in business . Location in Tue sitting be the reason Father Son to pique t he situation remains will. Its hard to luck in growth will. L7 Agst the subsequent land - vehicle etc. of purchase sales of the totals are. By the way, this month is an indicator of progress . And also your body 's healthy to keep the effort in. Vision disorders , plus the loss , injury - hit feeling of fear remains. Vain to discover and enemies to suffer the can is. Sagittarius this mo nth 's mind in turmoil and dissatisfaction remains will. Father - Son of differences and child - related concerns remain. L7 Agst the sun Swrashi in communication to the living qualified earnin gs of instrument will be. There will be profit in business . Religion - action in the interest grow. Employment in the change possible is. Sadhesati walk from mental complications remains will. Then the true fid elity of work to keep it all a right to be. Friends will benefit from it . Pointless to spend the trouble will be. Money will be wasted in the lawsuit . There will be discord with relatives . Capricorn this month mental stress and health in disorder , headache , eye to suffer the possibility remains. Wealth of incidental expenses also increased. 17 on the sun 's communications VIII sense in having a spiritual distress possible is. Suddenly mone y can also benefit . Job or business to take the trouble to come may have. There is also work to delay potential is. Kin of peace , education - initiation in progress will. Food , material , clothes


Srijan yatra , August 2020 will be benefited . Travel not to , spending more will. Aquarius many problems of after the funds benefit and advancement of opportunities gained will. There will be expenditure on some auspicious work . Anger and excitement will be more due to the sight of the Sun on the lagna . Family members and with differences arise when the signals are. Health on the alert t o. You can get the benefit of land . Brothers of cooperation economic business in the fate of proper cooperation received will. Home and vehicle happiness can be found. Religion in faith grow. Vain to discover the yoga poses am is. It avoid. Pisces this month working field in the race - the sun more likely. Funds benefit the well - with spending in growth will be. Religion - Funeral in trends will and good work the will. Work of fortune building to the able will. Health to take some trouble staying may have. Business in the many ups - and downs of face to face can have. Knows better and health and to nature in easily bring. There will be profit in business . Months of the end of the wealth funds and family in growth will be. Dispute with avoid , mind delights will. -Itishri


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