Paul is Dead? Differences and Similarities before and after Paul McCartney’s Supposed Death. Stylometric Analysis on Transcribed Interviews Antonio Pascucci, Raffaele Manna, Johanna Monti Vincenzo Masucci L’Orientale University of Naples Expert System Corp. Naples, UNIOR NLP Research Group Italy Naples, Italy
[email protected] [apascucci,rmanna,jmonti] Abstract English. In this paper, we show the results of a stylometric analysis conducted on Paul McCartney’s interview transcriptions using three different approaches in order to detect differences and similarities in his speeches before and after 9th November 1966, the date of his supposed death. Our research is based on the Let IT Corpus, a corpus of Paul McCartney’s Interview Transcriptions. The corpus is a collection of texts from the Beatles Interviews Database, a repertoire of one-hundred sixty-three Beatles’ interviews freely available on the Web (, and from other interviews available on YouTube. Italiano. In questo contributo mostriamo i risultati di un’analisi stilometrica con tre ap-procci differenti operata sulle trascrizioni delle interviste di Paul McCartney con lo scopo di individuare analogie e differenze stilistiche nelle trascrizioni delle interviste fatte prima e dopo il 9 novembre 1966, data della sua presunta scomparsa. La ricerca si basa sul Let IT Corpus, un corpus composto da trascrizioni di interviste fatte a Paul McCartney che abbiamo costruito con le trascrizioni delle interviste presenti sul Beatles Interviews Database, una raccolta di centosessantatré interviste ai Beatles disponibile su internet (http:// e di altre interviste disponibili su YouTube. 1 Introduction Paul McCartney’s supposed death (dated 9th November 1966 because of a car accident) represents a legend which does not belong to the music business only but embraces other worlds, both for Paul McCartney’s fame given by Beatles’ everlasting success, and because of many stories born around this episode.