Laws of the State of New Hampshire, Passed June Session, 1876
SAPIENTIA UNIVERSALIS EX LIBRIS UNIVERSITY OF NEWHAMP5HIRE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY <:a CLASS/V315.1^ NUMBER N O O I 7 O ACCESSION 3 7 I ? I : LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE PASSED JUNE SESSION, 1876. CONCORD EDWARD A. JENKS, STATE PRINTER. 1876. Ai6"3 STATE OFFICERS PERSON C. CHENEY, aovernor. BENJAMIN F. PRESCOTT, Secretary of State. AI B. THOMPSON, Deputy Secretary of State. SOLON A. CARTER, State Treasurer. PHIN P. BIXBY, Assistant Treasurer. EDWARD A. JENKS, State Printer. CHARLES HOLMAN, President of the Senate. TYLER WESTGATE, Cleric of the Senate. CHARLES P. SANBORN, Speaher of the House. CHARLES C. DANFORTH, Clerk of the House. IRA CROSS, Adjutant- G-eneral. JOHN C. PILSliURY, Warden of State Prison. OLR^ER PILLSBURY, Insurance Coynmissioner CHARLES A. DOWNS, Superintendent of Public Instruction. JAMES 0. ADAMS, Secretary of Board of Agriculture. NATHANIEL BOUTON, State Historian. WILLIAM II. KIMBALL, State Librarian. SUPREME COURT CHARLES DOE, Chief Justice. WILLIAM L. FOSTER, ^ CLINTON W. STANLEY, | AARON W. SAWYER, V Associate Justices. GEORGE A. BINGHAM, | WILLIAM H. H. ALLEN, j MASON W. TAPPAN, Attorney- General JOHN M. SHIRLEY, State Reporter. 2 nl "^1 : — LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, PASSED JUKE SESSION, 1876. CHAPTER I. AN ACT AUTHORIZING CITIES TO APPROPRIATE MONEY FOR THE CELEBRA- TION OF THE FOURTH OF JULY. Section Section 1. Municipal appropriations for celebrating 2. Takes effect—when. the one hunclredtli anniversary of American independence atitliorized. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened its Section 1. Any city may, by vote of city council, or any town Municipal ap- at any regular or special meeting, appropriate a sum not exceeding propriations for celebrating tlie two thousand dollars for the celebration of the fourth of July, one liundredtli anniversary of eighteen hundred and seventy-six ; and all appropriations and votes American inde- therefor, pendence au- heretofore passed by any city council for that purpose, are thorized.
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