Laws of the State of New Hampshire, Passed June Session, 1873
ly •'-'' *i u?^ /*i SAPICNTIA UNIVERSALIS EX LIBRIS. UNIVERSITY OF NEWHAMP5HIRE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 5*. CLASS N 3 ^ 1 X> O NUMBER AJ ^ ^ I / O ACCESSION 3 7/ 7f V LAWS or THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHmE PASSED JUNE SESSION, 1873. CONCORD: EDWARD A. JENKS, STATE PllINTER, 1873. 1 ^73 STATE OFFICERS. EZEKIEL A. STRAW, aovernor. BENJAMIN F. PRESCOTT, Secretary of State. AI B. THOMPSON, Deputy Secretary of State. SOLON A. CARTER, Treasurer. EDWARD A. JENKS, State Printer. DAVID A. WARDE, President of the Seriate. LUTHER S. MORRILL, Clerk of the Senate. JAMES W. EMERY, Speaker of the House. SAMUEL C. CLARK, Clerk of the House. JOHN M. HAINES, Adjutant Gfeneral JOHN C. PILSBURY, Warden of State Prison. JOHN W. SIMONDS, Superintendent of Public Instruction. OLIVER PILLSBURY, Insurance Commissioner. NATHANIEL BOUTON, State Historian. WILLIAM H. KIMBALL, State Librarian. SUPEEME JUDICIAL COUET. JONATHAN EVERETT SARGENT, Chief Justice. CHARLES DOE, ^ JEREMIAH SMITH, WILLIAM LAWRENCE FOSTER, \ Associate Justices. WILLIAM SPENCER LADD, I ELLERY ALBEE HIBBARD, j LEWIS WHITEHOUSE CLARK, Attorney Qeneral. JOHN MAJOR SHIRLEY, State Reporter. LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, PASSED JUNE SESSION, 1873 CHAPTER L AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIFTEEN, CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED TWEis'TY- EIGHT OF THE GENERAL STATUTES, IN RELATION TO FENCES AND COM- MON FIELDS. Section I Section 1. Fees of 2. takes effect oh its passage. fence -viewets. | Act Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. That section fifteen of chapter one hundred twenty- Fees of fence- ^'^^ eight of the General Statutes be amended by striking out the words " one dollar " in the first line of said section, and inserting in lieu thereof the words " two dollars." Sect.
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