MUSIC from out THERE, in HERE: 25 YEARS of the LONDON JAZZ FESTIVAL Emma Webster and George Mckay
MUSIC FROM OUT THERE, IN HERE: 25 YEARS OF THE LONDON JAZZ FESTIVAL Emma Webster and George McKay Published in Great Britain in 2017 by University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK as part of the Impact of Festivals project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, under the Connected Communities programme. Acknowledgements This book is an output of the Arts and Humanities Research Council collaborative project The Impact of Festivals (2015-16), funded under the Connected Communities Programme. The authors are grateful for the research council’s support. At the University of East Anglia, thanks to project administrators Rachel Daniel and Jess Knights, for organising events, picture research, travel and liaison, and really just making it all happen smoothly. Thanks to Rhythm Changes and CHIME European jazz research project teams for, once again, keeping it real. Some of the ideas were discussed at jazz and improvised music festivals and conferences in London, Birmingham, Cheltenham, Edinburgh, San Sebastian, Europe Jazz Network Wroclaw and Ljubljana, and Amsterdam. Some of the ideas and interview material have been published in the proceedings of the first Continental Drifts conference, Edinburgh, July 2016, in a paper called ‘The role of the festival producer in the development of jazz in Europe’ by Emma Webster. George McKay has drawn on this research for a chapter called ‘Festivals’ in Francesco Martinelli (ed.) The History of European Jazz: The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context (Equinox, 2018). At Serious and the EFG London Jazz Festival, thanks to John Cumming, David Jones, Claire Whitaker; Ope Igbinyemi, Martel Ollerenshaw and Amy Pearce; and other Serious staff members past and present, particularly Louise Dennison and Piers Mason, for all their help in facilitating the research.
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