Augustine Foundation Honors Friend and Fundraiser Edith Leong Page 3

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Augustine Foundation Honors Friend and Fundraiser Edith Leong Page 3 INSIDE: A special 8-page section in anticipation of the canonization of Blessed Marianne Cope HawaiiVOLUME 75, NUMBER 19 CatholicFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 Herald$1 Augustine Foundation honors friend and fundraiser Edith Leong Page 3 SPECIAL SECTION, PAGES 16-17 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 Hawaii Catholic Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 Published every other Friday PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva (808) 585-3356 EDITOR Patrick Downes (808) 585-3317 REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz (808) 585-3320 ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz (808) 585-3328 CIRCULATION Donna Aquino (808) 585-3321 HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published every other week, 26 issues a year, by the Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hawaii: $24 Mainland: $26 Mainland 1st class: $40 Foreign: $30 HCH photo by Darlene Dela Cruz POSTMASTER Send address changes to: Presbyteral Council Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop Members of the diocesan Presbyteral Council gather with Bishop Larry Silva, first row Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. center, for a meeting at Kamiano Center in downtown Honolulu, Sept. 6. The council OFFICE is comprised of priests who serve as a consultative body for the bishop. A Presbyteral Hawaii Catholic Herald 1184 Bishop St. Council is required by canon law for every diocese. Honolulu, HI 96813 PHONE (808) 585-3300 FAX (808) 585-3381 Official Notices WEBSITE Bishop’s calendar September 18, 9:00 am, Dioc- of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa; 6:00 Groundbreaking and reception for E-MAIL esan Finance Council, Chancery, pm, Confirmation Mass, St. Antho- St. Michael the Archangel Church, September 15-16, Parish Episco- downtown Honolulu; 12:00 pm, ny of Padua Parish, Kailua. Kailua-Kona; 6:00 pm, Mass in pal Visitation, Holy Trinity Parish, NEWS DEADLINES Hawaii Catholic Conference Board, honor of St. Lorenzo Ruiz, Pavilion Nine days before publication date. Kuliouou. September 25, 9:30 am, Bishop’s Chancery; 5:30 pm, Mother Mari- Administrative Advisory Council, in Kailua-Kona. AD VERTISING DEADLINES September 16, 6:00 pm, Mass anne Canonization Pilgrimage Ori- Chancery; 11:30 am, Safe Environ- Nine days before publication date. and Annual Region XI Meeting of entation, St. Augustine by-the-Sea ment Audit, Chancery. Announcements/Appointments ADVERTISING INFORMATION Diocesan Directors of Youth and Parish, Waikiki. For a rate card or other information, call Young Adult Ministry, Cathedral September 27, 10:00 am, Dioc- Reverend James Allen DeLong, September 22, 8:00 am, Aloha Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is of Our Lady of Peace, downtown esan Department Heads Meeting, S.M. has been assigned by the Mari- also available at www.hawaiicatholich- Week Parade participating with Honolulu. SSDC; 11:30 am, Safe Environment anists Province of the United States Click on “Advertising.” Damien Memorial School, Ala Moa- Audit, SSDC; 12:00 pm, Hawaii to be in residence and assist at St. September 17, 5:00 pm, Retreat “PASS IT ON” POLICY na Park to Kapiolani Park. Family Forum Pastors Advisory Anthony Parish and teach at St. An- for Youth and Young Adult Ministers To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic September 23, 9:00 am, Mass Meeting, SSDC; 2:00 pm, Plan Ad- thony Junior/Senior High School, Herald with a friend, write or call us and of Region XI, St. Stephen Diocesan and Installation of Fr. Clyde Guer- ministrative Committee, Chancery. Wailuku. Bishop Silva confirms this we will send him or her a free copy. Or Center (SSDC), Kaneohe. reiro, SS.CC. as Pastor of Our Lady assignment. give them yours and we will send you September 28, 3:00 pm, another one while supplies last. LETTERS TO THE HERALD Letters are welcome. Letters should pertain to a story or issue in the Hawaii Catholic Herald, be courteous, and Heralding back not exceed 250 words. Letters must be signed and include an address and NEWS FROM PAGES PAST phone number for verification. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Send them to Letters to the Herald, 1184 50 years ago – 25 years ago – Sept. 18, 1987 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 or to Sept. 14, 1962 300 Isle residents to join papal events MEMBER Amidst the Neither the cost of airline tickets nor jet lag nor the worldly allure- Catholic Press Association festivities of the ments of the City by the Bay could keep 300 Hawaii residents from blessing of the new seeing their Holy Father with their Bishop, Joseph A. Ferrario, one of Damien High School six major concelebrants at the Eucharistic Mass with Pope John Paul II for Boys on Hough- ADDRESS CORRECTIONS at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, the ninth city in the pontiff’s ten- To make corrections to tailing Street last city whirlwind tour of America ... your subscription name Sunday afternoon a The San Francisco Archdiocese gave the Diocese of Honolulu 500 or address, cut out the ad- solemn warning was tickets to the event for distribution to Hawaii residents and requested dress label from the front issued and a sacred page (reverse side). a $15 donation per ticket. But the Diocese of Honolulu made a $7500 Please correct my name. trust given to the donation of its own and was “giving them (the tickets) free as stew- freshman class of Please correct my ad- ardship,” said Pat Tossey, the bishop’s secretary. dress. the school. To them We are receiving two the Most Reverend 10 years ago – Sept. 13, 2002 copies. Please cancel this James J. Sweeney, Hearts, hands and voices one. Bishop of Honolulu, Please cancel this sub- said, “Young men Like a general rallying his troops on the front lines, Bishop Francis scription. you are the future X. DiLorenzo met with special gatherings of parish religious educators MAIL TO alumni of Damien on four islands last month to offer words of encouragement as they Donna Aquino Hawaii Catholic Herald High. Today, tomor- begin another year in their tough but rewarding ministry. 1184 Bishop Street row, and the next Accompanying him was the diocesan director of religious educa- Honolulu, HI 96813 four years of your tion, Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet Kathleen Shields, who orga- QUESTIONS? student days here, nized the meetings. Call Donna, 585-3321 you will form the At St. Anthony Church in Wailuku on Aug. 29, the bishop told Maui traditions of this catechists they were crucial partners in helping him carry out his re- school.” sponsibility as the primary religious educator in the diocese. SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 3 Augustine Foundation honors friend, fundraiser Edith Leong By Patrick Downes year program is $160,000, plus Hawaii Catholic Herald $96,000 to complete the existing scholarships if the program is dis- If, as Second Corinthians says, continued after four years. “God loves a cheerful giver,” then The first two scholarships Sue Ferandin loves to make her went to students from Roosevelt givers cheerful. An annual spread and Campbell High Schools who of heavy pupus and beverages at started this year at Saint Francis the Halekulani as the sun goes School in Manoa. down off Waikiki is one way the The PWH Educational Founda- executive director of the Augus- tion is also giving the Augustine tine Educational Foundation has Foundation a one-time $40,000 sought to accomplish this. grant for a purpose to be deter- The foundation’s Donor Ap- mined by the Augustine Founda- preciation Reception, Sept. 6 at tion. the hotel’s Hau Terrace brought Also at the reception, two together major contributors to the organization — which provides schools opened endowment funds scholarships for Catholic school to be managed by the Augustine students in Hawaii with financial Foundation. St. Anthony Grade need — with school and diocesan School in Kalihi presented a check administrators, student scholar- for $20,000 and St. Anthony ship recipients, and others, more Grade School in Wailuku, Maui, than 125 in all. handed over a check for $60,000. The evening’s highlight was The Augustine foundation han- the awarding of the foundation’s dles endowments for six other Ha- first Hawaii Catholic School Bell waii Catholic schools. Award to Edith L. Leong, a long- The Hawaii Catholic Com- time volunteer, friend, advocate munity Foundation, the agency and benefactor of the foundation, that distributes money collected whose passion for non-profit fun- through the diocese’s With Grate- draising is spread broadly through ful Hearts capital campaign, pre- the Honolulu community. sented the Augustine Foundation Father Gary Secor, vicar gener- with a check for $369,445. al and vice president and CEO of Also speaking was Nainoa Fu- the Augustine Educational Foun- jimura, a senior at Saint Francis dation made the surprise presen- School who will be a member of tation. its first co-ed graduation class, “For all that you do, seen and and an Augustine scholarship re- unseen, to reach out and to make cipient. the dream of Catholic education The oldest of his family’s five possible,” Father Secor said when boys, he said he was “happy and handing Leong the delicate six- proud” to be given the opportuni- inch high etched-glass bell. ty for a “second chance” the schol- “You are a very busy woman,” arship has provided. he said, and in recognition of the He said there is a “special enthusiastic applause, continued, bond” among the 76 members of “and have a large fan club.” HCH photos by Darlene Dela Cruz Top, from left, Father Gary Secor and Bishop Larry Silva accept a check from John Brogan of the Hawaii Catholic his senior class, being the school’s Leong told the Hawaii Catholic Community Foundation and Mark Clark, diocesan director of stewardship and development.
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