Is Ellen White REALLY a Lesser Light? Deinsidepartvolm
Ellen White a Spokesperson The Assumptions Dominating for the “Emerging Church”? Behind 1844 the World SummEr 2011 • WWW.atoday.Com AdventistToday Is Ellen White rEALLy a Lesser Light? DEInSIDEpArTvoLm. 19 no.E 3nT AdventistToday Editor J. David Newman Copy Editor Debra J. Hicks Contributing Editors Nathan Brown, James Walters Art Director Chris Komisar Online Editors cover story Blogs: Clive Holland Columns: Timo Onjukka Features: Helen Grattan 12 Is Ellen White REALLY Forums: Eric Eckhart a Lesser Light? Reviews: Edwin A. Schwisow Facebook: Steve Lescanec by J. David Newman Executive Director of Development Edwin A. Schwisow F O u n dat i O n B oa r D Clive Holland – Board Chair, Mark Gutman – Treasurer, Larry Downing, Elwin Dunn, Edmund Jones, Chuck Mitchell, Jim Nelson, Nate Schilt, J. Gordon Short, James Stirling, Ervin Taylor, David Van Putten, John Vogt SEniOr LiFEtimE ADvisorS ($25,000+) Beth and Elwin Dunn, Patricia and Douglas Ewing, Kathi and Richard Guth, Judy and John Jacobson, Betty and Al Koppel, Joan Ogden, Lori and Thaine Price, Judy and Gordon Rick, J. Gordon Short, Marilynn and Ervin features Taylor, Nancy and John Vogt, Priscilla and James Walters 6 The Assumptions of the Daniel 25 Tonstad Answers Thompson L i fe t i m E AD v i so r S ($10,000+) Susan and Hernan Barros, Kelli and Robert Black, Pat and Revelation Committee in by Sigve Tonstad and Ron Cople, Kathryn and James Dexter, Rosemary and Merlyn Duerksen, Patricia Hare, Mariellyn and Defending 1844 Edwin Hill, Carmen and Clive Holland, Carmen and Yung by Roy Ingram departments Lau, David T.
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