Volume 20 Issue 4 April 2020 American Airports Corporation Brackett Field Airport Standing Meetings From the Manager and Events Pete Loncteaux
[email protected] Brackett Airport Association Corona Virus (COVID-19) Airport immediately so exercise ex- Every First Thursday Administration Policy treme caution when driving or Reporting Airport Irregulari- 7:00 PM ties — Our staff is always con- Due to Federal, State, and Lo- taxiing. Pilots, please check cerned with the safe, effi- SGV 99s cal government COVID-19 per- NOTAMS well in advance of cient, and aesthetic upkeep Every Second Thursday sonal distancing policies, the your flight and contact airport of Brackett Airfield. As ten- 7:00 PM airport administration office is administration so that we may ants, you have the opportuni- closed to all public visitations. prepare for your flight timing to ty to assist with this large Pomona Valley The airport will continue to provide unloading/loading undertaking. Management Pilot’s Association serve our pilot group with park- ramps if needed, and to re- welcomes input from all Every Fourth Thursday ing, fuel service, and infor- move and restore construction those who take an interest in 7:30 PM mation needs. Norm’s Hangar barricades. Communication is airport preservation. As such, restaurant is also closed until key to mitigating the inconven- BAA BBQ & Brackett I would like to ask that when further notice. If there is a need ience of the pavement project. Antique Aircraft & Auto there is a reportable concern to contact airport administra- Display the first contact be made to tion, please do so by calling Every Third Sunday the manager’s office.