Victorian Marathon Club Newsletter
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Spring 1980 Vol. 12. No. 2 VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 1980 PRICE 80c R O D PI T T Selected by the VMC as the perfect model to promote our T-Shirts. Rod also runs well and has earnt the reputation as King of the fun runners winning no less than eight runs in the past months including Percy Cerutty, River Run, Nunawading, Werribee, Berwick, Kiewa Valley and Caulfield. Order form for shirts and club badges inside. Photo courtesy John Punshon. REGISTERED FOR POSTING AS A PERIODICAL CATEGORY B. The VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB NEWSLETTER us published for the information, of members of the V.M.C. and is covered by the payment of the Annual Membership Fee* It is issued four times a year : SPRING (September) SUMMER (December) AITFUMN (March) and WINTER (June)* All athletes, irrespective of age or sex, are invited to contribute letters, results, comments, etc*, to the Editor, 1 Golding St.,CANTERBURY, 3126, Victoria* PLEASE NOTE that material submitted for publication SHOULD be on single-spaced, typed A4 or Foolscap, irrespective of length, to facilitate lay-out. Articles should not exceed one and a half pages of A 4, preferably half that I Articles for publication MOST be accom panied by the name and address of the contributor, tohether with his or her signature* The author of the article shall retain full responsibility for the content of such article. DEADLINE for copy is the 10th day of the month preceding the month of publication, but we ask contributors to aim for the 1 st day of that month to make editing less rushed* ********************************************** INTERSTATE LINES OF COMMUNICATIONS * AMATEUR ATHKEPIC UNION OF AUST.i Hick PANNEUk, 377 Li.Collins St, MELBOURNE 3000. A.A*A.of NSW: Clive LEE, P.O.Box N 101,Grosvenor St, SYDNEY 2001* NSW W.A.A.A.: Flo BRIGHTER, 37 Berith St, KINGSGROVE, NSW 2208* V.A.A.A.:John BRUCE, 103 Pelham St,CARLTON, Victoria 3053* V.W.A.A.A. sMaisie McQUTSTON, 1 Hunter St, KEILOR, Viotoria 3036* Q.A.A.A*:John BAILEY, 33 Wighton St, NASHVILLE, Queensland 4017* Q.W.A.A.A*: Joyce BONWICK, 10 Leamington St, W00L00NGABBA, Queensland,4102* S*A.A.A.A*: Brian CHAPMAN, G.P.O.Box 57,KENSINGTON PARK, South Australia 5068* S*A.W.A.A.A.t Doreen SHEPHERD, 43 Dunrobin Road, BOTE, South Australia 5048* N*T*A*A*A* : Klaus ROTH, 13 Marrakai St, TIWI, Noerthem Territory, 5792* A.A. of W.A. *Mrs W.SHERIDAN, P.O.Box 208, WEMBLEY, Western Australia, 6014* T*A*A.A*:Noel RUDDOCK, 10 Reynolds Court, DYNNHYNE, Tasmania, 7005* T.W*A*A.A.: Mavis EBZERY, 12 Church St, NORTH HOBART, Tasmania 7008* A.C.T.A.A.A.: Mcs J*CR0SS, G*P.0.Box 63, CANBERRA, A.C.T* 2601* R.R.C* of NSW : Fred HOWE, 5/30 Hooper St, RANDWICK, NSW, 2031* A.C.T.C.C.C.: Bryan MCCARTHY, P.O.Box 252, C&BERRA, A.C.T* 2601. D.R.C. of S*A»: Bruce ABRAHAMS, Sports Admin. Centre, Box 163, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034* W.A.MARATHON CLUB: Geoff WALL, 26 Kveda Way, NOLLAMARA, W.A. 6061. *********************************************** VICTORIAS VENUESt MELWAY REFERENCE OLYMPIC PARK : Batman Are & Swan St, trams from Princes Bridge & Richmond Stn* 44 B 11 MUHRUMBEENA TRACE » North Eoad/iiurrumbeena Road 68 K 9 SANDRINGHAM TRACK : Thomas Street, HAMPTON, 1 km from station 76 K 6 MENTONE TRACK : Opp*Lr*£andenong Rd/Nepean Highway comer, Second Street 87 B 7 COBURG TRACK : Outlook Road, East COBORG 18 A 10 PRESTON TRACK : Blwardes Lake 18 E 5 / ABERFELDIE TRACK: Corio St,E3SEHD0N 28 D 6 HEIDELBERG TRACK* Liberty Pde 19 D 11 COLLINGWOQD TRACK : HEIDELBERG Road - CLIFTON HILL, Crosscontry opposite 30 G 12 DONCASTER TRACK: George Street 33 J 11/ BOX HILL TRACK : KLgar Road 47 C 7 TWO BRIDGES Course : Opposite Botanic Gardens entrance at Morell Bridge 44 B 12 ALBERT PARK Course : Robinson Hall at rear of Basketball Stadium, Albert Road 57 J 3 FKENGSS PARK Course : Walker St. Pavilion, near Carlton F.G.,Royal Parade 29 G 12 POINT LEO : 200m up from Ft .Leo Beach turn-off in Flinders Road 196 G 9 B0ULE7AHD : Richmond side of Yarca, behind Burnley Gardens 59 B 2 MEMBERSHIP OF THE V.M.C* is open to all registered amateur athletes. People desiring to join may do so by paying their Annual Membership Fee. Under the rules of the Aoatevr Union all runners wishing to compete regularly need to become registered with their State Asso ciation. For this purpose they need to pay a Registration Fee in addition. For those not interested in other runs but VMC events there is a lower rate. However, that does not allow them to participate in Victorian Interclub and Championship events unless they pay the full registration rate. ENTRY FORM EMIL ZATOPtg 10 000m, DEC 15(Mon) "W" division, Women Banners only. Ho limit. Open to all women athletes.6.30. MFM division, VMC financial members only. Ho limit.7«30. DEC l6(Tue) "I>" division, VNC financial members only. 37*00 & 17*30 qualifying. 6.30. "E" division, VMC financial members only. 39*00 & 18:30 qualifying. 7*30. DEC 17(Wed) "B" division, VMC financial members only. 33*00 & 15*30 qualifying. 6.30. "C" division, VMC financial members only. 35*00 & 16*30 qualifying. 7*30. DEC 18(Thu) "AM division, VMC financial members 30*30 & 14*40 qualifying) Q ory_ non-members 30*00 & 14*00 qualifying) y*w p m * Qualifying times must have been achieved on the track since April 1st. 1979. in either 10 000m or 5000m. Eiitries must reach the Competition Secretary, 1 Golding Street, CAHTBRBOBT, 3126, together with S1 race fee, by Hovember 30th, 1980. (Better times achieved after lodgment of entry will be taken up to Hovember 30th l) Please enter me for the Estil Zatopek 10 000m. % best time for 10 000/5000 since 1-4-79 is) Time............... ......Date.../.../... at venue............................... ...... conducted by ........................................ (Give 10 000 or 5000 time, the better will count) Veterans(over 40) may elect to run in (if road time only, 1 minute will be added to 10 000)lower division than qualified* Call Hame................... Surname........................ .Date of Birth.../..*/...... I enclose *1 Baoe F e e .......... Signed............................. .Date...... ........ APPLICATION FOR V.M.C. T - SHIRTS #5 plus *1 postage - V.M.C BADGES 92 each. Cut off application and send to* PEGGY SMITH, 13 Yando Street, GREENSBDROTJGH, 3088. Please send m e .....VMC T-SHIRT(S) size 12 (85cm), 14 (90cm), l6(95om) ........ VMC BADGES Homlnate size ........ size 18 (100cm), 20(l05cm) , 22(l10cm) Call Hame.......... ..Surname............ .............. ADDRESS *Ho.......... St/Bd................................................................. Suburb/Town* .................................Post Code........... I enclose $ ..... for T-SHIRT(s) $ . for BADGE(S) IGNORANCE AMD PREJUDICE - TWO SIDES OP THE QHE COIN -EITHER WAY. 3P0HT LOSES OPT i In this case, we had a most blatant display of political prejudice trying to befog the minds of well-meaning but largely un-informed people as to the tremendous role played by the Olympic Movement and the Olympio Games in getting the people of the world together, across all artificial boundaries, to achieve new heights in sport. Due to manipulations and political pressures brought to bear on Australian sport, our participation hung on a slender thread, but in the end we refused to bow to intimidation. Oh, yes,even after the decision was made democratically, we were treated to a display of ill-losing and churlishness of lengthy duration by all kinds of people. Not only politicians but also some sportspeople, prominent competitors in their field, who had failed to stand up to the attacks on their own sport and dropped out, had the temerity to try to devaluate medals won by our own Olympians. As it was, not only in Australia but all over the world, people ASStRAVA'* loUTH sat glued to their T.Vls and witnessed breathtaking displays of p r e p a r e fo r M oscow the world's top men and women in their sports. I am sure nearly everyone will remember what were highlights for them and use them as inspiration in their own application to sport for greater personal achievement and satisfaction. Tor me, the most cherished moment was the radiant smile with which Lasse Viren put out his hand to Miras Yifter in congratu lation for just having taken over the 10 000m crown. There was no doubt about the genuineness of the sporting gesture* A m w i x s H00TH Virtually every athletic event was a closely fought contest and it wouldbe difficult to single out the most exciting* Of course, TH&. A G E - $ 0 Hick Mitchell put in a wonderful effort, in spite of his insist ence that he '•blew it",and collected silver, Australia's only medal in athletics. Our distance runners were putting up a good show when one realises that Bill Scott ran the fastest by an Australian, at the Olympics since Ron Clarke's run in 1968. Rob DeCastella and Chris Wardlaw put up the fastest Marathon times at an Olympics by Australians* If there are some points to be learned, it is that sport is an exercise in getting to know yourself better and understanding others. Both aspects are intrinsically interwoven to achieve a true understanding of sportsmanship. Forget about the audience and the great reading or viewing publio as a measure of sport or achievement, the few who understand the meaning of sport are a tiny minority. The others have either never known it or forgotten it, in the absence of direct involvement for themselves.