DioceseDioceseDioceseDiocese of ofofof Providence ProvidenceProvidence VocationVocationVocationVocation Update UpdateUpdateUpdate OFFICEOFFICEOFFICE OFOF OF OF VOCATIONSVOCATIONS VOCATIONS VOCATIONS ~ ~~ SEMINARY~ SEMINARYSEMINARY SEMINARY OF OF OFOF OUR OUR OUR LADY LADY LADY OF OF OFOF PROVIDENCE PROVIDENCE PROVIDENCEPROVIDENCE Volume Volume Volume 15, 15, 15, Issue IssueIssue Issue 2 2 2~ ~2~ Spring ~ SpringSpring Spring 2013 2013 2013 2013 HabemusHabemusHabemus Papam!Papam!Papam!

PPPopeoPopopepe eF FrancisF rFraranancncicsisi s

BishopBishopBishopBishop Tobin Tobin TobinTobin to to toto Ordain Ordain OrdainOrdain Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev. Mr. Mr. Mr.Mr. Scott Scott ScottScott J. J. J.J. Carpentier Carpentier CarpentierCarpentier and and andand Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev. Mr. Mr. Mr.Mr. Thomas Thomas ThomasThomas J. J. J.J. Woodhouse WoodhouseWoodhouse Woodhouse totototo the the thethe Priesthood Priesthood PriesthoodPriesthood JuneJuneJuneJune 1, 1, 1,1, 2013 2013 20132013

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TrueTrue Inner Inner Change Change

ReverendReverendTrueTrue Christopher ChristopherInner Inner Change Change M. M. Mahar Mahar ReverendReverend Christopher ChristopherRectorRector M. M. Mahar Mahar Habemus Papam! touchedRectorRector by the grace of God and had been walking in Habemus We have Papam! a ! Certainly thetouched footsteps by theof St.grace Francis of God of andAssisi. had Arebeen we walking willing in these We Habemus Habemus haveare awords pope!Papam! Papam! Certainlyof excitement these touchedtothetouched follow footsteps by by thehim the of grace graceSt.now Francis of ofas God Godhe of and continuesAssisi.and had had been Are been that wewalking walking willingjourney in into areand We wordsWejoy have have forof a excitement a pope!us pope! as Catholics. Certainly Certainlyand joy thewearingfollowthe footsteps footsteps himthe shoes nowof of St. St. asof Francis Francishethe continues Fisherman? of of Assisi. Assisi. that Arejourney Are we we willing wearingwilling these are words of excitement to follow him now as he continues that journey They are words that forexpressthese us areashope Catholics.words and the of fruitfulness excitementThey are theto Friends followshoes of inhim theChrist, Fisherman?now I askas thathe continuesyou would that please journey join and joy for us as Catholics. wearing the shoes of the Fisherman? wordsof spiritual that express fatherhood. hopeand and Not joy the surprisingly, fruitfulnessfor us as theofCatholics. spiritual words, me wearing in Friends praying the in shoes Christ, for of all Ithe ask the Fisherman? that faithful, you would that please we wouldjoin me TheyThey are are words words that that express express hope hope and and the the fruitfulness fruitfulness Friends Friends in in Christ, Christ, I Iask ask that that you you would would please please join join fatherhood.“Habemus papam” Not surprisingly, have been accompaniedthe words, “Habemus recently experiencein praying formore all thedeeply faithful, this that innerwe would change experience and ofof spiritual spiritual fatherhood. fatherhood. Not Not surprisingly, surprisingly, the the words, words, meme in in praying praying for for all all the the faithful, faithful, that that we we would would papam”with another have word: been accompaniedchange. recently with another transformationmore deeply this that inner necessarily change and accompaniestransformation thethat “Habemus“Habemus papam” papam” have have been been accompanied accompanied recently recently experienceexperience moremore deeplydeeply thisthis innerinner changechange andand word: Pope change. Francis is the first pope from the Americas, proclamationnecessarily accompanies of the the proclamation of the Gospel. withthewith first another another Jesuit word: word: to exercise change. change. the power of the keys, and transformationGospel.transformation Please thatalsothat necessarilypraynecessarily accompaniesaccompanies thethe Pope PopePope Francis FrancisFrancis is isis the thethe first firstfirst pope popepope from fromfrom the thethe Americas, Americas,Americas, proclamationPleaseproclamation also pray of offor theanthe the firstfirst Jesuit Vicar to exerciseof Christ the to power take ofthe the name keys, andof thethe forincrease an inincrease vocations into thePoverellothe first first Jesuit Jesuitfrom to to exercise Assisi.exercise the theFurthermore, power power of of the the keys,from keys, and theand Gospel.vocationsGospel. Please Please toalso also pray thepray thefirstthe first Vicarfirst Vicar ofVicar Christ of of ChristtoChrist take to theto take takename the theof name thename Poverello of of the the forthefor priesthood,anan increaseincrease that God inin frominception Assisi. of Pope Furthermore, Francis’ pontificatefrom the inception on the loggia of Pope of priesthood,would continue that to speakGod PoverelloSt.Poverello Peter’s fromBasilicafrom Assisi. Assisi.change was Furthermore,Furthermore, in the air. fromHefrom began thethe vocationswouldvocations continue tototo speak thethe to Francis’ pontificate on the loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica to the hearts of those He inceptionbyinception asking of offor Pope Pope the Francis’ Francis’people’s pontificate pontificateblessing onfirst, on the the beforeloggia loggia ofhe of priesthood,thepriesthood, hearts of thosethatthat HeGodGod is change was in the air. He began by asking for the is already calling to be St.wentSt. Peter’s Peter’s on to Basilicagive Basilica them change changehis own. was was He in in declinedthe the air. air. aHe Hechauffer began began wouldalreadywould continue continuecalling to to speak speakto beto to people’s blessing first, before he went on to give them transformed in preparation byandby asking choseasking tofor for ride the the thepeople’s people’s bus back blessing blessing to the first, hotelfirst, before followingbefore he he thetransformedthe hearts hearts of ofin those preparationthose He He is is his own. He declined a chauffeur and chose to ride wenthiswent election. on on to to give give Hethem them preached his his own. own. his He He firstdeclined declined homily a achauffer chaufferto the alreadyforforalready service service calling calling andand ministry toto be inbe andtheCardinaland buschose chose back Electorsto to ride toride the the the inhotel bus busItalian backfollowing back to insteadto the the his hotel hotel election.of following followingusing Hea transformedHisHistransformed Church. Church. in in preparation preparation hispreachedprepared,his election. election. histraditional firstHe He homilypreached preachedLatin totext his the hisready firstCardinal first for homily homilythe Electors occasion. to to the thein for for Inservice Inservice closing, closing, and and I ministry wouldministryI would call in in CardinalItalianHeCardinal even instead picked ElectorsElectors of up using inhisin Italian ownaItalian prepared, luggage insteadinstead traditionalat oftheof usinghotel,using as a a HisourcallHis Church.attention Church.our attention to an obvious to an prepared,textwellprepared, ready as the traditional for traditionalbill, the “in occasion. order Latin Latin to text Hesettext readyaeven readygood pickedfor example.”for the the up occasion. occasion. his own source obvious In In closing, closing,of sourcethat I Iwouldinner wouldof changecallthat call that has gone largely Heluggage He Remarkably,even even atpicked pickedthe hotel, evenup up his as hisafter wellown own all asluggage luggagethethe bill,“firsts” at “inat the the inorder hotel, ourhotel, tonew asset as ourunnoticedinnerour attention attention change even to to anby anthat obviousthe obvious millionshas of persons who heard wellaPope wellgood as asFrancis, theexample.” the bill, bill, “inthere “in order order are to toa set setgreat a agood good many example.” example.” voices still sourceitgonesource spoken of largelyof fromthat that inner theunnoticedinner loggia change change of St.that that Peter’s has has gone goneBasilica largely largely on clamoring Remarkably, Remarkably,Remarkably, for change. even even after after after For all all allthe somethe the“firsts” “firsts” it“firsts” is in ain our specificourin new newour unnoticedMarchevenunnoticed by13: theeven evenPope millions by byFrancis’ the the millionsof millions personsUrbi of etof whopersons Orbipersons heard blessing who who it heardspoken .heard In PopenewdemandPope ,Francis, with Francis, regard therethere there aretoare arean a ay great agreatof great a manynumber manymany voices voices of moral stillstillstill itthatfrom itspoken spoken traditional the from loggiafrom the blessing—offered theof loggia St.loggia Peter’s of of St. St.Basilica Peter’s Peter’salso every onBasilica Basilica March Easter on 13:on clamoringclamoringissuesclamoring that forare forfor change.perennially change.change. For For csomeForontentious. some someit is a it specific it is Yetis a a for specificdemandspecific most MarchandPopeMarch Christmas—the Francis’13: 13: Pope Pope Urbi Francis’ Francis’ et PopeOrbi Urbi Urbiblessing.sought et et Orbi Orbi to In secureblessingthat blessing traditional many. . In In demandwithpeopledemand regard itwith withappears to regard anyregard toof to beato an numberaany ygeneralof of a of anumber moralnumberand unspecified issuesof of moral moral that thatthingsblessing—offeredthat traditional traditionalfor his flock blessing—offered blessing—offered alsoand forevery the Easter world also also andwe every everyliveChristmas— in.Easter Easter He issues that are perennially contentious. Yet for most and Christmas—the Pope sought to secure many aredesireissues perennially thatfor aresomething…different, perenniallycontentious. c ontentious. Yet foras most if Yetthe people for word most it prayedtheand PopeChristmas—the for soughtmercy andto secure thePope gift many soughtof forgiveness, things to securefor forhis manytimeflock people it appears to be a general and unspecified things for his flock and for the world we live in. He appearspeople toit appearsbe a general to be anda general unspecified“change” and unspecifieddesire for forandthings true for for andthe his worldfruitful flock we penance, and live for in. the asHe wellworld prayed as we the for live gracemercy in. and andHe desiredesire forfor something…different,something…different, asas ifif thethe wordword prayedprayed for for mercy mercy and and the the gift gift of of forgiveness, forgiveness, for for time time something…different, as if the word required“change” required no consolationthe gift of offorgiveness, the Holy Spirit. for time But for he alsotrue askedand fruitful God “change”“change” forfor true true and and fruitful fruitful penance, penance, as as well well as as the the grace grace and and explanation.no explanation. topenance, grant each as well of usas the gracevery thingand consolation he himself of has the requiredrequired nono consolationconsolation of of the the Holy Holy Spirit. Spirit. But But he he also also asked asked God God Reflecting Reflecting onon modeledHoly Spirit. so beautifully,But he also askedthe one God thing to grant everyone each of is us explanation.theexplanation. actions and toaskingto grant grant for each eachand of thatof us uswhich the the very wevery allthing thing long he forhe himself himselfdeep, deephas has the Reflecting Reflectingactions and on on modeledthemodeled very so thingso beautifully, beautifully, he himself the thehas one onemodeled thing thing soeveryone everyone beautifully, is is eveneven thethe name name of withinthe one our thing souls: everyone change. is asking for and that which we theourthe actionsnewactions Holy andand asking asking He prayed:for for and and Corthat that semperwhich which we penitens,we all all long long et foremendationem for deep, deep, deep deep evenofeven our the the new name name Holy of of withinallwithin long our our for souls: souls: deep, change. change.deep within our souls: change. Father,Father, however,however, vitae. He For prayed: an always Cor semper repentant penitens, heart andet emendationem amendment ouroneour newcannew easilyHolyHoly of life.He He prayed: prayed: Cor Cor semper semper penitens, penitens, et et emendationem emendationem one can easily vitae. For an always repentant heart and amendment of discover the wellspring of change, transformationFather,Father, however,however, and vitae. vitae. May For Forthat an an prayeralways always be repentant repentantanswered heart heart in yourand and amendment lifeamendment and in discover the life. renewal in the unchanging and ever-powerfuloneone cancan Gospeleasilyeasily ofmineof life. life. and may God provide for the Church many wellspring of May that prayer be answered in your life and in discovermessagediscover theof the Jesus wellspring wellspring Christ. of of change, change, transformation transformation and and more May May young that that prayer menprayer in be bethe answered answered days ahead in in your yourwho life lifedesire and and into in change, transformation and renewal in the unchanging renewal renewal To genuinely in in the the unchanging unchanging humble oneselfand and ever-powerful ever-powerful before a crowd Gospel Gospel of minefollowmine and andandJesus may may Christ GodGod God provideinprovide providea vocation for for forthe the toChurchthe theChurch Church priesthood. many many many more messageandmillionsmessage ever-powerful ofsignals of Jesus Jesus anChrist. Christ.Gospel inner transformation; message of Jesus to Christ.express a moreMayyoungmore theyyoung youngmen respond men inmen the generouslyin in daysthe the days aheaddays to ahead Hiswhoahead call, desirewho who surrendering desire todesire follow to to deep To ToTo and genuinely genuinelygenuinely abiding humble lovehumblehumble for oneself theoneselfoneself poor, before before beforeand to a a reflecta crowd crowdcrowd that of ofof followtheirJesusfollow lives ChristJesus Jesus to Christinthe Christ a internalvocation in in a a vocationtransformation tovocation the priesthood. to to the the of priesthood. priesthood.grace May andthey millionsmillionslovemillions in simplicity signalssignals signals anan anof innerinner lifeinner is transformation;transformation; transformation;indicative of a tochangeto to express expressexpress deep a a a MaytherespondMay love they they of generouslyrespond respondGod that generously generously hasto His the call, power to to Hissurrendering His to call, call,change surrendering surrendering theirnot only lives deepdeepwithindeep andand andthe abidingabiding abidingsoul of lovelove lovea person. forfor for thethe the Longpoor, poor,poor, andbefore andand to toto reflect he reflectreflect became that thatthat theirtheirtotheir the livesown lives internal souls,to to the the transformation butinternal internal the C transformationhurch transformation of and grace the and worldof of gracethe grace we love andlive and of loveloveourlove Holy inin in simplicitysimplicity simplicity Father, this ofof of lifelife pontifflife isis is indicativeindicative indicative from Argentina ofof of a a achange change change had deep beendeep deep thein.Godthe love love that of of hasGod God the that that power has has the tothe powerchange power to notto change change only nottheir not only onlyown withinwithinwithin thethe the soulsoul soul ofof of aa a person.person. person. Long LongLong before beforebefore he hehe became becamebecame theirsouls,their own own but souls, thesouls, Church but but the the and C Church thehurch world and and the wethe worldlive world in. we we live live ourourour HolyHoly Holy Father,Father, Father, thisthis this pontiffpontiff pontiff fromfrom from Argentina Argentina Argentina hadhad had been beenbeen in.in. Priesthood Ordination Rev. Mr. Thomas WoodhousePriesthood and Rev. Mr. Ordination Scott Carpentier will be ordained to the Rev. Mr.priesthood Thomas ofWoodhouse Jesus ChristPriesthood and by Rev. the Mr. Most Ordination Scott Reverend Carpentier Thomas will J.be Tobin, ordained D.D. to the Rev. Mr.priesthood Thomas of Woodhouse Jesus Christ and by Rev.the Most Mr. Scott Reverend Carpentier Thomas will J. be Tobin, ordained D.D. to the on June 1, 2013 at 10:00 AM at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. onpriesthood June 1, of2013 Jesus at 10:00 Christ AM by theat the Most Cathedral Reverend of ThomasSaints Peter J. Tobin, and Paul. D.D. on June 1, 2013 at Rev.10:00Rev. Mr. Mr.AM Thomas Thomasat the Cathedral J. J. Woodhouse Woodhouse of Saints Peter and Paul. Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Woodhouse Rev.Rev. Mr. ThomasThomas Woodhouse Woodhouse began began his hisformation forma tionfor thefor priesthood the priesthood in 2009 in after 2009 a successfulafter a successfulRev.career Mr. as careeraThomas pilot. as TheaWoodhouse pilot. son Theof Emma sonbegan of WoodhouseEmmahis forma Woodhousetion and forthe and thelate the priesthoodEdward late Edward Woodhouse, in 2009 Woodhouse, after Deacon a DeaconsuccessfulWoodhouse Woodhouse career received as areceived pilot.a Bachelor The a Bachelorson of of Science Emma of Scie Woodhouseinnce Aeronautical in Aeronautical and the Studies late Studies Edward from from Embry-RiddleWoodhouse, Embry- RiddleDeaconAeronautical Aeronautical Woodhouse University Universityreceived and served a andBachelor asserved an aviation of as Scie an supplynceaviation in officerAeronautical suppl iny theofficer USStudies Marinein the from USCorps Embry-Marine before CorpsRiddleworking before Aeronautical as a working civilian University aspilot a civilian in Texas and pilot andserved in Arizona. Texas as an and Deaconaviation Arizona. Woodhousesuppl Deacony officer Woodhousestudied in the at BlessedUS studied Marine John at BlessedCorpsXXIII before NationalJohn workingXXIII Seminary National as a civilianin SeminaryWeston, pilot MA inin Weston,Texas and has and MAserved Arizona. and as has a Deacon seminarianserved Woodhouseas a atseminarian St. Luke studied atParish, St. at LukeBlessedBarrington Parish, John and BarringtonXXIII as deacon National andat St. Seminaryas Joseph deacon Parish, in at Weston, St Woonsocket. Joseph MA Parish,and in additionhas Woonsocket served to aas summer a seminarianin addition at the Institute atto St. a summerLuke Parish, at the BarringtonInstitute for and Priestly as deacon Formation. at St . Joseph Parish, Woonsocket in addition to a for Priestly Formation. summer at the Institute for Priestly Formation. “Reflecting on my upcoming ordination, I feel a sense of awe and gratitude. I feel gratitude for God’s love and “Reflecting “Reflectingfor His calling on on my myme upcoming upcomingto Holy Orders ordination, ordination, and His I Ifeel feelpersistence a a sense sense of deof awe spiteawe and andmy gratitude. reluctance.gratitude. I feel II feelam gratitude gratefulgratitude forfor for God’sGod God’s using love love theandand people forfor HisHis in callingcalling my life meme to to toarticulate HolyHoly Orders Orders His call andand andHis His persistence topersistence support mede despitespite as I myanswered my reluctance. reluctance. it. I experience I Iam am grateful grateful gratitude for for God God for using using all thethethe priests,people indeacons, my lifelife religioustoto articulatearticulate and His Hisprofessors callcall andand into to mysupport suppor life, tinme me the as as diocese,I Ianswered answered and it. it.at I theexperienceI experience seminary gratitude gratitudewho opened for for all myall the eyesthepriests, priests, and deacons, soul deacons, to the religious beauty religious andand professorsandwonder professors of inour my faith.in life, my in life the, in diocese, the diocese, and at andthe seminaryat the seminary who opened who openedmy eyes my and eyessoul“I and tofeel the soula beautysense to the of and beautyawe wonder that and God of wonder our chose faith. of me our to faith.help carry out His plan for our salvation and at the outpouring of His“I “I feel gracefeel a a sense tosense help of of meawe awe bring thatthat all GodGod people cchosehose to meme realize to help His carry love, out mercy HisHis planandplan His forfor ourdesireour salvationsalvation that we and andlet Himat at the the into outpouring outpouring our lives of ofHis His“‘It grace gracewas to not tohelp help you me me whobring bring chose all all people me,people but to to realizeI realizewho Hischose His love, love,you mercy andmercy andappointed and His His desire desireyou thatto that gowe we andlet letHim bear Him into fruit into our thatour lives. liveswill remain, “‘It “‘It was sowas that notnot whatever you whowho youchosechose ask me, me, the but Fatherbut I whoI who in chose my chose name you you and he and mayappointed appointedgive you’ you (Johnyouto go to and15:16). go bearand I fruitambear grateful that fruit will that for remain, willHis choosingremain,so that whatever so me that and whatever youI ask ask for the youyour Father ask prayers the in Father my that name I inma myhey ‘do mayname whatever give he you’may He (Johngive tells you’ 15:16). me’ (John (cf. I amJohn 15:16). grateful 2:5).” I am for grateful His choosing for His me choosingand I ask mefor andyour I prayersask for yourthat Iprayers may ‘do that whatever I may ‘do He whatevertells me’ (cf.He Johntells me’2:5).” (cf.—Rev. John Mr.2:5).” Thomas Woodhouse —Rev. Mr.Mr. ThomasThomas J.Woodhouse Woodhouse Rev. Mr. Scott J. Carpentier Rev.Rev. Mr. Mr. Scott Scott J. J. Carpentier Carpentier Rev. Mr. Scott Carpentier is the oldest of the seven children of Andre and Donna Carpentier. ARev.Rev. native Mr. Mr. of ScottScott Woonsocket, CarpentierCarpentier he isis isthe a oldestparishioner of the of sevenseven St. Agatha childrenchildren Parish. ofof Andre Andre Deacon and and Donna CarpentierDonna Carpentier. Carpentier. entered A theAnative native program of of Woonsocket, Woonsocket, of priestly heformation he is isa parishionera parishioner for the ofDi of St.ocese St. Agatha Agatha of Providence Parish. Parish. Deacon Deacon in the Carpentier FallCarpentier of 2008 entered entered after the studyingtheprogram program at of the priestlyof Franciscan priestly formation formation University for thefor of Diocesethe Steubenville. Diocese of Providence of FollowingProvidence in the pre-theology inFall the of Fall2008 ofstudies after 2008 studying at after the Seminarystudyingat the Franciscan atof the Our Franciscan Lady University of Providence, University of Steubenville. Deaconof Steubenville. CaFollowingrpentier Following waspre-theology assigned pre-theology tostudies study at studiestheology the Seminary at and the continueSeminaryof Our Lady his of formationOur of Providence, Lady atof St.Providence, DeaconJohn’s Seminary, Carpentier Deacon Brighton.Ca wasrpentier assigned Deaconwas to assigned study Carpentier theology to study has and theologyserved continue at and St. his Lukecontinueformation Parish, his at formation Barrington,St. John’s at Seminary, St.St. John’sPhilip Brighton. Seminary,Parish, Gr Deacon eenville,Brighton. Carpentier and Deacon as deacon hasCarpentier served at St. at has PatrickSt. served Luke Parish, Parish,at St. ProvidenceLuke Parish, in Barrington,addition to aSt. summer Philip atParish, the Institute Greenville, for Priestly and as Formation. deacon at St. Patrick Parish, Barrington, St. Philip Parish, Greenville, and as deacon at St. Patrick Parish, Providence in Providenceaddition to in a additionsummer toat thea summer Institute at for the Priestly Institute Formation. for Priestly Formation. “On the road to the Sacrament of Holy Orders, a man does not travel alone. He is filled with the grace of God “On through the road His toSon's the callSacrament to leave of everythingHoly Orders, and a follow man does Him, not which travel is alone.sustained He byis filledthe power with theof thegrace Holy of Spirit.God “On through He the is road alsoHis Son'saccompaniedto the callSacrament to leave by familyof everything Holy and Orders, frie andnds, afollow manstrangers doesHim, notandwhich travel parishioners, is sustainedalone. He priestsby is the filled andpower with religious of the the grace Holywho of offerSpirit.God throughprayers He is alsoHisand Son’saccompaniedencouragement call to leaveby alongfamily everything the and way. frie and nds,He follow alsostrangers hasHim, the andwhich support parishioners, is sustained of his heavenlypriests by the and powerfamily, religious of by the being whoHoly wrappedofferSpirit. prayers He in is the also and intercessions accompanied encouragement of by the familyalong Blessed andthe Virgin friends,way. HeMary strangers also, the has angels and the parishioners, supportand the ofsaints. his priests heavenly I am and grateful religiousfamily, to by Godwho being offerfor thewrappedprayers many and in people theencouragement intercessions who have alongofsupported, the the Blessed way. prayed HeVirgin also for Maryhas and the, theencouraged support angels of and hisme theheavenly through saints. family, theI am years gratefulby being of toformation. wrapped God for in Travelingthethe intercessionsmany alongpeople theof who theroads, Blessedhave we supported, knowVirgin t hatMary, weprayed thehit angelssome for andbumps and encouragedthe along saints. the I way.meam gratefulthrough On this to thejourney, God years for they theof manyhaveformation. peoplebeen thereTravelingwho haveto remind supported,along theme roads, thatprayed God we for isknow and leading encouragedthat wethe hitway, someme and through bumps reinforce thealong years how the of trulyway. formation. dependentOn this Traveling journey, on Him theyalong I am.have the beenroads,As I approachtherewe know to remind thatthe weday mehit of somethatordination Godbumps is alongIleading am filledthe the way. withway, On thanksg andthis journey,reinforceiving and they how gratitude have truly been dependent for there this togift onremind ofHim grace. me I am.that May GodAs we I is continueapproachleading the to the way,pray day andfor of reinforceeachordination other how asI truly amwe filled approachdependent with thisthanksgon Him great ivingI am. day and Asand I gratitudeapproach continue for thein thisdayprayer ofgift ordination aroundof grace. the IMay amsacred filledwe mysteries.continuewith thanksgiving to ‘For pray I foramand convinced eachgratitude other forthat as this weneither gift approach of death, grace. thisnor May greatlife, we nor continueday angels, and to continue noprayr principalities, for ineach prayer other noraround as wepresent approach the things,sacred this normysteries.great future day and things,‘For continue I noram convincedpowers, in prayer nor that around height, neither the nor death,sacred depth, normysteries. nor life, any nor other ‘For angels, creatureI am no convincedr principalities, will be thatable neither to nor separate present death, us things,nor from life, thenor love futureangels, of Godthings, nor inprincipalities, Christnor powers, Jesus norournor presentLord.height, ’ (Romansthings,nor depth, nor 8:38-39)” nor future any things, other creaturenor powers, will nor be height,able to norseparate depth, us nor from any theother love creature of God will in Christ be able Jesus to separate our Lord. us ’from (Romans the love 8:38-39)” of God in Christ Jesus our—Rev. Lord. Mr. ’ (Romans Scott J. 8:38-39)” Carpentier —Rev.—Rev. Mr. Mr. Scott Scott J. J. Carpentier Carpentier “Miserando Atque Eligendo” Reverend Carl B. Fisette Director of Vocations

“Miserando atque eligendo” these early days of his pontificate because it is a virtue This motto of Pope Francis is in which we can all grow. Indeed, this is the virtue taken from a homily by St. Bede of which St. John Vianney said, “Humility is to the that is read in the Liturgy of the various virtues what the chain is in a rosary: take away Hours on the Feast of St. Matthew, the chain and the beads are scattered; remove humility, the tax collector whom Jesus called to be his disciple. and all the virtues vanish.” But what is true humility? The Holy Father chose this as his motto when he was Humility is defined in one Catholic dictionary as ordained a bishop and he has chosen to retain this as his “the moral virtue that restrains the unruly desire for papal motto. The Latin means “lowly but chosen.” It personal greatness and leads people to an orderly love is significant because it was on the Feast of St. Matthew of themselves based on a true appreciation of their when 17 year-old Jorge Bergoglio had a particular position with respect to God and their neighbors... experience of God’s mercy following confession and Humility is not only opposed to pride; it is also “sensed the descent of the Mercy of God, who with a opposed to immoderate self-abjection which would fail gaze of tender love, called him to religious life.” to recognize God’s gifts and use them according to His In the short time since Pope Francis will.” Humility is that proper balance was elected, he has shown himself between pride and self-abjection. to be a man of humility; a man who Pride would cause us to work for our recognizes his own lowliness before own glory; self-abjection would cause God but who, nonetheless, also us to fail to recognize and use our recognizes that he has been chosen God-given gifts and talents for His by Christ to serve the Church as a glory. priest, bishop, cardinal, and now as One of the issues that perhaps every the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal man who discerns a vocation to the Church. priesthood must contend with is the The Holy Father’s witness to awareness of his own lowliness. The the virtue of humility continues question of “am I worthy to be a a teaching which His Holiness priest?” arises in the heart of every man Benedict XVI exemplified in his as he discerns. True humility helps us renunciation of the Petrine Ministry: to put the question of worthiness and Benedict’s abdication was in itself an Coat of Arms of Pope Francis lowliness into perspective because it act of great humility. Benedict was teaches us to examine our conscience honest with God and with himself before God and to allow Him to guide about where his talents and energies were. In his our decisions. Humility teaches us that, yes, we are careful review of his conscience before God, Benedict imperfect human beings and the original sin of our concluded that for the good of the Church, it was time first parents has been passed down to us and we may for him to renounce the Petrine Ministry and serve the very well have committed personal sins in our lives. Church in prayer and solitude. In a world in which Humility also teaches us to return to God and rely on fame and power are portrayed as some of the greatest God’s mercy and grace—a theme we hear repeated goods, Benedict did not cling to them for his own sake. by Pope Francis. Humility shows us that while we Instead, Benedict recognized that at this moment of his are imperfect in comparison to God, we have been life and ministry, he must follow the example of St. endowed by the Creator with gifts and talents which John the Baptist and in order for Christ to increase, “I He calls us to use for His glory. must decrease” (cf. John 3:30). No one is worthy to be a priest of Jesus Christ but Through his actions, Pope Francis is striving to God still chooses and calls from among us lowly men teach—and has already taught—us about humility in and we serve Him by relying on His grace. Letter to Mothers of Priests and Seminarians Mauro Cardinal Piacenza, Prefect for the Congregation for the Clergy

Note: The following is fromLetter the text toof aMothers letter addressed of toPriests the mothers and of priests Seminarians and seminarians on January 1, 2013: “In welcomingMauro the Eternal Cardinal Word Piacenza, into her immaculate Prefect forin thethis Congregationchange, which Christ for the brings Clergy about in the life Note: The following is from the text of a letter addressed to the mothers of priests and seminarians on January 1, 2013: womb, Mary Most Holy gave birth to the Eternal High of those whom he has chosen and called. But the Priest, “In Jesuswelcoming Christ, thethe only Eternal Savior ofWord the world.into herIn thisparticipation change, whichgiven toChrist mothers brings of priests about isin quite the uniquelife of Him,immaculate God himself womb, has Mary come Most to meet Holy man, gave he birth has tolifted the thoseand special. whom Forhe hasunique chos anden specialand called. are the Butspiritual the himEternal up from High sin Priest, and he Jesushas given Christ, him theeternal only life; Savior that is,of participationconsolations whichgiven theyto mothers derive fromof priests having is carriedquite athe share world. in his veryIn Him, own God life. Byhimself adhering has tocome God’s to Will,meet uniquein the womband special. one who For has unique become and Christ’s special minister.are the Maryman, participatedhe has lifted in him a unique up from and sinunrepeatable and he has way given in spiritualIndeed, everyconsolations mother whichcannot theybut rejoicederive infrom seeing having the thehim mystery eternal oflife; our that redemption, is, a share thereby in his verybecoming own life.the carriedlife of herin sonthe notwomb only one fulfilled who hasbut alsobecome clothed Christ’s with MotherBy adhering of God, to the God’s Gate Will, of Heaven Mary andparticipated the Cause in of a minister.a most exceptional Indeed, every divine mother favor cannotwhich butembraces rejoice and in ourunique Joy. and unrepeatable way in the mystery of our seeingtransforms the lifeit for of all her eternity. son not only fulfilled but also redemption, “In a similar thereby way, becoming the entire the ChurchMother looksof God, with the clothed “...The with Church’s a most twoexcep thousandtional divineyears offavor experience which admirationGate of Heaven and deepand the gratitude Cause of upon our Joy.all mothers of embracesteaches us and that transforms when a man it for is all ordained eternity. a priest, his priests “In anda similar of those way, who, the havingentire Churchreceived looks this loftywith mother “...The “receives” Church’s twohim thousandin a completely years of experience new and vocation,admiration have and embarked deep gra upontitude the upon path ofall formation. mothers of teachesunexpected us that way; when so much a man so isthat ordained she is calleda priest, to hissee priests“The and sons of whomthose who,they havingwelcomed received and educated,this lofty motherin the fruit “receives” of her own him womb in aa “father”completely who newby God’s and invocation, fact, have have been embarked chosen uponby Christ the path from of formation.all eternity unexpectedwill is called way; to generateso much and so thataccompany she is called a multitude to see to become“The sons His whom “chosen they welcomedfriends” andand educated,living and in inof thebrothers fruit of and her sisters own womb to eternal a “father” life. whoEvery by motherGod’s indispensablefact, have been instruments chosen by Christof Hisfrom all eternity to will is called to ofgenerate a priest and mysteriously accompany abecomes multitude a Presencebecome inHis the “chosenworld. Throughfriends” theand of“daughter brothers ofand her sister son.”s to Towards eternal him,life. Sacramentliving and indispensableof Holy Orders, instruments the lives of Everyshe may mother therefore of a priestalso exercise mysteriously a new ofHis priests Presence are definitivelyin the world. taken Through up by becomesmotherhood a “daughterthrough theof discreether son.” yet Jesusthe Sacramentand immersed of inHoly Him, Orders, such that the Towardsextremely him, efficacious she may and therefore inestimably also inlives them of it priestsis Jesus are Himself definitively who walks taken exerciseprecious a newcloseness motherhood of prayer, through and theby andup worksby Jesus among and men. immersed in Him, discreetoffering yet of herextremely own life efficacious for the ministry and such “So that great in themis this it mystery is Jesus that Himself the inestimablyof her son. precious closeness of priestwho walksis even and called works alteramong Christus— men. prayer, “This and new by “fatherhood”offering of her - forown which life Rev. Ryan Connors blesses his parents another “So Christ. great is thisHis mysteryfrail humanity, that the forthe the Seminarian ministry of heris son.prepared, which elevatedpriest is by even the powercalled of alte ther HolyChristus—another Spirit Christ. “This new the “fatherhood” priest has been - given, for which and which the toHis a newfrail humanity,and higher elevated union with by the the power Person of ofthe Jesus, Holy Seminarianbenefits all isGod’s prepared, People which needs theto bepriest accompanied has been becomesSpirit to a a place new ofand encounter higher unionwith the with Son the of PersonGod who of given,by assiduous and which prayer benefits and personalall God’s sacrifice, People needsin order to becameJesus, becomesincarnate, a died place and of rose encounter for us. For with when the aSon priest of bethat accompanied a priest’s free by adherence assiduous to prayer the divine and willpersonal may teachesGod who the became faith of incarnate,the Church, died it isand Christ rose whofor us.speaks For sacrifice,continually in beorder renewed that a and priest’s strengthened. free adherence to the towhen the Peoplea priest through teaches him. the Whenfaith ofhe theprudently Church, guides it is divine “Mothers will ofmay priests continually and seminarians be renewed thus represent and theChrist faithful who entrusted speaks to to the him, People it is Christ through who him. shepherds When strengthened.a true and veritable “army”, which from earth offers hishe sheep.prudently And guides when the he faithfulcelebrates entrusted the Sacraments, to him, it inis prayers “Mothers and ofsacrifice priests andto heaven,seminarians and thusfrom represent heaven Christ who shepherds his sheep. And when he a true and veritable “army”, which from earth offers an eminent way the Most Holy Eucharist, it is Christ intercedes in even greater number so that every grace celebrates the Sacraments, in an eminent way the prayers and sacrifice to heaven, and from heaven Himself who through His ministers continues the work and blessing may be poured out upon the lives of the Most Holy Eucharist, it is Christ Himself who intercedes in even greater number so that every grace of man’s salvation and makes Himself truly present in Church’s sacred ministers. through His ministers continues the work of man’s and blessing may be poured out upon the lives of the the world. “Therefore, with all my heart I wish to encourage salvation and makes Himself truly present in the Church’s sacred ministers. “Normally it is in the family, in the parents’ love, and and offer special thanks to all mothers of priests and world. “Therefore, with all my heart I wish to encourage in an early education in the faith that a priestly vocation seminarians. “Normally it is in the family, in the parents’ love, and offer special thanks to all mothers of priests and finds that rich and fertile soil in which availability to the “Lastly, we raise a special hymn of thanks to and in an early education in the faith that a priestly seminarians. will of God can take root and draw the nourishment it heaven—to those mothers who, having already been vocation finds that rich and fertile soil in which “Lastly, we raise a special hymn of thanks to needs. At the same time, every vocation also represents called from this life, now contemplate in all its fullness availability to the will of God can take root and draw heaven—to those mothers who, having already been forthe the nourishment family whence it needs. it comes At anthe irrevocable same time, change every calledthe splendor from ofthis Christ’s life, Priesthoodnow contemplate in which in their all sons its thatvocation exceeds also all representshuman parameters for the andfamily calls whence everyone it fullnesshave become the splendor sharers, of andChrist’s who Priesthoodintercede infor which them tocomes conversion. an irrevocable change that exceeds all human theirin a sonsunique have and become mysteriously sharers, andfar whomore intercede efficacious for parameters “Every memberand calls ofev eryonea man’s to conversion.family...is involved themmanner…” in a unique and mysteriously far more “Every member of a man’s family...is involved in efficacious manner…”

These pages include the winning drawings of the Vocations Drawing Contest (grades 1-8)

These pages include the winning drawings of the Vocations Drawing Contest (grades 1-8)

AdAd AdMultos Multos Multos Annos: Annos: Annos: On On theOn the Resignationthe Resignation Resignation of Popeof of Pope Pope Benedict Benedict Benedict XVI XVI XVI Ad Multos Annos: OnNathan the NathanResignation Ricci Ricci of Pope Benedict XVI Ad Multos Annos: On theNathan Resignation Ricci of Pope Benedict XVI FirstFirstNathan FirstTheology Theology Theology Ricci NathanFirst Theology Ricci The The The news news news of Pope of of Pope Pope Benedict’s Benedict’s Benedict’s close First close toclose the Theologyto toPope.the the Pope. Pope.Pray Pray for Pray himfor for himand him andfor and hisfor successor,forhis hissuccessor, successor, resignationresignation resignation The camenews came came asof anPopeas as immediatean an Benedict’simmediate immediate that thatwithhethat mayhe a he greatermay leadmay lead theleader. lead theChurch the ChurchHe Church toldwith us:with great with you great fidelity aregreat fidelityseminarians fidelityand and and surprise surprise resignationsurprise The to news toall tocame ofallatall Popeas atthe atan the Benedict’simmediatetheNorth NorthNorth courage. close courage.incourage. Rome, to the closePope. to Pray for him and for his successor, American College in Rome – and it seems it came as A handful of us American CollegeCollegeresignation surprise inin RomeRome to – all– cameand and at theit it asseems Northseems an immediate itAmerican itcame came as as that the A he APope. handfulmay handful lead Pray of the of us Church us with great fidelity and a shock to everyone around the globe. When I first flocked to St. Peter’s a shock toto everyoneeveryonesurpriseCollege aroundaround in tothe the Rome allglobe. globe. at– and When theWhen it NorthseemsI Ifirst first courage. flockedforflocked him to andtoSt. St. forPeter’s Peter’s heard the news, I was in disbelief. Only later did I Basilica after lunch to Americanheard thethe Collegenews,news, I I in itwaswas Romecame inin disbelief. disbelief.–as and a shockit seems Only Only to it later everyonelatercame did didas I I Basilica his BasilicaA handful aftersuccessor, after lunch oflunch usto to realizearealize shock the thesombertheto everyonesombersomber reality reality realityaround of the of ofthe the situation:the globe. situation: situation: Whenthe theman theI firstman manoffer flocked offer offerour our prayerstoour prayersSt. prayers Peter’sfor for for whomaround I had the come globe. to Whenlove and I first respect heard as the Pope news, over I was the thatHoly heFather. may lead Fr. inheardwhom disbelief. the II hadhadnews, Only comecome I laterwas toto lovedidinlove disbelief. I andrealizeand respect respect the Only somber as as laterPope Pope reality did over over I Basilica thethethe Holy ChurchHoly after Father. Father.lunchwith Fr.to Fr. theserealizethese past past pasttheeight sombereighteight years, years,years, realitywho who whohas of hasthegivenhas givensituation: given the theChurch the Church theChurch aman Ryana aoffer Ryan RyanConnors, ourConnors, Connors, prayers a priest a priest a forpriest treasuryof the ofsituation: theological the man wisdom, whom Iand had whocome tohas love of greatthe Diocesefidelity andof andwhomtreasury respect I hadofof as come theologicalPopetheological to over love these andwisdom,wisdom, pastrespect eight and andas years,Pope whowho overwho hashas the ofcourage.of Holy thethe Father.DioceseDiocese Fr. of of shepherdedthese past God’seight years,people who throughhas given thethe Churchthird aProvidence Ryan Connors, studying a priestin hasshepherded given the ChurchGod’sGod’s a treasurypeoplepeople ofthrough theologicalthrough the thewisdom, thirdthird Providence Providence A handful studying studying of in in millennium,treasury wouldof theological leave the Chairwisdom, of St.and Peter who in a hasRome, of andthe I Diocesewent to of andmillennium, who has wouldwouldshepherded leaveleave theGod’sthe Chair Chair people of of St. St.through Peter Peter in thein a a Rome,usRome, flocked and and Ito wentI St.went to to mattershepherdedmatter of weeks. of weeks. God’s people through the thirdthe Providencethetomb tomb of St. ofstudying St.Peter Peter in thirdmatter millennium, of weeks. would leave the Chair of St. Peter in Peter’sthe tomb Basilica of St.after Peter lunch to offer our prayers for Yet,millennium, Yet, as much as much would as this as leave thismight might the have Chair have come ofcome asSt. a as Petershock, a shock, in aand Rome, andprayed prayed and for I forwentthe the Popeto Pope and andfor forthe theChurch Church a matter Yet, ofas weeks.much as this might have come as a shock, theand Holy prayed Father. for Fr. the Ryan Pope Connors, and afor priest the ofChurch the it ismatter italso is also very of weeks.very telling telling of the of humilitythe humility of this of thisgreat great man man universal. theuniversal. tomb As of weAs St. werewe Peterwere leaving leaving the basilicathe basilica – most – most of of it is Yet, also as very much telling as this of mightthe humility have come of this as agreat shock, man Dioceseuniversal. of Providence As we were studying leaving in the Rome, basilica and –I wentmost of who who became Yet, became as muchPope. Pope. as Pope this Pope mightBenedict’s Benedict’s have come as a shock, and prayedwhich forwhich wasthe wasdarkPope dark as it andas normally it normallyfor theis at is Churchthis at this loveitwho isfor also becameChrist very andPope.telling His of PopeChurch the Benedict’shumility is hourto – which theI turned tomb was ofaround dark St. Peteras and it normally andpeered prayed at is atfor this itlove is also forfor very ChristChrist telling andand of theHisHis humility ChurchChurch of is thisis great man universal. As wehour hourwere – I–leaving turnedI turned thearound aroundbasilica and and –peered most peered ofat at immediatelyofwhoimmediately this became great palpable manPope.palpable who Popehere: became here: Benedict’s hisPope. his the whichonlythethe only Popebrightly was brightly and dark lit for asspot lit theit spot normallyof Church the of nave:the universal.is nave: at it this it announcementPopeimmediately Benedict’s remainspalpable love fora here:Christstrong and his was Asthethe we Altar only were ofbrightly leaving the Chair litthe spot behindbasilica of the the – nave:most it loveannouncement for Christ andremainsremains His Churchaa strongstrong is hourwaswas the– Ithe Altarturned Altar of around theof theChair andChair behindpeered behind theat the testamentHisimmediately Church to the isgreat palpableimmediately strength here: ofpalpable his his greattheof baldachino onlywhich brightly was. Theredark lit spot as my it of eyesnormally the werenave: is itat testament toto thethe greatgreat strengthstrength ofof his his greatgreat baldachino baldachino. There. There my myeyes eyes were were faithhere:announcement in God his andannouncement hisremains fidelity remainsato strongthe a immediatelywasthis thehour Altar – drawnI turnedof the toaroundChair Bernini’s behind and peered the faith inin GodGod andand hishis fidelityfidelity toto thethe immediatelyimmediately drawn drawn to toBernini’s Bernini’s Churchstrongtestament to testamentwhich to thehe hastogreat the given greatstrength his strength entire of his of grandiosegreatat the baldachino onlyChair brightly of . St.There lit Peter, spot my of eyeswhich the werenave: Church toto whichwhich hehe has has given given his his entire entire grandiosegrandiose Chair Chair of ofSt. St.Peter, Peter, which which lifehis faithin service.faith in inGod God and and his his fidelity fidelity toto the stoodimmediatelyit highwas theabove Altar drawnthe ofaltar the to below.Chair Bernini’s behind I life inin service.service. stoodstood high high above above the thealtar altar below. below. I I PopeChurch Pope Benedictto which Benedict he hashas hasgiven been beenhis anentire an couldn’tgrandiosecouldn’tthe greathelp help butbaldachino.Chair think:but think:of soonSt. TheresoonPeter, this this chair mywhich chair eyes Pope Benedict has been an couldn’t help but think: soon this chair indefatigablelifelifeindefatigable inin service.service. witness witness to the to truththe truth and anda a willstood willwerebe vacant, behighimmediately vacant, above but but anotherthe drawn anotheraltar will tobelow. Bernini’s willfill fill I indefatigable witness to the truth and a will be vacant, but another will fill beacon beacon Pope Popeof hope of BenedictBenedicthope for forall allof has us. ofbeen us. His Hisan it. couldn’t it.grandioseChrist Christ helpalways Chair alwaysbut of think:provides St. provides Peter, soon for which this forHis chair stood His beacon of hope for all of us. His it. Christ always provides for His untiringindefatigableindefatigableuntiring love love and witness witnessandservice service tototo thethe theto truth Churchthetruth Church and and a Church.willChurch.high be aboveAlso, vacant, Also, abovethe abovealtarbut the anotherbelow. theChair Chair ofIwill couldn’t St.of fillSt. has untiringbeen a gift love for and which service I will to alwaysthe Church Peter isChurch. Bernini’s Also, famous above depiction the Chair of of St. abeaconhas beacon been of aof gifthope hope for for forwhich allall ofIof will us.us. always His it.Peterhelp Christ butis Bernini’s think: always soon famous provides this depictionchair for will His ofbe remainhas grateful.been a gift for which I will always the dove,Peter the is traditional Bernini’s symbolfamous of depiction the of untiringremain grateful.love and service to the Church Church.thevacant, dove, butAlso, the another traditional above will the symbol fillChair it. ofofChrist St.the Whenremain thegrateful. news hit, Cardinal Holy Spirit,the dove, placed the brightlytraditional above symbol the of the has Whenbeen a gift the for news which hit,I will Cardinal always PeterHolyalways isSpirit, providesBernini’s placed forfamous brightlyHis Church. depiction above Also, theof Theodore When McCarrick, the news Archbishop hit, Cardinal Chair. Holy It wasSpirit, if placedthis great brightly symbol above the remainTheodore grateful. McCarrick, Archbishop theChair.above dove, the Itthe Chair was traditional ofif St.this Peter symbolgreat is Bernini’s symbolof the emeritusTheodore of Washington, McCarrick, D.C., addressedArchbishop all of us [at encapsulated the entiretyChair. of theIt situation:was if this it isgreat God symbol emeritus When When ofthe the Washington, news news hit, Cardinal hit,D.C ., Cardinal addressed Theodore allMcCarrick, of us [at encapsulatedfamous depiction theHoly entirety of Spirit, the dove,of placed the the situation: brightly traditional above it issymbol Godthe the emeritusPontifical of North Washington, American D.C College]., addressed before all ourof us who[at sustainsencapsulated His Churchthe entirety through of thethe situation:instrumental it is God ArchbishopTheodorethe Pontifical emeritusMcCarrick, North of American Washington, Archbishop College] D.C., addressed before our all whoof the sustains Holy Spirit, Chair.His placedChurch It wasbrightly through if thisabove the great instrumentalthe Chair.symbol It mid-daythe Pontificalpranzo (lunch). North HisAmerican Eminence College] reminded before us leadershipour who ofsustains great men His likChurche Pope throughBenedict, the and instrumental it is ofemeritusmid-day us [at the ofpranzo PontificalWashington, (lunch). North D.C His American., Eminenceaddressed College] remindedall of beforeus [at us encapsulatedleadershipwas if this greatof thegreat symbolentirety men encapsulated likofe thePope situation: Benedict, the entirety it andis ofGod it theis themid-day Pontifical pranzo North (lunch). American His EminenceCollege]of the beforeremindedgreat ourGod uswho wholeadership sustains will continue ofHis great Church to menlead throughandlike guidePope the herBenedict, instrumental through and it is ourof themid-day great Godsituation: who will it is continue God who to sustains lead and His guide Church her throughthrough mid-day pranzo (lunch). His Eminencefatherlyof reminded figurethe greatusthe leadership centuries.God who of will Thisgreat continue ismen the lik one toe Pope leadthing andBenedict, that guide remains andher itthrough is pranzofatherly (lunch). figure thethe centuries.instrumental This leadership is the ofone great thing men that like remains Pope we ofwefatherly have thehave ingreat figure inconstant. God constant.the who centuries. will continue This to is lead the and one guide thing her that through remains His Eminence Benedict, and it is God who will continue to lead and PopefatherlyPope weBenedict, Benedict, havefigure in Inthe the constant. Incenturies. Church,the Church, we This havewe haveis a traditionalthe a traditionalone thing saying sayingthat of remains of reminded us guide her through the centuries. This is the one thing commentingwecommentingPope have Benedict, incongratulations: constant. congratulations: In the Church, “Ad we“Ad havemultos multos a traditionalannos,” annos,” sayingwhich which of of the great that remains constant. especiallyPopeespeciallycommenting Benedict, on onessentially essentially congratulations:In the translates, Church, translates, we“To have “Tomany“Ad manya traditional years.”multos years.” These saying Theseannos,” are of myare mywhich fatherly figure In the Church, we have a traditional saying of thiscommentingthis especially greatgreat wordson congratulations: wordsessentially to Popeto Pope Benedict:translates, Benedict: “Ad “To Ad multos manyAdmultos multos years.” annos,”annos, annos, These yourwhich your are my Pope’swe have inHoliness! congratulations: And these “Adare the multos words annos,” we will which all give essentially to especiallyPope’sthis greaton essentially Holiness!words to translates,And Pope these Benedict: “Toare themany words years.”Ad wemultos will These allannos, aregive my toyour theological gifts to the universal Church, as well as the next Pope – Ad multos annos! To many years, to theological gifts to the universal Church,PopethisPope’s asBenedict, wellgreat as words thetranslates,Holiness! next to Pope Pope “To And – manyAdBenedict: these multos years.” are annos!theAd These wordsmultos To are wemany annos,my will years,words all your give toto to his visible humility and love for Christ and His many years may the Church continue to save souls in histheological visible giftshumility to theand universal love for Church, commentingChristPope’s asand well His as Holiness! manyPopethe nextBenedict:years AndPope may these Ad–the Ad multos Churchare multos the annos, wordscontinue annos! yourwe towillTo Holiness! save many all soulsgive years, And toin to Church.especiallytheologicalChurch. We on Wegiftscouldn't this couldn't togreat the be Pope’suniversal beblessed blessed theological Church,with with a gifts asgreatera wellgreater to theasthe thenamethethese nextname ofare PopeChrist. ofthe Christ. words– Ad multoswe will annos! all give To to manythe next years, Pope to – leader.his visibleHe told humilityus: you andare seminarianslove for Christ in Rome, and His many years may the Church continue to save souls in universalhisleader.Church. visible HeChurch, We humilitytold couldn't us:as well andyou asbelareove his blessed seminarians forvisible Christ with humility inanda Rome, greater Hisand many Adthe multos yearsname annos!mayof Christ. the To Church many continueyears, to tomany save years souls may in loveChurch.leader. for Christ HeWe told andcouldn't Hisus: Church. yoube areblessed We seminarians couldn’t with bea inblessedgreater Rome, the the name Church of continueChrist. to save souls in the name of Christ. leader. He told us: you are seminarians in Rome,

HabemusHabemus Papam: Papam: On On the the Election Election of ofPope Pope Francis Francis HabemusHabemusHabemus Papam: Papam: Papam: On On On the the the Election Election Election of of ofPope Pope Pope Francis Francis Francis RyanRyanRyan SimasSimas Simas RyanRyan Simas Simas SecondSecondSecond TheologyTheology Theology SecondSecond Theology Theology The remnants of shock that perdured in the days we are all pilgrims on a journey of The remnants of shock that perdured in the days we are all pilgrims on a journey of The Theafter remnants remnantsPope-emeritus of ofshock shock thatBene that perdured dictperdured XVI’s in inthe the resignationdays days we we arefraternity, areall pilgrimsall pilgrims love on and a onjourney trust, a journey and of these after The Pope-emeritus remnants of shockBene dictthat perduredXVI’s resignationin the days fraternity,we are all love pilgrims and trust,on a journeyand these of afterafter quickly Pope-emeritusPope-emeritus faded into BenedictBene joy whendict XVI’s theXVI’s resignationwhite resignation smoke quickly billowed fraternity, of wordsfraternity, love resounded and love trust, andin and mytrust, theseown and heart quicklyafter Pope-emeritusfaded into joy whenBene thedict white XVI’s smoke resignation billowed wordsfraternity, resounded love and in trust,my own and heartthese quicklyfaded fadedinto joy into when joy when the white the white smokeout ofsmoke thebillowed chimney billowed out of of words thethese and resounded wordsin the inresounded myhearts own of heartin allmy the quickly faded into joy whenout the of white the chimneysmoke billowed of the andwords in resoundedthe hearts in myof ownall heartthe out ofSistine thethe chimneychimney Chapel of of theand the and weown inseminarians heartthe andhearts inat theSt.of heartsJohn’s.all theof Some all of us have been Sistineout of theChapel chimney and of wethe seminariansand in the at heartsSt. John’s. of allSome the of us have been Sistineheard SistineChapel Chapeltheand wewordsand seminarians the following seminarians at St.the atvoiceJohn’s. St. John’s.of Somethe LordSome of withus of have usfraternity, have been been love heardSistine Chapelthe andwords we followingseminarians the atvoice St. ofJohn’s. the Lord Some with of fraternity, us have lovebeen heard“Habemuswe theheard Papam”thewords words ringfollowing following and thetrust thevoice forvoice ofseveral theof theLord Lordyears with with asfraternity, fraternity,we prepare love love for “heardHabemus thePapam” words ring andfollowing trust thefor voiceseveral of theyears Lord as with we fraternity, prepare lovefor “Habemusout“Habemus fromPapam” the Papam” balconyring and ofand trustpriesthood trust forfor several severaland grow years years in asholine weas preparess,we but prepare the for Pope priesthood for reminds out“Habemus from the Papam” balcony ringof priesthoodand trust andfor grow several in holine yearsss, butas thewe Pope prepare reminds for out fromSt.ring Peter’sthe out balcony fromBasilica. ofthe priesthood Asand us grow that and inour growholiness, journey in holine but never thess, Popebutends. the remindsAs Pope we reminds moveus that toward our St.out Peter’sfrom theBasilica. balcony As of uspriesthood that our andjourney grow never in holine ends.ss, As but we the movePope remindstoward St. Peter’ssoonbalcony asBasilica. word of St. got Peter’sAs out thatus thatjourney priesthood, our neverjourney ends.we never have As wetoends. constantlymove As toward we followmove priesthood, thetoward Lord we as a soonSt. Peter’sas word Basilica.got out thatAs priesthood,us that our we journey have tonever constantly ends. Asfollow we themove Lord toward as a soon astheBasilica. word Cardinals got As out hadsoon that elected aspriesthood, have pilgrim to constantly we and have trust to follow constantly in where the Lord followHe asis a guiding thepilgrim Lord us,and as aeventrust if thesoon Cardinals as word hadgot electedout that pilgrimpriesthood, and wetrust have in whereto constantly He is guidingfollow the us, Lord even as if a the Cardinalsa wordnew pope,got had out theelected that men the atpilgrim St.in wherethe and direction Hetrust is inguiding seems where us, uncertain.He even is guiding if theWe direction mustus, even be seems openif to athe new Cardinals pope, the had men elected at St. thepilgrim direction and trustseems in uncertain.where He Weis guiding must be us, open even to if a new John’spope, the menSeminary at St. thein directionGod’s willseems much uncertain. in the sameWe must way bea pilgrimopen to listens John’sa newCardinals pope,Seminary the had men elected at inSt. God’suncertain.the direction will Wemuch seemsmust in be theuncertain. open same to God’s wayWe amust willpilgrim muchbe openlistens in theto Boston ran out of theirJohn’s classrooms Seminary and foundin God’sthe attentively will much to in his the guide. same De wayspite a allpilgrim of our listens fears about aBoston new pope, ran theout menof theirat St. classroomsJohn’sJohn’s Seminary Seminaryand foundin Boston thein attentivelysameGod’s way will to amuch hispilgrim guide. in thelistens De samespite attentively wayall of a our pilgrim to fears his listensaboutguide. Bostonclosest ran outtelevision of their or classrooms computer screenand found to watchthe attentivelythe priesthood to his guide.and the De spitework all we of ourneed fears to aboutaccomplish ranclosestBoston out televisionofran their out classroomsofor theircomputer classrooms and screen found andto the watchfound closest thethe priesthoodDespiteattentively all toofand hisour the guide.fears work about De spitewe priesthood needall of toour andaccomplish fears the aboutwork closestevents television unfold. or As computer Pope Francis screen was to introducedwatch the to priesthoodthe before and ordination, the work we weare onneed a journeyto accomplish whose end is televisioneventsclosest unfold. television or computer As Popeor computer Francisscreen was toscreen watch introduced to the watch eventsto thethe beforewepriesthood need ordination, to accomplishand the we workare before on wea ordination, journeyneed towhose weaccomplish are end on is a eventsworld, unfold. the As seminary Pope Francis erupted was in introducedcheering to the before ordination, wethe are Lord on aHimself. journey Yes,whose in end each is exam unfold.world,events Asthe unfold. Popeseminary AsFrancis Pope erupted was Francis introducedin cheering was introduced to the before ordination,thejourney Lordwe are whoseHimself. on enda journey Yes,is the in Lordwhose each Himself. examend is world,and the seminaryapplause. erupted God inhad cheering chosen the the Lordwe Himself.take, every Yes, book in each we examread, and toandworld, the applause. world, the seminary the Godseminary erupted had eruptedchosen in cheering thein wetheYes, take,Lord in each Himself.every exam book weYes, take,we in everyeachread, exambookand and applause.successor ofGod Peter had and chosenthe Church the has a we take,every every Rosary book we praywe read,on the and journey cheeringsuccessorand applause. and of applause.Peter Godand Godthehad Church hadchosen chosen has the a everywe read,take, Rosary andevery everywe praybook Rosary onwe the weread, journeypray and on successornew ofPontiff. Peter and the Church has a every toRosary priesthood, we pray we onare the not journey only guided thenewsuccessor successor Pontiff. of Peterof Peter and and the theChurch Church has a toeverythe priesthood, journey Rosary to wewe priesthood, arepray not on only thewe journeyguidedare not new Pontiff. We learn all about the Holy Father to priesthood,by God’s we grace, are notbut onlyled ever-closer guided to has new Wea newPontiff. learn Pontiff. all about the Holy Father bytoonly God’spriesthood, guided grace, by we butGod’s are led not ever-closergrace, only butguided ledto Weand learn Petrine all about Office the in Holy our EcclesiologyFather by God’sHim. grace, but led ever-closer to and We WePetrine learn learn Officeall all about about in ourthe the HolyEcclesiology Holy Father Father Him.byever-closer God’s grace, to Him. but led ever-closer to andand Petrineand Petrine Church Office Office inHistory ourin ourEcclesiology classes,Ecclesiology but to Him.Him. The election of a new Pope is andand PetrineChurch Office History in our classes, Ecclesiology but to The The election election of of a a newnew PopePope isis and Churchwitness Historyhistory asclasses, it unfolds but beforeto us Theexciting election for ofall of a us new and Popewe know is that witnessand Church history History as it unfolds classes, before but usto exciting The for election all of us of and a we new know Pope that is witnessand isChurch historyutterly asHistoryremarkable. it unfolds classes, Webefore butknow us to well excitingexcitingthe for man forall ofchosenall us of andus has andwe received weknow know that a thatgreat iswitness utterly history remarkable. as it unfolds We know before well us theexciting man forchosen all of has us andreceived we know a great that is witnessutterlythat historyremarkable.the Pope as it is unfolds Wethat knowman before chosenwell us is by the themanresponsibility man chosen chosen has andhasreceived receivedgreat a grace.great a great This thatis utterlythe Pope remarkable. is that manWe chosenknow wellby responsibilitythe man chosen and has great received grace. a Thisgreat thatutterly theGod Poperemarkable. and pointedis that We outman know to chosenthe well world bythat by the responsibilityresponsibilityhistoric and moment andgreat great grace. inspiresgrace. This This the Godthat andthe pointedPope is out that to theman world chosen by the by historicresponsibility moment and great inspires grace. Thisthe Godthe and PopeCardinals pointed is that toout man leadto chosen the the world byChurch Godby the andas the historichistoricseminarian momentmoment to inspiresstudy inspires hard the seminarian and the prepare CardinalsGod and pointedto lead out the to theChurch world as by the the seminarianhistoric tomoment study hard inspires and prepare the Cardinalspointedsuccessor outto tolead theof worldthePeter Church by and the Cardinalstheas Vicarthe of seminarianto wellstudy for tohard studythe and priesthoodhard prepare and well preparebecause for the one successorCardinals ofto Peterlead theand Churchthe Vicar as theof wellseminarian for the to priesthood study hard because and prepare one successorto leadChrist theof on ChurchPeter Earth. and asHe the theis alsosuccessor Vicar our spiritualof of wellpriesthood forday thewe priesthood becausetoo will one becausereceive day weonea toogreat Christsuccessor on Earth. of Peter He isand also theour Vicarspiritual of daywell wefor toothe priesthoodwill receive because a great one ChristPeterleader on and Earth. thebringing VicarHe is of also usChrist ourcloser spiritualon Earth.to God, day willweresponsibility receive too willa great andreceive responsibilitygreat gracea great to andserve leaderChrist onbringing Earth. Heus is closeralso our to spiritual God, responsibilityday we too and will great receive grace toa servegreat leaderHe isedifying bringingalso our the spiritual usBody closer of leader Christ to bringing God,and preserving unity and God’s people.responsibilitygreat Pope grace Fran and to cis’serve great unassuming God’s grace people. to serve demeanor Pope edifyingleader bringingthe Body ofus Christcloser and to preserving God, unity and God’s people. Poperesponsibility Francis’ andunassuming great grace demeanor to serve edifyingus closerfidelity the toBody ofGod, beliefof Christedifying in andChrist. the preserving Body For ofthe unity Christ seminarian, and and God’s Francis’ and people. great unassuming Pope love Franfor demeanor cis’all ofunassuming God’sand great people lovedemeanor foris alla greatof fidelityedifying of the belief Body ofin ChristChrist. and For preserving the seminarian, unity and andGod’s great people. love Popefor all Fran of cis’God’s unassuming people is demeanor a great fidelitypreservinghowever, of beliefunity the andinHoly Christ.fidelity Father Forof is belief thethe visible inseminarian, Christ. face Forof and theGod’s greatwitness peoplelove to forhumilityis a allgreat of reminding witnessGod’s topeople all humility seminarians is a reminding great that the however,fidelity ofthe beliefHoly Fatherin Christ. is the For visible the faceseminarian, of the witnessand great to humilitylove for reminding all of God’s all seminarians people is thata great the however,the seminarian,Church the andHoly however,a Fathertranscendent theis the Holy examplevisible Father faceof is athe offaithful visiblethe witnessand all onlyseminarians to humilityway to thatbereminding athe good only all way seminarians to be a goodthat the priest Churchhowever, and the a transcendentHoly Father exampleis the visible of a faithfulface of and the onlywitness way to to humility be a good reminding all seminarians that the Churchfaceholy ofand the apriest. Churchtranscendent Many and aexample transcendentof my of seminariana faithfulexample and offriends aonly is waytopriest be to like beis Christ.ato good be like holyChurch priest. and a transcendentMany of myexample seminarian of a faithful friends and priestonly wayis toto bebe a goodlike holy commentedpriest. Many that theyof feltmy likeseminarian they were afriends real part priest of Christ.is to In beonly like his first faithfulcommentedholy andpriest. holy that Manypriest.they felt Manyof like myof they my seminarian wereseminarian a real friendspartfriends of Christ.Inpriest only In ishis only firstto hisbefew first like commentedthe Church that they that felt day; like they they themselveswere a real partfelt oflike Christ.the few In onlydays hisas firstSupreme commentedthecommented Church that that they theyday; felt feltthey like like theythemselves they were were a real felta real part like partof the of fewdaysChrist. days asIn onlyasSupreme Supreme his first the Churchdisciples that as day;Jesus they elected themselves Peter to feltbe thelike rock the uponfew daysPontiff, as SupremeFrancis has Churchdisciplesthe Church that as day; Jesusthat they day;elected themselves they Peter themselves tofelt be like the thefelt rock disciples like upon the Pontiff,Pontiff,few days FrancisFrancis as Supreme has has discipleswhich as JesusHe builds elected His PeterChurch. to Morebe the than rock being upon part Pontiff, of taught Francis us that thehas people aswhichdisciples Jesus He elected buildsas Jesus PeterHis elected Church. to be Peter the More rock to thanbe upon the being whichrock part upon He of taughttaughtPontiff, us us that Francisthat the peoplethe has whicha He historical builds His moment, Church. we More felt than part being of apart key of livingtaught of us thatGod the must people see the buildsawhich historical His He Church. builds moment, His More Church.we than felt being Morepart part thanof ofa being akey historical partliving of ofpeopletaught God usof must thatGod the mustsee people the a historicalmoment moment, in the welife felt of part the ofChurch. a key livingFor everyof Godface must of Christ see thein every moment,momenta historical wein felt moment,the part life of aweof key feltthe living partChurch. moment of a For keyin the everyliving life faceseeof theGodof faceChrist must of Christ insee every the momentseminarian, in the thelife electionof the ofChurch. a Pope Foris a everymoment face of ofpriest. Christ We in lookevery to Pope ofseminarian,moment the Church. in the theFor election everylife ofseminarian,of thea Pope Church. isthe a election momentFor everyof of a priest.inface every of We Christpriest. look into We Popeevery seminarian,hope, forthe itelection serves asof a asign Pope that is Goda moment is still activeof priest. in Francis We look as toan Pope example of humility, priestly zeal, and Popehope,seminarian, is for a momentit serves the election ofas hope,a sign of for thata itPope Godserves is asstilla amoment signactive that inof Francislookpriest. to PopeasWe an look Francisexample to Pope of humility, priestly zeal, and hope, thefor worldit serves and as still a sign very that much God in loveis still with active His inpeople. Francis love as anfor exampleall of God’s of humility, people priestlyas our spiritualzeal, and father, Godthehope, world is forstill andit active serves still invery as the a much signworld thatin and love God still with is very still His much activepeople. in in loveasFrancis an for example asall anof exampleofGod’s humility, peopl of humility, priestlye as our zeal, priestlyspiritual and zeal, lovefather, andfor the world In and his still Urbi very et muchOrbi addressin love withmade His on people. the night love he forand all to ofthe God’s successor peopl ofe asSt. ourPeter spiritual to lead father, the Church love the In withworld his HisUrbi and people. stillet Orbi very address much in made love withon the His night people. he andalllove ofto for God’sthe all successor peopleof God’s asof peopl ourSt. spiritualPetere as toour father,lead spiritual the and Church father,to the In washisIn hisUrbi elected, etPope Orbi address Francis address made reminded made on theon the thenight Church night he he thatand and towith theto thejoy,successor successorhope and of St.loveof St.Peter in Peterthe to years leadto lead tothe come. theChurch Church wasIn elected, his Urbi Pope et Orbi Francis address reminded made theon theChurch night that he withsuccessor joy, hope of St. and Peter love to in lead the the years Church to come. with joy, hope waswas elected, elected, Pope Pope Francis Francis reminded reminded the theChurch Church that that with with joy, joy, hope hope and and love love in the in theyears years to come. to come. was elected, Pope Francis reminded the Church that and love in the years to come.

Soccer Builds Fraternity

SoccerSoccerBrian Builds Builds J. MorrisFraternity Fraternity SoccerSoccer Builds Builds Fraternity Fraternity BrianPre-TheologianBrian J. J. Morris Morris Brian J. Morris Pre-TheologianPre-TheologianBrian J. Morris “Sports, practiced with Pre-TheologianPre-Theologian enthusiasm and an acute ethical “ “Sports,Sports, practicedpracticed withwith enthusiasmsense...become “ Sports,“Sports, and practicedaan practicedtraining acute ethical ground withwith enthusiasmofenthusiasm healthy and andcompetition an an acute acute ethical ethicaland sense...becomesense...becomeenthusiasm and aa trainingantraining acute ground groundethical physicalsense...becomesense...become improvement, a atraining training a school ground ground of ofof healthyhealthy competition competition and physical and formationofof healthyhealthy in competitionthecompetition human andand physicalimprovement, improvement, a school ofa formationschool of spiritual values, aformation physicalprivilegedphysical improvement, improvement,in meansthe humanfor a aschoolpersonal school and of of in the human and spiritual values, spiritualgrowth andvalues, contact a withformationprivilegedformation society.” meansin in thethe for human humanpersonal andand a privileged means for personal growth and contact growthspiritualspiritual and values, contactvalues, a with aprivileged privilegedsociety.” —Popemeans means Benedictfor for personal personal XVI with society.” growthgrowth and and contact contact with with society.” society.”—Pope August Benedict 1, 2009XVI —Pope—Pope—PopeAugust BenedictBenedict Benedict 1, 2009 XVIXVI XVI Last Fall I began playing indoor AugustAugustsoccerAugust 1, 1,at 1, 20092009 the2009 anticipating each other’s movements. Each of us has Teamworks Last Fall complexI began inplaying Warwick. indoor This soccer allowed at theme anticipating a different skilleach thatother’s we canmove bringments. to the Each game of usand has we Teamworks to Lastget Last Last some FallFall Fall complex IexerciseI Ibeganbegan began in playingoutsideplaying Warwick.playing ofindoorindoor indoor myThis usualsoccer soccer allowedsoccer running atat at methethe the a utilize anticipatingother’sdifferentanticipating thatmovements. skill oneach each thatthe other’s weother’s team. Each can move bringmoveofSome ments.us ments.to hasguys the a Each game differentareEach of betterand of us us weskillhas athas toTeamworksroutine.Teamworks Teamworksget some As complex complexexercise somecomplex inof inoutside Warwick.in theWarwick. Warwick. seminarians of myThis This Thisusual allowed noticedallowed allowedrunning me me meto me utilize stayingathat adifferent different we that oncan defense,skillon skillbring the that that toteam. whilewe thewe can game canothersSome bring bring and are guysto to wethebetter the are utilizegame game atbetter offense andthat and at weon we routine.getleavingtoto someget get some for exerciseAssome soccer someexercise exercise outside everyof theoutside ofoutsideSunday seminariansmy usualof ofafternoon, my myrunning usual noticedusual a routine. running couplerunning me staying andutilizetheutilize team.some onthat that defense,haveSome on on the guysthe whilestaminateam. team.are others better Someto Some play areat stayingguys betterbothguys are ends atareon betteroffense defense, betterof the at at leavingAsofroutine.routine. ussome had for of Asthe soccer Asthe ideasome someseminarians every of of startingof theSunday the seminarians noticed seminariansour afternoon, own me team. leavingnoticed noticeda couple There forme me and field.stayingwhilestaying some others on haveon defense, defense,are the better stamina while while at others offense toothers play are andareboth better bettersome ends at haveatoffenseof offense the the ofsoccerwasleaving leavingus anhad every forall-male thefor soccerSunday ideasoccer league ofevery afternoon, everystarting beginningSunday Sunday our a couple afternoon,own afternoon,in team. Februaryof us a had Thereacouple couple thatthe field. andstamina andThe some some growth to haveplay have that boththe the eachstamina ends stamina of of us theto toneeds playfield. play bothin both our ends endstime of hereof the the playsof us onhad Fridaythe idea nights. of starting our own team. There field. at Our Lady of Providence wasideaof us anof had all-malestarting the idea leagueour of own starting beginning our“Sport, ownin February as team. you well Therethat know, field. Theis an growth that each of us needs The growth in our thattime each here of Thiswas would an all-male be a perfect league fit beginning in February that The growth that each ofis usnot needs limited in ourto spiritualtime here playsteam.was an onThere all-maleFriday was leagueannights. all- beginning activity“Sport, in that asFebruary involvesyou well that moreknow, than is The an the growth that each ofat usOur needs Lady in of our Providence timetime herehere sinceplays most on weeknightsFriday nights. we “Sport, as you well know, is an andat Ouracademic, Lady of Providence but Thismaleplays would leagueon beFriday a beginningperfect nights. fit activitymovement that of involves the body; more it demands than the isatat not OurOur limited LadyLady of ofto ProvidenceProvidence spiritual are busy with academics activity“Sport,“Sport, that as involvesas you you well well more know, know, than is is anthe an includes growth on a sinceinThis ThisFebruary mostwould would weeknights be be thata aperfect perfectplays we fit fit movement of the body; it demands andisis is not not not academic, limitedlimited limited toto to spiritualspiritual spiritualbut movementactivityactivitythe use that thatof involvesintelligencethe involves body; more itmore demandsand than thanthe the the areandsincesince busy most othermost with weeknights weeknights academicsseminary we we the use of intelligence and the includeshumanandand levelacademic,academic,growth as well. on Webutabut on Friday nights. This discipliningmovementthemovement use of ofintelligenceof of thethe the body;will. body; It itand reveals, itdemands demands the in and academic, but includes andactivities.areare busy otherbusy with withFriday seminaryacademics academics nights disciplining of the will. It reveals, in humanhaveincludesincludes level grown growth asgrowth well. onboth Weon a a would be a perfect fit since discipliningotherthe thewords, use use ofof of the intelligencethe intelligence wonderful will. It reveals, and structureand the the in growth on a human level activities.wouldandand otheralso other Fridaybe seminarya seminarynightsperfect other words, the wonderful structure haveindividuallyhumanhuman levelgrown level as andas well. well.bothas We Wea most weeknights we are otherofdisciplining discipliningthe words, human theof person of thewonderful the will. will.created It It reveals,structure reveals, by God in in as well. We have grown wouldtimeactivities.activities. foralso “de-stressing” beFriday Fridaya perfect nights nights at of the human person created by God individuallygrouphavehave over grown grown theseand asFridayboth botha busy with academics and ofother astheother spiritual human words, words, person being,the the wonderful wonderful createda unity of structureby structurebody God both individually and as timethewouldwould endfor also“de-stressing”ofalso ourbe be a academic aperfect perfect at as spiritual being, a unity of body groupnights.individuallyindividually over The theseteam andand hasFriday as alsoas a a other seminary activities. ofasof thespiritual the human human andbeing, person person spirit.” a unitycreated created of bodyby by God God a group over these Friday theweek.timetime end for Whenforof “de-stressing” “de-stressing”our we academicput up the at at and spirit.” nights.beengroupgroup an Theover opportunityover team these these has Friday for alsoFriday us Friday nights would also asas spiritual spiritualand being, being,spirit.” a aunity unity of of body body nights. The team has also week.firstthethe sign-upend Whenend of of wesheet,our our put academic we academicup onlythe beentonights. nights.participate an opportunity The The team inteam the has forhas New alsous also be a perfect time for “de- and—Blessedand spirit.” spirit.” John Paul II been an opportunity for us firstexpectedweek.week. sign-up When Whento sheet, getwe we put sevenwe put uponly up theto the toEvangelizationbeen beenparticipate an an opportunity opportunity in calledthe Newfor forfor us us stressing” at the end of our —Blessed September John Paul2, 1987 II to participate in the New expectedeightfirstfirst sign-upmen sign-up to who getsheet, sheet, would seven we we want only toonly Evangelizationbytoto participate Popeparticipate Benedict incalled in the the XVI.Newfor New academic week. When —Blessed—BlessedSeptember John John 2, Paul 1987 Paul II II Evangelization called for eighttoexpected expectedplay, men but whoto to to get wouldourget seven surpriseven want se,to to fourteen men—over half Instead of proclaimingbyEvangelization EvangelizationPope Benedict the called called GospelXVI. for for we put up the first sign-up SeptemberSeptember 2, 2, 1987 1987 by Pope Benedict XVI. totheeight play,eight seminary—signed men butmen whoto who our would would surpri wantup. se,want fourteen The men men—over were excited half Insteadwith words, of we do so byproclaimingby livingby Pope Pope out Benedict theBenedictthe Christian Gospel XVI. XVI. Instead of proclaiming the Gospel with words, we do thesheet,abouttoto play,seminary—signed play, wethe butonly butidea to expectedto our andour surpri surprievenup. tose, get se, inThefourteen seven creasedfourteen men to men—overeight theirweremen—over menphysicalexcited whohalf half with virtuesInsteadInstead words, ofwith of we our do actions so by proclaiming onlivingproclaiming the out field. the the the Christian It Gospelis Gospel an aboutwouldtrainingthethe seminary—signed wanttheseminary—signed leading idea to play, andup but toeven thetoup. our up. league. in surprise,creasedThe The menWe men fourteentheir arewere were gratefulphysical men—excited excited to virtues opportunitywithsowith by words, livingwithwords, tooutourwe weshow thedoactions do Christian sopeople so by onby living that virtueslivingthe as field.out seminariansoutwith the the our ItChristian Christianisactions anwe trainingovertheaboutabout donorshalf the leading thethe whoidea ideaseminary—signed up helpedand toand theeven useven league. coverin increased creased up. theWe league Thearetheir their gratefulmen feesphysical physical were andto opportunity strivevirtuesonvirtues the for field.with with holinessto It our showisour an actions andopportunitypeopleactions have on that on fun the toas the showat field.seminarians thefield. people same It It thatis time. we isan as an theexcitedpurchasetrainingtraining donors about leadingjerseys leadingwho the helped ideaupwith up to and to our theus the even teamcoverleague. league. increased name the We league We“Padres” are their are gratefulfees physicalgrateful on and the to to strive Perhapsopportunityseminariansopportunity for throughholiness towe to show strive ourshow and example people for havepeople holiness fun thatothers that at asand as thewillseminarians haveseminarians sametake fun uptime. at thewethe we purchasetrainingfrontthethe donors anddonors leadingjerseys our who nameswho up withhelped helpedto a our ndthe numbersus teamleague.us cover cover name onthe Wethe the“Padres” league are leagueback. grateful fees onfees theand toand Perhaps callstrivesamestrive that time. for through foreach holiness holinessPerhaps of ourus hasandexample throughand to have growhave others ourfun infun exampleholinessat willat the the take same andotherssame up dare time. thewilltime. I frontthe purchase purchase Beforedonors and our jerseys every whojerseys names helped gamewith withand ourwe numbersusour huddleteamcover team name on thetogethername the league“Padres” back.“Padres” and fees ask on onand forthe the call sayPerhapstakePerhaps thateven up each the throughconsider through call of usthat our a has ourcalling each example toexample growof to us the othersinhas others Catholicholiness to willgrow will priesthood.takeand intake holiness dareup up the Ithe purchase thefront frontBefore intercession and and jerseys everyour our names names gameofwith our a ndour wea Blessednd numbers huddleteam numbers nameMother together on on the“Padres” the and back. and back. the ask on saints forthe saycallandcall even thatdare that consider each I eachsay of evenof usa uscalling has consider has to to togrow growthe a callinginCatholic in holiness holiness to priesthood. the and andCatholic dare dare I I thefrontthat intercession Before we, andBefore asour everywell everynames of asgame our gameour and Blessedweopponents, numbers we huddle huddle Mother on togetherplay togetherthe and aback. safe andthe and and asksaints ask funfor for saypriesthood.say even even consider consider a callinga calling to to the the Catholic Catholic priesthood. priesthood. that game.thethe Before we,intercession intercession asSoccer wellevery as isgameof ourof aour oursport opponents,we Blessed Blessed huddle that Mothercan togetherplayMother take a andsafe andyearsand theand theask saintsfor fun saintsfor a game.thegroupthatthat intercession we, towe,Soccer aslearn as well well to isof as play aas our oursport our as Blessedopponents, aopponents, thatteam. canMother We play takeplay only anda yearsasafe had safethe and weeks, forsaintsand funa fun groupthatbutgame.game. we,in to those learnasSoccer Soccerwell weeks to asplayis is ourawe aassport opponents,have sporta team. that seenthat Wecan muchplaycan onlytake take aimprovement. safe hadyears years andweeks, for funfor a a butgame.Wegroupgroup in have those Soccerto to learnmoved learnweeks is to ato play sportfromwe play haveas thatsixas a ateam. seencan guysteam. take much Werunning We years only improvement.only foraroundhad had a weeks,group weeks, the field to a cohesive unit communicating and Wetobut butlearn havein in those to thosemoved play weeks weeks asfrom awe team.we sixhave have guys Weseen seen onlyrunning much much had improvement. aroundimprovement.weeks, thebut fieldinWe thoseWe have tohave weeks amoved movedcohesive we havefrom from seensix unitsix guysmuch guyscommunicating running improvement.running around around and Wethe the field to a cohesive unit communicating and havefield moved to afrom cohesive six guys unitrunning communicating around the field and to a cohesive unit communicating and anticipating each CARA Studies “Consideration of Priesthood and Religious Life CARACARA Studies Studies “Consideration “Consideration of ofPr Priesthoodiesthood and and Religious Religious Life Life CARACARACARA Studies Studies StudiesAmong “Consideration “Consideration “Consideration Never-Married of of ofPr Pr PriesthoodU.S.iesthoodiesthood Catholics” and and and Religious Religious Religious Life Life Life CARA StudiesAmong Among“Consideration Never-Married Never-Married of Pr U.S.iesthood U.S. Catholics” Catholics” and Religious Life AmongAmongAmong Never-Married Never-Married Never-Married U.S. U.S. U.S. Catholics” Catholics” Catholics” Among Never-Married U.S. Catholics” InIn aa reportreport releasedreleased inin the Fall of 2012,2012, thethe CenterCenter forfor Applied Applied Research Research in in the the Apostolate Apostolate (CARA) (CARA) noted noted the In In InIna a report aareport reportreport released released releasedreleased in in inthein the thethe Fall Fall FallFall of of ofof2012, 2012, 2012,2012, the the thethe Cent Cent CentCenterer erforer for forfor Applied Applied AppliedApplied Research Research ResearchResearch in in inthein the thethe Apostolate Apostolate ApostolateApostolate (CARA) (CARA) (CARA)(CARA) noted noted notednoted the following findings among men who had considered the priesthood. following the the theInthe following followinga following followingreport findings releasedfindings findings findingsfindings among amongin among amongamong themen Fall men whomen menmen of who hadwho 2012, whowho hadconsidered had had hadthe considered considered consideredconsideredCent theer for priesthood.the the theAppliedthe priesthood. priesthood. priesthood.priesthood. Research in the Apostolate (CARA) noted • 72% of never-married Catholic men who considered a vocation first did so before the age of 18 the• • • • • 72%following 72%72%72%72% of of of never-married ofnever-marriedof never-married findings never-marriednever-married among Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholicmen whomen men men menmen hadwho who who who whoconsidered considered considered considered consideredconsidered the a a vocationa vocationpriesthood. avocationa vocationvocation first first first firstfirst did did did diddidso so so before sosobefore before beforebefore the the the theagethe age age age ageof of of 18 of18of 18 18 18 • Those most likely to have considered a vocation include: •• • • •• Those72% ThoseThoseThoseThose of most most never-marriedmost mostmost likely likely likely likelylikely to to to have tohaveto Catholichave havehave considered considered considered consideredconsidered men who a a vocationa vocation a vocationaconsidered vocationvocation include: include: include: include:include: a vocation first did so before the age of 18 • Weekly Mass attenders. • Those• • • most•• Weekly WeeklyWeeklyWeeklyWeekly likely Mass Mass Mass to MassMass haveattenders. attenders. attenders. attenders.attenders. considered a vocation include: • Those who participated in Church-related groups, programs, or activities as a youth or young adult. •• • • •• ThoseWeekly ThoseThoseThoseThose who who Masswho whowho participated participated participated attenders. participatedparticipated in in in Church-related inChurch-relatedin Church-related Church-relatedChurch-related groups, groups, groups, groups,groups, programs, pr pr ograms, prprograms,ograms,ograms, or or or activities oractivitiesor activities activitiesactivities as as as a asaas youtha youth ayoutha youthyouth or or or young oryoungor young youngyoung adult. adult. adult. adult.adult. • Those who lived in households where parents talked about religion at least once per week. •• • • •• Those ThoseThoseThoseThose who who who whowho livedparticipated lived lived livedlived in in in households inhouseholdsin households householdshouseholds in Church-related where where where wherewhere parents parents parents parents parentsgroups, talked ta ta lked ta talkedprlkedlked ograms,about about about aboutabout religion religion religionor religionreligion activities at at at least atleastat least leastasleast once oncea once youth onceonce per per per per perorweek. week. week. young week.week. adult. • Those who pray the rosary at least weekly. •• • • •• Those ThoseThoseThoseThose who who who whowho praylived pray pray praypray the inthe the thehouseholdstherosary rosary rosary rosaryrosary at at at least atleastat leastwhere leastleast weekly. weekly. weekly. weekly.weekly.parents talked about religion at least once per week. • Those who were encouraged to consider a vocation by someone else (e.g., family, friends, clergy, •• • • •• Those ThoseThoseThoseThose who whowho who whowho pray werewere were werewere the encouragedencouraged encouraged rosaryencouragedencouraged at least to to toconsiderto considerweekly. considerconsider a aa vocation avocationavocation vocationvocation by byby by by someone someone someonesomeone else else elseelse (e.g., (e.g., (e.g.,(e.g., family, family,family, family,family, friends, friends,friends, friends,friends, clergy, clergy,clergy, clergy,clergy, religious). • religious).Thosereligious).religious).religious).religious). who were encouraged to consider a vocation by someone else (e.g., family, friends, clergy, “Respondents who have one person encouraging them are nearly twice as likely to consider a vocation as “Respondents “Respondents “Respondents “Respondents“Respondentsreligious). whowho who whowho have have have havehave one one one one oneperson person person personperson encouraging encouraging encouraging encouragingencouraging them them them themthem are are arenearly areare nearly nearly nearlynearly twice twice twice twice twiceas likelyas as asaslikely likely likely likelyto consider to to toconsiderto consider considerconsider a vocation a a vocation aavocation vocationvocation as those as as asas those who are not encouraged. Each additional person encouraging these respondents increases the who those those those“Respondentsthose are whowho notwhowho areencouraged.are areare not notwho notnot encouraged.encouraged. haveencouraged.encouraged. Each one additionalperson Each Each EachEach encouraging additionaladditional additionalpersonadditional encouraging them personperson personperson are encouragingnearlyencouraging encouragingencouraging these twice respondents as thesethese theselikelythese respondentsrespondents increasestorespondentsrespondents consider the increasesaincreases vocationlikelihoodincreasesincreases theasthe theof the likelihood of consideration. The effect is additive.” thoselikelihoodlikelihoodlikelihoodlikelihood who areof of ofconsideration.of consideration.not consideration.consideration. encouraged. The The The TheEach effect effect effecteffect additional is is additiveis isadditive additiveadditive .”person.” .” .” encouraging these respondents increases the consideration. The effect is additive.” likelihood of consideration. The effect is additive.” Encourage someone you know to consider a vocation to the priesthood! EncourageEncourageEncourageEncourage someone someone someonesomeone you you youyou know know knowknow to to toconsto cons consconsiderideriderider a a vocation aavocation vocationvocation to to totheto the thethe priesthood! priesthood! priesthood!priesthood! Encourage someone you know to consider a vocation to the priesthood! Encourage someone you know to consider a vocation to the priesthood! Source:Source: Mark Mark M. M.Gray, Gray, Ph.D. Ph.D. and and Mary Mary L. Gautier,L. Gautier, Ph.D., Ph.D., “Consideration “Consideration of Priesthoodof Priesthood and and Religious Religious Life Life Source:Source:Source: Mark Mark Mark M. M. M.Gray, Gray, Gray, Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. and andand and Mary MaryMary Mary L. L.L. L.Gautier, Gautier,Gautier, Gautier, Ph.D., Ph.D.,Ph.D., Ph.D., “Consideration “Consideration“Consideration “Consideration of of Priesthoodof Priesthood Priesthood and and and Religious Religious Religious Life LifeLife Life Source:AmongAmong NeverMark Never MarriedM. Married Gray, U.S. Ph.D. U.S. Catholics”, Catholics”,and Mary Center L. Center Gautier, for forApp Ph.D.,Appliedlied Research “Consideration Research in thein the A postolate,of A postolate,Priesthood September September and Religious 2012. 2012. Life AmongAmongAmong Never Never Never Married Married Married U.S.U.S. U.S. U.S. Catholics”,Catholics”, Catholics”, Catholics”, CenterCenter Center Center forfor for for AppliedApp App Appliedliedlied ResearchResearch Research Research inin in thethein the the Apostolate,A Apostolate, postolate,Apostolate, SeptemberSeptember September September 2012.2012. 2012. 2012. Among Never Married U.S. Catholics”, Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, September 2012.

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On the eve of priesthood ordinations, Please join us as we pray a

Holy Hour for Vocations

Friday, May 31, 2013 7:00 PM

Church of St. Augustine 639 Mount Pleasant Ave. Providence, RI 02908