Habemus Papamam! We have a new !

What will Pope Benedict do after he retires?

Initially, he will live at Castel Gandolfo, the Pope’s summer residence about 30 miles from Rome.

He will continue to wear a white cassock, but without the small cape.

He will surrender the Fisherman’s Ring – this is usually destroyed after a Pope dies. More on this later.

He will have the title, Emeritus Pope. Emeritus from the word meaning former holder of and office or a title.

He will still be called Pope Benedict XVI.

He will not wear the, now famous, red shoes. It was customary for to wear red shoes. Pope Benedict renewed this custom.

The Swiss Guard – the Vatican’s Army – the oldest army in the world will no longer have responsibility for the Pope’s security, this will be handed over the Vatican Police force.

He will live in a renovated monastery located with the Vatican; it is called the Monastery of Mary, the Mother of the Church.

How will we know that a new Pope has been elected?

Chapel. When the Cardinals have elected a new Pope with a two – thirds majority, the voting papers will be burned; this will produce the white smoke.

The next indication will be the Cardinal appointed to make the announcement, Habemus Papam! The Latin phrase meaning, We have a new Pope! He will then tell us the name of the person The first indication that the Cardinals have elected and the name the new Pope has elected a new Pope will be the white chosen. smoke from the chimney of the Sistine

What are the first duties of the new Pope?

The first duty of the one elected by the Cardinals will be to agree to taken on the responsibility of being the new Pope, the Successor of Saint Peter the Apostle and friend of Jesus.

Next the Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel will come forward one by one to greet him and give their support and obedience to him.

Then he will go the balcony of Saint Peter’s Basilica greeting the crowds and give his first blessing to the city and the world.

What does the Pope wear? What does it tell us about his responsibility?

The Pope always wears a white cassock. Cardinals wear red, Bishops wear purple, priests wear black.

decorate the Pallium. Originally they were When the Pope celebrates Mass he will used to attach it to the vestment. wear a Pallium over the vestments. This made of lamb’s wool. The lambs are blessed on 21 January. A community of nuns make the Pallium. The lamb’s wool reminds the Pope that he is Christ’s shepherd on earth; there are over one billion Catholics looking to the Pope for guidance and direction. There are six small crosses woven onto the Pallium and two small lead weights preventing it from movement. Sometimes there are three small pins called Pallium Pins used to

Every Bishop, including the Pope, carries a Pastoral Staff or a Crozier. It is the sign of the shepherd governing and protecting his sheep from the dangers of life just as Moses, in the Old Testament governed and protected the people of God. Bishops carry a crozier in the shape of a shepherd’s crook; the Pope carries a crozier in the shape of a cross.

The Pope and every bishop wear a ring on destroyed. Pope Benedict’s Fisherman’s the fourth finger of the right hand. This Ring will be destroyed after steps down on shows that the Bishop is married to the 28 February. people of his diocese. The Pope’s ring is called the Fisherman’s Ring. The Pope is the successor of Saint Peter, the fisherman from Galilee. The Pope’s coat of arms is carved into to the ring so that it can be used to seal all the important documents of the Church. Because this gives the seal of the Pope’s approval it is to guarded with great care. When the

Pope dies the Fisherman’s Ring is