Catholic Scripture Study Series I

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Catholic Scripture Study Series I CATHOLIC SCRIPTURE STUDY Catholic Scripture Study Notes written by Sister Marie Therese, are provided for the personal use of students during their active participa- tion and must not be loaned or given to others. SERIES I THE GOSPEL OF LUKE AND ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Lesson 2 Commentary Luke Lesson 3 Questions Luke 1 THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS Luke I. INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPELS • as a Jewish authority figure, a Pharisee or Sadducee? A. The World Situation at Jesus’ Time. One Empire, the Roman, controlled the countries No, Jesus came humbly, and began a ministry around the Mediterranean Sea (most of Europe), primarily to the needy, the powerless. He: and some of Africa. • fed the hungry • forgave sinners Palestine, the land of the Jewish people, ex- • healed the sick and the tormented tended about 150 miles long, and 30-50 miles • was a friend to the poor and the outcast, wide. It was a country smaller than the state of the blind, the lame, the paralyzed, tax col- Massachusetts. It was governed by Roman offi- lectors and prostitutes. cials and under Roman laws, but it was also under another Law—the Law of God, coming from the The death of Jesus was highly predictable, un- revelation of Himself to Abraham and his de- der the circumstances; supernaturally, it was the scendants—the Israelites. This law was taught and main event of our salvation. enforced by the Sanhedrin, composed of the priests, the scholars (the scribes), and the Jewish The Resurrection of Jesus was unpredictable leaders—Pharisees and Sadducees. and unbelieved by many; the Father’s gift of Jesus was irrevocable and definitive. B. The God-Man (the event that the Gospels proclaim) C. The REMEMBRANCE of Jesus: ORAL TRADITION, beginning after Pentecost. Reflection: If a God of infinite power and concern for His people were to become man with- The Apostles are taught, visited by Jesus, in this situation, how would He come? filled with the Holy Spirit of power and wisdom. • as a Roman, exercising authority? They preach the kerygma (the good news): the • as a rebel against the Romans? Name, the works, and the death and resurrection © Copyright, 1986-1987 Catholic Scripture Study, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Series I Lesson 2 Page 2 of Jesus. They announce God’s saving love for as the Church had come to know it—in its witness all. Their intention was to arouse faith and to and experience, in its preaching and teaching, in bring others who believed to baptism in the Name its meditation, prayer, and contemplation all in the of the Lord Jesus. light of the Holy Spirit. They formed faith communities (Acts 2:42). And so, about 60 years into the Christian era These met for the “breaking of the bread” (the (now called by historians the Common Era), 60 ceremony of Jesus at the Last Supper and com- years after Jesus came into the world, Mark, a manded by Him to be done by the Apostles) for Greek-speaking Jewish Christian among Gentile the word of God as preached and taught by the converts, wrote a short Gospel (godspel, old Eng- Apostles, and for the life shared in a united group. lish for Good news), which, it is thought, he had learned from the preaching of Peter. These communities reflected upon Him in the context of their own need as converted Jews, and About 70 A.D. a Jewish Christian addressing as their promised Messiah; or by Gentiles as the his fellows, uses Mark’s Gospel and a collection Lord of Life. Some became aware of His likeness of Jesus’ sayings, and possibly an Aramaic ac- to the Suffering Servant of Isaiah who would take count by the apostle Matthew, at least traditional- on the sin of His people and die for them; who ly thought to be Matthew’s preaching, and writes would redeem Israel and bring salvation to the the Gospel of Matthew. ends of the earth, who would bring good news to the poor, bind broken hearts, proclaim liberty to Sometime later, Luke, a Gentile convert of captives, freedom to those in prisons, and comfort Paul’s wrote a gospel, using the two gospels of to those who mourn. Matthew and Mark and the “sayings” of Jesus, plus the Apostle Paul’s preaching of Jesus (for Some recognized the innocent One of Psalm Paul had been taught by Jesus Himself). He also 22 “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken wrote a second book, the Acts of the Apostles. me?” Finally, about 90 A.D., John, thought to be the As these communities lived and reflected up- Apostle John by many scholars even today, but on the gospel, in community and in worship, they surely a gifted and reflective theologian, wrote his were guided by the Holy Spirit. The person and Gospel on the divine nature of Jesus. the promises, the teachings and the deeds of the risen Lord took on greater clarity and focus. This The first three Gospels are called the Synop- oral preaching and passing on of traditions, was tics because they are much the same account preached in segments, gradually. when placed in three columns. All these are con- sidered by the Church to be authentic Tradition, D. The Writing of the Gospels. With the the faith of the writers speaking to the faith of the death of Peter about 65 A.D. there was need for a believers. more stabilized and orderly account. It was not to be a biography in our sense of the word nor a II. INTRODUCTION TO LUKE mere chronicle of events. It was an account of a meditated-upon faith, the revelation of a person to The author gives an orderly account as an be known, to those who had not known Him. It “evangelist” (“good news” in Greek) by present- was an account based on strong historical tradi- ing the good news of the preaching and deeds of tions, put down as a permanent record and con- Jesus. Luke is a man of his own time reflecting on taining the Good News of the Christ, the Messiah, the important message for his own time. Series I Lesson 2 Page 3 • The Good Samaritan parable of Jesus is A. Luke’s Sense of Time given, the only time in the Gospels. • Jews are warned of being replaced by peo- The period of Israel: all that went before and ple of every land in the Messianic feast. prepared the way for Jesus. • the last command of Jesus: preach the gospel to all nations. The period of Jesus’ earthly life: God’s saving intervention in which Jesus brings salvation, ful- Luke stresses Jesus’ role as Savior: compassion- fills the promises, introduces God’s Kingdom. ate, tender, forgiving. • to you is born a savior. The period of the Church: all that follows the • Jesus—“Yahweh saves” Ascension of Jesus, part of God’s same plan, • parables of lost sheep, lost coin, lost son which is progressively realized through time and • anger against “blind guides” place until it is totally fulfilled in the Second • Jesus sought all, even Pharisees, and the Coming. Prodigal Son’s older brother. • story of the woman who is a sinner: “her B. Luke’s Purpose in His Gospel and great love...” (Luke 7:46-50) Acts of the Apostles: to show the progress of the • “This day you shall be with me in Para- Good News as it spread from Jerusalem to Rome dise” (Luke 23:29-43) to the good thief (then the capital of the world). Luke shows that, • “Father, forgive them...” (Luke 23:34) right from the beginning Jesus is recognized as a • the look that moved Peter (Luke 22:60-61) light to the non-Jewish world, the “peoples” eve- rywhere—Gentiles. And at the end—the salvation Special attention is given to women, whose place sent by God (Luke 2:32, Acts 28:28). in the ancient world was belittled. • Elizabeth, Anna, the widow of Nain, the C. The Themes of Luke repentant sinner, the women of Galilee, the woman who declared his mother Luke’s focus: Jerusalem, the City of God. blessed, the women who met Jesus on His Luke introduces the Infancy by the presentation in way to Calvary. the Temple. The long central section of his gospel • parables of lost coin and unjust judge. is also a journey towards Jerusalem, and ends • Our Lady: in infancy narrative, especially there. her Magnificat. Writing for the Gentile Church, Luke stresses Concerned for distressed, poor, humble salvation for all: “universal.” The word used in • came to seek and save the lost the Greek original is “katolica,” translated as • it is written that Christ should suffer and “catholic.” It became the name of Jesus’ Church. on the third day rise from the dead; that repentance and forgiveness of sins should Luke tells these mentions of all mankind: be preached in His name to all nations • the angel’s song: peace on earth to all of good will Luke sees Jesus as the bearer of the Holy Spirit: • Simeon speaks of a light of revelation to • the Spirit overshadowed Mary at His con- the Gentiles ception • John the Baptist quotes Isaiah, all people • the Spirit led Him out to the desert (after shall see his salvation descending upon Him at Baptism) Series I Lesson 2 Page 4 • in the power of the Holy Spirit He returns • Jesus points out the true motive for joy to Galilee (Luke 10:20) • His first words in His public life: “The • Jesus Himself rejoices in the Holy Spirit Spirit of the Lord is upon Me” • Zacchaeus received Jesus joyfully • Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit (Luke • parables (Luke 15) depict the joy of God 10:21) for revealing Him to the unworldly at the repentance of a sinner • the Holy Spirit is the gift of the risen and • Peace: peace follows on the joy that Jesus ascended Lord gives • the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is • a peace came into the world at His coming for all who believe in the name of Christ • the risen Christ gives peace (His first word • the Spirit is poured out upon the Church to the Apostles) (Acts 1 and 2) • the disciples speak of peace throughout the • in Luke several persons are seen as filled world by the Spirit: John the Baptist, and his par- ents; Simeon, Anna, Mary..
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