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9-26-1913 Las Vegas Optic, 09-26-1913 The Optic Publishing Co.

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jyptj, the world's p t toi.hs'ht and SOON:baseball cham l turday. Conti-- 1 series i i I (Ml pionship II with nue(j co(j yj will supplant all else in frosL heavy popular interest. EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH SERVICE


didate entered on a campaign, it oc- the operators are content with ASKED OFFICIAL casioned expense, is that so?" DEPUTY SHERIFF IXBYS DEFENSE STRIKERS DRIVERditious as they exist today." OUTBREAK IS "Yes," was the reply. statement says that increased "I wanted to relieve him of any per- forces are at work in the mines to-- ! sonal expenses incurred in connection KILLED BY AN SHOWS SIGNS NEW day and that about 55 per cent of the LOOKED FOR IP 10 PERJURE with the campaign or whatever ex- WORKERS normal . working force of the mines pense might come up," the witness of Colorado is employed. volunteered. ' Gove adds: HIMSELF "You did have in mind expenses in OFFICER OF FRIGHT AWAY "The strike is entering upon the BALKANS connection with the campaign didn't stage of violence which invariably ac- you?" companies disturbances of this char- NEW YORK SECRETARY OF STATE "Yes, and anything else." POSSES SEARCHING FOR TRAIN OBJECTS TO RECALLING or GIRL HOLD UP A STAGE NEAR TRINI-DA- ter. The strike leaders, irrespective KING OF GREECE EXPECTS THE GIVES DAMAGING EVIDENCE "Would you have contributed to ROBBERS CLASH IN THE EAR-L- WHO ACCUSES HIM OF STAT- AND CAPTURE IM- of their professed Intentions, are di- TURKS TO MAKE ATTACK AGAINST SULZER him if he had not been a candidate DAWN UTORY CRIME PORTED MINERS rectly responsible for numberless acts UPON KliVALA for office?" of lawlessness, a few only of which "lit is improper for me to say at reach the public." TOLO HIM TO FALSIFY this time." THE BANDITS NOT CAUGHT TO IMPEACH HIS TESTIMONY TELL THEM TO "BEAT IT" The coal operators today entered ARMIES PREPARING TO MOVF "At whose instance, if any one's, formal complaints with the local post-offic- e did you make this check payable to Inspectors in connection with EXECUTIVE REQUESTED THAT NO TRACES OF TWO BOYS WHO THE ACCUSED MAN YESTERDAY UNITED STATES MAY PUNISH IN THE MEANTIME DEMAND IS cash'?" asked Judge Bartlett the stopping of the Hastings stage PECK DENY MAKING CRES-SCENT- " DECLARED HE WAS THEM FOR DELAYING The witness hesitated several sec- HELD UP "QUEEN AND SIMPLY today. The operators assert that the MADE ON THE PORTE TO TO HIM onds ind then said: FOUND A PHILANTHROPIST THE MAILS stage carried United States mail, and RESUME PEACE MEET "1 cannot toll positively, but I the strikers who stopped it were guil- tiink it wns at Mr. Sulzer's sugges- ty of violating the federal statute MORGENTHAU SPEAKS OUT REGISTERED MAIL TAKEN VISITED GIRL TO HELP HER OPERATORS BLAME UNIONS FRAY tion." against interference with the mails. BULGARIA MAY ENTER "Do you remember what he said Before leaving Denver Ethelbert URGED NOT to IN JON-QUI- DECLARE THE LEADERS ARE RE- Stewart is said to have the SAYS HE, TOO, WAS you on that subject?" NO ESTIMATE'OF THE VALUE OF HIS SOLE IDEA GOING TO expressed THAT COUNTRY IS SUSPECTED belief that the differences between TO TELL THE TRUTH ON "I asked him how the check was THE LOOT HAS BEEN RESORT WAS TO DO SER- SPONSIBLE FOR DEEDS OF WITH the miners and OF MAKING ALLIANCE STAND to be made out." VIOLENCE operators are "slight WITNESS VICE TO UNFORTUNATE OTTOMANS "What did he say?" and susceptible to arbitration.'' He "He said that it was after banking said the object of his trip was "to Albany, N. Y., Sept. 26 Duncan W. 20. Two Los 26. An Trinidad, Col., Sept. 26. Striking hours and that he wanted to leave on Cottondale, Alu. Sept. Angeles, Ca.if., Sept, gather information." He said that he 26. King Constan- state of coal miners at the United Mine WorK-er- s' London, Sept. Peck, superintendent public his mere boys were the bandits who rifled other verbal struggle between the was not at liberty to make known his to- s trip that night." tino of Greece made preparations works, testified at Governor Sulzer the mail ear and the ex- in the Bixby trial fol camp at Ludlow for the second and that "Did he explain how the making dynamited lawyers today opinions findings, explaining to return to Athena. Tha Balkan trial this afternoon that time held up the Hastings hack at was Sec- day Impeachment out of the check to 'cash' would facil- press safe on the Alabama Great lowed the prosecution's announce- he making dally reports to Hellenic asked him to Ludlow the arrival of C. & S. situation is regarded by the the governor had deny Southern train No. 7 near this place ment of an effort ta impeach the tes- upon retary of Labor Wilson at itate its being cashed after banking No-- 1 com- government as very disquletinj. The under oath that he had made a ?500 after and escaped with of th train this morning and hours?" midnight, timony millionaire, who in his has decided to cut short his vis- contribution to Sulzer. estimated at from a pelled all passengers to alight and king "I don't recall that anything was booty variously own behalf esterjay testified that seaside resort of Eastborne said he had made the few to In the search commanded the driver to drive the it to the Peck that said on hundred $50,000. he maintained onl philanthropic re- Will Close Saloons the subject." empty on to on the southern coast of England, and contribution shortly after the gov- for the bandits this morning Deputy lations with whom stage Hastings, Boulder, Colo., Sept. 26. Sheriff William B. Houghton, paying teller jthe girls against come to London tomorrow for a spe- ernor's election and that last July he Sheriff James Bonner of Birmingham The men taker, off were i". E. Rose, Buster went to Mar- of the Colonial branch of the Equita- he is accused of having committed today Lafayette, Sir Edward Grey, had shown Mr. Sulzer In the executive was shot and killed a membet of of the Colorado & cial conference with ble Trust New who Ty statutory offenses., superintendent shall and other points in the northern of Company of York, the British foreign secretary. chamber a copy a letter from the another posse from Montgomery, who j Southeastern railroad, a coal road Colorado to followed that Colweil Prosecutor Asa Keyes. said that to coal fields investigate recall- Croker, testified Victor-America- officers have been Fawiley committee asking ,him to mistook Bonner for one of the rob- that mns to the n Fuel strike conditions. He said that he All Greek had presented the Croker check to do this he would recall to the witness servtee with, their com- testify. bers. company properties; W. B. Cunning-- ! would either close all saloons in ed from active him for on October 31. stand Cleo Ielen Barker, Blxby's ac- the dis- payment Bibb-vill- e Gib-- J mands and many of tho regiments "I said to the governor," said Mr. After stopping the train at. ham, a surveyor, and Thomas the district or force them to close af Col- - cuser In the 'case on trial, and the of the- - cam- Houghton said he had known at 12:30 a. in. means coal for the Rock Is- banded at the conclusion Peck, '"What shall I do about it?' siding by other wo have testified. bons, inspector ter 6 'o'clock every evening. well for years and had been a mem- the girls already land railroad. The strikers made no Turkey are now bem "He said, 'Do as I am going to do, of a block danger signal, young paign against bers of his Sunday school class. At forced Bixby's lawyers immediately objected. to remobilized. deny it.' bandits with drawn revolvers Witness violent demonstrations, according this was taken un The first was H. II. Par- The activities ot the Turkish troops ."I 'But I shall be under point adjournment the trainmen, express messengers and reports, ibut commanded the threa UNABLE AGKEE ON said, placed til sons, auditor of the Citizens' Nation- 10 Greeks 'to fore- oath. Monday. six mail clerks to line up at the side men to go into the depot and await are helleved foy the At session al bank of Vos Angeles, who iden- them to recap- "He it.' " the opening of today's of the track. The boys then compell- the next train for Trinidad, and make shadow an attempt by said, 'Forget tified checks (aggregating $2,500 sign- COTTON TAX FEATURE on the Ae- After this declaration mere was a of the Sulzer trial. Attorney Kressel ed one of the train men to detach the no attempt to go to Hastings. ture the port of Kavala, introduced in evidence letters written ed by OctaviiB Morgan and deposited cost Greece so much hurried conference of Governor Sul- engine, express and mail cars, after A committee or strikers is patrolling gean Sea, which J. Elias locomo- to the account of W. H. Stevens, one in her recent zer's counsel. D. Hinman last fall by Sulzer to William which the bandits boarded the the railroad station at Ludlow to in- HOUSE AND SENATE CONFEREES in blood and treasure Harvey of the attorneys for Cleo Helen Bar- took the cross examination. and William Hoffman, brewers, who tive, and with one robber at the tercept all conveyances bound for GIVE UP EFFORTS TO SETr war with Bulgaria. up ker and Marii Brown who, wav contributed to the fund turned over throttle, drove several miles down the Levy, Hastings. TLE DISPUTE Turkish officers now on their Mr. Peck said there were several to a to Sulzer by former Senator Stadler. track, where the express safe was according feby, had planned Word has that the from Asia Minor to the province of when he the $500 been received persons about, gave series of suits - l Judge Lewis Conlon of New York, j blown to bits with dynamite and the blarUsUlng, against three negroes wiso- were taken. 'off the Wasbinstou, Sept. 21).- --The. Senate TKiace, openly admit .tiir.t Kavala contributions to Sulzer. "'He said he men. the first witness, told of handing Sul-- j registered mail pouches were rifled. prominent hack at Ludlow last night by armed tariff conferees proposed today to the objective of Ottoman aspirations had given the conversation, which van de- Eluthe-rio- s zer a $100 check from Daniel M. The roDbers tnen tnrew open tne Morgan, elderly architect, strikers were taken to the depot at drop the cotton futures tax from the In the meanwhile Premier look place in the executive chamber, clined to the alli- to j throttle of the engine, leaped to the testify regarding Ludlow this and bill. house how Venizelos of Greece is word for word. 3ra(y late morning placed tariff The conferees, trying In D. Koiind and escaped with their booty ed blackmailing operations again' on board a C. & S. train and ordered refused to to that action ferret out Turkey's Intentions by mak- '""a the Judge ever, agree "I could not be mistaken about wnne u.e him on the ground that such testimo- from.-- ' Cady Herrick questioned him as to a!1"10 ule swamps, runaway to go "back where they came on the ground that the house should ing a demand at Constantinople for single word," he said. 1he mail cars him. conversation with Mark M. Potter, enSine with exPress and ny might degrade They are said lo have been threatened have the opportunity to decide whe the precise date in whirli the Otto- There was no more At "-- " questioning. who the witness testified yesterday u" with injury if they came back as ther the entire provision should be man government purposes to resume the outset of his examination Peek steam was exhausted and it stopped had given a check for Sulzer. strike breakers. dropped or a compromise provision the peace negotia- told of Sulzer the $."0Q a at Englewood, Ala. GQVERNHENT. HONEY IS " handing at "Did you have any conversation An armed posse left here today for accepted. tions. democratic reform at Troy, In to reocue three TU'! meeting concerning Mr. Sulzer's financial Ludlow an effort Another day's work on disputed Greek official circles deride N. Y. Took Pouch With Them who were n BEING DibTRSBUTED strike breakers captured points between the senate and house denials of the reports that e; "1 said to him that there were no Ala., 26. Deputy a coal miners last Underwood-Simmon- s rvl-gari- a Objection to this question that it Birmingham, Sept. by mob of striking on the bill action is contemplated by on and that he need not Sheriff James Bouner of Binning- - Sheriff who headed strings it was not competent-- was entered by night. Grisham, brought the conferees together today and Turkey against Gree t'. feel under to while for the CROP-MOVIiV- an in search of the cap- obligations reappoint Mr. Stanchfield and was" overruled by marching bandits, FUNDS ARE PLAC- earlier posse with the hope that a report might be Some officials declare that they know me," he testified. jmwas shot and. killed at 5 o clock this ED IN IN NEARLY tives last night, returned after sev- Presiding Judge Cullen, who gave a BANKS finished for presentation to tho house negotiations have been, started in a Mont-more- y he had The witness said that since then y near Cottondale by eral hours, reporting that lengthy opinion as to the admissabil-it- morning EVERY STATE tomorrow. Constantinople. he had had a "confidential conversa- who mistook found no trace of them. of testimony, tending to show whe deputy sheritf, Disagreement on the time when free train robbers The strike all negroes, tion with the'governor. ther it was the intention of contribu Bonner for one of the Washington, Sept. 26. Secretary breakers, raw wool and the new woolen sched- "Must T it?" he asked. who held and robbed Alabama national were taken from a stage near Ludlow TO. SELL MINES give tors that the money could be used up McAdoo has deposited in ule shall become effective and differ- tram No. 7 of the of on their way to a mine at Hastings. Philadelphia,, Sept. 23. President "Yes," ruled the presiding judge for or only to meet Great Southern Bank $24,159,000 the government's ences over the rates on cotton yarns private purposes - a of strikers Rea of an- Crescent" at Bibb- crop-movin- g fund. The Surrounded by mob they the Pennsylvania railroad The witness then said he had been expenses. "Queen and system $50,000,000 and cloth lead and zinc ores, were up campaign were led' in the direction of the Unit- nounced today that the board cf di- In conversation with the governor in re- ville siding, shortly after midnight. south has received nearly all its settlement. "In my opinion," he said, "the at Lud- today for executive chamber. Not even an estimate Deposits now are oeing made ed Mine Workers' tent colony rectors of the company had decided July in the spondent has the right to introduce approximate quota. Efforts to settle the cotton futres of the amount of obtained by in the central west. low. to sell its security holdings in the an- ' RichardCroker, Jr.,. testified that evidence concerning the intent of the booty tax question during the first session robbers could be obtained here The so tar states are: High Officials Expected thracite coal companies which, have he gave: a check for $2,000 to Gov- donors. Here we are considering a the deposits by today proved unavailing. Representa u $1,170,000; Arkansas, $600,-00- been attached to its system for near- ernor Sulzer, made out to "cash." charge of larceny, and while testimo- - tins morning, out is rtponeu mj Alabama, Word has been received here that tives Lever and Page were called into a of mail and District of Columbia, $107,000; ly 40 years. The check, endorsed by F. L Colweil, ny alleging.the line of intent may not!" Pouc' registered James B. Pearce, secretary of state, the conference, and later the senate of from mail Florida,: $495,000; Georgia,; $1,622,000; The Susquehana Coal company ia was Introduced in evidence. affect the moral culpability of the re-s- i; amounts money and Ethelbert Stewart, emissary of members called in Senator Clarke of $3,500,000; the and Croker, who is a son of the former does affect express cars, Illinois, Indiana, $275,000; the United of com- of cotton tax principal operating company spndent, it certainly his;""! - States department Arkansas, author the " $1,020,000; Louisiana, $3,- selling agency for these companies. Tammany Hall leader, testified thati status. If the respondent user' Kentucky, merce and labor, will arrive here to- amendment. legal 075,000; Maryland, $2,700,000; Minne- The announcement was unexpected he gave the governor the check on the money as it was intended it A Clue Is Found night to inspect the stiuation. The opening- of the cotton trading ' efforts to an M A sota, $400,000; Mississippi, $150,000; and all get explanation October 16, 1912. should he was j 'Ala.,1' Sept. 26. clue International Vice President Frank be- be used by the donors, ontgomery, - provision widened the breach rob-b- e Missouri, $1,750,000;- New Mexico, from the company were futile. Neither "Why did you make it payable to' not of and could not was found this'' afi.err.aon to the J. Heyes of the United Mine Workers tween house and senate over other guilty larceny, $3,000; North Carolina, $1,250,000; could it be learned who the prospect- 'cash?'" he was asked. a j bers who held up the Alabama Great of America, when asked concerning zinc convicted, by petit Jury. $75,-- questions still unsettled. The ' - Oregon, $G00,00Of Pennsylvania, ive purchasers are. was to the' of Southern express train near Cotton- the condition caused the holdup sen- "Mr. Sulzer said he about "Even undisclosed intention Ten- by and lead ore duties raised by the h 000; South Carolina, $1,400,000; The Pennsylvania railroad, through leave for a the state and the donor the idea of lar- dale last night, according to .a by strikers of the Hastings hack, said: ate furnished the for further trip through negatives nessee, $2,145,000; Texas, $600,000; ground the Susquehanna Coal company and in will hlR from Tuscaloosa. "I have not been advised of the oc- would like it cash." ceny and prevent convection, $850,000. discussions. Some predicted that ( Members of a found the re- Utah, $125,000; Virginia, do not believe it. I look affiliated companies, produced and The check bore the endorsement however great might be his moral cul- posse currence. I nine of the important points still at on shipped approximately 10 per cent of Colweil." was not cashed mains of a fire and several whisky upon the Incident as a "frame up" cot- "P. L. It pability." GERMAN AVIATOR KILLED issue would not be fixed until the the hard coal mined. The company 31. voted 49 bottles in a swamp near Tuscaloosa. the part of the operators to injure until October The members of the court 26.- ton futures had been disposed ot. owned or controlled about acres The fire hud boon built from the Johannlsthal, Germany, Sept. the cause of the miners. " They hare 17,000 "Was it your understanding from j to 2 to sustain the ruling of Judge T s i l rtl- - .. . !1 l The silk schedule was reopened of coal land, - n - it anthracite of or from Sulzer t!m-- l Cullen. Conlon read hi? uiaui wi done it elsewhere, they are doing the talk people Judge then - a Hif To prevent frauds through underva! which had been wrecked with ex- viator, was killed here today. had talked here." du- self that Sulzer wasfJmpecunious?" testimony. He said he capsized at a of 150 uations, the advalorem system of plosives. monoplane height Referring to the strike situation. asked Judge Herrick. with. Potter about helping out the gov- feet. ty was abandoned on carded silks . he said: "I felt that he depended on the sa'-- ernor. and silk noils and a specific rate GRIEF CADSFOF e TIE of-- "Ninety-fiv- per cent ot the miners ary he received from the public j "You wanted to help him out with fixed of 20 cents per OFFICERS CHOSEN of Colorado are on strike and the pound. fice he was at the time," was,; his didn't you?" NEW income holding personal expenses, we Tbe exemption put Into the ; number is Increasing daily. When ENGISEEB'S HEATH the reply. asked Herrick. Denver, Sept. 26. The result of the TODAY IN CONGRESS, tax section to protect the city of New - are ready to care for a'l of them the Mr. Croker said his father and Snl- "As I said yesterday I didn't place vote was an- - York In It3 of the referendum for officers rest of them will come out." collecting share zer "had been intimate friends." any restrictions on the use of tl5R at the annual conven- - of new noimecd today enrnings the subway brought CHARLES DOHERTY PILOTED "When I talked with the governor money. I believed that Sulzer did not of International Brotherhood 26. Not a to the conference committee tion the Washington, Sept. Senate: protest CINE THAT RAN INTO AN- on October 16," the witness continu- have" a cent about the time he was as Union Leaders are Blamed of 7,'iRKour! of Electrical Workers follows: in session; meets Monday. today from Senator need TRAIN was OTHER ed, "I remarked that he probably entering on bis campaign." President, J. (J. Reid, Erie, Pa,; sec- New England bankers appeared be- Denver, Sept. 26. Secretary of He declared the provision would work under heavy personal expenses. He "Did you know that he had $40,000 J. W, Murphy, Springfield, 111.; committee on the State James B. Pearce, la- to- the detriment of the of Kan retary, fore the banking people N'ew Haven, C i n said he was, I then told him I would j or $50,000 in New York banks?" asked L. bor and Ethelbert treasurer, W. E. Kimball, Boston; administration bill. commissioner, sas who were about to under Pc-her- currency City, Charles J. , t like to him out to the extent of Mr. Stanchfield. vice Oliver of To- officers senate ap- coal strike mediator help presidents, Myers Red Cross urged Stewart, appoint- take public utility improvement. second sect ion of tne fe: $2,000. One thing I remember dis- Mr. Marshall was on his feet in an ledo, Wrilliam Pollard of St. W. committee to a ed the federal of labor, Louis; propriations provide by department press on the Ne- I1 tinctly Is that I told him I wished be instant with an objection that this J. of Los J. D. of memorial to north- went to Trinidad this afternoon to in- MISS Kelly Angeles; Pegg Red Cross bill the CHISHOLM WINS which ran into t u f would consider 'the was and undigni- Williams,' exe- women civil strike A 26.- - giving of the question "insulting Fort Ontario; general ern, and southern of the vestigate the situation. Memphis, Tenn., Sept. Miss Stamford last June, money a and confidential fied in this cutive L. W. B. KTmball, statement issued E. personal presence." board, Harry war. today by F. Gove, Ruth Chisholm of Cleveland and Miss deaths, died of heart f matter."' Then followed a heated controversy Freed of Atlantic City; C. A. Duck of Tariff conferees continued delib- attorney for tho Victor-America- n Fuel Myra Helmer of Chicago, won the home - here early toasy. "With be- Mr. Stanchfield and Mr. Mar- Greenville, Tex., W. J. E. A. declared semi-final- s your political ancestry between Kelly, erations. company, that "except for today in the championship Ho had grieve! conc; hind asked Stanch-field- , Wilcox of Salt Lake E. C. Not In meets you," Attorney City, House: session; the increasing violence, threats and match of tbe women's Western Col wreck nnd this In u- realized that when (Continued on Page of B. C. on - "you a can Pour) Knight Vancouver, intimidation the part of the stiik- association tournament. caused his dVtit-b- TWO UA.8 VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1913.

a good newspaper, full of local, state Glje gatlu (Dpttc and world news. It is a good booster SEX HYGIENE NOT ESTABLISHED 1879. for Albuquerque and for New Mexico. i The Herald, in an editorial yester evening, announced its future Published By day policy and plans as follows: A STUDY FOR THE OPTIC PUBLISHING CO. "The Evening Herald at a receiver's RP K was AN sale this morning purchased by E (Incorporated.) Mr. A. B. McMillen of this city, act- SCHOOLS ing on behalf of a corporation now SUITS AND be OVERCOATS M. M. PADGETT .....EDITOR in process of organization to known as The Herald. MUENSTERBERG OF America's Evening PROFESSOR (T4 " greatest garments for men, are all wool, made in the best of styles and a "The Evening Herald will continue HARVARD SHOWS, WHERE ,OA large variety of patterns, wear well and keep their to the last. , ('Sr publication without Interruption and IT IS WRONG shape JvJO takes pleasure in promising to the Garment Guaranteed to Wear people of Albuquerque and of New i Every Satisfactorily Entered it the posLoffice at has'. Meixco that it will continue its policy A nation which tries to lift New for trans- of giving them all of "today'B tiews BOYS' CLOTHING Las V.sgas, Mexico, its sexual morality by dragging INTERWOVEN SOCKS "DIME" GUARANTEED SOCKS mission through the HiJted States today," of publishing the livliest, the sexual problems to the street In this we are the best we matter. most aggressive, most comprehensive, of the crowd department showing variety malls is tecond class for the inspection are made with a specially woven heel, toe have ever had. offers the best possible value for the newsiest and most satisfactory daily without and without Boys" suits, overcoats, waists, hats, caps and shyness and sole and give the greatest possible all money. They come in black, tan, navy In the its underwear, in the newest, most desirable things of the newspaper state, improving shame, and which wulfully service. Black and colors at 25c, and cadet, are fast color and TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to with the season, at popular prices. perfect service steadily keep pace makes them objects of gossip fitting. 6 pairs for 60c. Dally, by Carrier state. Exceptional values in suits and overcoats at growth of the city and With 4 and stage entertainment, Is doing EVERY PAIR (IL'ARASTEEI) 05 Pairs Guaranteed to 6 Per Copy ample financial backing and a con- when he Wear Months JB worse than Munchausen $2.50 to $7.00 One Week tinuation of the splendid support it his 65 tried to lift himselt by scalp. One Month has received from the public, the One Year 7.B0 VGarfLeftdinSioro Evening Herald will endeavor to give In a in which sex- - as Mail community Dally, by its subscribers and advertisers the ual are the lessons of BUSTER $6.00 problems BUSTER One Year test newspaper in the southwest." the and the dinner talk of 3.00 youth ItS COMING Blx Months the the feeling of respect IS COMING adult, WATCH FOR DATE Son emotions S.osmum&l6 WATCH for a man's deepest FOR DATE EstailLslvod 1862 WEEKLY OPTIC AND STOCK fades away. GROWER 4. PLAYS AND PLAYERS in. of the. new One Year . .,. ...12.00 Today the period 8lx Months life, which gets its orders from Broadway, the lack wisdom of parents is to fill these will with us until it has Julius Sieger has' a new playlet call of in education means stay been discipline blanks of knowledge, how far serious solved (Cash in Advance for Mall Subscrip- ed "The Warning." an actual threat to the social rightly; illustrative instruction literature of straight information is cannot be such a solution. tions.) Tully Marshall is to start in a play safety. THE GlAKDI a N or- ' to furnish it, and how far the stage, Control In OF Remit by draft, check or money called "The Incumbrance. 4. Self Life of Today or even the film,! is to bring it to the der. If sent otherwise we will not Frederick Warde has written a book What is needed is a wholesome What is needed is a wholesome na- THE TRAVELING masses, remains a secondary feature PUBLICS' SAFETY e responsible for Iosb. on "The Fools of Shakespeare." national self control by which tional self control by which an anti- - of the scheme, jrhe basis of such a Specimen copies tree on Ethel Levey is making an English an anti-soci- growth of the erno- social growth of the emotions is sup- The Waltham policy is evidently the conviction that & Elgin Winding Indicator tour in "Hello, Ragtime." fr tions is suppressed. pressed. Our present day American provincial most of the sexual evil results from WATCHES William Harcourt is the successor life so far lacks these conditions for FOKJILROAD SERVICE j of Emmet in "The Gover- was morally with- - ignorance. the truly harmonious organization of ALL PAPERS DISCONTINUED AT Corrigan of 20 Tut Iu the overwhelming majority the new tendencies. THE EXPIRATION OF TIME nor's Lady." . out difficulties years ago, Did you forget to wind your watch last in schools and cases, however, the psychologist has "Orders night? Just PAID FOR William A. Brady may produce later it is unfit high from Broadway" a no difficulty in tracing the fall ot glance at the indicator on the new watches tells in tbe season a play by Thompson : colleges for the eastern part of American educationalists do not be- of woman to motive! which have little to the story. Buchanan. ' the nation in the atmosphere lieve in discipline. Today in the pe- Advertisers are guaranteed the Muenster- - do with the lack of knowledge and Marie Tempest has a new English today. Prof. Hugo riod of the new life, targest daily and weekly circulation have very muchl to do vith lack of re- society play with the odd title or berg. which gets its orders from Broadway, ROBERT J. TAUPBET or any newspaper In northern New sistance to the desire for forbidden Mary Goes First." the lack of discipline in education LAS VEGAS. N. MEX. Mexico. joys. ) means ' Manager Harry Askin of Chicago is an actual threat to the social Santa Fe Watch Maker of Everyone knows" that in a fraction Inspector Uncommon Jewelery negotiating with Fay Templeton for (Prof. Hugo Muensterberg, professor safety. In such, a situation what can Blrthstone . at Harvard Univer- of cases material need pushes a girl Sept. Sa.pphire TELEPHONES one of his new shows. of psychology be more fraught with dangers than to in the New York Times.) into the path of misery. But even that abolish 6u(ines9 Office Main 2 Bertha Malisch will appear the com sity, the policy of silence and to is relatively seldom the beginning. News Main 9 season in a new play under tne where uphold the policy of talking and talk- Department ing We must see with open eyes remains the great lure re- of F. C. Sensuality ing about sexual matters with those meant that a management Whitney. we are standing. of who girl should grow up and without shame, and which wilful- sponsible for the cours those whose minds were still untouched Irene Franklin may join the ranks The American nation of today is no by without the consciousness that the ly makes them of and FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1013. 0 downward. We abstract there, of objects gossip stars who on tour the lure. It means to fill the atmo- field of sexual in of the vaudeville go the America of yesterday. The of facts, exists our stage entertainment is doing worso longer course, from those few cases white in which adoles- at. the head of their own, companies. which was a sphere the growing social world; on the contrary, those than Munchausen when to MAN V -- Puritanism certainly in which reallr criminal me- he tried A PHASED WOUK for slavery cent moves with ideas. of Frank Monroe has been, engaged of restraint has gone, and can- so sultry feelings shame and decency which lift himself by his scalp. spirit thods are applied. Tiey remain In a In an part in "Shadowed, back. The new wealth community which sexual belong to the steady of a are important not be brought exceptional that thiir discussion learning There few people who realize soon ele- problems are the lessons of the which ia to be produced by James and power, the influx of sensuous youth clean child from the days of the nur- How to Cure Cholera Morbus the many ways that the Las Vegas ousui uuL iu u iiuAwjiutu iu and the dinner talk Forbes. ments trend of our age 6'" of the adult the sery have strongly impressed on the Many cases of this disease result Y. M. A. com- the general issue of the instructun for the mil Cr is of service to the .1. feeling of respect for man's Charles Ross and Mabel Fenton all over the civilized world, with its deepest young soul that such regions are real, fatally before medicine can be ob- munity. Most everyone knows of the lions. emotions fades will soon return to the vaudeville stage technlcal comfort and its inexpensive away. but that they must not be approached tained or a physician summoned. It ciub in the of the AProblem b Itself a privileges shape From psychological point of view g is with a travesty of, "Antony and Cleo luxuries, the receding of religion, and by curiosity or wilfulness. easily cured when the proper rem- room, games, gymnasium If the mosquito qr the hookworm the would to reading patra, more factors have given a new right policy he reduce This instinct itself brought something edy is at hand. Mrs. Charles Stewart work and many or the fly are respirfwible for diseases swimming pool toy which The new Victor Herbert in last the external temptations; above all, of ideal value, of and even of of Mt. Collins, N. Y., says: "When my opera by face to Eastern America the from which hundreds of thousands respect, the association strives to be of ser- Duch the opportunities for contact. reverence husband had cholera sum- is to be called "The Madcap 15 years. into the most trivial life, morbus last vice to the and men. There is had to suffer, there can be no wiser for was mer boys ess." Glen Hali win be tne leading th" satisfaction of the instance, morally however often it became ruined by he used Chamberlain's Colic, another while A desire for and straighter policy than to spread phase, however, which, tenor of the company. without difficulties 20 years ago, but foul Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and senses, a longing for amusements, has to cor- companionship. not generally; known, is a vital knowledge about them every it is unfit in schools col- it cured him part David Ilispham is to star in an become in thousandfold high and To strengthen this instinctive emo- promptly." Every fam- of the association's work. Reference predominant ner of the country. should Leo Fall. He is at present vul- leges for the eastern part of the na- tion of ily keep this remedy at hand. opera by shades, from the refined to the But it is not true that can mysterious respect which is made to the service which, this in you tion in the atmosphere of It only costs a quarter. For sale filling a temporary engagement gar. In such self seeking periods the today. makes the young mind shrink from by insttiution la to a large number of bring sexual knowledge into the mind Moreover, the esthetic all dealers. Adv. vaudeville with good success. sexual desire in its masked and its spirit ought brutal intrusion will remain the wis- strange, young men who come to the of a girl in the period of her de- to be educated Nora Bayes is said to have written unmasked forms gains steadily in im- systematically, and, est policy. city seeking velopment with the same detachment above all, the whole education Swellings of the flesh in. employment. several new songs and "created" a and fascination. of the The masses are, of course, in favor caused by come as wish- portance with which you can deposit in her flammatlon, cold, fractures of Many health, seekers, number of the most gowns youth ought to be built on discipline; of the because the stunning Plays Inflame the Mind mind the about the mos- opposite program, that bone, toothache, or rheu- ing to be imeed in outdoor positions; knowledge the lesson by which the learns is in neuralgia for her latest folderol feature. We are witnesses today of a great youth itself another symptom of the ero- matism can be relieved hy applying others jiiht looking for a Job to quitoes and house flies. to overcome the desire to help Ethel Jones, a daughter of Henry conflict. If the of and inhibit tic atmosphere into which the new BAIXARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It to misery unhappy Information .concerning the influ- will them tbe next town; still others Arthur the the is the most essential for the c nation should be well rubbed in over the Jones, English dramatist, girls is to be prevented, no means ence of on ditsease an has come. part have heard of the as a of injcts remains American to- affected. Its great healing and pene- city place has been for the cast to them young boy and girl of A nation which tries to lift its sex- just engaged seems safer than instruct isolated of ideas, which has no trating power eases the reduces opportunities and want to cast their Doris group morrow, pain, of "Romance," in which Keane and to show them the abyss ual morality by dragging the sexual swelling and restores condi- lot us in early other influence on the mind than the An natural with any line where they can is Nation to the tions. Price 50c starring. ' toward which ignoranee may lead intended one. problems street for the inspec- 25c, and 1.00 per get a good start. Some come "heel- re- The policy of silence has never bottle. Sold Central Co. Margaret Anglin, according to them. Xo way for such information tion of the crowd without shyness by Drug ed'' for a matter of two or three Sex information may also have as AOV. port, made a success in her perform- ii wider and straighter than that of months, and some stone broke, and one of its results a certain theoretic- ance of "Electra" at the Greek thea- the stage. Hence the demand of the so it goes day and night at the place al willingness to avoid social dan- ter of the University of California be- reformer is to Tiave popular plays "built to make men not money." gers. But though we may instruct fore an audience of nearly 10,000. which undertake to thow The Y. M. C. A. is so Sec- glaring with the best intention to suppress, desirous, Jane Cowl, who is now starring in on the for women. Our retary LeNoir states, of the light dangers yet our instruction itself must be- having "Within the Iaw," will probably be is overflooded with different business firms in touch stage accordingly come a source of stimulation, keep seen after the holidays in a play bas- full of sexual instruction. with him so that their needs in ref- plays unnecessarily creates the desire for ed 011 an international marriage by But if we are to reform we must erence to new men wanted may be improier conduct. O G. SCHAEFER. Margaret Mayo, author of "Baby take care that our social atmosphere The . ED CROSS DRUG CO. met and also, at the same time, lend a policy of silence showed an in Mine." is not too much filled with sexual hand to the association in stinctive understanding of this funda placing Rachael Crothers has written a plav thoughts and sexual emotions, and mental situation. Even if that tradi many worthy young men. Just this called "The Rising Generation," another consequence of the reform tional policy had had no past week four young men have been which positive pur- CAPITAL PAID IN Joseph Brookrs, in conjunction F.ogerne68 is therefor. i the demand its placed in. positions and there are sev- pose negative function, its leaving SURPLUS with Klaw and Krlanger, v ill on producf that plays be suppressed which force at rest the explosive sexual $100,000.00 eral the waiting list. with Mabel system t50.000.00 und EdiU Taliaferro in sexual on the mind of the of the The Y. M. C. A. has a thoughts youth, must be acknowledged .. ' .'. - . big oppor- the leading parts. i.yv j to be a factor in public. as one of those wonderful instinctive '.: tunity boosting Las Andreas Dippel, former director of The question of the play must be by which Vegas reason of the number procedures society protects ' by large the J : Chicago Opera company, bis classified with those most serious dis- itself. . U-- r-- of men from different parts of the abandoned for the present his plan of cussions which in recent years have The country who make their headquarters Policy of Silence establishing a theater for operettas centered around the of sexu- in problem ihe reformer might that he J. M. President. n the building. Right now, to give in New York. He object Cunningham, Cashior has settled in al instruction. not FVank t. Hosklns, an gives only information, but de Springer, .' idea, men from Atlanta, Ga., A- Vienna and intends to K S. Lewis. Ass't. Cash form an Italian Here is a problem, endless-g.reater- f lbuquerque, Topeka, Newton, Omaha, gigantic picts the dangers and warns against opera company. nan mere the ruinous and Clayton. N. M., are quartered in policj wrangling. effects. He evidently fan Leaders of the nation, academic men cies V e: O A the build n i. Through the Y. M. C. that such a black frame around S and church men, have spoken warm- me A. thwc; men get their first impres- FAST MOTOR BOATS iunng picture will be a strong Interest On Time ly and even passoii:ate!y for this fo-(i- counter Deposits sions of the city and secretaries in Kansas City, Sept. 26. Some of enough motive to suppress revolution. Some of the most the harge have a chance to do some the swiftest power boats in the coun- sensual desire. popular magazines have made the new Far from splendid boosting for Laa Vegas. try are among the entries for the re- enforcing a less sensuous cause their war and the o gatta of the Kansas Yacht cry, sympathy life, this only teaches them to avoid City club, of the which intelligent public is evidently the social onnrobium hv iroine skill- - LAS opened here today on the Mis- VEGAS SAVINGS uu - BANK Tiir. :ii;tiLD soi.i souri river. The condttfons for fine IUO.I- Blue. fill V tn nmrlr TU u l,lnj Only the conscientious racing are exceptionally good and it psychologist rality sermon kept tbe youth on the The is obliged here to stand on the 1111- - Alluinerque Evening Herald, is expected that during the two days paths of clean life; the new fashion-popula- r side to which was ordered spld at auction to of the regatta several records for and insist that, the ed sexual instruction stimulates not - - a was eviis wtnch must be will be CAPITAL STOCK S3O.000 00 satisfy judgment of the court, speed will be broken. Among the created only their sensual longings, but also Mc' man move- purchased yesterday by A. B. most promising competitors in the va- greater inose wnicn tne makes it entirely clear to the young Millen, tor a number of ment is to abolish. Office With, the San Miguel National Bank prominent rious racing events are nabv Reli that they have nothing whatever to business men are Not From Lack of Albuquerque who ance, the champion of America, with a Knowledge fear if they yield to their voluptu- a which will Tbe of. forming corporation take record of 51.4 miles per hour; Hydro-- program reform centers in ousness but make careful use of their of and the one the of all Wm. Q. HAYDON charge publish paper. Bullet, with a record of 47 miles per remedy: girls classes new phisiological knowledge. President The Herald will not miss an to be informed H. W. KELLY issue, hour; Barnacle of Chicago, with a ought about the real We must not deceive ourselves as Vice President "but will continue to do record' conditions before published of 46 miles per hour; Tango, they have an op- to the gravity of the problem. It Is D T. MOSK1NS daily. The new management expects a new from to come into Treasurer boat Chicago with enor- portunity any contact not one of the passing questions which to make It even better than it has mous Kid with men. power; Oregon of Ranier, are replaced next season by new ones. been in the past. Ore., and several other noted How far the school Is to INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS speed spread The central problem of national po- This is good news. The Herald i;- I ers, this helpful knowledge, how far the licy in the treatment of the youth LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1913. THREE

How to Get CONFERENCE FOR 1914 AUTO CARS A PLAY THAT IS PER PRESERVE of Eczema EIGHTY CENT OF TAXES COLLECTED BY AUGUST 31 STUDY OF 10 BE SHOWN A FAVORITE IN FOR BMYS SON An Effective Method that Kills the Germs and Santa Fe, N. M., Sept. 26 Th per- with 92.19 and Valencia fourth with SOON Makes New Skin. CITIES 90.18. PELLAGRA ' to W9 f W w centage of taxes collected up and Santa Fe county is at the tall end August 31, according to fig- including of the list with but 56.90 per' cent col- BIG OF NEW MODELS ures given out today by the traveling FAMOUS ENGLISH NOVELIST EX- DISPLAY "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" HAS lected. San Juan is not far away INSTALLED IN 19.51 PERT'S SUGGESTION APPROV- WILL BE HAD LONG IN METRO- auditor's office, is 80.49, leaving with only 57.8 paid In while Sandoval LOUIS is ED BY MEDICAL MEN ST. POLITAN PLACES percentage uncollected on September third from the last with 62.5 per cent. 1. McKInley county leads In percent- the re- St. Louis, Sept. 26. America's first William A. Brady presents "Bought The amount of taxes to be collect- Washington, Sept. 26. As 95.75 cent of 1914 modei automobiles, at a comes age collected, having per sult of a conference held in this city display Even Mlcroncope Won't Find a and Paid For," play xjrich ed, the amount collected and the per- St. Louis October ti to 11, inclusive, BlemiHh After 8. S. H. Get to this with uuuually strong en- paid in. Luna is a close second with between Surgeon General Rupert Blue Through. city centage loollecfted ns given in the will enjoy the advantages uf the most dorsements, at the Duncan opera 95.3:5 per cent; Quay county third table below: and Dr. Sambon, the famous English If bruise your hand, will no- to you you 2. who visited the Uni- extensive reduced railroad rates tice that a scab forms, and when it house, October Per Cent pellagra expert new St. Louis and return since the Louis- falls oft, skin has formed. Did "Bought and Paid For" is perhaps Tax. ted States recently on his way to the salve do it? No! Skin is the same as Total Collected Collected iana Purchase exposition. These rates, the play Broadhurst West Indies where he will make fur- With muscle, bone, sinew, ligament. All are biggest George Bernalillo $305,561.95 $252,889.84 82.76 extending east to New York city, Bos- made from the blood, from the ma- ever wrote. Certainly it has become Chaves ther investigations into the nature, terials that your stomach, and intes- 277,438,10 247,987.66 89.38 ton and other Atlantic coast points, the most popular. New York thought Colfax causes and prevalence of the dreaded tines convert from food into what we 281,800.38 231,659.96 82.20 south and southwest to the Gulf of call blood. And this blood circulates so much of it that Mr. Brady was disease, invitations will probably be CUTICURA in the of blood vessels in Curry 113,030.32 95,539.32 84.52 Mexico, north to the Dominion of myriad tiny able to keep it at the long sent out in the neap future for hold- the skin. Start from your stomach, Playhouse Dona Ana 193,271.03 169,702.99 87.85 Canada and into some of its provinces where blood materials begin, and it to score a record run of 476 some suitable in this enough Eddy 192,931.90 154,264.30 79.95 ing at point are be- won't be long before you are free of and west to the Pacific coast, S. S. S. performances. And during the hottest, Grant country next year an international eczema. Use for a short time, 203,508.97 182,067.76 89.46 SOAP cause of several important St. Louig and not only will eczema disappear, days of summer extra matinees were ' .pellagra conference. The details of but the entire blood will be renewed. Guadalupe 104,849.49 73,456.33 70.05 fall festivities, especially the national given from time to time. For several Lincoln the plan have not yet been arranged, when There is one ingredient in S. S. S. 102,420.80 89,684,36 87.54 Assisted necessary by celebration of the centennial of the which serves the active purpose of weeks ten performances were given nor has the place for holding the con- ' Luna 113,338.52 108,048.31 95.33 Cuticura Ointment. They German war of liberation. New mod- stimulating each cellular part of the from Monday to Saturday, and the ference as yet been selected or the body to the healthy, Judicious selection McKInley 55,779.16 53,410.21 95.75 the skin and clean el automobiles for years made their of own essential That theater was usually crowded to Its fixed. keep scalp its nutriment. Mora 93,913.52 74.93 time for the conference York show in Janu- is why it regenerates the blood supply: a season of six 70,422.01 and clear, sweet and debut at the New capacity. It enjoyed Otero Dr. Louis Sambon, who is admitted healthy, why it has such a tremendous influence in 132,669.46 100,431.82 75.70 ary, but through the enterprise of the in overcoming eczema, months at the Princess theater to be the authority on besides soothing irritations rash, pimples, Quay 128,418.49 118,351.44 92.19 greatest living St. Louis automobile trade the city and all skin afflictions. Chicago, and remained for a like pe- is now on his which often a bottle of S. S. S. Rio Arriba 55,100.67 the subject of pellagra, prevent sleep tire Get at any drug New theater in London, 42,917.12 77.88 for several years has enjoyed store, and you will not only feel riod at the third field under the aus- if bright Roosevelt 102,371.75 85,781.44 83.79 expedition and neglected become privilege of entertaining these maiden and energetic, but you will be the pic- England. Investi- life. S. S. Sandoval pices of the British Pellagra chronic occasion of their ture of ne. S. is prepared concerns 52,115.07 32,569.81 62.50 disfigurements. machines on the oniv In' the of The Swift The story of the play the and will remain for laboratory San Juan 116,489.34 57.88 gation committee Cuticura Soap and Ointment Bold throuRhout the initial how to the public. Specific Co., 1S9 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, marital experiences of a New York 67,431.22 some in West Indies to w.orld. Liberal sample ot each mailed free, with Ga. San Miguel 226,786.61 time the 32-- book. AddreeB St. Louis automobile millionaire and a little 174,188.06 76.80 "Cuticura." Dept. 3B. Boston. The great Beware of any attempt to sell you make a thorough, study of the disease turMea who shave and shampoo wltU Cuticura in Santa Fe 182,874.27 104,057.09 56.90 will find best skin aud show is unique in that it is held tornvthin;; "ju-- as good." week telephone operator. The big; or victims in Soap It for scalp. Sierra which claims thousands an immense amusement park, Forest moment of the play and one of the 60,769.97 48,447.00 79.72 in the Socorro the British colonial possessions Parle Highlands, where under long greatest dramatic scenes Broadhurst 143,073.48 110,458.08 77.20 the through the sting of the Infected ano- HUNTERS TAKE NOTICE! Taos Carrlbean Sea. Recognizing great roofs or pavilions Hie cars are dis has given us occurs when the hus- 38,471.07 31,510.57 81.69 and that Washington, Sept. 26. One oi the ' danger from the strange disease, pheles mosquito protection band, crazed with liquor, returns to Torrance 72,775.83 46,624.90 64.66 from the lie played. most sweeping and far reaching na- which has found a firm foothold in sting gives immunity, Decorations at Forest Park High his home following a ntght at the Union 139,250.06 107,228.79 77.00 for sever- tional game laws ever enacted will the south of the United States and proved 'his theory by .iviog a wonderful and to assert his legal Valencia 95,417.69 86,049.18 90.18 lands transform it into into effect on of next cluh, attempts some months in a tci'55'ii'.;l hut ir 'he go Wednesday ef- with which, it is estimated, al, bower of beauty by the use of a large rights over his moral ones in an of the fe'.er week and the government has sent Lincoln County fair, Carrizozo, Sep- who motored down 50,000 persons are afflicted in this most unhealthy portuix amount of white lattice work through fort to humiliate his wife. There is there Wednesday copies of the Weeks-McLea- bird law tember 26 and 27. afternoon. Dr. Sambon made the sug- infested Roman OaniiUgiia. which is entwined southern smilax some refreshing comedy Although there had been country. to all of the so as to genuinely 2. Dr. was sent to parts country de- - Torrance County, Willard, October a rain Mr. said new gestion during his recent visit in Twice sambon and oak leaves in the autumn colors. throughout the play, and several heavy French the dis- give the authorities and the hunters Curry County fair, Clovis, October road drained so Washington to hold an international Italy to investigate the pellagra To these are added more than 5,000 lightful character drawings. perfectly that there throughout the country a chance to 13-1- was no r. conference for the of discus- ease and incidentally he visited, in blooms of various evidence of it on the new roa purpose chrysanthemum become with the provis- districts in Rou-mani- acquainted Northern New Mexico rair, Raton, This work has been done honor sing the disease hi' its various phases 1911, several pellagra colors. by and ions of the law. The Jaw fixes the October men from the state its causes and means for its preven- Austria, Hungary, Spain There will be exhibited 223 electric penitentiary. They season for shooting migratory birds Union County fair. Clayton, October have been at work there several tion and cure. France, collecting valuable material and gasoline pleasure cars of the and also divides the country into two NEWS FROM THE CAPITAL 16, 17, 18. months and have built two miles of The cause of pellagra was long held and making numerous observations 1914 model and 37 kinds of motor zones, a northern and a southern, in Socorro County fair, at Socorro, splendid road. It is the in to be due to the of confirming his theories concerning trucks and motor delivery wagons. present consumption order that the birds be 30. n di- may protected September 28, 29, tention of the state commis-so- maize-eatin- the nature of the disease and its will a concen- highway damaged maize, since it is in There also be special Twenty-fiv- e to the fullest extent. Santa Fe, Sept. 26. John Milne, Old Rates Restored to move Can-yonclt- o, rect cause. His observations clearly of electric cars the camp to near countries that the disease pre- trated exhibit pleasure states are in the northern zone, while of schools of Al- C. of San recent- connection ac city superintendent Weisskopt Rafael, where there Is a very bad vails. It is due to the careful inves- established the suspected and a large display of automobile re- the southern zone comprises the buquerque, is inclined to say a few ly complained to the state corporation piece of road on which they will work. between the disease and the bites by Al-va- tigations and the genius of Dr. Louis cessories and supplies. 23 states. n maining The shooting words about a circular issued by commission of an Increase in the Starts on Survey Sambon this has been an insect of the Simulidae family. The show is given by tne St. Louis ac- that tehory season for the two zones varies N. state school superin- rates from Grants to notice - White, freight McCarty's The little flags which you will While the efforts of Dr. Sambon Automobile Manufacturers- end Deal - practically abandoned by scientists cording to the classification of the tendent regarding compulsory attend- station on the coast lines of the Santa is seventh stuck up on the hills 6urroupditif Dr. that have been primarily directed toward ers' association and the rec- - in favor of Sambon's) theory four classes of migratory birds. Spring ance. Mr. wnue in nis circular Fe, from 6 to 13 cents. Investigation Santa Fe, including Fort Macy, mean con-- : which the association has successfully pellagra, like malaria, yellow fever, positively establishing his theory Is absolutely prohibited, as ommends that other cities follow the the fact that a new no will be shooting developed freight more than that the state en "Peer- the of the infection conducted in St. Louis. It - filiaria, and many other tropical dis- cerning origin by is the shooting of migratory birds be- example of Santa Fe which maintains tariff had been put in on the coast has ih" work 11 a. m. to 11 m. each ing department started con-reye- d the bite of certain he is care-- ; open from p. eases, is caused, by an infection insects, tween sunrise and sunset. In most a truant officer, lines, which on some stations In New of making a detailed hydrogiaoluc means of and there will he three concerts by an insect a simulium, oi fully studying ways and day cases three months of open shooting "Not only has Albuquerque had an Mexico made an Increase of over 100 survey of the Santa Fe river and all the of the disease daily by an orchestra of 40 pieces. !n sand fly, just as malaria is now preventing spread for water fowl are allowed, and efficient truant officer for some time," per cent. The commission called this Its tributaries from a point two miles from the infect--I Its manager, Captain Robert E. Lee, S known to be conveyed by the ano- by proper protection no case wiH there be less than safl Mr. Milne, "but more than that, to the attention of H. P. Anewalt, below the city to the headwaters of - of the Auto Review, and Kin ed insects and, eventually by the ex- is editor days, when birds may be shot during we have a mounted truant officer. I general freight agent of tne coast the pheles mosquito. civil river. The irork will take soma disease-bearin- ? to the soiith's famous war gen- - Dr. SanYbon is only 4t years old, termination of the the period of their greatest alnmd- suggest the state superintendent point lines of the Santa Fe at Los Angeles, time, and is under the direction of En- a eral of name. he is the pests. The euormous number of that ance. with pride to Albuquerque as well as and this morning received a reply S. yet recognized throughout automobile show the gineer S, Carroll. When completed s es-- ! Besides the old world as one of the greatest autbo!l-tie- cases in the United States, Santa Fe." from him stating that the rates it will he used as a basis for the ap- week's attractions will mewtde: en tropical diseases. He was pcciall;' in certain portions of the The healing demulcent qualities of Fair Dates in New Mexico would be put back on the coast lines portioning of the available waters in Aeroplane Contest At Forest park are born in of a French father and south, make the suppression of the Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Dates of the various fairs In New in New Mexico, from Suwanee on the the river between the various claim- Italy or both, as weath- in other medicine cause a or Mississippi river not duplicated any fQ come are af) follows: east to on the west, the change an English mother. Graduating witn disease and of its immediate ana Mw,co Gallup ants, including all ditch rights, the under of Aero ior cougns coias. any buusuiuw e - er permits, aaspices New MexlC0 state falr to take effect as soon as the neces- honors in medicine from- the Univer- matter of the greatest importance to offered you is an inferior article. Re-- fbuquer-fus- Santa Fe Water company and others. club of St. Louis. schedule could be into effect. sity of Naples in 1891, he became a:i this country and it is expected that t oaccept it for it can not produce j que, October sary put Company L Mustered Out Veiled Prophet Pageant and Ball Fo- - ar- (the international the healing and soothing effect of Fifth Annual Navajo fair, Shiprock, Lamy Road Completed "Office assistant surgeon in the Italian plan for holding an $50,-000- of the Adjutant General, San- (Actual cost between $40,000 and ley's Honey and Tar Compound. Tn-- ; 1.4 on near on account of conference will meet with the nrtnber The work the state road ta Fe, N. M. Special Order Nd7 11. my. Soon, however, pellagTa Night of October 7. Twenty sist upon the genuine which contains n Cm)nty fa,r Lag VPRag waa completed today according d his scientific attainments and his Iwarm support of the medical in two Umy Having failed to maintain the stafid-ar- electrically illuminated floats, to State James A. French, he was sent to va- Cross Drug Store. Adv. October Engineer of efficiency required of the na- linguistic ability divisions, telling strikingly the story tional guard companies In this state. rious foreign countries on scientific of life. Theme, "The Seven Ages and Company L, First is missions. the Five Senses." First division por- infantry hereby BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW mustered out com- In. 1897 he went to England, where man in- of the service. All N. B.. 26. With sev--i trays Shakespeare's from the St. John, Sept. pany property will be shipped to the! he soon attracted the attention of Sir fant to old age. Second division I- SCENE FROM "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" eral hundred delegates in attendance adjutant at Santa Fe. When! Patrick iianson by an article on ac- senses, first seriously, general the sixth Maritime Conference of the llustrates the enlisted men climation. Later he was appointed blend of DUNCAN OPERA HOUSE OCTOBER 2 of Company L have Brotherhood of St. Andrew of Canada then humorously. happy in in Lon- turned tp the company commander to the chair of parasitology the in ses-- ! the classic and the popular, the pa- opened here today to remain all public property for which are! don School of Tropical Medicine. It ends with a boxing bout, and, they sion until Sunday evening. The open-- j geant responsible, will be full was in 1897 that Sambon first pub- as an additional example of touch, an they given ing session was held In the afternoon and honorable discharges, m all cases licly ennunciated the theory that not artful the pockets of 1 and in the evening the delegates will dodger finding f,f I m - t; If? V- - - If where enlisted men fail to account the climate renders th 5 tropics unin- the rube it be formally welcomed at a special spectators. ir--Vl I ; ! for issued to f Oc- J .- property them, honorable habitable to the white man, but the in St. Luke's hall. German Centennial Celebration !'M m ( !.:; -v meeting parish discharges will be withheld, and pro-j- j infection?. In 1900 tober 4 to 11, inclusive. Official na- tropical parasite i f. : ' R ceedings will be instituted against! he proved beyond reasonable doubt tional ceremonies commemorating !:' H (y such delinquents under the provision malarial fever is Subscribe for The hundredth anniversary of Napoleon's i ; i III that produced optic . i of Section 80, 101, Laws .M oft the Germans and their al- VVr Chapter defeat by Mir: f New Mexico, 1905. lies. Biennial convention of National The receipt of a copy of this order! German-America- n alliance, Oct. 6 to ' - officer or enlisted man of Com- - rohibiiionisi Endorses Automobile tour of St. ' tews. by any 8, inclusive. umm$ hr1 An ardent advo- pany "L" will be considered as a de-- f temperance Louis October 6 by distinguished vis- ! :i if 4 Mr. Geo. W. Rush mand for the return of all company? cate, says itors. Napoleonic war living pictures im Pure Malt ia property In his possesion to the ad-- f Duffy's Whiskey and tableaux and chorus of 2,000 at in home. at Santa Fe within tenf indispensable the Torch-- ( jutant general Coliseum, night of October 8. t " While not a trained days after the receipt of the order. nurse, I parade, October 9, 12,000 men, a light Honorable discharges will be for--l have studied medicine little and escort of 2,000, and historical I had considerable military warded enlisted men of Company "L" have experience floats Unveiling, in in sickness. Pure Malt participating; upon receipt, by the adjutant general, Duffy's October 11, attended by is fine stimulant for Forest park, of notice that have returned to Whiskey a of of monu- they monster parade Turners, - the sickroom. A patient now at proper authorities all company prop- ment to Ludwig Jahn, founder of pres- ' our home was relieved very much erty in their possession. f I of culture. from his debilitated condition. ent system physical The officers of this company Races October S, 9, 11 When in need of a stimulant I .Motorcycle discharged. I and 12, at St. Louis motordrome. f use and recommend Duffy's. I Promotion in D Company Motorboat Races On Mississippi am a schoolteacher, having taught Office of the San j of Adjutant General, October 5, under auspices i for over 20 years. I am 59 years river, ta Fe, N. M. Special Order No. 12. Western Rowing club. old and well known in this part The following promotion, ti do not to subject of the country. I object examination, In the national guard o have writ- your publishing what I Friends Her to Die New Mexico, is to date am Expected announced, ten you notwithstanding I "I believe my life was from 24: Prohibitionist." W. sincerely September a George saved in the Fall of 1910 by using Private II. O. I Push Pell C.irv. Ala. Wicks, Company Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar. First infantry, to be second lientn rhoea Remedy," writes Mrs. Agnes ant, vice McMillen transferred. i Booth, Tonawanda, N. Y. "I was Lieutenant Wicks is asstgne 1 t Pure Halt ' Busy's taken with diarrhoea followed an ' lhiskoymedi- by with First, is one of the builders and tonle stimulants known to duty Company D, Infai.trj greatest strength in the of acute Power of in to cine. It strengthens and fortifies the system and assists buildinnp attack Indigestion. and will report person CaMji. nmubPTierl t asna In a crradnnl healtBV. natural Uiauuci. the pen fails to portray the agonies 1 W. A. Tenney, Jr., for duty. relief of all throat, is a wonderful remedy in the prevention and endured. My friends expected me to By command of the governor. inne Dnit ctnmarh miiM Dnii for all wastinz ana weaken die as I had been unable to get relief A S. 1 V :. ing conditions, if taken as directed. It is recognized as a family medicine everywhere. Should be in all homes. for so long a time. This remedy went AdjU,!! t (. RnA in KRAT.F.n RnTTt.TT.s ONLY bv most druggists, to the seat of the trouble and Will send directly grocers and dealers, $1 alarge bottle. Our doctors cured me in a few hours time." For advice and valuable illustrated medical booklet free on. you sale all dealer?. 'Adv. Suhaorlhe for The Optic. application. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. by rous DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1913.

speak at the progressive conference tile operatives expressed themselves WILL HAVE CANDIDATES gree of steadiness, after it had moved Kffcn nmrm inAhe afternoon. as opposed to the new child1 labor law New York, Sept. 26. Fifteen mem GETTING back and forth In a perplexing fash- ANOUET FOR H. Hotch-- bers of the com- busser rtd ilu u uml Some time ago William which went into effect in this state progressive national ion. kiss, Virgil N. Kellogg and Chauacey on September 1. mittee met here today and decided at Towards midday, however, the gen- IJ L II II IJL Hamlin were appointed to arrange a At the recent international conven- the next congressional election to ATTRACTIONS eral list began to rise in a more com- Photo-Engraver- ev- OFFICIALS OF general conference of representatives tion of the s' union place a progressive candidate in prehensive manner, with particular of local bar asoclations and other provision was made for an old age ery district In the United States. Rep- strength in Reading, Erie and Can. civic organizations to discuss candi- pension fund and for the payment of resentative William Hinebaugh, of Il Bonds were firm. dates for the court of but the SANTA FE HIMSELF appeals, $1,000 death benefit to the families of linois, chairman of the porty's con READY Union Pacific forced its way to the state bar asso"iation aid not take departed members. Both will prob gressional committee, declared "that highest point of the week, despite the to the idea 8hd it was aban- kindly ably become effective in a year or the progressives had no intention of fact that today's jump brought doned. The conference to be held to SANTA FE READING ROOM CIR- RATON WILL FURNISH BIG FEED (Continued From Page One.) two. ' joining the republicons. He said: out a large volume of realizing. morrow will be of only. CUIT SHOWS TO BE EXCEL- FOR THE ROAD'S "BRASS progressives The organization of the United "The attention of progressives at Traders who were skeptical of tho In addition to the state committee, LENT THIS YEAR COLLARS" shall, which was closed by the admo- Mine Workers has reached the high- present is centered on Massachusetts rumors of a cash dividend and sold numbering 150 members, the county nition by the presiding judge to "cease est point it has ever attained m Its where a bull moose candidate is run- Union Pacific short, were active bid- will be and each 26. With a coin-- chairmen present p Albuquerque, Sept pile Raton, Sept. 26. The banquet j this argument, gentlemen, and proceed paid-u- membership. Announcement ning for governor.". ders stock. will ten of wait- for C. be accompanied by delegates p more than 1,800 applications mittee,. composed of Messrs. A. to the business of the court." was recently made that the paid-u- When brisk buying movement In Sea-- - from each county. There will also pe for him (A his headquarters here, Price, M. R. Mendelsohn, Hugo Mr. Stanchfield asked If Judge Con- membership of the organization on GOT OFF EASY ing business dwin- ten from each dis mak- Union Pacific faltered C. - delegates assembly New 26. Max and with all sorts of plans, for berg, F. Remsberg, C.,N- Blackwell, Ion really knew of Sulzer's financial August 31 was 409,158 and that there York, SepL Blanck, ndminal and pric- trict. The of the state the season an attractive dled to proportions Walter E. Nutting and Dr. J. J Shuler, received a an headquarters was a IS months one of the proprietors of the Triangle ing coming condition, and negative are at gam during the last es went off a trifle. Union Paci'Ic who have in hand the arrangements committee the, Hotel Seneca, Waist which was one, Superintendent S. E. Busser. of swer.' of more than 100,000. company, swept by receded a point. for the entertainment of the Santa Fe and the conference will probably be fire in with loss the Santa Fe reading room system, Daniel M. Brady, the next witness, Plans have just been submitted to .March, 1911, the of Tho market closed steady. Late on the of October 3, held there unless the attendance 140 was arrived here yesterday afternoon on officials evening declared' he had destroyed both the the local unions' pf carpenters in San lives, today found guilty of ad- should be so as to make it nec- No. 3. This is his first visit to Albu- selling about cancelled the small will make definite announcement in con large having the doors of the factory fas- check and stub which he had to use Convention hall. Theo- Francisco for the amalgamation ot vances in the general run of stoclo. near future of essary on 5 querque since his trip to Australia the very their plans to Sulzer "I was the United Brotherhood of tened August of this year. He af- trlbuted because, dore Douglas Robinson, Jr., chairman Carpenters the summer. Reading and Onion Pacific were for the big event. The general plans not was fined $20. during past friendly to both sides and I did of the state will and Joiners of America and the Am fected most by npec.lative 3e!iing, include a reception to the city's vis committee, preside. Mr. Busser said that the principal want to get mixed In it. But I found As to choice which will algamated Society of Carpenters and the last named sagg.'nv more swiftly itors at the Elks' home from 8 until the probable OUIMET IS BEATEN attractions this winter would be grand out my mistake." tomorrow Joiners, with a prospect of the meas the unfavorable 9 to followed the serv be made at the conference 26. opera parties and educational enter- after August earnings o'clock, be by In to a from Her- ure The result is to Brookline, Mass., Sept. Francis reply query Judge it is difficult to make any definite being adopted. with a few of the ever-popul- were published. Some stocks were ing of a sumptuous banquet in the Ouimet, the open golf champion of tainments, rick, Mr. Brady said he had "never It is known that Colonel be announced October 1. clubs thrown in bid later, which imparted an spacious dining room or tne Seaberg prediction. six days standing, met defeat here to college glee up again regarded Sulzer as anything else than Roosevelt !s In favor of Justice Mar- According to a report to the Central tone to final totel. An urgent invitation is being when he and his partner, F. H. for good measure. improved dealings. a man." tin and Justice Frank C. Labor council the Labor Tempie as day were: extended Governor McDonald and poor J, Keough were beaten O. "I expect to put on a lot of grand The last sales John T. of New York told sociation of has Hoyt, by Jerome M. Dooling Laughlin, but there are several other Jacksonville, Fla., opera this winter," he said. "I have Amalgamated Copper 76 Hon. Harvey Shields to be present on Travers and Gilinan Tiffany, four up of meeting the governor October possible candidates, among them Jus- placed the stock for the building on 15 who to make .111 at this time. Those of the Santa Fe and three to play in the foursome foreign parties want Sugar 15 and giving him a $1,000 check. tice Samuel who is an in- the market. It is to the 95 officers to whom a special Invitation Seabury, planned push Massachusetts and Metro- the' trip over the lines and will bring Aichison I told him (hat T understood that between the extended are: dependent democrat. Judge Learned sale of the stock as much as possible some of them, I think. These and Northern Pacific 113 has been handed him the politan .teams for the Lesley cup. Araa-rill- ha needed he!". Hand United States district so that work on the be 168 F. C. Fox, genera manager, of the building may educational entertainments will be the Reading - check. Ho tt:.n loe." court, and Justice Frederick E. Crane at the earliest moment, possi 91 Texas. begun THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL backbone of the season's program. Southern Pacific .. Mr. Star;'-:;:- i rkod Pooling if he of this fall. R, Koontz, freight agent, Brooklyn. bly , "Do you know that I have 1,800 ap- Union Pacific ..160 J, general ' H re Washington, Sept. 26. The Lincoln had talke-- with igh J. Reilly At the rocent session Massa 63 Topefca, Kansas. of the memorial commission decided plications on my desk, made by ull United States Steel garding Sulzer's financial condition, today J. Brlnker, general freight agent, chusetts Federation of Labor a reso Garrison sorts of' people and organizations, urg- United States Steel, pfd 109 but Judge Cullen sustained an objec- MOTHER! IF CHILD' to recommend that Secretary Amarlllo, Teaxs. lution was adopted which calls upon contract the erection ing their claims to appear on the San- tion. Reilly Is a wealthy railroad con award the for X M. Kurn, general superintendent, the slate legislature to submit to the ta Fe system? It's a fact. I have CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE tractor for the Cuban government. of the superstructure of the Lincoln La Junta, Colorado. rnmn voters of the state a measure provid- con- some very fine people in London who Chicago, Sept. 26. Wheat rose to- The then toolc up the memorial in this city to a local W. P. Matchette, division freight prosecution JUL III UUftlLU ing for public of street want to come, and as for glee clubs influenced the fall in British had used ownership struction company at $1,637,800. The day, by charge, that the governor in the state. would be Yale, Cornell agent, Trinidad, Colorado. railways This is the first superstructure is to be constructed in you surprised; consols. Prices started off to campaign contributions in speculation are on the lists find F. M. 'Williams, general freight IF CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPAT- time that labor in Massachusetts has the main from the Yule marble from and Dartmouth y2 up, reacted a little and then in Wall street. Phillip Boyer of the A from agent, Raton, N. M. ED, GIVE "CALIFORNIA taken this stand. will be asked there are others. ladies' band mounted above the opening level. The brokerage firm of Boyer, Griswold & Colorado. New bids II.. K. Fell trainmaster, Raton, N. M. SYRUP OF FIGS" Wellington wants to come, and the close was nervous at last night's lev- Co., was called to the stand. He said for the foundation. W. F. Huffine, agent, Raton. When the bowels feel uncomfort- men's band at Stanford wants to ap- el to cent L. Colwell had come higher. M. that Frederick able and you miss the ' R. Williams, general foreman, A laxative today saves a sick child exhilarating CURRENCY BILL ROASTED pear." Opening quotations on corn were to him October 16, 1912, and given feeling that always follows a copious Mr. said he Las Vegas. tomorrow. Children will not 26. New Busser had enjoyed tils, to but the 200 shares of simply HER-RIN- Washington, Sept. Eng- unchanged lower, rally La him an order to buy, morning operation, a dose of to Australia and the south Pa- Frank Finney, head surgeon, take the time from play to empty will set land bankers discussed the ad- trip carried well last night's "Big Four" stock for cash delivery. you right in a couple today prices beyond Junta hospital. their bowels, which become clogged of hburs. If taken at cific Islands very much. He and his to 1 Colwell for it in checks for bedtime you ministration currency bill before the close. The close was weak J. V. Krister, surgeon, To-pek- paid with liver et its beneficial effect after break- iwife, who Is with him here, visited general in He up waste, gets sluggish; senate banking committee. Generally cent under last night. $4,900 and paid $7,123 currency.. fast next day. Price 50c. .Sold by Samoa, Honolulu, Hawaii andseveral Kansas. in- stomach sour. with its and Oats followed weak, read off the list of checks, wnich Central Drug Co. Adv. they disagreed provisions corn, opening 3. A. Conley, master mechanic, Look at the tongue, mother! If points in the island continent They a cluded: William Sulzer, personal suggested vital changes. and then making material advance, coated or your child is listless, cross, were much disappointed at not getting Theodore W. Myers, $1,-00- LIQUOR MEN TRIUMPH several large concerns were fair buy- .T. check, $900; to see the famous Australian R. Sexton, mechanical superin feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn t IS INDICTED boys' John $500; Lyman A. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 26. Prior to SCHMIDT ers on the upturn. tendent, i.s .lunta, Colorado. Lynn, eat full of cold or has sore club again, but when tney lanced Edward F. O'Dwyer, heartily, the convening of the Tennessee house New York, Sept. 26. The federal First sales of provisions ranged Verdon A. Ra- Spaulding, $100; found it was as far to their Dnirffott, chief clerk, throat or any other children's ailment, of returned an indict- nearly a loss of a shade to $100; John W. Cox, $300; the Frank representatives atr.l0:30 o'clock grand jury today Fran- from 57 ton. give a teaspoonful of "California home as from New York to San V. $1,000; John T. Dool- this morning supporters of the liquor ment against the confessed slayer of with the market later holding around O. TV Raton. Strauss Co., be- cisco, the boys living on the other side p'osriatcher, wit- Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, law enforcement bills them- Anna Hans and his the ing, $1,000. . Mr. Colwell said the expressed Aumuller, Schmidt, of Australia. upper figures. F. H. Twp. p'op foreman, Raton. cause it is perfectly harmless, and in were: ness remarked that he was purchas- selves as less hopeful of their pas- associate, "Dr." Ernest Muret, charg- room The closing quotations J. TV Cuthrie. chief despatches Ra a few hours all this pois- Many new reading buildings himself. constipation sage than at any time since the both with conspiracy to counter- Wheat, Sept. Dec. May ton. ing this stock for waste fight ing are going up, Mr. Busser said, one of 84; 87; broker- on, sour bile and fermenting over them became marked bitter- feit. The indictment was voted on Two other employes of the by the finest being at WInslow. This 92. will gently move out of the bowels, ness and of 71. firm were called to the stand to threats violence between last Wednesday. one will soon be Corn, Sept. Dec. 70; May age and you will have a well, playful child opened. 70; tell about the Colwell purchase. They the two factions In the legislature. Oats, Sept. 40-- ; Dec. May or again. A thorough "inside cleansing" 41; wmmm, gas were cross examined rigidldy by Har- Several supporters of the bills ad- MONUMENT TO BALBOA Is ofttimes all that, is necessary. It Can't Afford to Have Kidney Trouble 45. D. HInman of the Sulzer counsel. mitted that the filibuster conducted San Calif., 26, A No man with a familv to support Pork, Jan. May $20.02. vey should be the first treatment given Diego, Sept. plot $19.82; will be no Issue on the ques- by opponents of the legislation bid was dedicat- can afford to have kidney trouble, nor Jan. $11.05. a sm, swims "There in sickness. of ground in Balboa park Lard, $10.92; May m of the stock,'' any fair to be successful. need he fear it with such a remedy at tion of the of a monument Ribs, Jan. May purchase of counterfeit ed today as the site An hon- $10.42; $10.52. "but there will be Beware fig syrups. There were no Indications of the hand as Foley Kidney Pills. said the attorney, a bottle to be erected to the memory of Vazco est medicine, safe and reliable, cost- TIME "FAPE'S DIAPEPSIN!" IN Ask your druggist for disorder which has characterized re- some details that will become import Nunez de Balboa, the ceremonies cen- ing little but doing much good, Foley KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK FIVE MI&UTE3 ALL STOMACH of "California Syrup of Figs," which cent sessions of the when the ant." house, around the oration of the day Kidney Pills eliminate backache and Kansas City, Sept. 26. Hogs, re- IS has full directions for babies, children tering MISERY GONE who contributed legislature convened , today. There , rheumatism, tone up the system and 5 cents Henry Morgenthau, s delivered Don Juan Rian Gayan-gos- ceipts 2,500. Market higher. of all ages and for grown-up- plainly by y restore action of to the Governor sjuizer cam were only a few spectators In the normal kidneys and $1,000 on the bottle. Look carefully Spanish 'minister to the United bladder. O. G. Sfhaefer and Red Bulk $88.15; heavy $8.158.40; "Really does" put bad stomachs in was recalled. He said printed hall and galleries, but Speaker Stan- paign last fall, and see that it is made by the "Cal- States. Congressman R. L. Henry of Cross Drug Store. Adv., packers and butchers $8.158.60: order "really does" overcome indi- about 2 Governor Sul ton announced that the rule of clear- that September ifornia Company." Don't be Texas and G. Aubrey Davidson, rice lights $8.158.35; pigs $67.50. gestion, dysepsia, gas heartburn and him on the distance Fig Syrup ing the hall, adopted yesterday, would zer called long fooled. Adv. president of the exposition that will NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Cattle, receipts 1,000. Market sourness in five minutes that be enforced. just telephone. be held in this city in 1915, were oth- New York, Sept. 26. The morning steady. Prime fed steers $8.859.25; that makes Rape's Diapepsin the me," said the wit Representative Taylor made a mo- "He requested a er trading revealed no definite trend, and dressed beef steers $7.758.75; west- in called Facing Serious Proposition tion, that the law enforcement bills be speakers. largest selling stomach regulator ness, "in the event of my being The man or woman who nas kidney the only governing factor seemed to ern steers $6.608.50; southern world. If what eat ferments to with him. I set for immediate consideration, but tie you as a witness be easy trouble is facing a serious proposition, AN ASSASSINATION PLOT be the momentary whim of the profes- steers $5.507; cows $4.257; heif- belch state tacts. fol- opponents of the legislation offered Into stubborn lumps, you gas told him I would the where grave complications readily Lisbon, Sept. 26. A confession that sional element. ers stockers and feeders $5.25 low Kidney Pills are of order and for a time the $59; and eructate sour, undigested food "Was there anything concerning neglect. Foley points Por- curative medicine that once they intended to assassinate the Speculators viewed the rise in 8; bulls $4.806.50; calves $5.'60a ana head is and aches; contribution?" an honest motion seemed doomed to defeat. v acid; dizzy your taken into your system mean restored tuguese premier and instigate a re- Union Pacific with suspicion, having 9.75. "breath He asked me to treat that affair foul; tongue coated; your health and strength. O. G. schnerer volt was made today by five men ar- in mind recent experiences in which Sheep, receipts 3,000. Market stea- us." Store Adv. SOCIALISTS ARE ARRESTED filled with bile and indigestible as personal between and Red Cross Dm? rested last night while placing bombs special stocks were bid to facili- Lambs Seattle, Wash., Sept. 26. Eighteen up dy. $6.507.15; yearlings waste, remember the moment 'Tape's "What did you say?" move- ar- around the premier's villa at Praia tate distribution elsewhere. The $4.755.75; wethers $4.254.75; I would not." of the 99 socialists ordered under Diapepsin" comes in contact with the "That, das Macas, a watering place near ment in Union Pacifio did little more ewes stockers and feed- Gwatnney, a New rest for contempt by Superior Judge $3.404.25; stomach all such distress vanishes. Judge Temple Cintra. than restore the market to a fair de- - ers was next call- John E. Humphries, had been arrest- $36.50. It's truly astonishing almost marvel- York cotton merchant, LABOR WORLD NOTES. Governor 0 ed today, including Huelet M. Wells, is Its harmlessness. ed. He told of having given I ' I ous, and the joy who a1 for $100 which he re- received 10,000 votes as socialist A large nt case of Pape's Dia- Sulzer check be used for the govern-or'- s candidate for mayor last year. Most pepsin will give you a hundred dol- quired should The dispute of long standing of the persons arrested, including lars' worth of satisfaction or your personal campagn. "I wish this to be devoted to the Journeymen's Stone Cut- Wells, furnished $250 bail each. druggist hands you your money back. money the stated: ters' association and the aNtional Cut Among those who refused to give i It's Its in to men that cause alone," letter worth weight gold Stone Contractors' association has bail but went to jail were Frank A. Free! Free! Free! and women who can't get their stom- Stirtan his D. Murphy Will Testify been settled by a compromise. and wife, Catherine achs regulated. It belongs in your se- New York, Sept. 26. Charles F. An arbitration board has been Stlrtan, who has been a worker for home should always be kept handy reform. volun- Murphy, leader of Tammany hall, said lected which will hear the arguments prison Mrs, Stirtan In case of a sick, sour, upset stomach Bur- surrendered to sheriff to- . this afternoon: In the controversy between the tarily the A . the or at It's the '"PAIR OE::25c HOSE during day night. want me to testify at Al lington railroad and its employes. day and asked to be locked up. surest most harmless "If, they quickest, and there is no necessity for a sub The sessions will be held in Chicago. doctor in. world. bany stomach, the bflilne issued for me. Let them Plans have been made for a EIGHT CHILDREN BURNED call me up on the telephone and I'll campaign in the interest of or Montreal, Quebec, Sept. 26. Eight children of Ulrich all under Get Rid of the Torment of Rheumatism answer right away. I will be willing ganized labor or Minnesota and por Trudell, 16 to death You can do so by ridding yourself and ready to go." tions of Wisconsin by Clarence Dar- - years old, were, burned as in AT and all we of the cause. Weak and inactive kid rov of Chicago. The campaign will early today they slept ,t.heir QATJJRD night day Monday allow uric to re home here. old- neys acid poisons Adenoids are a Menace to ChlWren ' In St. Paul, October 3. Trudell, his wife, the main in the blood and rheumatic begin ; Adenoids result from a succession Labor est son, and one daughter were the are to away, free, a pains swollen and aching joints fol The San Francisco council going give absolutely of colds In babies and young children only members of the familyJeft alive. low. Take Foley's Kidney Pills to ease and physical has set a general appeal to all labor torment. They spoil the mental Mrs. Trudell may not survive. The I you of the pain and They life of a child. ThS condition that organizations affiliated with that coun of 25c hose with of shoes worth will positively and build house was a three wooden pair every pair permanently causes thera may easily be avoided by cil, for financial aid to the cloakma-ker- s, story up the kidneys, restore their normal and thor- structure. The Trudell lived 1 careful parents. Quickly of whom 300 to 350 are on strike fami'y n's action and keep the uric acid crystals cure all colds and throat irri- on the top floor and their was $1.00-Me- or out of them. oughly in San Francisco. escape more than Women's Children's, the blood and body. Try the use of Foley's Honey off. O. G. tations by cut The children who lost their Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Compound, and adenoids will International President W. D. Ma Store. Adv. and Tar lives were four daughters and four I not develop. O. G. Schaefer and Red lum, of the street railway employes We do this to advertise and acquaint-- I Adv. sons, the youngest 2 years old. get you Cross Drug Store. reported to the convention held at Salt Lake City reecntly that 49,934 PROGRESSIVES TO PICK ,'UDGES MRS. ROSS GUILTY ed with the merit of our shoes. .! members had been initiated by the Rochester; N. Y., Sept 26. County Fulton, Mo., Sept. 26. Mrs. Susan Amalgamated Association in the last and district leaders of the progressive Ross, on trial for the murder of her two years. from all parts of the state are husband, J. H. Ross, today was found party John Finan of Chicago, was re Catherine here for the conference of guilty of murder In th& second degree. elected vice of the Painters St the national progresive party wmen is president v'"4w! w International union Finan PRICE TH OPPOSITE to be held here tomor-o- for the pur- recently. Store of also represents Illinois on the execu- Quality" pose of discussing candidates for the SELLS AND Roose tive iboard. Under the rules of the f A court of appeals. CASTANEDA . no state can more R!JA-- 1 ft organization supply ELjPORVENIfl if -- velt is expected to arrive here this p tw ii ft j' vi i A than one officer. . The Ideal Mountain Resort y vh: to evening and has promised to deliver quality Phone Main 6174 an address Bt a luncheon to he given At a hearing recently held at New 20 and Olive I TELLS E LAS VEGAS. H.Mr. HOTEL j com- a All Year Round Resort y by the Rochester chamber of Bedford, Mass., by special legisla- 3 III VV merce tomorrow at noon. He will also tive committee, several hundred ,tex- - LAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER VEGAS 26, 1913. FIVE

' Brouthers lined a hit low over the LONGEST HIT IN fence just to right center, with hard- PERSONALS WITH THE BOXERS. ly a curve In it. That ball never stopped until it hit something stick- OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT HERE ; THE HISTORY OF ing up In Guilford Avenue, two or M. Rudulph of Mora came in last Arthur Simons, the New Orleans three blocks away, about 1,500 feet a short business visit. bantamweight, who has been boxing from the home plate. It was the night for Do business in a busines-lik- e way and secure for yourself the number of A. an official of the Santa In the east, is back home nursing hit I have ever seen great privileges that B. West, longest made, are r yours without cost as a result. r Fe Railway company, was a business an Injured hand. BASEBALL aud I have been twenty-fou- years Rev. Roy' Hudson, a converted box- baseball at home visitor here today. watching and on the Office hours are convenient and employees obliging- and polite. There is much information and er and of Missouri, Balti-more- s Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rogers of Shoe- former champion road. Chick Stahl, when the advice in IN that is free to our depositors, and we are to consult if maker came in last night for a short returned to his old home Montgom- MADE IT were out with the ri always ready you, you wish. ' business visit in Las Vegas. ery, Mo., the other day and made 7 WAY BACK cans, nit one over tne fence at Re- W. F. Burch, a passenger agent conversions. IN 1894 creation Park, in Frisco, and broke traveling out of Denver, was a busi- a woman's window, but that wasn't PEOPLES BANK TRUST CO. ness visitor in Joe a few months ago, CAPITAL - - - Las Vegas today. ' Jackson, anything compared with Brouthers' - $113 000.00 W. G. Ogle returned this afternoon while the Cleveland team was laying and Jackson isn't in it at all. ' where he has been the New Yorks at the Polo from Red River, BASEBALL NOTES Grounds, "The day after that hit was made on rew hit ball to to the business for the past days. i the right field and they painted a sign in great, big, A. W. Haverick, agent for the i top of the grandstand, and Immediate white letters. It was just one word Style-Plu- s clothes, was a business vis- it was alleged to have been the Each of the eight clubs in the Neb ly 'Here" and it marked the place TODAY'S BASEBALL itor at the local clothing stores to- hit ever made in the raska state league played the full longest history where Brouthers' hit went over it. Q & A L day. of baseball. on number of scheduled games this sea- That, sign stayed the fence until Mrs. G. F. left yesterday af- Thus the cock- Wright son. present generation., the park was torn down and there MOST HEAT YOUR ternoon for where she will FOR MONEY Springer of sure that everythig exertional hap- isn't a rooter in Baltimore old National League few Hess of the Braves, and Yingllng, bs visiting friends for the next pening on the diamond nowadays to remember it who at the Supeibas, are the only pitchers enough doesn't Chicago Pittsburgh. days. could not have been eclipsed in the v. arm time he it. Boston at 2 SWASTIKA COAL in major league company batting for up every thinks of Philadelphia; games. Miss Myrtle Huffman returned this old days, is New York .300 or better. good wrong again. "if you want any evidence of at Brooklyn. afternoon from Colorado Springs, Col., t base- in succession The longest-hi- ever made in Brouthers' hit just ask, any of the where she had been on a short va- For the second time WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ball happened in 1894, in and out of team, and tell you. The way American League cation. .foe Killian has piloted his Oshkosh they'll the grounds of the old Baltimore Ori- remember score St. Louis at Chicago. fart of Main for team to championship honors in the ray card for the fnonmMmlniel Philip Knowlton, representative and the club was Dan York. Wisconsin-Illinoi- oles, swinger (iay Brouthers was playing first base, Washington at New the Carter-Ric- e Paper company of s league. Brouthers. Brouthers' hit was long- Reltz second, Jennings Mc- - Philadelphia at Boston. Denver, was a business visitor in the Ira the 37 innings that Walter John- short, er than Joe Jackson's masterpiece by Uraw third, Joe Kelly left field, city today. son has pitched against the New York at least a block. If anyone doubts Steve Brodie center Kee-- American Association Joe for the Highlanders this season, the Highland and Willie Ninkler, representative here are several per- Kansas at Columbus. ers have made one run. this, important ler right. The pitchers were Hem- City William Volker Shade company of only Mc-Gra- sonages who saw It: John J. McMahon Milwaukee at Kansas was a business visitor of presenting an automo ming, and Esper and Bill Indianapolis. FULLY AT YOUR POOR City Speaking the-Ne- $1,050 EQU1FPP0 manager of York Gi- Clark and were behind Minneapolis at Toledo; rain. hero today. bile to the most valuable player to Robby the ants, and at that time a member of bat. me St. Paul at Louisville. Mrs. L. L. Walker and children left his team, in the National league, why ,It. makes hungry just to the Oriole team; Jennings, last night for Los Angeles, where not take a slant at the work, of one Huhey think of that good old team." manager of the Detroit Tigers and at S. C. a Western League they will visit relatives for the next Jacob Daubert, of Brooklyn?.. Appleby, Baltimore sport that time a member of the Oriole saw do Denver at Des Moines. few months. Without a batsman, run-gett- or a writer, Brouthers it and team; Pan Brouthers himself; as follows: Topeka at St. Joseph. W. R. McCasky, representative for hnse-steale- r near the honor anywhere of old Oriole Omaha at Lincoln. a well known stove and range com- Sox have a Groundkeeper Murphy "M yown estimate is that the ball list, the White put up man was visit- park, and Abe Males, scorecard went thirteen hundred feet from the Wichita at Sioux City. pany of Chicago, a business -- rami battle for a place in the first in old Oriole park. or here today. '.iivlsion of the American league pen- - plate before it stopped rolling. The You not be familiar with the National E. M. Swayze of Colorado Springs, nant race. may ground was five hundred feet deep League of the old Oriole but the Philadelphia, Sept. 26 First and d layout park, to game: Col., came in yesterday evening Tris Speaker has the best from the home plate the fence will give anyone an Idea of R. H. E. will be a visitor in this city for the leeord of in either the following where it crossed over, and the ball any player Brouthers' belt: Boston 3 6 3 next few days. American or National league. The Red was about ten feet higher than the of Santa Brouthers' hit went low, five hun- Philadelphia 6 5 2 OVERLAND MODEl. T W. O. Courier, Jr., Fe, Sox star stands third In batting, third fence when it left the grounds, 59 his feet, to center over Batteries: Dickson, Perdue and came in aiternoon from base-stealin- dred right fence, was a yesterday in g and seventh among for it long, low, swift, flat hit Av- and Dooln. home in the City for a few the top and rolled down Guilford Then two Rarlden; Rlxey Capital the s. not a sky ball. it went Telephone or call and we will have our demon friends. enue three blocks, a total of 1,300 days' visit with 30 been and a half city blocks, bounding and ' Tuesday, September has Pittsburgh, Sept. 26. First T. A. Haydon of Santa Fe arrived feet, where it was picked up by a and these measure on a game: Jstrator show named as "Tyler Day" at the BoBton rolling city R. H. E. you in veeas tnis aiieruuuu iui a cigar maker named Hassenbal, who more than six hundred feet. National league park. A delegation of plat Chicago 1 9 1 short business visit. He Is a well kept it for fifteen years, when It was "As I from fans from n. nome saw the hit the press 1 man of the Deery, h., Tylers to at home- Pittsburgh 6 9 1 Las & Co known business Capital returned Brouthers the box it to go on an abso- Vegas Auteoie Machine will be on hand to the appeared n, town, give fest.lvlt.les in Baltimore sev- Batteries: Smith, Stack and Bresna-ha- City. coming lute "and rising line from de- Braves' southpaw a rousing welcome. straight Adams and Phone Main R. G. Head of the engineering eral ago. Hargrove; Simon, 344. Whalen, & Fowler Preps The Cincinnati Reds are fighting years Dan's bat to the point where it partment of the Santa Fe railway, re- Here is what Dan Brouthers says hard to beat out Brooklyn and Boston crossed the fence. The curve, or turned last night from Denver, where of his wallop: Cor fifth in the National league 'trajectory,' as the gunnery engineers YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL he has been for the past two weeks on place "I remember hitting a race. ' distinctly call it, was not observable within a vacation. ball over the center fence at FOOTBALL NOTES will no eastern eleven of Fred right the grounds at least from the high play this year, R. h. M. Ross of the Southwestern Under the management The Cross are Baltimore in the season of 1894. This of box. ball National League Holy players working Michigan being its most important associa- Clarke the have position the press The Savings, Loan and Building hit was a line drive, the At New Brook- at the tackling dummy this fall for opponent the ihe a out clearing seemed to describe a straight up- Brooklyn York, 8; except University cf returned yesterday evening from never finished season of the the first time in five tion, fence by about fifteen feet, and the ward slant from bat to fence. Then lyn, 2. years. South. where he has been on busi- first division. E. F. Ver Clayton, said it went down Guilford At 3-- WIebe, Harvard's great The Cornellians are two put-iin- g people the curve toward the earth became Philadelphia Philadelphia, having long ness few The New. York Highlanders are 1908 for the past days. Avenue one or two blocks. I do not Boston, 1-- halfback, is on the official list practice sessions AI is son some battle in their effort to apparent and the leather reached ine daily. Sharpe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bruce and up team we were for games in the west. He is in Min- recall the playing ground. At Chicago Chicago, 7; Pittsburgh, coaching again and has one of the of Sonora, Calif., arrived in Las Vegas see daylight before the close of the neapolis. against or the exact date. "Two were, seen in dis 1. biggest squads ever organized at list from their former home and season. figures the Coach night "I have talked with Groundkeeper Robinson, of Brown, Js up Ithaca. , will remain in this for an indefi- Besides being one of the greatest tance chasing It. There were houses city this matter, and American against it with only four veterans, locate here. in the "Chief" Murphy regarding on the western side of Guilford Av League nite time. They may pitchers major leagues, which Captain Henry, Mitchell, Bean and ENGLAND he says the point at the ball enue, but none on the eastern side to At Boston Boston, 5; Philadelphia, MAY QUIT G. L. Kahle, district agent for the Bender, of the Athletics, is a crack Andrews, on his football sauad. went over' the fence was fully five view. The men 4. London, Sept. 26. If the wishes of Wells Fargo Express company, came trap-shoot- and an expert in golf. obstruct the running hundred feet from the home plate, At New York 5; New Being handicapped by the lack of a majority of British sportsmen are in this afternoon from Denver for a The Cardinals have been soft-she- were the watchman and Herman Von- Washington, on when 2.. ', heavy men, the Dartmouth squad followed Great Britain's Ev-er- several people called Murphy York, last appear- short business visit here. He is on pie for the Cubs this season, the s derhorst. They sped past the row of to he was groundkeeper at Baltimore plans develop speed to be used in ance in the Olympic games will be at his way to his home in Albuquerque. crew won 15 of the 21 houses, which denoted the first block having of as to open plays and the forward pass. - Berlin in 1916. L. of the for the purpose deciding bets on Guilford Avenue, and on, in- Western League Superintendent F. Myers games played with the Cards. kept Pennsylvania has lost one This sentiment is the distance, which accounts for his the ball was still At Omaha Denver, 4; Omaha, 1. of its steadily growing, New Mexico division of the Santa Cleveland's pennant chances went dicating that going. most and having measured it. At Sioux City Sioux City, 2-- promising candidates for quar public opinion would favor with- Fe railway, returned this afternoon to the bad when the Naps "Well, we didn't watch the chasers completely "I have made several other hits ' terback, Walter CrSig, who ia kept out drawing from the Olympic organiza- from Raton after having been a busi- five to after that, for Dan Brouthers was Lincoln, dropped straight games Clark of the game an old head - tion Immediately rea- few that I know equaled that made by men by injury. except for two ness visitor there for the past Griffith's Washington hustlers. making the , the in The sons. ' Jackson, particularly one in Boston, Vanderbilt University eleven First, the Germans might con-- days. In being selected to manage the the grandstand were shouting and the strue one in one in STANDING OF THE CLUBS the withdrawal as due to anti-- Mr. and Mrs. S. Ponton de Acec team Hein6 the Columbus, Springfield bleacher crowd was sending a wild oity PeltZj German prejudices, and1, second, other rived in Las Vegas yesterday even and one in Raleigh. alarm to the Bkies that seemed to former big league catcher, has realiz nations might think that after the from San Francisco and will be "Jackson's hit at the Polo Grounds fill the whole universe with noise. ing ed his ambition to become a baseball National League poor showing the team made for several has been greatly exaggerated. I saw at Stock. visitors in Las Vegas days. pilot. But it was a long hit, ;.U right." t Won Lost Pet holm, Great did not en- Britain was unable to are tourists on their way the hit, and the ball go And with all the evi 96 40 A They As Pitcher Jack Coombs has never foregoing New, York .676 Rushing Story hold Its own against the teams of over-th- but landed on 100-to- across the continent. been defeated in 'a world's series tirely stand, dence it's just about a -l shot Philadelphia 84 56 .600 of the other countries. I a John Rudulph left this afternoon for the top. had man go up and get that if Jackson's hit had been 84 63 .571 game, the Athletics will no doubt miss long Chicago -- The policy advocated the most Mound where n will be on the ball and it 'to Jackson, who Franco Prussian by Wagon the services of the Maine farmer In bring nearly twice as long as it really was, Pittsburgh 76 69 .524 influential men in the Mr. Ru him cents it as a sou- English, world business for several weeks. gave fifty for it would have lacked of 63 80 .524 of the big series next month. something Boston War of 18T0 sports is to send a representative, was sheep venir. The field foul line on - dulph yesterday appointed On his first in right taking any medals there are in fan- Brooklyn 62 80 .437 well trained to appearance Chicago 271 That is what have delegation Berlin, and inspector for this district by the the Polo Grounds is exactly feet dom. f5 we since his release to Brooklyn, Pitcher Cincinnati 63 85 .426 then withdraw gracefully. The rea- sheep sanitary board, and will enter from the home and the hit went to announce in the new Ed Reulbach, the former Cub," stood plate St. Louis 49 98 .333 sons behind this lie in be- Mouad in- policy the into his new duties at Wagon about fifteen or twenty feet fair SAFRO-GIBBON- 8 serial we will short- his old team-mate- s on their heads. FIGHT begin lief that the Olympic games are be- tomorrow. stead of over the extreme right wing Eau 26. It's Robert The Cubs couldn't touch the benders Claire, Wis., Sept. Boxing American League ly. a story by coming contests, and; Mrs. LeRoy Helfrich and daughters, of the stand. I do not wish to detract -- fans from all parts of the state are Won Lost Pet W. Chambers, that mas- - that, instead of the in of their former . pal. fulfilling purpose Misses Frances and Nellie, arrived in from the credit due Jack ' The Louisville and the St. Paul any way here to witness the bout between 'Philadelphia . vyl 50 .656 ter of romantic of their founders, which was to cre- Las last from Denver on are ..95 fiction, Vegas, night son for h s S t. hut we aDove Labe Safro and Mike Gibbons which 62 .572 ate International teams wlllA. a benefit for '' Cleveland ...S3 friendship, they have to where Mr. play game ' Ecwesiiiis their way California, facts." is to- had the Wilfred Osborn Louisville's popular scheduled to take place here Washington 83 63 .569 opposite effect. Helfrich has been transferred by the John J. McGraw ha3 the followin; Theodore center fielder, at Louisville, today. night. The result of the fight is Boston 74 67 .525 Cook, who is the most In- Wells Fargo Express company. The to Brouthers' smash: fluential Osborn lost all of his In a say regarding awaited with some interest, as It will Chicago ... ..74 72 .507 member of the British Helfrich family formerly resided in savings see Jackson's hit on the The Maids "I did not in a measure determine the po- Detroit 62 84 .425 Olympic council, In mat Is recent bank collapse in Ohio. large ... discussingthe Las Vegas and well known here. Polo Grounds, but from information of- - ter, said to be a winner sition of Safro as a boxer. New York 53 89 .373 today: "Personally 1 am of Mrr. Helfrich and' daughters left this Hugh Duffy proved at Brouth- the in gathered good authority, Safro met with defeat when he St. 55 92 .374 opinion that as soon as we nave afternoon for Los Angeles. his first year as owner and man- Louise...., ers', hit at Baltimore unquestionably Sliehan, decided that a team can be sent to of the team: " fought, against the Chicago Carl Ellis, gon'of Mr. "arid Mrs. B. S. ager Portland His team " Jackson's a Berlin was further than by boxer,, last buf he claimed tha't Western Paradise we should also decide to with- Ellis, arrived In Las Vegas yesterday played to big, business and landed spring, League block. . draw from the In second in he was handicapped by an injured Wono Lost Pet. games the future, at afternoon from Wagon Mound 'Call places the jNew England 4hInR,l-am- -' date Don't trying to' take arm Denver .635 previous to the choice of the left his home in Texas' two weeks ago league pennant race:' in that fight. Later he consulted ...... ,,,99 57 The laid city credit away from Jackson, but in scenes are in at which the games will Connie Mack any a specialist who put his arm back In Des Moines 89 67 .571 be held in on a motorcycle and had a good trip Manager declares that I and around 1920. all my In baseball have - Paradise, an , experience condition and now Safro is to St. 81 76 .519 until he reached Wagon-Mound- when next year the Athletics will be the trying Joseph .ever seen a hit made to equal the idyllic French village, "I say this in spite of my belief that he was forced to abandon his ma- greatest team in the big prove that he has indeed "come back." Lincoln 82 77 .518 performing one made Brouthers in and in the midst of bat- preparations for the - by Baltimore, Safro has never been a finished box- Omaha 75 81, .481 Olympic games chine and take a train on account of park. How Connie develops star'tos- and in and t don't think I ever will.'" 71 tles. An adventurous competition them are of the the mud. He will remain here for sers out of just ordinary ball players er, but there is considerable power in Topeka .. 84 .459 Hugh Jennings says: "I don't greatest benefit to all forms of two weeks before to his has all the managers In the his jabs and punches. Gibbons Is con- Sioux City 69 90 .434 Americanwhohasjoined sport returning country think the hit Brouthers made over In this country, because we seem too .1'.'.. sidered one of the cleverest and most Wichita 62 95 .393 the French home. uessing, Imperial much Inclined to take the right center fence in Baltimore in things easy, to scientific boxers his class and his falls avoid all was as long as the one he had made Military police, trouble and to play our admirers believe that he will be ful- FIRST FOOTBALL VICTIM in love with on the training trip the same year headlong a games among ourselves, whether ly able to evade his opponent's pun- Worcester, Mass., Sept 26. Verner other (1894) in Raleigh, N. C. There have young French countess people play them better or not." ches and jabs and tire him out by his S. Belyea, left halfback of Norwich The been hits than one Jack- who has in- response to t.he for longer the while landing on Safro In vul- University football team, who suffer innoqendy appeal tactics, $500,000 as an Olympic fund son made In 'New York. One that I ed a broken in a volved herself in plots for the THE CARTOONIST nerable spots at opportune moments. spine game with British athletics continues recall was made In Detroit by Sam Cross in her' desire to help apathetic. Holy college Wednesday, died Less than $40,000 has been Bubscrned' Crawford." her fellow Makes You When Rivers demanded $3,000 today. men. The discussion Abe the score Joe over the appeal Marks, card man, to box Joe Azevedo he caused an Oak- umugut ionu more PxrreFrlon' or Forget Your Troubles goes up in the air about Brouthers' TO ABOLISH bMMl to some- "CALL" You'll Find It a i land, Calif., promoter utter opinion against the Cljmi-l.-- ; hit. i Chicago, 26. Members thnt sounded very much like Sept. of the favorable to them, mos t v.' !,. "Why," he said, "back in 1894 Dan thing Most ViYid Ex- ( board of trade today voted to abolish and tion - - OPERA HOUSE - October profanity. coming from old tin-,"- 4 Brouthers made a hit that never has the cash grain "call" which was the "'r in Love been equaled baseball, and never point of attack made by the federal citing Story We anti-trus- will be. were playing Louisville Rhode Island has established a 54 in an t government suit filed In the stale of Illinois or St. Louis, I forget which, and hour week for women and children. a there 6 re year ago. 000 child laborers. eix tS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1913

I shall recite a nttle history tor your CHICKENS MUST HAVE SHADE LOBBY RESTAURANT AND CAFt benefit. For nine months, either in Tphe SHORT ORDERS AND REGULAR SMIIUWOOl person, or by letter, I have kept after Average Poultryman May Lose Sev- DINNERS THE! GOOD8 OBTAINABLE Colonist you, and you have encouraged me eral Hens Before He Realizes ahe OPTIC BEST ALWAYS HANDLED beautifully without in words commit- That Heat la Responsible. But With the Assistance of Cap- ting yourself. You have gone every- Tickets to where with me, I have carried you (By J. Q. HALPIN, Wisconsin College of sized Boat He Won over rough places, literally as well Agriculture.) occa- Not disease, but lack of the Girl. figuratively. You have, on rare shade, for losse.-i-n SOCIETY DIRECTORY California let me kiss you. You have, many poultry WANT sions, summer. The with your sweetness and dearness. average poultrymari LOUIS OLNEY. lose several before he real CHAPMAN LODGE NO. 2, A. F. A L. O. O. MOOSE By me. It is in may hens Meats IT ' tome-thin- g coaxed the heart out of When he called for Patricia ac- izes that heat Is for thett A. M, your keeping, and I demand an responsible Regular fourth Thursday evenlri mh In her face told her that her death, or he may expose chic'., counting. I don't know any way but young first and month at W. O. W. hall. time of had come. Vane to soon. A yom-chic- Visiting reckoning this to a answer. We are hot sunshine too Harris was the sort that will be dan- got positive hatched hot weatlu COLUMN brothers cordially Invited. Howard T. a long way from shore, the water is during each month. Just about so long, but no longer, must not be out in the hot bui Titittnf Davis, Dictator; p. A. Linn gled and can't swim, a fact of put SeereUry. and she knew that even for her she deep, you after Is anil brothers cordially which should be ashamed, since until it several days old, On Sale Daily, carried matters with a high hand. She you must be accustomed to th Wul P. Mills. I have offered to teach you. You gradually E. R03ENWALD LODGE NO. 541 carefully began by extolling the per- sun. Otherwise the sun blister RATES TOR CLASSIFIED ADVER- W. M., H. 8 shouldn't allow to be afraid may .an Petten, Secretary. I. O. of B. B. Meets every first Tues 25 to fectly worthy weather. Patricia had yourself ite tender so that even thou..!! TISEMENTS September of water know that." He turned skin, of the in Instincts. you it is not killed It Is day month the vestry rooms and scanned the lake. "Now," he went outright, greatly LAS VEGAS COMMANDERY, NO. 2, October 10, 1913 "The lake la lovely, isn't It?" she weakened. of Temple Monteflore at 8 o'clock p. on, "we will have to have out Five cents per line each Insertion. - remarked as strolled to the little things For a corn small KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Reg- m. brothers are In they with each other. You have never let shade, field, patch Estimate six words to a Una. Visiting cordially dock, "smooth and clear, and It's not of sunflowers, shrubbery and bushes ordinary Ji ilar conclave c 4 Tuea-fe- vited. Isaac Charles Very Low Fare me openly ask you to me. You No Appel, President; too warm. A canoe Is Just right to- marry of sort, as well as fruit or shai ad to occupy less space than two in n0nth at Ma have fled. Joked, torment- any Greenclay, Sasretary. day." She looked at him sidewise interrupted, are Many lines All advertisements charged sonic m. to nearly all points in California, ed, all because feared that being trees, very satisfactory. Temple at 7:U 9. G. H. his dark face was a bit grim, but you times could be accom- will be booked at set the Northwest, and many would cut Bhort some .of something space actually KlnkeL B. C. ; Chas. Tarone. . places be smiled. engaged this lino ti'.a O. O. F. LAS VEGAS LODGE NO. flirtations. Which is plished along by turning without regard to number of words. Intermediate. He knew that Lawrence Patterson, your perfectly houses around so that face north 1. Meets every Monday evening at true. My fiancee can't coquette with they Cash In advlnce preferred. Liberal the only rival he really feared, had and thus the chicks. Portable their hall on Sixth street. All vlbHing stopover privileges. every man in she will have to shade, returned from the west and was sight, houses with solid floors can he LAS VEGAS CHAPTER NO. 3, ROY to Just behave." He on his cap and colony brethren cordially Invited attei;d. Accepted in Pullman Tourist at this moment for Patricia. put raised a foot or more off the so AL ARCH MASONS con searching went to work with the paddle, groun;'. Regular F. D. Fries, N. G.; Gus Lehman, V. G.; Sleepers and Free Chair Cars the again the chicks can under thorn for "Yes," he conceded, the "canoe, as he did so. that get vocation first Monday in T. M. Elwood, Karl Werta. 'carried on Sante Fe Fast Trains. and seemed the talking shade. Old doors and of t'.ut Secretary; lake, the day you me don't, objects each month at Masonic C. V. 1 "Briefly, you mary or you Treasurer; FTedgcock, Oemeierv right combination. That'B why sort can be used for Rhade by driving Ml Three trains daily from Kansas and decide now. Uncle Martin of Temple at 7:30 9. m. H. cut to the office you four stakes into the ground, and TruBtee. to California. wickedly commuting fers me a in his Denver B. O. City and came for luck to have partnership the north end of the door scue Hnbbard, H. P.: F. you. It's a sure and a money- conducted excursions. found She also a little business, thing three or four feet from the ground Blood, Secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Personally you." gave and I am to let him know to- had come to suit maker, while the south end is only about a grin. She partly what I will do. If I take it I Meet In the Forest of Brotherly had night foot from the Smiiii i; a til- RANSFORD NO. herself, partly because she lately for Colorado. ground. CHAPTER 2, O. E. I,o ve at Woodmen of the World hall, fare, shall leave Immediately more sub- For literature, and service tormented him ns far as she dared, and goslings are even S. - If I don't, I shall go on with my pres- ings MAIN Meets first and third Fridays on the- second and fourth Mondays of from to to ci rl"'i:ie. Ted Barnard ject to sun stroke than the chickens OP'Ht't NUMSEf, a here, apply hut mostly ent I best. But at 7:30 p. m. In Masonic Mrs. 8 work, which like .l Temple, each month at p. m. C. H. Stewart. who was . too and so should be with espe-cir- Iwoiri Importunate would decide me. guarded J. O. Mrs. D. L. and whom had on the veran- your preference care. Rutledg, Worthy Matron; Sonant; 0. Laemmle, Clerk; Z. W B4TCHELOR, Agent rV This Is why it Is up to you. What are da unconsr 'i bv her younger sister. Agnes Tripp, Secretary. Telephone Montague, Local Deputy. Visiting Las Vegas, X.Mex. you going to do with me?" Wanted "We muii be Iwck ehe In- Main 329. members are especially welcoo a"d early," She gave him a look of utter scorn. KINDNESS SHOWN TO FOWLS formed "I am due at Mrs. Forbes WANTED Invited. him, "Do you think you can bully me?" Experienced cook. Good cordially for luncheon. There Is a new man FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD NO. she inquired. "Did you think this Excellent Practice to Call Birds to wages. 1053 Eighth: street. she won't who.' I am supposed 102 Pills cure obstinate say could make me love you?" Their Feed With Low Whistle! Meets every Monday night at Foley Kidney to make Interesting for the things He smiled. "No if I didn't Should Not Disturb. A In- O. R. C. hall, on- Douglas avenue at cases of widney and bladder trouble, newcomer." happen WANTED good milch cow. LOCAL TIME CARD Tho'imatism and because to know love if I didn't S o'clock. members cor- lumbago, to het that you me, quire Catarino Romero, near public Visiting are; the remove the cause. You can not Vane silently helped her know how love to and tor- Did you ever stop to consider that Indian you dangle school, Old Town. dially welcome. J. C. Wertz, Presi- take this honest curative medicine In seat and then knelt facing her, ment a man I would never have tried kindness pays just as well In the barn- his one He was dent; J. T. Buhler, Secretary; C. H. East Ecund to your system without getting the fashion, with paddle. It. But do love me only you yard as in tha homy? Laying fowls, well-kni- you - tall and t, bareheaded with 1 Baily, Treasurer. Arrive Depart right results. Try them. O. G. Scbae- hate to give in and admit it, and like bees, sting when disturbed by WANTED By October 1st., good wo Adv, the wind his dark 9:10 . p. m fer and Red Cross Drug Store. blowing heavy, shall not take you back to 6hore un- quick motions or otherwise, the only man for general housework. Apply No. 2. .. p. m.. 9:1, hair. He looked fondly at Patricia, is in B. 4 . m til you do I have lunch in this box, tii:tcrence being that the sting at any time to Mrs. W. G. Haydon, P; O. ELKS Meets second' and No. ...11:05 p. tn. ..11:05 p. HOW'S In her cream flannels, her hair a glory the Fowls to m THIS and we stay here until midnight or pocketbook. produce, 1108 Seventh street. fourth Tuesday evening of each No t. .,.2:05 a. m. ..2:10 a. We One Hundred Dollars d in the morning sun. " well raust be tame. feed time offer morning, unless you kept At month- Elks' home on Ninth street and No. 1:45 . 2 :10 p. m how to make if). .. p. m... for any case of Catarrh that "I guess you know Her blue widened and flashed when the birds aie hungry, and you when eyes WANTED To rent Phone Douglas avenue. Visiting brothers West Bound annot be cured by Hall's Catarrh things interesting for a man and without a second's hesitation she have from one to Ave minutes' time piano: Cure. he but with- c:.m down Main 628. are cordially Invited. Gov. Wm. J. Arrive Depart you choose," answered, gave a vicious little leap and over- that be spared, sit or kneel F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. "I know Exalted D. W. Condon, 1. 1:20 p. 1:45 p. m. out malice. should that" turned the canoe In mid-lak- at.tiie usual feeding place with the Mills, Ruler; No. .. m... We, the undersigned, have known a lit- . . 6 :15 a, m "What do you moan?" she queried. Vane went over he luielut of feed, and throw out Secretary. No. 3. . . 6:10 a. m. y. .J. for the past 15 Just as Harris Sales Cheney years, teaches,'" he said, at to a tle of t!i feed near you, gradually For 7. .. :20 m... 4:30 p. m. mi believe him perfectly honorable "'Experience had the presence- of mind give No. p. Miss Patricia Carey the distance from day . m In all business transactions and fin- length, "that mighty shout for help. Two men not ehorteniiig KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUN- No. 9. .. 6:35 p. m. 7:00 p. somehow makes a man aware of her In this way the birds may be FOR SALE OR TRADE Soft coal ancially able to carry out any obliga- far behind them came at their best CIL NO. 804. Meets second and When are to made to approach rather close, and stove for two smaller stoves.. Apply tions made hv his firm. presence. you going speed. Vane had' gone down and In O. R. C. hall. after a few trials will eat 716 curth Thursday NATIONAL HANK OF COMMERCE, marry me?" He demanded abruptly. come up coolly, made a grab for they usually Seveath street. ATTOKNEY8 - out- one'a hand. Pioneer building. Visiting members Toledo, O. H- had never before asked her Patricia and with her was holding to from - Avoid windows or are invited: Richard Devlne, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter- right. Now his tone didn't suit her. the overturned canoe. Lawrence Pat hasty passing by FOR SALE Cheap, work Horse. cordially HUNKER of houses and do not good HUNKER & J.ully, acting directly upon the blood "I don't fancy the threat In your terson and .another man paddled openings poultry W. 523 Sixth: street. G. K.; Frank Angel, F. S. enter Sometimes it is well F. White, George A. Hunker. Chester A. Hunker bik! mucous surfaces of the system voice. I haven't said that I would alongside, but Jnst as they began suddenly. 75 to draw the birds' attention so that Attorneys-at-La- Testimonials sent free. Price you at all." She trailed onp the overturned craft and KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECUR- . marry righting SALE new cents bottle. Sold all Drug-glsls- they will not be taken by surprise and FOR Almost first class Las New Mexico per by hand In the water, carefully looking had a safe hold on the girl. Vane ITY COUNCIL NO. 2390. Meets In Vegas, Into a corner or to get out by furniture. Mrs. S. M. Martin 406 away from him. All at once he gave1 a convulsel gasp, struggled, and pile try Take Hall's Pills for constiP' of the roof. When among W. O. W. hall, Sixth street, on the Family stopped paddling. suddenly sank like lead. He did not way walking National.. ntlon. Adv the do so with a deliberate first and third Mondays of each DENTISTS "The threat," he spoke drily. "Is some up again. At first Patricia did birds, slow, It is also a to call 8 m. and Intentional. You have trailed me. a not realize the truth, then she gave a step. good practice FOR SALE Cheap, single top buggy month at p. Visiting Knights Professional Ladles the birds to their feed with a low Flers-man- , DR. F. B. HUXMANN Health Culture for more or less willing victim, for a little cry, and they polled her to in two- room Ladles always welcome. O. L. whistle and to use this same whistle good condition; also MRS. OLLIE SHEARER year now. At first I was not sure safety. President; A. D. Tillman, Finan- Dentist when the pen, or when the camp cottage. Inquire 210 Ninth Gfxieral Massage, Hair and Scalp that I wanted you." She gasped at There was some for help entering A. V. Dental work of any descrlptloft at shouting street. , cier; Mrs. Morrow, Local Deputy, frankness. "The reason dozen Birds are disturbed In any way. Treatment, Facial Massage, Manicure his Impudent ind in a minute a half boats 908 Jackson avenue; Z. W. Montague, moderate prices I I not want you and men. were 13 Plaza Hotel why thought might lome swimmers, boys Assistant 1011 Sixth street, Room 1, Center Block, Tel Main was that you have never lived In a m the- scene. There were directions, ALARM BELL FOR INCUBATOR FOR SALE Runabout, equipped, Deputy, Office hours 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. Las N. M. East Las Vegas, New Mexico real home. When I marry I want a livings, fears and finally the young cheap for cash; this week only. First East Vegas, woman who will make a real home. mans' limp body was fished up Electric Contrivance Found to Be of $200 takes it. Inquire Optic. can I can give her everything a man lauled' Into a boat and hurried to the Great Convenience In Avoiding. CARRIAGE toward one. 1 mean was water AUTOMOBILE, give making learest shore. He rubbed, Overheating of Eggs. FOR SALE Household goods, bed AMD that your people died and left you ivas emptied out of hfm, air was , couch, dresser, tables, chairs. Ice and, you poor little thing, yon have forced Into him, he was blanket-wrapped- We have an electric alarm bell con- CRYSTAL IGE SIGN PAINTING about from aunt to aunt box. Must bel sold at once.. 411 been passed manipulated. Patricia nected up- with our Incubator that we of bo angry-J- ust Eighth street From Distilled Water Free from Bacteria or Germs any N. MAN and badly spoiled. Don't :ould not be coaxed or forced away find of great help In avoiding over- O. ash-whit- HER. hear me out. But I to see She stood by, e about but Pure Ice, 429 GRAND AVE. bgan hugging heating or chilling of the eggs, writes despription No impurities, no air, nothing: that your Instincts are true and fine her dripping figure a big blue cloak F. J. Hebanth of Council Grove, Kan., FOR SALB Four room' house-- and needed 20c per 100 lbs and right, and that all you Finally Vane gave a deep, gaspinr. In the Farmers' Mall and Breeze. A sun room, two lots, well',, city 2000 lbs or more, each delivery was a chance. You are domestic, 25c 100 lbs very breath, choked, breathed again and is an electric door bell screwed to the water and sheds; $550- caBh. Box 1000 to 2000 lbs, each delivery per but you don't know It yet." 3Dened his Patricia put her incubator. B Is C the eyes. tie battery, 244, East Las Vegas. 2G0 1000 each ,. ... .40c per 100 lbs her to face and Mrs is 18 to lbs, delivery 1 "Thank you.' she interrupted, hands her wept. witch and D No. annunciar 10P lbs r. bundled her 5 200 each ..50c per eyes wide with angry astonishment, Forbes led her away, tor or bell wire. The wire runs from to lbs delivery and an angrier consciousness that he into her car, and took her home She the bell to the switch,, then to the reg For Rent For YOU! was speaking the truth. He went put her to bed and began ministerins ulator At E; F is a flna wire twisted in Las Ice & Co. ahead with his re- to her. The luncheon- was forgotten the of a d fork, one-- Vegas Storage quietly personal shape TO RENT From one to ten rooms at 120O Lincoln Ave of fact. "You dear," she comforted about one-four- inch above ITfcone. Mala 227 This cording poor prong 2 elegant Rogers' "I decided that In San Francisco aft- "And on the very day your engage- the regulator arm and the other the per room; partly, furnished, new- Silver er I had known you three monthB. ment Is announced. You naughty girl, same distance below, when the regula ly fitted. Will be on premises and Spoon For the six months thereafter, by let to let your friends se it first In the tor is In a normal position. The at fair October 3; S. L Barker, ter when not in person, I endeavored Tribune! Of course we all knew 'you prongs are- of very tliin wire, so: as 1209 Mora avenuej, East Las Vegas. -i- be- f you use to make you love me. I came to my would marry him but I couldn't RETAIL PRICES own conclusions, which were that lieve my eyes this morning, so 1 100 lbs. FOR RENT Furnished rooms with 2,000 or Each Del very .;.20c per I either loved me or you didn't called up Miss ClRyton. She said lbs., More, EMPRESS you board. Mrs. 710 Each 25c per 100 lbs. and that in either case you were a Vane himself had asked her to print private Chambers, 1,000 lbs., to 2,000 lbs., Delivery Grand avenue. 30c 100 Ibr perfectly skilful coquette. So the last the announcement. How lovely of 200 lbs., to 1,000 lbs. Each Delivery per FLOUR I 100 lbs. three months I have rather rested your Aunt Margaret to be your spon 50 lbs.,, to 200 Iba. Each Delivery 40c per lbs. on my oars to see how far you would sor." PIANO for rent. 417 Eighth street. Less Khan 50 Iba, Each Delivery 50c per 100 s load on Ted Barnard, and a hall Patricia hid her face on the pillow. It giving you care dozen others none of whom you So that was what he had done! Hi? FOR RENT Three rooms furnished1 a for do- a for!" heralded her consent before she AGUA PUR A COMPANY present rap had .or unfurnlsned, located on West " She ejaculated, while he had given it! Well hadn't she tor ing something - side. Call Main 292. and Distributors of Natural Ice, the Purity i I tor'- t' again and turned the mented, trailed and finally nearly Harvesters, 8torer, you d do ny boa: - VCCVhe sun would be out of killed him? Suppose he had drowned? luting Qualities 4 Which Have Made Las Vega famou. his full In hers, not a gal She shuddered. He should have FURNISHED cottage fo rent. 41T OFFICE 701 DOUGLAS AVENUE when I In 1 you way lant i'.proceeding, but useful his things his own way. She knew now Eighth. learn how Much vtudy of her eloquent little counten- what life have been without I might How Bell Is Connected. ance. "You are quite clairvoyant." him. She turned a tear-we- t but fctferEMPRESS hap ROOM and board for gentlemen in ( "Only observant and reflective py face to her friend. the movement not to Interfere with private family. Mrs. No yes, . Patricia. No other man except Law "Mrs. will and see One wire FLOUR realb I Forbes, you go of the regulator arm. from Main. rence Patterson has really troubled how Vane is? Tell him as soon as the connects with F and the Made by GER-- moment. Do care for battery ANT Ads me for a you he is able I want him to come.' I other passes under the machine to the MAN PROCESS him?" want to see him." bell. The circuit is closed as soon FOR RENT Five room furnished cot She looked her scorn of the ques The' older woman bent over her a as the arm comes in contact tage. Call 618 Grand aevnue. asks me I shall regulator Are Best ONE COUPON FROM tion. "When he that, moment, and then tiptoed away to do with one of the prongs at F, which. I like about answering. , As for EMPRESS FLOUR AND do as her bidding. rings the bell. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms on 1 OOn II11UK I tiJJC UIU1.II uuui FIVE STAMPS y,)U l (Copyright. 1913, by the MuC'lure Newspa Finders I come out ground floor, with or without board, Market ' this trip with you. didn't per Syndicate.) BRINGS YOU THE take back. Fine Mothers for Chlcka, 725 Sixth street. to be bullied. You may (me mothers v SPOON IT 'S make fine for "I Aunt is quite righV I should Medicinal Turkeys Margaret Vegetables. chickens. In France they persuade Claealflea fearca out the poopl w wnom mon all GENUINE WM. more careful and not go about FOR RENT To or ad, pe Lettuce has a soothing effect on the the turkey hen to sit before she has lady gentlemaa Is wortt ot. ROGERS & She will be back in a nerves Is excellent for those who MIGHT BIT the particular thiag " and sufferers laid an egg. They fill a box too nar- employed, comfortable, furnished SONS' A A few days now from Insomnia. row for the hen to stand upright in, room; no health seekers. Phone Is WORTH MOST 10 STANDARD "She will be back tomorrow," he That property ru want to sell Tomatoes are good for a torpid with to within 12 inches of the 5301. "I was with hay, Purple OU and woild SILVER said quietly. talking liver but should be avoided by gouty a good feed of wno read the ads. in bwi paper tevtr ku this you know top, give the turkey PLAT- E- Miss Clayton morning people. and some fasten her down unleaa It advertised her. the editor on the Tribune? grain eggs, FURNISHED ROOMS for light house- your property wr BEAUTIFUL society Celery and onlona are nerve tonic. and leave till the next day, when she She gave me the glad news. Don't keeping. 921 Lincoln. waat i J FRENCH- - Spinach baa great aaperient Is taken off to feed and water. In four Other, who read and tns er ads. In thla ewrtM ta4 know how she knew. But, to get down and is better than medicine for GREY (STER- when are to days It Is claimed she is ready to are anxious 10 pay each tor) books, automobiles, wA BeWei? to business, you going constipation. and can Yellow complexion, and dis- LING) FINISH I withdraw the adopt the nest and eggs, be pimples and furniture, articles of ulness el amy sort, and mwleal marry me? question Beets are fattening and are good for figuring blemishes on the face or It Is too late now given the eggs to be hatched. strumenU. about Patterson. people who want to put on flesh. So the liver, which is torpid. HERBINE rHJDDCCC for you to consider him." can be of are potatoes. Warmer. body gotten rid by doctoring aU of all "Vane Ketterling Harris, yon can Fertile Egg Is a liver corectant. - At the classified ads. are read b) poaalW Parsnips possess the same virtues the last of the hatch a powerful It puri- bya, can be cb-- back for the dock! During part fies the system, stimulates the vital aible aorta ei tblaga, they have oie to be llndert of tte beat begin paddling a sarsaparUla. fertile will be one or two degrees You must be insane! What aih egg organs and puts the body in fine vi- keta. tained in this city from Asparagus stimulates the kidneys. warmer than an Infertile one. In the 2 you'" Bananas are beneficial to sufferers gorous condition. Trice 50c. Sold by "Tro not Koine o ow1rtl ba,t ani fame tray. Central Drug Co. Adv. ALL GROCERS from chest comDlaJalfc - - LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1913. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' o o o o o o o O o f C) o O o Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3. o o o o o o o o o 2 o o U o (fa fa? A u o o la ffl o o o o o o BOIfJG in YOUR SOBSOHIPTf OIJS AT ONCE MB GET Mi o o o o o o o o o o YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IT o o o o oO o o o IF NOT o o o o C) o YOU CAN GET PARTICULARS AT C) o C) o C o ) o O o THE O o oO o (pi -- o o J c o 4 r ' OPT LVLj oO 1 o o

o """ "" " f fSr" fs n '" r " oooooooooouuuuuuouuoc 0 W W v w W W W W w w fclOrtf LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1913.

SEE: DELICACIES FOR REPORT FROM j LOCAL NEWS j 0 SATOnOAYS5 UhwEi Large, sweet plums, 20 pounds for THE WINTRY THE ARIZONA FOR .i i. $1. Papen's. Adv. Celery I Cauliflower Light automobile lamps at 6:38 SEASON SHERIFF STOVE 'SUPPLIES. Cucumbers o'clock this evening. S sweet 20 for STOVh BOAR Lettuce Large, plums, pounds MARKET AFFORDS UNUSUAL OP- LAS VEGAS OFFICERS KNOW Adv. COAL HODS $1. Papen's. NOTHING FURTHER ABOUT ... Squash PORTUNITY FOR COLD t Sealshipt Oysters WEATHER "EATS" "RAINES" MATTER DAMPERS tc Dressed Chickens Fresh Tomatoes Think of rubbers and shoes and then think of Bacharachs'. Adv. Live Chickens Sunday's dinner should be equal to The sheriff's office, which informed Stove Pipes from 15 cents o 5: cents Green Tomatoes last week's In every respect. The mar Sheriff J. D. Adams at Phoenix, Ariz., Pr Premium Hams a dram of Old Taylor Bourbon Joint Try ket shows a list of eatables that can several days ago concerning the move- Carrots at the Opera Bar. Adv. heard no be transformed! Into many delicate ments of Aaron Rainey, has We Can Save Y n o v New or further of the alleged Money Tokay Grapes Beets dishes. Anything in the line of vege- particulars Winter underwear in all sizes and No doubt Second Hand Heater Cornichon Grapes tables may be bought, while fruits are white slavery investigation. grades for everybody at Bacharachs'. should there be developments In Concord Sweet Potatoes not lacking. In meats and poultry any - Grapes Adv. the case, Sheriff will be in- BETTER GOODS FO- LESS MONEY the prospects are encouraging. Ducks Gallegos Halvoise Grapes Cranberries formed. and a few turkeys made an appear flission Grapes John Cook has entered the employ It was learned this morning that ance on the market this week, but t Cabbage of the Palace clothing establishment had to of Bananas for Sunday's dinner the in this Rainey attempted dispose C... JOHNSEN AND SON as clerk. supply his here some time before J. Cantaloupes Onions line is rather limited. As the duck property he left Las Vegas the first time, about Watermelons hunting season is1 now open, many Don't forget the Maccabees social three weeks ago, but was unable to fancy dishes are being for at the W. O. W. hall Saturday even planned secure a buyer. The residence is the disposal of this delicious fowl. ing. Come and have a good time. now rented. In the way of for Sun- STEARNS' STORE STEARNS' STORE Adv. vegetables A report has been about Las Vegas BUY MM AUTO WHO ON day's dinner the articles DELIVERY following to the effect that Mr. Rainey purchas- Inaurem Prompt Dellvoriea at Minimum fxpenmc may be obtained: celery, Finch's Golaen Wedding Rye, aged cauliflower, ed two tickets to Ash Forks last week, Quick delivery means satisfied customers and more customers whom you can cucumbers, lettuce, fresh to- In wood. Direct from the distillery squash, but this rumor Is denied. satisfy. Durable in construction, leliahle in operation cheaper than horse power matoes, to you. At the Lbby, of course. carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, AdT. cranberries, cabbage and onions. The new on the President. products market since last Jefferson Raynolds, week are Victor talking machines and records winter squash and cran- NORMAL NOTES E. D Raynolds, Vice President S. B. Davis, Vice President. berries. will help" you spend many a pleasant Should a housewife be lucky Cashier. H. Erie Hoke, Assistant Cashier. Hal)n Kaytiolds, evening. A full line of records al- enough to obtain a turkey for Sun- ways on hand at Bacharachs'. Adv. day's dinner an excellent meal could Word has been received from Dean be prepared that would "jibe" well Carroon, who ia now at Chicago, to with the It was announced at the postoffice present weather, Here is the effect that he recently visited the the menu: this morning that all boxes on which A turkey, well baked with psychological laboratory at the Uni- sweet rent was due will be closed after Wed- potatoes, stuffed with delicious versity of Indiana and that he is now side-dishe- nesday morning. Rents must be paid oyster dressing, with cran- visiting Chicago University. NATIONAL BANK before that time. berry sauce. Baked squash with ripe FIRST tomatoes and cauliflower on the vege- Letters have been received from The temperature went as low as table entree. A big slice of that plum many of the last year's graduates, N. M. 30 last to a that has been OF LAS VEGAS, degrees night, according pudding in the cellar chief among which is a letter from local observer. This is the coldest the summer during with either hard Omar Barker. He said that the was night known in September for sev- or brandy sauce and of fruit plenty enjoying his work but he was sorry eral years. All that sur- to end the would $100,000," Undivided Profits $35,000 vegetation repast make the that he was not back in the Normal Capital, Surplus, and vived the first frost turned and household Investigate its merits and obtain full particulars from black, feel wholly rejuvenated and this year; little Is left to show signs of summer. well fortified against hunger. CHARLES ILFELD COmPMMY, In fruits for the dinner the Agents Our Receive Courtesy and Ao market There is a movement on foot for an Depositors Every A. L. Westgard, the man of many has the to following display; grapes, ortorical contest which is to be held i ommodation Within the Scope of Good Banking. miles, stated this mornwig that he all kinds and delicious to the extreme; the seventh of November. The win would not leave Las Vegas until next bananas, cantaloupes, peaches, pears, ner of this contest is to represent week on account of the condition of plums, apples and watermelons. The the roads. This he met sev- the school at Albuquerque during the Icuerest Paid on Time Deposits morning price of this fruit is unusually cheap eral of the road boosters and talked state teachers' meeting. Eight stu THE OLD RELIABLE and a large sale 13 expected. Canta- road matters. Mr. told dents have signified their intention of Westgard loupes and watermelons are on the them of bad in the roads in San contesting. places stand for perhaps the last time this Miguel that should be county season. All those housewives who i' l I! i II ! i !! The which PI M1 in get acquainted party was AIN WA GON ,mm a contemplate making melon pickles to have been held tonight was post- should visit the stores early and W. G. Ogle, the land man, returned poned until tomorrow night on ac- pick out their watermelons. Rocky! this afternoon from Red river witn count of conflicting dates. This par- Fords are now selling for two cents a the news that the Carabell Mining ty Is an annual affair and is looked a , is now mak- pound? J ft company of that place forward to with interest the jfc A new addition to the great by ing preparations to Improve its plant seasoning old and new students. stock of the local Btores has ir'A1 to the extent-o- f $100,000. Mr. "Ogle arrived in of ore is the form of onion salt and- - will stated that the quality that The junior class met and elected r t is doubtless prove invaluable this win- ft being taken from thi.3 mine grow Its officers last afternoon. t v. Ni ter. With the lineup that has been Friday ing in value and this is responsible The class is large this and given, Sunday's dinner should be ex- year for the improvements. many activities along the social line cellent and all the vegetables that now are being planned. Those elected to doing around The colonists' rates on the Santa adorn the sales tables doubtless will "Nothing be the various offices were; president, Fe went into effect today all "over the liberally purchased as the season for Volney Poulson; vice president, Miss here electric are system, and as a direct result trains the larger part of this foodstuff lights Is Lucy Clement; secretary, Miss Marie Nos. 1 and 9 were run in two sections. rapidly coming to a close. Mann ; treasurer, Howard Peterson; worse than pistols and The first section of train No. 1 ar class editor, Miss Mildred McMahon; rived here on time, while the second "HARVEY'S" marshal, John and bull section arrived at 2:30 o'clock. Train Famous mountain ranch: 31st Reed, guardian dogs. angel, O. L. Hargrove. No. 9, in two sections is reported to Old management; old rates. Car- be on time. These trains probably riage out every Saturday. Leave or- while the W. F. Crozier, the division "Let's quit will be run in two or three sections ders at Murpbev'q or Plaza hotel. superin- tendent of the ' for the next few weeks, as the traffic public schools in the is of Palawan in the & quitting good.' bound to the coast will be heavy. province Philippine Gross, Kellv Co. We pay a for nice The first section of train No. 1 car pound large! Islands, addressed the student body clean cotton racs. Optic Publishing: The annals of crime bear no record ried nothing but tourist and Pullman Wednesday morning at the regular ' Co. Sole 1 of a wired house ever having been cars, which were loaded with over chapel period. He spoke on the work Ag'cnts that is burglarized --- Let us wire your 240 passengers. Both sections of being done in the islands, and house for Edison Mazda Lamps. train No. 9 were well filled. stated that many more teachers were 4 needed and that the ser-.vic- e i j government Mrrnimri In the school Large, sweet plums, 20 pounds for IXKRUELL branch offered a chance Las A & fl. Papen's. Adv. good for young men desir- Veas Light ous of seeing the world and also for OPERA BOUSE promotion for faithful service. Mr. Crozier is on a leave of ab mWfnU Power year's WW UVit-ilU- Company RUSH TO SECURE sence and is on 'a lecture tour ex THURSDAY. nf.T. 2 plaining the work of the schools in WILLIAM A. BRADY, Ltd. Presents E. Las New Mex. the islands. . , , Vegas, RESERVATION e,v The boys of the school got together Tuesday morning and discussed the JUST RECEIVED A OF SEATS forming of a boys' club for the pro- motion of athletics and liter-- SHIPMENT OF things ' fl -- AT THE HOME OF- - ary. A committee was appointed by M. C. A. WAS A BUSY PLACE the temporary chairman to draw up 1SE GEiT BF EVERYTB1NG EATABLE THIS MORNING; PUBLIC BEAUTIFUL a constitution and by laws for the or SHOWS INTEREST , ganization. Those appointed were Le Roy Brown," chairman; Professor pfMAMJllIf ' The lyceum ticket reservation at DISHES Kelly, Frank Landau, Howard Peter the Y. M. C. A. this morning brought sen and Volney Poulson. out at an early hour over 75 per cent That He Is Goinjj to of season ticket holders. The Y. the The new song books which recently M. C. A, was crowded 8:30 building at GIVE AWAY TO ALL were purchased for the glee clubs and o'clock and the reservation continued for use in the chapel have arrived until noon. At that hour niany of the CASH CUSTOMERS. and were used' the first time Wednes- best seats had o; Salmon, Halibut bee picked, although day morning. The' new books are of ones still remain. The plenty good See welcome, as the old ones are worn reservation will now Them continue from out and the students are heartily the In Ihf" Cranberries and Sweet Potatoes on, until first number when the Windows tired of them. They have been in sale of will the season tickets stop. the Normal for about six years. The interest that Is being taken in this course shows that the attractions r The Literary society held its first VljijlW will attended. num- be well All the program this morning and the student are to will bers that appear be inter- body was well pleased with the resuit. and instructive and rr-- r esting students The following is the program: nrn r 9 mvv nnn rn are foj or patronizing the course largely for V lOOD The International Dramatic Success nit: mm huwauu iu. this reason. There Is little doubt but 4 Reading Mildred McMahon. Y. M. C. ohe that the A. will have suffic- HI Violin Solo Edward Hlte. YLHH SIX MONTHS IN STOR.E ' r . . v. rt ONE YEAR IN NEW LONCI ient support to make the venture a r Notes .0 Newsy Ethel Wilson. success. Critic's Report Miss Ross.