Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1995 No. 103 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. point of order that a quorum is not Moorhead Roth Stump present. Morella Roukema Talent f Myers Royce Tate The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum Myrick Salmon Taylor (NC) PRAYER is not present. Nethercutt Sanford Thomas The Reverend David Sievert, pastor, The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Neumann Saxton Thornberry Ney Scarborough Tiahrt St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Janes- sent Members. Norwood Schaefer Torkildsen ville, WI, offered the following prayer: The vote was taken by electronic de- Nussle Schiff Traficant Heavenly Father, God of Nations, vice, and there wereÐyeas 220, nays Oxley Seastrand Vucanovich Packard Sensenbrenner Waldholtz God of Peace: 189, answered ``present'' 1, not voting Parker Shadegg Walker We thank You for the men and 24, as follows: Paxon Shaw Petri Shays Walsh women You have given our Nation in [Roll No. 408] Wamp the past, leaders who ``pledged their Portman Shuster YEASÐ220 Pryce Skeen Watts (OK) lives, their fortunes and their sacred Quillen Skelton Weldon (FL) honor'' that we may enjoy ``life, liberty Allard Davis Hoke Quinn Smith (MI) Weldon (PA) Archer Deal Horn and the pursuit of happiness.'' Radanovich Smith (NJ) Weller Armey DeLay Hostettler Ramstad Smith (TX) White Since the care of many must ever Bachus Dickey Houghton Regula Smith (WA) Whitfield Baesler Dornan Hutchinson rest on the shoulders of the few, Riggs Solomon Wicker Baker (CA) Dreier Hyde Roberts Souder Wolf strengthen the leaders of our land and Baker (LA) Duncan Inglis Rogers Spence Young (FL) especially of this House of Representa- Ballenger Dunn Istook Rohrabacher Stearns Zeliff tives. Help them work for the common Barr Ehlers Johnson (CT) Ros-Lehtinen Stockman good. Make them conscious of their Barrett (NE) Ehrlich Johnson, Sam Bartlett Emerson Johnston privilege and trust. Give them wisdom, Barton English Jones NAYSÐ189 courage, and resolution. Point out to Bass Ensign Kasich Abercrombie de la Garza Hamilton them Your way. Bateman Everett Kelly Andrews DeFazio Hastings (FL) Bereuter Ewing Kim Baldacci DeLauro Hayes Let the deliberations of those serving Bilbray Fawell King Barcia Dellums Hefley here this day speed the cause of justice Bliley Fields (TX) Kingston Barrett (WI) Deutsch Hefner and peace in our land and throughout Blute Flanagan Klug Becerra Dicks Hilliard the world; through Jesus Christ our Boehlert Foley Knollenberg Beilenson Dingell Hinchey Boehner Forbes Kolbe Bentsen Dixon Hobson Lord. Amen. Bonilla Fowler LaHood Berman Doggett Holden f Bono Fox Largent Bevill Dooley Hoyer Brownback Franks (CT) Latham Bilirakis Doyle Jackson-Lee THE JOURNAL Bryant (TN) Franks (NJ) LaTourette Bishop Durbin Jacobs Bunn Frelinghuysen Lazio Bonior Edwards Jefferson The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Bunning Frisa Leach Borski Engel Johnson (SD) ined the Journal of the last day's pro- Burr Funderburk Lewis (CA) Boucher Eshoo Johnson, E. B. Burton Gallegly Lewis (KY) Brewster Evans Kanjorski ceedings and announces to the House Buyer Ganske Lightfoot Browder Farr Kaptur his approval thereof. Callahan Gekas Linder Brown (CA) Fattah Kennedy (MA) Calvert Gillmor Livingston Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Brown (FL) Fields (LA) Kennedy (RI) Camp Gilman LoBiondo Brown (OH) Filner Kennelly nal stands approved. Canady Goodlatte Longley Bryant (TX) Flake Kildee Mr. COMBEST. Mr. Speaker, pursu- Chabot Goodling Lucas Chambliss Goss Martinez Cardin Foglietta Kleczka ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote Castle Ford Klink on agreeing to the Speaker's approval Christensen Graham Martini Chrysler Greenwood McCollum Clay Frank (MA) LaFalce of the Journal. Clinger Gunderson McCrery Clayton Frost Lantos The SPEAKER. The question is on Coble Hall (TX) McDade Clement Furse Lewis (GA) the Chair's approval of the Journal. Coburn Hancock McHugh Clyburn Gejdenson Lincoln Collins (GA) Hansen McInnis Coleman Gephardt Lipinski The question was taken; and the Combest Hastert McIntosh Collins (IL) Geren Lofgren Speaker announced that the noes ap- Cooley Hastings (WA) McKeon Collins (MI) Gibbons Lowey peared to have it. Cox Hayworth Metcalf Condit Gilchrest Luther Conyers Gonzalez Maloney Mr. COMBEST. Mr. Speaker, I object Crane Heineman Meyers Crapo Herger Mica Costello Green Manton to the vote on the ground that a Cremeans Hilleary Miller (FL) Coyne Gutierrez Manzullo quorum is not present and make the Cunningham Hoekstra Molinari Cramer Gutknecht Markey Danner Hall (OH) Mascara b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 6203 H 6204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 22, 1995 McCarthy Payne (VA) Stark clear that his message from the pulpit Members and that he would attempt to McDermott Pelosi Stenholm McHale Peterson (FL) Stokes was carried out in his own daily life. be more rigorous in abiding by the 17- McKinney Peterson (MN) Studds Pastor Sievert's continuous message minute vote policy, and with the vote McNulty Pickett Stupak of faith, love, and commitment has in- on the Fazio amendment he did just Meehan Pombo Tanner spired me and helped me through the that. Meek Pomeroy Tauzin Menendez Porter Thompson daily trials and tribulations while run- I would further point out that the Mfume Poshard Thornton ning for office and now as a Member of two Members from the minority who Miller (CA) Rahall Thurman Congress. entered the well to vote aye after the Mineta Rangel Towns I look forward to listening to his mo- vote had already been announced were Minge Reed Upton Mink Reynolds Velazquez tivating words for many years to come. followed in seconds by another Member Mollohan Richardson Vento Pastor Sievert, I would like to thank from the majority who also arrived too Montgomery Rivers Visclosky you for making the journey out to late to vote nay. Had all three of those Moran Roemer Volkmer Murtha Rose Ward Washington and for your encouraging Members voted, the amendment would Nadler Roybal-Allard Waters prayer to open today's session of Con- still have been defeated on a tie vote, Neal Rush Watt (NC) gress. and I might point out, as is the cus- Oberstar Sabo Waxman tom, the Speaker did not cast a vote. Obey Sawyer Williams f Olver Schroeder Wise In other words, Mr. Speaker, the out- Orton Scott Woolsey b 1040 come would not have changed even Owens Sisisky Wyden FAIRNESS IN HOUSE VOTING with an extra minute of voting time. Pallone Skaggs Wynn The disposition of the vote on the Pastor Slaughter Yates PROCEDURES Payne (NJ) Spratt Zimmer Fazio amendment was entirely appro- (Mr. ARMEY asked and was given ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð1 priate and conducted within the proper permission to address the House for 1 parliamentary procedure of this Cham- Harman minute.) ber. NOT VOTINGÐ24 Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, prior to Having said that, it is also true that Ackerman Hunter Serrano making a unanimous-consent request, I many Members, most especially Mem- Chapman Laughlin Taylor (MS) have two comments to make about yes- bers on this side of the aisle who sup- Chenoweth Levin Tejeda terday's vote on the amendment of- Cubin Matsui Torres ported the Houghton language earlier, Diaz-Balart Moakley Torricelli fered by the gentleman from California felt that their victory had been Doolittle Ortiz Tucker [Mr. FAZIO] as amended during consid- snatched from them. They have made Fazio Sanders Wilson eration of the legislative branch appro- Gordon Schumer Young (AK) that clear to the leadership on this side priations bill. of the aisle. Perhaps they did not have b 1037 First, after viewing and reviewing the chance to view the videotape, as I Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois, Messrs. the videotape of yesterday's proceed- have had. I have that videotape in my GILCHREST, BALDACCI, JEFFER- ings, it is quite clear that the Chair, office and will make it available to any SON, and GONZALEZ, Ms. MCCAR- the gentleman from Georgia [Mr. Member who wishes to see it. THY, and Messrs. FIELDS of Louisi- LINDER], was on solid parliamentary However, I know all too well that ana, BEVILL, HAMILTON, CLEMENT, ground when he called the vote on the once the perception of unfairness and COYNE, DE LA GARZA, UPTON, Fazio amendment. The clerk informs arbitrariness has set in, it is difficult COSTELLO, BISHOP, PAYNE of New us that he called the vote after 17 min- to undo regardless of the facts of the Jersey, and MINGE changed their vote utes and 10 seconds. The videotape matter. It is important to this Member from ``yea'' to ``nay.'' shows Mr. LINDER started to call the that fairness govern this Chamber be- So the Journal was approved. vote and refrained from completing the cause this Member spent over a decade The result of the vote was announced call to allow a Member on the minority attempting to do the people's business as above recorded. side of the aisle to vote at the desk, the under very unfair conditions. It is im- f gentleman from New York [Mr. ACKER- portant to this Member that the vic- MAN]. The video then shows the gen- tories we win are honest and that the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tleman from Georgia [Mr. LINDER] defeats we endure are equally so. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. called the vote with the well of the For that reason I am about to make GILLMOR). The gentlewoman from Flor- House empty of Members. The video a unanimous-consent request to revisit ida [Mrs. MEEK] will lead the House in then shows that after some time two the vote on the Fazio amendment, and, the Pledge of Allegiance.
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