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Contact the Phoenix Project CONTACT THE PHOENIX PROJECT “YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU MAD?” VOLUME 9, NUMBER II NEWS REVIEW $ 3.00 JULY 11, 1995 InMore Ways Thadhe FrazzledMother Earth Is XeaZZy HeatingUp 7/9/95 SOLTEC geology. Your planet, at this time, is in a state of heightened tension. This tension Toniose Soltec present in the Light of Holy God. Though is demonstrated not only in the planet itself, but in its inhabitants as well. Those there is great darkness about your world this day, know that The who are of an intuitive nature are sensing and feeling the presence of an Radiant Light of Holy God is also present and available and It extremely tense energy. Tempers are flaring, patience is wearing thin, and takes only seeking and asking for Its Presence. chiropractors are having- to work extremely hard to keep their patients Many of you have felt that events in your world have been in (Please see Frazzled Mother Earth,‘p.23 ) a “holding pattern” of late and, to your perceptions, that would be an accurate assessment. However, know that it has been only INSIDE THIS ISSUE your perception, for accurate and truthful information is not available to you through your mainstream media sources. Your Some Notes On The Fourth Of July, p.2 world is in the process of heating up-in more ways than one. Behind Many Disguises The,, Mighty Titans Clash, p.2 Geologic activity is the subject you ones are wishing to hear of and many are wondering why I have been seemingly silent of More From: The D&k Side Of The Force late. There are times when it is of greater wisdom to say little. However, this day, I will address a few things in the area of The Occult Conspiracy, Parts 27-30, p.3-13 CONTACT More Important Lessons About Colloidal Au & Ag, p. 14 P.O. Box 27800 U.S. POSTAGE Las Vegas, NV 89126 Nora’s Research Corner Mojave, Ca. 93501 Mystery, Babylon The Great, Part VII: FIRST CLASS MAIL Permit No. 110 Freenzasonry-Section 1 In A Series, p. 16 The News Desk, p.21 Honors To David GuMa& & Spotlight On Henry Kissinger, p.24 FEMA Takes Over Reserve Forces, p.28 Pagi 2 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT ever, it did give bargaining chips to the Japanese when they most needed them for they could then be paid off for keeping silent about that from which they KNEW. Some Notes On It has become a small, small world now that the Beast runs the show. WILL “THEY” BLOCK ALL OUR PROJECT FUNDS? The Fourth Of July They probably will try to do so and perhaps they will manage it. But it is most unwise, for what we need 7/4/95 #l HATONN being brought into the U.S. for good use to support the funding for is not to give anyone misery but to simply Citizen’s ability to confront the Congress and major continue to do small, or large if possible, developments Since it is the Fourth of July and one of your more traitors-to uncover more, ifyou will, corruption and disrup which benefit everyone, including the bad guys. The flag-waving days, I am asked to “Give us a bit of a tion. Those funds were funnelled in through Mexico. resource is NOT political in our case and I expect boost, Sir, ‘a pep-rally’, so we can go on a bit further.” When the funds were found and confiscated, along “help”, not heavy interference. Is this from the “good- A pep-rally? If you aren’t spurred on to take the with the bearer, the second note stating a “hoax” was ness” of their evil hearts? NO, IT IS BECAUSE THEY temperature and check the labor pains of your nation by released. This was somewhere in the amount of a half KNOW WE CAN DISSOLVE THEM IN A HEART- the TRUTH WE BRING, you are hopelessly in great BILLION dollars, BEAT. WE DO NOT GET INTO THE MIDDLE OF trouble. What GuMatr offers us here is the very Do you still think YOU, Citizen, are going to be EVIL VS. EVIL, READERS. Citizens have to make up backbone structure of the BEAST which is now devour- able to snatch back your offshore funds stashed there their own minds about which little evil god they serve ing the nations, including the U.S.A. There is hardly for your safe keeping? How about your trusts and OR, COME WITHIN THE FOLD OF GOD. anything else left to devour for the Beast is simply hidden accounts? Nope, the Big Boys have the infor- I see no merit in celebrating, therefore, this day of digesting his feast. mation and, as within our own little core of service, Independence IN THE LIE-for you have, finally, to- there are the informers. We just don’t have anything tally fallen within the trap of that from which you UNABOMBER hidden, about which to inform. The funds, in point, by claimed Independence Some 200years ago. Honor your the way-are legitimate, legal and totally without cause nation and decide to heal her broken body, but do not Youcontinue to ask about this “Unabomber”. Why? of interference, much the less, confiscation-but con- honor the very assassins who have destroyed her and There IS NO unabomber as is presented to you. You fiscation is what happened! It is here, Citizens-the brought her to her knees through amputation of her needed something to shut down the U.S. a bit more Beast with his suction-cup tentacles IS HERE. legs. Mourn her loss this day. Watch the politicians tightly and you miss the REAL reasons for closing By staging the confiscation as a “terrorist” circum- wave their flags astheycontinue to rape their’kills”and down L.A. International Airport and requiring searches stance, the whole incident could be turned into double pray for God to LIGHT YOUR PATHWAY, for the and seizures. duty. No, I will NOT give the source of the funds but darkness has overtaken you while you allowed the lamps to A massive amount of “patriot” (goodly) funds were it was a real coup for the Bastard Government. How- go empty. Latest Journal Goes To Press freedom? You will never retrieve your property through WAR, so it is time to consider POWER over FORCE. Remember, in addition, that the enemy of you-the- people has enemies of his own and you aren’t the Big Behind Many Disguises One. I would, however, suggest that the “enemy of your enemy” is NOT your FRIEND! Further, it is because of these-two, or more, physical warlords that the Earth will be cast into a lot of pain and darkness. The Mighty Titans Clash Ponderit.When mankind awakens-the war will be over. Gveorgos Ceres Hatonn Editor’s note: Readers, please keep in mind that it lations. IGFF-PSC takes a good 6 months of publication and printing Are there any “good guys” left’? No, NOT IN HIGH July 7, 1995 activities between the time that we announce the latest PLACES! Any who might be “goodly” are soon either Journal here, only GOING to press, and when that new corrupted or buried. Title: Journal is actually completed and available for As we continue to write and share information CA USES AND BECA USES: purchase through Phoenix Source Distributors. gathered through years of research from ones who dare WHO YOU DON’T KNOW WILL KILL YOU Always look to the Back Page of CONTACT f or present TRUTH and offer absolute proof and documen- Journal availability information. tation, you can KNOW the villains. The point is, will So, the Evil Empire strikes again and the other side you do your own homework, get informed and realize of the More Evil Empire hits back? Does this leave 7/6/95 #l HATONN that wisdom is the only way to now proceed7 There are YOU without enemies? No, you are the pawns, the gun many acts to this play, many facets to the gemstones; fodder, the provider-the slave to the masters. It is FOREWORD but you now have the information from which you can time to realize JUST WHO are those players on the determine the Dimonique from the Diamond. Dark Side that have so long controlled every breath In each journal we find it so diversified as to have Is the situation “hopeless”7 ONLY IF YOU BE- you are allowed to take on this planet. Until you difficulty giving title for identification. I believe, for LIEVE IT TO BE SO! The facts are that the “situation” recognizeyour enemies, you cannot know yourfriends! this one, since the focus is on GuMaer’s DARK SIDE is only an extension of that which began with the material along with general discussions about a “drift- beginning of your planet AND YOU DIDN’T KNOW. DEDICATION ing through” stance of most citizens, we will just label The difference is in the KNOWING. Politically, noth- it Causes and Becauses: WHO You Don’t Know Will ing is different than yesterday-except that now you To DAVID EMERSON GUMAdR, who cared Kill You. Know! You are learning the game and the game players enough to send the very best-to you his fellowman. We must now stop pretending that the bad guys are and are overwhelmed. Therefore, middle of the road Along with the other truthbringers who risk it all on the the good guys, because they are not! The intent of these fencesitting is going to no longer merit you anything of chop-block of TRUTH, I bow in humble recognition men in the “black” hats (who are a part of a coalition positive nature.
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